I Made a Racing Game with No Experience

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all right in the past five days I've gone from knowing absolutely nothing about making a game to creating this my very own track racing game made completely from scratch including modeling the car in today's video I'll bring you guys along every single day of me trying to make sense of how a game is made alright so it All Began on Monday which was the first time I downloaded Unreal Engine and began learning the program by following along this five hour long tutorial this tutorial went over everything from how you move around in the game where you spawn stuff where you find things and just the basics pretty much now what's great about working in Unreal Engine 5 is that they have basically a node based coding system called blueprints so I actually didn't write a single line of code throughout this entire week which is kind of crazy so at the end of Monday I had learned how to set up the scene the lighting the world settings materials meshes and I had made my first game with the help of the tutorial I ended up making this right here we have our character if I run into these spinning things he will Ragdoll and yeah fall on the ground and if you make it around it let's say you would run like this and you jump up here it would say ddec on the screen and you completed this very simple level yesterday was really just all about learning of course where everything is how you move around with the camera and you know open the content browser got a small introduction into the blueprint I also got an introduction to how the landscape works so you know how we create Landscapes and details and stuff like that in the world and then finally I also learned how to you know place out little plants and stuff like that as well as having them be you know dynamic instead of moving in the world so that was pretty much my day one now today I'll be focusing on vehicles since my main goal this week is going to be to try and make some type of racing game where you can fly off ramps with the vehicle and stuff like that so this is going to be the most important part for me getting the vehicle physics right and everything like that see I guess it's time to build up YouTube and watch a couple more tutorials did you ever wanted to create your own racing game but didn't know how to start it was very confusing at first obviously trying to make the car handle how I wanted to because you can tweak every single aspect of the car so I was following along the tutorial kind of just copying what he did and trying to learn how I could use it later alright so we got step one done we got a vehicle in the game I added a bunch of debug visualizations to the vehicle as you can see right here just to give me a better view of exactly what's going on what forces are being put where and now I guess it's just time to tweak all these settings and try to find some settings for the car which feels good and I think after that I'm gonna try and get my own car model and I guess copy those values onto that instead because yeah in the end I don't actually want to use this model here which is provided in Unreal Engine this will be the most important part for this project so yeah I'm gonna spend a lot of time making sure that this feels good and then I stumbled upon my biggest problem yet my car would never roll over in mid-air obviously building a stunting game I want the car to be able to better roll in mid-air and yeah this turned into a big problem for me wait I'm editing the vehicle movement component but if we click the actual car constraint lock stabilization Max angular velocity the table I'm gonna be stuck on this forever okay wait wait it's spinning now we got some errors in here not gonna lie okay guys guys it's been a couple hours it's the only thing that I've been Googling for the past two hours and then I went into the event graph of the car damps rotation when in air it's literally right here all I gotta do is Click there and now when I play and I hit the edge we can finally do a barrel roll now I just need to figure out the physics for the landing dude I'm so dumb yeah in the end I had to disconnect one wire from one node always I think I spent three hours trying to find that I was actually getting really upset but in this whole process I learned a lot of how the vehicles handles and you know it really helped me out in the future so finally feeling like I had a grasp of how the vehicle handling and physics worked it was time to actually make my own car now the look that I was going for in this game was I sort of had this low poly look but also mix in some like realistic elements so it was time to watch more tutorials on how to make a car in blender welcome back to another blender 2.8 beginner tutorial foreign version of my low poly card from my first ever low polycar model I think this one turned out quite nice the only thing I don't really like is the back I need to work on this I have no clue to get this into my game but that is going to be tomorrow's problem the first car that I made was mainly just kind of to get a grasp of how modeling Works in blender and you know how to make a low poly car so the following day on Wednesday I decided that I was gonna make a really good looking car inspired by the beautiful and vision 74. and The General Car shaped being kind of boxy definitely helped me out when I was going for this low poly look and man modeling this car