2012 Ice Age | Full Action Disaster Movie

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[Music] this the seismic activity is increasing exponentially heading north on the shelf to collect more data blue team reports show echo volcano is having immense seismic readings proceed with caution copy detaching from the shell this is six snl seven calling summit camp do you read 6 snl 7 to summit camp do you read can i really talk to greenland on this thing oh absolutely i talk to him all the time this is 6 snl 7 to summit camp do you read try a lower band [Music] this is six snl seven calling summit camp do you read this is six snl seven calling summit camp do you read just can't get it there's too much interference i'm gonna take down a plane with this thing or not hey do you pack your gore-tex hello julia julia unbelievable you heard me a second ago mom packed it well good i'm glad you know it gets cold in new york julia this is six snl 7-2 summit camp do you read time come in dad i think i just got him oh great six snl seven come in dad i'm gonna miss my flight hold on dad this is my terminal dad success in l7 come in this is summit camp go ahead divya hey i wanted to let you know that i'm bringing some new instruments next week bill have you looked at the data we sent no no i'm not in the office i'm dropping julia off at the airport why what's up we're evacuating the rest of the team is gone already i'm the last man standing evacuating why dad i should just walk four hours ago the heckler went berserk there's a huge pressure buildup the drs readings are off the charts the entire heckler line is erupting there is pleasure building up everywhere bill i've never seen anything like this pressure building up where at what site i'm trying nice hold on everything activity you've got the entire range wait all the sights it doesn't make any sense divya i checked with the other stations no one's ever seen anything like this i sent you everything we've got before the sensors mounted down build look at the data no i'm not at the office i'll be there in an hour pull up the computer simulation divia can you read me give you okay so going back to school now no need to say goodbye or anything with candace ridge yeah divya are you there oh magnaflowry uh f7 divia can you read me all right i'll be back around christmas time unless i decide to stay in new york forever divya come in vivia if you can still hear me i i will look at the data and i will contact you as soon as i get to the office so divya are you there 6s and l7 come in five three seven six six seven do you copy sir you're going to need to move your car well it's fine i'm just dropping my daughter off we'll be two minutes six snl seven do you read sir oh my god come in six snl seven do you read sir you're gonna have to move your car sir what do you mean yes go ahead give you a warrant i i read you go ahead i can't believe what's happening the entire range is on fire sir this is no parking zone this is loading and unloading only i need you to move your clean this is massive what's happening the entire range is on fire every single volcano is erupting say again i couldn't understand ice shelf is fracturing it's a thousand miles long do you read me [Applause] something about the the volcanoes is not moving dad we need to go look but yeah dude where's julia she left like two minutes ago what ah you want me to drive dad no no i'm fine i'm fine i just can't believe i missed her i can't believe i didn't say goodbye to your sister mom's gonna kill you it wouldn't be the first time [Music] dad what is dr chandra saying about the glacier did it cow well it's possible but it sounded a lot bigger than that that'd be sick sick huh 100 why don't you bring up the simulation again on the parameters screen okay [Music] [Applause] okay let's see okay using these numbers see what you can come up for the ice flow projection okay i'll be right back roy dude what are you doing here i thought you were out in the field i just spoke with divya and he had sent you some data did you receive it yeah the the heckfield volcano just erupted well no but it sounded more than the heckler like the whole range went up we know park go home we got this i could be pulling maps or crunching numbers why are you trying to send me home bill we don't need you roy okay we've been friends for 15 years what the hell is going on here bill i have just put cynthia and my kids on a plane to mexico you do the same we have got chunks of ice falling all over canada in 19 hours the bulk of the glacier is going to hit north america bill get your family out now [Music] so what'd you get it won't let me put this data okay um well let's open up a terminal window and we'll enter sandbox mode what's that well it's a mode that allows you to enter in variables that are theoretically impossible [Music] what does that mean it means we gotta get your mom what right now i'll tell you on the way hold on [Music] excuse me senator i'm sorry to disturb you but i i just got off the phone with cyrus over at air traffic services and he said that all flights are grounded because of the volcanic ash flow get quincy and dc and ask him if they're going to postpone the summit yes senator hey your daughter's flying out today yes starting college nyu terry these volcanoes are in greenland julia's flying into new york she'd be fine i hope so i'm sure you're right sir thank you terry terry terry hill terry what are you doing here come with us right now what would something happen to julia you have to come with us right there's something that happened to julian oh julia is fine