San Andreas Quake | Full Action Adventure Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what the hell was that what what was that [Music] molly what did you do relax it was just it was just happening this time look i made a crater you have to come see this i layered the sediment it's 4 30 in the morning i swear i have neighbors why are you doing this now for geology it's due tomorrow or today in like three and a half hours actually i have to get up in the morning remember that i swear please just one time i'm begging you just let me sleep through the night there's gas lines and water lines down there i check you can't just randomly do stuff like this i checked what i got the utilities come out yesterday in mark and he did a survey ending mark look i'm not stupid and how much did that cost i they spread it out over the bills look i just it just took me a lot longer than i planned a lot longer and all right i'm up now show me what you're doing professor i wanted to recreate craters from volcanic eruptions and i had to do it here because the sedimentary deposits are exactly i've just made a baking soda volcano well as sad as i know what makes your dad i'm not in third grade anymore oh thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys uh okay it looks like we'll be out of cell range till monday at least most of the san andreas fault is pretty much in the boonies we're up near paso robles uh putting in the next set of sensors and if all goes well we'll have them all in by tomorrow evening and i cannot wait to come home i've missed you both so good night bye molly molly where are you oh another all-nighter huh science doesn't sleep but normal people do i did i just got up early done yes ah it was just a bad power supply all 19 sensors are up and running perfectly make you some eggs oh no no no i made breakfast wait what since when since i thought it would melt the ice storm with miss you know who i thought we could all eat together oh that's sweet but i told you i'm taking up a couple of lovebirds at 8 o'clock this morning i only got a couple of minutes what when last night and you're fussing with your ipad shoot maybe i should have sent you a text message no it's okay i'm sorry i've been distracted and working a little too hard no look i'm sorry i'm just getting really close these swarms you know we've had 12 minor m1 quakes in the last 72 hours something's up something big i don't feel like i have any time to waste well i'm sure you'll figure it out i know you will at least let me get you some toast oh you like yours well done right perfect is allie awake i made her favorites french toast with mascarpone and turkey sausage you know how to make all that no but there's these wonderful little books that i found with step-by-step instructions cooking books i think that's what you're calling she'll come around i hope so eventually stepmoms are no competition for the influence of a new boyfriend i figure when that relationship ends and i hope soon that she'll turn to me again and i can convince her to go back to school [Music] morning ali i made you breakfast dad molly really thanks but i got it right but it's french toast with mascarpone i'm trying to watch how to eat all that sugar and carbs oh please you're a rail i got a jet anyway you know how long it takes to get from rosemary to downtown why do we even live here because rosemead sits on a giant slab of granite and that's exactly where you want to be when an earthquake strikes well it's not where you want to be when you're 18. well why don't you have your boyfriend over here we can all have dinner there's no boy see you later dad you think your passengers want breakfast plenty put in the fridge i'll have it for dinner and for one day try to not think of earthquakes a series of minor tumblers causes jitters throughout the southland two dozen tiny earthquakes registering 1.0 on the richter scale or lower has seismatologists scratching their heads this morning while the string of templars seems to have gone largely unnoticed for most los angeles we'll check in with tiffy santos at venice beach and your weather report from cavs okay now with this final piece in place all 19 sensors along the entire fault line are going to start pinging each other and the system is going to crunch that data and send me back reports and when we take all the data streams from all the sensors we get this danny hold on to your butts each sensor monitors microseismic activity and that's the changing ratio between shear waves and pressure waves within a 50 mile radius real-time monitoring that's nothing new no not just real-time monitoring predictive extrapolations for all micro quick activities along the entire san andreas fault see these white circles they're micro quakes can anyone tell me the importance of the micro quake well they're important because because some theorize they can be good predictors for force shocks or even quakes themselves and if we were in the business of predicting earthquakes the micro quake would be our best source of data but it can't be done because it's not possible what can't predicting quakes well that might be true but i happen to believe that it can be yeah and how that worked out for you in 2008 well someone's done their homework for once yes i was wrong i guess you could say i acted before i had all the data i was hasty but this is different here's the catch see these white circles they're micro quakes and they haven't happened yet but i will bet you dollars to donuts they will and in an hour's time to be specific and in predicting the micro quake we can further extrapolate