I crippled the game with infinite money

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now we're going to take things even further than before because we can upgrade even more all thanks to one individual overpowered monster now the last time we did this I had a lot of gentle criticism on my tower placement so we're going to go ahead and put this one right here and with that because we have $565 it's time to buy a new weapon we're going to buy Quincy and the difference today is we have an upgrade button which means we can upgrade to Advanced ancient monkey for only 75,000 greatly increased luck is definitely when we want remove common Rarity my only regret so far is how long it takes the balloons to get to the monkey but he should be able to handle them quite easily so far while we're at it let's buy him a new weapon for $500 a sniper is actually really good right now because I don't have to wait for the balloons to get very far well I guess they still make it to him now but you know what it doesn't matter what we do he's going to be so overpowered we could do anything my goal right now is to buy my first banana farm so we can start the investment process for the time being this single idiot is wonderfully overpowered so nothing's going to stop us for a while and with that we we get our first banana farm that I'm going to place tightly here in the corner I can already hear the angry comments starting but we got our first banana so we're now making extra money there did seem to be lots of debate about the most efficient way to make money with these mostly people said the top one which just means more money for us you had some yellow Bloons coming out so far still not a struggle so I'm going to sit back and collect money we can make our current weapon stronger so we're going to go ahead and do that we have a rare upgrade which Yes actually gives us a range boost because as we learned before 1 * 1 equals 1 but he's also getting get a big piercing boost so now he can hit marginally more area but eventually he'll hit the whole screen anyway it doesn't matter what we do we're just going to brute force it and don't worry we're going to use abilities too we're just not going to get to them yet what we are going to do is get greater production might have been better to get a banana Farm instead don't really know it doesn't matter off we go his bullets are even bouncing now so we're already at wave 15 and we're still not struggling in the slightest but we're very soon to be able to afford another banana Farm I didn't realize how allergic these are to each other I thought I'd be able to put them a little closer to each other but that's fine extra money is extra money some of the balloons are now able to actually slip past them luckily he has the sniper upgrade to catch that but we also have the money we need to buy him a new weapon so I think we're going to take the monkey with branches growing out of his head I don't really know what that does but it's probably fun and now we're firing a great ball of ice at these things and that seems to be doing a good job of keeping up with the balloons so one little upgrade to the banana Farm later and we can just sit back and collect the money and let it roll in wave 19 was an absolute joke for the sake of doing proper layout I am going to put another banana Farm there just so I can keep track of them better we're going to have a lot of banana Farms before this is done we saw a Bloon get pass there again but only one so I'm not going to worry about it that much we're just going to keep on with the same monkey we're going to make his current weapon stronger which is whatever we just got uh does range boost I assume affects all of the weapons anyway plus damage boost so that's a good one we need them to be able to reach just a little more I'm going to get greater banana production for that little guy as well and this one while we're at it too uh the camo balloons are starting to come in didn't realize we were going to hit them already but you know what that's fine we can sacrifice three balloons we'll soon have a way to remedy that anyways now that I know the camels are showing up we'll do something about it well now I do a little bit regret my choice of monkey placement because I was hoping I could put that you know more near him but that's okay we'll tuck it in there uh and then for only $1,700 that can uh detect camo balloons which is more expensive than I remembered it but you know what that's fine we'll spend the money now it's probably worth it the monkey intelligence Bureau is definitely something we're going to want to add Grant special knowledge allowing monkeys to pop all Bloom types it does cost $6,400 but we'll make that money quickly cuz we'll go back to focusing on oh I didn't realize we're fighting those already luckily we have the ability to defeat them with one of his skills I think he's due for a new weapon we got a rare etn so we're going to buy that and hopefully upgrade that because I bet that's also good who doesn't love a good drone uh so far those just just fly out and absolutely obliterate everything so we're just going to keep on going he has one ability that can deal with these so far actually the drones might also be able to take care of those so that works out uh also this is just going to help them in a big big way now for the banana Farm that's going to be in the middle uh apparently if we take it down here they will automatically collect this is actually great because generates money each round and adds it to your total no fuss so yes it's actually good as well whatever the case if it adds money to my stuff then I'm happy speaking of which we're going to buy him a new weapon and we're going to go with common Thorns then we're going to buy him another weapon no we're going to upgrade instead so if I'm understanding these some of these do actually work backwards like that one would be a slight speed reduction so I don't want it we're just going to get a three times piercing boost we got the camel balloons coming in but he's more than up to the task of obliterating those little things wave 34 is still nice and easy we got a rare cluster that we're going to take and then we're going to try and upgrade that but we're not in too much of a hurry so let's buy yet another banana farm and squeeze it in basically wherever