50 Items that will Disappear Fast During SHTF

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guys we live in a world of convenience it's really easy to go to the store pick up whatever you need uh of course with technology and just manufacturing processes we have a lot of stuff back at the turn of the century they weren't so fortunate U you know when you go to the store and pick up a big lighter you know they're lighting with flint and steel but those items have become vital to our everyday life we're going to take a look at 50 items that if something goes wrong in a big way that they're going to disappear off the shelves of course we saw it with Co and toilet paper hand sanitizers a lot of different items that were necessary just became scarce or non-existent and so we're going to take a look at some different items that if something were to happen or really to stock up now that this will get you through a lot easier than having to go back to primitive ways guys I think one of the first things is going to be food food's going to disappear really quickly when transportation is limited and there's scarcity you know people want to eat you're going to need to eat you can actually live three weeks without food but your body really deteriorates you don't have a lot of energy we need about 2,000 calories so one of the big things that I think that's going to disappear is canned food canned food is considered non- perishable and so this will give you something that if you stock up on it you you can have it for a long time in fact there is no real shelf life on canned food the heat processes they use the sanitary conditions canned food is a great option it's heavy but man if you need to eat this will last for a long time now obviously there are other type foods like dehydrated foods and different survival foods but you want something that you can stock up on that'll last a long time number two on the list is ammunition uh especially during covid we saw that ammunition just disappeared for a long time um 22 has disappeared a couple of times over the past few years but anytime we've had any kind of major uh mass shooting ammunition dries up that's happened over eight times in the past few years just one spark and ammunition is going to disappear so go ahead and have a good supply of ammo on hand number three magazines uh pistol magazines rifle magazines I would go more heavily toward rifle magazines and of course the handgun or the rifle that you have uh and that's definitely a prerequisite is having some kind of firearm because guys if you have anything and people are desperate you may have to defend your property and your family big lighter super convenient they come in small five packs like this you can get them while you're standing in the line at the grocery store I typically grab a pack every once in a while and put it back and these stack up pretty quickly also any kind of matches wood sticks are to me the best but also stormproof matches these are excellent I mean you can get these completely submersed in water and they'll still work so having a good fire kit put together is smart but the matches and lighter are going to go first things like Fair serum rods and Strikers and different type fire methods it's going to probably go a little bit later but they're still going to disappear make sure you have cash but back um cash is going to be very important if there is a blackout a utilities blackout and ATMs are down uh a lot of times they can still take cash and so and you can't get to your money so make sure that you have some that you can use to buy the items that you need now over the long term cash may be absolutely valueless and that's why I'm really big on stocking up on precious metals whether it's silver gold uh right now gold is at the highest price it's ever been and way above uh the record and this has been over the past month but silver is kind of holding its own but guys this isn't necessarily an investment this is something that you put back in case things go bad back during the 2008 economic downturn many stores opened up with signs in the window saying we take silver this is currency and to me the junk silver is some of the best then it comes to alcohol whether you drink or not having some whiskey on hand I mean you know we it can help with coughs it helps with medicinal purposes it helps with pain if you don't have any painkillers but it can also be used as a barter item if something really goes wrong any kind of vices whether it's cigarettes cigars dip I mean you name it it's going to disappear because people have to have it and so having some whiskey put back or vodka rum Jin whatever you use or wine uh it's going to make a great barter item but it also has a lot of useful purposes toilet paper there's not a lot of substitutes and of course during Co we saw the effects of people just running out of toilet paper guys it's really lightweight you know you can really stock this up and just put it in an area where you can just forget about it just make sure you don't use it up before you have some kind of issue but guys toilet paper again uh it's the best way to do what toilet paper does best and wet wipes wet wipes can be a substitute for toilet paper it's just a lot more expensive but also wet wipes can help you keep clean keep your hygiene up this going to be very important uh especially in a grid down situation is to keep your hygiene in top shape the only problem with wet wipes is over time they evaporate so make sure they're good and sealed and soap soap is going to be one of those things that helps keep you clean it's going to be important to have a lot of bar soap or if you want to use liquid soap or shower gel those work as well but you want to be able to keep your body clean sickness disease and plagues can come really quickly in a grid down situation hand sanitizer we saw what happened with Co but this is something that can keep your hands clean uh and just keep you healthy and also toothpaste toothbrushes all the different things you use to take care of yourself and take care of your body water you can live only 3 days without water you need about a gallon per person per day having bottled water water put back this is fairly inexpensive of course you can get gallons and you can have that water set aside there are other ways in a long-term situation that you can Harvest water what is convenient especially up front is going to be vital and there are things like this aquatain and this holds water you can take tap water fill these up store these back as well and bleach bleach is great for keeping things clean but it also can purify your water if you use standard non-scented bleach uh the Clorox wipes are