Turning Away People During SHTF : What Will You Do?

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what's going on guys prepper School we're going to talk about something today that probably a lot of people have thought about and considered and honestly have just not had an answer uh and so we're gonna talk about turning away people during shtf and we're going to go through some different things about it uh but before we get started we really appreciate Robbie Wheaton for being here uh he on sweet and arms also the Robbie Wheaton YouTube channel which is linked Down Below in the description uh and he's been a gunsmith for 20 years he's part of our prepper group and uh we just really appreciate Robbie for coming out we're being an asset for being an asset right and then we have an ass said in the emphasis and we also appreciate Sarah Mack she's going to be over on the computer she's monitoring comments and questions if you do have any questions you can go ahead and put those in the comments and she'll make note of it and then when we take a break she'll bring them up um and we do appreciate exotech for sponsoring today's episode exotic makes the best fire starters they are out of Winder Georgia uh very unique very well done and they have a number of different fire tools and you get 20 off using search 20 with the link Down Below in the description those are my very favorite fire starters guys and I've been using them for years way before exotech started sponsoring us plus those guys are just great guys well you know the thing I like about them so much is they're a lot of them you go to these outdoor stores and you get these little fire starters and it looks like a number two pencily tiny thing you know the ones that exotech made they've got some meat to them you know they're they're substantial they're good quality too there's there's a lot of different qualities with fire Steels but and it's not only that it's Strikers and different tools I mean they really put a lot of thought into it uh and I've been down there I went down there last month and uh just popped in there about an hour and a half from us and uh just really was impressed very impressed uh so extra time we really appreciate those guys all right turning people away during shtf how many times have you been told if people know your prepper um they're saying I know where I'm going it's when it all goes down I can count a thousand times people have said that in fact Robbie even said it last week I did but I'm you're bringing things along you were part of the prep that's right you need to be here uh but we you know we get this and it's very difficult to know exactly how to handle it a few years ago uh one of the girls at our church uh her and her sister-in or her sister-in-law was really close to us and the girl told her she said man she goes what's Don doing he's got all this he's prepping and he's doing all this crazy stuff and she said it's just weird and then later on she was watching Doomsday Preppers and she said on Facebook she put a thing in there she said she put something about Doomsday Preppers and then she said I know where I'm going and my wife came in and said don't even think about it you know here's the thing guys if if someone if people are coming up to you we're gonna we're gonna get into a lot of different things but if people come up to you and they say I know where I'm going and they look at you you need to address it you need to address it you know you need to say well you know we're going to be limited on our supplies and you you know you need to start being prepared you if you see a need you need to start being prepared and you know so but one of the problems is we're gonna get three different groups is family what you know family if they know you're prepping what are they gonna do they're coming to your house they are coming to your house unannounced unannounced now you know and you hear this all the time I've been doing this I'll put this together for me and my family and nobody else is going to give this I work really hard I understand that um but what are you honestly gonna do yeah I mean really what are you honestly going to do are you going to turn away you know now some of you might turn away your mother-in-law me I would go up and get my mother-in-law and bring it here I just love her to death but you know what are you gonna do when you're faced with a mother with a child and she's desperate what are you gonna do uh and you know we can we can sit back and contemplate now this is the thing guys you're you know there's a lot that goes into this there's a lot of emotions that are going to be out there and what you think you might do now may change when you're faced with the situation but that's why I think we need to really address what we're looking at to get a full picture of what's going to happen if it's a full-on grid down zombie apocalypse fighting in the streets you know let's face it number one that is probably that has the least chance of honestly happening where it's just absolute chaos I can see that a little bit more if an EMP is involved because when you start having food shortages and there's no Transportation or a little Transportation people are going to get very very desperate the other side of that is is what are you going to do when people come to your house and they're desperate they're just desperate and they know that you have something uh maybe not know what you have but they know that you know you do have some assets they can smell the food cooking and that is another problem you know we were just talking about cooking a big steak while we make everybody else eat beans and rice and you know they're going to smell that you're going to smell that from a long way off so that is also going to be a consideration but that's the subject for a different day but it does attract just like generators and different things you know those things can attract people to say hey this person's somewhat prepared listen if I'm standing there with my kids and I'm hungry and they're hungry and I know you have food in that house yeah that's a desperate situation that you're going to find yourself in is the prepper uh and so there's some that's the reason for this video so first off let me just say this uh education uh first now educate people as they come along that's right if you get that person that comes up to you and says well I know where I'm going if something happens that's your opportunity to start educating them get them on track now before something bad happens so they do have Provisions set aside yeah because you know the fact is is you don't want that person to starve I mean you don't you don't want that person to be in a desperate situation but if we look at it we are making ourselves more potentially starving our family's starving and you know if you're like us we've been doing this stuff for a long time you know we have Gardens we have you know food set back we have things that we're preparing for and really for somebody to come and just take that is a very selfish thought on their part uh you know it's it's like this my and I've said this story before but I was sitting in the back of a car my father-in-law and brother-in-law are up there talking about all the horrible things that are going on here and there and everything else and I'm just sitting back there in the back and I finally said what are you doing about it what are you doing about it are you putting anything back they weren't they're not they just want to talk about it and we're going to talk about that too we have some different type people that you know that you're going to encounter uh but