50 Players Go To War In Project Zomboid

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[Music] hundreds used to call King's mouth home an even greater number used to visit on holiday not anymore an outbreak of the Living Dead caused chaos killed 90% of the population left only 50 survivors to face This calamity each of them has only one life will they spend it pushing Back The Horde or will it end with them joining its ranks this is King's moue [Music] apocalypse survivors of kith I am mayor balderman and I issued the evacuation order this morning it is with great regret that I inform you that no longer do we have the means to do so no ships will be docking here we last received contact from a military vessel the ussfa at 4:52 a.m. by 5:40 the ship came into view bodies were spotted falling overboard we are trapped nobody is coming and we must continue under that assumption kith is infested and our very humanity is in Jeopardy we all lost more than any man should but you mustn't waver they are not your friends they are not your co-workers they are not your family they are not human we must retake our home and Forge Humanity's last Bastion call the population and rid ksmith of this blight they must be dispatched with apathy and [Music] efficiency as soon as the Maya's speech concluded a Survivor named Gino headed South with a base location in mind it was secluded it was defendable problem was it was occupied occupied by a retired soldier named Commander friendly hello hello you got be [ __ ] me hello can I help you fellas you're you're on my land can I have it are we sorry my parents built this place and I've been living here ever since that well you know what happened so I'd recommend leave join you I'm pretty sure I'm fine F on my own well to be fair there are two of us happened I can see that I'm outgunned here but I I'm telling you this now you try to take this house from me and if you do I'll be back [ __ ] leave free house sick Gino was trying to assemble a faction of his own an invitation was open to all and it came with the promise of protection in the cabin ground yo just go in just go in just go in those don't have a weapon go into the cabin perhaps to be appealing to potential recruits or perhaps for lack of a better name he decided to name his quickly expanding group solation solation solation cation cation hello hello gentlemen hello I am the leader cation I lost my glasses and my shirt but I still have my ass kicking for Dora to address the factions practically naked second in command glass bones sometimes called paper skin was a very unique Survivor unique for the fact he' survived at all you see glass bones had taken every single negative trait available the fact that this man is not dead should inspire you all as head of the faction though it was time for Gino to address everyone to ready his people and to lay out their survival Doctrine everyone everyone sit the [ __ ] down rule number one please travel in buddies an extra hand will save your [ __ ] life because otherwise if it's just you out there there's no idea you have no idea what will happen rule two do not go to the military base unless instructed by me you stay away from the military base yes it has all the guns but it's also High interest rule number three if you need any advice or have any suggest suggestions please do not hesitate to ask it is okay we will not shame you unless it's like really [ __ ] stupid and then I will bully you good speech good speech with some rules established Chino was ready to lead the faction's first proper looting run before I have to go I'm just going to go run and loot some of the nearby houses for food okay all right yeah I'll go with you let's go I'll go with as well someone need somebody to stay at base though I would like for at least two people to stay at base coming back that's why you're the boss boss okay so I wanted wait until we had a scouting team to say this avoid the roads okay go through the woods as much as possible I know unless you were like you know good at driving go through the woods as much as possible because people are going to be taking advantage of the roads okay not good at I'm good at hitting [ __ ] and I'm good at shoot that's what I'm good at boss I was in the armor I'm good at running I'm a goddamn coward I practiced running all my life though the search party had already left there was someone lacking skills in all of these categories eager to catch up with themass bones glass bones what going to do what going do when I come for you I'll fall down I'll fall down break nine bones and a couple ribs break my toes break my arm and I'll still touch your bones broken broken Bon get over here broken will give you loot you have the trash broken oh it's Survivor house oh [ __ ] A bunch of good [ __ ] here this place has not been looted everyone come here everyone come here I'm I'm I'm I'm getting myself inside slowly we got some good [ __ ] everyone grab [ __ ] I found a best 12 oh my oh my God there is a lot of crap in here I would like the shotgun can I have the shotgun please holy [ __ ] I told I told you guys going to the military base wouldn't be a good idea yeah I I I agree scared the [ __ ] out of me what the [ __ ] was that it's just how my lungs is that broken bones come on is anemic broken bones we got to get in the aftermath of his address to the island the mayor was not having a good time a few civilians had stuck with him but their improvised weapons and limited experience for proving less than adequate for this Undead threat hey we need help down here hey make your way to the fence jump the fence all right back up back up a [ __ ] we got to get out of here man go go now look over to the right [ __ ] we got we got to go we got to go man no we just got to go man there is I think there's that's a hoorde from the resort the resort actually hosted the largest horde on the map getting anywhere near it was a bad idea busted but uh there might be something left for us there for tonight guys in here now oh [ __ ] yeah this is what we needed holy [ __ ] yes yes I'm a man of the lord we can be the heroes we don't need to use these guns for evil or anything yeah we don't need Heroes we need Manpower yeah low key though Champions mean nothing when there's no one left to defend speaking of Defending that's exactly what this group needed to do it seemed even the police station wasn't safe they need to get further away out towards the edge of the island we need help over here quit looting you got that one watch out try not to guys try not to hit each other try not to hit each other listen I just think we should go to the gas station right now anyone agree we need to reclaim before anything if we can fortify some locations goinging to make like a faction before they could officially join in a faction they were interrupted by Lucas a player who just so happened to live right by where the mayor's group were currently hiding hello is this hello oh oh [ __ ] guy here is everything all right uh yeah I'm at the Lighthouse the lighthouse that's perfect are there people over there no just me no let's head to the lighthouse that we can use that to either is everyone are we all good we house they weren't stealing his house Lucas had graciously given them permission to head up to the Island's Eastern Lighthouse and it was far from a bad spot to set up base we don't know exactly how the infection spreads yet so be careful around corpses I haven't found a mask unfortunately so I'm a bit worried oh this is not this house been looted already no everything's here hey there's some up here no radio though this place would serve them well Far From Any zombies or other players that could cause them trouble they finished the Night by gathering around a campfire and properly setting up their faction they were to be called Beacon after the lighthouse they now called home well I'd like to say I'm really glad I found all of you and uh I hope we survive all this this is I think well we haven't made it yet but we're good in there I think we have a pretty solid group I'm looking forward to working with you amen amen I can get behind Team Beacon right I think our faction tag should be BN for Beacon bcn maybe I don't know how's that it's good I like it wonderful respect I was I'm Lucas I was homeless my grandfather owned the lighthouse and when she he died I got the lighthouse as um as a inhance so yeah I'm live that now thank you for letting us use your house Lucas we really appreciate it by way I'm Cliff balderman I was elected mayor a couple years ago I've uh been reelected once or twice so that's quite nice but uh hardly matters now I'm uh Tom balderman uh the mayor is my brother I'm uh I'm ber from Clen Shaw I was uh well I am a priest but I've been on a a mission in the in the UK the Savages over there and I just returned and then well this whole outbreak thing happen so now I'm here okay so let's just finalize our plans for tomorrow where are we going are we going to the military base or do we want to go to like the school I was going to say we do go out to the military Outpost we should probably send like a very small group so we can infate selfly I'm not sure that's not going to have people set up in it it turns out the military base in the north of the map was occupied earlier in the day among others some of its former employees had raided the outposts Armory intent on getting all they could from it right get some guns let's defend it would be helpful if there to there has to be somewhere but I mean it's too dark for us to see it all I found is like ammo rather than oh I I I've got some nice stuff for for myself everyone wanted to get to the most powerful Firearms but it seemed that the Island's enigmatic corul and his loyal soldiers were well and truly ahead of the game there should be a light switch in here holy [ __ ] there's so much you guys didn't know I I can't believe you guys didn't bother to look for the light switch is there some guns oh good uh okay guys anyone got did you find something oh I want this one for me with his newly acquired Weaponry in hand the leader of of the base Corporal Louie set about helping civilians who'd gotten into more than they could handle [ __ ] it's not worth it thanks for the rescue that being said the base was large perhaps even too large for the soldiers to defend any civilians wanting a piece of the lead and Brass pie soon found themselves overwhelmed by the Dead [Music] that's not good up gamer I got scratched I'm going to die whilst some people were starting to form factions and others gearing up to face the zombies Eddie Rick toffen had a much simpler plan to get back home help me I need to get to my house don't leave me here need a ride I need to ride to my house please let me in okay we can get to your house but first stop on the left there a particular military base and a fuckload of guns I don't think this is the right course of plan I don't think this is the right course of plan yeah yeah let's let's let's try let's try a different way I think this is the only way we just can't get a car how about we get ourselves a nice meal and fire Eat to Live Another Day after that slight detour his newly made friend Maniac McGregor drove them both to Rick toins home the one by the second and most eastern of the Island's two lighthouses oh look at this place the place this is my house would you ow ow ow ow ow ow ow owow sorry that really hurt me what the hell who the hell broke into my house oh careful looks like some squatters squatters broke into mine house I can't have some whilst rck toffen wasn't up for sharing his home with Undead squatters it seemed he had unexpectedly found himself a new housemate and we'll kill anyone who tries to take this from us cuz it's rightfully ours well rightfully