Solar Destruction (Solar Flare) | Full Action Drama Movie

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] the major donors are in the main car senator he's just about ready just checking the facts excellent sir right this way western one tracks are clear all the way to LA you should have smooth sailing [Applause] gentlemen gentlemen good to see you how are you how are you don't get up go get up gentlemen I'd like to introduce you to Senator Simon melchert-dinkel I just like to say what a pleasure it is to be here today riding these steel rails that form the backbone of this great nation gentlemen I'm sure you're aware of the vastness of the American railroad system but did you know that there are no fewer than 550 separate railroad companies hauling a fleet of 1.5 million freight cars over a network of 142 thousand miles one freight train alone can carry the load of up to 500 trucks the savings and fuel costs are astronomical but unlike other continents the vast majority of railroad companies in America are profit-making tax paid and privately owned and I mean to keep it that way trains are good for the ecology and I'm not just saying that because you want to hear it what the hell [Music] western one is a dispatch five I got you dispatch five what the problem you change tracks a few minutes ago well you're on the wrong track hang on there's nothing wrong with the controls here I can't get anything to read properly what track are we on you're headed for Union Station and you're going way too fast Union stations coming right up at your speed you better hit the brakes right now trains transport seven out of every ten cars sold in this country and as your senator I feel that we need we must protect the interests for our valued train industry senator gentlemen please take your seats immediately repeat please take your seat immediately gentlemen now we're gonna have to delay this meeting we'll pick it up when we come to a complete stop what kind of an emergency is a way it wouldn't give me details but it doesn't sound good what's going on the communication systems gone haywire the track switched on its own and they can't slow down fast enough in a nutshell they're gonna Ram Union Station Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is another scorcher here in Los Angeles air quality index is reported as unhealthy so it's best to stay inside today maybe crank up those air conditioners in the news authorities are still investigating the train accident that took the lives of senator Jeff Melcher and eight others when it crashed into Union Station yesterday morning some theorize that it may have been due to unusually strong solar wind shockwaves that might have caused a peak in the power grid but we'll have more on that later first Oh something wrong music change it to something you like [Music] right now love letter Oh a grocery list but you can cross out X Y and C variables I got something last night thank god you're left on my doorstep by gypsies mom I'm trying to work we'll try to interact with your mom fine what's talked about ah there's a midnight movie in the campus theater tonight it sounds like a lot of fun and you want to go no Riley I want to take you I have to study well you can take a break for one night my classes require applied studying and even if I could take a break I I don't see the point watching movies the point is to have fun school work is fun oh yeah that's why people bring algebra exams to parties long I'm only 15 years old oh geez here we go I am the youngest person ever accepted into the Empire science program I know and at the chart twice as hard to prove myself sweetie you're a genius we have the test scores to prove it but you could teach most of the classes you're taking mom please it's College not high school and it won't be a kid genius for much longer you can't rely on that that's not what I meant called it's just the pace for the rest of my life Riley you misunderstand I scholarship an acceptance into empires my only hope for bettering my situation your situation ouch what nothing you're right you can do better in life than I could I'm grateful for that you know I may not have gone to college but I do have experiences mom and whether or not you excel in school I have to make sure you're happy you're more than just a brain Riley [Music] I want you to have a great day and think about what I said mom Jase what's wrong mind trouble no I am what's this it's a permission slip for me to have a private physical education tutor they're forcing you to take gym yeah cuz I'm a minor it's the law it's a ridiculous law can I get out of it I don't want you to get out of it this is exactly what I'm talking about you need to get outside take a break from the books get some fresh air you know I'm not an invalid stop acting like one grandpa haha what am I gonna do with you I want you to reconsider going to the movies tonight grow up excuse me sorry no I'm sorry mom but I'm not like you you know there's certain things I want to accomplish with my life maybe few to focus living one school and less on what having you cuz I never got to be a teenager you know I was too busy giving birth changing diapers looking for work I know and I'm sorry if my wanting you to enjoy life is annoying you that's what I'm sorry it's the hot like I'm asking you to get