500 MPH Storm | Full Action Disaster Movie

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500 MPH Storm (2013)

Action, Sci-Fi [USA:TV-PG, 1 h 26 min]
Casper Van Dien, Michael Beach, Sarah Lieving, Bryan Head
Director: Daniel Lusko

IMDb rating: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 2.2/10 (1,590 votes)

When an energy experiment goes haywire, a rash of massive hurricanes rips across North America. A special project scientist must get his family to safety before the hurricanes merge, creating a "hypercane" with the power to wipe the US off the map. (IMDb)

More info at IMDb.
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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] booster ignition and transfer to the lead reflectors are primitive AP is in primary position for complete control on my mark go to five zero Niner stop four seven two two one now on clean renewable energy Nathan should be here what's the temperature Simon throttle up go for main engine start I invited him to witnesses he didn't want to come I said so many worlds so much to do so little done so many things to be it's quoting Tennyson yeah but what could be more important than this we're all we're okay let's go for the infusion keep an eye on the monitors for different impression we're all clear for infusion take the level 4 5 4 3 2 1 go for main reactor start by channeling the power of nature our main reactor is about to change how the world consumes energy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's happening the beam intensity is far greater than we imagined we didn't expect this no you nailed it you'll be on the next cover of Forbes something doesn't fuel that's how it feels when you're about to change [Music] all right boys Lois I want test results numbers on my desk 20 minutes all right then assemble the board because we are taking this thing from prototype to actual energy source assignment tell me the numbers are good no no yet I'm sure they're fine listen let's call on senator Bain and why don't we call the president because we're changing history here lower altitudes winds of 129 and finding what you see yeah it just happened circular fluid motion of clouds pressures dropping 13 in a triangle its policing Wynette 175 second is forming in the Gulf how big at five big you know find out if there any vessels in the area and get NOAA on the phone right now we should think about shutting down the reactor the reactor didn't cause this that mapping caused this what's that supposed to mean it means that f5s don't just magically appear okay and they're not conjured by what we did look it it was poor planning on your part because of the weather but we can still do this okay this reactor was built to withstand anything any Nathan was right we pushed the reactor too hard and you know we're not shutting it down [Music] reactors malfunction we've messed with mother nature recording swells of 70 feet we're approaching 200 what population centers are within a 400 mile radius Galveston what that's the direct path of the storm [Music] storms coming we're gonna land [Music] [Music] brace yourself storm should be gathering across North America believed to be caused by the government Apollo station civilian casualties remain unknown at this time Hawks don't continue spread throughout the state unclear at this time what the storm is that the how it will develop ship condition continue this is Rian Johnson Chaturvedi whose explode I mean I mean they exploded people exploded they blew up just calm down to play your game or something Johnny gave up I'm crazy I'm getting pressure readings high and low that are off the charts we can't shut this down what is our footprint thousand square miles and growing how long before hits land days hours minutes [Music] I'm shutting this down you don't know that's the problem my chart says that we ripped a hole in the ozone that rip keeps on going it won't stop until we stop ox shut it down you touched that machine and you won't get a job at Best Buy shut it down box three five seven or two beginning initial shutdown sequence of porn on my mark four three two one mark [Music] my games dead in the house I'll call my sister in Denver and see what the weather's like there [Music] we're gonna check the news good idea dad the TV won't come on never seen anything like that before all those people lights either how many electricity must be out I'm gonna make some sandwiches I'll fire up the generator I'm not hungry you got to eat something what do you think happened to him mom can you ever made it probably some of them I can't eat this it's stale the electricity has not been out that long and don't be grateful coin let's go now come on come on as quick as you can let's top the shelter are you kidding me come on [Music] and where are we going speed there's a storm shelter they're dead what if the roads are blocked what if we can't get it what are their students politically what if you should focus on the present what if you just as focus on what's right inside of you not gonna kill it I know you're scared you just gotta be quiet this moment would are believed to be tornadoes or hurricanes or causing massive destruction across the steppe look I'm too old to be reporting this kind of studio please they're getting never seen okay yeah what was it here