Using 6.5 Grendel Brass to make 6 ARC | Results down range

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what's up reloaders thanks for joining the eagles nest so today's video is a little quick one and it's about a viable option for reloading for the six millimeter arc hoarding's new hot item in the market has diminished availability for reloading dies as well as reloading accessories so if you got lucky and picked up one of these hornady custom match set dies you're in luck because these been out of stock for a while now as far as brass that has been another issue here and folks have been following my channel know i've been doing some low development i'm actually on the third box of hornady 108 grain elds been reloading with using only 30 cartridges i've gotten up to 14 reloads that's where i'm at right now and i finally found the first sign of failure so 14 reloads is what i've gotten using factory hornady match ammo obviously the powder charge i'm using is [Music] pick that up later well the powder charge i've been using is around 30 grains of cfp223 um 31 grains has been my mac so i'm about a grain underneath max for my rifle now as far as brass we're going to replace this today and what i chose to try out is some star line brass but in 6'5 grendel so can you use starline 6'5 grendel brass or basically 6'5 rainbow brass and converted to six millimeter arc we're going to find out [Music] so out of my rifle i'm trimming my brass but i found out to be my max overall length is 1.500 so i'm trimming my brass to 1.495 5 000 is off max so this is a fired case obviously on the 14th reload and you can see it's stretching quite a bit still stretching uh two to three thousands after ever firing and that's what caused the thinning on the bottom of the base here that that will cause you a case that separation so i kind of wanted to see the limitations of uh the six arc where it starts to fail obviously uh you want to start replacing your components when you start seeing that faint white line on the cartridge so it's kind of hard to tell on camera here but like this one here is a faint white line there kind of just above the chamber line there that tells you the brass is definitely wearing out and that's time to replace so i pushed it one more reload and this is what i found so starline makes some awesome products obviously i'm a big fan of starline brass it's affordable it works all right so i'm using a mech marksman for the full length sizing got the horny custom grade full-length sizing die and a number 12 shell holder we'll go ahead and run it up into the full length size and die as you can tell i'm holding on top stroke to give a little bit of dwell time for brass spring back we'll go ahead and turn that 90 degrees and do one more stroke and see exactly what we get out of this we'll see if there's any kind of differences on that you can notice right away for one you could definitely see a defined edge on the factory six arc brass compared to the uh resize 6'5 grendel obviously that's going to tell you that you need the fire form the brass to get a more uniform case expansion um but as far as the length let's see what we got here okay we're actually oversized so check that out so folding size of brass i am at 1.5 14. so i am actually 14 000 over my chamber uh your rifle will vary obviously so i got to trim this brass back at least 19 thousands definitely quite a bit to take off but i rather be long than short that's what she said right all right so 1.495 that's pretty close so like i said uh let me run the rest of these cases and we'll do a weight comparison okay so make sure we're not in a dangerous situation we're going to compare the case volume off the factory six arc brass versus a 6'5 grendel making sure that the powder charge i'm going to put on the new starline brass is going to be safe so i've actually sized this fire piece of brass exactly the same method or the same headspace as the new starline brass so let's see here uh roughly one thousandths off so one thousands let's go see another one here yeah see roughly roughly the same five ten thousands uh they're trimmed exactly the same length and we're going to be using a 21st century primer pocket plug let's go ahead and zero out the scale here and we'll compare the volume to make sure there's nothing uh crazy obviously we have less volume in the six five grendel brass we're going to have higher pressures so go ahead and run some water here okay so the starline brass volume is showing 34.1 grains all right so the factory brass is showing 33.7 grains which is lower than the starline brass so we actually have less case volume on the factory hornady brass versus the star line so having 30 grains of powder which i developed using the hornady brass is going to be safe in the star line all right so go ahead and load these up and we're going to head to the range okay so we're at the range 100 yards we're going to check out the reliability of the 65 grendel converted brass i got a uh brand new ascs mag from magpul a disc installed a ppc extractor from sharpshooter supply and we'll see how well this thing