featured on the latest edition of kid geniuses gone wild I just want you enjoy all that life has to offer mom what you're a fit loving parent and a healthy role model I appreciate everything you've done for me Hey can't we have a normal fight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] hey carbon hey okay cup of coffee before hey beautiful you look lonely now I look annoyed should handle what did your last bean or something what somebody they entertainments that entertainments right here that's why you want to be such a tease why don't you get on stage and do your little dance for me not a dancer you put some milk enough for me I'm gonna take out the trash oh darling no prob yeah well those dancers aren't animals and this isn't a petting zoo so you uh wait here I'll call you a cab since you've been drinking say thank you thank you [Applause] fairness with no survivors authorities are still searching for clues into what caused the severe malfunctioning of the train and whether or not it can be linked to the solar flares that erupted minutes before the tragedy hey boss aren't about to give me a raise I our planet's atmosphere has always been enough to protect us from the radiation of solar flares and the disruption of electronics while it's been inconvenient and costly it has rarely been life-threatening however what we're seeing now is that as our environment is being compromised by pollution so too is our atmospheres ability to protect us my research lab is studying these flares hoping to discover a better way to predict them given enough warning the dangers of even the greatest solar flares could be a verdict but unfortunately no technology as of yet can accurately predict a solar flare beyond a few hours they can only tell us when one has already occurred questions yeah if we were subjected to a solar flare magnitude of X 206 what would the damage be well you could certainly cancel any plans you have to fly to the moon satellites would corrode most certainly ceased to function which would mean our military's surveillance systems would be compromised airplanes are any aircraft would malfunction pipelines used to distribute oil and gas would malfunction cutting off global fuel supplies indefinitely there would also be massive power surges blackouts and short global chaos but this could be avoided if people had time to prepare like shut things down properly before the flare hit well yes I mean most of these catastrophes could be avoided with adequate warning time but unfortunately as I said we can't adequately predict these flares but my hope is maybe someday but not by tomorrow no we are years away from that kind of technology thank you for your time everyone we're done dr. mm-hmm thanks for the lecture you're welcome I read your book last week the entire book in a week no one day a week ago uh-huh it was pretty good thank you I took a look at the statistical relationship between sigmoids and solar flares as far back as I could obtain data and observed magnetic fields around sunspots the rest is in my report I mean both these calculations are all in longhand well yeah like you said there's no technology to do this sort of work so I just had to do it myself this is what is your name Riley Kasana Riley this is really advanced work can I take it and study it yeah I made it for you anyhow who taught ya I do this I've always seen things like I can see patterns in nature in the stock market and Sun activity yeah mathematics just gives me a language to express what I see then is this why you were asking about gigantic solar flares well my calculations led me to conclude that something is going to happen a solar flare of gigantic proportions like you mentioned Oh there's no way to be certain right maybe bigger um I gotta go I gotta go play games or something but here is my phone number email and address if you want to talk about my report Thanks anyway thanks oh and sorry about the purple spots on page eight I was eating a juice pop still no taxi well I didn't get a chance to call when I was busy getting fired because of me lady I'm sorry really I'm sure I'm so yeah sorry I got it thanks where do you live Hancock Park nice neighborhood I'll give you a ride really yeah I got a lot of free time but you're paying for gas and if you touch me I'll cut you okay fired again hey there's some consistent Riley coach Wells Tomi Cory you ready to have some fun if I follow through the physical effort necessary to constitute adequate involvement but don't have any fun my grade be the same Wow they weren't kidding about you come on let's go come on give me ten more [Music] that is really sad you know keep going till I tell you to stop [Music] so that even with this additional wing we're literally bursting at the seams I never knew donating money was going require so much walking dr. Clark I thought you'd be long gone by now I was just heading out it got caught up in a student's report actually I'm glad you're here mr. Pryor I'd like to introduce you to dr. Joanna Clark who has generously gifted us with a guest lecture today dr. Clark runs the visser Clark research lab mr. Clark founded by Jerome Clark and David Visser in the 60s to investigate modern man's impact on the environment yes so you must be drom Clark's very beautiful daughter it's a pleasure to meet you I'm Marshall prior