The Day The Earth Stopped | Full Sci-Fi Movie

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[Music] [Music] wow hey [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so let's get this thing open [Music] all right [Music] [Music] all right kids this is home we'll run operations from here three floors hq ground level medical center second control up top get moving looking [Applause] [Music] old south side precinct baby before they built a new one up on the hill communications rooftop oh great jonathan yes yes give me henry not phone man that freaking thing is huge where do you think they're from i have no idea damn say that again now i gotta take a leak okay i was five beers down when i got the call we better hurry man we're gonna get out of here in a minute commander we have a second unidentified craft recorded just prior to the one nearby destination i'm working on it jonathan i need your help on this right away sir what do you have it entered the atmosphere 76 degrees relative to the surface mean velocity of 200 miles per hour do you have point of impact um no you have anything wait i'm picking up a faint magnetic pulse i'm trying to isolate the location that's not right got it we've located the crash in the san gabriel mountain triangulate the position and forward to the mobile okay time is crucial so quick quick sir hopefully it's not somebody's backyard we are prepped and ready to go sir excellent let's load up myron yes sir fine davis you guys take my six you got it i hate to break it to you but pee-pee time's over i'm not kidding man we're getting out of here now you're kidding me right pruitt's gonna rip our heads off man i'm sorry i'm sorry so whatever we run into here we're gonna want alive okay no lead trunks only where the hell is charlie team sir i'm trying to get him on the phone right now [Music] yep [Music] get on it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i took a look inside sir it's empty but it looks like there might be two of them find them [Music] stick away the b team what's the report jonathan three more in london france and moscow what does that bring the total to town is 42 on the ground 42. now 45. need a topographic section 996 954 995 listen son 996 954 996 954 got it what that career okay bravo head south southeast and try to slow it down with the trains push it downstream and i'll intercept charlie team i'm fine i'm trying [Music] stay down hey now so i need some help getting this guy out of the drink i got this i bet you do are you okay were you in an accident here you can put this on if you want come on we'll give you a ride what's the deal i don't know she's not talking she's in shock i think throw her in the back and let's get going no yes sir this is myron uh sea team's gonna rendezvous in about three minutes you're 15 minutes late myron i i realize that sir we um we were momentarily delayed all right all right jonathan yes get her to a local authority right now who is she i don't know ask her myron glad you could make it sorry sir bravo team is down two seats in the craft only one detained okay you two jock up join alpha we need to locate the second ebe [Music] wow [Music] i think we found the other one sir nice work somebody check him got him sam peters is on his way down i want everybody looking sharp give me some scientists i want to know if we have a lock on these machines okay if the creatures aren't talking maybe these robots are [Music] all right [Music] [Music] 666 sir 666. last count you stay crowded i'll feel dead with that yeah the same time that these larger transports appeared on our radar smaller craft entered the atmosphere crashing near the san gabriel mountains on board were two ebe's both are in our custody now there's two of them we have them here yes sir that's the lead pruitt don't bury the lead the first thing out of your mouth should have been there's a creature from another planet being debriefed in room 15a downstairs of course sorry sir i think you should do the examination how the hell will i even know what i'm looking at these things look like us so what are we looking at it's a tough call i mean they're not human he looks human yes he does two arms legs endoskeleton epidermis it's not what they are has he spoken not to me just lays there why not just land in the larger craft i take the risk of that fragile pod in the middle of nowhere didn't you say that you took out a team of your men maybe they aren't as vulnerable as they look for all we know the machines are just a smoke screen for the real threat them well maybe we'll have more luck of the female davis station yourself at holding room one entry only on my order yes sir any communication not that i'm aware of sir hello can you speak talk what can you tell me about those things out there on you didn't travel all this way to say nothing what do you want jesus suppose you know sign language no sir hi jesus need the numbers i i need them contact langley and see what they can find as far as linguistics experts okay sign language symbologists freaking charade professionals whatever they can find gotcha and round up some drawing supplies maybe they can't talk after i debrief here i want to set up with the mail in interrogation one yes sir test those numbers again right there [Music] what's going on we're about to knock on their door [Music] initial tests been unable to penetrate the megaliths even with any known x-ray microwave technology we have detected rhythmic pattern emanating from them broadcast on the lines of a simple fire rhythm what does the signal mean it may be their way to communicate these scientists and the protection of our soldiers are attempting to talk with megaliths using light intervals mathematics through it universal language we intend to say why the hell are you here [Music] [Music] i guess that means they're hostile have any of them attacked yet that weren't provoked nothing 666 quiet they're waiting for something