The Urban Get Home Bag DIY - Build it before it’s too late

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I finally made a budget DIY get home or bugout bag for the peasant level survival [Music] prepper I've done quite a few DIY whether they be get home bags Urban Assault kits bugout bags fighting bags I have a very very long history of creating these bags rocking with these bags testing them out using them this is my current get home bag which lives in my truck it is a fantastic Beast of a bag made by rand's Adventure company and as much as I love this thing I'm not going to lie to you my kit my DIY kit is a mixture of of Premium products and premium features that cost well over $600 so I like that type of stuff because CU I know it's going to do me well I know I'm going to be able to rely on that type of stuff so one of my buddies asked for me he gave me a budget he's going to pay me back for all the crap that I bought let's see if we can get this much lower than my bag versus and still have the same functionality with when would you use a get home bag you break down in some type of country environment some type of environment away from civilization and you just simply walk to civilization so for instance if I'm out in my hunting property and I break down and I'm on my way to the nearest gas station I would grab my get home bag maybe walk 2 three miles to a gas station but imagine there's also a EMP some type of civil unrest you know right now what's going over there over there near the Gaza Strip in Israel imagine there's something like that that happens I think about that type of stuff I don't know about you guys if that were to happen I want to be able to leave my vehicle where it is grab a kit and be able to get home to my family that's the purpose of these bags also a natur natural disaster or emergency such as Katrina or a snowstorm or whatever your vehicle is now incapacitated but your feet still work now this one thing I want to mention is that everything inside this kit is not all inclusive meaning that for my kit specifically I always am keeping a changing revolving door of clothing right now I just put a long sleeve 511 shirt in a pair of uh uh pants by Colombia with a very good pair of Columbia walking shoes and into my bag rotated out my shorts because we're entering the fall you might make sure you do that as well but jump into the actual bag itself everything will be listed down below whatever I use we'll talk about if I bought it if it was given to me we still at the end of the day just make sure we can make this stuff happen all right so first let's talk about the bag itself this is the Roaring fire slingshot tactical sling bag now super long name okay let's just keep it real not the best of photos on their website or their Amazon page very photos shy holl at me roaring fire if you want me to help you out with that for disclosure I bought this on Roaring fire they saw my email assumed who I was and then refunded me my money so this bag was free but I intended to buy it but just I like to do for disclosure with that type of stuff so let's just talk about the bag itself this is made a pretty durable uh a nylon fabric material specifically a THD nylon YKK zippers all over the entire bag it has a very nice white harness in the front so if you want to put some extra stuff on the outside like a rain coat or a helmet or whatever you could do that by just simply adjusting this as you see fit with a d-ring at the very end D rings all over this thing so plenty of places to tie down to strap on you can use this for you know get home bags and that type of stuff as well but you can also use for day hiking or fishing or hunting or whatever Molly webbing if that's your type of tea all over the place that's one of the features I wanted to carry over from my main bag is just to be able to have lots of areas to attach crap to the bag but way less money this thing comes in a 60 bucks my bag comes in at over $120 normally $150 um there are some things about it that I'm not the biggest fan of I did Ruck with this bag I didn't do too much because I didn't want to sweat this all up before I gave it to my buddy but it has a very very capable durable strap here at the top and I think that this thing is actually going to work out pretty well for being able to grab this thing from different angles as you can see this thing stands up on its own when it's completely loaded out it basically stands up on its own when it's empty but I like the fact that you can plop this thing down that's another key feature even if you don't get this bag make sure your bag can stand up on its own another thing is make sure that the actual sewing the stitching is top tier for your bag or something you're going to regret this bag is No taller than 15 in I have it pretty packed down so when it's empty it's 9 in in width mine's probably closer to 12 and then of course all sorts of features one thing I like about this thing it is a sling bag which may be something that you're not completely interested in but the fact is is this is a asymmetrical sling bag and it's edex meaning that no matter which way you decide to wear it there is this uh stabilit strap that hooks onto the front which goes right across your body which allows for you to do things like bend over or move left to right and the bag doesn't move anywhere that's my largest complaint with sling bags if you don't have that that that you know stabilizing feature you're going to not enjoy your experience now also just sticking to the strap of the bag we have the wuben l50 flashlight not the biggest fan of micro USB flashlight rechargeable it is a rechargeable flashlight but it does use a 18650 battery so if you don't like the fact that it is the micro uh USB you could also go with their upgraded version which is called the wuben C3 but you know this is going to work for him just fine it does go out to Max 12 uh 1,200 lumens which is great for