that data into exponentially bigger more timely predictions i don't buy it and that's all the time we have for today come get your graded field reports really good job everybody and if you have any questions i'll be in the campus cafe okay all right come on ah show me something good i deserve an a what i need it i could lose my scholarship you should have studied more i'm trying okay but do you know how many classes i have how much i have to read i'm working all the time a students make the time i have a problem with know-it-all students who show a lot of promise and squander it all away on girls and drinking i know your type you read on the road once and suddenly you have all the answers i'm not seeing a lot of girls i might just be a teacher but i hear all the gossip and that's great you should be having fun but just because you're smart nick and you really are i can see what you're capable of when you actually try but it doesn't mean you don't have to do the work excuse me hey hey you okay yeah i'm fine just a student same old same old anywhere from ali on her first day at the front desk you know ali she's probably running that hotel by now she can fit for herself too true you taking off yet oh gassing up right now hey how was the field trip it's fine except for the aforementioned student brought up 2008 oh forget 2008. remember that edison failed like 10 000 times before i invented the light bulb right you mean before you stole it and patented the idea i'm just nervous i'm waiting on some data to come in oh my god what is it oh my god what's going on oh my god hank molly tell me what's happening it's working it's really really working heck oh my god what is the micro quakes that i predicted the pressure the velocity the slip you name it it's happening that that's that's great right oh my god i'm gonna have to call you back i gotta call that smug sob over at caltech i love you i love you too yeah go go go i'll talk to you later bye professor dunn yeah look at that those green dots confirmed predictions that's 45 to 63 minutes in advance that's incredible it's more than incredible it's oh no oh i was right about the swarm something's up what look it's big and it's close you're saying that's gonna hit in two minutes the micro quakes this system had 97.7 accuracy in predicting them [Music] oh we've got to get everybody out are you sure i mean where are you getting this confirmation data from yes i'm sure straight from the usgs have you checked the raw data yet miss we have to get everyone out of the restaurant huh we are about to have an earthquake okay and to my manager about look professor don i'm sure everything's gonna be okay all right just nothing to worry about [Music] oh i said i don't have a gun no no no he doesn't have a weapon he's behind your back cold red cole red cabbage cafe no sir sir i'm sorry he does not have a weapon really i made a mistake he doesn't have a weapon i made a mistake you're clean yeah confirm for me man there's no one with a weapon no no one with a weapon no one with a weapon i'm sorry cancel code red false alarm i repeat false alarm sir i'm sorry i was just trying to get everyone out okay we don't joke about this at all you know how much paperwork i got to fill out [Music] i thought i thought there was we can't just run into a building in the middle of a quaint you okay yeah i'm fine thanks [Music] it's gorgeous but it's a lot different from iowa huh yeah well roy's never seen the ocean i was in the army so i've seen a lot but not much was this breathtaking look at those boulders does that happen a lot whoa control this is belfort delta chas i'm witnessing a major rock slide event east of point magoo man it's taking down houses and high tension wires possible injuries notify emergency services immediately oh my god roger that bell 412 we're on it that's an earthquake we're getting shook up pretty good down here sit tight up there for a moment we're suggesting a reroute over to malibu creek over roger that control excuse me guys i need to make a quick call ali it's dad are you okay [Music] what are you so happy about 4.7 magnitude i was dead on i mean off by a minute but hell close enough hank are you okay i was gonna ask you the same thing we could see the shaking from up here are you okay yeah how's ellie he's fine i just talked to her actually everything's great my system gave me over three minutes warning i was able to get everyone to safety before it struck thank goodness so much for no earthquakes today huh all right tell me about it how'd your body take it oh my god i haven't even called him yet everything happened so fast well make sure you be careful all right [Music] hank hank oh my god we've got to get ali and get out of town what are you talking about all the data from the sensors confirm it this is it the big one's coming today shaken but not stirred a 4.0 tumbler off the malibu coast or what los angeles residents call wednesday good afternoon everyone i'm ron yance and this is a 10 action news special report residents in malibu and parts of pacific palisades today are reporting moderate damage and no injuries a hundred years old i thought this place was new how can that be safe sir i assure you the hotel has been retrofitted for earthquakes i know it looks threadbare right now but we do plan to refurbish next year no no i need a lower room at least near an exit i always said the first time arnie and i kissed the earth moved glad to see we haven't lost our touch so that was your fault well no more please i see you had a productive time shopping that's a beautiful necklace oh you're a deer rubies are