This High Voltage Fog Is Controlled by Pointing (BiFrost Nebulagraphy)

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when an isolated container is filled with a uniform layer of fog and then given sufficient enough voltage something fascinating [Applause] happens I really hope this is showing up on camera this interesting little effect is something I discovered a few years ago while experimenting late at night hopped up on a bit of bean water I shot a video on the topic and since then the exact science behind this phenomena has really haunted me it's haunted me so much that I knew I had to dig deeper gather opinions from other professionals and run simulations which painted an incredible picture of what's happening I have to say there isn't a tremendous amount of scientific literature on the topic quite frankly I found very little and it may have real world applications so this is a deeper dive into one of the strangest phenomenons I've ever seen high voltage [Music] nebul this video is sponsored by brilliant you know high voltage physics opens an entire sandbox of beautiful phenomenon it's why I've created an entire Channel around it I've shot videos on electrostatic firebending water bending electrostatic levitation self-healing fractal patterns pulling energy out of the clouds this one was actually really cool all these experiments I thought were fascinating but when I saw this fog phenomenon it completely broke my brain and left lasting questions asking viewers for what their hot take on what the cause was the explanations ranged from capacitive effects to electron gun scenarios luckily this effect is extremely easy to reproduce the basic setup for this fog effect can be put together within minutes this includes a large flat container filled with warm water lots of it actually a physical separator on one side that has a gap at the end like so a piece of dry ice and a low current high voltage DC power supply this 20 k battery powered whim shirst is ideal because as you can see totally harmless the electrical ground is attached directly to the water and the high voltage positive to your body the key here is low current less than a milliamp which is completely safe in this application now as for voltage found anywhere from 5 to 30 kts works great once the dry ice is dropped into the water the separator allows the CO2 fog to flow throughout the container forming a uniform sheet and at this point the power can be turned on and the magic starts the trails range from hair thin to somewhat thicker as seen here and even really wide unpredictable bursts actually quite unpredictable your finger can draw in the fog from over a foot away it really is something beautiful perhaps the most intriguing of all though a flat Palm placed just over the fog oh my God creates a clear Vortex wo as you saw this setup in essence acts like an actual drawing board and the patterns displayed can vary quite a bit in appearance but it's this variability ah that makes this so hard to [Music] explain now since this involves high voltage and sharp points or relatively sharp points three options immediately come to mind based off my experience that might help explain what we're seeing first ionic wind second electron tunneling and third forced condensation SL repulsion let's start with ionic wind this is formed when high voltage is applied to a sharp point which ionizes the surrounding air molecules these ionized air molecules are then attracted to an electrical ground and in the process they bump into neutral air molecules pushing air towards the ground those collisions are random and not precise meaning the windream produced is a bit turbulent and spreads out over a longer distance so if this effect was caused by ionic wind alone as seen in my latest ionic Thruster creating lines like these would be impossible the part that ionic wind plays in this effect I'd argue is mostly at blowing away the fog at closer proximities as seen right here up next electron tunneling this is a loose term and it's more of a beam of ions constrained by an electric field you see an ionized pathway in open air doesn't always take the form of a hot channel of plasma AKA a spark coronal discharge and dialectric barrier discharges are examples of this in fact under the right conditions with strong enough electric Fields a thin channel of air can act as an ion Bridge allowing electron transfer between two electrodes without heating up the air molecules or forming a spark I think that's a huge contributor to this whole fog effect and to confirm the feasibility of an ion Bridge so to speak I reached out to my friend Chris who has experienced writing computer programs running electric field Diagnostics and assisting with nuclear research I have the older video I shot oh maybe like four years ago five years ago of this fog effect right I never really solved the mystery and so I wanted to go deeper into it this time and just hopefully get some opinions on it so there's a lot of interaction and Mathematics that happen here that um come into play but I did do a little bit of a simulation on it as best I could with the time I have okay and here's what that looks like I'm actually going to also slow this one down oh that's something you see your beam there there's the beam and it's a hair thin Beam for the most part yeah that's that's what it seems like um and again I I would claim that um this was my best estimate my best guess but it does clearly make a beam but the most interesting part about about this beam is notice the speed in there the beam itself is actually not that fast blown away okay so the simulations that Chris ran indicate that the particular setup that I'm using leads to a highly concentrated electric field between my fingertip and the grounded fog layer now this is a huge breakthrough because highly concentrated electric Fields what do they do well they lead to the ionization of air and a conductive path so potentially an ion Bridge during the chat we did some additional digging through Publications and found one study which described an effect similar to this called catastrophe beams that publication has the world's most epic title propagation of intense catastrophe beams in air now catastrophe beams are specifically structured light rays which are characterized by an ability to maintain their shape over vast distances with the effect of causing an ionized air channel which is self- focusing not unlike this effect despite them involving light there are a lot of similarities between catastrophe beams and what we're seeing here they both involve self focusing over a distance and conduction so is the nebul graphic effect related to catastrophe beams you know what jury still out on that one last up forced condensation after a bit of digging I ran across some literature which partially explains what's going on in the fog layer itself several studies tested the effect that high voltage electrical Fields have on fog with with the agreed upon result being that it is possible to disperse Fog by applying a positive Corona discharge reading a bit deeper this is where it gets really interesting so that positive high voltage charge causes all the microscopic droplets of water floating around in the fog AKA that's what the fog is well it causes that to condense together into larger droplets which then fall this happens instantaneously essentially causing forced