if you want to shine a tree line or something like that you hear spook in the night but then you can also run it at its low mode and its normal mode that's right here in this little pocket you can also stick stuff in here such as paper Towes or bandanas or your cell phone if it's thin enough and keep that right near you as you're walking a couple d-rings above it here you have this d-ring below that you could also uh even with that Stabila strap you could also hook something else to it and it seems like that will work out just fine some Somey webbing that creeps up the actual shoulder strap on top of that I do keep a um a hero clip this is the mediumsized hero clip this is by gear Aid you guys know I've talked about this plenty of times but I want the ability to not only hang stuff off of this bag while it's you're actually rucking or walking home but now you can take this entire thing hook it to the top of the bag now you can hang this entire bag from a surface and not have to put it on a bathroom floor or a table or whatever you don't want to Gunk it up so it's just it's really nice to have this Carabiner you don't have to get this size you can get the smaller version I just prefer the medium size because it is a lot more durable for stuff like water bottles and carrying the load of this bag this thing can hold up to 60 lbs very very easily stand on the outside of the bag we move over to this side and we do have a Reaper this is an actual breaching or wrecking bar now this is not just good for breaching and Wrecking this is also has a very durable blade on it you could use it for slicing and cutting you can also use it for Wrecking which is its intended purpose but the biggest thing about this is you want the ability to if you get yourself in a jam to always have different options to get out of those and so this is cined down pretty good here and it comes in at a very reasonable price if you had to ever Evac into a building or something like that during one of a one of those emergencies that I'm hypothesizing or it's hypothetical in nature having a Wrecking Bar is nice to have if you need to break into a building or break into a car get yourself inside keep yourself safe I would prefer to have that than not it does does come with a sheath I think the updated version of this on Amazon comes with a kidx looking sheath so next to that is a pair of scissors now this is really going to be for those traumatic first aid type events if you need to use an a Israeli bandage somebody has a sunken chest WB or even if you're treating yourself being able to cut your clothing off instead of taking it off the traditional way may be critical because you may not have the ability to take it off especially if you're critically hurt so very very capable but uh affordable pair of shears as mentioned before you do have that y feature in the front you can keep this here you can put extra items there just a nice feature another thing about this actual y feature is that you can use this to sense the bag down even further so if you want the bag to have a smaller footprint you can use this actual strap to cinch the bag down even more which is going to make it feel a little bit more streamlined and more like a little ball on your back instead of bouncing all over the place and it definitely loosens itself up very easily sticking on the outside real quick we also have have on this side we do have a double insulated water bottle marinex version so let me know if you guys might want to pick up some of these things but it's important for you to be able to have water on the go on the fly right next to that are a bunch of zip ties zip ties can come in in handy if you find something if a door you need to shut so these can be impromptu locks for a door this can be a way to restrain someone this can be a way to uh hold additional items to your bag cuz you only have one Carabiner the very back of the bag has a CCW compartment you can decide to store stuff inside in here or you can use it as its intended purpose so it does have loot paneling on the side so if you have a velcro holster kodex holer or whatever you can put that in there keep your CCW ready to rock and roll has mesh webbing which is going to be really good for rucking listen I'm really big into rucking really big into moisture wicking when I'm rucking this type of stuff this type of stuff on the shoulder strap those are things I notice when I know I'm going to be taking a bag for a nice long ride so one thing about this bag is you're going to be using it for all sorts scenarios and I mentioned keeping clothing at the ready I do have some Knockaround sunglass sunglasses these are rayb bands now you don't have to get these These are pretty expensive now this is just an example of some sunglasses he's going to put his own inside of this thing but just any type of Knockaround sunglasses sunglasses you don't care about hitting or knocking up against other things are going to be suitable I would recommend you also make sure that they're polarized it's going to be really nice to have that when you're rucking or walking down the side of the road also up here we do keep a headlamp now I recommend if you do have a headlamp try first off you don't have to spin an entire bag on a headlamp this is a very generic noname headlamp because you're not really using this to illuminate the way while you're walking or let your let your eyes get used to the Moonlight you're really using this if you need to shine if you're trying to work at night if you want to work handsfree I recommend you keep the batteries separated from the headlight until you need to actually use it that's going to keep these things from busting and corroding and all that type of stuff and if that were to happen with these B batteries at least they're separate from the headlight you can buy some more or grab some more acquire some more and still be able to use the headlight in here is well we do have