everything's fine okay thank you please don't scare me like that what are you doing here please go home peterman glacier peterman what is that hi bill hi senator is everything all over julia everything's fine with julia senator sorry to disturb you but you need to leave town right now sir bill bill was just leaving senator so sorry to disturb you look there is a huge glacier coming our way and it's coming at us really really fast we've got to get out of town listen i have a summit meeting i understand that this is i know it's crazy this is true we have to get out of maine really you're going to bring our son into all your weapons excuse me i'm so sorry hi josh hey bill i can't seem to get anybody on the phone about the summit not even the white house is picking up huh you better be right about this josh huh go home what no don't go home get out of maine go as far south as you can go home all right what's going on don't scare him like that eagle cliff flight deck requesting satcom coordinates over hold for gps glacier located 5842 north 3902 west bearing 210 over copy that eagle cliff flight deck clear fox trot whiskey 870 clear to take whiskey eight off zero the glacier is massive it's heading towards newfoundland why is it getting darker the weather's changing dad are your headlights on give me your phone i need to call julia can we go home first i need to get my laptop we have to get out of town she's not picking up i don't understand this don't they have wi-fi on airplanes maybe if she was flying first class she shouldn't have even been flying at all today not today don't worry she's gonna be landing soon we'll get a hold of her it'll be okay whoa use words nelson i don't think i can what we're not going back home why not don't have enough time look at the clouds what can do that glaciers really really fast glaciers okay so where are we going new york took us about seven eight hours [Music] hey hey i missed you i missed you too sorry it took me so long traffic was a mess i know they grounded all the flights they did mm-hmm damn i guess we're gonna be here a while huh well that's not such a bad thing oh i like where this is going crap i'm sorry who's that no one let's go back to the dorm and fool around sounds good to me julia we're on our way to new york um we're gonna meet you at your dorm okay honey so when you get to the dorm just stay there all right we're gonna meet you there all right big hugs i love you love you love you love you bye are you sure that new york is safe bill now this is stupid but why don't we just have her fly and meet us down in florida sweetheart everything is grounded i say we stay on plan and we just we meet her at the door [Music] fine oh my gosh it's okay it's okay we're okay god i think it's coming faster and we fight do you ever see this no the glaciers are making it snow in maine yeah it's summer you just get us out of maine now how big do these blazers have to be to do this [Music] phil [Music] crap dad does this snow mean the glacier is getting close phil it has to because the clouds are looking massive i bet this glacier is enormous like the whole shelf yeah okay here's what we got to do i got to find a way around this traffic nelson jump on the gps and find me an alternate route on it bill get us out of here now we don't know if the glacier is close military planes f-16s nelson focus gps target is 400 miles off the northeast coast and is now in range sir i don't see anything delta bravo one target is in front of you negative alpha foxtrot i see nothing delta bravo one target is in front of you negative alpha foxtrot there is nothing delta bravo one do you read me alpha foxtrot this is control fire sequence in three two one fire oh my god then get us out of here [Music] is everybody okay is it gone i don't know i don't see anything i think we had ran in what do you think bill do you think it's gone i just don't know maybe we should just pull over no not yet not yet everything is gone isn't it just don't even think about it all right nelson everything oh god friends i need to get online no no you need to focus on what's important okay this is important no this is not for mom your cell phone it's julia julia julia mom oh my god is everyone okay we're fine we're fine dad's here and nelson's here what happened we don't know the news is saying that bangor just got destroyed tell her we're coming to new york we're coming to new york oh can i just talk to her yeah that will be in her dorm in six hours from now we're gonna be at your door in six hours okay can you hear me julia julia hello let me talk to him julia listen if the weather breaks head south to florida to your aunt kissy's house the furthest down the safer julia hello julia hello i lost it god i wanted to talk to her sorry buddy well what my parents are coming for me i think they want us to stay at the dorm we should get going then yeah it's getting cold fast come on evacuation is mandatory in most northeast coastal towns we've been informed following an on-site evaluation the president will hold a press conference with the most current update the military currently has a whack in the air assessing the threat target is breaking up but it doesn't seem to be making a difference say again johnny bravo target is separating into multiple sections and there's still a lot heading south down the coast wow the cloud coverage is so thick it looks like night i'm getting nothing i'm trying to call her back look she's gonna be okay okay we're gonna be okay we're all gonna be okay can't get ahold of the senator can't get ahold of anybody [Applause] god said the peterman