It's Not Nostalgia. Old Minecraft WAS Great.

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[Music] why are you playing this 13-year-old Minecraft version figured this was an old video who the heck plays the old Minecraft Beta Minecraft was trash really quick disclaimer I just want to say this video is not going to be about how old Minecraft is so much better and modern Minecraft is just terrible I actually like a lot of things about modern Minecraft it's just not the version I've been playing recently so this video is going to be me trying to just sort of analyze and and lay out everything that I've thought about that basically makes these old versions worth playing and why I like it so much and why so many other people like it so much in 2022 I started this multiplayer server with my friends on beta 1.7.3 and it was a lot of fun and I kept playing on that world even after my friends kind of stopped coming on the server that eventually became my single player world and I mean it's kind of part of the reason my channel got so big was doing a world tour of that world I also found myself in the old Minecraft Community or sometimes called the Golden Age Minecraft Community people who really enjoy playing Alpha Beta even early release versions of the game basically anything that's like over 10 years old at this point so what is it why does this huge Community exist we're definitely in the minority I'm sure most people play Just modern versions of Minecraft and from an outside perspective looking in I can understand why you would be confused I mean some people even get kind of aggressive about it I don't know why but they get kind of angry they think like why are people playing this old version and so I want to try to explain it to you a conclusion that I see a lot of people reach is Nostalgia right like oh these people are definitely just trying to relive old memories relive their childhoods you know relive being a noob in Minecraft because what else would these versions have to offer offer if not Nostalgia there's there's really nothing else they have to offer right wrong sir wrong I think Nostalgia becomes kind of a red herring like people look at it and say oh it's definitely just Nostalgia and then they just stop looking into it you know they they're satisfied with that answer but it can't be the case I'm convinced it cannot be the case it definitely is part of it for many people I mean there's no denying that but think about it if you're just nostalgic about this version and that's all there is to it you're not going to play it for a long time you're going to log on you're going to have fun for a little bit but that Nostalgia is going to wear off eventually pretty quickly probably so why are people playing on these worlds for years and why are there people in these old Minecraft communities who never played these old versions before why am I still playing this old world for 2 years when I never played this version back in the day I have Nostalgia for a version I never played no it's not possible so Nostalgia cannot be the only reason there has to be more to it there's actually quite a lot of videos talking about why people like old Minecraft and you know everyone kind of has different opinions but a lot of the points I see kind of come together under the same umbrella the same sort of dichotomy that I've noticed now when you're first comparing modern Minecraft and old versions the sort of consensus at a glance might be that you know old versions just don't really have as much stuff in them and modern versions do they have so much more stuff it's sort of like you know a a game that's full of content versus a game that just lacks content but if you just sort of flip this idea have a change of perspective you'll suddenly start seeing things in multiple facets of the game that make old versions worth playing and the way you flip this is instead of looking at this as content versus lack you look at this instead as Simplicity versus bloat for people who enjoy these old versions you have to understand there's kind of a there's a charm there's almost a uh uh a liberty to having less things in the game and I know that might not make sense at first but I'm going to try to explain it throughout this video as best I can some people might be tempted to look at old versions and say oh you know there's nothing really to do I mean there's no enchantments there's no potions there's no dungeons okay wait there are dungeons there's no strongholds there's no not as many things to explore no villagers no bosses even what do you even do in this version but here's my opinion those things really don't matter that much in the long run have you ever had a friend who you played Minecraft with or maybe you were the friend where you're playing together and they're having fun you know they're they're getting their equipment they're Gathering stuff they're building a little base they're having a lot of fun right up till about the Ender Dragon and then once you beat the Ender Dragon they're kind of just like well I don't know what to do now bye I think that's a common experience for a lot of people and let me tell you why I think that is if you're going to be playing on a Minecraft world for months for years you know if you want to have a Minecraft world that you you keep for a long long time and you keep playing on and adding to it that stuff isn't going to make that much of a difference that stuff is almost more of a distraction I mean it's it's fun I like a lot of that stuff