scenarios you know as far as you know minor things coveted it was a light I call it shtf light there can be other things that happen like that power outages that are extended periods uh different things like that I think the EMP is our greatest threat to really get things kind of crazy uh so you know that but here's the other side of the EMP how are they going to get to you right you know transportation is going to be down the only way people are going to be showing up at your house is on foot yeah and if they're on foot you know they're not carrying a whole lot of Provisions with them to be an asset to you when they get there right right and the dangers uh you know the problem is is between even if they have a car roadblocks violence civil unrest those kind of things food riots which you know we've never seen in this country except maybe during the Depression for a little while but you know there was food being brought in so you know the thing is is what kind of scenario are we going to face but what we really want to talk about is is when you have people coming to your door and if you do it's going to be a pretty bad situation um so here's the thing you've got your prepper group and guys I'm telling you you need to have some people in your life that are like-minded that are preparing and that if you need be you can join together well your diverse skill set you know that's one of the big things with a with a really well-rounded prepper group is you have a diverse group of individuals within that group that bring a lot of different skills to the table with everything from Firearms handling to gardening to doctors you know you need to have a diverse diverse prepper group that brings a lot of things to the table and everyone is a great contributor to the group itself right I mean for us we have medical people in the group uh we have a doctor we have um nurses you know that that's a big deal that's a big part of it we have an engineer this part of it you know we have uh obviously Firearms expertise you know or and self-defense and you know security but there are going to be holes that you're not going to have so yeah your prepper group and then you have people that are skilled they kind of come around and they either have skills or they have assets they may have a big truck with a bunch of food in the back and they pull up and they go hey can we stay here you're like come on in you know and then you have family uh family is going to be really tough and we're going to talk about that a little bit more because you can pick your friends but you can't pick your family and so turning away family is going to be probably one of the most difficult things and honestly probably not going to happen uh it's going to be very difficult unless you have some issues I've got a good friend of mine who is part of our prepper group and his father has given him heck for years about his prepping I mean just run him down you know and made all kind of terrible remarks when covet hit he called Don my buddy Don and he said do you have any toilet paper I know you do dude can we get some toilet paper and he Don said he felt like he was on top of the world he loved it he went down there and he said here you go and he said you people need to get on the bandwagon uh but you know that's after the fact the fact is is educating now let's talk a little bit there for about a week I would have probably gave him a JCPenney falling you know just to just to rub it in a little bit literally yeah or the Sears and robots that's right but educating people is very important now the thing is you're going to have different people and we've talked about the anti-prepper these are people that think you are wasting your money you're wasting your energy you are wasting your life this is ridiculous nothing like this is ever going to happen there they've lived in a life of comfort where they haven't had critical situations that's one thing about it a lot of times if people have been through things you know they go wow I mean you know like Robbie he's Marine Corps and then he spent because a lot of time overseas just even in business that's right and you saw a lot of different exposure that's right a lot of third world countries and the way that they live their day-to-day life is completely different than than the experience that a lot of people have here in the United States you know we we are truly blessed in this country with with everything that we have you know if you've got three meals on your table every day compared to a large part of the world you're considered rich just because you have three meals and a table to eat at a table yeah exactly I mean it's it's a big thing and you know a lot of us in this country really that have never been exposed to to that type of Lifestyle outside of this country have no idea how the rest of the world truly lives and with that we've been very sheltered we have yeah we've been very sheltered and so that's one of the reasons why we have a lot of people that go ah that ain't gonna happen because they've never experienced anything uh that ain't gonna happen we'll be fine you know uh even if it happens we'll get through it it's no big deal so those are the kind of people that you're not going to be able to win over you're not gonna be able to talk them into something you know there were a lot of people in Venezuela just 10 or 15 years ago you know tremendous economy country was growing people were very successful very prosperous that country was you know on its way up to being a really considered one of the Premier First World countries in the world and in just a few short years that country is now a third world country again with people starving in the streets and a huge food producer that's on top of that you know they were a huge food producer I'm gonna tell you what guys you watch what some of the elites are saying about food production and about how it's causing Global change climate change or whatever the new term is uh you know they are there's an attack on food production here here in the world all over the world we saw the Dutch Farmers have to they rioted to stop what they were trying to do to them so there is an attack on food production so you know the thing is is you know conspiracies you know a lot of people kind of throw that out there but there are a lot of things that are that are happening that they're just legitimate and then you have those that they think about it they go well you know something could happen something might happen but they don't do anything about it but they at least are open to the fact that something could possibly happen um and and I would say most people probably fall into that category that is that is the category majority of people are going to fall into there they've seen what happened with covid they've you know had grandparents that lived through the depression or great-grandparents that lived through the depression back in the 30s so they they have an idea that things like that could happen there's a possibility they see things going on in the world today but they just don't do anything about it right right and then you have the people that actually consider themselves maybe Preppers but they never do anything they see what's going on they may have gone to the store a few times and put a little food back maybe they got some water bottles or jugs in the on the side in their closet or something but they just don't get around to it they just let life take them in and honestly I think those are some of the worst as far as bringing those into a group because they are lazy and they're they're indecisive and really are they going to be a great