yours anyway no it's ours now I like you yes yes yes I like you too you remind me of a particular uh friend I had a while ago he's dead though and I SM smashed his head open like a watermelon unfortunate for him though I hope you're pleased to know that I am willing to do the same to you if you were to turn and on top of all that they found Rick toffen Home Defense shotgun which it turns out they may be needing ooh shotgun shells ooh and a double barreled shotgun you want that oh I do love his shotgun hello I'm downstairs please don't shoot me with a shotgun you just found thank you get the hell out of my house who are you house this is our house you're bringing the UND from my house get the hell out of here am sorry I you're bringing SS like something's coming oh are you okay sir sir are you okay there's little many little holes in my arm and a little bit of saliva I think it's a bite are there is there a cure I don't know I just I I don't know anything more than you do I I swear unfortunately for Rick toffen that wasn't to be the end of his troubles his house was strategically positioned and people wanted in literally we got it we got once we're once we're there we're good I think we're safe now who were these people why were they all coming here well it turns out they were all in a faction and they called themselves girl gang God the current occupants of the lighthouse would have to start turning to threats of violence patience is untal that I do not have Okay okay it's listen let's put the guns down let's you know what else is really trespassing on my house uh please leave everybody chill mine house mine key mine place [ __ ] list if anyone's going to be leaving it's you cuz this is our well it's it's Eddie's property I have a gun too will be leaving and I'm a CRA shot outnumbered and outgunned Rick toen had to use his brain and so devised a genius Bluff low your weapons this place is rigged with explosives and if you kill me it will explode every day in the morning for whatever reason the girl gang didn't believe him though they did see it was getting rather out of hand and some did try to deescalate the situation uh Mr what was your name you sound German my name is Lads L is nonbinary asses if we put the guns down I will give everyone your ice cream I will give everyone here ice cream as long as we all put the guns away oh ice cream yeah but this is a lighthouse and I own a lighthouse I'm your man of the house girl gang girls and boys only why are you breaking into my house I'm really sorry but I think we have an ad I only put it on the table Rick know this isn't worth is worth it we've already got all the good [ __ ] let's just leave you're really aiming at the only doctor in this place they weren't giving him long to pack up and leave with this countdown though they did find time to beat box Numbers 22 through 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 he's my buddy I'm I've already convinced him to leave we're leaving he's just getting his medication and then we'll be on our medication of my shirt please move out of more seconds 66 67 2 seconds enjoy this house while you have it this R9 yeah okay bye you can leave now come on R come on unbelievable I say we live in a disgruntled house what if we tell all the other groups of what done and start a war Rick toffen was not going to have this he would make it his mission to do whatever was needed to erase the girl gang from the island completely now we need to seek out other likeminded groups who are uh sympathetic to our plate it wouldn't take long at all for the Recently evicted Joo to start dreading their story hello we come with TS of tyranny yes for this innocent man out of his house just because they quote unquote Superior numbers and they didn't like the fact he was German they talk the head of they took the head of a zombie and held it up to my arm I'm currently fighting a dis they may have started embellishing the finer details ever so slightly but it Wass all a means to an end for them if if you so much as annoy them they'll shoot you without a second thought be warned D get you beat the pair just kept running into people and spreading their perhaps less than accurate stories of the girl gang what happened to your neck oh they took a zombie head put it really close to me and got me a bunch of bites maybe you should uh find one those black has Med zombies they exist yeah you can get a did you did you find fun okay nobody found someone dressed up as one Ren we have a plan we got to find some ASAP I'm feeling a little queasy okay after sharing a respectable amount of misinformation they both decided to head back to the military base in the hopes they could find some unlooted Weaponry or a cure for rck tofen what they did not expect to see were the remaining soldiers on their way out of the base lot more deserted than I oh you sir stop your car we have a question have you seen have you seen a zombie with a black hasmat super by chance he's speeding off he's speeding off they followed the car on its exit though lost it after having to squeeze out of the front gate it wouldn't be long at all though until they encountered another military Patrol there's another one hey stop your car we got a question it was corpal Lou and his men do you have a cure why do you ask um we're on the market for a cure and we'll pay through the nose for one uh why um all right I'll tell you a story of terror I used to own the lighthouse and a gang called the girl gang came up to my house oh boy yeah we're going to use you we have a cure come with us that's good cuz uh you see I have air and uh storms of brewing his faction was held up by the port on the east of town and in the absence of any official power structure theyed adopted the name National Guard after we had a successful Excursion we got two solders are you the National Guard by chance yes we are what's up buddy so uh I I will address you as my name is corporal Lewis I am the leader of this outfit and a maniac I have your cure right here oh thank you oh thank you take it please please give that we are forever in your Deb we will kick in Hill's gates for you now what we ask is that you join our outfit because the storms are ruin on our way back if it's against girl gang we will we will do anything it takes to slaughter them I imagine it some point will be in conflict with the girls but at the time we're dealing with the maybe not Slaughter oh those yeah they bully us they bully civilians like you I can relate I I think you can relate to the to the sad story of one of our soldiers he was horribly kicked out of his house by another faction exiled from his land this is exactly like our story on top of meeting the Island's only remaining military remnants they also met its only remaining journalist one bear Cohen they took my house they gave me ice cream I like ice cream but took your story deserves to be told and by God I will tell it things were looking up for Rick toffen he made some new friends and gotten that cure he so desperately needed my fear man I feel reborn we shall rise Ren and we shall exact a revenge against girl gang someone else less welcome was just showing up at the compound an unknown Survivor now in intruding on Military territory hey man what I'd like to trade where for what they were not affiliated with any faction and they only went by raccoon Louie didn't know what to do about them we could use you you want to do some labor I'm not a squad person I'm a I'm looking to go mess with those silly people and uh I I don't mean any harm look look I don't mean any harm I have things that may be valuable to you people and I would like to then give them to us hey hey look look I don't have them on me right now an unknown Trader with nothing to trade was not to be trusted and Louie thought he might make an example of them wait wait wait wait wait wait wait listen listen hit him once hit him give him a good old wallet oh hey hey hey hey listen listen listen hey guns down guns down guns down can you guys give me a bandage at least what's up [ __ ] yeah someone give him a bandage anyone want to do a little Mission we're going to take them and we're going to scare those silly people straight so uh get in the car we're going to head over Louie promised that no fatal harm would befall Raccoon as they got ready to leave who's these silly people what did what are they I know they they I I I literally came back to my house and they're just pointing guns at me they drove raccoon all the way to the silly nation's base the cabin that so viciously stolen from Louise Commander friendly they were going to make their opinion of the siles clear okay let's go might be able to catch a couple off guard take a prisoner afternoon you guys have quite the operation uh bring out your leader hello what's up guys there's you see you kick this innocent man named friendly out of his house how could you do something like that you know the rules still apply I will admit it ain't like it was before but we need to all live together I came home to having men Point guns at me yeah y this man here raccoon a little I hear he's important to some people on the mainland hey I hey that's not true corpal leis is that it yeah we'll leave him just how about this we don't want him take him kill him whatever no wa wait wait please please please please well Lou had certainly made his point so I think we're not going to be friendly to those guys anymore huh what was your deal with them anyway like yeah what did you do to them I didn't do [ __ ] look I I was they held you hostage yeah and they found me and they took my [ __ ] and drove me out here the National Guard had stuck to their promise though raccoon wasn't dead just a little worse for wear and rather unhappy actually though one member of the silly Nation the one you'd expect to be in the most suffering was having a blast it's okay there's thread on the ground right beside you I don't know actually I don't know how to fix a de I have the needle and thread on I also would like to bring this up I have a until my heart attacks put me to sleep glass bones glass bones glass bones and paper skin whilst all that was going on and with a good portion of the National Guard on the other side of the island the girl gang finally had some time to themselves everybody my name's Eleanor um I'm 32 and today you're 32 with the with the end of the world for the first time in my life I pointed a gun at another human being and I don't know I was a super villain a couple months ago I decided to come here and I don't remember what happened all I remember is waking up with a hooker in my bed and cocaine on my nightstand oh same does anybody else have anything they want to say or um should we start getting I want to say something I feel like we can truly like make a better Society because men don't really know how to like take care of their skin and it gets all like gross and oily if you look like a zombie you're going to get shot like a zombie then it was back to work getting ready for if or more likely when they would be facing their next big challenge I'm going to look for bugs I'm very good at this back by The Resort Lumber Joe and Kira two friends with a passion for woodworking were preparing to get away from all this chaos though that's easy said than done with so many Undead left on the streets Let's uh back up I'm not I am not dealing with death oh my is following you we're leing only a few more items though and they'd be ready to leave civilization for good next stop the school library for carpentry books though perhaps even more unexpected than driving into a giant horde of zombies was finding the school lunch lady still loyally attending her duties hello hello there are you are you guys using the library yeah we're just waiting yeah we're