but if you want to get really into Minecraft and have a world forever what you have to do is set your own goals uh make up your own projects and uh achievements that you want to do instead of relying on things that the game is giving you to do and I think that's always been the strength of Minecraft you know it's not like the vast majority of other games this is a game where you can do basically whatever you want to do and that's where the main fun comes from but I mean who cares if there's more stuff in the game you can still just play it however you want right I mean this is something I hear a lot of the time like just play the game how you want if you don't like this feature don't use it and I mean that's kind of true to an extent but I never really like that argument because it's it's kind of oversimplifying I mean imagine if you had a nice like minimalist bedroom like you just have a minimal amount of of furniture and it looks great and you really like the Vibes it has and then someone comes into your bed room and places a 100 random pieces of furniture around and then you know when you confront them they just say what I mean I didn't take out anything you can still use the bedroom exactly like you had it I didn't really ruin it and it's like no you you did ruin it you've completely messed up the whole thing that's kind of like my stance another thing is that argument can't even be applied sometimes because a lot of the things that we like about these versions just aren't in the game today I mean the old terrain generation the old colors the old biomes we players who like playing beta and similar versions We like that Simplicity we like how sort of bare bones it is because it feels like you can just play Minecraft you don't have these what can be seen as sort of distractions I think one of the great ways that that sort of bloat and distraction can be Illustrated is by comparing inventory management between uh you know know today and and the old versions I think it's a common gripe that people have where you know if you're mining or exploring or doing something like that your inventory just fills up too quickly in modern versions there's all these random blocks andesite diorite random stuff that just fills up your inventory like that and then every once in a while you just have to stop and and look like okay I'm going to throw this out this out all this stuff is pointless in older versions that doesn't happen as much just because there's not as many blocks and when it it does happen when you do need to stop and empty your inventory of all the stuff you don't want it's becomes a little harder because there's less of those sort of random junk blocks you know I don't want to get rid of this gravel I use that for paths I don't want to get rid of this Cobblestone I use that for a lot of my buildings and you know in this version It's it takes a while to gather resources so I need to make some tough choices about what things I'm going to throw out of my inventory now but that's just sort of like a minor point I have now what about the building blocks I mean people love all the different building blocks people love all the huge amount of blocks in the game I mean it's really ridiculous like there's there's there's so many blogs people like it but I don't know to me it's it's strange it's almost just like disorienting like compare the the the huge creative inventory of the current version to the amount of blocks that were in the game back then I almost get like decision paralysis when I'm looking at all this stuff and it it doesn't help me build really even back in beta versions I already get this sort of phase where I'm trying to build a huge project but I just stop and just start looking at it because I can't decide on a design and with all the different blocks in modern Minecraft that is just exacerbated that's made so much worse another reason for this is that almost anything in beta Minecraft looks pretty decent no matter your skill as a builder or at the very least it fits in with the game's world the variety of blocks in current mine TR versions is so massive and and so complex that it really changes how people build it's sort of it raises the level of build that you can make but at the same time it lowers it for the people who are really skilled at building things and and making really cool builds in Minecraft this stuff is a godsent I mean it's amazing the things people are able to create in modern versions of the game but for the rest of us who aren't as good builders for some reason things just look worse in modern Minecraft and I think part of it is is the colors there's so many different colors to use and for people who can use them well it looks great but for people who don't know what they're doing there's so many different colors that don't go well together and if you're just building casually a lot of your builds start to look really weird and ugly for some reason I don't think beta has that problem or at least it doesn't have that problem nearly as bad block pallet is so limited but so many of the those colors go together well it's actually in my opinion really hard to make something as ugly as like a bad modern Minecraft build and you can see this effect happen in servers now here is back to Beta this is a server I play on with uh some other like beta Minecraft youtubers this is the spawn area notice how all the buildings all the structures here they don't really have a unified style we really all just built whatever we wanted but even even