asset to who you are because this is the bottom line guys you're gonna need people um you're gonna need people they are an asset but you got to make sure you weed them out from the liabilities because the people are also liabilities and so building a nice good foundation of a group and what that does is building that group gives you a hedge to be able to number one say that we've got all these people here were already taken care of we can't do anything else this is this is all we can do and then you've got people to back up any kind of threats that come after that which is huge and you also have a group of people that can work together that can collect firewood that can cook and clean they can tend the garden all the different aspects because here's the thing about an shdf situation it's a lot of hard work there's a lot it takes to being to survive even if you are fully prepared there's a lot that it takes but if you add in people that are just not really helping it just puts a strain to where you're all at risk I mean you know things people don't even consider who's going to empty the Honeypot yeah and for those of you that don't know what a Honeypot is okay so you know there's just some different type people that you've got to address now one of the things about it is again with family family is going to be the hardest to deal with because really you've got people there they have all kind of different opinions and thoughts they don't really think that prepping was that smart in the first place but now they're just desperate and so you're gonna have to deal with him again you can pick your friends you can't pick your family so and you know something else to go along with family it's not just your family that that may show up you've got other members of your prepper group that are here we're surrounding one another we're helping each other you've got their family members that could show up as well true I mean you could have a lot of people you have to really kind of lay it out and say this is what I have this is what I'm going to do now let me let me give you something and I saw this on a video the other day it was kind of frustrating it was it was actually a pretty good video uh I don't totally agree with it but one of the things the guy said was is for them what they do is they have their preps for their families and then they go to the side and they they buy of volumes of beans rice ramen noodles different things that will you know sustain for a long time that are very inexpensive and that if people kind of start coming into the group that they want to add to the group without any kind of assets then at least they have food at least they have something to eat and so this gives you something to barter with but then you know for their labor and for their protection you know for their part of the security and all kind of those things now we're going to go to some questions here in just a second I want to give sis a heads up Sarah Mack a heads up but you know maybe putting together some things for others that may show up it could be a great asset they could be a mechanic they could be an engineer they could be a doctor and they don't necessarily have any kind of tangible you know something to bring to the table except their skill having extra food on the side is going to be a huge plus and one of the big things too that you really need to consider is how much food do you have on hand for yourself and your family and how much food do you have on hand for other people that you're bringing into your group how many days of food how many weeks of food how many months of food and eventually you're gonna have there's gonna have to be a hard line where you cut people off and say we just don't have any more to be able to give right and two you know you're going to have different things extras maybe extra shovels extra this extra that but when you bring the group in you're going to need those things that's right all right let's go to some questions uh modern day prepper asks question what about the non-prepres you know are good people and you want to help but you also know talk too much um um also if you invite in the people I mentioned from question one do you let them leave well you dig a big hole I'm just kidding um yeah I mean that is definitely something to consider because you know me being who I am and you know being in different churches or being in different groups or having friends who know what I do many of them do know where I live it's not public knowledge but a lot of people do that are my friends and and those some of those people have said I know where I'm going and I will quick tell them I'll say well then you better bring a bunch of food because you know we got a lot of guns and you know the reality of it is you know loose Loops sink ships and if you've got people that are out there that know what you have they're talking about what you have to other people they're going to end up bringing themselves as well as other people to your group those are the kind of people that would be a hard no for me but what what you're saying is is they're going to come back and go we we know you've got it we want it and you know or they're telling other people uh yeah that's gonna be tough but but here's the thing number one a prepper group and it's just like our prepper group we have just we have developed uh a family with our prepper group I mean we will help each other on just regular things something somebody needs something my buddy had a safe to move I took over and we went over and did it had another friend that had his shoes building a shed went over and some of the guys came over and helped you know we're helping each other already in just life things and so we've built this really high level of trust you don't want somebody in your group number one that you can't trust uh that has some personality problems maybe they're they're very arrogant or they just are angry or they're negative and they cause problems you know the fact is is with what we're talking about you can't be blackmailed into taking someone in just because they know something uh you've got to that's why the group is important to have a show of force you've got to have your small little Army pretty much you know so one thing it's nothing fancy said a few years ago I was watching something he was talking about and he said with with his you know his guys he said you know if you're in if you're engaged if people are coming to you and they're they're trying to take what you have or trying to do you've got to show you've got to be ready for pores and you got to show yourself ready for force and you got to be willing to do it um and again you have to go back because anybody that comes is going to be looking for something and could come back you know that mother with a baby that shows up and she's like oh we need some food and you give her some food she goes around the corner and tells the 20 guys that are back there ready to storm into your place and then there you are you know the trust factor is going to be really important so let's let's go to the next question uh sis Clark asks how do you start a prepper group in a state like Washington everyone thinks you're crazy for prepping to me people who live in Washington are crazy if they're not prepping I mean what in the world is going on there it is it is crazy wild and and you know and that's the thing where people have been so cushioned and and so pampered that they they don't see what's going on around them uh you know even people that are in the city a lot of times they just go ah it ain't gonna happen and they just kind of do what they do they're