prior industries that would be me mr. priors on a goodwill mission his company is looking to contribute to society by funding organizations that are out to improve our world you sound like you've memorized our press packet I'm really no more than an errand boy for my father ah an errand boy for one of the largest privately held companies in the world well that depends on which month you're talking about no wonder you were so familiar with my lab you helped have its funding cut just after we published our report on how your oil and gas pipelines impact natural habitats more specifically we funded an independent scientific investigation that not only indicated the research of reputable scientists but made it seem like our efforts to protect the environment were somehow on American I agree it was an absolute travesty which is why most of the people that handled that report are no longer working for my company dr. Clark I'm not sure this is the time or place so Clark has every right to be angry I can stand here and blame a lot of people but you're right the ultimate responsibility lies with my family you and I inherited our father's work when somebody threatens that we take it personally that's very magnanimous of you Marshall mr. priors company is making an extremely generous donation to Empire I just wish it could be a lot more me too dr. Clark I'm sorry Roger I have to go please accept my apology Marshall dr. Clark is a guest lecturer she's not on our staff so obviously her opinion is not that of the let me explain something to you I donate money here because I believe in what you do don't ever patronize me again of course I'm sorry actually dr. Clark has alerted me to a wrong that I must try to right don't think about it just watch the ball and go for it I don't understand it's not something you work out in your head Riley it's something your body responds to we're practice talk to me this is embarrassing I'm 15 years old and your plane catches me like I'm a kid I'm 30 and I still play catch with my dad and I'm gonna keep playing with him until this hip goes out or mine does but I can't even do it it's embarrassing hey everyone has to suck at something it's like natural law I suck at math everyone else can dribble and catch I'm just a freak no way you've got a brilliant mind everyone is an RV they call me the robot yeah they call me coach smells I tell you what forget that the goal is to catch the ball just try touching it as soon as possible and you're getting exercise so even if you miss it you're still succeeding whatever you ready now remember just try touching [Music] there you go you missed it after right at you and you missed it [Music] hey Clark hey Klein I've got some really great news that's good congratulations so you know this Anita me at all are you sorry I'm sorry so what happens when that hits zero no I hope nothing so what's your good news Wow ah I've just secured us our funding what the whole budget over budget that is amazing from what sources uh just one just one organization yeah well who just when we're gonna have to close this place down who's finding us no I mean I swear I don't think we would have lasted another month mine who funded us Pryor industries now we're lucky were very very lucky marshal Pryor called me himself he called me I don't believe this I just met him today I I mean it can't be some come on come on come on finish your sentences so I mean what you're talking about I just met Marshall Pryor today after the lecture at Empire he's getting the royal treatment for throwing around a few checks at Dean Hawthorne yeah Santa has come to town this is our Christmas bonus we can't take the money trying yeah yes we can yes yes we can and we must because we really are on the verge of shutting down we'll be doing our research from cardboard boxes in the street prior industry companies are notorious for environmental pollution John prior actively lobbies against pro-environment legislation who's John Pryor the CEO the Big Daddy Marshall the one who swept you off your feet he's just one of his many sons they run their company like some sort of cross between al Qaeda and the Partridge Family but we can use their wealth for how a good cause think of it as recycling has it ever occurred you how quickly we're gonna become dependent upon their funding I mean what if they decide to pull the plug because we publish a report but they don't like well I'll tell you if we sit around waiting for funding from a source that's completely guilt free it if it's not gonna happen I mean like it or not nobody ever got rich for making sure no one got hurt to yourself now it's about getting rich oh no it's about making this laboratory the best I mean don't you want to upgrade this equipment don't you uh and would it be so bad to have an espresso machine in the break room so what's about to hopefully not happen a solar flare + B 8 well how did you see here it comes oh boy [Music] it happened a solar flare class b9 a nearly perfect prediction start explaining I met this student today who gave me this report in which he predicts a series of solar flares and CMEs in his predictions he gives magnitudes and times some of which have already occurred and you think this is valid well you just saw it in action for yourself well then why did you hope it wouldn't happen I mean