obviously how are you with our two friends downstairs no progress what if the megaliths are looking for them lots of what ifs what if they caused this or if they're warning us how will washington respond full strike possibly nuclear the un's working overtime right now to find its achilles heel what if they're benevolent lots of what-ifs they wouldn't hurt her would they what'd you say your thought patterns are amazingly random attaching the meanings and the sounds has been quite difficult uh commander you might want to come down to the interrogation room he's gonna be happy you're talking who's angelina jolie what angelina jolie ah she's an actress i was just thinking that you look like her what did you say hey what's going on is she reading my mind or something stop clear my mind try to clear my mind but cut that out okay it's freaking me out your world is in trouble joshua we've watched from a great distance and observed that you have become a danger your weaponry is too advanced you have endangered your own planet and have become too big of a threat to others in the future the end is here [Music] but your world can be saved it can save itself if you can show me that there is value in human life the destruction can be stopped prove this to me and there will be a [Music] tomorrow [Music] you should be here in a second you have until the sun is down at the end of this day to find a solution myron she's talking sir excellent where exactly are you from why are you here she said she wants us to show her the value of human life sir or what maybe she should tell you that what is your purpose here what exactly did she tell you you have until the sun is down at the end of this day to find a solution was she actually reading your mind sir prove that human life has value how the hell is supposed to do that take her see that goddamn lion king how can we even be sure that she's being honest with us it could be a ploy to escape i for one i'm gonna need a little more information more questioning exactly she's proven she can talk not just a matter of getting the answers plus if she can talk they both can talk i think we work on the man immediately maybe she cares about him we can use that to get her to tell us what we need to know that's a good point you know sure let's interrogate them individually and then we'll try a group session okay sir i believe her it's not that simple well the farthest thing she's asking to experience is continuing to be locked up here subjected to it she's dangerous myron you're forgetting that because the face she's wearing don't you remember how she defended herself at the crash site i think she's gandhi with powers like that at least we have to keep trying we need to figure out a way of showing her how valuable life is inside this facility and she's never going outside these walls [Music] [Music] hey you're gonna have to talk to these guys what's your name it's difficult to say in your language the closest word would probably be skye skye okay myron give us some privacy [Music] yes sir all right we tried this the easy way [Music] let's give her a nice full dose [Music] it's dangerous deliver the injection [Music] enough [Applause] stop it you are relieved of bullying comfort in the chair [Music] as far as we can tell they use the surrounding energy to defend themselves administering a counter-current of electricity will disable the ability fighting fire with fire exactly how long until the pentathlon takes effect a few minutes and what about the girl we shot her up with a sedative she's sleeping like a baby maybe my rent should be present while we question her if he seems to have formed an attachment josh meyer is no longer part of the team sir where are you gonna go colorado go see my father at his cabin going awol i was relieved of my duties okay i'm not gonna stick around this place and watch them provoke that thing into a fight here hey take care of your family all right why didn't you speak to us before there are many forms of communication i simply needed to learn yours we speak much differently we for all your technology you've barely stepped out onto the doorstep of this universe we are neighbors really what is your name [Music] my name is of little consequence i was sent here to deliver her the woman and what role does she play she is the destroyer sir washington is ready destroyer what the hell is that washington's ready for what our communication with the ebe has put his position we feel we need to hit first that's suicide maybe this isn't what's the assault probably air protected the nsc it launched 20 minutes ago how's your boy what's with his on target and mom missiles away weapons ineffective wait something's happening question is we just pull a tail on this tiger or not [Music] joshua [Music] joshua [Music] god [Music] [Music] sir there's heightened activity readings from the megalith [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] ah okay come on oh [Music] get out of the car myron get out of the car [Music] byron [Music] i can't explain to you the value of human life i mean you want to know about a nine millimeter i'm your man i'm not a philosopher i i don't know the value of human life in fact i really want to know the truth i'm not so sure it all means anything myself it appears to be an emp sir everything that relies on electricity is useless for the moment vehicles i know what an emp is son how long until we're back up no telling any word from sharon before we lost power no sir god damn dark ages the electric pulse corresponds to two criteria it is a result of the simultaneous magnetic beams and also serves as a harbinger to the seriousness of the situation a harbinger a sign of things to come clear the room going on out there did you think that there would not be consequences to your actions so whatever's happening is because of us the actions of your kind are predictable that is why she was sent to put an end to the inevitable we will