Flood | 2007 Action Disaster | Robert Carlyle | PART 1

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[Music] Malcolm have you got the latest tidal readings from wick lost the signal from the monitoring station what was the last reading before we lost the signal State [Music] and your dad's really been looking forward to having you that's amazing you Mel Mel is Mel okay Jenna please tell me I was never late [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I promised you hurry up nerd [Music] hey Tony ciao Tony I mean [ __ ] I'm supposed to be just kind of my in-laws remember I'm holiday well if you can call it that you're talking about then your favor Tuscany's miserable this time of year well my mother-in-law Chauvet is and the off-chance you've actually done some work that was a wrinkle will you believe me if I told you have you checked your email this morning check in there yeah that footage is from yesterday today's worse this storm it's unreal one way to wait now the stormy there this morning fairly the sea walls collapse it's a huge Emes lot of people are missing misty nothing like that in a while we've been asked to share the seed ventures further savage sure what do you need manpower if you got it we need so many guys from the fires you can spare I'll take care of it I'll call you later listen Tony yeah because any worse don't hang about yeah sorry I'm meeting okay Siro did the wind do that nah it's wife damage what kind of way it's Danny back from Houston yes get a chopper pick him up and make him cab matter of fact get all the help in time is he all right up there yeah he'll be fine you need to review this precious continuing to drop in the North Sea a precipice is a pushing befo there updates we're inundated with requests I need to run the latest to be full cast iron everyone this storm we've been tracking the last few days I need everything on it where it's headed how fast get me the latest atmospheric pressure reports for the north engine and everything you've got from the British Oceanic data center alright in 40 minutes I'm briefing the Deputy Prime Minister [Music] [Music] [Music] the thames barrier became operational in 1983 and there's the largest fixed title defense system in the world there's ten moveable gate stretching 500 meters across the river and is capable of holding back billions of gallons of water that would otherwise flood london miss lorrison these came for you [Music] we're going shopping then just go one joke I'll make it quick foolish to this been a while since we did anything together why is it nothing let's get going wonderful boss souvenirs this will be what you're interested in that figures from the tidal gauges at Murray and Aberdeen things aren't looking too clever with this storm is gone it's just likely to have an impact on our timing so nothing's showing up this year but we're double check with the Met Office now ten arrows - high tide can you make calculate the tides expected height when it reaches London Bridge I'll activate the normal protocol for a high tide closure [Music] the operation continues here in WIC despite continuing hazardous conditions air rescue support has been called in but those in need of rescue far our number of vailable resources leaving many stranded on rooftops at night focus film which show the current death toll at 21 another 15 are missing we can expect those numbers to rise still waiting for reports we further along the coast and the prime minister is calling in from Australia in about 10 minutes so I need a damn good explanation of why we had no warning sir isn't this the same storm that hit the east coast of the United States forecasting is not an exact size haven't you been tracking it across the Atlantic for the past five days the storm is constantly changing you have models don't you with respect when a storm surge is moving this fast there's no scientific means of predicting exactly what it's gonna do by the time we have new data it's already out of date storm surge Deputy Prime Minister if you'd allow me so this particular storm is a massive low-pressure system it's essentially a hurricane as the low pressure pushes down on the sea water is sucked up into a hump this is storm surge and this is what hit wick yes so it was the size of this thing we don't know yet anything up to 25 feet above normal sea level stretching over a thousand square miles that boiling gets even greater as the third is pushed into shallow coastal waters what's gonna happen next well based on the available data the storm is moving northeast back into the North Sea but so the worst of it's over I believe sir so actually you can't predict what this storm is going to do at all can you I'm confident about this sir deployed full emergency services within a 50-mile radius a quick and use all available resources to check the sea defenses below WIC already annoyed let's try under everything we can and hope this time you might be wrong okay like that yeah I'm just calling to remind you it's your granddaughters christening at 10 o'clock I haven't forgotten hmm please don't be late and dad just so you know Rob's coming see it's been a long time are you sure this is a good idea yes I do that's Rob no I've been there dad I want you there and your granddaughter wants you Beth it's a big day for her you know it's a no excuses please ten o'clock then don't be late should we step through those figures to the coastal engineering committee no let's look at them again when I get back that bad my granddaughter's christening now I got her a present but gotten where I left it oh yes well-spotted oh you're witnessing the worst storm to hit Scotland in 30 years professor this thing [Music] [Music] [Music] how are you holding up well but used to talk to the weather here in Scotland but this is something else but just but not prepared why we are forgiving any warning do you have any idea of the fatalities