glacier was how big let's see the last calving happened in 2010 and i was about 100 square miles which is roughly four times the size of manhattan and that was only eight percent of the glacier this sounds like it's the whole glacier with enough speed who knows how much damage it could do [Music] [Applause] what which way is your room uh this way come on karen oh my god julia i can't get a hold of anyone in maine just try again okay it took me a few tries keep trying right right keep trying is there a basement no there would be no reception in a basement i'm going to keep trying come on jim look that's a disdain no julia we have to go [Music] what was that i don't know hurry put your jacket on we gotta go mother my dad said to stay here i know call him and tell him but we aren't staying here julia mom dad we're not staying here the dorms aren't safe i'll give you a call we'll meet i lost toys do you think the message went through i hope so [Music] so then what now how do we get out of the city everything's shut down we get to the one of the bridges and get across the river wait wait wait julie what about the subway the subways are shut down too i'm not talking about the train julie i'm talking about the tunnels we can make it through one of those you really think that'll work would you rather stay up here come on you okay i'm okay dad yeah okay okay work your way out come on it's okay the sun is breaking through come on easy easy you okay you all right you're bleeding it's okay it's okay it's just a cut come on get nelson come on sweetie you okay yeah baby all right okay broken bones anything okay all right guys okay good job all right all right i'm fine done good job okay let's get moving let's go we gotta get away from the car keep going come on okay we need to find another car see if that van works okay guys get in honey look for some keys we're gonna go check this out i'll be right back it's so cold where's that going i don't know you'll be back keeping your hands hello hello [Music] there's done i don't know he'll be back though honey come on keys are in ignition oh good i'll start come on yes okay good this mess in here it smells like [ __ ] oh good you got to run it yeah okay bad news there's a big pile up we got to find a way what's that smell the biggest manure or something it smells awful manure yeah fertilizer yeah what kind i don't know what are you doing honey just a uh little science project i'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] what was that no i hope dad comes back soon [Music] okay inside [Applause] okay hands down it's down here we go heads down okay why that's just a little science experiment what kind of science experiment bill it kind of goes boom see when you take ammonium nitrate and you add a little bit of diesel fuel [Music] whoa dad where'd you learn to do that science [Music] class oh my god bill my phone reception i think i do i phone reception pull over pull over right now [Music] mom got reception yeah well bob [Applause] [Music] i don't know i'm playing it again what the heck was that this is sonic boom ten birds in formation they're gonna go bomb the glacier can they do that can they bomb a glacier bill yeah they could do that but they need to hit it with a nuclear bomb to stop this thing that's what they're doing they said boston's gonna be hit next if they don't stop it austin we have got to get to new york city right now gotta get out of here oscar charlie delta x-ray approaching target roger oscar charlie ordering nuclear pace nukes are hot waiting for countdown my son was born in boston so let's melt this ice roger that fire one oscar charlie do you have a visual checking now command 483 nukes deployed but they have no visual effect waiting on next command so [Applause] everyone looks so scared why are we stopping look we got this big empty van all these people need help i figured you know we'll open up the door our daughter's in new york we need to get hurt and she is our priority she's our top priority and we're on our way to new york i figured we can have a couple people ride with us to new york it'll take two minutes no two minutes yeah two minutes honey we just can't leave people out there honey okay but they go to new york with do you hear that good [Applause] everybody okay i don't hear anything i think we made it [Music] let's keep going [Music] [Applause] what happened boston's been hit the glacier's less than an hour from us it's headed right for us it's too late we have to tell my parents not to come all the circuits are busy no surprise there we keep it on we'll try again later we got to keep moving come on babe i know where we are we could take a tunnel we tried them all they're closed trust me hurry hurry be careful careful we used to go this way when we were like 12. just need to find a light you okay yeah okay we really have to go down there yeah it's safer than up there oh god logan what if my parents try to make it to new york they're going to get your message yeah but what if they'll get the message [Music] hey guys we're gonna need to find some gas soon i can log on and find us a gas station i don't think that's gonna happen honey power grid is down buddy that means no wi-fi no gas stations really hungry look we just need to find him some food and let's find some gas all right let's just start looking for something dad look we can siphon gas great idea okay guys let's start looking for cars hopefully filled with food hang in there nelson we're almost in new york okay slow down slow down bill i think i see some cars in the distance it's just so creepy when it gets dark