was a lot of fun I think I spent three hours in total making this one I made sure to add a lot more details on this car because obviously adding it to the game I wanted it to look good and fit in [Music] all right today's day four and we will be focusing on actually driving our car but of course in the game you can see here in the back seat because today I decided to take a little drive over to this nice spot I'll be sitting at the computer for so many hours these past couple of days I decided to get out and go for a long walk here we see sir [Music] all right I took a nice walk and I'm back home now it's time to continue with the car right so as you guys saw I ended up scrapping this so the first car that I made so that's where I'm currently at I have my car I have my handling for the car already prepared so next tip will be to watch some tutorials and try and get this car running in Unreal Engine in the game okay so I stumbled upon this Unreal Engine if I make triple A game Vehicles now I want to allowed to make a triple A game but it's basically a three and a half hour course and it does say important export cars from blender to other Engine 5 how to set them up how to set up the inputs the camera car sounds everything like that see I'm probably gonna buy this and try and figure this out and this course that I bought was super useful throughout this entire project starting off with the car getting that rigged in blender moving it into Unreal Engine adding all the collisions for both the tires and the body so it can turn and work in the game and finally there was in the game I was able to turn it the handling was awful at first but luckily I had spent about 6 hours early in the week learning the handling so I could now applied to my own car so what I've done last night and today is basically work on getting the correct model in the game as you can see this is not working and dude I have to say I am so happy with how the handling is when you're driving on the ground as you can see turning radius is super nice the way that the car handles when you begin to slip the steering angle the gear ratios I'm not so sure like if I pick up some speed here and if I begin to turn like this you can see that we slide but we don't really slide that much like it's quite easy to come play full stop and then take control of the car again which I think is quite important when you're making sort of a stunt game we're gonna have to jump you sort of want to be able to move the car around quite easily because I kind of went away from the idea of making a drift game and focusing more on a racing stunting game so working out like this sleeping threshold and stuff like that like if I begin to turn in high speeds you sort of just gradually begin to slip more and more and more and you know just getting that to work properly so when it comes to the actual stunting let's say I want to fly off a ramp and stuff like that there's one thing that I want to fix if I jump right here as you can see I can land it but it's kind of like wobbly when you actually land the car I managed to tweak this a little bit by basically moving the center of mass of the car from being basically here in the middle to moving it back just a little bit because obviously there's more weight in the back with how this model looks so to simplify how I could fix this basically you'd have something attached to the bottom of the car like physics wise that would sort of pull it down I guess I can show it with this here so what I need to add is basically something at the bottom of the car here which would sort of like Snap the car to the ground as it begins to roll over when it's near the ground let's see if I can give you guys a better example of the car sort of flipping over here when it comes to this um also I can't like control the car kind of like in GTA 5 where you can you know control the car both when it's in mid-air um as well as roll it over when it lands upside down but I'm not Rockstar Games so I had no idea how to add that that's like one key component that I really want to try and add to the game somehow at some point but with the car finally set up and me learning more about the program here I'm gonna try and now make sort of a map which I can drive this car on so things that I want to add is of course a track a track that I can drive the car around and I want to add some jumps here and there with some gaps so I want to add a few obstacles which sort of spin around and you know if I hit the car with them it's just gonna fly away yeah that was just sort of the first overall big update over I'm currently at in the game but yeah I gotta say man this feels really nice so far see I can't wait now to get to step two which will be building the actual game bam dude I found this plugin made by this guy which allows you to quite easily just build race tracks you sort of like dragging and dropping because first I was planning on building the whole track in blender then exporting that into unreal it costs about 100 bucks so it's not that bad and I'm probably gonna end up using this a lot in the future so yeah I'm gonna buy this and mess around with it as I was using this track builder I quickly realized that my handling wasn't really that good I had sort of tuned it a bit more for drifting and maybe just flipping the car but not really going at high speeds on a track so I made this tiny test track where I could test the physics and before I finally began making the actual