for the 40th but i prefer diamonds i don't usually shop like this but it is our anniversary judy calls that's right you told us that is so wonderful oh you know we shared our first kiss right over there it was blue crushed damask then but fashions change anyways would you please hold our bags while we go have a quick bite absolutely never go to bed angry that's the secret yeah you two would make a cute couple i'm hungry don't wait too long let's go just a quick bite back soon take your time oh we'd make such a cute couple what would your boyfriend say what would yours say four-way uh come at me a minute it's the stepmom she probably has just freaked out that quake really he can help you sir molly i'm fine we barely felt it downtown good but now you're going to have to leave work things are going to get really bad what no we are getting out of town now not this again i will pay you one thousand dollars to get out of there now i will say another word about your boyfriend whoever he is listen to me this is going to be a ten point oh the hotel has only been retrofitted for up to an 8.0 alley downtown is a seismic amplification corridor it will be destroyed the lady from caltech is on tv right now she says it's nothing to worry about more thoroughly hello ali are you listening ellie hank hello hank i'm here the call must have dropped i'll try her again wait wait what if the sales go down what should we do what molly can you hear me we've got to get out of here this is going to be exponentially bigger than what we just felt the entire grid is going to fall really i'm going to go get her no wait i'll get her you won't have enough time to get out of the city okay molly can you hear me listen honey i don't have enough time or fuel to get you and her get ali i'll see you there meet us on top of her building that's just what i was gonna say i was thinking the same thing in 80 minutes no later hank molly molly hank holy [ __ ] little detour folks we're gonna have to stop and get some gas [ __ ] hank you better get there now you better stay put good afternoon everyone i'm ron yance and this is 10 action news bringing you the latest on the earthquake activity we've got our team live at the usgs facilities and from what we understand they are about to start their news conference at any minute okay here we go we estimated to be a 5.1 earthquake with an epicenter in malibu in all likelihood there will be minor aftershocks do you have a phone a landline is it local it's an emergency our seismologists will be reviewing the data more thoroughly but at this time we estimate it to be caltech geological survey this is chet it's molly dunn oh hey molly you okay i heard that last quake hit a little close to you yeah i'm fine cell towers are going down and i don't know the next time i'll be able to get to a landline or how long they'll last so you have to listen to me we have got to enact a level 4 evac this is going to be big upwards of an m10 chat molly molly please my system works chat it knew about malibu four minutes before it happened molly and now i'm showing no fewer than 18 right lateral strike slip warnings on 19 of my units up and down all 800 miles of the san andreas chat yeah in 2008 you said the same thing only it turned out to be dune buggies and high wind that was eight million lines of code chet your code these are new rigs new code and it's working a level four evac molly do you have any idea what i'd have to do will you just look at my data [Music] all please fine send it over to me i'll take a look at it i did check your inbox we have got to pull the trigger on this evac protocol you want me to evacuate 13 million people because your science project made a look at guess that's not good science it's an m10 chat listen to me i gotta go there will be minor aftershocks but if any do occur the frequency of these events should taper off quickly [Music] oh no no no professor don nick i'm sorry about earlier and i'm sorry about the grade but i really don't have time for this right now how's ally huh ally is she okay yeah she's fine i can't get a hold of her did she leave the hotel yet she's so stubborn you're ally's boyfriend i wanted to be upfront about it she made me swear not to tell she said you disapprove yeah she's right excuse me are you gonna go get her i am you need a car right yes i will we can use mine we or i can go on my own if you think you can get there before me be my guest all right where's your car over here oh you can't be serious she'll get us there [Music] all right take pch we should stay off the elevated freeways [Music] oh yeah just go [Music] lobby looks good i say no damage here not even a crack meet me in the ballroom uh that was uh quite a little shaker we had there um is everything looking okay i mean yeah that's actually pretty old it's nothing new everything's checking out fine [Music] oh the technology today when i was a kid it was a real luxury to have your picture taken i've had more pictures taken in the last five years than my entire life say cheese you'll send that to us of course oh is dear mr dittman around no at a conference but i'm sure he'll be happy to see you tomorrow wonderful i'll radio you in the dim sums here okay is this thing safe so soon after a quake sure thing it's been retrofitted up to an 8.0 all right well too out of shape to take the stairs in all right 14th floor i hope this thing can make it oh it's perfectly safe okay uh hank ally uh i've tried calling and texting and this is the only other way i could think to get a message to you both 2000 hideous fake metal palm trees disguises cell towers all over