in the middle of the day honey just get what we need and get back be careful hold on hold on hold on wait wait wait we don't know if anyone's in there oh just stay there why just just stay there all right [Applause] what is it don't worry about it okay i can do this i got this all right um i'm gonna go pee okay i'm glad that was you and not me yeah me too it's working that is some strong stuff hey we're in connecticut honey i'm not stopping it's pitch black hey uh nelson have you been able to pull up anything on the gps oh really are you kidding me what hand him over unbelievable you got anything else back there chef nelson oh man i was gonna tell you guys yes sure you were dinner thanks nelson how much longer to new york about two hours you think she stole the dorm i'm sure your sister's fine she's a smart girl and she can take care of herself it's this way are you sure we're going the right way i mean you haven't been down here in 10 years you have to calm down and trust me okay it's the only way julia it feels like we're going deeper though what was that oh god i don't know whatever it is it doesn't sound good sounds like it's getting worse come on you okay do you want me to drive you know i didn't say goodbye she got out of the car and i didn't even know him we're almost to new york and you're gonna get to see her again we're gonna get to see her again okay [Music] stay here are we in new york not yet honey not yet [Music] [Music] so uh hey hey is your car working uh no it's uh it's out of gas oh gas yeah yeah yeah i don't know yeah but you're cool with that right i mean you're stuck but you're you're okay right yeah yeah we'll figure it out right are you are you okay why do you say that no reason hey hey are you alone hey are you alone cause i'm alone i'm uh here with my family no no that's cool that's cool um hey you know it's really cold out here right i mean i should probably get some place warm yeah i'd say you know find yourself a car and then stay inside yeah yeah no no i'll get a car i'll go to california you know hey i'll go to the beach and pretty blonde women maybe have tequila's on the beach that sounds like a good plan yeah nice meeting you yeah no no hey hey hey i'm thinking i'm thinking that uh you know you and i could go to california together now we're going to new york oh yeah no no yeah i know that but you know new york's really cold and you know we need to go someplace it's warm look i i'm not going to go anywhere with you okay you got that except you're not going to leave me again do you go we need to go to california just calm down i got my family right there just just come looking at me look at me we're going to california tonight i got some money that can help i want your money i got some food if you want some food i want your food yeah um hey what kind of food you got i need to get into the van yeah yeah no no no yeah yeah i don't know go go go go get in nelson give me a bag of chips bill bill hey hey your name is bill bill hey i'm gary uh i'm gary morganson hey gary yeah hey you know i'm thinking maybe i i need to get in the car no we're going to new york remember here's your food no no no i'm thinking that i should get in the car with you guys hey hey hey bill come on i know you're a bad guy i hear you no i'm a good guy i'm a great guy i just want to go someplace warm you know yeah i mean hey hey hey kid kid kid kid kid hey don't you want to go to california it's really warm [Applause] you guys think i'm kidding calm down man you think i'm joking around you're dead you're sad dumb freaking family and sad all of you are freaking dead you're dead open the door kid everybody out come on come on terry out get out nelson get out come on go with your dad call your dad nelson nelson over here wait he has the radio gear thousands oh nelson what the hell are you doing i got it i got it don't ever do that again please oh my god let's run come on guys we're almost okay let's get into the vehicle let's uh let's try this way come on where are we this is the lincoln tunnel we can take this all the way to new jersey and how far is that it's it's about a mile come on [Applause] uh [Music] come on and i don't think i can keep going keep moving if we stop we die let's just go honey's at our house sure looks like it come on we go yep let's try it come on it's so cold i know i know guys it's so cold hello hello okay come on in guys sit down get warm hello i didn't see a car out front looks like they left here pretty quickly here um let's go see if you can find some clothes see if we can find some food and be quick about it cause we gotta get out of here hello hello [Music] so [Music] uh we haven't forgotten you julia [Music] here honey i found these upstairs oh great should we just let him sleep no no no we got to get going it may look like night but it's only three in the afternoon come on wake up nelson time to go car we don't have a car we got to do it on foot get going maybe we can find one on the way but here honey hello we're uh we're just here for some warm clothes we're leaving now thank you wait my daddy's hurt wesley come here oh thank god i think he came this way oh i found people well listen to me don't you ever leave me okay hey are you all right can we help you okay yeah i was trying to load our truck up and this whole thing fell on me it's got my leg pinned down here okay on the count of three guys you ready one two three i think if you lift it straight up i can probably shimmy out okay ready got it yeah you got it clear yeah here daddy you're bleeding i'll be okay son oh man thank god you guys came along hey what are you