track [Music] all right I took about tax to get started building the track because he had some weird Collision issues happening basically with the track where they sort of fall into the landscape like this but I have now sorted it and this is actually the first section of the game obviously no like environment to it yet or any sort of art style to it or section will be that you start here on this point also I added a camera so we can now actually swivel like this around the corks kind of nice and so you have to go full speed here nail the Apex cone in here and you actually have to nail this jump in order to land over on this section and you have to break I'm thinking of making like a little obstacle course on this section and then put a checkpoint after that using this plugin I can actually also just I realize this that if I copy this race track here go down here I believe that I can just pull the fence to the side like this then we want to enable Coalition for that as well of course will give us a fancy on the side which I can actually hit like this and to sort of you know block out the outer World which you don't want to go messing around with in a racing game and I'm probably gonna make tomorrow the last day for this project so uh yeah we need to finish the track add some hot as well maybe a speedometer we need to add sound to the car and maybe even a music track which I can make myself yes yeah I still have some stuff to do I'm working on this like pendulum over here we have to sort of time it so you can get across and continue over here and over here I'm thinking like out of the ground that there will be like pillars like shooting up and down so you kind of have to like go around them like this time going over and then checkpoint would be right over here in this left turn now let's add some barriers on the side on this bit we like fine tune it just a little bit [Music] all right so that is now my mind field of cylinders now we need to make it so that these just begin shooting out of the ground basically no problem going up that's not what's supposed to happen how far down do they go they're not gonna stop falling you're just going I mean I couldn't figure out how to make them go upwards like that so instead I just made them all wiggle like this which is kind of nice though because they can actually like push you out of the map a bit easier as you can see it's kind of struggle to get through if you get hit by one they sort of knock you into the other one now I need to reverse and eventually I'm out of the maps yeah it kind of works nice okay first playthrough of the first level let's see will I complete first try we still need to put barriers here at the start we can get this jump yes we can a bit wobbly a bit wobbly but we got the break I also increase the brakes a little bit because yeah they were a bit too weak they didn't spin this way before no it didn't wait what did that wait I swear this is supposed to be minus one right let's try it again cut the Apex sure we're straight break and there we go I'm not sure why I get these spheres randomly in the world but anyway I can't wait to add like engine sounds and sound effects and stuff like that too it's probably quite tricky but oh that was the cleanest job yet damn that looks smooth okay then for the speed here it's gonna go oh landed cavall no maybe I can just grab this piece scale this up a little we sort of have a landing ramp I'm not sure if that's gonna work or not I guess we'll find out I think I need more speed oh yeah oh my God hey Landed It I think it's all good for now and the ramp worked perfectly the wheel weight is actually perfect here as well don't get knocked out now there we go made it to the first checkpoint so what I'm gonna do now is I think add some art to the map I'm probably gonna use some assets that I'm gonna find online like some nice trees some low poly clouds some foliage and stuff like that because I don't want to spend time building all of that when there's so many assets to use uh some for free as well and yeah once that done we might do like one super hard stunt at the end to sort of wrap up the course right it was finally time to build the environment and get an overall look on the game and this was so rewarding to start doing because everything just sort of came together now purchase this low poly asset pack which had a bunch of nice trees and rocks that I could place out in the world so I just kind of went to town and began building the environment foreign [Music] just building all this terrain you know you know I could use this thing called a foliage brush to basically select what I wanted to place and just kind of paint it out and you know I ended up buying this pack which contained all of these assets which was definitely worth it they look so good in here I also did some slight work to the terrain I just kind of painted it with a nice grass texture you know making it to the blend in with some dirt and some gravel here as the ground Rises up added all the sides to the race track I added some colors here fix this bit and dude I'm actually so stoked as to how this turned out it looks really good still runs very very nicely like I was a bit afraid that maybe adding all this foliage would kind of make the level lag but it's definitely still playable and it looks beautiful I did also tweak a little bit with the lighting because yeah we can also of course change that to let's say we want it to be almost Sunset and it