this is great if we found someone that could predict flares and maybe he can help us do it ourselves true so so the student Riley is predicting a solar flare Class X 206 206 that's impossible no not impossible just terrifying well when did he say this was gonna happen in less than 18 hours which is why I've got to call the NSF now [Music] everything's can't be ok I'll get another job again everything will be ok help no dad everything's fine no I know how to run a company right no sir I'm just trying to make you one no disrespect at all sir I'm just right no no III understand I love to mom I'll do anything to make that happen sir it's been some kind of day nice I really appreciate this I've just never had an opportunity to go to this part of the campus before well the athletic field is right over there my mom mom this is my coach miss cassano nice to meet you Cory wells mr. wells I can't believe you actually taught my son how to run with football I'm a bit of a genius - so why are you here so early explain it to you later trying to clear job explain it to you later as I'm not no hey Ken Cory come to dinner last night Oh does he want to come to dinner with us Cory I actually would like to talk with you about Riley see you guys can have serious talks about my development and then after we can shoot some basketballs shoot hoops whatever yeah except you don't have a basketball we'll borrow one from the school all right I've never seen my son be so comfortable with someone other than myself is that alright with you alright it's an answering my prayers so what do we have how about a celery and eggplant okay raw eggs and kidneys got it built lettuce and mayonnaise pizza I'm Pizza and long sounds weird but okay I can do that you can do pizza let me get this straight you're telling me the governor won't speak to me unless I have an appointment but I can't get an appointment unless the governor wants to speak to me this is of the utmost urgency surely you have protocol for that email no you don't under hello hello I don't believe this what she said I'm the third person to call in today saying the world's about to end other scientists no one said that UFOs were gonna be invading and the other said that God was gonna rain down fire well that's not far from the truth all right I've tried the NSF my government contacts the local news and nobody wants to listen to me unless I have other scientists corroborate my data they don't even want to look at Reilly's report what did you find out well in studying current solar activity the kids predictions are dead on some pretty sizable flares have already happened we should start seeing effects from geomagnetic storms and a matter of minutes and in 17 hours the big one eventually the Soho satellite will detect it right just before it happens by then it'll be too late we need government officials to alert people to take cover they need to shut down the power plants and the pipelines they need to alert the National Guard I have a suggestion this kind of catastrophe could be avoided only the bureaucrats would listen call Marshall Pryor why he's big money his family owns half the pipelines in the country if anybody can get the government's attention he can now hear I know you hate his politics but he might be the only chance we have when Riley was a baby he and his dad were an accident his dad didn't survive I'm sorry it hasn't been easy it's barely an adult when I had him I never got the education he's getting and working full-time I'm just not around as much as I'd like to be he's lucky to have you I wish he felt that way I'm sure he does he has this amazing gift I sometimes wonder where he could be if I could have afforded private schools for him his scholarship got him into Empire anyway I really appreciate you stepping in I'm just doing my job you have any kids you mean besides the 300 I take care of daily mom yeah there's something I need to tell you it sounds serious okay yeah I was just waiting to make sure but nothing now I'm pretty sure Riley what's going on I can't believe I'll let you convince me to call this man shows you how desperate I am just keep an open mind Park you're too suspicious of people I'm not suspicious just discerning Oh fine you just discern just remember our future is with this man so no matter what your personal feelings are we need him good luck [Music] ma'am thank you for your time this is a urgent business so I hope you don't mind if we get right to it of course to reiterate what we talked about on the phone we've received a nav Airy reliable data that a solar flare of tremendous proportions is due to occur in less than 17 hours precursors are already hitting the earth we can expect that anything electrical will start to malfunction I took the liberty of doing some research after you called me it seems that your lab is the only lab in the whole world that has this information how is that possible well that's because it didn't come from our lab comes from a college student a college student really he has been virtually dead on and every one of his predictions down to time and magnitude interesting what matters now is we need to get this information to the government you said this was gonna affect pipelines yes any pipeline that isn't safety luck will be affected worst-case scenario they could ignite forgive me