the entire los angeles area and i can't even make a single phone call all right well here's the plan i'm coming downtown allie i know about nick and he's with me we're coming to get you we just caught a glimpse from up high of the entire san gabriel basin and there are fires and smoke and helicopters angry people panicked ali if you're getting this please just stay put stay in the hotel it looks like the duration between four shocks is decreasing which means that the big big one might actually hit sooner than my prediction model suggested i can't be sure until i get some sort of gps or cellular to cross-reference the seismic or the geological data from all the sources on and off the continent but forget about all that just stay put ali if you're getting this stay put we're coming to get you it is getting very crazy out here [Music] according to this we're about to have another minor trembler what's minor m3 or four we might not even feel it though in a movie [Music] ah [Music] ugh are you okay [Music] oh man i told you so i knew it i'm sorry um all right get me out of here don't worry and don't worry this contraption has lasted a hundred years that means it's it's strong not weak oh ah are you okay mr munson oh oh what's wrong sweetheart where's your medication thanks that where do you sing oh he left his medicine on the nightstick why would you leave it there oh hello anyone there jackson oh god please get this door open please [Music] malibu aviation this is belfort delta jazz requesting landing we've been rerouted due to the earthquake roger that bell floor affirmative be advised it's chaotic down here proceed with caution minor tremors well the date is hitting me in fragments okay the entire infrastructure must be hosed i'm missing some packets maybe if we're lucky we'll get some a data signal or wi-fi or something oh good i could use a latte what are we gonna do look at the bright side i can't believe this is happening how are we gonna get downtown damn it not my baby can you fix it she's not going anywhere what are we gonna do now [Music] i got us covered wow girl really what are you doing this man was my baby you remember your first caller no you remember your first car no come on let's go uh ali said that about you what nothing let me just grab well please hurry oh my god kerouac really oh what was that nothing let's go i gave her this which one you think if we're going to steal a car well if you're right there's not gonna be a car left anyways what if the owners need it more than we need it this one's unlocked last thing we need is a lacerated wrist think before you act please yeah yeah you know if you're trying to convince me you're a good influence on my stepdaughter it's not working look i'm not trying to convince you of anything all right [Music] help me anyone we're in the elevator sweetheart sweetheart look at me look at me you're going to be all right cough cough it helps cough take deep breaths arnold arny please don't leave me please stay with me [Music] sir sir hand me my purse please i think there's some aspirin in it i think it could help let me call you sweetheart i'm in love with you damn it the network is completely down i have no idea how that activity affected the prediction model take canyon road canyon road that'll take forever you think the freeways are going to be any faster i just want you to know i'm not seeing any other girls i thought you weren't trying to convince me i'm committed to ally well if you were so committed to her why did you convince her to drop out of school what made you think that was my idea and that tattoo i bet that was your idea as well god you really don't know ally do you look she dropped out of college on her own okay it was holding her back she wants to be an event planner not a biology major obviously i'm all for college that's why i'm there i need it but she doesn't she can blaze her own trail thank you jack kerouac [Music] stop the car what's wrong the bridge is closed what if they closed it because of the earthquake oh look at the cracks should i turn around no we don't have time we're just gonna have to drive across it carefully you wanna go over it carefully like that's gonna make us any lighter just drive down the middle slowly ah okay we're okay no no stop slow down okay go get out of the way i've got a weak data signal of course 96 chance of an m54 shot well any minute come on come on okay okay we're off the bridge come on [Music] get off the bridge leave the truck come on yeah he's burned up please help me help me help he's me we gotta go we've gotta go he'll be all right we should have to get him to arsenal okay welcome back folks i'm ron yance and we're bringing you everything we know so far about the series of earthquakes that have struck the greater los angeles area this afternoon starting with the 4.0 magnitude quake off the coast of malibu now here's what we know so far authorities are attempting to dig out residents in four residential blocks near the intersection of temescal canyon road and pacific coast highway approximately 24 to 25 homes have been destroyed by landslides in what can only be called a massive avalanche that's an earthquake i'm under the tape folks please everybody head for cover everyone be safe this is seriously oh this is not good [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me excuse me sir dr michaels you are not going to believe this i've been asking for aftershock activity since am not worst case scenario sir wait a minute yes but what are these notes well that's the activity today that bear that's the 5.0 from 30 minutes ago right this