we go home you go home did you not see that the trees and and the cars coming on something we're gonna be safe here that's a pretty sick driving dad I don't ever want to do that again dad what is that we're not gonna be safe in this bill severe storms better than Southwest evacuate Lowell am talented city for higher ground floods continue to ravage the south as millions of people are still without power an estimated 2300 homes have been destroyed that the storm continues to spread we're still here the storm was unpredicted and the cause of its existence is controversial among meteorological experts evacuation to a high elevation strongly advised by government officials a little that's I'm trying to pinpoint where should we go how about we go home yeah my boat home we need to go where the low pressure to be held at bay so a higher elevation what about the animal preserve that hyena we shine we go home I can get on the internet honey there is no internet here we stopped I think we're okay I want to go home Johnny no why didn't he know about this he's supposed to know about all that science crap the weather it's unpredictable not good enough how would your father supposed to know honey it doesn't even matter anymore everyone's gone my friends my teachers my coach everyone Johnny quiet no I'm not gonna shut up anymore I hear - you hear what get in the car slowly all right a little faster it's gonna get dark soon looks like we're here for the night [Music] hmm what are you working on pressure was too low antimatter cocoon must have been too great it's gonna get worse much worse what like more tornadoes we should probably find higher ground we could leave the state or go nowhere quietly now it's good idea can't believe you only brought maps no documents or pictures and an emergency kid you brought box almonds kill chips at least we're not going to be eating that I was just grabbing things that's enough again the particle accelerator isn't slowing down this the storm system has it caught somehow and some kind of feedback loop we can't shut it off we need to evacuate no we're not jumping ship Louis I can't run away from this and once the core melts it's over there's no way to hide we won't survive the nuclear winter we have 32 hours before the reality is ours no no the Apollo was designed to to feed off the Earth's energy right magnetism natural friction tectonic stresses the heat from the Earth's core and darkness the storms intensity is causing a feedback loop the stronger the storms become the stronger the Apollo becomes the stronger the apollo becomes the stronger the storms both of them are acting as a cause and effect it's now it's like a saw blade spinning faster and faster you can't just grab it with both hands and hope that the hope that you can squeeze it and stop it we have to find a way to to neutralize both of the causes so that we can stop both of the effects like that just 16 hours at this rate these readings are useless if that happens again - for tonight I am an ox we need to evacuate try to get off the continent while there's still time [Music] tell me Nathan they got a gun in touch with you have you escaped the storms hey 'then we have a complete core meltdown and can't shut down the reactor what slow down we're experiencing some weather phenomenon it's the apollo mission designer what are you talking about Nathan we are controlling the weather it's impossible argue what did you do to my formula try to give me the location on that Cygnus what's wrong I've isolated it okay good let me know the moment it comes through [Music] [Applause] further delay now the president has a show all day sounds like it's a good thing we need to move to Houston like you wanted to be safe on top of the mountain though right that's right perfectly safe we just have to get to a high enough elevation to employ the tornadoes how do you know once we reached the top of the mountain there is not hurricane or tornado and all of nature they can reach height enough to touch us you know he'd know this if he's paid attention in science class Oh give me a break mr. Latham hated me I'm sure he didn't hate you honey you weren't there he had it out for me I wonder if he made it [Music] [Music] what happened here we go around them we've got to try and help I'm staying here [Music] [Music] [Music] Simon Nathan thank God I got in touch with you I need you to get to the Apollo station right now are you crazy I've been over the calculations a hundred times all right I I'm missing something okay and if we don't get the core cooled the whole damn thing is gonna melt down what what are you talking about Simon what you do I used the knife here without over them what I don't have time to justify things right now you were right I was wrong let's just leave it at that but I need you to get here now [Music] leave it at that Simon do you have any idea what you've done what about the dog cat we're not taking that man's dog with us you're not invaders to and I chase in five minutes got a drive I know hold on I know [Music] [Music] two tornadoes the Cornell's which were that book again lose your wet affect put you are affected with two hurricanes or tornadoes get close enough to each other to attract before me one large hurricane or tornado the warm notes conditions would be perfect for dozens of hurricanes to