The Gates of Hell (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers

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across the country ordinary Americans from all walks of life are taking whatever measures necessary to prepare for what they perceive as the end of the world we go inside the lives of three committed Preppers to see if they have what it takes to survive this day forever laughs foreign [Music] I wasn't born yesterday [Music] and I've been watching and I'm waiting because I know what's going to happen I pray I'm wrong but I don't think I am [Music] the way I see it one of two things is going to happen either the government is going to get their head out of their ass and they're going to implement some serious austerity measures and they're going to save this economy in which case the titleists will not be getting their checks or they're not and the economy is going to collapse and the entitlists are not going to get their checks and when those people that think they're entitled to other people's stuff don't get the stuff given to them by the government they're going to come and try and take our stuff and when they do this is what they get I'm preparing my family for the imminent collapse of the United States economy a contractor in Washington state fears that economic collapse will encourage widespread riots and looting and that his home in an easily accessible neighborhood could become a Target we've taken steps at our house to ensure our safety alarm video camera guns traps but in the Doomsday scenario that I see coming that place is not going to be safe there's going to be people roving in bands coming and hitting people's houses and stuff and when that happens I plan on being long gone from there that's why I got my Bug out location it's Bug out location is a cabin d ude undisclosed mountain range 50 miles away for the past year the family has traveled there on weekends to add to their stockpiles now a regular family they may play their soccer games they may go to church on the weekend we used to do all those things now we spend our time prepping for what we see is coming because I believe that any rational individual when they know what I know would behave in a similar manner every Monday Steve sets a prepping goal for the family by the end of the week Steve's wife Kim 20 year old Nick an eight-year-old Stephen James Must ALL help increase the stockpile of preps which will be taken to the cabin that weekend this is 30 out six which is good for big game hunting this is a 22 for you know squirrels rabbits when it's got a 75 round drum clip on it so it holds quite a bit and then AK-47 small nine millimeter pistol and then a Glock 40 cal [Applause] you have to if it's if there's like dirty water and and then we could purify it FoodSaver is a prepper's best friend absolutely it's not just for food either yeah it's a 22 long rifle and we vacuum seal them to keep them safe from moisture or other contaminants that might be in our bunker and so that when we go back they're safe and sound getting so much stuff we have to have to dedicate a room to storing it our bug out bags we keep here our water filtration system the dehydrator our canning Goods things like that I have a feeling that medical treatment is going to be a little bit difficult to get we have a stapler for surgery and surgical kits like to keep plenty of Dental products around this tooth right here I glued that in about three months ago didn't even need to go to the dentist I just cleaned it off and I glued it back in myself using this product it's been good ever since get in the back big buddy we'll bring the stuff out to you everything stored up throughout the week it's shipped out to the cabin during Steve's regular weekend bug out drills this is some fun and games this is something that could save our lives drilling now is Staying Alive later if an economic collapse forces them from their home so after filling up the tank from a 55 gallon gasoline drum kept ready at all times to weekend bug out follows the same procedure first they stop at a pre-arranged rendezvous point to hook up with Nick's friends Nolan and Dylan we wanted to have guys that were good with a gun so that we could 24 7 keep somebody on patrol to make sure no one's trying to sneak onto the property next next they check on several Supply caches which Steve's hidden in the woods in case the civil unrest he fears forces them to hike the 50 miles to the cabin some of the things I like to keep in the cachet are fishing pole there's a lot of good fishing creeks between our house and our property a little bit of food some Sterno heat maybe some rope first aid kit you never know what's going to happen once the caches have been disguised the group makes its Final Approach to the cap [Music] the cap I placed the cabin up on the hill so that down below the only access is through the road rather than enter This Way Steve wants to maintain the element of surprise in case violent squatters have already occupied his cabin so leaving the truck hidden in the woods he sneaks up on foot along an unmarked path behind the cabin walking in a formation that allows the boys to monitor the tree line for hostiles a little bit further out keep your eye out those trees up there Steven James even if the cabin is compromised Steve believes his preps would still be safe because he's taken a precaution to ensure they're always secure a 14 by 14 foot concrete storage bunker it's pretty much a blast proof door there's uh no real way someone's going to get in here we poured the walls and the ceiling all in one continuous pour of concrete there's no way that any type of an explosive