find a way to breach those things since you know us so well you know we don't give up very easily yes unfortunately there is no time what do you mean the countdown has begun the man is talking again what's he saying the countdown has begun what countdown that's safe humanity crap there's been some repercussions due to the attempt on the dc megalith if any of the pilots survived we lost communications due to the electromagnetic pulse but before we lost communications we were able to capture some vital information each of the megaliths across the globe has begun to emit a high intensity energy beam focused on one central location the earth's core the result of this will cause the core's spin to slow cause the core spin to slow in other words the earth is beginning to tilt off its normal axis it doesn't make any sense why what do they stand to gain from this strategically it makes no sense well that's a good sign how long do we have well it's only an assumption how long the earth is large even for the megalith how long what are we talking about here days weeks ours together we find ourselves in the midst of a global crisis this is our president he's the leader of our country we believe that's the guy you should be talking to i'm not not me i'm just i mean what is church are diligently working towards that what is church that's the place i was going to take you to in this church will you show me your humanity god i hope so i mean i'm not religious or anything but uh you know when i was a kid i used to go to church pastor there had this way of making it complicated and we asked everyone mom yeah my mom get out of the car both of you get out of the car now get out now there's aliens all over this city and you guys are the only people in the working car so get out or i shoot the [ __ ] now move it go go move it right why didn't you stop him why would i do that because you can with this thing it's not my place to do so i'm here to observe all right fine let's walk sir josh myron's file excellent thank you jonathan carry on where are you josh this is what lies in the hearts of earthlings all this pain it's called sacrifice why haven't they run like the others they come here for shelter they feel peace here we have watched your world from afar and we have seen wars and power struggles and great fear from the inside there's so much more so much you don't know about our world wait here excuse me i'm looking for father james he's not here people are hurt in the exodus he left to help them game over what does this mean it means you picked the wrong tour guide i chose you because of the questions you have in your heart joshua chose me that's right what happens to the world shouldn't rest on my shoulders but it does you have a purpose as i do what's it like where you're from [Music] so [Music] that was really nice [Music] sir we've got a signal on davis excellent where the church on hill street but but what well we lost signal so we have no contact with davis or the others well i mean it could form a small team deploy them to the scene how long until sunset [Music] four hours 15 minutes well then hurry yes sir [Music] radio check radio check gave it to me so all i have to do is find father james somewhere out here on the street got a thousand square city blocks no ride before i was still sunset perfect when the going gets tough the tough get going yeah it's one of my father's favorites you know what i'm not so sure i like you being in my head all the time okay your thought patterns are very confusing you know sometimes we consider our thoughts to be private here on planet earth what is it that you seek to hide god got any transportation let's try this thing come on no keys look i'm gonna need you to participate here okay i mean if you want me to show you the value of humanity you're gonna have to help out told you i do not get involved fine look [Applause] put these on if we're gonna walk you might as well wear those might be a little big but they're better than nothing hey that's our car it's a guy that took our car hey get out of the car josh put the gun down go go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go run rush okay scanned the vehicles front and back josh come on buddy doesn't have to be this way take a ride downtown everything will be fine [Music] all right josh it's your last chance to hand over the girl josh man what are you doing why are you doing this man i'm just trying to do what she asked let's just take her to headquarters she's the only hope we've got [Music] gosh gosh agent lewis says they found you wandering the halls of our facility i was curious i know the feeling your time is running out sunset right yes and what happens at sunset or whatever it is it happens to both of us my life is not important and ours we see you as the aggressor you are a threat you came to our planet to avoid our inevitable conflicts so the plan is eradicate the problem in this case us before it becomes a problem so who's the aggressor it's just practical practical there are so many things wrong with that statement what about making first contact that's peaceful what about communicating with us that is what she is for what if she's not shown the value of humanity then you will die look this is my son his name's corey he's 12 years old he's a little boy look at him there's your threat this is worth fighting for this is the value of humanity why then are you not with him now [Music] hi this is sharon pruitt i can't come to the phone right now but leave your name and number and i'll get back to you as soon as possible hi it's me i don't know where you are i'm sure it's impossible that you're gonna get this but wherever you are if you do just stay there okay you can't outrun this thing i'll find you i love you guys [Music] listen i don't want paperwork and reports all right we don't have time for that just want the straight information the u.n security council authorized the use of nuclear