Independents' Day | Full Action Sci-Fi Movie

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I guess we better get out and fix it what are you getting so oh you gotta be kidding me dude this a sign or what I've heard nothing but bad things about this place chow is awful racks are uncomfortable don't even get me started just help me get the jack and the spear out of it why don't you just call it in it'd be a hell of a lot easier you know I'm not gonna call it in my first day signed to a new base whatever you say come on you know it is beautiful out here I heard there's some hiking out here that is great well there you go sergeant it's not that bad effort are they supposed to be running tests today not that I'm aware of what is that let's go check it out huh let's go sergeant slow down small try I haven't run in months [Music] as parents the well-being of our children is one of our greatest concerns we strive to give them every opportunity in life I am honored to represent the president at the dedication of what will be a cornerstone in the foundation of our children's health for many generations to come the first of many I hope so each coach I need you really expect I say to get immediate extra three teacher safety right now man vice president but our situation we need to get dude your family's in Virginia buckle right now get in what do we know Western air defense sector reported an unidentified aircraft estimated at one kilometer in length entered our airspace at zero 700 hours mr. president air assets are already enroute early reports describe the aircraft as a beehive sir reports we don't have a visual in here negative something seems to be interfering with some of our satellite relays civilian channels are up ours are down NORAD is trying to get us in the air as of right now all we have our eyes on the ground doing their best or whatever firsthand Intel they can get [Music] take us to DEFCON 3 I'm not messing around house nowhere I doing the switch to backup channels to deploying now sir great we need all the assets at the ready it's like provocation I'm not blow this thing from the sky there's a vice president of the Virginia bunker yes sir the vice president is just arrived great vice president ready we're 200 feet below the surface and a fully sustainable habitat that can withstand a direct hit from nuclear warhead this is Captain Godard bioweapons division vice prez are any captain get hurt why is bioweapons division here he's here at the request from the president have they exhibited any threatening actions as of yet no ma'am members of yet Tactical Air Command has just related that to jets are on approach to intercept the space ship 3 1 1 we're on approach to target now getting a fair amount of turbulence in its wake rabbit why don't you hang back just in case one mile to target I'm beginning to see serve this detailing now protrusions plating materials unknown no visible windows or hedges descend to 17,000 have a look underneath I'm now saying what appears to be a blue light three lemons hit hit I'm getting out of here our Jets are done all assets are clear to engage I get that damn satellite up there I need to see this thing [Music] approaching target alpha Bravo we now have multiple targets inbound it on me I'm gonna try play close to the ship maybe you won't be so worried to fire [Music] [Music] coming up from behind here we go come back you're right iZON reports all of our conventional assets are failing mr. president all of our efforts are failing I'm declaring DEFCON 1 clear to go nuclear Nevada launch facility mx2 it's just been attacked mr. president there's been no detonation but the systems are showing offline launches fail I'm not leaving you sir just wait I'm not leaving just leave go [Music] [Music] not a specimen sir it's difficult to see oh my god what is it Ari the white house it's been attacked no survivors including president Oliver ari do you have confirmation yes vice under the federal continuity directive ensuring the continuous performance of the essential functions of our government during time of war I will need to swear you and vice president Raney I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States the country is now in your hands what are your orders Madam President [Music] like say relax big up there put this in your shoulder get your link back to put back what is it right the White House was attacked we are standing at DEFCON 1 although no nuclear launches have been confirmed at this time over 2,000 people work in the White House an evacuation was in process I hold on president Oliver is dead we now have confirmation that President Oliver was in the present day they're finding the president's detail yeah he was well I don't know maybe maybe he was off the president's detail I kept up with him through the ex she just said last week he was still assigned to Oliver I'm sorry Kelly he was a good kid break silence contact all them relation chapters we're going to war these aliens plague the one planet investment under attack nuclear assets haven't any success negative president Raney they've all failed same with the other nuclear nations all ordinance has just been frozen okay stand down from DEFCON 1 go to 2 Meredith what are you doing our nuclear assets not working Randall well we can't stop trying it's not working Randall and the more we try the greater the potential we destroy ourselves in the process fact that the only disabled them it