great for wiping things down but your liquid bleach is going to be very important uh again keep that water sanitized but also just to keep your counters and areas clean propane is probably one of the easiest type fuels to store it's very stable it'll last a long time you can get it in these one PB little small bottles or you can get it up to the 20 lb and more a lot of times you can have a big 500 gallon tank behind your house but having propane gives you a lot of options whether it's a generator your grill heaters a lot of different items and Guys these disappeared during Co but also there's butane and you can have a butane stove you can have a propane stove like a Coleman stove and so these are items that are very stable they'll last a long time and they will disappear when if things get really crazy having a supply of candles your decorative candles you know the ones that fit into candlesticks with the long candles tealight candles also also camping candles these are 4-Hour candles this is a 4-Hour candle it's really small and you can get really long lasting candles to be able to put back because if the power's out having a candle light is going to be better than nothing Ziploc bags are definitely something that you're going to be able to use longterm and it's good to have a good supply duct tape or Gorilla Tape there's a thousand uses for duct tape it's so strong it can be almost an Overkill so you might want to add some different type tapes but but duct tape is definitely one of those items it can do repairs it can stop leaks there's a lot of different uses for duct tape and zip ties being able to repair things being able to lash things together zip ties are great manual can openers definitely a plus uh with electric can openers if you don't have any power it's going to be really hard to open that can having multiple sets of can openers that you operate by hand having fishing tackle a lot of us like to fish we have the tackle around but just make sure that you have enough to keep you going uh hooks sinkers leaders definitely Bobbers uh you can use a stick if you have fishing line so having just the basic tackle you can get by with a lot vinegar can be used for cleaning it can be used in a lot of different food preparations and baking soda baking powder salt all the things that you use for cooking these items are have multi-purposes and so it's really important to have a good stock of this on hand tarps being able to cover things being able to hide things being being able to cover your roof if you have a tree or a limb fall through it um there's so many uses for tarps and so having extra tarps put aside are just going to be excellent like these I have a two pack they're fairly reasonable and getting some good tarps is going to be important which really goes along with trash bags these are heavy Mill industrial strength trash bags or contractor's bags I typically get these at Home Depot or Lowe's they are heavy meal we put these in either our get home bag go bag it's just something that has so many different uses to it and having a big roll of this really comes in handy but it will go quick so you might want to buy two boxes tools uh that's something that most households have but if you don't have a good toolkit or it's just very sparse uh make sure that you ramp it up with the right screwdrivers the wrenches the Hammers uh different items that you typically use because you may need these for repair guys having batteries uh able a AAA your 9volt battery your cr1 123s but you could also have some items that use cell or Dale batteries uh we have a battery daddy we have that thing packed out we tried to keep it rotated in and out but having a good set of batteries batteries will go extremely fast anything solar that's going to be a big deal um and any way that you can set up some solar there are so many different ways to use solar we even our driveway alarm is on solar and we have a flood light on solar and it works extremely well even the little Landscaping solar disc that you put around your walkway uh having those actually you can put them in your house and you can use that for an alternate source for light pet food it's very important for a lot of people U and table scraps are fine but if you're barely getting by on yourself there's probably not going to be a lot of scraps uh having some pet food put back of course obviously you've got to be careful with the shelf life so maybe buying up some pet food in cans that'll last a lot longer having lanterns and the fuel that goes in the lanterns and also the wick Wicks are probably going to be one of the hardest things to get once it kind of pans out so buy some extra Wicks put them back definitely have the fuel you can use other alternates for the fuel uh but having the lantern itself is great buying up seed packs uh one thing about seed packs though is they have a pretty short shelf life uh you can use them for a couple of years and the yield starts going down but having seed put back use it and then the next year buy it I would just keep buying seed and putting it back because if you can't get food at least you can get through until you can start a garden and get things going buckets anything container that you can carry water in that you can carry different supplies in it's a lot easier than wrapping your hands around a bunch of stuff and trying to carry it buckets for water are probably going to be the most used my grandparents live through the Great Depression and they always kept their tin foil after they used it they rinsed it off folded it up put it in a drawer and that told me that there's a lot of uses for tinle that are going to be important paper plates cups uh plastic silverware uh you may not be able to keep your kitchen clean you may not have a good source of running water and so having some disposable items will be great if you have a big party and a lot of friends come over it's really great to have that as well guys honestly most of these items we already have in our house but do we have a really limited Supply these are things that we use on an everyday basis but having enough back in case something goes down is just going to save you a lot of sanity and it's going to make life a lot easier again we don't want to go back to the Stone Age and the more items that we have that can get us through the better be strong be of good courage God Bless America long live the republic now obviously there's other type foods like hello yep uh take Fire Starting for existence for an existence for an existence oh my gosh
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 150,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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