oblivious um so you know now I have a friend in Washington state actually now he's more toward the west the eastern part of the State uh and so you know people that are toward the eastern part of the state are the people that are are more Preppers that are looking to prepare themselves most people in cities are gonna have some you know because again they're they're pampered so I would I would start with like you know your church is a great place to start um you know you can even you can start a closed Facebook group and invite people off of your friends list to your Facebook group and you know there's lots of different ways you can you can cold call people and start talking to them you know just meet people somebody on the street that looks like they're a prepper and you know you get a vibe from them and just talk to them so but you yeah you have to kind of put yourself out there in certain instances um and feel people out to be able to know if there's somebody that you want to add to your group or or maybe consider bringing into your group but you've got to be very very careful you've got to really be able to vet those people um so yeah campers people that outdoor Farmers Farmers a lot of times are prepper minded because they they do their their little self-reliant uh and so yeah but groups gun shops if you're a gun guy or if you just happen to have some friends and you bring up something like can you believe what's going on here and have you heard about this and then let them do it don't try to talk them into it let them talk to you and then you can kind of formulate something but here's the thing guys meet your neighbors and become friends with your neighbors uh and then you don't have to talk about prepping and then if something starts to go down they know you they trust you they may like you so you kind of start working together just naturally yeah I always like using leading questions to feel people out you know like you were saying what do you think about this or what do you think about this situation what's going on and then let let them talk and just listen and they'll tell you really quickly whether they're going to be the type of person that you want to continue that conversation with yeah because you're not going to talk them into it yeah uh Mr Luca says longtime listener first time caller uh question what are some strategies for hiding health and success in a long disaster scenario like baggy clothes burn very trash at night Etc maybe a future video well yeah that would be a good subject for one because the thing is is you're eating nobody around you is eating yeah uh you people are going to lose weight it's one of the things to me with your diet and your your meal plans is to lower which is going to be tough but maybe lower the calories or at least of the protein if you can uh things that won't add on the pounds but you're going to probably lose weight as well but people are going to be able to tell and they're going to be able to smell food if you're cooking it I mean there's a lot to it and I think you're right I think it would be a great subject but being aware you know for me I think you know keeping a clean appearance is going to be important because it's going to keep you healthier but you know if you look too put together people are going to start to suspect and so um you know really kind of staying outside of of the norm and the population to appoint baggy clothes are definitely something I think that would be a probably a good a good uh disguise in a sense but the gauntletness in people's faces are going to start showing up pretty quickly even in the even in the shows Survivor survivor man some of those shows those guys lose a lot of weight quickly yeah very quickly so that is a good that's a good point let's go to one morning we're going to jump in and back um Skeeter's Buzz ask how long will sacks have been et cetera last what's going on Glenn good to see you man um the uh really if you put them in mylar bags if you seal them in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers uh they will last 30 40 years longer maybe um you know moisture is the detriment to any of your dried Goods you you really want to keep moisture out of it as long as you can keep moisture out of it it may lose a little bit of its nutritional value long term but as long as you can keep moisture out of it it will it will remain edible for just about indefinitely there was a prepper Channel and I don't know that they're still in there I think they were in Idaho and they had an old metal outbuilding and they kept all their long-term food in there no mylar bags just poured them in plastic buckets gallon buckets that was it put it out there you had hot cold hot cold because it gets hot out there and then in the wintertime it gets really cold and they did a test they had these out there I think for 10 years and they brought some of them in and they opened them up uh it was still edible it was discolored some there were some that had some like weevils things a few things like that but overall it was still edible you but the better that you prepare and and keep those protected the longer that you're gonna be able to have that nutrition that Robbie was mentioning because the taste and nutrition one thing about food is and this is kind of a rule of thumb just like when you open up a can there's a can of beans sitting there it's you don't know how old it is you have no idea when you open it up if it smells fine it's typically fine if it smells bad then don't eat it if it smells a little bit off then just don't eat it so and that's canned food but I'll tell you canned food will last pretty much indefinitely if you keep it in a temperature controlled environment because the the pressures they use to seal those cans now in this sterile environments they're really good but I've seen guys opening up rations from World War one sitting there eating them on YouTube and they tasted kind of funky but you know they were able to eat it but beans and rice are a cheap way to go but you're only going to be able to eat that for so long if you don't have other things going on you just won't be able to eat and with the Sriracha shortage right now we did talk a little bit about family and uh you know family again it's gonna be the hardest part uh but let's go next to your group and one of the things about this guy is when you're bringing in people into your group number one everybody in our group has been hand-picked uh and I have been very careful I am and one thing I try to do too is is for me and this this goes with with whoever you decide to connect with we call it the tribe it's part of who you are it's part of your tribe that's that's the most basic ancient collection of people a community of people is a tribe so you kind of look at it back that way so when you get a tribe together these are people that you're going to live with that you want to be around that you're working together you have the same work ethic and you just want to do things together you want to have people that think a lot of the same ways you do but you also want to be able to trust them it's very important trust is extremely important because you may have them behind you when you're facing a violent situation and you need for them to be able to step up and to help and to assist you if you need it and same for you that's one of the things about our group we have developed aware we'll take a bullet for each other we love each other that much we will do whatever it takes to help each other out and I think that's where you know you get sometimes in these groups and some guys they they get an ego trip and they're bossy and