is going to breach the structure from that direction now the door itself it's five inches thick reinforced concrete with 3 8 inch steel on both sides despite the Bunker's strength Steve has no intention of taking Refuge inside with his props if someone comes out here and attempts to Salt my property We're Going to Lock and Load and fights on I'm not hiding in no bunker and I'm not living in no bunker this is the place that I store my stuff but I have no intention of living underground that's no kind of life once he's confident the cabin is secure Steve goes to retrieve the truck packed with new Preps most weekends Steve plans an activity for his group but there's no fishing or roasting marshmallows on today's agenda Steve wants his entire team to practice their defensive Maneuvers against his greatest fear in multiple Vehicles storming the property's main entrance I've placed rocks around that we can get behind to use a shielding if we get into a fire fight and we've created a Kill Zone it's a bottleneck at the bottom of our property we have made plans to bury explosives down at the bottleneck the type of explosives that you can shoot with the rifle and have them go off that way if somebody does pull up an attempt to get in through the gate we'll be able to shoot those explosives and stop that attack this one is your 50 660 grain 50 BMG armor piercing incendiary Trace around with the red paint those are the ones we're going to be using today the explosive Steve's chosen to defend his cabin is a commercially available binary compound that's the manufacturer recommends preparing it in half pound batches but to be sure it can annihilate an attacker's vehicle Steve thinks he needs something with a little more kick so he's mixing 80 times the recommended amount hi sir binary explosives start as two separate relatively stable substances not until they are mixed do they become a dangerous explosive we need to flatten out that hole a little bit down there Steven James but altering the recipe could have serious unintended consequences fearing and impending economic collapse will result in large-scale rioting and crime Steve H is about to test whether or not 40 pounds of binary explosive is enough to defend the only Road into his bug out cabin from an armed attack when you're faced with the reality and you take every step possible to keep your family safe that's a positive thing to do and that's what we should all do because it is coming we are a sinking ship and you had better grab a life vest this weekend Steve's eight-year-old son Stephen James is also seeing action for the first time you're gonna load it all the way up Steve's concerned that with two approaches to the cabin the main road and a rear path an invading Force might use a pincer maneuver to attack them on both fronts so it's Stephen James's responsibility to take out any Targets in back and that gives us a cover from behind but it would be extremely difficult to approach this place from behind [Music] now Stephen James I'd like you to be stationed over here Nick I want you up in the Machine Gun Nest with the 50 cal all right you're going to take out the Truck Engine with the 50 cal Nolan I'd like to see you over here behind this rock when he's above that explosive take him out got it foreign foreign [Music] there's the rear end with no axles on it Driveline just completely sheared off and that's what happens if you try and come up my driveway I think our test was a success if somebody would have been in there trying to get into our gate they would have been laminated my mother says that our prepping is a negative influence on my eight-year-old son hey here's what's left of the drive line but I say it's a positive influence on my side reality is what reality is and the sooner that we Face Reality the sooner that we're going to be able to do something about it I don't want to lose anybody in our family I don't want people in my family to be hungry I don't want people in my family to be discomforted or in pain and so I'm taking these steps beforehand to see to it that that doesn't happen to us Practical Preppers has scored your preps in five categories of 20 points each food 14 out of 20 points water you have access to rivers and streams but no stored water in the event these become contaminated 18 out of 20 points we have a well here as well as the streams shelter 17 out of 20 points security we recommend installing surveillance cameras fortifying the gate on the main road and getting trained in defensive measures 14 out of 20 points I think that's a valid assessment we should seek some other training in addition your construction experience gives you 16 X Factor points overall you get 79 out of 100 points you have 16 months initial survival time I think they were assessment is spot on especially about the security there's a lot of things that we can do that would be better and uh I think I'm going to seek some training [Music] it's a recession and European debt crisis most economists believe a near-term depression is unlikely and the odds of a global collapse that would result in a severe breakdown of society are remote David Appleton fears his home in Charleston South Carolina could be destroyed at any moment for most rappers getting ready for doomsday is no joke but for a comedian like David even the apocalypse has a lighter side if doomsday happens there's a lot of things I'm not going to miss the Kardashians when comes to his escape plan however he fears he'll have to do something that goes against his nature serious [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen if this your final comic of the evening his name's David Appleton you