for being a little too personal but this afternoon you treated me like the enemy why are you bringing me this information well without other scientists corroborating this data nobody will take it seriously and there simply isn't time for that well what you're saying is pretty unprecedented yes you can't blame people for being suspicious I'm not making this up I believe you good alert all of our people every pipeline should have a safety luck yes sir I also need you to get this information to the heads of state I mean ideally the president if you can I can do it good I'd like to meet this student who managed to do what no computer or satellite could it sounds like the kind of man I'd like on my team no I'm afraid that's not possible why he's a minor and I haven't even spoken to his parents I mean the only reason I came to you is because of the urgency don't you think his parents should make that decision I can't in all good conscience you can't in all good conscience of what introduce them to the evil big power Pryor Industries is that what you can't in all good conscience do i fund his school I'm funding your lab I never agree you need my contacts and government relations you're treating me like a renewable resource all I want is an introduction to the kid maybe an address I'm sorry I can't if you can't you can't I think finding an underage college kid shouldn't be too difficult please don't from this point on you answer to me I'm sure that I can trust in your complete secrecy secrecy no the whole idea is that everybody knows that's the whole point no that's your point dr. Clarke like I said I'm sure that I can trust in your discretion you have no intention of going look you're gonna protect your pipeline and your power plant and you're gonna let the rest go to hell so you can swoop in and have your monopoly on power well what that really be so bad I mean if your lab is part of that monopoly I'm getting out let me out [Music] ma'am I'm gonna tell you something doctor I like you and I appreciate where you stand but you are a nearly broke single woman who has nothing to lose I'm a businessman who answers to millions of people I am very sorry that we couldn't come to some sort of an agreement here but this is bigger than me it's bigger than you it's bigger than all of our differences so if you'll excuse me I have a child prodigy to find I am NOT gonna let you get away with this [Music] I want you to treat the doctor like she's our special guest she tries to escape there's anything stupid make sure that you don't ruin the upholstery yes sir [Music] detective Padgett its marshal prior I'm fair good sir I'm a favor to ask you I'm looking to find a very special young man he's a student at Empire [Music] [Music] listen I know that priors your boss but if I don't get help soon you and everyone you care about is going to die [Music] what the hell what the hell's going on up there [Music] come on let's go I don't fight man I just drive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can you take me this address please 107 RL way of course no problem sorry about the blood are you sure you okay we have breaking news about some mysterious power glitches that may be due to solar flares first and foremost reports confirm that there is no immediate danger and that the flares while more dramatic than normal are likely to pass people are encouraged firefighters and local authorities are optimistic tonight as things seem to be returning to normal okay Riley what should we do brought up some windows her I'll go into the store and get some water good idea I don't know but it's not safe outside okay Riley you're right we have lots of water here let's just stay together I'm gonna call grandma get it why isn't the government doing anything they don't realize what's coming but things are happening now why are they doing something now because so far all it is is just Oh Jamie are you okay yeah I'm okay won't be helpless I will not be hopeless ma I know you're scared but everything's gonna be okay all right look all we have to do is find a basement somewhere and just wait for a few days what about everyone else this is not the club you cannot protect everyone mom I'm fine I'm fine we've been through worse right technically no but I understand what you mean you're crashing who the hell's that [Music] dr. Clark oh my god [Music] who are you my name is Jamie I have the phones working again should I call an ambulance no no how long have I been out not long thank you she can thank Cory here he's your doctor I was an Eagle Scout for three years who did this to you anyway that that's what I want to talk to you about my reports are right huh I'm afraid so Riley's been giving us a crash course in solar flares he's in danger what we have to find a way to alert people Riley I lost your report do you have another copy no but I have all the data memorized good man wait what are you planning on doing yeah I'm lost what's going on all right we just have to get out of here we have to find a way to get Riley to somebody with authority let's go hold on a second I'm not letting my kid out there it's dangerous the most dangerous place for Riley right now is this house I'll explain to you later but we have to get out of here immediately oh it's okay we can trust her Riley please before it's too late who is it