they're they're in charge and they've been in the military of course they didn't tell you they were just a cook you know inside but you know they they have been in the military and they know what to do and they're going to tell you what to do and and some of the discipline that is inherent with the military I think is an asset but I think it's going to be a detriment when you have somebody that's just overly bossy and prideful and arrogant and just causing the it causes division yeah that's exactly right you know you really you really want the people in your group to have a sense of humbleness about them and you know care for others and wanting to you know just uh a a giving heart you know some people that want to take care of other people in their group not just looking out for rule number one yeah they have to you have to have people that are you know with a servant's heart is the word that I was looking for that want to take care of of others yeah a team spirit and we're working together and really together is the only way we're going to be able to make it we had a decision to be made in our prepper group a while back and um there was some disagreement you know it was like well I don't know right and it was funny because this one couple that was kind of against what we were talking about he came to me finally and he said look he goes whatever you want to do I'm willing to do it I'll do whatever and it wasn't anything that was awful or you know or contrary to morality or anything and so you know and it was cool because he came in and he said look we've talked about it and we really feel like that this is important to you so we're gonna you know we just had some different thoughts about it and we we got together and it was fine uh it's one of the things that you've got to deal with is is disagreements and there's you've got a group of people there's always going to be disagreements about things it's the way that those disagreements are handled within the group that will either a make your group very successful or B make your group split apart and you know being able to talk with one another being able to communicate being able to come up with a you know group consensus even if you still disagree with it you still go along with it because the majority of the group agreed that that was the best thing to do and you know at that point you're just like okay I'm good with it then but you have to be able to do that and the people in your group have to be able to do that as well and when you hook up with a group you want to make sure that they're at you know ethical then they have good morals I mean for us we're very particular about people of Faith it's just because that's our basis and so we want people to have a lot of the same ideals uh you know so we can trust them with our children so we can you know trust them around our wives or whatever you know we want that and um Wanted to make good solid decisions uh and then you have so we have family we have the group The prepper group that you've already been working on what happens when you have people that you may have holes in your group you have people show up that have skill uh so they have skill I mean there's their mechanic and they can fix anything they can weld they can their doctor uh you know they're a nurse they have all these abilities and then you gotta also think about who they're bringing in with them but you've also got to vet who they are you could have the best mechanic in the world and he could be a POS I mean he could be a terrible person and guys I'm telling you anything that he brings skill-wise is an advantage is going to be destroyed if he has moral issues and has a lot of different things that are going to cause a lot of division in the group so you got to make sure that they fit in with what you're doing well and that's going to be harder vetting someone you know in a long-term grid down situation it's going to be much harder to vet that person than see it is right now right you know right now you have the you know the luxury of the internet and it's super easy to really go online and find a lot of information out about an individual you know in a very short period of time you know there's free sites you can go to to find out information about people there's paid sites you can go to and really deep dive into someone's background in history but right now is really the time to be doing that not post shtf when it's really difficult for you to be able to go in and truly vet someone right it you know but it could be impossible to do that that's right you know sometimes people that have these skills aren't going to see the need to prep until it's too late and then there they are and also people with assets people with you know somebody shows up at your house with a big truck of food You're Gonna you know again you're gonna be like come on come on come on Four Strong truck yeah yeah or strong truck uh or pack mules that's right but the fact is is they could be a total jerk that completely just destroy everything so you know you've got to weigh some things out it's just things to consider when you are accepting these people you know a lot of times they show up and you're like Hey we're great this is awesome and you just bring them in you know you're not even suspicious or or you're just trusting and I think it's you will start to change uh your perspective as well and that's the other thing we're looking at this pre when you get into what it's about now let's go back to what if some people show up to your house and they're desperate what do you do um you know for one thing look at it and go okay this is who we're caring for these are the people this is the amount of food we have this is only going to last us for you know six months and that's generous for a lot of people if you've got a big group that could be very optimistic and then you start to help others that takes away from what you put together that's going to help you to survive in a long term and so you got to come down to these are my people not just this is my family we're gonna do I'm talking about this is a group of people and we have a fighting chance here and if we start giving away our assets it lessens our chance and you have to really come down to you know what me giving that person a bag of rice or whatever is only going to prolong they're inevitable and is it is it worth endangering what we have when we have a great chance to be able to make it through this because we are a better chance and guys it's going to be one of those things where you've got when you're standing before it is going to be when the decisions made so thinking ahead of time thinking okay if I make this decision what are the ramifications not just oh oh I feel so bad let's just give them everything oh we'll find something in the woods you know so you got to make up your mind now this is my plan like Robbie was saying know what food you have know how long that will last you've got to have balance you know you've got to have proteins and starches and different things like that so it's not just all beans and rice which beans and rice actually make a complete protein but you can't have just bare minimum and then be giving out stuff to different people so you know you've got to kind of set your mind ahead of time this is what we can do and when somebody comes up you go you know I'd really like to help you but rationally let's look at this you got Robbie what you think and your Robbie's like you know I just counted the food and we've only got three months left and we've got a lot of stuff that's gonna we're gonna barely make it through that then I have to go you know