a survival lightweight blanket you can use this at night time to keep yourself warm you can also use this as a Windbreak you can use this for being able to signal if you're trying to gain someone's attention if you get hurt behind that we do keep a uh lisma Compass I like to be able to keep an accurate Compass you can keep a base plate Compass a asmatic compass a button Compass whatever the case may be whether you print a local map for your area or you buy a local map for your area that way you could know which direction you're going because if your cell phone dies you're not very good at Land Navigation at least the basics of a compass will make it so that you can ensure you're at least walking in the correct direction so that pocket also is going to leave for you to put whatever else inside that you may see fit also here I do have a little it does have a little bit of loop handling that you can put on here you might want to put if you have any medical allergies or whatever I put this on here just for a little joke from him because he is a dad so very front pocket here now this is kind of a pocket of a mask this has a filtration mask this is not going to be the best for keeping all particles and dirts but it does have its own type of carbon filters inside so you can try your best just in case there's some type of toxins in the air RZ mask makes some fantastic masks because they do they're really good at filtering 99% of harm harmful particles I keep the one that's installed in the actual mask and then I keep an additional filter as well for this bag we just use a simple bandana you can use this also around your face he's Bal so he can put this over his head if he doesn't have if he fails to keep a a cap with him you can use this to wipe your face you can use this for all sorts of Reason having a bandan with you is just super super useful then also just having some cleanex with you just is a comfort item these are very finite in nature they're going to run out and go away pretty quickly but if you have to stop stop blow your nose freaking drop a deuce whatever you're going to be ready to rock and roll still a plenty of room also in here if you want to add small paper towels that inflate when you get them wet if you want to add you know other type of things like a a h Co a Sil coock key or whatever you can put that inside up here as well plenty of room for additionals behind that has another pocket that opens with nice roll down features so if you really wanted to you could roll this pocket within itself and keep it open at all times if you really really want wanted to that's really up to you however you want to rock it but in the very front here we do keep some winter gloves I mentioned that we have a change of clothes that you should put in your vehicle but you have the items like beanies and gloves bandanas you can stick those directly in this bag I recommend you have some type of thermal lining inside your winter gloves to keep your little fanges as warm as possible because as your body gets cold it's going to pull blood from your extremities very front here we do have the Kaiser Justice 2 now I was not a fan of this uh sheath actually had to do a video and fix the Kodak sheet that it came in check make sure you follow me on Instagram to check stuff out like that but other than that this is a D2 steel Full Tang this thing comes in for less than 60 bucks my cter scales I almost like this thing more than the actual knife I keep in my Loadout I use a hog EX f01 in my Loadout much bigger knife be your knife it also has a tool just in case the hardware were to come loose so I'm a big fan of what I carry but mine's like a 200 $1 knife where you can just pick this thing up for 60 bucks can I do more with mine probably so am I going to be able to take down a larger tree he didn't really want to he wasn't too keen on having like a name brand pair of multipliers really he really didn't care about having multipliers at all but I think that it's nice to have multipliers with you ready to rock at any time so these are some no-name multipliers I bought on Amazon now I bought these a long time ago I'm giving him my personal experience with these things cuz I bought them to see would they be viable only thing is they're butterfly style so you got to actually put pressure down to keep them closed all sorts of tools inside of this thing my only biggest complaint about the thing is the fact that it is butterf a butterfly style so you have to actually press down to keep it closed and you can't access any of the tools while it is closed that's one of my favorite features with Lether and multi-tools all right so jumping into the main part of this bag we do have a little bit of emergency drinking water this is only about one day worth of water it has instructions on specifically how to drink this stuff um so you want to make sure that you says drink no more drink no water first 24 hours unless sick or injured or in desert conditions they're after approximately eight ounces to each there's uh two each so there's four ounces per bag per uh per day minimum so basically these are for emergency situations my hope would be that we could initially use water with the actual water bottle we can find on the side of a building these have a specific expiration date on on the front of of 2024 so this is not a clam shell style opening it's just a peak style opening I do prefer a clamshell because it kind of gives you a better since if you're missing something or your actual inventory but it does have a high viz orange interior so one thing I like is I'm a big fan of SOA so SOA makes a lot of survival type of stuff this is the SOA survival kit this is a dayhiker survival kit and these are kind of like all-in-one kits that if you just buy these kits you know for a fact that the items inside are always going to be the same every single kit that you buy so if you want to make multiple kits it has a little bit of