officer Smith ma'am LAPD police Rambo good evening ma'am is everyone okay here so far so good just a little rattled oh no how can I help you no please don't be alarmed the officers just here to make sure everyone's safe great my tax dollars at work so uh really what's going on he wants to take your son has she threatened your son are you in any way no but she just got here forgive me I'm Marshall Pryor Jamie Kasana I apologize for the ominous entrance but these are extraordinary circumstances okay has she told you that Riley's report is gonna save the world well well no doubt she told you of the urgency of getting Riley an appointment with those in charge yes that's why I'm here don't listen to him he only wants Riley's report for his own company no she's absolutely right Riley's skills are an enormous value to me I would pay just to have him help with this crisis I want him on my staff he'd be working for one of the most dynamic and successful companies in the entire world I guess it beats working in an ice cream parlor in addition I would like to offer Riley a scholarship to any school you desire bottom line I want him happy healthy and working for me you are wasting precious time I am ready to have them meet Simon Jansen right now who from PCAST what's PCAST the President's Council of Advisors on science and technology Wow Simon Jansen impressive that's absolutely right he's in town and he owes me a favor he's in town right now what an amazing coincidence it's no coincidence I asked him to come I'd really like for you to meet him what was your plan doctor are you going to drag Riley through the streets of LA maybe smuggle him into City Hall he is lying he has no intention of going public time is of the essence I hope you don't think I'm being tacky this is just to show you that my offer is legitimate but we really do need to hurry whoa you I really want us to come with you I would do anything to make that happen Rowley yeah go upstairs and pack your backpack with some overnight stuff really yeah just wait for me until I come get you understand I don't believe this I just want to give him a chance to speak thank you you know officer I don't think we need you anymore but thank you very much for coming why don't you make yourself comfortable you like a drink scotch I would love a scotch I'll help you [Music] check up there [Music] excuse me what are you doing look you cannot trust them and I know that I seem half crazy and he seems trustworthy but he almost had me killed this afternoon just for trying to go public with Riley's report [Music] and I know that the money is tempered I think Riley should be protected and not exploited I don't know your first name joana joana listen carefully you and I are gonna have a fight I'm just trying to help Riley not with each other with them now it's going to be you and me against those two men I can do most of the work but I need you to protect yourself I see this kettle full of scalding hot water that's for you you're in charge of tea got it now that we understand each other I'm gonna finish making these drinks [Music] I'm scared meet you now let's kick some ass they're gone they've escaped through the window what they grow up so quickly before you know it they're gone you're gonna regret this yeah I know [Music] tiny huh this job opening for a bouncer to have the club I scientist kid doesn't work out I'll consider call sergeant Bradley I want every cop in the city looking for that kid you kept me to dr. greens fielder now yes sir you should look for them you have any idea where they might be yeah head six over guys airplanes and other aircraft are no longer being allowed to take off however there are still hundreds of planes and other aircraft currently in flight a hotline has been set up to deal with the flood of concerned calls and authorities are requesting that you avoid calling hello Klein thank God where are you what happened prior is what happened what I'm fine Riley's fine everyone is fine Riley's with you yes the police are looking for him it's all over the radio we're not gonna be able to get him anywhere if I only had his report well I have this report what no I have it in my hand right now Oh Pryor gave it to me he said you gave full approval No yeah well he's got me prepping for a meeting with Simon Jansen a PCAST yeah yeah he's on his way to our lab right now our laughs I don't understand why would priority away that information he's not I don't get it Clark he's gonna sell it to him what he's selling the report what stop what's going on Pryor is going to sell Riley's report to Simon Janssen what if they don't meet his price stopping him how I mean he's got the report he's got the appointment he's got everything no he doesn't have Riley what do you say the four of us are going to stop prior Janssen doesn't have to buy that information Riley will give it to him are you sure I mean that is really dangerous it's our last chance to make a difference we're going to that meeting sweet finish your cereal Klein huh what shred the report what shred it we're coming with Riley okay we're doing everything we can to provide relief efforts scientists around the globe are monitoring the sun's activity which they expect to die down before any major harm is done because of this the president has not declared a state of emergency