is my dunce prediction data it's a confirmation of slip strike events so it's a near perfect match with the recorded live data the readings they're going well into tonight and they're topping over an m10 and you've cross-checked all this three times so did jenkins sir those are not aftershocks henry give me the governor's office [Music] okay for those of you now just joining us a general evacuation order has been issued for the entire city of los angeles now this includes all of the outlying areas i repeat a general evacuation order has been issued for the entire city of los angeles and all of its outlying areas the evacuation is mandatory the magnitude of the next quake is expected to exceed the tolerance levels of most if not all of the area's infrastructure now we do have confirmed estimates out of the united states geological survey putting the expected quake at a 10.0 an evacuation order has been issued for all of southern california since we're still paying for this we need you to take us to pasadena what no pasadena is not going to be any safer no to get our baby hey look i got my own wife and kid to worry about they're relying on me you said they were downtown and this is on the way actually it's not from malibu first is downtown then pasadena but we have a signed agreement as soon as we fill up the chopper we'll take this is our charter look lady you heard a force major this is about as force majority as you can guess hold on look honey we'll be okay [Music] hey fella i'm glad to see you we need to rent a chopper sorry man everything's gone as soon as i swap out the starter i'm out of here i wish i could help you but only a two-seater come on there's got to be something we can rent anything what about that one please sir that old relic i won't get it two feet off the ground without a new rotor pin can't you please fix it for us look i got to get out of here all right they're saying this whole valley be underwater by the time this quake hits look i'm begging you my wife and daughter are depending on me sorry man it's every man for himself five thousand what i will pay you five thousand bucks to fix it i i don't know i'd have to weld a makeshif i'm not sure ten thousand uh [Music] i will do my best no promises on one condition we get my baby first [Music] okay listen um we have tried a couple of different routes and they are no good hank if you can see a route and get a text out to us anything we sure would appreciate it um we're gonna keep trying i'll see you soon [Music] allie jackson yeah oh hello get me out of here thank god open the door what do you think i'm doing help me pry this door open oh thank god i have to get to the room and get medication he's having a heart attack help them room 1333 nitroglycerin on the bed stand hurry sir could you give me a hand we do have confirmed estimates out of the united states geological survey putting the expected quake at a 10.0 in approximately 90 minutes an evacuation order [Applause] [Music] i didn't know which one i have to help gary with something on the third floor some kind of injury i'll be on walking breathe breathe just relax the san andreas fault line i repeat a general evacuation order has been issued for the entire city of los angeles and all of its outlying areas evacuation is strongly urged as the magnitude of this quake evacuation level we've got to get out of here you said this place can handle an 8.0 we i just got word the national guard wants us all on an evacuation bus in 30 minutes they can only fit like 100 people okay we're coming 100 we gotta hurry we'll make it i promise you we'll make it i i i just can't take that chance please fine but if we don't make it on that bus there's gonna be hell to pay come on who can predict earthquakes anyway my stepmom actually [Music] [Music] good calling zoo drive the freeway looks packed well you're right about canyon road yeah collapsing bridge aside oh where are we it's a shortcut through griffith park behind the zoo i hate to admit it but i'm really glad you came along wow ellie never listens to me if you think she listens to everything i say you got another thing coming and she just crosses her arms and says fine and then does whatever she was doing anyways oh yeah i get that followed by a slam door oh i had that you know i signed her up for self-defense classes i told her new york to be a dangerous place huh wait what she said she was gonna tell you [Music] you're moving to new york not right away after i graduate why because we want to live there and you're taking my stepdaughter with you i'm not taking her okay we want to live together no way absolutely not okay for starters she's gonna go back to school and get a degree event planner or not okay because this is completely ridiculous look nothing's set in stone what the heck was that i don't know i barely saw it hopefully don't tell me that i was human maybe there's a dog that's just as bad oh my god oh my god it's a baby hippo it's alive [Music] um ah wait wait drive drive drive yeah definitely not dead yeah i figured must have escaped from the zoo huh the animals can feel it coming this is gonna be bigger than anything we've ever seen we might not make it out you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm edna edna lowenstein uh kaplan miles kaplan oh well miles thank you so much consider this your good deed for the day ah well no good deed goes unpunished as they say it's my anniversary if this is how much the earth moves on our 40th think of what it will do in our 50s sir could you help us we have a sick man hey hey okay maybe we should pick up the pace a little