doing here we lost our van at the river and your place was the first place we came upon i have a vest just like that uh yeah actually this is your vest we kind of broke into your place we didn't know anyone was here relax look anything you need here feel free to help yourself besides this place isn't even gonna be here in an hour are we gonna fly now no no no no we're gonna take the truck remember look guys we have plenty of room you're more than welcome to join us which way you guys headed you know we're gonna head west yeah we're headed to new york new york that's the last place you want to go this iceberg is chewing up the entire east coast in a couple hours there's not gonna be in new york our daughter's in new york you do what you got to do me and wesley were going west hey is this what i think it is my daddy can fly so can mine does this still work sure does i mean me and wesley probably be in jamaica by now but only a fool will go up in this weather [Music] guys we're all packed up we're gonna head out you're still more than welcome to join us i know we talked about this but i think i should go and i'll move you guys to florida i am not leaving you dad dad you need me to navigate okay good luck you too okay nelson get this out of the tarp let's go be careful how long do you think we have until the glacier gets here you hear that oh my god not long let's go come on there it is jersey come on julia [Applause] come on we gotta go we're gonna be able to take off in this kind of weather yeah no problem okay so all right dad we could probably be in new york in 30 minutes just sit back and enjoy this bumpy ride [Music] these claps don't look normal is that a twister go class out of here what's can wrong fly above it i don't know don't we have a weather detection device but i don't see one got the reflect right think of that hold on [Music] [Music] higher bill amazing dad dad two o'clock look are they gonna go bomb the glacier i have no idea everything proceeding properly approaching glacier roger that we're at the observation location we're at an altitude of three five hundred feet and six miles from location impact we need the coordinates to plant the explosions for after that sending them now teams five and six have landed waiting for supplies roger that we are descending now lieutenant colonel signer an hour till impact affirmative 63 minutes major roger that come on come on get it go go lieutenant colonel signer how long until the payload drop arriving now roger that come on we have to find shelter i have to tell my parents i'm in jersey we will come on can we just stop i'm tired not yet we have to keep going come on [Music] stop are you okay stop what the hell are you two doing out here the city's been evacuated to where to shelters hell you guys are lucky i found you i was on my last suite let's go but what about the glacier isn't it headed right for us not for long there's a combined task force on its way to meet it so you've declared war on a glacier that's right it's the last chunk of the glacier and they're putting everything they have on it now get your asses inside before i have you arrested that's the last of the explosives major good good all explosives have been deployed roger that the charges are in place take us back home copy that prepare for extraction roger that okay nelson grab the computer i want to find out if we can connect to a satellite at this altitude got it you should take a sec reception blows up here i got a signal what do you want me to do okay i want you to connect up to the noaa website i want to find out where that glacier is right now got it what's login login is username julia password nelson dad that's lame that is sweet lame or not open up the tracking program now run the simulation with the same coordinates but put in our gps location right now what are you looking for trying to find out how far away we are from that glacier okay it's 50 miles behind this it's moving at 200 miles an hour what how could a glacier move at 200 miles per hour i have no idea i don't think anybody else does either can we can we outrun that and we're gonna make it on time let's find out [Music] what's wrong we're icing up doesn't this model have de-icers no we're gonna have to fly low if we're gonna make it we're burning fuel like crazy i need you guys to look outside and see if you can find any kind of private airfield a crop dusting operation anything you guys finding anything how far away are we from new york can't be more than 100 miles you guys seeing anything i don't see anything this visibility sucks balls nelson okay guys hold on we're gonna go lower anything nope nothing we're still collecting a lot of ice i may have to put her down at any time guys how much more ice can this thing take not a lot and these headwinds are killing us we could walk there faster how much further is it uh about another 10 minutes i'm gonna try to land her at newark laguardia are they going to let us land without a flight land well i'll just radio ahead and tell them where an emergency they have to let us land what if there's no one there to hear us crap what we just ran out of fuel in the right fuel tank oh okay guys strap yourselves in get ready we're gonna have to go for an emergency landing really bill yes get ready god look at all these people [Music] at least we get free cookies you think your parents are still trying to find us i hope so yeah what about your family dad's in northern europe near oslo it's probably the first hit it's okay i'm happy to be with you [Music] okay you guys we got to get serious about finding another place to