looks really really pretty in here the sun sort of going into the trees yeah we'll continue tomorrow we're gonna work on the final checkpoint to the Finish Line as well as adding sound effects and potentially a song as well just something easy that I can make alright today is Saturday I began this project on Monday I believe since last night I have worked a little bit on improving the lightning on the level which isn't really that important but it's kind of like how it looks now added some like blue I also improved how the sky looks and stuff like that I also spent like two hours today trying to get a speedometer to work as you can see I built all of this right here this broke my brain I had to build this function this function build this function in the lap time I had to build all of these ones as well in here I have to build all of this for the checkpoint I add even more stuff in here also we could track the time on the track but you'll notice that now if I press play we actually have down in the corner we have a speed which will start at the checkpoint in front of me this blue looking thing as well as if you listen I added a super simple engine sound I wanted to find like a futuristic sounding engine I'm not really too happy with how did any sound turned out but I don't really care and instead of having a speedometer with a dial I just put the numbers down in the right hand corner as you can see and then you also have the time down to the left so we spawn in here and we cross this one you'll see that the timer begins and Crossing this one it will stop but you might notice that the top one blinked for a second that is supposed to show the final time but instead of doing that it's just it just says zero and when I cross it just says zero but we can still see the time down the left hand corner so it's all good so now it's time to work on the final part of the map before we set out a Finish Line yesterday I mentioned that I was going to build this out and do a huge jump at the end I think we're gonna try and do something we have to like jump through a small Gap and that will be the finish line foreign Target speed of like 150 so you need to sort of make sure that I can actually hit the Gap that I'm going for that's probably landable we will deform the landscape there we go we can add it we can add it okay nice now to add something to flight through and then we'll work on the foliage at a Finish Line that should be it I can use these assets that I got with the pack that I bought maybe I could use some other assets for the side so to build something now it might be kind of hard to absolutely nail this as I go to the full course later because I need to make sure to hit the perfect speed just like that to make that jump then let's quickly add some foliage and then I'm pretty much wrapped up I think [Music] all right and we are done look at this now we've got a beautiful section here we got some Vines hanging down we got all the trees bushes we'll fly through this land over here and this is the Finish Line right it is time the first official playthrough from start to finish let's see what time I can set it play I must try to really go into full screen so now for some reason I didn't notice here that my wheels weren't actually turning so I'm gonna show a full run as well with the wheel is working that's all I have to do if you can get this first try here nope only thing I would maybe add is to like have it come on so you can flip over the car when it's flipped but for now this is totally fine at some point I had to stop working on the Prototype I guess you can call it oh that was clean that's the cleanest part for the King's Way I've got in that part yet trick had to go kind of slow here this is really like for me to test different obstacles stuff like that and how they work you know and now for the big jump I'm probably gonna mess this up I think I have too much speed come on oh we got it at this land okay nice nice nice 37 seconds damn it went quick across the full map and here we go 41-62 for one point to the other so that was my first ever completed level that I have made [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] day journey of going from absolutely serial knowledge to making a game to having a working racing game now I learned so many things this week and it was actually a lot of fun to learn something new creatively I've been struggling a bit lately feeling like creatively challenged if that makes sense I just sort of feel like with my videos I've been making the same thing over and over and over again so learning something new that I can potentially use in the future on the channel as well it was a lot of fun and definitely very rewarding which also made me realize that for the future of this Channel I want to make more stuff like this not specifically video game making videos but just videos or ideas that I really enjoy making which also Sparks my creativity and my interest but I really hope you guys enjoyed today's video click over to check out another one and I'll catch you guys later take care
Channel: Hazardous
Views: 847,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: made a racing game, i made a game, making, video game, made, racing, game, unreal engine 5, ue5 made a game, unreal engine 5 racing game, racing game, i made a racing game, how to make racing game
Id: Cxo8k6EmiNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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