know him as apples yes yes keep it going oh you're beautiful thank you how are you guys doing tonight I did one girl one time maybe you know her she's uh she was from Jersey her name was evil Beast and uh I'm glad she's dead I'm kidding I'm kidding that's after the apocalypse if doomsday happens there's a lot of things I'm not gonna miss um the Kardashians anything Kardashian related TLC because they threw out learning a long time ago if you guys know this or not I'm actually a prepper as well [Laughter] seriously I'm actually preparing for a catastrophic earthquake to hit Charleston South Carolina prepping is one part of my life and it's part of my life I take very serious people say oh when things go bad we'll just come to your house don't come to my house I will shoot you in the face I'm kidding I won't want to David Appleton is a well-known stand-up comedian in Charleston South Carolina three nights a week he hits the comedy clubs and improv joints to test out new material twice the pleasure twice the fun but when it comes to one part of his act David is not kidding around having a sense of humor at the end of the world is is going to be pretty important because if little things get you down then at the end of the world you're gonna have a really bad day I'm prepping for an earthquake because it's happened in the past in 1886 a magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit Charleston damaging nearly every building in the city imagine every house in your neighborhood just knocked down and now it two years ago we had four small earthquakes last year we had six earthquakes they're happening more and more that's a big indication that a larger one is coming down the pipe everybody says oh you'll see Humanity will come together and when else in Kumbaya about a campfire and take turns rebuilding each other's houses it's sadly I don't think human nature is going to go that smooth eventually yes people are going to be willing to take your life for your supplies for your food hey I hope that doesn't happen as much as the next guy but if it does and you're not prepared sorry David has stored enough food and water to ride out the first 72 hours of a massive quake hey I built a greenhouse and they go you're growing weed right after that he plans to flee for a Secret Safe House but being a stand-up comic sometimes makes it difficult to fund his Escape we don't spend a whole lot of money on prep you know sometimes you can't afford to buy expensive preps or buy a you know eight million dollar bunker and bury it in your backyard if I could do that hey that'd be great but I can't so he's creating a cheap doomsday Rickshaw to let him Escape quickly with whatever he can carry I designed this it's my creation it's used I used a very rare material called PVC pipe 30 feet of PVC two inch pipes a couple of connections you know I found some of this stuff the screws are the most expensive piece of it I checked Craigslist ah constantly you can see free things Phil just wants you to pick them up and when I see scraps or things people have thrown out that are still useful I see an opportunity how can I repurpose that do you need some help yes what I want you to do is time me putting it together alrighty Lauren is as close to a female version of me as possible a lot of crazy women in my life you can clap for crazy women you remind me of most of them that I dated on your mark get set go faster faster faster husband David is an amazing man cannot believe that he just took pieces of pipe and was able to put it together into something that was usable wow that man is so creative coming up on one minute it's dirty good you can carry a good bit of weight on here the Doomsday Rickshaw only weighs 30 pounds but can carry 200 pounds making it capable of serving as a stretcher if either David or Lauren is wounded in a cataclysmic quake for now he's using it to hunt for more free raw materials he can use to build other economical Preps I like to take my trailer out and find you know if I can find scrap wood Scavenging to me to be able to look at your surroundings and go what can I take from this I don't want to dig through people's trash but I'll find something that's that's useful and and reuse it if a cataclysmic earthquake forces David and Lauren to hit the road with their belongings he wants to be able to stay hidden while enroute to their Bug out location some military-grade camouflage nets can cost hundreds of dollars today's haul has yielded a discarded canvas tarp and some wire mesh trash that David thinks is perfect for making his own camo for next to nothing I'm making a canvas a camouflage set the mesh over it and then we'll start out with the darker colors and then work our way to the lighter colors everything has to be the same if you wear one glove and a shot you have to wear a glove in every shot it's not so much uh about covering every part of it you want to just make lines because what you're trying to do is break up the shape of whatever you're trying to hide and then once you pull away this netting gives a nice little grid pattern when someone looks at it the the grid will actually kind of fool the eyes it's not the most beautiful thing in the world but if you're trying to hide your preps this will do and finish voila David and Lauren believed getting out of town and away from an earthquake's epicenter is key to survival but if Charleston's roads are covered in rubble or underwater they don't have a Surefire means of Escape so David's been stockpiling even more junk than usual Scavenging anything he can get his hands on to create the ultimate Bug app vehicle for dumpster diving Preppers and it's no laughing