we've experienced today I know [Music] [Music] what's your name what's her name my name is kerstin caste that's a very pretty name very pretty name so what plans are we offering put in place to deal with the storm damage this morning in Arbor we focus with the management agency yeah look all the healthy name just in time I gotta go bye minute to spare you didn't have to come back with it you know what kind of uncle's you thank you thank you waiting a summer we thank you Almighty God for the gift of water to sustain refresh [Music] and was anointed by the Holy Spirit [Music] Jesus [Music] Oh me you look well oh my just must wait in the car won't be long [Music] I'll call you right now yeah statin plumbing hey Jana why didn't you tell me you'd be here I knew you'd react like this and I wanted you both here hardly seen each other since mom died oh yeah maybe you're right maybe you're right it did turn up for the funeral I'll give you that my daughter needs a grandfather she deserves that Robert this is a new start I'd like us to look forwards be a family yeah wait the family you mean like being when the kids are growing up that kind of thing come on you know it wasn't as simple as that you should see him with Elsa you really does only thing he cares about is himself Anna here okay well it's about to get worse you need to go to the barrier what they're closing the gates of this evening but there's a problem and it needs looking at right away well you send everyone else up north to help town Christman firms there we're under contract someone's got to check it out what ice pz4 you dispo you weren't married to the world there must be someone else what about you busy running your business for you taxis on its way bye yes thanks okay sorry I'm in Africa work is it again what's not supposed to me I can't see it can you just like him what [Music] many regions have been devastated by the strong winds and high tides created by the massive low-pressure system the accompanying storm surge has [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello welcome Leonard Morrison professor Morrison been a long time indeed I have a favor to ask you now's not really a good time for a saddle the boss is on the warpath and with flat out dealing with this storm this won't take a minute could you email me the figures from all the type gauges south of Aberdeen that's why you need that information let's call it professional curiosity we can call it Danny and I'm not sure that's what the boss it calling it is just between you and me Malcolm if I didn't need them oh it's me you okay where are you I'm on the mainland checked out the seawall quick trap [ __ ] though there was the mother it's crazy and look that's that's it it's just leaving we'll find some other way strong it is now my god od [Music] coverage from our birth mom thanks inspector hundreds mom has sent you in some case why don't you just take them home don't think it's me and she's trying to fatten up penny penny can you get me Samantha Morrison at the barrier will do yeah absolutely ma'am as you know due to the high spring tide and the storm damage in Scotland we are planning a precautionary closure but if anything comes up I will certainly let you know all right thanks penny get me the Met Office I assure you Commissioner you have the full cooperation of the Met Office on this I've emailed you the latest updates we're on top of everything professor I'm a bit busy actually yeah don't you think they're on the high side nothing to be unexpected given the circumstances I fed the numbers into my computer model search continues the entire east coast of England could be in trouble the latest on the tidal gauges let it go yes just home from it the chairman of the US Federal Bank mr. Moyes you're on speakerphone Arthur I'm sorry to hear about your casualties well I appreciate that Arthur I'll convey your sentiments to the prime minister I'm sure the dow dropped a further 40 points overnight confidence has been lower here since the storm damage in Maine and we have got some big play of stuffing some huge quantities of stock could be facing a major meltdown but I'm sorry to hear that Arthur but you know just at this moment we're trying to deal with the human catastrophe I'm just calling to let you know you could be facing an economic one to a couple of these guys have started dumping UK stock it's having a ripple effect thanks Arthur talk to you later well the Treasury yeah very cool no no nothing to worry about no I just let me know when he calls in all right Anna bye nice then hey what are you doing here problem impair one no one else available well I'll do you good to get your hands dirty you're looking well I hear business is good and is still running things for you well nothing's changed she gives the orders I obey nice flowers I know it's not your birthday yeah I know it's great isn't it that's great yeah does he know you have roses oh this it must be my lucky day they sent me the big boss to push around oh you rock there Frank looking as lovely as ever yeah should we go why not [Music] we interrupt this program for breaking news from the English coast the severe storm that hit WIC and are broke earlier today is continuing to wreak havoc further south havoc left a trail of devastation in Scotland the storm is now battering the coastal towns of northern England our guys don't think it's anything major but with this early closure and seems having to pay you guys so much just to sit around I thought I might call on your services thinking means specialist expertise don't you what are you reading could be corrosion or wear problem in the main barracks which would affect lift capacity yeah we thought as much leave it with me I'll run some ultrasonic tests if it turns up positive we wait nine months for the past four I on my way sorry all right [Music] now where are you it's me gives a call back please is dead okay [Music] hi