bit huh yeah [Music] all right come on come on [Music] good afternoon everyone i'm ron yance and this is 10 action news with the latest on really the only way to describe this situation now is a swarm of earthquakes a swarm of ever more violent ever more stronger earthquakes i just don't know how else to put it we're doing our best to keep our broadcast on the air for you now we've just had to switch over to our diesel generators for those of you just joining us an evacuation order has been issued for all of us i think we're the only idiots driving into town routes going into the downtown area have been blocked by the national guard and both sides of the 10 freeway are now flowing east everyone is urged to get out and get out now oh please let her be all right she will be the mta has announced the suspension of all subway services but buses are taking people east of the san andreas fault line i repeat a general evacuation order has been issued for the entire i didn't even know she wanted to be in there at all i feel like i've spent the last six years trying to get to know her and some kid with a rap sheet comes along she just spills her guts it's part of being a parent i guess your mother know you my mom probably assumes i'm in jail and my dad is m.i.a my mom kind of just checked out so i hooked up with a tough crowd i didn't know that that's why i've sunk everything into college just hoping i can turn everything around you know i can't change a grade because of the sob story though i'm not asking for that okay i'm just asking that you treat me like i'm someone that belongs there like i'm some loser that just walked into class really think i care so much about a grade if i wasn't being serious okay if the college is still standing after all this you've got a deal and same thing with ally okay i won't lie i put up the numbers don't need to hear that look she's exactly what i need okay i want to be the guy she deserves that's what drives me that's sweet but just so you know she's my daughter and i don't care much what she does for you i care what you do for her please stop whoa whoa whoa stop please no oh nick i don't think we should stop nick please we don't have much time left to get to ally everything okay i am so sorry to stop you like that but no one will stop i tried calling triple a and all you get is this recording saying that nobody's available okay so you got some card troubles all right we got a giraffe trample over our car we got to go all right let's get you out of here why are you guys heading that way you got to get out my girlfriend's downtown oh honey you're never going to make that well we got to try no no no no no you got to listen to me why are you heading up down your mouth you gotta get about a hundred thousand can you start the car for me please okay you can turn it off yeah i can't fix this no no no no no no no no no no it's cool we got room in our car you can come with us we don't have time to go downtown please there's roadblocks it's suicide we gotta try okay we got the room you can come along i'm sorry i'm sorry we have to get out now god damn it my daughter is all i've got and we don't have time to go downtown i have to get my baby out so let's go i got to save my baby too okay i can't leave her we got a helicopter comfortability to get out now have you not been listening to what they have been saying i can't leave her is that your final word [Music] okay you whoever you are i'm going to shoot this nice young man if you don't give me those car keys no mom's oh sarah there are no keys wait i'll hot wired the car oh please what ma'am we are willing to take you oh where are we going it's okay no it's okay all right just just just go get ali that's what's important right now you better not just tell her i love her go come on i will shoot him i mean i'm going to shoot him i made it sarah get the hell out of here i told you to go and i told you we shouldn't have stopped the national guard has closed down all access into downtown los angeles all traffic on the 10 freeway is now eastbound there is no westbound traffic you cannot get to downtown los angeles the governor has declared a state of martial law and anyone caught trying to get into downtown l.a will be arrested [ __ ] they're getting closer what do you mean what are you doing seeing how much time we have left you got a signal a fake data signal [ __ ] my battery i have a backup thanks oh no no damn it no no shh it's no what is it this thing that i want to give to ally she loved it what was it ferdinand who ferdinand stupid duck damn it you okay yeah it's stupid oh this can't be right updated estimate [Music] it's gonna be bigger than we thought it's saying a 12.0 nothing's going to be left so we better get going the quake that hit la earlier today measured at 5.3 according to the united states geological survey that quake was followed by several strong tremors one of them we believe was another quake there was some damage to some buildings and homes but nothing like the one that's about to hit in roughly 60 minutes [Music] oh copy that sir the bus is full what wait is it is there another bus coming i doubt it next best option is the bomb shelter on flower a general evacuation has been given to los angeles in all of the surrounding outlying areas pretty much anyone west of the san andreas fault line must evacuate a major catastrophic earthquake event has been predicted to strike downtown los angeles at any minute [Music] [ __ ] they're detaining people hey you guys can't be here we're evacuating wow we're so close no what do we do what do we do tunnels sewer no prohibition