just doing that even just building random stuff it somehow all looks kind of good together you look at the spawn and it looks fun it looks nice it looks like a a almost like a cool like amusement park that you would want to explore around and I think that's really due to the Simplicity of the block pallet so yes there is sort of a ceiling on how complex and crazy your builds can get in this version but if you're clever you can still build really cool things and at the same time if you're not that great of a builder whatever you make basic blocky builds you know it's still going to look good and it's still going to fit in with this world because this version is so much more simplistic you can make a huge awesome detailed castle with you know different gradients and stuff and you can also just make a big blocky classic Minecraft castle and they both kick ass like whatever your skill as a builder is you you can just sort of build and not have to worry about your thing looking bad and I like that I think it's more fun you can build just like a Hut as your house and it looks fine like it it fits in with the rest of the game with the rest of the world and I feel like in modern Minecraft if you tried to build that same Hut it would just look so much uglier for some reason it's the same exact thing but something about the difference in the world maybe the difference in textures colors maybe it's even just the expectation that in modern Minecraft you have to build better stuff but it just looks worse somehow it doesn't fit in with the game anymore and while I'm talking about the block pette and and the colors and stuff I'll just talk about the world really quick I like how the world looks in this version I like that the grass and the leaves and a lot of the different colors are a lot more vibrant for some reason they started to go in like a more realistic direction for uh the biomes and the world and they made the color is in a lot of places a bit duller but I like the bright colors I like the the the green beta trees some people even like the bright bright green of alpha I admit it is kind of iconic I also like the terrain generation this version doesn't have really realistic terrain it's it's very video gamey but that's cool I mean this is a video game and you don't get as much Variety in the world generation in terms of like biomes like everything kind of just looks sort of the same except for maybe uh snowy biomes but you do get great terrain generation in terms of like hills and mountains it's so much fun to explore in this version cuz you have no idea what terrain you're going to find awesome huge mountains arches floating island it's honestly a blast just to walk around the world and and to see what you find and I like these big cool fantasy mountains and I feel like almost in a way way these versions have the more iconic Minecraft generation even though it hasn't looked like this for years and years when you think of that iconic Minecraft world a lot of people are going to think of these sorts of Worlds the bright colors the the crazy cool Hills another thing is the textures I like the old textures no hate on the new textures you know they're good but they're kind of going for a different style here I think the older textures with all their their crunchiness are kind of more inspired by like retro video games I actually really like how kind of harsh and crunchy some of them are and combined with the colors it really does make you think of like an old maybe SNES or NES game sometimes I mean when I look at an old Alpha Village I feel like I'm in a Final Fantasy game or something and when you're in a uh underground tunnel with with that beautiful crunchy old Cobblestone or the mossy cobblestone it kind of looks like I'm in Daggerfall or something and I really like that again uh the different textures you know I don't think it's better or worse it's just different styles and I like the old style all right so this next point is take it with the grain of salt because this is very opinion based I mean this is all technically my opinion but this one especially is just kind of subjective but I do feel pretty strongly about this like I noticed it right when I started playing beta and it's that I like how solid the old versions feel and this is I might sound crazy but let me try to explain this the older vers versions uh in beta for example most of the blocks are solid blocks full blocks and I think that makes it look nicer I like the blockiness you only have a few blocks that are sort of weird shape I mean you have like grass most notably probably you have like trap doors and doors you know you have fences most of those are still pretty kind of Blocky and they're not there's not that many of them mostly you have to work with like full blocks slabs and stairs and it's weird but just for some reason it's hard for me to explain but I like that I like that it's more blocky I used to like glass panes now I actually like full glass blocks I like how solid they are and in modern Minecraft you have all sorts of these weird nonsolid blocks I mean the list kind of keeps growing and this is something I think I kind of unconsciously noticed for years is that I just didn't like how many of these looked I didn't think they really fit in with the rest of the game they kind of clashed with the uh the nice you know cubby style of of other blocks just things like item frames um banners I think are one of the worst Defenders cuz they're a weird block like they don't take up a full block