we're just getting mou you're you're taking the books those are school property you're welcome to read them here but you can't take them away okay okay we'll just be loaning them okay um let me just you have a piece of paper like Library so be sure bring them back Mrs Dolores wasn't going to let a little thing like the apocalypse get in the way a proper Library protocol it's so lucky that every single child was on a on a field trip today here here here we go quickly quickly I totally didn't take all the magazines that she had let's go no no you can't no no no you can't you can't well we'll bring them back trust them they'll be BR back in a few days later well next up on his Scavenging man lamber Joe was looking for a more peaceful EXP experience though unwittingly drove around the corner and straight into the National Guard's base isn't isn't this like the base of those National C they're over here actually they could hear them talking off in the distance having just returned from the Silly's base they took the Trel they'd have to get out fast preferably without alerting any armed guards were they in the clear they didn't know if they were or what direction they were meant to be heading as they pulled out of the dockyard after the girl gang got news of raccoon's forceful arrest tensions between them and the National Guard were understandably tense there was however talk of trade starting up between them but they yet to exchange the first items that sucks um well yeah I don't know if we yeah if you guys could like look for the supplies uh girl gang looks for the supplies you guys still wait out here but yeah girl gang look for the supplies we can find it we can give it off it's turns out they also couldn't find what they promised to trade the National Guard um excuse me we'll light you up like no one ever [ __ ] saw he talk [ __ ] get hit [ __ ] you don't [ __ ] with girl gang that's like really rude yeah that's let's not like to kill each other cuz we have a lot of guns oh we don't want war we want to be allies we'll give you the supplies but you better not make those threats do I make myself clear you know I make myself clear I'm Corporal Lewis and I'm in charge of this island yeah sure uh which is why we are all allies the island sir but I'm a good citizen and I'm just here in my house from from a man that you're not so uh I don't know why they're being antagonistic towards us cuz we are we want to trade with them and we will be worse for everyone if we're hostile to each other okay yeah let's Retreat Retreat I don't like this they don't like girls exist Retreat you make it sound like you're going to fight us Louie and his soldiers drove back but Lumber Joe completely disoriented drove straight in behind them hey Morgan let's get back to base real quick I need to talk with you yeah yeah this what the [ __ ] hey no no no no stop stop stop stop get the [ __ ] back oh head back where you came unfortunately for him he had been seen earlier rifling through the National Guards storage containers I'm good I'm good remember Joe i' suggest you step out of the vehicle I suggest not I suggest not actually let's turn around let's turn around they obviously took security very seriously oh I I was shot in the head I I banded myself I'm I I'm I'm not beding let's get the hell away from them [ __ ] oh God who the [ __ ] would even do that that's not [ __ ] I got shot in the head and the foot oh my God back over at the scene of lumber Joe's injury people were taking issue with his as salant you you shot the guy on the LA who was that driving lber Jo he's a street criminal the National Guard departed to work on their base and the girl gang was left to figure out what to do in the aftermath I feel like they're afraid they're just really afraid right they want to kill us they're literally looking for a reason they decided that the best course of action might just be to get away even if that meant abandoning their hard one home are we leaving yes yeah I think so I'm making the call uh you know where we will meet actually I have an idea okay let's H the coast there's a lot of houses on the water what if we go here gra as much food as I can carry the calorie D stuff at least we need to go because then not going to waste too much time I don't I don't feel like the National Guard are going to be very happy about us existing this is scary going to be honest I'm really scared moving our Focus over to the beacon for a minute the mayor and his small group of friends were about to head out on a zombie killing Mission though it seemed they may run into a few distractions first oh wait a minute how do we if things get hairy if things get hairy we do not stick around we leave understood we should take the other way around yeah I can hear you wait is that a guy up there hello hello hello hello that's dude hi how's it going pretty good I'm Dr Lindell I'm a traveling doctor you guys in need of any medical assistance doctor we might need a doctor a hord over here that we're getting ready to eradicate I'm post it up in the medical place though if you do need help the medical place right down there yeah that's one I'm Up on the Roof are there people back towards our base that there were Carla and some of the girl gang refugees had made it to what they hoped could be their new home so is this it that we're just going to take over these houses doesn't seem like a bad place I hear voices I hear voices oh it's uh what what is bcn there's a large group of people I don't believe know there's a group of eight people hey hey hey guys hello hello hello hello uh we're just refugees don't mind us all the help we could get there is aord over here there is a hord to the Northeast called the National Guard and they're killing and robbing people on site we we came from the Lighthouse at the very top right of the map I believe there's only one top there's two there's two lious we want to stay here for now while the rest of our faction comes here but we can we can all work together we can be allies National Guard has 6 12 people well we can take I don't think we can take them they have a lot of guns if we can forces we could take them I don't know I think that's a poor idea with this infighting those aren't civilians the National Guard are real military remnants maybe so they by a Corporal we obviously have a greater threat here they have intelligence yes but the longer we leave them alive the more Zeds they're going to kill listen you can trust us this is the mayor of ksmith he's my brother first though the girl gang would be introduced to bake Lucy all right everyone e hey what the Luc she's so gorgeous I love her okay I do like her lips she does she is a mood and she is an icon Now official allies it was time for The Joint Forces of Beacon and girl gang to head out and for the mayor to finally bring into effect his anti-zombie policies I'll leave the charge girls assemble come on bye good luck bye good luck luck all right here it is here it is get your cars ready uh get car ready in in evacuation position and with that it was time to bludgeon some [Music] [Music] Zeds slowly but surely the lighthouse group were bringing Kings mouth's Undead population down and down the beacon had made the island safer from the undead but had yet to do anything about possible player threats on the other hand the silly Nation had practically deforested all of their territory in an attempt to stay safe from the National Guard thank you for cutting all these logs up they used them to construct a large wall alongside the main entrance to their area which would hopefully serve to slow down any advancing soldiers it would be a minute before they could judge their wall though as the group they supposed they'd be testing it against was currently just driving around and exploring the island who are you my oh my God pricey can we come up pricey yo pricey can we come up uh I be the local doctor here yeah do you need any medical attention no no we just want to say hi I'm just Staffing the hospital here uh if you need medical attention feel free come on up yeah we have our own doctor though don't worry they were off meeting new people in an attempt to gather Intel and to repair their somewhat unsavory reputation Yoo guard we just want to get a surveillance of how many Survivor groups are in the area is it only you two or is there more people here you guys don't you guys don't exactly have the best reputation what do you mean just have you had people come by here uh well I didn't really pay attention to what they're saying I'm too busy leveling up my electrical why was going to do a joke about Molly whopping you I'm just going to push you now yeah how do you like that I've Got a Cool Desert Eagle you like the desert yeah how do you like oh my God I'm so sorry Jesus stomping on someone as a joke really wasn't helping their case it was only my nuts um I won't need those anymore oh well uh I'm sorry here let's hug it out let's hug it out I think they're friends you know I think made a great impression next up they'd be running or more accurately driving into members of the girl gang Beacon Alliance hello no oh oh no that's cruel oh my God are you okay no I'm not pay for that you got a swamp Insurance hold onit you were on the wrong side of the road we were on the right side of what are you going to do call the police on me G hey our engine is 1% that's fine we'll find oh no they'd be going on for it until they could acquire another vehicle God can't have [ __ ] in kingsmouth oh this looks like it might belong to somebody get get in it does belong to somebody oh my God that somebody they were just about to run into along with the mayor and some other Beacon members out looting um oh no excuse me oh no hello wait a second hello wait hold on recognize that guy in the back you're National Guard hold on hold on this is my car what's going on I'm hearing bad things about you guys living and surviving what now living and surviving you some just shot me someone just I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about we met with a couple people earlier but they're long gone we haven't been hearing good things about you guys what's going on you with them I did not shoot nobody L gun down what the hell man goes for everyone Lou why' you shoot him I did not does anyone have a they have I saw you I'm not [ __ ] apologize I did I just was trying to shoot the zombie he killed it at the same time dumbass why would you shoot when I'm right there okay okay everyone calm down calm down I would forgive if someone had tweezers cuz I'm currently bleeding out we don't want to be enemies we haven't been hearing anything good about you all you lot what's going on what's your Source Beacon this isn't worth it are separate ways now this was either a complete comedy of errors or just a show of incompetence but it seemed that everything had gone wrong for the National Guard today just after that a couple Beacon members had made it over to the city's compound trying to act as an Envoy and bring the two factions into contact get in careful careful all right I'm in I'm in I'm in so are are you guys safe as of now I just came here to check on you guys and make sure you guys weren't still being invaded oh wait you guys control Lighthouse yeah I would like to announce that we have here today a member of Beacon here who would like to team up with silly Nation silly Nation had as good a reason to dislike the National Guard as the girl gang perhaps more so as they were actively organizing an offensive to retake the cabin where this sillies were based well I mean if they find you you're going to die like so we'll do our best you still a girl King though like is that true at least like did you that okay okay at this point the silly nation was getting paranoid