500 Magnum Shotgun Shells ???

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that's a hot one today oh my gosh what was that oh where are those coming from ah is that an eggplant cannon oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my where are my keys where are my keys [Music] what's up everybody my name is scott and you're watching kentucky ballistics we're back on the range and i'm really excited about today's video because i have some pretty interesting ammo to show you but before we get started i want to say thank you to kentuckyballistics.com for sponsoring today's video the easiest way to support this channel is by checking out my clothing if you want to check that out there's a link in the description down below that will take you to kentuckyballistics.com now let's go have some fun it is so hot today so hot i'm so sweaty and gross already so let me show you what i got for today's video if you've watched any of my videos i'm sure you've seen one of these this is a 500 smith and wesson magnum normally i'm shooting hollow points full metal jackets hard casts things like that of a hand candle like this but i have some really interesting ammo for this thing today that i've never seen before and actually one of you pointed me in the direction of this ammo so i want to say thank you to whoever that was i'm sorry i don't remember who it was but these are made by matt's bullets and these are shot shells made for a 500 magnum now i've seen these made for smaller calibers like 22 9 mil 45 i've even seen them in 44 magnum but never for a 500 magnum so if you're wondering what a shot shell is instead of you shooting a solid projectile you have a lot of pellets in there just like a shotgun so the blue one is number four shot and the red one is number nine shot so this is really cool stuff i'm excited to try these out first we're gonna shoot these pieces of cardboard with each one and see what kind of pattern we got and then of course we're gonna blast some stuff okay i've got my eye protection on and my hearing protection in let's load these up i think we're gonna start out with the number nine shot and then the number four shot gonna shoot the left with nine and shoot the right with the number four shot there's no kick at all with that like absolutely no recoil let's try out the number nine shot there we go again no recoil at all let's go check it out okay so that pattern's a lot tighter than i thought it would be this is the number nine shot pretty cool stuff but it doesn't look like it's coming out very hard there's almost babies right there and then over here we have the number four shot and still again fairly decent pattern let's scoot up a little bit and see what we get so these things are made for close range not for distance so still had a pretty decent pattern at seven yards but let's be a little more realistic three yards away let's again hit with uh number nine over here on the left and number four on the right so number nine is first that's a much tighter pattern and that looks like that hit a lot harder and now the number four that's pretty cool stuff i'm excited to shoot some things okay so much tighter pattern because we were closer and it looks like they were hitting a little bit harder oh yeah that's awesome check out the number four shot again a tighter pattern and blew right through that cardboard all right got our handy dandy table set up going to get some stuff out and start shooting but i do want to say don't panic that i'm shooting so close today normally i scoot back a little bit in case of a ricochet but i'm telling you today we're all right these shot shells are made for close range and they lose their energy really fast the further you get back you already saw that on the cardboard and they don't have the energy of an actual shotgun around and they're much smaller so anything that doesn't hit what i'm aiming at is going to go into those railroad ties and honestly anything that was to come back would not have enough energy to even make it through my shirt so sit back and enjoy the video and rest assured we're 100 safe all right naturally i want to start out with some water jugs i am just really curious to see what they do to these so this will be the deciding factor on how far back i stand it's gonna depend on how wet i get from these water jugs so i'm gonna shoot the left one with number nine shot and the right one with number four shot that was pretty cool i don't think i had any water come back at me get the right jug nice that was pretty cool okay so here's the water jug that we shot with the number nine shot and it peppered it pretty good we didn't have any make it out the back it doesn't look like but there's a bunch of little bbs that we caught in there little guys and then here is the water jug we shot with the number four shot and it looks like some of those actually made it through that's pretty cool and you can see those are a lot bigger than the number nine shot get out of here okay we didn't get wet before but uh oh from the table there's a good chance that i'm gonna get wet right now uh that's a bad idea i'm gonna get squirted with soda oh well number nine on the left four on the right oh oh my gosh that was awesome it didn't make it through again with the number nine shot do number 4 shot i think i'm good i got a little bit on my shoes wow this number 4 shot is actually doing quite a bit of damage to this stuff it made it through that as well next we're gonna shoot something pretty foul that deserves to be shot eggplant nobody likes