redundancy with the emergency blanket a little bit of like uh you know sting prep and stuff like that but if you just want to buy these kits from SOA and just know that you're going to have what you need in any of your whether it's a get home we do have a little bit of paracord this is some stuff where it is a utility cord which is also another name for parachute cord and you can use this for all sorts of stuff this stuff is used in the construction of parachut so it's very durable very strong material I'm keeping it in the packaging so he won't have to worry about it unraveling all over itself a little bit more of emergency food in theory you shouldn't have to worry about eating you probably can get away with like some Cliff Bars or something like that but if you feel like you are the type of person that needs to have full fled rations you can also go with day trxs they're emergency rations taste like crap but they will keep you fed you just want to make make sure that you absolutely hydrate we do have a fulls size tarp in here so we do have a couple of emergency blankets which are fantastic but they're not as durable as a tarp a fullsize tarp does have grommet holes in it this one here is by Red Camp the thing about a tarp I think this one is 7 by7 or maybe it's 8 by8 I don't remember I'll link this up down below but you can use this as a tent you can also use this as a Windbreak you can use this as a water catch you can use this as a hammock if that's what you really want to be more comfortable or you can put this on the ground so you don't have to lay directly in dirt emergency blankets are cool but they tend to rip especially if they're not the highest of quality which the ones in this bag are not necessarily especially if you're wearing boots you're not going to rip this with a pair of boots on you should be fine and you have room for it you might as well stick it in there now vessel vessel didn't impress me a couple of years ago but their products have changed significantly and these allin1 kits give you a sense of piece the very bottom of the kit is a flashlight so you have a sense of redundancy there with extra flashlight the very top of the kit you can put whatever you want on top the the actual original screw on lid for this thing was just a carabiner with no Compass I switched it out with another vessel uh lid which has a compass on top so now you have another so now this kid has three uh ways to have a a compass on it it also has a built-in Carabiner so now once you begin to Ru you can transfer this thing from the out from the inside of your bag to the outside and hook it to they have all these little Tins in here inside which label exactly what they have inside what they're used for and how they can be useful for your journey first thing in here is a kit which is specifically for rope and razor and blade exactly what it says is in there it's a little piece of nylon rope has a little razor blade um so you can use both of those if you need to use it for twine and then you just simply can drop it in here and it sits into this thing very very easily the next thing in here is a 4-Hour candle so a 4our candle could be very very useful to be able to burn and just have a sense of not only a fire but just have a little bit of uh comfort for wherever you may be if you're in the cabin of a vehicle if you're trying to start a fire that might be nice to have a little bit of fishing line and Tackle this is actually very very one thing I will say about this kit is has more inside than I imagine it has a bunch of hooks inside bait inside worms inside and uh fishing line inside so if you wanted to a fish I don't know why you would if you're you're trying to get home but maybe you're so far in the country where you do need to actually try to fish that that has not only the fishing line but it has bait in there as well this has Trail marking tape a little bit better than duct tape this this kid has two pieces of duct tape inside but Trail marking tape is going to help you if you're trying to find your way out and and find your way back if you're walking through a trail you can use this with your knife and use this to mark on trees or on limbs or if you want somebody to find you as you go deeper into the trail you want some trail marking tape it's first a tape as well so you can use that to hold down different cuts or whatever and if you're trying to hold down some guys finally a fire starting kit I believe in redundancies for all your kids a fire starting kit has anything inside in here such as Tinder it has a little bit of fire Striker just any of those little things inside that give you a little bit of comfort that uh hey my one part of my kit got wet let me go to my backup now these are a couple of tins that you can just DIY yourself so one of these has a wet dry bag by matador so you can use this wet dry bag if you have something that is wet that you want to keep dry dry away from the other size in this bag or if you have something dry that you don't want to get wet you can put it in this bag such as a pair of shoes or socks or your map or something like that you can grab this and now you have a way to keep keep stuff uh a way touching uh from touching other items these are paper towels and these paper tows actually once you these touch water they become a fulls size paper towels they're by big otters basically you wet these they absorb the water they come a fulls size paper towel so obviously you're not going to use them for drying you're going to be using them for wiping cleaning maybe you want to wipe your face down you don't want to use your bandana and junk it all up having paper towels is a nice to have so now you got all that stuff in here this lid just literally screws on top so having the SOA kit may be a redundancy but I like having both especially when it's so slim it's just this long slender thing it has a SOS feature on the flashlight or regular feature on the