rarely venturing beyond that wall of theirs for fear of the National Guard guys there's people on the other side of the river guy what the heck is there where where listen listen listen listen I can't tell if what I'm hearing his Panic or like something else banished it's banished hello open the car CLE not yet not yet not yet not yet oh wait yeah wait leave it there fall glass bones was just returning to base in his usual excited state though the question of if he was followed remained up in the air um hey I don't mean to alarm people but I have a four time scope and I see three people at the very edge of the house that's not good at all someone was out there in the woods waiting and listening uh anyone hear a good shot cuz I can't see I've got level four but it won't matter if they're in the trees we won't be able to aim at them I think if you got a shot you should take it hey I've got a highlight I've got a highlight do I take the shot take it uh take it yeah go for it nice shots you hitting them well he fell down he's not dead he ran away but good stuff good stuff that was a member of the National Guard Commander friendly watching his old home and listening in for any information he ran off to lick his wounds and to report back to Louie over by The Resort a few players had taken up the challenge of the famed giant horde though as a general R the more zombies there are the less likely your plan is going to work out Gerald finlin was about to learn that [Music] firsthand there are so many yeah my gun jammed get out we should not be to each other we can accidentally shoot you think we can melee them no you shot me no whilst the zombies still posed a threat it was the survivors you'd soon need to be watching for the highest ranking members of the National Guard had assembled in their war room to discuss how they escalate their violence against the silly Nation okay boys we got to discuss more plans Enthusiast I want you to lead another sniping Mission let me go I really don't want to kill them unfortunately as you've seen they've attacked us first and many times me meeting everybody outside everybody outside meeting all members had to be ready if the opportunity arose that'd take out the SES so you guys are all the sniper team have fun with that distinction sounds good all that was left was to officially declare war and luckily for them an opportunity to do so was just about to present itself I hear people whispering some combat positions combat position identify yourself oh I I remember them I saw them on the road can you do us a favor and deliver them did someone like call me or something yeah can you can you do us a flavor and deler what message message declaration of war to the silly people okay okay for sure they were going to remind all members of the silly nation that you do not mess with the National [Music] Guard going into session two glass bones had managed to negotiate a 2-hour truce with the National Guard no one quite knew what was to happen and everyone needed time to prepare oh over by the docks where once the mayor announced the apocalypse two new people were entering it rick with a spoon who hid in a crate until this point and Jerry octopus a rather confused holiday maker they scavenged what they could and headed out octopus still not quite grasping the gravity of the situation my uh my cruise was late will there be the Safari I was told there was going to be a safari a safari that's a sounds fun I'm not from around Parts the uh I'm a tourist well I've been here a few weeks uh I just stayed indoors for the you don't know what's happened it's the godamn how are you going to get a turn if you stay indoors like that's a bit stupid well it's the apocalypse you've not you've really not heard what happened there's no Wi-Fi on the cruise it was it was it was quite quite [ __ ] aair really well anyway yes the zombie apocalypse Clips if you if you I can't believe you haven't noticed I guess most of them are dead now but now that you mention it there does appear to be a big pile of dead people over there I might have to that's making me think something might have happened here you know but I'm not an expert I wouldn't know not knowing what to do with the island in such a state the pair wandered about until they stumbled into members of the girl gang you okay I've been hiding out all week you know since it all started uh well to the cation yeah there's uh not really any zombies Left yeah we kind of took care of them uh be be careful of men in camouflage men in camouflage you know where the Safari is I just got off the cruise and I was told there was a safari and a run master class ex me pleasure to meet you I'm the mayor of uh well uh what exactly is going on here so you two are the new arrivals correct what happened were you guys just hold up or I was yeah don't know about this guy some kind of cruise we're not exactly in a good position to be accepting tourists at the moment a lot different to what I expected I'm starting to think there isn't even a safari I think things are worse than I thought I'm just surprised that there's well people and no zombies the mayor would have been proud of how thoroughly the Islanders had pushed back the undead but now had to explain the National Guard situation to Rick well I don't like the sound of it but we're going to be at War the women over there uh they had their own group going on but they were attacked and robbed by another group The National Guard is what they go by go take some food out of the fridge we got plenty at the moment whilst the recent arrivals were finding a new metaphorical home amongst the beacon Rick toffen was returning to his old physical one the girl gang abandoning his lighthouse had finally given him the chance to return to it oh my house nice to be back trash everywhere can't believe it they took all the food I'm going do a little bit left behind the doesn't feel like my house anymore yeah my blood oh yeah they did they ravaged the place despite the state it was in the National Guard were lucky they regained control of a lighthouse the vantage point it gave them let them see something very interesting Supply crates supposedly from the ussfa being carried by ocean waves towards the island all along its perimeter boxes of very useful items were washing ashore and Rick toffen having spotted one from his Tower was the first to go and get some of their loot all armor drop they contained sets of improvised armor and the manuals needed to create more where you been I I was I went with some of the guys up to comb the beaches for crates oh I can see you wear the scrap armor I found a new bu a shil gang I got books on how to be produc it so where when can we start making armor I am I'm requesting a headpiece if they could get armored up before the others they'd be at A major advantage in any combat encounters speaking of potential combat the silly Nations leadership were about to act on the looming threat in light of the National Guard's Superior military strength they had decided on something drastic okay hi um for starters we are abandoning base all right ladies and gents broken bones here we going we're going to follow the beach and then head to the you guys were the first building that we were at when the mayor was giving his speech yeah yeah they had a destination in mind they would be happy anywhere safer first however they will need to successfully move everyone I was going to say this all important I know yesterday I told you guys to kill National Guard s but they are not to harm us we are not harm them until the war all right everybody start grabbing stuff we got to get ready when they had agreed on the ceasefire earlier there was something extra that one member of the National Guard had requested to use it for I was I was contacted by the mayor along with this local reporter he wants to do an interview it's going to be me and the the mayor so that's like big it'll be announced later whilst this talk of meeting with be Coen was interesting there was clearly something more pressing at hand we're going get your guns out be ready hurry up come on if the National Guard comes by stand your ground now sticking to the beach and circling around the resort to avoid any unwanted chance encounters they happen to stumble upon something rather valuable ignore the distractions just follow they wouldn't be ignoring this distraction nor should they the armor was too big an upgrade to miss give to the higher ranks see I need you to drop it and give us give to the higher ranks We're going to wear it cuz we're high priority targets where's banish where banished us grab a [ __ ] we carry on he knows where we're going where the [ __ ] are we going by the way Maron hurry up [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is banished hey Juno where is it that we're heading they'll see him is this it it should be here if they're not here we can just go up mayor bordman was collecting car WX for an improvised barricade when he had one of those very much undesirable chance encounters oh dear oh you need to go you need to run hey we need help here short kick what's going on let's have a civil discussion here what's happening over here what's happening Hey Kevin I'm going to talk well it seems we're meeting with National Guard at the moment uh okay guys uh so how are you here there is some rumors that you are uh in some kind of Ally with the silly faction is that true uh I would like to make a deal with you oh how about just be friendly be friends between the National Guard and the beon faction think we'll have to talk about this as a group we we alone come make a decision yeah so do tell what's going on with the National Guard I can't say I've heard any good rumors about you I just build and drink [ __ ] alcohol but we don't have so much to drink we could use someone like you we could use someone skilled in Gunplay and if you need alcohol we have plenty of it I don't want it to come to Bloodshed but it's looking like that but you you seem to be a reasonable fellow it turns out this meeting had given the mayor a chance to convince one of their members Kevin to switch sides you're starting to understand that it doesn't have to be that way you could defect I don't know I need to think a little about it if it comes down to it we'll shoot but you're reasonable I don't want to come to that don't worry all right God speed I hope that works we could use all the Manpower we can get there was also one other National Guard member in the vicinity Kevin's friend Commander friendly it made sense to try and figure out if he was really loyal to to Louie or was only using him as a means to get his cabin back I feel like everything is falling apart I I I want to find a way that we can all come together and coexist you know as much as I want that and as much I've as I've fought for it in these past few days it just doesn't seem possible but we can still come to a compromise Maybe but silly nation has been shown to disregard everything that we stand for I lived on that island I have that deed you know I lived on that island I purchased it from you I cannot coexist with silly nation that is non-negotiable if we found a potential peaceful option to deal with silly nation and get you your home back would you take that over killing them some hundred years ago land was granted in return for for combat if you would be willing to take up arms against what we deem not fit for the island I will gladly Grant you land anywhere you please you're talking you're talking about betraying my friends you don't even have to betray them but oh [ __ ] everyone outside let's check out what that was that what's going on oh hey what's Happ he wouldn't follow my just kep running ahead sir hands up do me a doctor hands up now that was glass bones