extracts see if you have any kind of hang ups and we'll see where she prints downrange so 10 shots with the converter brass let's see how she does alrighty so here's the first 10 shots out of the barrel with the load that we developed in the previous video uh using the harmonic tuner there i got a harold's precision tuner brake on there this is 30.6 grains i got two outlying flyers there i felt like i i shot pretty stable um groups measure i think just underneath moa 10 shots uh since the volume of the brass is a little bit more with the star line versus the horny brass i did also step up the powder charge to 30.8 and i was looking for pressures um and i did not see any pressures but that is a five shot group we got two shots on the right two shots in the dead center there and then one outline oh not real flyer but one uh shot on the left there so 30.8 grain seems to be the ticket on this rifle now with this brass obviously if you change any kind of components including the brass itself you always want to recheck your loads uh further do some load development knowing your case volume if it's higher or lower will kind of dictate exactly where you need to go on your powder charge so we got a little bit more powder charge on the starline brass at 30.8 and the same weather conditions i'm not seeing any kind of pressure signs the cases are ejecting fine not having any hard hard bolt lift i think i'm good to go so what we're going to do now is get the chrono number uh with the brand new brass and see where we're at obviously like i said the um the volume is a little bit more alrighty so let's get some chrono numbers okay we got a full mag loaded up check for reliability see what kind of chrono numbers we get 2863 huh we dropped down quite a bit about 40 fps so i was just over 2900 feet a second i'm using that uh 30.6 grain load 2864. pretty consistent though two thousand eight hundred and eighty-three okay that jumped up twenty 2876 so sds are still at 9.6 28.72 28.86 getting pretty good reliable uh getting pretty good uh speeds pretty consistent here 28 58 28-59 28.63 flyer 2063 i was a duplicate but a shot low so 10 shots good reliability good feeding good ejection sd numbers well right at 10. average velocity of 28.68 so we lost we lost roughly uh 40 uh 40 fps switching over to this brass i was hoping for 2 900 feet a second but then again this is the 30.6 grain load so maybe 0.2 grains gets me a little bit closer but other than that i'm pretty pretty happy those groups downrange not bad let's go check it out all right the last 10 shot group did not like the x-ring huh like i said it seems to be the same kind of pattern obviously point of impact shift and also vertical stringing a little bit putting on that magneto speed so 30.6 grains was my old load i'm probably going to go up to 30.8 and stick with that obviously uh we hit a node sd numbers are acceptable for what i need to do and accuracy is not bad at all so that's what we're getting six five grendel brass our star line converted yep you could do it and you get some pretty good results all right folks that about wraps up this video converting six five grendel brass to six millimeter arc or six arc it works using quality components like starline brass obviously you can see the results downrange pretty good groups sd numbers are pretty low we did lose a little bit of velocity but it is what it is i can still make some impacts and now that we have a rifle that works it shoots we've got a good load i do have a chassis coming for this thing we've got good reliable feeding and ejection now ever since i converted the injection using the sharpshooter sports upgrade kit but to the ppc it's working great so like i said we got a rifle that shoots good we got a load that shoots good velocities are good got a chassis coming i did have a viewer also send me an awesome gif this is great man um i i'm just amazed honestly he sent over they send it level digital level now this is an awesome unit it's from long range arms the senate unit basically is a digital unit for leveling it has a very bright led system makes it very easy to know hey i'm level send it so that's the big reason why they call it send it so if you're off in the blue well you got tilted left you're off to the right well tilted right so pretty easy you see green you send it pretty simple but i'm just amazed i don't want to give his name out there but i'm super shocked really appreciative it's just going to help me out and i'm excited to get into competition with this rifle using the six arc we'll see exactly what i can do well folks that's all i got for now i want to say thanks for watching if you like this video smash that thumbs up button it helps a lot and if you have a comment suggestion feedback drop a line drop a comment below as always you guys stay safe out there i'll catch y'all in the next video thanks for watching you
Channel: Eagle Eye Shooting
Views: 5,435
Rating: 4.8936877 out of 5
Keywords: 6.5 grendel to 6 ARC, 6 arc bolt action
Id: GBchX_b8bTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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