spring up across the face of North American and they merged they would create a vortex of Tyson Texas winds up access to 500 miles an hour it's called hydrogen be at any time you'll be safe on top of the mountain all right from the hybrid gang maybe not from nuclear fallout like I know that model inside and out I just I have to find a way to contact the polish station and I can talk to Taemin we can figure this one out it's gonna be fine get above these storms [Music] you'll be safe here I need you to stay with Johnny but I knew it no I'm going into the city it's a it's a 30-minute drive so I won't be gone long how can you talk about leaving us I got to talk to Simon right I think I can help him fix this and if I don't try just call him just call him there's no signal all right I remember there's an airless station a few miles back I got I to get out of here watch your mother are you going dad fix shelter in the ranger station until he gets back Johnny the accelerators reach maximum capacity Roger that how do we lose the signal again we're reconfiguring the satellite communication to compensate for the storm interference but the rising levels of radiation may mean we cannot reestablish the connection we have to destroy the Apollo station that's your plan that's what you've got for me it's the only way to stop the Corps before it goes critical what are you gonna do you're gonna call in an airstrike I'm gonna redirect the beam directly below us okay causing the ocean to swallow us up you know I'd say that's the craziest thing I've ever heard of it wasn't the dumbest thing I've ever heard it's impossible to redirect the beam okay impossible not if I reconfigure the reflected dish by bypassing the safety systems also impossible [Music] where is everyone long there should be Rangers here right yeah they probably went home to be with their families [Music] there you are come on guys man damnit better couple be right after come on get this information to come here you're lucky we found you when we did dr. Samson how long do something even get me to the Paula station we finished refueling what about this equipment can i I make a phone call to the negative all communication including new satellite uplinks are down we've got men working on the south towers now my god here this is the center of it all that's right batteries are all centralized it's like they're springing up around something visual from like it's kind of magnet of course look if we can get a power station to to redirect its being to these coordinates we might be able to end all of this explain it's the heart of the storm system we need to pierce it with a beam you want to shine a light up into the sky look we did by concentrating the being at the center of the storm where the pushes at its greatest the two forces will neutralize each other my entire were fired exactly problem is we don't have any way of getting these and coordinates to the Apollo station sir another major stone is beginning to form right on top of us it should be here in about five minutes [ __ ] your time it's a little off soldier forget flying is we're gonna get you those cell phone towers [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay no let's the senior whose we're on the bars private now I need to get you the guy guys itself out if I keep there you can contact the Apollo station director [Music] [Music] run [Music] [Music] places a rat it's going to take weeks to put this back together yeah I wonder what it's like back down on face you must be Sims where's captain right before we can make any calls you boys are gonna have to climb that tower attached and configure a transceiver to the top I'd do it myself when I got to stay here and get the generators going when you get to the top call me and I'll tell you how to configure the transceiver Roger that Oh we'll fix this when they have the coordinates here's the storm limits beam and it'll all be over oh my god [Music] it's the part it's on fire my family's there Go Go I can do this by myself in contact Apollo if any problems call me you gotta go mom did you hear that [Music] dad Johnny Ola [Music] don't you ever do that again can we got to get at wait leave you said the safest place is gonna be on top of a mountain we're on top of a mountain there's a fire right he's coming you got to get out of here what now well I have a plan we have to go back inside you guys get the phones I'll get the radio finds our day all right dad there's a helicopter guys we gotta go now yeah no I know dad there's a helicopter I know I'm looking for the keys dad let's go I know where it is too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] start a trial enjoy a look or you turn on the fuel just a second come on right okay five hundred mile per hour winds will engulf North America in 24 hours it will be uninhabitable and we did this I did this sign it we've done all we can it's time to go well here where are we gonna go hey hey hey where the hell are you going hey where the hell are you going you're going to die with their families as my guess what about you never got along with my family might as well answer [Music] control the trajectory of okay negative one zero four point zero six two five zero zero I got ox punching these coordinates to the targeting system okay [Music] if we survive this is there