and now on top of the many illnesses in his body there was also a bullet just put your hands up and quit moving we're going to check you oh damn this dude's about to die don't take that bandage off hey may what that where that National Guard go really bad sorry I heard you guys talking and I didn't know all of this commotion seemed to attract the rest of the sillies finally reuniting glass bones with them hello W hey hey we're good we we escaped yeah we were sieged by the National Guard and I was trying to catch up with my group and you guys shot me so you went past the barrier please understand that's why listen it was a misunderstanding there's no bad blood between anyone all right who of who among you would you consider the leader me I'm the leader so you're the leader Let's uh go in the meeting room you and I I've heard uh you're at war with a faction I believe we're all at war in a way National Guard has harassed and Target us all yes we've gotten that knowledge even from uh the National Guard themselves I have a couple I'm hoping I can get to defect before it all turns to [ __ ] but one thing's clear is that we can't coexist downstairs octopus and Rick were having a bit of a mini reunion we found I found n seen so Rick two guns I have one gun and guys guys guys guys uh Kevin just pulled up uh I think that someone's pulling up someone was indeed pulling up with the intention to or but finalize his defection who the [ __ ] in that I would like to talk with the girls gang oh it's you hey no gun down gun down hey hey this one's reasonable this one's reasonable he's one of the few we can work with here I'll escort you please follow me by this point most girl gang members had joined the beacon faction they still had their own group identity but being in the same faction means avoiding Friendly Fire very important with all the anticipated firefights uh Pikmin here is a former member of the girl gang before uh we absorb them hello can we enter the building to talk in the more comfortable way it's a big c out let's let's go so I don't know who start this [ __ ] with the war who shot first and what happened with the Goro gang our leader said to us that some of the stion uh was an [ __ ] we killed all zombies here why we can't just leave in peace or try to leave this island none of us want this war but we don't exactly have a choice I don't know but even just one last combatant on their side they don't even have to fight for us I see the semblance of tyranny in your faction and I know now that that cannot exist and there's only one way to get rid of it okay I understand you but can I at least try to talk with some guys in our group maybe I could convince them though the meeting had gone well Beacon now had far more people at its base than ever before and this surplus of hungry mouths would lead to a great tragedy dude there is no food in here oh my God you think find some of us got to L cuz like we have no food what did you just do I think I just accidentally butchered Lucy what the [ __ ] did you do it was on accident I [ __ ] swar okay what the [ __ ] did you do I butchered [ __ ] all dude I'm I'm telling you I he [ __ ] buter luy he butchered big they wouldn't understand on the opposite side of the map over in the dockyard the National Guard were having a few fish related issues of their own having any luck no there's not fish is blasted can you head the garage please we we need we're having a meeting everyone come in here come into the garage please okay thing is we out gun them we don't have a lot of Manpower though so these operations have to go off without a hitch or we need to pick up new members of our army at least we need to be able to deal with the silly faction no casualties most of their weap consist of shotguns and shitty rifles so we should be able to deal with them pretty easily actually one of one of our members is currently doing I me I mean you're going to be fighting or you or not I'm a non-combatant be Cohen the National Guards resident reporter was actually just about to leave and make his first islandwide broadcast he'd got a whole studio set up in preparation and many players had gathered around a radio in anticipation with the ears of the whole island eager to get all the news they had missed Cohen switched on his broadcaster and started his report good evening kingsmouth this is wbn I'm bar Owen filling in for Usual by now you're all grimly aware of our top story The Dead are returning to life these are our final days ladies and gentlemen make them count as mayor balderman made the populace of Kings Smith aware no supplies are believed to be inbound for kingsmouth at this time however reports of wreckage from the ussfa have been coming in over the uh span of the evening supplies are washing ashore including crates containing who knows the National Guard reminds the populist that martial law is in effect murder and theft will not be tolerated friends in these dark days it is important to look to your fellow human being just despite the actions of the only nation giving ample reason to keep others at Arms distance this unprecedented disaster has Illustrated the importance of working together good night and good luck the aort despite all the information it held did not in fact go down well with the public don't believe their lies shut up bloody people felt perhaps rightly so that be Cohen's reporting had a slight bias to his own faction's interest it seemed the only one with ties to the National Guard that could be trusted was Kevin try not to tell them too much but you need to keep your story you need to keep it straight you need to keep it consistent you've been gone for a long time at this point and I'm sure they've taken note of that okay I'm letting this man leave I'll escort him to his vehicle okay I'm about to go now all right best of luck Soldier far off into the woods Lumber Joe had just recovered from being shot in the head being so far away from the others had helped him avoid catching any more bullets but the seclusion was also necessary for his big plan he had sharpened his trusty wood ax as it was time for him to prove his name and to flex his carpentry [Music] levels well let me have a rule and a saw and a board and I'll cut it I'll climb up a ladder with a hammer and a nail now nail it well we work so hard to build a little house together in the snow or the rain or the ice C when whenever no matter what the weather we're together [Music] yeah [Music] let me have a rule and a a I'll cut climb up a ladder with a hammer and a nail now na it it work so hard to build a little house together in theow the rain or the ice wind when no matter any weather we're together it wasn't long before Kevin arrived back to the National Guard with the end of the ceasefire getting ever closer he tried one last time to convince the others to join him in defection because you know what I saw a lot of people there they we are all numbered well it seemed the others were too angry and too to loyal to hear him out I am going to note that they are asking for people to like murder and execute members of the US military we just we're just going to shoot them we have enough ammo to outp pass them guys is Kevin around here he went away with the Okay Kevin told everyone that he was talking with silly people like he was making piss talks but when I asked if they maybe are at the beon base he denied it he said he was at the Beacon's basee but he didn't s any silly people I didn't trust this guy Kevin had left with a couple others the faction's doctor and Commander friendly those who he hoped would choose reason over loyalty to Louie why you think he will stop on the silly faction what if he would like to kill G gang or even White House guys you know in next 50 minutes war will start and maybe they don't have M16 like us but they have allies girls gang and the lighthouse boys and we are alone so let's get back to the base and try to talk with our guys let's try at least a hell hey everyone everyone follow me everyone get in the car why we're going hunting don't worry man I will take a car and come to you we need two car at least for this I will come don't worry I see what you mean by you don't trust that guy he's Lally trying to get people to leave he's going to go back there and try to get people to leave turn around we're having a coup what's he going to do listen to him Lou was certainly right about that his word as Coral certainly had more say than that of a recruit that being said a higher rank isn't everything and it certainly doesn't guarantee you a good driver that's a grill an acute observation there from Commander friendly I'm in so much pain I'm almost dead after having his second in command steal a car for them when they need for any upcoming raids Louie turned around and headed back to base not before passing Kevin one more time well I'm very sad I was just out for prop go back to the base go back to the base no I'm not [Music] about iard your Russian talking about not going back if you want to stop this war then come with me come with me bro if you want to stop this [ __ ] don't worry you you will be alive just come with me had Kevin managed to finally convince Commander [Music] friendly he had not Louie may have his faults but the National Guard was a unit and a unit sticks together the leaders of the beacon and the silly Nation had earlier agreed to meet with bear Cohen for an interview and despite the upset that was his previous broadcast they were still hoping that they could clarify to him their situation they'd have to be careful though there was a chance that this interview could run past the end of the truth I was just uh working on the wall a bit if somebody could go uh put stuff behind the wall so it can't be pushed in that'd be appreciated but it's about time for the interview all right all right just we're going to the pier I'm proud of this little wall driving through what seemed like a NeverEnding scattering of corpses mayor balderman and Gino were preparing to meet with the reporter mayor I swear to you the [ __ ] that was said on the radio it's not true we're good people really trying to survive hey for the interview hello hello I brought Rich because he's the sanest one of the sest people that we've got yes you have a fleeting handful I've noticed do we want to do this inside or outside probably inside better Acoustics you have my word we will not shoot you without provocation but that goes for you as one of the reasonable members it was then that the mayor was informed of Kevin's return and his inability to convert any other National Guard members sh d one of you can take my place for this uh interview he right they're going to be conducting their interview in here uh let's go up the pier Kevin if you don't want this war then help us it's time to convert Kevin abandon your faction this is the only way I can ensure your safety yes so what are we doing yeah let's take Richie let's go all right time for war time for War I don't like the sound of that well that doesn't sound great it turns out that the two-hour ceasefire had just ended there were to be no further questions asked this interview all right get sniper support out Morgan miles a former girl gang member was more than ready for this for her National Guard members were Now kill on site [ __ ] where' Richie go is Gage most lik girl gang anybody seen Richie give me a second here has anybody seen Richie [ __ ] got oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he's [ __ ] dead uh Richie's just been taking out we're taking bear hostage it seemed that despite efforts to prevent it the war was now in full swing make sure um bear can you please stay where you are what happened to Richie and put your hands off um so are you a member of the National Guard I am a