what man I would love to help you but we can't we don't have it we just don't have it and you're truthful you don't have it and the fact is and just like we had that question a minute ago they may leave get a group come back well you got to deal with it yeah I mean there's got to deal with it in in this type of situation there's going to be hard decisions that you're going to have to make there is going to be hard life-altering decisions for your group or for people outside of your group that you're going to have to make and you know there's going to come a point to where you have to own those decisions and know that you made the best possible decision that you could make for your group at that particular time for the survival of your group and that's really what it comes down to you know we we all want to help people we don't want to see anyone suffer we don't want to see anyone starve but at the end of the day you have to think about what is the best and what's going to be the the biggest benefit for your group and your family and your people long term if you have extra yeah sure you may be able to give some extra out for a certain period of time but eventually the extra that you have is going to run out and then you're just going to have your primary food source for your group and once you get to that point there's nothing there's nothing left there's there is no extra there's no extra to give out there's no extra for your group at that point because you've given it all away so those are things that that you have to consider and no going into something like this that there are going to have to be hard decisions made and it may be on your shoulders as the leader of the group to make those decisions right you know one thing that uh that I have on the side is you really want to help your community well then hopefully the community will come together and people you know have soup kitchens off property you don't want to have it where you are have soup kitchens participate in it bring some stuff and go hey look we've got this we got this 50 pound bag of rice and we really want to help the community and it gives them an outlet gives them a place to be able to at least sustain themselves and you know the thing is too is let's say we have some kind of major catastrophe let's just say an EMP because that's really going straight to it is that in three months things may start to we may start to see some light we may start to see some trucks come in you know we may see um you know Europe you know England says hey look we've got some containers we've got this food we're going to send it to you we've got you know different countries that bring stuff Japan may come up and go hey we've got this and then you may see some relief that way uh if it's a total wreck or even South America different places so you know unless it's a worldwide event you know you could get relief within a matter of three or four months uh it could be longer but you know at least some of the basics the food and stuff and guys you want to be able to live as long as hand the other thing is is the longer you live the more that opportunities open themselves up so let's say you know before long we find out that we can dig up Kudzu root which is a lot of it and you can make bread from it you can make flour excuse me and so they're dandelions I mean Cattails you know onions wild onions I mean there's a lot of stuff like that uh Pine in fact cambium which you pull off the bark there's these strips if you've ever been around a pine tree you can pull these strips off that is edible and it'll sustain you you can actually make flour from that you can take pine needles and you can put make them into a tea to have vitamin C there's a lot of things to sustain yourself out in the woods it's going to be very difficult and your A game will be taken really fast in fact there was a lot of gain that was almost extinct during the Great Depression because people went out and just hunt you know I was talking to a customer this morning that uh grew up in this area and is older gentleman probably in his early to mid 70s and he was talking about when he was growing up there there were no turkey around here there were no deer around here no one deer hunted no one turkey Hunted he said we had coil there were lots of coil but no one really shot the coil because shotgun shells were too expensive and uh but it was it was funny to hear you know 60 70 years ago there were there were almost no white-tailed deer here and it was because they were hunted almost to Extinction in this area right and you know it's back during during the Depression and just a little bit after you know those animals were hunted almost to Extinction and he was talking about you know a hungry person doesn't care about game loss you know right they're going to shoot whatever they have to shoot to be able to eat it you know up to and including your your pets in your yard you know and it was one of the big things he was talking about was how quickly the game will disappear right in in a situation like that you know a lot of people are like oh I'll just head out to the woods and I'll hunt and you know self-sustaining sufficient off of Nature and that's not going to last you very long there's there's millions of people with that exact same idea I'm not prepping I'm just gonna go and hunt for my food well and even now deer is plentiful you and I've been hunting a number of times where we didn't get nothing that's right um that's why they call it hunting and not shooting we had a deer this morning we got up and my wife and are standing in the kitchen and she looked over she goes what's that and right on our back porch was a deer standing right behind it right off the porch she's standing there walking around you know we had I came out of the shop last night and the deer went running across and that's great and and there are deer actually overpopulating in a lot of areas but it will go quickly we'll be going quickly uh okay so now let's uh oh good we still got some time I was worried um okay so what I want to talk about though is is within this group that you have again guys you need a Groove you really do need a group you need and when I say group I don't mean this organized group of like 50 families coming together I'm talking about just some friends that you can get together and that can defend those people that are going to be desperate that are going to do whatever it takes and two you've got to have the kind of a mindset to go I will protect this because this is going to give us a chance otherwise we're going to be dead anyway so you've got to just be resolved to go no you will not take what we have uh you can get they can get the jump on you you can do whatever but you know you need to plan as much as possible first off let's say our group comes in this includes family you need to have some rules you're gonna have that nephew that's gonna sit there and not do anything and complain and when you ask him to do it he won't do it you're going to have that so we you've got to set some rules and those rules have to be backed up but you need to have some very good just solid rules you don't need to get nuts but you need to have some certain rules to be able for people to follow and that will cause or stop a lot of issues later on down the road if you don't have rules and then somebody does something you go you're not you're supposed to do that well you didn't say that so rules give us boundaries gives us boundaries it makes us feel more complete it we have rules in our society we have rules at school we have rules in different places at work and so you need to have rules