I'm sorry I can't come to the phone right now [Music] [Music] Rosie don't funny power Rises I want to know we're not gonna need any more body bags before this days out the latest figures have the strong heading east into the North Sea to launch the Hook of Holland that's what you taught me this morning what about our Brothe sir with all due respect this storm is not behaving within expected parameters has the danger passed yes or no it's difficult to say if the prevailing winds were to drive the storm south the search would be squeezed between the British coastline and mainland Europe this creates a funneling effect and raises sea level that's just a worst-case scenario most surges lose momentum before that they they just peter out not always them know not [Music] so what do you think well nothing of immediate concern she's pretty tough yeah how much longer do you should deadlines for closure well when you do out of here in two and a half hours oh well in that case I'll gal your waist as possible then shall I [Music] you know I didn't mean it like that yeah yeah [Music] where you can manage till Fred gets back oh you don't worry about me his name is Duncan [Music] we've been out a few times I don't need to explain myself to you Joe that's right so I iron explaining yourself cuz you asked no we didn't cuz he wanted to know he's an architect oh really England are 2 nil up I think I thought you weren't pure 3 I didn't think you were checking the scores to nip oh you're Canadian well you the Deputy Prime Minister has visited the disaster zone and has met with some of the survivors he has reassured the public that everything is being done by the government - it's okay is it possible that this storm could change its course if we did see the storm change its current course and a severe rise in sea level there could be extensive flooding down the east coast of England damage estimate last time we saw something Seminoles 1953 a storm that hit East Anglia in candy island kill 300 people on land another 200 of C nearly that surge was a body of water four meters high and the size of Ireland that's a pretty serious worst-case scenario present we know that this storm is heading out to sea experience suggests it would be pointless to cause further and unnecessary alarm at this stage with more time Deputy Prime Minister with more data we can build a better picture price so tell me how the hell am I gonna reassure the public Sam Orson is everything updates change to the regular maintenance program our in-house guys inspect all year round there's a test closure every month at least one gates is operated every day without fail each knuckle test pleasures are started any weather-related closures 21 in the last year in the 1980s we were averaging maybe one a year but stannis rising sea-levels on particular weather patterns exactly Frank can I get a minute alone with Rob true look the flowers a bit of a surprise I just got a call from in it oh yeah there's been a car accident something to do with the storm it's tell me so right sir is he alright Oh [Music] ma come B come abuse mistake [Music] he's call me away [Music] this is negative but they don't send him there I put a rod in the Parthenon stone you know do you think they're gonna bite her his wife and kids Quezada [Music] Stephen Thanks does the Prime Minister have any plans to cancel his tour of the Commonwealth return home here to deal with this crisis well the situation is fully under control of course but yes the Prime Minister will be flying home from Sydney week apart he's very keen to be here for and with the British public at this time why was there no warning well you know just at this present time we're concentrating on managing the situation but someone must be responsible with respect assigning blame at this point of time is really not very constructive these latest figures from the Met Office indicate that the storm is heading eastwards out into the North Sea the danger is past well yes yes I am very pleased to be able to say that the indicators at the present time sure that our coastline is no longer under threat [Music] right there you are next time let me know what's coming on I was worried to think about you I've been trying mom all morning and she's not picking up there's been this storm in width did you know dad I'm sorry look there's been a lot of damage up in wick yeah and your mum and gran no one's been able to trace them yet but there are people out there they're looking for them it's just a lot of confusion and then panic at the moment and and I don't know that they've got lost in a mayhem okay there's a gentleman in reception I explained you were busy but he won't take no for an answer he's insisting on seeing you yeah he's his name's Leonard Morrison excuse me Sam sorry that's probably yes no it's fine I know okay if you're here because the father yeah yeah he's here he's looking into something for us we have an early closure today this has nothing to do with Rob he's very upset we've just had some terrible news Tony Lombardi was killed this morning Tony what happened he was caught in the storm oh god yes this storm that's why I'm here the impact of the title search understorms we have all the latest readings there is no reason for immediate concern and I'm in touch with the Met Office I just need to access some data here so I can be sure of what we're dealing with I have the utmost respect for your research it inspired me as a student but we do not deal in theory here you of all people know that it'll take five minutes [Music] Oh you're right yeah as many feels good I was heading east towards pollen two hours ago extending straight for us the storm and the surge are dangerous enough but tonight high tide is the highest tide of the year which is why we are closing the barrier my computer model is now predicting that the storm and the surge will reach the mouth of the Thames Estuary at