land because we're not going to make it to newark we're entering into the new york air corridor now let me get on the radio and see if anybody's there listening give me the radio there nelson newark tower this is cessna where's the flight this is cessna number november 9 or 9 or 725 declaring an emergency do you even hear copy i don't know what are we gonna do now well we're gonna find a hole and slip into it buckle up guys one way or another we're gonna be on the ground in a couple of minutes so hold on i need you guys to look around and see if you can see any other aircraft that might be landing without tower permission okay brace yourselves [Music] two o'clock you okay yeah yeah okay we're down okay okay let's get out guys come on out guys here we go [Music] you okay yeah well i guess we got out just in time hey guys look it's new york we did it i was there yeah did you crash that 180 oh yeah i'm really sorry i got all the insurance information if you need it if a crash cessna was all we had to worry about i'd call it a good day come with me let's get you into some place safe colonel this is command we are less than 30 seconds from detonation roger that we are all clear and standing by give me a long count captain bye oh so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we gotta get out of here were you guys headed into manhattan yeah because we're trying to get our daughter i'm sorry no one's getting in on new york alive just stay here the national guard's gonna be here to get you don't worry it's gonna be okay i'll be right just back stay away from the tall buildings with lots of glass got it dad we're going to manhattan point taken so how do you want to get there then we got to get ourselves another car and then just drive into the city and go where to the door the dorm she's not at the dorm and you know that we can only hope she got her message but to go to florida look she may not be in new york but we have to start there and then from there maybe we'll be able to find some sort of clue where are you willing to sacrifice hey guys are we going or what are the keys in the ignition i don't want to know i don't even wanna know let's just go i'm gonna try to get a hold of her again if we're in jersey how far is new york well it shouldn't be too much longer we're coming up to the george washington bridge the signal just keep saying that all circuits are busy now it's not going through you just need to get under the gw i'll try to get the gps running is everyone trying to get to new york look at that mess nelson see if you can find another way to the bridge so so you're gonna have to turn your car around you can't get through here but uh we have to get to manhattan that's impossible no one's going over there our daughter is there and we need to pick her up i don't care if the pope's over there no one's going in new york right now look it's not gonna matter soon anyway please just let us go but you can't go washington bridge it's out [Applause] the air force is coming in for their last airstrike let's hope that doesn't maybe none of us can get out of here come on let's go what are you gonna do now bill i don't know i'm out of ideas i know that's not true i know that you're thinking something what oh it's just that remember when the kids were really really young and we thought that if we could put some sort of tracking device and then we'd always know where they are i knew i should have invented that device damn it wait wait guys we do have a tracking device what are you talking about nelson oh of course of course even if we can't talk to her on her phone we can track her phone really we can do that yes isn't that illegal don't ask i got it she's in new jersey new jersey she's here she's in new jersey oh my god bill where four miles that way two more miles hurry bill okay people this is it stay back [Music] repent now sinners judgment is at hand repent now sinners judgment is at hand repent our sins judgment how far are we uh 1.7 miles which way do we go there's gonna be a dead end on your left so we have to go right okay guys here we go hold on a second t-minus two minutes for launch [Music] okay well we're not getting through this how far away is she got she's just two blocks away okay we're going on foot guys come on let's go what's the gps say she's that way one more block this way gotta get my phone to find here forget it we don't have time julia julia julia [Music] [Music] julia julia what the hell that's my dad julia daddy i got her let's go are you okay [Music] you okay yeah dad this is logan hey logan thank you thank you let's get to safety guys come [Music] on the bridges are down streets are blocked the river's frozen what are we gonna do daddy are you driving on the hudson river is it gonna hold it didn't last time last time what you see that those are f-16s going in sounds like something big just blew up what are we gonna do we cannot keep going on like this all right now i'm trying to find a way off the river okay if we can make it glacier appears to be breaking okay everybody out let's go okay i'm going through come on through let's go no no go get it forget it let's go upstairs keep going okay no is it done hold on what come on up you okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 1,535,554
Rating: 4.5547652 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, 2012 Ice Age, Disaster Movie, Patrick Labyorteaux, full disaster movies, full asylum movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 32sec (5492 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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