secondly you need to have and this is not necessarily secondly all these things are very important you need to have trust within your group and we've talked about that but you need to have a sense of trust and you need to develop the trust and you do that by doing things and giving like Robbie said have a servant's heart you're doing for others you're looking out for others and in turn they look out for you and so it makes a really it's the way things are supposed to be it's the way man was was created and it's what we should be doing we should be helping one another uh and that's a very important part work ethic I mean there's a lot of lazy people out there and some of them just will go out of their way could you give me some water and that's absolutely true there there's a lot of people out there that will work harder at not working than they do that's the truth you know and that's that's the kind of person that you definitely don't want to have in your group you know someone that that doesn't have any sort of work ethic whatsoever you know they're they're lazy they won't do things they won't support improve those are the kind of people that you know early on if if and that that's going to have to be one of your rules in your group is everyone has to be a contributor it don't work you don't eat that's it that's it and that was especially when like the Lost Colony some of the early colonies and settlements that came to England came from England to hear the U.S one of the problems was is there was only a number of people and so they would work in the gardens and try to get food ready for the wintertime but there were some of the people that all they were there for was to find gold and they would go and they'd search for their old which they didn't do all that great but you know they and so they'd come back and then they would eat they contributed nothing to the community and finally what happened was is the guy that was the governor and he just said you don't work you don't eat you don't work in the garden you don't eat uh and when winter came some of them didn't work and they ended up starving to death because it was a hard rule but it was like look you haven't done what you need to do to contribute you're a burden to us and you're just seeing after yourself so there has to be some hard rules and you've got to have that trust work ethic is definitely part of the rules you've got to make sure that people are working but everything's going to need to be done uh divisions what happens when you have divisions rules are going to help you know kind of settle some of those things but there will be natural divisions and so you've got to really decide is this the hill I'm gonna die on and you know be ready to you know concede if you need to or stand firm and say look this is the way it is and that's what just like we were talking about earlier the group has to be able to come to a consensus and the majority the majority vote in the group is is going to be the rule and even if you disagree with it if the majority votes for it then you go along with it and you know sometimes it it can be a pride thing you know you don't want to lose you know no one no one wants to lose at anything but for the betterment of your group sometimes you have to swallow your pride and and be like well maybe I'm maybe I'm wrong and if the rest of the group says that this is a good thing then I just need to swallow my pride and go along with it or leave we'll leave you know that's right and that's the other side of it and of course those who leave could come back we've seen that in Walking Dead and all those stupid shows you know the the contention and the problems okay if we have a few more questions we're going to go to them um before we kind of start into the questions while she's getting ready again exotech great fire starters guys fire is fundamental it's Elemental and it's something that you really need to have for survival situations again just like we're pampered and we don't we can just turn on the stove and do whatever having the ability to create fire is Prime Evil I mean it's something and X attack makes some of the best fire starters and you get 20 off using suits 20. link Down Below in the description all right so being asked what exactly will happen during nsh Studio um you name it I mean you know it could be nothing I mean it could be like covid which coveted was something but uh Coke we still have the internet we still had power we still had weight we could drive around still had food for the most part yeah I mean there were some shortages here and there but food in general we had it um and then it could go all the way the one thing I think that that probably causes me the most concern uh is an EMP where an electromagnetic pulse that completely destroys our power grid and it would take a long time for it to come back and it also disables vehicles uh some kind of nuclear attack could really be something that would be uh devastating but guys we deal with storms and earthquakes and hurricanes and all those things and people have to go through survival situations we're not trying to say this is Doom and Gloom at the end of the world but if things get to a certain point you need to these things are very important and you know what what you would see happen in a true shtf situation first you're going to see a run on the grocery stores and people are going to strip the shelves in the grocery stores you're going to see a run on financial institutions with people trying to get their money so they have they have cash to be able to buy things once the money's gone once the food's gone from the grocery store runs none of that's being brought back in then you're going to start seeing people starve as people starve then you're going to start seeing rioting you're going to start seeing people fighting with one another trying to get food trying to take food from other people and eventually you're going to see a mass starvation with people uh generally around two to three months at the longest you're gonna start seeing Mass starvation with people starving off and dying and that's where those that have prepared and prepped themselves for a long-term situation are really going to be able to sustain themselves through that until they can get their content if it happens in the winter time you know until the spring when you can get your Gardens in get your Gardens up and going but it's it's going to be a horrible situation it would really truly be a horrible situation and you know what guys this is a worst case scenario we're not saying that you have a 50 chance or a 10 chance or anything else but you know even in in conflicts uh you could have a regional conflict and this is what happened in Africa those people have food it's the regional conflicts of these Warlords or the rebels that take the food from The Villages so they can eat and then it causes Mass starvation it's not that they don't have food they do it's just that the food's been taken it's being hoarded yeah and or it's been destroyed because they don't want you to do it so you know some of these are man-made some of these could be you know they could have a solar flare from the Sun and cause a lot of Devastation and it could be localized so this is not guys you know one thing about it sometimes people come on here and they'll say and it's brighter honestly but they'll say oh you're just a bunch of Doom and Gloom blah blah you know those are the people that are anti-peppers those people think you're wasting your money for doing whatever and you know what they're just a minority because if you're not looking around right now and seeing what's going