high tide this means that the volume of water moving up river will be massively amplified don't underestimate the barrier it's designed specifically for problems like this not this much water son you know I wouldn't come here spoken with any of your old colleagues at the Environment Agency about this they're not taking my calls you're saying the confluence of storm surge and tide could be catastrophic [Music] let me see the model now we've gotta try and stay positive when she didn't pick her phone up I thought you'd had another fight with her and she switched off me and your mum I mean we both know this hasn't been easy for you you don't understand I spoke to her this morning and it was me I hung up on us and it was stupid and I just wanted to say your mum's a very understanding woman yeah I should know pushed her to the limit enough times and she wouldn't have had a second thought about it really you can tell her when you see her but that you didn't mean it Sean was very inside mister man - Sam Morrison we may have a problem professor Morrison has uncovered some worrying data according to this it looks as though yes ma'am let me get right back to you of course rum [Music] what is an environmental scientist he was chief analyst at the flood hazard research center and sat on a parliamentary Advisory Committee which reported on the siting of the barrier the report he submitted outlined the key floor he reckoned that the barrier was situated in the wrong place and recommended that it be built closer to the mouth of the Thames Estuary closer to the sea basically his concern Center on the fact that under certain tidal conditions the barrier could be overwhelmed get me some Merson again he just turned up he's here about the barrier yeah of course he is look I know that this is really bad timing but I do think we need to listen to what your father has to say I don't care what he has to say if this storm changes direction is that what this is about and I don't don't tell me um storm surge coincides with spring tide and the barrier won't hold am i right yeah I've seen the forecasting on his model it's a very real possibility you still don't get it do you this is an obsession this obsession destroyed our lives he's been run from the very start and he won't accept it even when it meant losing his own family my mother died heartbroken over this what I was doing there [Music] I don't understand but we've lost only to the storm for his sake please just hear your father out I knew Hopkins was the latest position the storm has dramatically altered its course within the last hour it's likely to hit the southeastern coast of England later this afternoon can you be more specific well we're looking at gales of up to 80 miles an hour so I think we should anticipate considerable damage you're all missing the point with respect professor Morrison is it's only an appropriate forum for your theories well four counts from the Met Office in the Environment Agency haven't be very accurate so far have they sorry professor please continue assuming no change in wind conditions my figures indicate that this storm and the tidal surge traveling with it will reach southeast England and the Thames Estuary at high tide what does that mean the combined volume of water will overwhelm the thames barrier so but are you saying that central London is now a risk I'm afraid I am my most conservative estimate is that the barrier will be able topped by 4 meters and I'm not talking here about a single wave this is an event that could last for hours - which areas of most at risk the design includes the Docklands Light Railway 68 underground stations 30 mainline stations as you will see there are three world heritage sites at risk eight power stations dozens of museums and art galleries and of course your location in Whitehall and what does this mean in terms of population 16 hospitals 400 schools approximately one and a half million people either live or work within the flood danger sir how long have we got figures I've received from the Met Office indicate that the storm will reach the Thames Estuary three hours from now do you count that seven o'clock this evening why didn't anyone see this coming what somebody did we need to initiate evacuation protocol immediately the longer we delay the decision to evacuate the greater the risk of there being substantial casualties sir do it [Music] problem thanks for in there Wow looks like you were right I'm sorry I didn't believe you [Music] coming back it off now we're back every penny all right if anybody hi Kate now listen I want you to do something for me now don't ask questions just just listen get in the car take the family and get as far away from London's you can I want you to drive as fast as you possibly can gonna look dad dad's here with me at the barrier don't ask question just do what I'm saying Kate listen listen dad was right all along yeah your boy [Music] ha [Music] would you track down the ghosts they should be leaving the cinema about now hey make sure you call her - mom it was my understanding the emergency services would receive at least 12 hours clear warning of a major flood alert and we've had barely three what the hell have you people been doing when this gets out there's going to be panic on an unprecedented scale we have less than three hours before the surge hits the barrier how long can we keep the underground running we'll have to clear the lines an hour before the water hits but that only gives us two hours was less to clear the tunnels by 6:20 London Underground are gonna have to start withdrawing surfaces around five o'clock hey impossible that's barely enough for now Russia will have already started looking trains have to be run out to depose staff pulls stations closed your trains means we're shifting fewer passengers once word gets out stations will fill with people trying to get out of London trains that do manage to