we can lots of camel balloons coming in we're on round 36 this is all really really easy still so far but it's supposed to be because we have a way overpowered monkey we're starting to get all sorts of different things showing up but we have the ability to defeat them all actually once we have this we'll be especially better so we're going to buy that we are just shy on money that's okay cuz all we got is one of those coming in so we'll give them the ability to defeat everything that comes out of that and we're good not by much but we slipped in there we'll this continue Cru on along hoping to find some very rare upgrades soon but I also want to turn this one into a Marketplace I was told we needed to get one of these bottom row to tier four I'm not entirely sure that does what I think it's supposed to do but it earns heaps of money each round and gives merchantman 10% income so that's good enough for me what's also good for me is giving this guy a new weapon he's going to get the cluster again just because why not you can never have too many of a good thing we're also going to start to upgrade some of these other ones spending $2,500 just just to be sure we're getting the most value out of these also need to remember to uh hit the tier two on some of these so we're getting more value per banana I remember that from last time starting to get some lead or whatever balloons armored we're definitely smashed all those but we did notice the difference wave 48 bunch of heart balloons nothing we can't handle we're going to go ahead and give him a new weapon I was hoping for something better but maybe if we get enough of these hero monkeys uh that will be good it's not really going to matter he's going to have so many weapons with so many power ups that it's all going to have the same result ultimately we do need that $70,000 though to upgrade that and that's not actually a huge amount of money anymore whole bunch of different things coming in and he's actually having a little bit of trouble keeping up so we're going to go ahead and give him a stronger weapon for sure and we're also going to give him a new weapon and then we're going to give him a stronger weapon again to hopefully uh keep up with what's happening cuz this actually isn't good that's what happens when you get complace him and put all your money into Investments but I think we're back ahead now so we'll give him a hot ring while we're at it and and maybe put a bit more of our money into upgrading him again instead of uh messing with banana Farms we still have 183 Hearts so we're perfectly fine lots of camo Ceramics could wreck your day so instead of that we are going to give him a new ballistic missile and let him get started with that because as soon as we can we're going to upgrade that to a stronger weapon I believe that's what he has selected currently and wouldn't you know it epic huge damage boost huge Pierce boost range stays the same attack speed but money also goes up and we do enjoy our money we don't spend it wisely but we enjoy making it so hopefully that's as overpowered as I hope it is because then we could just sit back and relax again for a little while so if I'm seeing that correctly he launches missiles up into the air and they come raining down on the balloons and it makes a big mess of them which makes me very happy in return yeah it's absolutely wrecking everything so I'm really happy we got that around 55 and things are still quite easy we're wrecking absolutely everything it's a shame our sniper didn't get more upgraded but you know what that's okay we've got just about 13 ,000 which is enough for a Central Market for 51,000 we get a monkey Wall Street generates lives each round colossal income and collects income in radius that's the one I need so uh I'm just going to need uh $51,000 but we'll get there we just have some very expensive things to buy today I also increase the radius of my monkey Village and I'm going to give a jungle drums that way he attacks a little quicker it probably makes some kind of difference you know what we'll buy our new ability now mi so we'll go ahead and put that in the back burner for when I remember it exists which spoiler alert probably won't be for a while but you know what you don't need abilities when you got one of these monkeys and this much money I'm also going to make I presume my ballistic missile a lot stronger so we're going to give it everything you see here which is mostly this money but that missile is an absolute Destroyer so any chance we get we're going to upgrade it at least until we uh get an imbalance of money uh it's going to get a piercing we're going to lose some attack speed but also some range is very good as well can you pop lead can you pop camo how about camo lead yes I think we're probably up to the task of camo leads at this point we're doing quite well so if I squeeze one there we can get a few nice little upgrades for that and make a lot more money we have our first one of these things uh he's hitting with the sniper so far the sniper obviously isn't very strong but once it gets the bigger missiles on it we ruin that thing's day so let's see if we can upgrade that some more well we could definitely give it more range now he's getting somewhere as soon as we can get damage and explosives going on them definitely the best so while we at it one more time there's a rare big piercing boost which good enough for me not sure what how piercing works if it's Landing top down I feel like it's a radius thing but you know what that's okay I've got more money than brains so we're going to be all right sort of running out of room around the uh Central one we're going to upgrade but that's okay cuz we're just going to continue on our money- making ways that AR rang is working out well cuz he's getting to the balloons way over there so we're going to play with fire a little bit to see how much money we can make before we start to struggle and hopefully it's a great deal of it because we need lots of money for where we're headed okay we got two of these big guys coming in around around 65 but as soon as the uh ballistic missiles hit them they get wrecked same with the armored idiots and same with these armored idiots as well they didn't even come with the armor this time they've got no chance this monkey's already so overpowered it's ridiculous