condensation leaving behind you guessed it clear air as it turns out in Aid regions of the globe Some Farms use this to their advantage by running high voltage cables down the length of their fields they're able to take advantage of a morning fog condensing it into a quick shower and this allows crop growth in otherwise impossibly Aid land personally I think that's really damn cool and it's a beautiful use of high voltage physics I didn't really know about that before filming this video now learning about new science is something I really enjoy which is why I value this video sponsor brilliant as opposed to Simply reading brilliant is where you learn by doing with thousands of interactive lessons ranging from math mechanics and physics two programming languages computer simulations and AI it's all really fun and visual each lesson is filled with Hands-On problem solving that lets you mess with variables see the results and experience true in the- moment experimentation for example in the physics of light course you can rotate polarized planes to see how it blocks polarized light or in the new thinking and coding course you can develop your mind to think like a programmer building a strong foundation in writing functional programs crafted by an award-winning team of teachers and researchers from MIT Caltech Microsoft and Google they keep courses interesting and relevant this platform helps build your critical thinking skills through Visual problem solving any time of day through desktop tablet or phone learning every day is one of the most important things you can do for both your personal and professional life it's what I've done long before creating plasma Channel and what I obviously continue doing while shooting videos visit plasm Channel or click the link in the description down below to try brilliant for free for a full 30 days plus 20% off brilliant's annual premium subscription okay on to one final test to perform before coming to final conclusions about this [Music] phenomenon this is the power source I was using this well doesn't even fit in frame It's My custombuilt vandag Graph and it outputs significantly More Voltage but still at completely safe levels of current information that would add context is just how well does this scale up I have the van to graph and I'll Stand further away so let's see what this does let's try it oh yep there it is oh my God this is the most amazing [Applause] thing I really hope this is showing up on camera [Applause] that was goddamn cool that effect lasted all the way out to about a meter and a half or so so 4.5 4.6 ft woo damn that gives me some things to think about the effect was still present at 5 ft away I'm all struck I reached out to Chris and told him about this test so he could Factor the result into another simulation and oh my God check this out I'm going to make a big yeah okay you and I are the first to see this oh I love that oh I love that yeah yep as the ion beam and the ionic wind is penetrating the air and then it slams into the ground and you basically get these two Eddy currents on the side developing yep that's right oh that's beautiful that's beautiful so do you see how these two Edie currents push in yeah they touch so this this shows that and remember how you also get the cratering effect oh yeah very much so a little bit of that cratering effect that you could see happening here but um it just was it was so cool Chris this looks really cool and I love you also have it scaled quite nicely you have it up to uh 35 CM you've got the 1 M pers second Max Speed I see over there as well so this part was interesting we found a study which imaged actual streams of ion I IC wind and their photos really closely match Chris's simulation This lends credibility to the accuracy of our simulation and the ion beam now there is an effect that you can do with gases in atmosphere you can get a beam like this if you have a gas of higher viscosity AKA it's it's adhesion to itself is higher than the air around it now the cohesion between the molecules here are happening due to the ionization mhm that almost lends some credibility to like the ion Bridge the general term of ion Bridge you have the connectivity up and down that beam using some form of conduction and adding more credibility to that is then once that beam fully makes contact with the surface the velocity goes up which infers that more current is going through it so it is just like an air wire absolutely now he also ran an identical simulation but without the 20 KV applied the results speak for themselves the column of air can no longer maintain Focus over distance and behaves chaotically compared side by side with voltage being applied we have some great Insight yeah there you have turbulent flow without the ionization happening yep no ionization happening you get turbulent flow it just starts morphing on itself you have with ionization and without ionization the same column of air the same boundary conditions minus the fact that electricity was applied and you have massive differences in the streams absolutely Bingo that refined simulation painted a really clear picture of what's actually going on here that was the final piece of the puzzle and the clarity I needed so with the power and voltages applied specific dimensional layout and distances used here's what what's likely happening since the fog layer contacts the water it acts as a highly sensitive electrical ground at DC voltages above 20 kilovolts three events occur one a positively charged fingertip ionizes the air leading to a small volume of ionic wind two this ionic wind is then focused by a highly concentrated electric field forming an ion bridge between finger and fog and three at the point of contact with the fog that concentrated electric field causes instant forced condensation and and also brings with it a small volume of air flow so essentially it's an air wire that maintains shape over distance if I was just born 3,000 years ago I could have been a pharaoh what would be my Pharaoh name I mean you've got waterbending firebending air bending there's levitation and drawing into Fog by mere pointing I wouldn't be surprised if Pharaohs were just physicists of the ancient world look I visited Egypt and no one told me otherwise massive thanks to Chris for his help on this he was fundamental now it's plausible that my explanation for this effect isn't perfect but from my understanding of plasma physics and electrical Theory this is my best guess as to what's causing this phenomenon let me know in the comments down below what your thoughts are on this and if you've actually seen any literature before hell from my research it's not a documented process so I'd like to call this amazing phenomenon B's nebul thanks so much for watching and you keep staying classy
Channel: Plasma Channel
Views: 271,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: “Water bending”, Water bending, controlling elements, Avatar, Plasma, physics, Science, Discovery, High Voltage, “High Voltage”, “Voltage multiplier”, Tesla Coil, Vandergraff Generator, Electrostatic, “static electricity”, Lightning, Electronics, Plasma globe, Plasma Channel, Jay, Plasma Nation, Van Der Graaff, Marx generator, high power, Ozone, Ionic wind, Corona, Fog, mysterious
Id: eYVwF4OG-H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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