get through are gonna be full before they even reach most platforms [Music] no you guys definitely they start breeding [Music] all major activists and gridlock within 40 minutes of a major public alert and so all under the airports posting media to be put under military jurisdiction we need to issue the public with instructions they need to be told to get themselves to high ground wherever possible we need to move as many people as possible to the safety points the problem is they won't know where they are they won't even recognize the sound of the evacuation sirens because we haven't had time to get that information out so we need media cooperation it'll be critical otherwise we're looking at hundreds of thousands being left stranded in the flood zone right I'm declaring a state of emergency management committee Cobra London government advice [Applause] [Music] i ground wherever possible [Music] initially placated closure now right away [Applause] [Music] tell Frank I'm heading down to machine [Music] come on bill we're all here yeah okay okay so what we're doing right down to the lower compris I've got changing circles oh I have to brief the Prime Minister so I need a status update barriers initiated closure and evacuation procedures have been activated sir no population movement on this scale in this time frame has ever been attempted we're dealing with millions of people [Applause] [Applause] [Music] suppose between the gate with cells reduced to 75 millimeters for right on time I couldn't get to just a spoke in terms only we have to get these people of a colleague's moving on Frankie the boys are refusing to go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's gonna be at least 45 minutes this came in a few moments ago [Applause] Suffolk coast half an hour ago [Music] prioritize the schools [Music] nearly there come on let me go then we're gonna go on to fine we do work if I see up here I know boss don't look at these title games because [Music] put me through the commissioner nasha cover and I'm Sam ma'am we've just received some new information sighs and it's traveling up the estuary at a height of four to six meters how long have we got sir had all video feeds from the barrier through to us immediately yes ma'am sir [Music] Oh Sam you say we drop heavy track no time to argue we need to relocate now [Music] [Music] around [Music] [Music] hurry up we have a good time we have to go out [Music] [Music] I think we should walk I know you're frightened sweetheart please we need to get to high ground and we will okay I'm not gonna get anywhere fast by walking so let's just sit tight okay come on Zack who are coming in here mate what about it it can't be right what do you think of your age son oh hey relax this eight meters of Earth and rock between us than the river I think you're safe here I'll be here if you want job done can we go now hello control hello control nothing in the works around here yet no give Jamie a kiss for me I'll see you before soon [Applause] anything on the girls I left messages on my poems with all the numbers here they'll be parts through two as a matter of priority the moment they call get me an update on the hospital and school situation as soon as you can Baxter he hangs off a tower like that it will just hang there all day I'm telling you girl why do those things coming up there how does it pass for pedigree oh yeah series I hear that no I don't hear anything right exactly I don't control come in control we need to get to a phone Funai wants going home I need to see what's happening out there I need a chest [Music] okay you're Monica look baby Stein here we're gonna do it let's go let's go [Music] you know we're gonna do trust me we're gonna be all right [Music] what [Music] this is supposed to be incent plug-and-play we're almost there mom we've got it [Music] Jesus and completely other wealth barson was right [Music] can you get any closer than that when I come to start switch to night vision it's professor Morrison we need that man here ASAP pizza you sure we have time for more theory all our protocols have failed us no one on the planet knows more about storm surges than professor Morrison you know that he forecast this years ago he said the barrier will be overwhelmed he's the only one who can tell us know if we have the chance to stop this let's get a pen the Deputy Prime Minister all military aircraft and committed elsewhere well then requisition a civilian one top priority Martin what happenings I want their barrier signal back up we need to see what's happening out there [Applause] so we've got it good mom mom you need to see this the rescue helicopter is needed - thanks [Music] governor there's a rescue boat I think we found you astray yeah I get the figures over to you right get the number of their like use of the safety points have it of p.m. right we'll do some Deputy Prime Minister they found Morrison right so you really think he can make a difference now he's our best bet Benny cover to set to rescue full we're on the way mr. pizer I'm sorry I beg you we're on the orders to get you to Cobra without delay [Applause] [Applause] I'm gonna let you go I need the latest about figures from Tilbury to London Bridge Johnson where are we with the underground closures evacuated most of the tube stations and the immediate dangers are now a clearing DLR stations around Canary Wharf how much longer people are working as fast as I can I need time to get them out - all right give me updates every 10 minutes and I need to know what's happening on the roads we terry's a gridlocked on which a care of were to get people to the safety points [Music] [Applause] this is the old transformer for the Northern Line but Uli's a phone in here to the top of theirs if we can't get out that way Oh later there's a pattern forming there bill place bullies know namely you might want to see someone about