they're narrow they like wave back and forth okay the feeling I get from banners you know when you're looking at one of the mods that like adds new creatures to Minecraft but they're like really weirdly detailed and they just don't fit in with the game at all that's like the feeling I get from a lot of these non solid blocks but just like a milder version that's like a weird nitpick I have I know but it it is genuinely something that I enjoy about older versions is how blocky they are another subtle but I think really important reason why beta looks so good is the fog I'm not talking about the render distance necessarily I'm talking about the actual fog that appears no matter what your render distance is it's there at the at the edge of the uh render distance and later versions they made the fog a lot thinner um and it just doesn't have the same effect it's it's this little like thin band of fog that that's really just there as as a a little tiny buffer between you know you and the things that are loading in at the edge of the world in beta it's like a really nice thick fog not thick as in like it's obscuring your vision but it but it stretches out from the edge of your render distance and things that are far far away from you get kind of uh I don't know the the scientific term but it gives you that effect of of when you look at far away things in real life and they kind of become a little bit like faded it just makes everything far away look more Grand and just cool it it makes the whole world look cooler in my opinion but adding on to that the game also just had a totally different atmosphere in early versions there were less things in it I mean we've already talked about that but the lack of these structures the lack of vill the the lack of all these different things it makes the game feel a bit more lonely and it's just it's a different atmosphere it could be you know Serene it could be a little Melancholy a little bit eerie but I'm not going to talk get into all the you know creepy atmosphere Minecraft I already talked about that in another video but yeah it's it's something I noticed right when I started playing is just when you're in a beta world and you're you just kind of feel more alone and and then you see the sun setting and the the sky starts changing the the lighting in the world starts changing in these in these waves and it's very strange it's a very different feeling from later versions of the game so that's basically the main point of why I think older versions are more appealing hopefully you know if you never really got it before if you didn't understand why people would want to play an old version of Minecraft uh now you maybe have better understanding and maybe you want to try it out you know you don't have to play it forever but a lot of people say they like going back to uh you know alpha or beta or even just early release and just sort of experiencing it some people say it can kind of remind them why they liked Minecraft in the first place I mean it just it's a it's a different perspective when you go back to these versions and it's a totally like different way of playing everything's very deliberate in these versions if you do want to play it you can always use the official launcher they have like a bunch of old versions on there but it's not really the best way there's uh there's problems with like sounds uh the Skins don't work some some people have graphical glitches if you do want to play Old Minecraft I would recommend the multi MC launcher or the betacraft launcher I use betacraft it's really nice and simple it's easy to understand and I just got used to it so that's the one I use I'll link that in the description I also use an old Cobblestone texture pack uh just because in beta 1.7 they changed the cobblestone texture to like the the more faded one and I I don't really like that one not for beta at least but yeah other than that I hope you enjoyed if you actually watched this far thanks so much you uh endured my my ramblings my my mad ramblings by the way don't uh this is all you know this is all just my opinions don't don't read into this too seriously I'm just I'm just talking I didn't I don't even have a script I have a little like piece of paper I don't know if you can hear that where I wrote like bullet points of topics but other than that this is all just just just me talking like I said nothing against modern Minecraft really uh I did have to you know criticize some points about it just to make some illustrate some points in this video but honestly uh you know God knows I could make a three-hour video about everything modern Minecraft does better than beta but yeah if you if you disagree with me on anything you can let me know in the comments uh I know that sounds cheesy but I I really do read a lot of comments maybe not every single comment CU I sometimes I get a lot but I really do read a lot of them uh I might not respond but I do read them also if you think I missed anything about why why the old versions are great you can go ahead and say that as well I'm sure I missed stuff I mean people have all sorts of ideas about why why they're uh why they're goodh I think that's it that's really it okay I better really really end the video for realas this time I'll see you later [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Dialko
Views: 1,337,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tbFUK3r8GGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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