Creedmoor, SAUM, Norma Mag at 1 mile!

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we got an accuracy international ax MC currently got the 65 Creedmoor barrel on there getting dialed in for one mile should be cool it's got the vortex razor gen 2 on it really sweet rig we're just dialed 70 into the scope a holdover should put us about 72 to 75 moa up ready spot already send it got the trace looking good dude that was almost I just shoot another one same I think you just barely missed it to the left okay calm down one minute housing the election spot already MDT ESS check this time make sure you break that hot right in the middle of the plate send it good we're on there Oh elevation was perfect just to the left just to the left and elevation was perfect just to the left yeah Oh everyone we got on video for you that's the second hit you're right it was a headshot I thought I was going for what magnification is your scope on 15 there we go people you don't need to run 700 X to hoot them all right last bullet just underneath it just underneath a good shouting all right we've got my tikka seven millimeter short action ultra mag sit in an MDT chassis tract toric Ultra HD scope and a silencerco Silencerco spec warp try this thing out of the mile say we can make happen this is my first hot beyond a hundred wards so excited to see how it goes seven millimeter saum one mile first attempt there are two full-size y tip six I'm shouting at the left one one right oh no dude I got to do my hold over that would have been a hit or really close trace for days see it elevation look good ooh they're just gonna be over the left shoulder I think he's just over the top okay she's tracking good a little left I think yes let's see is that forehead we got four shout to the mouth let's head it again do this thing that thing's a lot of energy at a mile man yeah those are what those 180s 183 yeah and you're putting them at what 2900 yeah way more have to compare that cuz I've got my 300 Norma out here we'll have to see what the 300 Norma does let's do it oh it's tracking good dude I think it's another hit oh just off to the side there just off to the side I got my inflection de fullet case it's cool you can see these starting about three vargets left when they go up and you just watch it come come back right at the end spot already looking good might be a little right just low yep this trifles so nice to shout I could say behind this thing all day especially with a can on it looking good I think it just went over the top dude just dude that I don't think you could have got that any more perfect left to right it's super consistent I'm not changing my whole ball looking good oh dude that's right your wind it's surprising how well that's holding wind decided we want to go to the 300 Norma instead of a Creed more just get out of the wrench and choose from one of your just one of your bare that you got out here a little longer tube well thanks barrel is that me well thanks for the invite out here you day guys 300 or my first string holy hit first round impact of them ah yeah there you go yeah Fabio I can't believe we're down there guys well guess I'll just go home round ready to go home better than that Wow shouting 2978 feet per second send it just off the right elevation looks good good oh good oh good hit had it been low and left it felt like it swung out that way it was down the ball swung that target pretty good I'm pretty surprised at that range that it let's see if I get another one back to back got it beautiful one more up close to the varget here we go got a mix of shooters and impacts but we were hitting the varget up here we got a 300 we think that Norma hit up there and then two on the bottom that's likely my seven we got agree more in there - anybody get this one over here probably that one that's the one that's swung it they create more heads hot you
Channel: West Desert Shooter
Views: 1,319,204
Rating: 4.8889751 out of 5
Id: 8C262u2n69w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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