matter David Appleton is a stand-up comedian who loves to make people laugh if you're gonna do reality TV show remember you're always miked try not to fart loudly he's also a prepper but with almost no budget for prepping David spends trash day driving around the neighborhood looking for garbage he can turn into vital preps I like to use what I have um some say I'm a MacGyver because of my long flowing hair and gorgeous physique but mainly um you know you got to use what you have as long as roads are passable David's plan a is to plow through the rubble in a retrofitted 1985 army truck that he bought online and calls the rhinox rhinox cost me 4 500 it can pull the gates off a hill and it's also got Bluetooth and a hula girl it has this big bar on the front you can hit stuff with I had to I would so hit something with this I would just run right to Goose at fences whatever but in an area surrounded by water David fears a catastrophic Quake could leave him trapped in a city being inundated with water there are three bridges that connect this island to the mainland and any one of them could be knocked out by an earthquake if that happens I want to make sure I have a way to get off and get to where I need to go [Applause] so he's using his Hall of scaven's junk to turn his parents 30 year old pontoon boat into a prepper's escape craft my boat is called the rafter all goes bad I'm going to ascend those little stairs and get on my pontoon boat and get the hell out of here it's really slow but it pulls a lot and can carry an amazing amount if roads aren't an option I can hop on the boat and and get completely where somebody's either gonna have to swim or have a boat to get to me hemmed in by an ocean and two brackish Rivers David can't be certain how long it will take him to find fresh water should a massive Quake destroy Charleston's infrastructure so to make sure he can Harvest drinking water whenever it rains he's using gutters and barrels salvaged from the side of the road to build a rain catchment system the rafter is uh indicative of the way I prep because I'm using what I have foreign [Music] [Music] as the rain comes off the top it'll drain into here and then run down we have to put a pipe here that can go down into the actual Barrel itself foreign the rain will come down off the back here we'll spill into the uh the old gutter that we found and then it's going to go to this pipe here that we installed this pipe is going to drain right down to the bottom of this old trash can you never know unless you try it out sounds like here comes the rain my apocalypse plan includes an aluminum pontoon boat uh hopefully there will be no lightning involved in my Doomsday worse thing actually worse [Music] [Music] someone come see what I built for you Molly let's bug out come on oh wow this is Cutting Edge camouflage technology and you made this from all of that stuff you collected yesterday well not the pontoon boat part of it but pretty much everything else awesome on the board it doesn't look like much sitting in the middle of the yard but you know how much it cost nothing high five high five you know what I like about this room you can really feel the crowd you can just feel the energy comes at you and just give it right back all right thanks guys that's my time I'm apples thank you very much comedy is about two things truth and pain it doesn't take the tragedy away but it does help you deal with it in that moment doomsday is not funny um sadly it's not going to be fun for most people but some parts of it are going to be hilarious Preppers has scored your perhaps in five categories of 20 points each food your Greenhouse is not currently yielding survival level amounts of food 8 out of 20 points we actually intend on purchasing more long-term food storage and Lauren is learning to can the food that we grow right now your water preps are excellent 15 out of 20 points shelter you lack a sustainable shelter at a set Bug out location 12 out of 20 points one of our Bug Out locations is on a nearby Island and there are sustainable shelters there but I just don't wish to share it with you security is a weak Lake nine out of 20 points in addition having a truck a trailer and a pontoon boat all ready to bug out earn you 13 X Factor coins overall you get 57 out of 100 points you have six months initial survival time yeah okay I feel it's adequate yeah after an earthquake yeah I accept that I'll take six months and you know what we're gonna work on it we'll make it longer absolutely high five experts estimate that a magnitude 7.0 or greater earthquake occurs in Charleston South Carolina every 500 years with the last occurrence in 1886 South Carolina has experienced a number of small earthquakes in recent years but seismologists do not believe this indicates a catastrophic Quake is imminent for the past 15 years Suzanne streisauer has been turning 30 acres in Northern California into a mountain Retreat rich with food water and other resources but lately Suzanne's All About the Benjamins cheese brokering deals and making power plays but she's not interested in stocks or bonds she's planning a series of unusual trades and if they pay off big they could turn this peace-loving prepper into a doomsday Tycoon foreign [Music] acres in the foothills of California's Sierra Nevada mountains there is a secret that Suzanne streisauer and her partner Dave have worked hard to conceal from the rest of humanity thank you after 15 years spent biting their time they're almost ready to reveal the true purpose behind everything they're hiding away up on the mountain all they need now is for the world to end when the economy collapses I'll