gonna be anything left [Music] Oh [Music] coordinates locked on and ready Simon do it [Music] whoa Simonton he is redirecting the beam does that mean he fixed it it's it's fixed it's exactly what means [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good job guys core temperatures almost back to zero you tell that lovely son of a [ __ ] Nathan I own one Simon did it he did yes Yeah right [Music] shut down the beam Simon gage it's not shutting down and worse of course melting at an accelerated rate it doesn't make any sense y'see miss working verify that we have the correct coordinates pull up the satellite feed we still can't get accurate satellite imagery too much atmospheric interference so in other words we're still flying blind yeah but we are getting the reading of a massive storm it's enough ten the hypergate [Music] [Music] Kathleen it didn't work the reactive backfire dictate nothing the woman runs [Music] what is that what's wrong that what is that you said evict me and I used any pigment you must have missed the center how could I miss the center [Music] my god it need to turn the beam directly beneath us and destroy the basement send it crashing into the ocean Simon what what is it damn Pistons abused it will work right I just need to bypass the main hydraulics ox ox on you man go ahead son hey let me know as soon as the meetings 180 degrees for flight [Music] 135 140 it's working it's working son wait 145 come on speak to me is it there yet no no it took 160 it's levelling out Simon Simon Simon I got something oh they got it I got it I got it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah come on Simon [Music] okay so can you fix it Sigmund was delayed what they know at the military base the National Guard they said uh the swarm would be there in five minutes but it was less than even five seconds I'm not following dead it's the same reason our cell phones aren't working so what you're saying is the storm is affecting our communication and that's why they can't find the eye of the storm exactly come on do you have a GPS tracker I can use to send a signal to politician yes but if you're trying to pinpoint your location for Apollo you're going to need three of them triangulate your signal and it's right Sao Paulo Station will know exactly where I am and why would they need to know that once they've verified the AI they can stop the storm Nathan right it's my responsibility I get to the center of the hyper Caine I send the signal I was teaching and lock on to that single take send the beam directly there they won't miss this time and how do you bet on getting that close I'm just gonna tear you to pieces I'm gonna go under it look if you're gonna go under it you're gonna need to have one person right here at these exact coordinates and somebody else right here at those exact coordinates both as high up as possible and that means you too no no it's my family right you're gonna have to help me all right you're military I need to stay at my post what post Nathan it's the only way we're in this together whatever you're gonna do you need to do it now look if their signal is off on their location then that's the end of you but what did you say let's go dad what did he just say [Music] no risk it's working so you know where I'm at at all time dad are you sure about this no come back to us Johnny you do [Music] any further word from Nathan plan just just keep monitoring for a signal all right try that he's still alive and can call with the right coordinates [Music] the right place p3 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] leaving liars [Music] it's not the center [Music] [Music] Nathan [Music] why still no signal something [Music] come on [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] sign them Nathan its gage Simon's dead what the course not shouting oh we're too late what is it it needs to be shutting down it's too late the cores bound critical we're in complete meltdown case you've got to take the helicopter take our chances where the hell do you think you're gonna fly okay sir listen you know the radiation contamination is going to saturate everyone for the planet nothing not even cockroaches will survive yeah gage there's only one thing left to do I need you to turn the beam back on [Applause] iris I need you to aim the beam directly underneath the station bullet that came to power then I need you to get the hell out of there that I can [Music] and you lived so you just plan on shooting them that's the big plan no I haven't turned the beam on and aim directly beneath the station so what's that gonna or thing [Music] so how do i fire this thing I'm gonna fight of it but I do know this boat just squeeze this trick [Music] first wait until the onboard guidance system is locked on now you only have one missile left better hope it's enough there is no do it No [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I made a soldier after all [Music] coming from a car [Music] all the Devils [Music] [Music] everything that makes [Music] that's all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
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Id: UremGZpAzr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 52sec (5212 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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