civilian contractor for the National Guard guns down gun down um if you could please place your gun on the floor um we're going to have to take a temporary possession of you you are arresting a reporter I'm a member of the press and you killed my bodyguard you killed my friends my are you refusing what happened to Richie you killed him in the middle of my interview bear I would politely ask you to leave your faction this is a last you're no longer a contractor buddy you killed my friend and now you're dead too right we should reunite with gang gang war is happening mayor I feel like it'd be best if we were inside in safety everyone is staying here get inside this is bad this is bad Louie was taking his soldiers to get revenge right now nothing else mattered everyone in this car right now okay shouldn't we close the gate before we go who cares thinking he was the guard's biggest target Gino moved to the safest position the lighthouse could provide and got ready to hunker down important people need to come upstairs you don't need to risk them dying snipers also need to be up here gentl 12 cigarettes hry holy [ __ ] whilst some players were busy smoking their way through this rapidly escalating conflict emeralds and some girl gang members were ready to bring the fight to the National Guard thinking that they might be preparing an assault at the military base they geared up and headed north we're good come on follow me we're going to go Rambo here let's grab a c quickly everybody load up enough food for two days oh to go to the military base yeah okay me and AD are going to be uh Scouts I guess and also rambos all right through this way there should be a um an opening in the fence I'm taking out my two-handed remember shoot first ask questions later do you still that have that pipe bomb I gave you it would seem they were right about the National Guard being here a couple Beacon scavengers were also in the military base and the girl gang Joo were about to watch their final moments person uh person in Black uh up in between the mes Hall and the uh hello fellas how are we doing it's speaking it's speaking kill them all what what are we doing are we good are we not good somebody tell me if I'm supposed to emeralds knew it was time to grab that pipe bomb she had made what she didn't know was that you can't throw them through [Music] Windows boy this this how she I'm hit [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm hit I'm burning I'm burning up bail bail back to the car back to the car we need to get out of here back to get back to the car come here Rick Toof let Rick toen check you out and we'll get back to the car we're leaving when word of the deaths reached mayor Balman he was beside himself chake erals oh did they for did they do an attack what happened though he'd rather do anything but lead a militia against other survivers that' left him with no other choice he'd pick up the remaining girl gang recruits and take everyone to that military base everybody part of the raid come with me to com ra we're gonna want to bring Vehicles one final preparation had to be made it was time to bring all those opposed to the National Guard under one Banner the silly nation and the beacon were no more taking their place was the Coalition Kings Smith's answer to corul Louie somebody else lead the charge I want to make sure we're going to the right place we have eight people in this group pleasure to know you all it truly has been listen these guys they spec into Gunplay we have to be careful you need to exter these evil evil creatures attention anybody on this frequency have we found out where uh the National Guard is listen they could be hiding they could have Guerilla Warfare going on whilst they couldn't find the National Guard anywhere they did stumble upon someone else by an unassuming Hing in the fence hey he who that that's Lumber Lumber Lumber Joe walk over here hands up there's a large hole in the wall over there we've made contact with an outsider Lumber Joe we found Lumber Joe uh over on the runway there seems to be a very large hole large enough to fit a car Louie knew that they couldn't stay in the military base after the shootings he' made the right call and brought his soldiers into town to hide out and plan what to to do next I picked up like eight boxes of shotgun shells off of emerald if anybody needs them we don't need shotgun shells okay so how many people have sniper rifles we could try a surprise attack on the girl gang I know where they're based at listen listen Kevin betrayed us and he was talking he was he was making here follow me I know the best place to you know Ambush them come on follow me he ordered his troops to move a few buildings over to the hospital and sneak in through a window one soldier named liquid had however forgotten that smashed glass hurts quite a bit oh [ __ ] oh my God no this is a hospital we can probably find use some medical supplies bro why did you do that friendly follow me we're going to the roof they'd been by this hospital before they met a doctor who once stood in the same spot as them but the start of this war led it to be abandoned and now this place of healing was host to a military operation with liquid now bandaged they were once again on the Move sneaking one block closer to the coalition's base this is yeah we're clear we're like a [ __ ] tactical the place I promise you my soldiers we'll win this and we'll kill them all you see that over there that's the girl gang hideout okay let's go shh be very quiet not a word not a [Music] word fall back fall back fall back we know where they are now despite Lou's instructions Commander friendly had not Fallen back he' found himself an almost perfect position hidden and far away from his targets but with unobstructed line of sight he could see them but they couldn't see him [ __ ] man oh [ __ ] me me me me sniper sniper oh [ __ ] sniper here sniper here sniper sniper sniper you got shot yeah there's someone here there's a sniper they're in that direction that direction where's Kevin where's Kevin I think I [ __ ] my leg my leg broken did you get shot yeah two times two times visual I have visual I have visual someone I hear someone [ __ ] [ __ ] are you the one shooting kin has Kevin has shot with Kevin dead and that they were under attack evident those Coalition members still at the Lighthouse were desperately trying to radio in those at the milit base hello can anyone hear me hello hi this is heyy they have they have snipers on our base at the lighthous uh Hey so guys we need to go back to Lighthouse they have snipers and they're taking out people Kevin's dead they oh no Kevin didn't deserve to go we need to go okay should we return back base yes we need to go remember snipers be ready despite having finally taken out the traitorous Kevin Louie was not impressed with Commander Friendly's actions he saw a daytime attack like this as far too much of a risk nice reveal our position dude we have to we have to go now yeah he's right we got to go seen us I'll cover you in actuality no one had seen them the Coalition hadn't even considered the floating houses as a possible vulnerability I'm sure very tired okay fine let's get let's rest in this gas station hey tell you what do you want to move over to that house over there we be closer yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what it's thinking I don't think I can take the man we got we do listen we got this I can see their fence from here but they didn't do anything silly nation is the one we're supposed to be attacking not them they're all the same man they all merge together by now part of the coalition's militia was riving back from the military base and quickly though unknowingly approaching the National Guard's position okay hold left hold left guns out I say we move to the police station fine what hide there Nightfall contacts at the police station I think there's contacts at the police station run run run run this way this way this [Music] way die die two Coalition Fighters had been downed and the rest scared off the their National Guard had fled too but it seemed their leader had been separated from them during the shootout Le this way there Le way this way I didn't see him come back might be dead we should have just surrendered oh my God we should just surrender shut up no man no we already killed one we already killed one man I can't do this I can't I can't do it either man but we have to stay strong we have to stay strong oo money I think we need to surrender that's coward talk man even if Louis is dead we got two other members in your Bo houses we sh R who said Bo houses won't get back together yes just move go come on now who was that it's here hey it's us it's us it's us it's us so here's how things so far let me give you a status update okay so basically after you guys did that a couple of them went and are continuing to hide in the lighthouse my boys are continuing to shoot them get over here all right for now one go fire it uh we're going to try and regroup we're going to regroup at the Lighthouse um my best bet right now is to just stay together and be aware we are tring into do together everyone with guns move ahead go go go go go go I'm hit I'm hit I'm hit use the barriers the mayor nor anyone of his faction knew where they were being shot at from so they were left standing on the wrong side of their barricades and shooting wildly into the dark holy [ __ ] there's a lot of them I don't have that kind of range I just got hit again I'm keep going keep going I'm good where are they I'm hit I'm hit sh where are they [ __ ] uh if you need medical by the white car white car medical white car medical oh God I can I can only do so much deep wound oh God Jesus where are they are they even here Louie was still deciding on what the National Guard's next move would be but they'd all been in a constant state of Readiness for a long time and medic Ren needed a break whilst they had the advantage like this go down into the lower lower bungalows if you can and rest up for a bit just sit on the ground in the bathroom of a back room somewhere she's oil be back for taking my house one of the coalitions Medics Jax was doing anything but resting field first aid in conditions like this was not safe or easy oh [ __ ] they're shooting at us they're shooting at us back the car comeb the white van oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where are they come here oh [ __ ] I been shot no I'm getting shot oh God oh God oh God I'm I'm bleeding out I'm bleeding outy went they kill Becky please no they're on the pier oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm going to die it's so over I'm so I'm sorry no no I don't even know where it's coming from elor you need to find cover where is they shooting from then I don't know where these [ __ ] are come to me push theer push the not the pier but a girl G's original base that must be where they are I found them they're in the girl gang they're at the girl gang base attention everyone on this frequency do not Peak they're at the girl game base that's where they're firing from see guys this is what I told you not to doubt my tit are go they're coming down they're coming down okay okay go leave leave leave leave where where where we're out we're to the uh to the uh go to the U the place we're all going to die we're all going to [ __ ] die liquid shut up Liquid one more time that we going to die and I will kill you myself mayor I'm here I'm here does everybody know where they were they were at the girl game Space they were sniping from the girl gang base okay guys so uh so what's the plan from here around K eventually it'll be day we don't have much time okay we should circle around the resort everyone come on let's go come on come on let's go