barter everything I have to survive and thrive [Applause] the United States is doing things that are very unsustainable for itself and there's such a polarization in our Congress and and government that is breaking right before our eyes the United States is not going to be the global standard for the currency anymore I think we're going to for sure have some kind of currency collapse where money is not going to be worth what it it used to be worth and I think it's going to get worse I tell everybody listen you need to have a plan you need to know what you're going to do if something comes down so it's about mindfulness it's about preparation it's not about fear that's why I really advocate for people to be lifestyle Preppers not Doomsday Preppers Suzanne's lifestyle plan for an economic collapse is to turn her Mountain Retreat into a giant doomsday swap meet all her resources will become alternate currency she'll use to barter and trade for whatever she needs that includes water from her Wells and 9 000 gallon tank and power from her solar panels and wind turbine I have nine hours of power stored in these batteries right here so it's really pretty amazing I'm prepared to barter what I grow from my land so that means my fruits my nuts it could be veggies it could be eggs from the chickens [Music] to make her doomsday swap made idea sustainable Suzanne wants to start stockpiling foods with longer shelf life ones that will be more valuable as barter Commodities should the economy collapse so she's meeting with a local farmer to try to score some rice now this is Patty rice or rough rice now this is what's harvested right out of the field but you have to take the husk off at least to eat it and then you have brown rice brown rice is better for you the Patty rice will store for a long time but I've stored it for eight years you've got me like a truck bed here what how many pounds are here there's about 800 pounds of rice in here in this inedible State Pat says his rice is value is 20 cents per pound but once the rice is milled something Suzanne can do herself he says its value will jump to at least one dollar per pound you got in a finished form 800 worth of rice wow what would you charge me in dollars delivered I'd charge you 150 dollars okay does that sound like a fair deal you've come a waste yeah that is a fair deal okay okay so now if they're a way I can barter with you yeah okay talk to me at Suzanne's doomsday swap meet she plans to offer more than food for trade if the country's power grid is knocked out as a ripple effect of an economic collapse she believes firewood and clothing she makes from her Homespun will be hot commodities could be my yarn sweaters or full of scarves straws for you know foods that last for months that's a great deal I think this is one of the best preps I could possibly have Pat says Suzanne's 800 pounds of rice could last eight years on a shell but much of her other barter food will spoil long before then if she dehydrates her fruits vegetables and meat they'll last much longer than they would otherwise I want to create a dehydrator for myself there would again be a great prep for me for food storage but industrial size dehydrators can cost thousands of dollars so for her next prep she plans to build her own if she can barter for the raw materials I'm gonna go into town to uh one of the local recyclers and see what they have available down there see if they have anything I can use [Music] hello welcome how can I do for you hey I'm looking for a refrigerator and I want to be able to make it into a dehydrator so I don't really want a refrigerator I want something I can do something else with okay so you want like a remains a refrigerator I have a couple over here you might be interested in you can take a look at it we have one here this one's okay I want to be able to have like meat on one side I think and then vegetables of fruit on the other this work really good you know the going ready for the appliances here like twenty five dollars so is there can you make me any kind of deal um what kind of deal you trying to make what I'd like to be able to do is to trade with you do you ever do that kind of stuff here not not often but let me see what you guys made we can work something out so these are all things from my farm and from my land so fresh eggs a little bit of firewood this is actually wool doesn't that feel good the way we do a little bit of mix and match here like with some eggs some oranges some lemons some herbs or onions and then I have these little plants tell you what I'll be willing to give up the refrigerator for the wood the oranges and the back of your precious wool uh I think that's a lot to ask because I probably get 50 bucks for that wheel how about if I did a little bag of wool the wood and then these things well you got yourself a deal great thanks Suzanne has already secured the Manpower for building the dehydrator through another barter with her neighbor Tom she treated him supplies from her Farm in exchange for his labor you can go and take some of what you owe me off for this all right if it only takes me a couple hours I think 100 bucks off that would be just fine with me Suzanne wants to get the dehydrator up and running as soon as possible thank you [Music] but there's something else even more pressing on her mind she thinks her doomsday swap mate will be a perfect place to bug in should the economy collapse but that it could also be a perfect Target for looters so she's decided it's time to barter for an unusual weapon most Preppers would never consider stop Suzanne streisauer is a California Native who's building a Doomsday prepper swap meet with