but we're quickly making the money we need to do some really fun things we just going have to murder Bloons until we have enough money and that shouldn't take long at all there's 50 there's 51,000 now I can go ahead and buy monkey Wall Street and that should be collecting some of the bananas in range and it actually has a pretty good range so it should absorb everything there kind of a shame we didn't get one up top but that's life yeah that's better now we just sit back and collect most of the money a few of the bananas get away up top but that also means we can get back to upgrading our little nugget who is going to get some kind of upgrade somewhere mostly to range and damage I think we're also going to start searching for a new weapon uh none of these are particularly great so we'll just get another Dart I mean his ballistic missile is so upgraded now anyway it's kind of a joke it absolutely blows up everything and I'm pretty sure this can also generate us lives too so we'll be gaining some of our yep we have 203 lives I think we could probably also make a banana Central and one of these for 85,000 as well only one but that would still make a ton of money and we're still not exactly struggling I don't really want to buy too many stronger weapons until we find something really really good uh legendary per much charge is maybe uh up to the task for now so we'll get that we'll make it stronger with an epic that's going to get eight piercing so that's just like a fiery laser beam that absolutely evaporates everything it's touching so far so now I feel confident to uh upgrade a few more of our banana farms for $177,000 each I just wish the idiots would hurry and be a little quicker this is wave 78 but oh boy is it ever take you a while to do this final round for hard difficulty here's the zomg so we'll see how it fars once it hits my fiery Boomerang of death and it's got its nose into it and it's basically just like a laser beam that melts everything see this mod is perfect for someone like me I don't have to learn the game cuz all I need to do is just keep clicking on upgrade and things work out fine we're making about $10,000 per round just off of our banana Farms plus whatever this one's making so we're making a lot of this uh income in the background passively which feels pretty good we're now up to 300 lives round 84 and we're still making it look quite easy $10,000 around we'll get ahead of the curve oh I just realized we have almost $90,000 so we could definitely upgrade him to Advanced ancient monkey new Rarity increase new weapon slots blah blah blah and common upgrades are gone so now we're only going to get things like epics rares or better wait did he restart like entirely did I lose all my other weapons well we also have a legendary Sentry Champion I've got to think that's got to be pretty good so we'll take that and we'll give it an epic boost right away for damage and piercing and we'll do that again for more damage more range and an epic for eight piercing wow the luck did go way way up this is going to give range we're going to lose a little bit of attack speed but for Pierce on top of that we're then going to buy a ring of fire and then we're going to buy any one of these we want let's take triple shot and then let's see how that feels okay so we clearly kept all of our old upgrades as well cuz our super fire Boomerang was there but he's also firing his sentry gun somewhere out there and absolutely wrecking things so this feels pretty easy so far our monkeyy is already so overpowered that I feel like it's going to take a lot of waves before the balloons even have a small chance to catch up epic Destroyer we're also going to give Moab glue I'm just looking for the rarest thing sticky bomb come on there's Elite Defender I pretty sure that's a super sniper upgrade so that's got to be good we're going to give him eight piercing on top of that we're going to give him legendary piercing range he's going to lose attack speed but that's fine because on top of that we're just going to give him a straight up for damage boost and you know what one more eight damage six Pierce and even a money boost so that by itself is also very strong considering it can pop any type of Bloon we've also made the $85,000 we need for a banana Central so we'll throw one of those out there and that's even more money for us and so far him by himself has popped almost 1 million Bloons and that number is going up quickly we're punching through a lot of layers of crap I don't know if I should put my banana Farms down or not I kind of feel like I should but I kind of feel like it's also not necessary at this point but whatever's coming at us are getting absolutely destroyed so we'll just keep on cruising there's a dragon's breath there's a large caliber there's Druid of the Jungle who doesn't love some good laser eyes uh recursive cluster is also one that we can maybe do well with I'm I'm a little confused as to this one it's legendary you get no damage no piercing no range you lose attack speed and no money this one's a little better at least it gives damage piercing range we lose attack speed but we get money and that's what we're here for we're also going to throw down a Churchill epic bouncing bullet is probably actually a really good one especially if you give it extra damage I like on top of all this he has an absolute donut of fire that no balloon's ever going to get through at this point one thing I am going to do is put a monkey Village above that bank cuz I think I can actually increase his radius with that so it helped a little so I might actually be able to squeeze another banana farmer to in ooh legendary bomb Blitz we do like legendaries a lot we'll even give that a nice little upgrade of this seven damage three Pierce here's our first EX exotic which is beyond legendary and there's still a rarity Beyond this but exotic yes we're definitely going to make that better that was wave hundred so I think it was a special enemy we didn't really get a good chance to look at the special enemy but I'm sure it was quite challenging to defeat there's an exotic Inferno ring I think that's going to be like my fire donut a better uh oh there's also a legend of the night so that's the third or fourth exotic we've got now maybe also some range and piercing I don't love that upgrade for him but we'll