gives me hope yeah dad maybe they felt threatened that our jet fighters approached they may have son but the fact remains they attack receiving a transmission it's it's coming from the hive put it on people of the third planet we shall refer to ourselves as Orion's as our planet resides in a solar system much like your own within the constellation of stars you called Orion it is not our intent to destroy him our mission is one of peace the race is a violent one and for this reason we must guarantee our safety therefore we have eliminated the threat of your nuclear weapons in the next two hours all other remaining military installations and government capitals will be destroyed in time you will receive further instruction how the hell was that a mission of peace re was that communication on an open channel no ma'am I tried to place a lock on it but I was unable to grab it I want to open a dialogue with them make this happen yes Madam President I need to address the nation let the people know what's happening I need a few minutes to compose my thoughts dark echo is still two hours out Madam President thank you and may we remain ever-vigilant and strong just as our country has done countless times before we will get through this god bless you and God bless the United States of America Madam President the Kremlin has been destroyed as well as the kantai both British and French Parliament's thank you we're receiving another transmission can you identify the frequency signature still trying Madam President all governments and military installations destroyed you have ravished your world too long we will provide you the chance to restart on a new world momentarily transport ships will begin arriving in all capitals and cities the populations in excess everything else will be provided for you 120 hours to evacuate your planet at the end of this period all remaining humans will be exterminated you will not survive this now they expect us to evacuate a planet of seven billion people in just five days they're out of their minds people are already lining up to board the ships seats on my phone I would be destroyed all the weapons but keeps civilian communications open that taken prisoners that's what they're doing that's 25 confirmed ships so far members aren't alert across Pennsylvania let's head into Philly would we find the location of the ship attack I've got it I've isolated the Orions frequency signature okay Madam President try to speak in a slightly slower than normal pace avoid any overt emotions just because the matrix may scramble your intentions on their end and spit out the wrong words or symbols unfortunately there's no way to translate our language from our end I bring you greetings from the United States of America I am president meredith rainey we wish to open a peaceful dialogue with war leaders we regret if our initial actions were taken as offensive and caused you to defend yourselves it was not our intent to display aggression I request we open a channel of dialogue so that we may convey our desire for peaceful and harmonious relations between our two races they're responding your attack to press again it is common procedure to send jets in the air you have 100 hours we are grateful for your help however we are a race that is intrinsically suspicious therefore to allay our fears we need some form of proof to substantiate your claims to aid us we will prove our intentions by demonstrating our technological and medical superiority with no race there are places in your people suffer from starvation we won't be a good your race is plagued by diseases we will offer cures these are with only a few gifts awaiting your peaceful surrender I don't like a marriage well first to give up everything you're not a ship and go to foreign world it's proves nothing president framing you'll have a son yes that is correct in further effort to prove our intentions you will go to the transport ship in Washington DC there we will heal me sweetheart you don't know what these things might do to you Bobby to me what are they gonna do to all of us sweetheart we can't risk having you part of some experiment mom if they're not trustworthy then we're already dead [Music] [Applause] were they there's nobody here to greet us because unless we know about them the more strategic advantage they have over us perhaps you can accompany that obtain a little Intel yes sir okay you don't need to go through with this Bobby yeah I do I think it's best you remain here Madam President I can accompany the meta president I suggest sign her first sir check things out all weapons detected these items were not allowed aboard this vessel you must remove them immediately you have five seconds to come on [Music] stern you're a [ __ ] bring us the child of the president rape we will heal bring the child to us [Music] ship must be equipped with some sort of surveillance it knew that Godard was armed well the other didn't catch the camera or they didn't mind us taking a peek [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] bring us the child of president baby we will feel bring the child to us bring the child to us bring the child to us they're asking for him sir it appears safe as far as I can tell remember when I used to pitch in Little League of course I do I was really good let's go come on [Music] it's not smell could be bio sensory of some kind right you will proceed to the regeneration chamber there we will prepare your body