eggplant wow these are pretty cool i'm really surprised at how much damage these things are causing wow the number nine shot and the number four shot both made it through the eggplant so you can see it got peppered here no no actually this is where we shot and then it came out the back and then here with this big guy i believe we hit on this side and then came out the back on this side i actually did quite a bit of damage but i'm still not satisfied all right well now let's try out some cabbage these guys right here number nine shot on the left whoa i was not expecting that and now number four shot on the right wow so i was showing you the damage and uh totally forgot to hit record and i already threw them over there but i'll show you anyways again what's left of it the number nine shot just shredded through that cabbage and so did the number four shot which is really really impressive so i think you know what time it is okay number four shot wow geez so here is the shot the number nine shot and it did a lot of damage to that watermelon didn't make it all the way through but just turned the insides to mush i don't see any pellets then this one was with the number four shot and yeah yeah we actually had some make it through the back of the watermelon and it seemed like it kept a pretty tight pattern look at that so i have another piece of cardboard and now i want to see how far back can we get and still have a hit with these shot shells seems like up close they do pretty well but i'm pretty sure the further back we get that pattern is going to be pretty big and i highly doubt they have any power so let's scoot back a little bit and give it a try okay i'm 20 yards back let's take a shot with the number nine shot let's check that out real quick um looks like we actually have a few hits look at that but i highly doubt they made it through the box oh snap they made it through the cardboard okay now number four shot let's go check that out oh i can already see we had a few got a few on the top and yeah i can see a few bigger holes wow all right well i guess we need to scoot back some more i'm just going to reuse some cardboard and what i'm going to do is flip it around because obviously you can see the difference between an entrance hole on this cardboard and an exit so i'll flip it around where the exit side is facing forward and we'll be able to see any new entrance holes on the front and any new exit holes on the back there'll be a difference well we are a little over 30 yards back let's see how we do uh i don't feel like walking back and forth this far so we're gonna shoot with the number nine and the number four shot then we'll go check it out number nine shot and number four takes a lot of smoke let's go check it out i think i see a few new hits at least from the number four shot there's a little hit right there there's one there honestly it looks like some number nine may hit too oh yeah definitely look there's one right there it didn't didn't even make it into the box at all now these little hits number four looks like they barely barely pushed through looks like they pushed through a little bit and you got another one right there another one another one right there that's pretty wild i mean still not very powerful it's just barely pushing through cardboard but i'm surprised we had a hit at all i can't end this video without doing some rapid fire number nine shot is up first oh my gosh oh my gosh that was the weirdest thing those primers may not be the best uh well let's uh let's see what happens with the number four shot i'm wondering if that's the ammo or if that's my gun let's see hmm i don't like that i don't like that one bit all right well i'm gonna go ahead and close today's video because it's decided to start raining what did you think about the 500 magnum shot shells i had a lot of fun with them and i thought they did pretty well except for the misfires i don't really understand what was going on there could have been my gun could have been the ammunition but i will say i've never had anything like that happen with that particular 500 magnum but there's a first for everything it could have been the gun could have been the primers on the ammo regardless i had a lot of fun with them and i thought they were pretty cool really cool concept let me know what you think in the comment section down below if you did enjoy today's video do me a favor and give it a like and if you're not subscribed to kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also make sure you're following me on patreon instagram facebook and twitter and make sure you check out kentucky ballistics clothing links to all those can be found in the description down below or on my website kentuckyballistics.com again my name is scott thank you so much for watching kentucky ballistics and i'll see you next time so [Music] you
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 608,590
Rating: 4.7678823 out of 5
Keywords: 500 magnum, shot shells, 500 magnum shotgun, 500 magnum shotshell, kentucky ballistics, kentucky ballistics 500 magnum, 500 s&w magnum, scott kentucky ballistics, smith and wesson 500 magnum, 500 magnum vs, largest revolver, largest revolver in the world, kentucky ballistics demolition ranch, most powerful revolver, 500 s&w, 500 magnum 700 grain bullet, 500 magnum snub, magnum 500, 500 magnum kentucky ballistics, biggest revolver, kentucky, ballistics, scott, 500, magnum
Id: 9AMxz6zGITM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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