make up with one of these he's going to get extra money damage Pierce I hardly even noticed there was an exotic stronger weapon card 14 Pierce giant range so we already had more than enough range but you know what we'll just keep adding on anyway I think I found the first one Beyond Godly glaive Dominus that's beyond exotic so that's so far above epic it's ridiculous glaive Dominus so let's go ahead and give it something worthy damage and piercing a ton of damage and piercing uh and also money so that's going to help us out we'll give it even one more of those even more damage even more piercing and that's plenty oh the glaves actually circle around them so I guess that's probably like the ring of fire but better we have like a super Ring of Fire also an exotic Perma Brew have no idea what that does but we'll take an area of double claves I managed to squeeze another banana Farm in down below I think that's actually maybe mostly going to reach into the range of that which has a pretty decent reach I might be able to get a few more in I also haven't followed the path out to the middle here I don't know what that one does and I don't know if I care but when you're too big to fail hopefully that doesn't screw anything up but I can't be bother to check we're going to continue to buy new weapons like banana Central which is actually one of our I think huge upgrades here so in theory that means a lot of extra money especially if we get an upgrade multiplier on money so 1.2 times for that and maybe even one more 1.25 times money on top of that exotic is good but I'm pretty sure this is going to be hopefully it works the way I think it does I just feel like we need more money for more upgrades it's around 129 added a few more money printing machines over here uh they won't autocollect as far as I can tell but as long as my cursor is somewhere in the neighborhood we're going to be just fine f get i' add a few banana Farms anyway you can just never have too many this will be wave 140 so I might have some interesting yeah there we go something that actually survived for a second I legitimately didn't think that was even possible at this point I think I accidentally summoned a phoenix with something so far as mostly just a bunch of flashing light and death but I saw something for a second so they're making progress they're trying their best uh that's interesting we made like spiky damage all the way along but that's still just a regular upgrade we want better I also just realized I have over 1,000 lives so we could probably take quite a hit but I presume there's a lot of balloons trying to get to me so 1 th000 might go by really quick the balloons are actually make it a lot farther on though once those big purple things come up uh they actually make it a long way in longer than you think they would finally another Godly ascended Shadow clearly we're going to need that wherever it is whatever it does but you can never have too many Godly upgrades I mean I'm sure it's in there somewhere trying its best probably actually is doing a lot of damage we just can't see it look at all the Exotics we're getting here we're going to get a big boost to everything since we're clearly making this laughably easy up to round 176 I'm going to try something strange we're going to sell this guy I think for $2.8 million and then buy him back for $85 and we're going to upgrade him right away with 75,000 and then we can give him all sorts of new things he didn't have before namely I want something really really strong but we'll settle for whatever we get it's basically a way of rrolling him so we're just going to buy everything we can until we find something good and we're going to Mega upgrade that one particular thing exotic Ray of Doom is probably close oh yeah that's the one you point okay well that's also good there we go our first Godly it took a while to get here Godly Apex plasma Master don't really know what that is but we'll go ahead and make it a little bit stronger basically as long as I don't see a negative I'm just going to go ahead and buy it if it that way it's just objectively making things stronger I've just spent literally millions of dollars all of my money on simple upgrades for this one particular weapon and that included some exotic upgrades like this that give it absolutely ludicrous bonuses to all sorts of things so I'm kind of curious to see what happens now I think it launches a bunch of spikes at the enemies and it seems to do a pretty nice job of that uh and I think our money multiplier on that might be working cuz we're making like a million dollars per round so it turns out at the end if you just sell it and build it all up under one Godly weapon you can make a fortune and I mean I can still get a bigger money multiplier on top of that and probably a bigger money multiplier on top of that so the next round the weapon looks like it's more than up to the task of defeating the idiots and we made many millions of dollars so a few rounds later this same strategy just upgrading its earnings potential and we're hopefully going to make many millions of more than we did before yeah that round gave us $24 million so this is growing quite exponentially so now I really just can't help myself the upgrades by the way at this point are costing about $2 million each but I feel like they're going to pay for themselves at no time because we just made $15 million that round uh more like half a billion dollars and because there's something wrong with me I just can't help myself at this point we are spending the entire $500 million upgrading earnings again upgrades are costing $36 million at this point so that worked out well think we did it we broke the money number we're at -2 billion and we did that in an instant uh apparently I'm still allowed to spend the negative quantities of money but to put that into perspective how much money that is if he spits out any bananas on the ground to watch around them look at how big the numbers are uh I only see them for a second I think that's 12 billion per stack well I feel like I've accomplished what I set out to do [Music] today [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 230,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3bmmoOqKu80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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