Military Escape Belt Survival Kit!

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hey guys welcome back to rinder survival and fieldcraft I'm Andrew and what I have to you today is a look at the Escape belt survival kit stand by The Escape belt survival kit was a concept first developed by a British SAS officer major Hugh Gilpin and to solve a common problem that was coming about because of Guerilla Warfare soldiers are being taught to drop their Ruck sacks and then fight through enemy contact once that contact is made but what happens when our ruck sack is destroyed by enemy indirect fire or we can't find our ruck sack wherever we dropped it because it's night time what happens if we make overwhelming enemy contact and we have to escape and evade with only the things on us now we have this Escape belt thus the name so we can escape fight and survive for a couple of days until we reenter friendly lines all right so let's dive into our kit all right so we're going to start at the ends of the the belts both sides and then work our way into the middle where the majority of the kit is this is the left hand side I'm right hand dominance so I'm going to have different items on the right hand side but most of the kit itself is going to be evenly distributed now that first pouch we're going to have our Compass so we can do Land Navigation I'm right hand dominant which means that if I carry my compass on my left side and I hold it with my left hand that's one technique to help get over lateral drift our body's natural tendency to Veer left or right as we move through the woods and so having the compass on the left- hand side is just a benefit for me on how I set up my kit you'll see that the compass is also tied down so we don't drop it or lose it all right next we have a 25 ft Hank of cordage this is the thicker model of paracord attached to our Carabiner so we have a carabiner we can use this cordage to do most utility tasks shelter create some sort of handhold when going up and down hill we can use this if other people are in our group and they have the same cordage we can take the cordage put it together to create a longer rope if we're crossing a water source anything we can use rope for we carry a small Hank like this 25 ft of large gauge that we can use for all those purposes next we have our first ammo pouch and it's just a two ammo pouch so we have at least 60 rounds right here for our primary weapon system that we can fight with moving up from that ammo pouch we have our first canteen pouch with a kit like this it's important to have enough water to carry enough water and to have that water evenly distributed that's why I like to have one canteen on one side and one on the other side with our canteen and pouch here on the outside one of the most important things is going to be water treatment tablets so we can treat water on the Move chemically we've got our one quart canteen this is Nene style I prefer the clear one so I can actually see what is inside and if it's colder out we're in a winter environment we can see the ice forming on this if we turn it upside down that way we can see where the ice level is where it could be based off the water once we upend our canteen to let the ice form at the bottom once we turn it over we'll have fresh water at the top so clear cantens are really good to have next we got our canteen cup and then that aluminum stove this is just a stand that goes over the fire and place our canteen cup in it and then we would place this down on the Fire so that fire is underneath we get that heat it's a much more efficient type of fire set this and forget it until the water boils making it safe to drink is probably the best military water survival kit that's still in use today all right so now we're on the right side of the belt similar to the left side difference is we have our secondary weapon or at least our utility knife or a survival knife here this is the onario Blackbird a good military survival knife it's s35vn type steel so a very robust tough steel which is great for military environment having something that's really strong as well as resistant to the environments making it durable is going to be incredibly important as well we got Full Tang 90° spine with a good blade on it good handhold that we can use for chopping batoning taking down material everything a survival knife should be used for and this is a similar setup with a survival knife or some sort of fixed blade that major Gilpin had on his kit so we have our field knife our survival knife next we have our other magazine pouch like I said on the left hand side or the right hand side like to have things evenly distributed but we have two more magazines another 60 rounds 120 rounds right here half a combat load that we can fight and survive with defeat a threat and then continue to escape and evade we have our second one qu canteen and pouch similar setup all good reasons to carry a clear canteen you can see that water and all the skunky water we're going to be drinking plus that canteen cup another feature is that it helps to protect our canteen from being broken if we take a slip or a fall need to protect this as best as possible so that canteen cup accomplishes that now let's talk about our last two pouches there are two pouches divided into two separate kits at the back of our belt so it's going to sit right on our lower back right above our fourth point of contact and one pouch is going to have our shelter equipment in it the other one is going to have the rest of our sustainment items in there things like food and signaling for rescue let's take a look at our shelter kit first a lot of the items that we're carried in here are basic things to go overhead or at least establish some sort of tarp or Poncho as an overhead cover to at least get out of the rain so that's what we're going to find find here the rest of the items things to sleep on or things to sleep in we're going to have to craft from the landscape using our survival knife now things that I've added myself things like just a quick Ridge Line This is the quick deploy ridg line concept that we teach at the Pathfinder school so I grabbed mine out of my instructor tough box and threw it in here is part of a way to get that tarp up and establish an overhead cover very quickly next bungee cords bungee cords are great for establishing a shelter in those tieout points the four corners of our Poncho very quickly a lot of things can be done with four good Bungie cords like these one thing that was recommended was some sort of large clear plastic bag something that we can either put over ourselves as a poncho or climb in to help retain body heat we can even use this as a transpiration bag so having that and then the last thing is going to be a poncho or that tarp this is the main item that goes in this pouch meant for overhead cover establishing a shelter something to sleep under and get out of the elements to protect ourselves everything else we're going to have to recreate for a shelter but with this Poncho a lot of different uses we could wear it as a poncho to help protect us from the rain we could use it to collect rain water refill and rehydrate we could also use this as a cover for a smoker if we kill meat off the landscape and process it we can