flashlight as well so as we look into the back we continue Contin you to see in the very very back there's a slit pocket that pocket's about big enough to fit like an 11in iPad you might be able to send like a a 13in I um laptop in here but if you're using it for something other than survival or fishing or something like that this is a much more durable much larger survival blanket the two survival blankets that you saw in here earlier this is going to wrap your entire body up and it's way more durable less prone to ripping and you probably can reuse this in in multiple times this is a actual street map for the area that he lives in he lives in Denton Texas so it has the street map for all his entire areas in Denton but you want to make sure that you either go to a website print off your local maps go on your phone and download your local Maps so that they're able to be used an offline version or literally physically buy some apps this thing cost seven bucks but now along with all your freaking stupid compasses you're going to be able to navigate and try to find your way back home this is going to be good for all the surrounding areas this is a tube tent tube tent with that paracord is going to be a way to try to keep yourself dry to keep yourself I'm always thinking about worst case scenarios yeah it's a get home bag but you just don't know what could happen you have the room for it the bag's not that heavy a fullsize tube tent run this down the middle tie it to two trees Cent it down to the Earth you have a very large capable tent which is significantly stronger than the survival tents but it's not making you use your tarp and it might as well just throwing in here if you have the room a raincoat now the raincoat I keep this thing sealed up it's ready to rock and roll this raincoat is big enough to cover you in the bag so if you want to put the bag onto your body and then cover you in the bag itself I would recommend at least getting a rain coat that that's big my rain coat is like $150 right I love it it's fantastic it's tactical but it's Overkill this is significantly cheaper and it still gets the job done just as as well moving on to the other side of the bag so you can see here that the bag also has these little pockets here like a bunch of slip Pockets here so the first part of the slip pocket is fer rod and Striker and just make sure whatever fer rod and Striker you get you test it out some of them come with other kits and they're not very good like some of these work much better versus so this one here the actual Striker might be okay so you just want to make sure whichever one that you get provides a spark if the striker sucks you should also be able to use your knife as a striker just in case you break your Striker or whatever the case may be so if the striker sucks whatever you want to be able to have the redundancies either or but make sure you test your actual Striker out little bit of uh some uh bad B these are fire fuses this is enough fire fuses to start like probably eight or nine fires these things here you can pull them out you can take out one fuse at a time you can even cut the fuses in half these are pretty long I think they are what they're about eight or 10 of these in there you can cut them in half so you probably can start 20 fires with these things pretty easily below that in this thing is an additional pocket it might be actually kind of hard to see but there's an entire slit uh pocket inside of here and in that pocket is what I like to call my mver section okay so everything so far kind of self-explanatory thing of how to use it when to use it first thing in there is a big lighter okay so the big lighter of course we got another redundancy if if when and doubt you go with a actual lighter instead of a striker and and all that other type of stuff there's a little bit of snare wire you might be able to use this if you need to trap food which if you're going home you're getting home you probably won't have to use this but you can also use this to tie stuff down this is about 50 ft of I think this is 20 gauge wires it's snare wire but it's just stainless steel wire but uh I think it's 20 gauge but usually the lower the gauge the stronger it is this is some more actual duct tape similar to what we had in some inside of some of those kits this is enough duct tape to seal a door shut so you need about 19 ft of duct tape to sheld to uh seal a door shut in an emergency situation that's all wrapped around an expired credit card so you can keep a little bit of extra duct tape in there I mean so what do you think would you DIY a get home bag do you have one already are you just going to buy one I've done videos on some get home bags that you can just purchase I'll link those up for you as well or you can just make a kit whichever one works for you my opinion you should have some ability to either a get home if something happens to your vehicle or B sit in your own vehicle comfortably whether that's with small candles or wool blankets we'll talk about that in another video if you don't have one of those two then you're probably going to be so in an emergency situation if this is your first time stopping by make sure you hit that subscribe button we would love to have you a part of the Battalion if this is not your first time stopping by I'm not talking to you you you've already done your goddamn job I appreciate you once again for watching me run my gra for everyone else we'll speak soon
Channel: Marine X
Views: 510,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Edc, survival, edckit, prepper, everyday carry, best everyday carry, prep, survival kit, get home bag, bug out, go bag, 72 hour bag, how to build a get home bag, bug out bag, get home bag setup, bug out bag 2023, bug out bag setup, get home bag essentials, get home bag contents
Id: xorhGE1y2js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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