mr. mayor what do you say to the accusation and we've got another Katrina on our hands hurricanes can be predicted what we're dealing with here is more mysterious we need the word mysterious do you mean as it pertains to the scientific community or to your particular office we are not sure exactly what is going on we're waiting to get the latest reports from the scientific community watch out for cops priors got him looking for Riley we're gonna have to catch us first everybody buckle up mommy's got a red front finds that the back door is gonna be open Pryor's gonna have the place guarded though how many men he didn't know Riley I want you to stay close to me or Cory but if we end up having to fight just run away until it's safe okay mom I could take care of myself okay but if we have to just remember what I taught you hunt for the balls go for the eyes that's my boy what was that this isn't good [Music] leading scientists blame these malfunctions on a geomagnetic storm that began recently the effects of which should taper off in a matter of hours police and government officials maintained there is no reason to panic and oh my god what the hell are we gonna be up anytime soon not likely Carly god damn solar flares [Music] this countless credit towards my PE requirement now look who's cracking jokes what the hell was that that's an airplane I think probably the first of many we better go alright this is catastrophic just the beginning if we can't tell people what's coming [Music] Ribit are clear no activity all those priors men yes they don't have any official power that's a good true but if they only take orders from prior they might not have a problem killing us on sight also true I like my outlook better look prior might have a lot of pull in this country but he doesn't own everyone in Washington IR must be sweating melons he has a meeting with the presidential adviser in every partition I just hope dr. Klein is okay we should go [Music] [Music] great we have a security breach at position number one I think we have the kid okay come here no Riley no give me the gun handle first slowly [Music] [Music] hey hey is that that kid we just want to see mr. Jannsen [Music] get off my mom you okay yeah that was awesome the stuff you Tommy actually works yep had it punched the job I saw that what do we do with them I know bring him this way that's not even here you think he's gonna wake up I don't know me you got to teach me more of that let's paint the room all right we gotta go wait this isn't usually here piece of pie climb most wants to go this way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No if you behave I'll make sure we don't forget to come back and set you free [Music] who the hell are you McSweeney I got the kid that's the kid I wasn't informed you try using water you stinks lately nothing but static is it true you're smarter than a computer computers aren't alive and therefore don't qualify as intelligent shut up are we gonna stand around and chat all day or what well mix Sweeney you've got your orders you know what to do right watch it hold it right there Parker I need backup you're making a big mistake nobody's perfect rowdy [Music] brief give you five seconds to get my mom your gun one two that was amazing yes sorry you okay yeah how you feeling like I got the coolest mom in the world Cory oh you're right aside from being shot up just great huh but enough about me let's get this thing over with so we can get to a hospital you drunk why why Clark know how did you I just you make it this far I'll tell you when I have the time to remember is the president's man here he's in the meeting room you destroyed Riley's report yeah that's why I'm that's why I'm being kept prisoner here Pryor is upstairs trying to string Janssen along open that the police show up with Reilly is that him that's him you know you are very gifted and I hope you'll consider coming to work with us we'll think about it huh well then let's get him upstairs and end this thing wait I'm coming with you of course you're gonna be okay yeah yeah it's happily-ever-after time here we go good luck everyone mr. Jannsen thank you so much for meeting with us [Music] Klein sorry but he's our only hope shady yes sir sorry tell the men they can go home we're complete yes sir bring my car around yes sir it's a trap Janssen was never here [Music] [Music] excellent work dr. Klein you have proven yourself to be quite the little mastermind just doing my job you're a job which Clark you're wrong to fight him he can help us I mean if you were just not being so stubborn and idealistic and if you'd listened for once you're pointing a gun at me sorry I mean just can you back just back off I don't believe this what has he done to you I'm trying to save the lab by threatening its chairman the lab you're trying to save is mine not if you don't survive well I guess we find ourselves right back where we started you'll hurt my son over my dead body but you consistently fail to realize is that I have Riley's best interest at heart his safety and his well-being are vitally important to me yeah so you can be your own private forecaster what is your problem I want to be paying this kid millions of dollars for what he does since when did being a businessman become synonymous with being a villain when he started pulling guns on