let's by this point most of the Coalition knew where they'd been shot at from though searching the floating cabins revealed nothing but piles of bullet casings they had missed any chance at avenging the many many deaths the National Guard had inflicted we need to wait for the angry people to push out alone let we kill them I'll take down these two zombies yeah let's take a quick break in here everyone everyone come on come on unbeknownst to the National Guard they were about to receive at least a small taste of their own medicine in the form of Morgan miles the girl gang sniper where's liquid I think they went to the hospital hold on let me go check I'll be back okay okay there's people here people here people here people here help me ah [ __ ] all right move in here nown Commander friendly had been killed without ever having made it back to his cabin for the National Guard they just lost their second in command but for the Coalition they had just taken out a mass murderer the one who shot the mayor and killed both of their Medics Vengeance fuing I got his ass Vengeance for all the other ones it seemed the girl gang wasn't done with the National Guard just yet though Elanor had captured liquid and had no intention of letting them get away for their crimes I killed fluid Helix and and I killed yeah that's as far back as it go nice job nice job very nice job those National Guard members who escaped the resort found themselves once again stationed in the hospital trying their best to recover but those members lucky enough to still be alive weren't ready to forget those who weren't let's hold a memorial service yeah it sucks you guys ready I'll uh do the service here in Memorial of our fallen soldiers Rich PK bear Cohen liquid friendly maniac and uh others you died in service of our nation your deaths will not be in vain you will be Avenged we'll keep on fighting for you that's fine I don't care who the hell you are I'm done come out if you're National Guard then put up a fight get out [ __ ] I got raccoon I got raccoon holy hell I killed raccoon raccoon had died unable to be free from the National Guard in his final moments just as he never truly escaped from them in life let's go go go go go go get the out of here get in get in get in get in get in with the National Guard driving off and the Coalition in complete disarray the future of kingsmouth had never been more uncertain any hopes for peace had been well and truly dashed remaining survivors were in a worse position than when the undead roamed unopposed it seemed that all just traded one evil for another Rick Witherspoon had actually spent most of the previous session out in the woods with the cabin dwellers he didn't want to be caught in the middle of a war that wasn't his to fight that being said he still had friends out there and they might now need his help well I suppose it should be about time I believe in I'm afraid I've got unfinished business maybe I will see you on the other side there is no other side we're all going to die uh-huh it wasn't long before Rick walked out of the forest found himself a car and drove into town There He Came Upon a pair of survivors he had met before at the Lighthouse Rick were you are you okay what happened to you glass bones and his friend were out on a secret mission though they were not immune to distractions oh my God that's the lunch lady how are you fine folks today I'm doing mighty fine lunch lady d hey can I have some absolutely I happen to have a combo meal on me oh my God yes somehow Delores had managed to remain neutral throughout all of this fighting we got a toy that's a nice lunch box she's got a yoyo dibs you boys enjoy all right thank IE lunch thank you ma'am I'm going to tell you be careful in this area there's a lot of violent guys going on and something might be going down and like next 10 minutes I love you lunch lady I love you too I'll see you boys later all right it was time though for glass bones to execute the plan he had worked up between sessions are we really taking Rick as well why what's going might as well cuz he doesn't know what's going on I know there's National Guard up the road with Lou desperate for any more support glass bones had told him he intended to defect Lou either didn't think to question question or wasn't in a position to do so even with their previous victories things were looking Grim for his unit now everyone be very quiet while we wait for glass bones okay hey Rick I'm going to need your help up here too I'd suggest you get down we have a sniper oh [ __ ] i' suggest you drop your weapons yeah guys drop the guns just trust it trust the process right now you're going to want to drop all everything you own including that helmet I could use that a come on I got from Kevin well you see Kevin betrayed us you're dropping me that helmet and your back pound this officer is not a very talkative one officer I'm calling to you where you at your Lighthouse this officer is very slow in the brain no I just I can't understand you've got a very heavy accent I know it's very beautiful Rick had been caught up in the middle of all of this the plan hadn't been properly explained to him and now he was in a more dangerous position than he had ever been when stationed with the Coalition well you see now I'm going to be the leader I'm going to be in charge and I'll do what needs to be done what Rick didn't know was that glass bones had told Gino of this meeting with this being potentially the only chance for him to do so Gino was getting ready to take his shot at Louie this way this way you're going the wrong way you're going the wrong yeah this way dum dum they had set up in the school across the road hoping to use the second floor's elevation and take out the National Guards leader from afar [ __ ] we can't get a [ __ ] shot come on Louis get the [ __ ] over here buddy get in get in get out you got shot you got shot go go go go go go out go hand go hand do you see them I'm hit they're there [ __ ] I'm most definitely done get ready to fire Tony it was now that glass bones decided to see his plans through to the end he deceived the National Guard thus far one final trick and he'd be gone why is happening over there doctor left side left side down here down here get back get back get back back back no one was there to witness Ren's death it seemed the others had run off to find the wouldbe Assassins [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm dead what got them got them was this him that was Gino I killed Gino it was only now that Louie realized the Betrayal he had killed his greatest enemy but lost one of his earliest recruits I think the doctor died wait a minute he lied yeah spish films was a spy some Coalition members a few blocks over had heard the gunfire loaded up into a truck and were now on their way to the school the National Guard had taken too much from them and they weren't ready to let them escape again all right I'm going to drive us to an area I think they are everybody keep your guns out get ready shoot at anything that moves if anyone needs shotgun shells there's 70 of them in the glove box there's no amount of life that I'm willing to take in order to ensure the National Guard dies the school of the shootout occurred in was the one lunch lady Dolores was employed by luckily for her she was out running errands but unfortunately her luck wouldn't be lasting very long we got a car we're drifting sick drifts there we we go sick drifts let's check our drive-thru Who Parked a car right there hey buddy my go ladyes lady how are you we who you oh Jesus not you guys holy [ __ ] it's me oh [ __ ] in now [ __ ] three more people had fallen victim to Louis's soldiers Morgan miles who had killed Commander friendly had barely made it out alive I got shot four times [ __ ] Christ please not drive too fast if you crash I die if you Morgan was being rushed out of there she may be the best shot outside of the National Guard but no one's that good when they're bleeding as profusely as she was Gamers don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot please I need to help out my homie what do you need currently full bullets inside me I need a [ __ ] smoke after that holy [ __ ] bet they got Dolores man she didn't do nothing wrong I left silly Nation or the Coalition cuz I I don't want to be shot on site the national account the national account does not care at all you want to you want to make your own separate little thing then sure please let's just get out of here I'm shut up to [ __ ] I don't want to go on the let's go first let's go let's go first all right all right what where do you guys want to go for shelter um we have no idea with the Coalition fractured the silly Nations leader dead and the May is stuck camping out in the National Guard's old base even he was losing faith in their ability to maintain a unified faction look with the way things are going this island is done for we're not going to this just isn't going to work we need to get out of here you got to boat no yeah do you have a boat yeah I have an idea tell me more look at these logs look at these planks I think if we can just gather some materials yeah exactly and look there's other Carpenters on the island we don't know when the National Guard is going to get back I think we just take what we can and leave uh there is another uncontacted group on the island the lumber faction there is yeah and when we were in when we were in the military base looking for them we found a hole in the wall large enough to fit a vehicle and I think this is our last dis chance if they refuse us I don't know what we're to do it seemed that though they' remained neutral and very little was known about them by the Coalition all their hope now rested on the shoulders of the cabin dwellers to the Airfield I hate zomboid cars we have had so many survivors at the beginning we all banned together we were all outgunned immediately what are we supposed to do this is where we saw Lumber Joe come out of we uh almost arrested him I'm so glad we didn't shoot glad recognized him look at all these lcks and planks raise our hands raise our hands look it's their discretion here that is going to protect us hello hey it's you Lumber Joe hey look everything went to [ __ ] the beacons uh we assimilated with two other groups we became the Coalition it's all gone if King is down for then I suppose we might as well take you in CU I've been chopping some trees over there by the cars and I'm preparing to build something of a raft one could say it turns out the cabin dwellers had the exact same plan as the mayor we're preparing to leave and who better to ask the rest in the Carpenters yeah all we need is a bit of nails I think and uh we should be able to make something said Nails I didn't find much but I have about 32 all right here's what I want to do I want to go to the National Guard's base I'm thinking we can use the tires to uh have extra flotation on the raft here's what we're going to do we're going to be we're going to quietly approach the National Guard base if there's any sign of life then we don't yes I am sorry it's come to this I never wanted this nothing's been moved since we got here perfect should we turn the car off yeah right here's what we need we need uh I'm going to pop the tires off their vehicles uh I need you to look for metal working four hello anyone here it seemed the National Guard's base wasn't as abandoned as they' hoped and more than that they knew someone had been there whilst they were away I'll go talk oh they are here yeah let me I'll I'll par I'll par it's Rick you can trust me I got my arms up I'll disarm if you want I know you're in here yeah we're going to watch down the road just in case please come out they [ __ ] psychos please let let me join you