her life partner Dave but she fears some visitors to her swap meet might come to take not trade she knows her defenses are her weakest prep so she's visiting a local military surplus store to investigate her options I don't want to kill people so with that is my starting place now what you want less lethal right Robert suggests a stun gun as a non-lethal defense option stun guns can be discharged repeatedly but they require close quarter contact if someone is coming towards me there's no way I want to be that close to anybody so stun guns are completely out for me I get it you don't want to have to hurt somebody you don't want to have to do it but to me you have to be willing to accept it willing to go with the fact that I might have to Suzanne is steadfastly resistant to Conventional Weapons so Robert thinks she might respond best to an unconventional item that kids normally use just for fun it's one that can cause pain but usually not permanent damage and should at least make an attacker hesitate giving Suzanne a chance to retreat or call for reinforcements you want distance something that's going to stop somebody what's scarier than something flying at you paintball which is a deterrent they they hurt they sting drop somebody to make them think twice not just oh what was that and where they sell the different rounds for Credit Control two pepper balls that actually are the same thing as the pepper spray or you go to the bean backgrounds neoprene Buckshot uh rubber rubber slugs they hear the boom they feel the impact they're going to think I'm shot I'm gonna die I'm wondering if you'd be willing to take the next step and actually show that to me and then trade you for something for your time and effort I'll bring a couple different types of rounds for you so you can see the difference in stuff at the end of that we'll work out the trade for my services to your services that'd be cool I'd really appreciate that ball guns use a compressed air system to propel ammo through the barrel of the gun in regulated paintball games gun velocities are not supposed to exceed 300 feet per second in a field they turn them down to about 280. you can turn them as high as 400 at 400 it will break the the top layers of skin and leave red marks bruises and hurt it will make someone go I'm not going that direction yeah I want to try my try all right before you load up just any just like any gun you always want to make sure you're safe you put the barrel it's on safe nothing's in there nobody's where we're going we'll load you up the full thing hey what are you doing on my property hey stop get off get out of here get out of here and that's all you need a little bit of stopping them okay so let me try it's not a bad thing to use remember it's all about training but we'll do some stuff that way you can get the full effect of the the real Adrenaline Rush it's a real I gotta think move go and do all at once now we're stepping up a notch well what I'm gonna do is see if she can hit me when I run at her I'm gonna be the aggressor on her to see if she can take it you ready yeah I'm taking it house okay okay I'm done I'll stop I'll stop I know now that in all good conscience I can go and shoot somebody with that the best way to prepare is to get the knowledge to do right that's what I like about this is the knowingness to understand this and to have experienced it so this is good who would think the paintball could actually be a security prep yeah I feel like it's creative prepping and I think that's part of what prepping really is about is a different mindset to be open-minded to possibility and opportunity as a lifestyle prepper I'm very optimistic Practical Preppers has scored your preps in five categories of 20 Points each 10 out of 20 points water you have excellent storage capacity we encourage you to develop a filtration plan for other sources in case your well water is compromised 13 out of 20 points we have ample water for you know nine thousand gallons of water it's going to last a long time shelter 13 out of 20 points security while a paintball gun is innovative you should continue to develop your perimeter defenses 3 out of 20 points in terms of security we do need to improve security you know if we needed a bunker I don't know that we'd want to stay in addition you are a practice negotiator which will serve you well in difficult times nine X Factor points overall you get 48 out of 100 points you have four months initial survival time well I think that my goal has been met I wanted to have three months initial survival time to last until another growing season could happen so I'm fine with that I got Tom to go and finish his bartering deal with me so he finished my dehydrator and we tried some fruit from the store and it turned out pretty well so the dehydrator seems like it actually has worked pretty well and I continue to go and look for other things to barter with to improve my Preps the strong recession beginning in 2008 and European debt crisis have made some doubtful about the future of the economy however the odds of a global collapse are remote [Music]
Channel: National Geographic
Views: 1,087,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, perpetual planet nat geo, photography, full episodes, The Gates of Hell, Doomsday Preppers, Economic Collapse, Devastating, Earthquakes, prepper videos, survival of the fittest, prepper videos 2023, Explore with us, documentary 2023, survival tactics, photography 4k, survival skills
Id: FHMW37ixwFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 24sec (2664 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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