continue continue [Music] right [Music] [Music] assess the child and to the regeneration chamber [Music] [Music] I love you buddy I love you too dad you will secure the chamber [Music] regeneration sequence [Music] [Music] the generator the procedure against nearly a complete stop they can chop right come here this thing that Moises [Music] [Applause] I'm stop staring at me [Applause] you'll feel a lot better once we get the doctor to completely check you out mom I feel great honestly okay guys I think it's a good idea we don't stick around Attila it's dangerous perhaps you're right yes Jim I've got some important developments that like to discuss with you don't can we step over there hey well all right I rediscovered an encrypted signal hidden within natural occurring CMB radiation in deep space before the arrival of the Orions this signal was not being detected furthermore its source of origin is nowhere near the Orion constellation they're lying can we listen in on this deep-space channel we could Madame president but not from here if we can go back to the bunker I can access it through the mainframe I can try and upgrade the logic gate matrix and then run the signals of the virtual machine there's a slight chance we might be able to decipher their language slight chance is better than no chance let's go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] on me Rocco flanking Derrida Michael keep the perimeter secure I don't want any civilians getting past [Applause] Paul understood tactic hold steady Lexi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Philadelphia transport ship is under attack and I reported the same thing in Houston and Atlanta by who a militia group calling themselves first earth and have reports of riots in other cities people are pushing past barricades and boarding the ships what do we know about first earth united militia front led by a Kelly Reid I know that is he's a gentleman Reid's brother former Army Ranger left his service became a freelance contractor now he heads up the pencils on the militia and we're in whoa this thing looks crazy you sure you can work on this time I think so mobilize the National Guard I want this faction taken down now and I want all hands on deck to keep civilians off those ships Oh why after all they did heal me didn't they let's not forget their first move was to destroy the White House fact remains they've yet to tell us where they're taking our people and until they do I'm not letting any more new ships what is it we have a message coming through from the orions what's the problem with that I don't want to add any stress to the virtual machine I think we should hear what they have to say what's the worst it can do the most simple way is to think of when a wire takes too much current it explodes the heat has to go somewhere the whole mainframe could shut down it could be watching another attack after first Earth's antics put it through are you transport ships I've come under attack in the United States and suffering damages it appears people are not being allowed two more options we are prepared to withdraw all extraction efforts and convincement immediate extermination procedures here in United States we were unaware of the attacks on your vessels they were committed by a faction outside our government we will put a stop to them immediately this is acceptable ships no no I will not not until you tell us where they are being taken they're gone reports are coming in from all over the country people are boarding the ships after the world saw what happened to Bobby it's a matter of trust we won't be able to keep these people off those ships the mainframe is overloading well whatever it is you're doing just shut it down the whole system is failing that's life support the issue is an environmental control the system is no longer venting oxygen how long don't know what's happening I should be only have a few minutes before we run out of air I'm trying to restart the system but the override valve is jammed what do we do if somebody has to go all the way down to ec and fix it manually then I can reboot it from here I know where it is I'll need all hands just in case let's go go you stay stay with the president deserve I love you I'll be back mommy [Music] okay yeah go go this is it Madam President there anything you can do re no president many we just have to hope they radio back to us before it's too late [Music] right there under the burning taste let's do it ready go here it is it's stuck there's a pike [Music] ten reviews this for leverage [Music] I can't let me try sir I can't breathe [Music] [Music] [Music] we did it I think we did reset [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys alright silver [Music] she observes the life support systems returning to normal general get Bobby up to the main level dad I'm fine go yeah it's Kelly rate who's asking this is Senator Randall Rainey you know you're making quite a mess out there I want to know why you're attacking the transport ships it's an attack of American soil senator well look I was thinking if we can work together maybe we can solve this problem these conversations over mr. Reed the president is ordering the National Guard and local law enforcement around the country to shut you down by whatever means necessary now I can call those hounds off if you're hoping mr. Reed I think we both have the same goal in mind here what do you want look there's a great deal of suspicion