that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] did the state gun I got the gun otherwise my diploma filling a barrel your wife's on the phone from France and prakruti I call back as soon as I can yogi Commissioner Commissioner how do we stand at the moment well server up against it scared of this thing is even you organs can't compare [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I'm really concerned about the security situation now signing this will give the military certain powers limited powers to overrule civil authorities during this current state of emergency what I must retain authority to coordinate air rescue I need to get thousands of civilians to safety points and I can't do that without military assistance all transporters all vehicles must remain under Cobras command we're more than willing to work the Cobra mom but I have to ensure the security of all rescue personnel buildings government property of course with respect everything including security concerns must remain none of the control of Cobra and Commissioner Nash is to be given full military cooperation in accordance with the gree protocol I'm not trying to change procedure sir but if civilian unrest does get out of hand I have to be able to react accordingly yes but cooperation is what's needed if we're to save lives and you work under Cobra in all areas of the evacuation reporting to Commissioner Marsh is that a free major-general yes sir where's my liaison officer behind your mouth [Music] till it's locked then they come on I am having serious second thoughts about all this young lad like me stuck on the ground with a bloke mom what it seems the girls left he'll message early and the confusion Whedon guttered they meet new friends and intern it could be anyway I'll keep trying to get route what do you think's happening [Music] hurts me this is officially my hundredth message give me a call down in whenever you can [Music] okay we're gonna try stay warm s'alright s'alright we can't go back we can't get here it deployed some boyfriend we go there we can make fun site with coca don't know what's happened to the barrier the figures were - we've got if you maybe we're not to get off of this boat we need another boat [Music] [Applause] later survivors because status report and royal family they've been safely removed to Balmoral alright bullet points please we need to look at the timescale we're working to Mum there's no sign of slow down the momentum of the surge itself is enough to keep the water coming but there's no let-up in the wind in the rain that's just adding to the problem the met storm forecast led us down completely is the state of reliable an event on this scale is practically unheard of this is the thousand-year storm this latest data feed is as accurate as can be yeah but I need to know what further collateral damage we can expect if the surge maintains its current momentum we have harden Oh an hour before most of central London is underwater - it must what can be achieved in two hours no matter how fast we work we're not gonna get everyone out so we should concentrate our efforts on the key evacuation areas in the southwest we should deploy the bulk of our troops than any available emergency service personnel here agreed but we'll be abandoning this entire corridor of people in the southeast bones illusion given the speed this thing moving we we have no choice we have to prioritize focus on the Southwest mr. Poole right next edge will brief in 15 minutes the next press conference is a doleful just movie too late [Music] [Music] a large fun go something on this junk so far we're estimating that we managed to clear about half a million people living in the photo number of those still trapped awaiting rescue yeah Uncle Phil mother you know the rescue phase to be a hundred times more difficult given the time we have I'm having to move my guys to fill at the post because of road closures all of which is losing a small time yes with transport let's see what we can do to speed up the movement of rescue personnel [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Commissioner we have to shut down the gas and electricity mames in Deptford Carrington Camberwell in Burma hospitals can only run so long on backup Gennie's and we're a long way from having them all evacuated it's that we could have another Fire of London on our hands the heavy flooding at Tower Hill on a most of the main roads into the city the Mumper major routes out are now unusable most of the bridges are currently gridlocked the links between South London and the north have been effectively severed yeas with major general Ashcroft you see if any of the military carriers can get through is crucial that we don't leave these areas in the south cut off from support what's happening with the railway stations Oh doctor my row is clear now good work and your staff everyone's out Oh training me there dronov ever heard [Applause] yeah why is it definitely what is it we gonna go Commissioner what's happening the high risk facilities prisons care homes hospitals Richardson could you pull up the hospitals please hospitals were being cleared sir except some Thomas from trouble am afraid was fallen badly behind schedule simply isn't time now to get to ground transportation in there for the chronically OH [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how could anyone survive do we know yet how many people didn't get up late his estimate is 200 thousand sir [Music] this is our only hope there's no way we can predict what's gonna happen police to do bodies award to come together by authority to destroy the barrier [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
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Id: 3pyCuOByu4o
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Length: 97min 33sec (5853 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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