tunnels are you throwing all up and down them they're famous look at where wow okay follow me the entrance is over here life your date is off and it's early crushed alive and [Music] the hotel is about five blocks away i thought it was right under it okay this is crazy are you sure you know your way around down here trust me watch your skin [Music] no going back now anyway let's go wow oh no oh my god what happened i didn't die in the quake there's no sign of trauma you just died what killed him oh same thing that's corroding this penny hydrogen sulfide earthquake must have caused a leak this program must have been just down here working when it got overcome is it explosive very that means we're in big trouble come on [Music] i'm gonna pass out okay come on we've got you help me [Music] hey ali this one's just for you kiddo trying to make it out to you but it's not looking really good at this point so i need you to stay safe stay in that hotel your father's coming to get you it's gonna get you out of there i tell them tell them i helped you i didn't have to help you you told me that we would make it on that fun sir i understand but look it's leaving look i have a life why should i be punished for helping that doesn't make any sense sir i am getting on that bus sir your hands off me sir calm down sir [Music] calm down sir calm down back off you don't get to choose who lives and who dies i was supposed to be on that bus i helped them well if you get to choose land so can i mr kaplan please don't you use me hank i'm just sending this to you because i don't want ally to hear or see this i don't want her to lose hope but i don't want you to lose hope either but things are getting really tight down here and you know i'm not the kind to get cinnamon but i just want you to know [Music] that i love you you big strong [Music] don't you dare say red bunker because that's a stupid joke and i've always hated and then you do all of me saying anyway [Music] but you are my husband my partner my granite rock [Music] good for you every day thank you so much for saving me you have no idea and no matter what happens there's nothing that's going to take away how i feel for you and what you mean to me and if we don't get out of this alive or together just know [Music] [Music] go get our baby [Music] should make it without us we another four shock's coming you're sure 100 little crushes probably [Music] electric blue 1977 chevy chevette that i loved with my whole that was my first call hey um i wake up [Music] he's really a solid guy i think it's safe to say that you would have moved heaven and earth forever ironic choice of worse yes i love ali it could have done a lot worse so you talk about my grade now not changing it i didn't think so ferdinand was our first kid she threw it away or dropped it or something i kept it yeah when she found it i had it she made fun of me but it grew on her and she got sentimental about it little toy stupid i just want to give it to her nick air i think i can see a way out [Music] can we make it out oh no way oh wait i see the way up oh no what there's more gas this way take a deep breath oh we can make it [Music] [Music] that works for dead no no okay i can pick this just let me look for a paper clip or something wait wait wait wait wait you can call this sport come on [Applause] [Music] you have a vehicle i know you do you give me the keys we don't we have specific orders to rendezvous at the bomb shelter i don't believe you downtown l.a is the last place anybody would want to be during a 10.00 now give me the keys mr kaplan i think we should go to the shelter you have a car don't you give me the keys it's too late for that i think going to the shelter no everything is going to come down we have to try it is my turn to get some help gotta get out and get the roof [Music] you get over there mourning you hey get away from her no no get up no i deserve to be on my butt i helped them you don't get the juice oh i helped them no [Music] i can't believe here we have to get out here we have to get to the roof what no the place is going to collapse people listen we got to go the bombshell's two blocks away no way we are talking about an m12 now nothing within miles of this place will be left standing what come with us okay there's a the helicopter on the roof where will be i hope are you serious man i have orders you guys have to come with me and i am telling you that this is your only chance to survive this is insane sir get him up move out all right come on is there room for jackson you fast i ran a 5k fight is he i am so sorry this is laurence but we have to hurry when i see the two of you look at each other your boyfriend huh makes me think of us 40 years ago i'm only going to slow you down [Music] oh damn it there's another snowball at the other side of the building [Music] oh my god you can you just put one hand at a time on the ledge okay come on [Music] oh oh mom i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry um [Music] [Music] need a lift [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] of your eyes i forget myself impatiently drag us down to drowning tears [Music] with every step [Music] beneath the sky we hide to escape ourselves [Music] ourselves is [Music] through the nightlife [Music] is you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 715,199
Rating: 4.6575546 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube
Id: HKGp0R94jx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 40sec (5200 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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