but they're Ryan's true intentions are just we don't know where they're taking our people and we we don't want any more people getting on the ship so you need some kind of deterrent something that will make the people stay away that's where you guys would come in can we do this we can probably help with that I'm fine how about you did we make any progress Ari's transferring everything he was able to download before the system crashed general Roundtree you were able to relay my orders to the National Guard yes madam president [Music] lúcia weapons we're going in on all the time we'll see if the security scan can pick up all these cops aren't gonna be able to keep those crowds at bay for long ever since they healed the president's kid they all want to get on those ships can't let that happen when we first step in that laser is gonna scan us assuming we make it past the first laser we'll split up plant the c-4 meet back here in ten minutes to detonate understood move out hold everyone's on el armed right your aunt proceeded look for an instrument panel so imperfections in the hole doesn't look up that plastique huh that's so far is that smell man I don't know what I'm worried about is getting your blasting caps on here [Applause] [Applause] these ought to do some damage wait do you hear that [Music] [Music] [Applause] to cover there's been another attack on the Philadelphia transport ship its first earth again mass casualties this time Madam President the Ryan's are contacting us make sure the National Guard and local law enforcement understand their duties general yes ma'am them on an isolated incident I assure you it is being dealt with we are prepared to withdraw extraction efforts and proceed with an extermination procedure please do not do that we are doing it generated the connection president Raney [Music] [Applause] [Applause] keeping reports of Orion's attacking and firing on crowds raised the orions re yesterday they're not responding keep trying Madame president Ministry of Defence hello mr. Brighton yes yes I understand your position we are doing everything that we can to suppress the actions of first Earth yes sir hold on [Music] Minister Brighton an urgent matter has taken place I need to cling back [Music] what the hell happened out there read it sir the people pushing their way in with the cops and turn the free halation struck well that's just not what I had in mind they don't appear to be shooting civilians I apologize sir what he wants to do just stand down for the moment [Applause] [Music] who are you talking with out here Randall general Roundtree just spoke to the captain in charge of the National Guard detail they received orders to assist first Earth from you I I made a bad move Mary I asked him to do what they could to keep people off the ships dark echo has arrived [Music] easier to follow orders when you agree with them senator your weapon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] president Raney I made your fry this is lieutenant Zuber from the 45th Space Wing extraterrestrial avionics intelligence unit we believe this is what we're up against on August 14 2003 the Sun released a larger than normal plasma tendril resulting in a massive electromagnetic explosion it downed all satellite radio and cellular communications that's the same date as the East Coast blackouts that's correct captain it turns out our friend here was paying us a visit as well what makes you think this is the race that's attacking us a unique signature in the cosmic microwave background radiation our team detected a similar signal and a hive arrived this morning our technician mr. Ari has identified a CMB encryption signal we'll be happy to share that with you we smell an odor when Bobby was sealed on the transport ship and the guys in the field are smelling something on whether transport ships as well we learned for the Cheyenne ship that that odor is a sort of chemical pheromone it enables access to vital components of the ship our chemists were able to replicate that formula in the laboratory we call it CH v n we should be able to use it to access restricted areas of the alien vessels but it's impossible to say for certain without a more recent specimen now I think it would be fitting for you to use your militia Randall I'm sorry say that again yeah I want you to capture mana riot and how are we supposed to do that sir there was a firefight over the Virginia mountains this morning if you go digging in the wreckage you might find a pilot it could be dead or alive it makes no difference well I might know a couple of mountain boys leave it to us sir we'll do our best they're gonna do it good major frying let's get you over to the DC transport ship see what you make of it certainly madam president I've been analyzing the Orions signal from the CMB and comparing it against another signal that I found embedded from the broadcast of the mothership so far I've isolated about 30 unique patterns that keep showing up it seems that this is their alphabet present work giant chicken we tried to broadcast at CMP signal controls would flutter like an energy pulse didn't get us anywhere we've had several English broadcasts to line these patterns up against it's not many perfect but I do have a translator algorithm for us to try and access this database pheromone should get us access hopefully your alphabet will get us some answers [Music] general what do we know about their voting procedures ship