use this to actually smoke that meat to preserve it for longer and we can use this for an improvised float to cross water obstacles we can use the Poncho for a lot of different things even a litter to medac a casualty the Poncho is going to be one of the most versatile military Tools in a survival situation so we have that all right now let's look at this last utility or sustainment pouch and here we're going to have all of our sustainment items that first thing is going to be a large vs7 panel this is roughly 6 ft by 18 in or so that rolls out and this is going to be great for signaling for Rescue and we can take a bunch of these if there are more people in our group that have the same signal we can actually create different messages with these signals that air crew and aviators can see then next we have a mess tin or a mess kit this is a Dutch model but it's going to have the rest of our kit items in here that mess kit is going to have one large pot on top with a handle that way we can put this over the fire and we have an extra container this is also a good way to protect all of these items within the kit itself so we have that first lid or that larger Bush pot then we have a smaller one and then here are all the items that are recommended to be carried as part of this sustainment pouch we have just a flashlight so we got that spare light red lens cover all right next we have a stove with esit fuel cubes inside so we can make a hot Brew next emergency matches we have another fire lighting source to get our survival fire going very quickly or start those fuel cubes within our stove having those survival matches very very important for extra Fire Starting for signaling for keeping warm if we're out there for an extended period of time and we have to have a fire we have multiple attempts with this and we can carry them with us too easy next we got a brew kit tea is great for survival better than coffee even though we get that stimulant from the caffeine within the tea which is a diuretic in and of itself tea will exacerbate our thirst less than coffee and with tea we can easily drink this make a hot Brew with our stove in our canteen cup and then feel somewhat human out there while we're surviving escaping and evading so something that goes in here more of a luxury item than anything but having a brew kit is important speaking of food something in our stomach we've got energy bars the survival food that is about 410 calories per bar so we got about 800 calories almost 1,000 calories of food right here just sitting in our mes tin something to sustain ourselves in survival if we're not able to forage or if we're not able to get any wild game off the landscape we have food with extra rations next the survival blanket with that plastic bag that was recommended as part of the kit for shelter including myar blanket is also important we can combine that plastic sheet to make a super shelter to help keep warm and we have one like this that is orange on one side OD Green on the other so we can use that orange side for signaling and the OD Green side for a hide sight or some sort of evasion shelter and then lastly flares were recommended these are pin flares you take one of these pin flares out out place it in the actual pin and then pull down trigger it'll launch the flare up these are great for signaling air crew signaling search and rescue aircraft and they're a lot of fun if you're a dumb private having pen flare Wars with your Joe buddies over in Iraq and then we have that last Bush pot the smaller Dutch tin that fits inside the larger Dutch pot over there that contains our entire kit all right one thing that is instrumental on a kit like this is redundancy and having that small survival tin to go in our pocket or in the belt itself so let's just pop this kit open and we'll take a look at the contents very quickly so we got our survival instructions right on top how to build shelter do some Land Navigation Fire Starting techniques signaling for Rescue all good stuff to know plus if we already know those things we can use this paper as Tinder got matches survival wire for snares we got three fire tenders start fire with to go with that Ferro Rod that small one that comes in a kit like this got a sewing kit and type one paracord small paracord we can use that cordage for a variety of things all right we have that whistle inside our tin we don't have a whistle as part of our Escape belt so that's important to have another signaling device water bag to collect water we have the water purification tablets or powder in this case to treat that water make it safe to drink got that fishing kit assorted hooks line sinkers swivels and some lures zip ties you do do a lot of things with zip ties got that Commando wire saw got a pencil got that button Compass looks like it's pointing North next we got a signaling mirror it's actually made out of metal that we can use to Signal search and rescue so highly durable another good fire starting tool is that frel or fresnel lens solar ignition next we just have a razor small cutting tool and then lastly we have just a number of bandages that we can use for a variety of smaller injuries all right so that's the survival tin just right off the shelf there are probably a few items in here that I would change out to enhance this kit just a little bit and complement our Escape belt a little bit more but this is still a good kit to use now what I really like about this kit setup is that it's been adopted and is actually taught to military personnel in survival schools or in Ranger school whatever to crossload those survival items have different levels of Kit level one is what's in our pockets is survival tin we can take all these items place them in our pockets because they're small enough crossload that way we have at least a few items if we're left without everything else next we have level two which is our Escape belt or our flick or our taps or our plate carrier the things we're going to fight and survive with our third level which is our ruck sack our home our house it has all of these items and more it's what we live out of and resupply ourselves in the field I really like that concept of cross-loading and having multiple levels of Kit all right guys another down and dirty video this weekend for you looking at this survival kit methodology a little bit of the history behind it and why we do things the way we do a lot of good items in here redundancy building kit levels cross-loading items having everything we need in case we're without our main supplies to be able to survive and make it back to Friendly lines so I really hope you like this video if you did like this video hit that like button hit that subscribe button leave me a comment in the comment section I always appreciate your feedback I want to thank you guys foring you for me for this channel for your likes your views your subscriptions your comments your feedback and your shares and I'll be back with another video as soon as I can guys thanks
Channel: Ranger Survival and Field Craft
Views: 143,068
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Id: hwpobcoE8H4
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Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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