on in our country in the world in the world and the possibility of a of a global war you're talking about disrupting things that would make a massive disruption so you know this is is something to really consider and and if if and when you're able to put all this together well you know the reality of it is I mean we're we're really seeing a global war right now it's just being fought using proxies right you know the United States is supporting these countries with financially with weapons with everything but troops on the ground uh you see Russia is in the middle of a conflict China is supporting Russia as a proxy uh Syria is being supported as a proxy through Russia and through China which is is depleting those countries assets very quickly right now because of these proxy wars that they're supporting without putting troops on the ground The Next Step from that is troops on the ground from China from the United States and that's something that we seriously have to consider right now yeah you look at Taiwan you look at Ukraine I mean there's a lot of Glo and you look at North Korea they you know they keep Iran always so here's the thing guys there are a lot of threats are they going to happen I don't know I I don't know but I do know that there is a greater and greater possibility so let's have ourselves prepared at least mentally and some physical preparations that's right one of the things I mentioned early on was educate and I'm going to tell you guys what got me started on YouTube I made a couple of videos just doing some stuff and started getting questions like you would not believe people desperate and people asking this and what do I do here what do I do there YouTube became my mission it started out as just a hobby to be goofy I didn't I didn't even know there was ad money involved I just was like doing it just to do it and people started and it became a mission I started answering questions I would do videos to answer questions uh and so to me this is my education listen the better my neighbors prepared the better I'm prepared and so and it goes that way with the community goes that way with your neighborhood and so you need to think about it for your family's sake because what you don't want to be is that person showing up at my house begging for food and you're not going to get it not because I'm heartless or because I have no compassion because I do I love people I love helping people but also know that reality is what it is and I think that's really where the big thing is go ahead uh Mary Quite asks space making flies covert is my Challenge in a one-bedroom Cottage any ideas wow um if there's any way to you know I'm you know I'm thinking about like in World War II when they used to hide um Jews you know to try to keep them for the Nazis you know building out false bottoms but you know you got to have some skill to do that to make it look whatever attic space if you've got attic space put some flooring in where you can utilize your attic space if you've got a crawl space under your house seal it off with some plastic built-in area under your house in your crawl space to where you can store stuff there both of those are great especially the crawl space because it is generally cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter so you're not seeing these huge temperature swings in a crawl space that you would see in an attic so if you do have a crawl space that will be the first place that I would look to be able to start storing some extra materials but that's that's tough especially with a a small cottage and but you know are you going to be a Target though and that's the one thing are they going to Target you so uh but being prudent and putting your supplies one of the things I always tell people is is you need to separate some of your supplies if you are compromised and you're like overwhelmed and they come in and you go well there's our food and they take it well then you've got to store food somewhere else or store of whatever and uh and you have some different options L Robert Van Dyke asked question what hobbies would lend towards prepping and prepper groups uh anything that would be like candle making I mean which is funny it just first things sewing um woodworking metal work you know the things that that you're going to have to do manually if if the power is down shoe repair that's right I did a video actually of I think it was 30 hobbies that Preppers can get involved in that will help them because here's the thing let's say you're working a nine-to-five job you're a computer programmer um and then all of a sudden the lights go out what are you going to do to sustain yourself so having some outside Hobbies of something that you can use for bartering or making yourself a valuable asset is going to be important and I'll tell you learning how to garden when it's fun it's enjoyable but there is so much to learn about what you can grow in your area what what pests do you have to worry about how do you treat for pests if you don't have chemicals that that you can put on your plants you know what natural things you can do there's so much that you can dig into with gardening that I mean that that could be a lifelong hobby that you can learn from all right it's one o'clock already it's one o'clock guys I hope this helped I know we threw a lot at you but I hope at least it gets you down the path of thinking because guys again this is a very emotional charged uh subject and when you're faced with it on the you know face-to-face if somebody came right now and came into the door and said I'm really hungry I mean my heart would just go out to him and I'd be like here let me get you something let me fix you something let me do let me help you what's for lunch yeah what's going on yeah expect my tummy's saying that I'm thinking hey um but you know I want to help people I want to do for people but you've got to come back to the reality in a grid down situation where supplies are very scarce and very limited and you got to think okay what is the rational thing what is it that I can't because if I give it to you I've just taken it out of this child's mouth that I have in my care that's one meal less that they've got if you have the extra great and if you have a real compassion for people store up a bunch of beans and rice and have a big soup kitchen and feed people and you know give and you know what there are times where people have done that and God's blessed them where they didn't see anything else coming in and before long they just kept coming and kept coming and so don't forget that factor as well so be aware make good decisions make rational decisions so that your emotions don't overtake really what's best the best path I'm sure Noah when that door closed and all those people were crying out he wanted to help them he wanted to help but you know there's a point to where it's like both so uh just some things to think about and I hope you enjoyed it we really appreciate Robbie for being here today and a lot of good stuff you brought in I really appreciate it um and also for Sarah Mack for handling all the questions we do and kind of helping us get things set up here and again X attack suits 20 you get 20 off uh with the link Down Below in the description we really appreciate those guys be strong be of good courage God Bless America long live the republic
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 45,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper
Id: 4M-yU-qZbnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 2sec (3662 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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