is equipped with some sort of a weapons detection system the laser turret enforces a no tolerance policy we're not quite sure how they're surveilling this you understood let's see what they make it this whatever their surveillance I'm willing to bet with ch5 n they'll look the other way lieutenant sir you're very pushy same as a Cheyenne ship [Music] unlike the vessel recovered in o3 this ship doesn't appear to be designed for med flight like looks like it's trying to establish a link let's see what is trying to say we even know one of those alien bastards out here we don't hello that's great news mr. Reid text me your coordinates I'm sitting of job with you [Music] we have ourselves in a riot dr. Godard did you ever done an autopsy yes I have carbon-based life-form oxygen and nitrogen present their blood suggests they breathe a similar atmosphere to ours same alkaline based cell structure but with slightly different attributes the first Earth captured orion has a more mesomorphic build bigger and stronger cheyenne specimen slightly thinner more ectomorphic but I'm willing to bet the most symbiotes of the same colony much like workers to a queen bee we just need to find a match [Music] Oh [Music] major fry what happened lasers draft I lost lieutenant are you work no madam president I'm fine just need to wait for the AI to reset and I'll try again please be careful major yes madam president okay we try again I'll be ready to move [Music] we're in looks remarkably similar to earth flight mission navigation colonization [Music] what's happening later it appears they're trying to colonize earth-like planets they're using the hive to terraform them can you find out where they're taking our people major yes trajectory this doesn't make any sense Sport ships are going to the hive briefly then they hover over the atmosphere for ten minutes and reenter [Music] [Music] they're just jettison the people into space I'm sorry major please repeat that I didn't get it I said they are just jettisoning the people into space but forgot the trash president that can't be right he said this ship first goes to the hive major are you sure are you absolutely certain no one appears to be getting off at the hive yes madam president this has all been downloaded to my Pam I'll show you when I return [Applause] president Raney what about the people across the country waiting to board across the globe let them board they're gonna die we have to tell them we can't let them board those ships we can't let them know we're on to them we'd be given up all are in town [Music] finally we know something about them they don't want us to know have we gotten an update from capping the dog yet I spoke to him a little earlier he said he's making progress but he preferred to explain him when he returns we'd better get back to the bunker I want to know what I can about that aliens why are they doing this this is what I don't understand why don't they just destroy us why bother with the deception less manpower less chance of engagement on their behalf less loss of men they're terraforming planets the more destruction they cause the more work they give themselves that plan is actually quite efficient but what I don't understand is why they're returning to the bee hive first we better get back to the bunker plus we need to prepare but we will not give up [Music] [Music] Madam President have an idea it's incredibly simple but every test I've run seems to confirm it have you made an analysis of the aliens yes madam president I have a map most of his Anatomy NNs and I believe I created highly contagious airborne pathogen and we can infect them just like passing on a cold do it yes ma'am sir the ships are filling up people are pushing past the barricades and forcing their way in Thank You soldier you're welcome sir what if it's a nice place the new world they promised what if it's a great new alien place with things we've never seen what if we're actually killing people by not letting them board their [ __ ] do you really think that's a chance in hell of any of that being true this is my home my country it's our world it may be over but I'm gonna fight to my last breath damn right damn right you're goddamn right rally every militia group in every city [Music] it's time to blow up some more alien [ __ ] everything we got as long as we got it [Music] good work out there major fry I'm sorry about the loss of your man I will see to what he receives the highest posthumous merit thank you madam president captain Godard please explain your pathogen yes well I have successfully developed an airborne replicating agent called gs5 7b it's cooking right now it's highly contagious and I believe if we can introduce it aboard the hive it'll be a successful weapon could gs5 7b have repercussions in humans are we at risk for catching it there is a risk now the contagion can't replicate in our bodies so it shouldn't be a problem but there's no way of knowing for sure I believe we have no other choice our only problem is how do we get it to them how do we infect them we cut out for the DC transport ship with cap and Goddard's viral agent send it back to the hive release it via time controlled device sounds like a great idea but why would the hive bring a transport ship back aboard we infect the navigation system with a bug make it appear the ship isn't functioning properly it'll have to go back for maintenance first service has success just loving grenades and c4 