they're [ __ ] psychos please let me in they tried to kill me they here where are you oh [ __ ] what happened no no they're gone for now we got to hurry though what do we need again we need a generator mag metal working books Nails propane tires leather nails are the big thing back over in the woods it seemed yet another Survivor had shown up seeking Refuge though with his recent actions his situation was a little different to the others I'm glass bones you can have what you need to help with uh I kind of did some bad stuff yeah I was with an National Guard and I killed re toffen one of their doctors and silly nation's dead They're All Dead they are coming after you guys National Guard's coming to kill you guys they're on an all kill F they've killed silly Nation they're going after everyone so they're looking for you right they're looking for me because they killed my friends and I killed their doctor let him live but he can't have our name [Music] otherwise wait what are you doing he's if he's with them he's they're all going to come after us if he's with us if we could have let him go the cab dwellers paranoia grounded as it was and now led them to take out one of their bravest potential allies he' fought long and hard to get this far but it seemed someone had finally shattered those glass bones of his Morgan miles stitched up and resting in the empty Resort found herself amidst a few of her old faction mates that was prior to it merging with the beacon and then the Coalition also by the way I propose uh what do do we remake girl gang then uh I'd be down the last person who had any claim at being leader just just got [ __ ] do I don't super care about that just do whatever I'm constantly anxious no me too I'm just waiting to be sniped from like far away yeah that's the thing this is why I told you to go into the hotel because here they cannot have the elevation advantage they're always going to have we have no aiming I have aiming but also Breeze could kill me the way I see it our choices are die in a pointless assault or just wait and wait which is not very fun so it turns out they wouldn't have to wait long at all though from the same position with her Targets in almost the exact same place Morgan would get to have one more go at the National Guard just get the got him got him that it that said oh my God I got him I got him it's over it's finally over the mayor didn't yet know of Lou's death though pulling up to the seaside cabin he was about to learn of someone else's Kira who' once founded the cabin dwellers and who'd just taken the life of glass bones was in some very hot water for doing so hello hello hello it's us someone just died we CU I killed them what the na he started rambling about the National Guard saying that they're coming after us they killing everyone and so and he's being hunted by them so I killed him because if he's over us told him to go away he would have mentioned us and they would have came after us I'm just thinking for everyone's safety here don't wor worry about it okay look you can it's fine if you guys want to leave I understand cuz I killed someone no I'm getting off this island there's nothing for me here anymore I want to go back to Riverside in [ __ ] Kentucky I want to see I'm sure everything's going great there those who had made it this far were the lucky ones there wasn't a single one among them unaffected by this war even though some had called kingsmouth home all their lives they were ready to put the island far far behind them how are you feeling tired one more push one last push is all we need and then we can pretty much guarantee your safety and hopefully we might be able to round together a last couple people before we make our escape the National Guard's leader may be dead and its fighting force completely dismantled but one soldier did remain and hid one thing left to do for his unit my dad by now leader told me I should come here uh to bury his and my other comrades bodies I'm just going to bring their bodies there you were a great leader and it was nice knowing you officer friendly even though we didn't know each other that well it was even more fun just shooting with you at those people that killed Rich it is pretty sad you know it wasn't just him paying respect ects to the Fallen for as many members of the National Guard were dead twice as many of their victims lay at rest across kingsmouth oh [ __ ] it's that person that they executed Ricks with the spoons put him in the trunk we'll give him a burial after grabbing some rope for the raft they had only a few things left to get before they were ready to leave all right I recognize where we are that's a human corpse that picked up Vick's body and then come up on raccoons both Players Once sought their escape from the National Guard and both met their ends down barrel of their rifles one more body was about to make soil of the ground though the last surviving member of the National Guard the lighthouse once a stronghold more than half the total survivors called home was now occupied by only six the newly reestablished girl gang had made it theirs and just as doing so marked the beginning of a new chapter for them it also marked the ending of a previous one for many others the war eff I'm putting down all of my armor yeah well uh I set out uh back to the uh mini hospital that I was originally working at set up on the roof well I was glad to kind of see a bunch of friendly faces it was kind of weird before everything kind of kicked off I was approached by girl gang I was approached by National Guard pretty pretty much everybody and everyone was just kind of like oh cool he's a medic on a roof honestly it's been such an adventure Sophie and I he we started out as Drifters we wanted to be neutral but things ran you know we kept running into factions and stuff and plans had to change we had to adapt so for the future I mean like ostensibly I like you and uh I'm really glad that all of you around I've just lost a lot of good girls uh since we start and I guess I'm probably going to try and learn something more practical from my of view because ksmith as far as I can tell is safe now so I'm probably just going to I don't know learn some carpentry or maybe uh enroll with with a good doctor as well uh time will tell time will tell I'm just very hopeful that I don't need to feel people with fled anymore that was not something I particularly enjoyed it just had to be done the events of Kings Smith's apocalypse had had begun and ended around a campfire by the lighthouse but this one was attended by an entirely different group maybe they'd have better luck this time around it was at this point that the mayor one of only two survivors from that first campfire was returning to the site of the rafts construction hey a zombie haven't seen one of those in a while this could have been Humanity's Bastion now it's just a show of Humanity's huous what sparked this entire War I don't know the tensions were on the rise and I knew we just couldn't coexist with the National Guard I wanted to I really did but no matter where you went there were only bad stories about them and the survivors were scars to tell it how do I know you guys are the good guys how do we know you are I haven't killed anyone have you luckily not but at the same time I wish I could say yes maybe I could have saved some of my comrades look I'm sorry I'm not trying to insting just it's fine I get it hearing all the stories it's I don't know they worked hard to make the vessel seaworthy and to equip it with everything they might need to survive the journey that lay ahead they had finished on their sail and it was almost ready for their final escape from kingsmouth you're the mayor of this town L did you just say that you are I was the mayor before everything went down but I could hardly say I am now let's just say I'm not getting reelected next time around we're going to get out of here this all going to be behind us keen's mouth you're right the world's going to be different but all right the raft the boat whatever you want to call it it's nearing completion uh we just need to load her up but I want to see if I can't find more people so we heard some voices in the resort but it didn't sound like any of the members of the National Guard it sounded like remnants of the girl gang actually that I want to get as many people people off of here as possible but if we have any risk of them being unfriendly I don't want any part of them though he didn't care for the island anymore Cliff borderman did still care for its people he decided to try and contact the surviving girl gang members and offer them a place on the boat soon the cab dwellers were pulling up to the girl gang space ready to see what they thought of the raft plan you guys want to come with us on ground most of us stay here thank you for the invitation though us they don't want to Jo l oh [ __ ] Lumber Joe you're okay Lumber Jo yeah it's me my name didn't you get shot in the head yeah what the heck I did I did you look you look pretty good what's your number so here's the detail I don't know how much of the National Guard is left but I don't want any part of it I'm tired of this they all G dead they're gone gone oh my the threat's over they're all gone war is over I killed Lew oh appuse for you I sure did I shot his ass with' this here M14 look at it uh is my brother here Tom Tom not that I've seen unfortunately I can't say I've heard the name I'm reallyy sorry same well listen I've heard I've heard the lot of you want to hide off of here on the raft yeah well the raft is nearly done actually yeah we're actually here to check if anybody wants to join us but seems like the threat's eliminated these things they can't swim and we took care of the crazy military people so we might try and make taxes no taxes no tax and no taxes sorry for that look I think regardless of how safe this island is now I think I want out I'm sure you could make it something better than even what it once was but there's nothing left for me here and well if you come across Tom balderman tell we went North let know before we all disperse into our corners of the world should we have a how do you say this dance party while we sail away you can send us off at the beach how does that sound all right why don't we go make our way back yeah I I really expect for it to end up like this there's raccoon's corpse I there's just a pile of ammo there there were like three corpses right here oh yeah this was this school that's where Elena and the died Jesus wait I I remember loaning some books from the librarian uh we never return them hello everyone we got some we got some people waving us off you been wanting to show off this cabin for a long time huh Joe oh yeah I have this is a very very very nice cast oh come on in come on in we got an antique oven here you guys could uh gut if you need it there's still some supplies in here that we're choosing to leave behind Lumber Joe you have saved our asses so Lumber Joe lived a bullet in the head I think Lumber Joe is the go L Jo is the protagonist what is a circle of we lost Lucy so we figured we'd have to make do with like 20 fish and with that it was finally time for for those leaving to board their raft and say their goodbyes bye safe TR bye bye guys and remember not to get scurvy don't we to get some fruit have a good one fellas come on gang consider this my letter of resignation K's mouth is in fine hands do her proud [Music] oh my lungs my legs
Channel: Five Exes
Views: 117,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Zomboid, Civilization, 100 Players
Id: r6dx9Pke6qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 1sec (7021 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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