weapons nuclear strikes issued against the megalith stationed on the pacific island of nauru why it only has a population of 9 000 that produced the least amount of casualties the least amount of casualties christ pruitt we have what four hours before sunset what do you want us to do we're talking 9 000 against billions it's not the time to get on some moral [ __ ] podium right now it's crazy no no no bruh [Music] [Music] target in sight [Music] [Music] [Music] bye tell me we destroyed it [Music] what's wrong what what's happening to you so much pain what can i do scott what what do you need me to do skye god thanks a state of emergency has been declared for los angeles county and the surrounding areas anyone still remaining in the downtown area must evacuate immediately to designated shelters where food and medical help scared me provided those in the outlining areas i thought it was too late i mean i've been living here for years and i don't have the answers you're looking for you cannot apparently a giant tsunami wave has obliterated the tiny island of nauru leaving no survivors our only real alternative at this point lies in the captured ebes the female has a great deal of power that's obvious all of our resources this time are focused on locating her two hours 34 minutes till sunset we need all satellites pointed at downtown l.a plug into every traffic cam freeway cam atm signal light our moves are recorded 200 times a day there's got to be something out there on the ground our guys are crawling all over every square inch of the city good cause bring out time [Music] hey hey [Music] you have to help us what's the matter my wife is pregnant you have to bring us to the hospital hey she's uh she's gonna have a baby it's gonna be okay it's gonna be a small child okay listen up we're under marshall now the hospitals are closed right now [Music] where do you live oh we're right across from the hospital hold on hold on all right let's put this back easy now easy now [Applause] hey hey hang on we're being followed uh um [Music] huh [Music] you want to know the value of humanity you're staring at it hey lisa [Music] hey she's not breathing we need help it's cpr look out slide her down slide her down two hands two hands [Music] no don't stop [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hey where are they who i have time to play games the others there's no one here but me and my wife and my new daughter sky search the building [Music] tell me we did it the sun's still up did we do it huh did you feel that you got involved when you said you wouldn't that's called compassion that's that's it what you felt in your heart that that's it that's what it's all about tell me we did it what else do we have to do i must get back to my transport that's it i just have to get you back to the transport oh god get out get out go move my ring don't move [Music] find anything [Music] so [Music] [Music] you're in the custody of the united states government you're being treated as a terrorist do you understand there'll be no escape this time you and i are in this together sir he's gone find him sam just listen to me for one second okay let's get her back to the ship and she can put an end to this you showed her the meaning of life no offense but i doubt it we're so close what the hell do we have to lose for all we know the only reason they haven't destroyed the planet is because she's on it somewhere i think we'll hold on to her i've already seen what she needs to see let's just get her on the megalith your current condition i doubt you'd be going anywhere let's go sad we gotta try seth damn we gotta try how long do we have at best you have but one hour was it worth it he's safe what they're both safe isn't that what you really want to know you should be with them the boy he's afraid she and others they're gathered together but she feels alone how do i save them your world is ending don't you think you should be holding your son everybody back with the building now evacuate the building now there's an order [Music] where's pruitt you gotta work get out of here [Music] [Music] get it right we'll get out of here let's go what are you doing myron stop the car oh god help me i would shoot you myself got that sorry sir taking her back to the transport ruin you know she's the only leverage we have left this is our bargaining ship going over now this guy hang in there can't take her back to the ship myron i've got to get her back take her back to the ship they will destroy this planet that's a chance we'll have to take you're gonna have to trust me she's dying sam and i gotta get him back to the ship now you don't stop that car we may all die you hear me too late sir byron damn it let him go [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] my short time on the other side taught me that we had to learn to live in harmony not just with ourselves but with the entire universe they returned to their planet leaving us here to pick up the pieces our families were reunited our cities rebuilt somehow every night my eyes searched the stars wondering where she might be among them we had learned the value of peace and just as the memory of her face would fade so with the warning that she had brought with her our world once divided learned to hope together but i knew they would be watching [Music] no [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 867,722
Rating: 4.5367675 out of 5
Keywords: full free movies on youtube, latest sci-fi movies, science fiction movies for free on youtube, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, latest hollywood movies for free, SyFy channel, The Asylum, hallmark channel, Sci-Fi Movies, Movie Central, full free sci-fi movies, classic science fiction movies, old school sci-fi
Id: rqCi-JdtiU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 46sec (5326 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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