timers internships making them return we can't do that general the he way from the blast will kill off the viral agent I'll make a virus to infect the ship's computer I'll get on it Thank You Ari yes ma'am captain notify me at once when it's ready yes president Raney first Earth has launched attacks on transport ships in several major cities Dallas Atlanta Miami Chicago Chancellor Kafka's demanding you put a halt to the violence as his prime minister Avenir president Casillas let them re let them say what they will not my concern at this point yes madam president Madam President the captain and I are ready is that the contagion yes ma'am very well let's go presenter rainy the Orions are contacting us put it on president Raney mother love theaters huh mom operated peacefully instead of the United States remains defiant that our continued accounts on our ships we had hoped to avoid turn it off Ari yes person we're it so far the pheromone is still allowing us access to the ship I'm gonna upload the bug into the navigation system standby the virus is set got it we are go on the gs5 7b transponder [Music] and we'll go on our maintenance issue time to leave captain [Music] it's a matter major they're trying to hack into the navigation system who is Orion's Madam President Madam President they're contacting us again president Raney your meeting with us immediately your mom made with us immediately yes I heard you the first time what is the purpose of this meeting despite our warnings you continue to resist us still we are prepared to discuss the details of the relocation of your people all right I will come to you what are you doing no it's out of the question I'll go we accept your terms in transport ship will be sent to your location thank you I'll take captain Godard contagion with me would be too dangerous madam president no they asked for me I'm the only one who can get us on that ship it's the perfect plan if we can get at least one of these aboard the hive that would be sufficient Meredith I'll do it the country needs you what come on come on made your fry I'd like for you to come with me your expertise may be applicable in some way captain Godard I request your accompaniment as well yes ma'am the captain and I will wear the sea h5n2 conceal our presence very well gentlemen shall we go Madam President [Music] [Music] you wouldn't be second-guessing yourself would you captain guitar no presenter ad it'll work get better here we go Madam President one of these is snuff the pathogen is highly contagious now major fry and I will go horde to ship and try to put a few of these on there give a few to agent Taylor as well aerosols will distribute it throughout the ship but you have to make direct contact with the Queen and how long before it takes effect should be within minutes and I'll know yes my president the effects are agonizing very well yes I'll just try to keep them talking [Music] welcome president Raney follow the corridor to your left let's go [Music] that's the last of the gs500 meatballs I'm gonna see if I can jam the orions seeing the encrypted signal among some ship-to-ship interfere in case things go south welcome president Raney welcome to my heart who is speaking is there one leader among you who are you [Applause] what do you think what is human God inspire them to replenish our energy stores then why have you brought me here [Music] our transport ships stores here why would I help you what why should I leave my people to their slaughter in four days your people are going to be exterminated your race has always defined nature you selfishly rather to the planet imagine the awarded species with no predator here's to accept your place in accepting we are not offering a partner in exchange for your cooperation you look at your family will be spared you will allow your people to board our transport ships thank you thank your family will not be harmed and where will we be safe here aboard our shop until the extermination terraforming is complete this is acceptable you leave me no choice you have a deal most people toward our ships yep not until I know my family is safe then we'll have a deal on earth this is the universal gesture of friendship and agreement you will stop the attacks on our ships you could run away it's working [Music] don't [Applause] [Music] now what there's got to be a way to override truck attached mess ritually just get on out of there meter system override navigation overrides he'll override let's go a dragonfly service standby Rhaenys transport ship is on the way and hive mother ships are collapsing in every city their defense attorney general can we scramble some jets definitely [Music] there's only one more dragonfly pursuant to transport ship hang in there don't need you approaching [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you did it we all did it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 4,485,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full free movies on youtube, latest sci-fi movies, science fiction movies for free on youtube, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, latest hollywood movies for free, SyFy channel, The Asylum, hallmark channel, Sci-Fi Movies, Movie Central, full free sci-fi movies, Independents' Day, independence day
Id: JRcCToBvKp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 21sec (5481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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