people who disagreed with you [Music] I like you okay cut the crap what is it exactly you want from us I would like for you and Riley to come with me to my retreat so we can wait out this solar flare nonsense and safety and luxury yeah let's just stop me from reporting you once this is all over what are you gonna report that you coerced us into working with you that you suppressed Riley's report what report I'm just offering you a business proposal now I believe that we're starting to cut it close we need to get to safety agreed agreed Riley mom he's got the upper hand I don't want to see you safe out of the mouths of babes yeah but just for the record you're a very misled narcissistic ass look I can't leave Joanna alone with him what about Cory no no you go ahead you do what you have to do we'll be fine we can take shelter in the basement so let's go let's go Klein huh what now he's left you if you shoot me no one's gonna connect him to it he needs me for what well for basic line he needed you and he got what he wanted I'm going to the basement [Music] [Music] come on let's go [Music] [Music] get it you know I really hope we can learn to be friends I believe in what we can do as a team as a team that gun pointed at us where'd you learn your concept of teamwork Afghanistan some day huh hey what's that sound your chauffeur okay now you don't have to do that we can come to some sort of an agreement yeah how about this you agreed to do what I say and I agree not to donate your body to my son's science lab I'm waiting to use that line forever Riley yeah go get dr. Clark mom yeah you're awesome so who's the most powerful person you can get us to in under an hour maybe the mayor the mayor that's the best you can do and he'll have a direct line to the governor who can contact the president he should okay well that's a start dart squirt what [Music] that's the problem when you're the boss and you double-cross all your workers you don't have any friends left your father must be really proud [Music] I feel kind of nervous don't be you're amazing you like Italian food I love it good to know [Music] knock them dead guys well how many people are on this right now no we need all our teams working on this matter I'll call you back hi you must be Riley hi I understand you have something for me right have a seat please now you're gonna have to walk me through this I understand we don't have much time it's worse than that mr. mayor we need to go right to the top now mr. mayor this is the White House please hold for the president Riley this is Riley thank you thank you mr. president I hope you get life you're just as dishonest and crooked as your father can you give me a minute sir you know my father I read the papers I know that you and your whole family got where you are by bribing cheating and taking advantage what do you make like 30 40 thousand I spend that on Scotch little people like you have no idea what it takes to make things work little people like me know that there's no Scotch in prison think you're smart I'll be out of these cuffs faster that it takes me to write a check money makes the world move little man oh you can stand there and say marshal priors such a bad man let me tell you something marshal Pryor makes things happen your mother must be so proud I'm ready to go that's a salt prior I didn't see anything did you see anything not insane [Music] the environmental impact of the Flair's is an issue that will be debated for some time citizens are advised to seek shelter if you can if nothing else do not leave your home power plants and pipelines are being shut down across the nation by presidential order are still serving hey how's it going out there my boys a hero mom please I'm bragging about how great you are mom has rights everything's on schedule people all over the world is taking shelter perfect time to go Christmas shopping goodness it's like summer camp yeah except for the part about the exploding Sun hey I smoked cookies okay I take it back not bored anymore now wishing I was bored fine fine promise you know I just want you to be happy and enjoy all the fun that life has to offer you okay Riley no one likes a wiseass uh-huh mess up my hair hey flashlight [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen it is a beautiful day here in Los Angeles the sun is shining and when we think about just a few weeks ago and we thought we were headed towards doomsday it felt like we'd never see the Sun Shine again so let's sit back enjoy some terrific music all right throw it a little harder this sorry I'm all still learning hey cookie moments like these are just too precious [Music] but why do these will change that oh yeah like sugar and salt and butter and eggs and flour yeah okay you have a choice between a new car and a karate chop so pick wisely mom I love you you're my hair I hope you know that Thank You Riley I also hope uh-huh yeah her try and pick could be skin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 490,505
Rating: 4.5946999 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Solar Destruction Movie, Solar Flare movie, Michelle Clunie, Tracey Gold, Chris Brochu
Id: -KjTAsPpvjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 3sec (5223 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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