Markiplier and JackSepticEye Compete to Make a Game in 2 hours

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with peter and myself disabled our ideas are out the window so we're gonna have to rely on mark and sean to help us create these games in two hours it just works how is this happening no no that's what i thought why didn't you know this don't mind the gap don't mind the game don't mind the gap [Music] all righty well over the last few years peter and myself have been learning unreal engine while we've been usually using it for filmmaking today that all changes we saw an opportunity for a little challenge we're going to compete in developing a game now we're going to only have a few hours for this so there's going to be a little bit of pressure here why don't we give this challenge a little spin oh well let's cut right to it high five [Music] so the doctors were able to reattach our hands thankfully but they said we need at least a year to even get any feeling back in our hands so i still want to make this game yeah me too uh do you know anybody who could help us out i happen to know a famous youtube personality who's incredibly interested in learning unreal engine and he might be able to help us is he in the studio right now he is he's here with us right now you may have seen him before i wow you know obviously i don't have hands but i see you've got two ones right there yeah you've been saying you want to learn unreal so i think it's finally time yeah big video game fan yeah for years on my channel like i really want to get into the weeds of it you know and like i mean you're great because you know what a good video game is so like you probably could make one right oh yeah absolutely yeah i feel like if i'm able to like critique something harshly over and over and over again enough that i'll be able to make something amazing and that's what my parents did yeah yeah so you guys are gonna be working together yeah yeah i think it'll be great do you think i could have some help too or are you going to be busy with is there anyone else i guess there's um marco are you doing anything right now this is our intern mark no mark can you could we steal you for the day if you don't if you don't have anything to do yeah yeah i know yeah i would i would love to cool yeah do you have any interest in making games okay okay when did you uh when did you get in town a couple of minutes ago you didn't like tell me beforehand you were coming in well you don't know unreal engine this is perfect because you're like an intern and he's an intern so you guys we're gonna probably work really well together sam i've been working here for six years i i feel like i'm not an intern at this point yeah well you know it you know it never leaves you though are you an intern now no no no no he's a guest he's a guest today interns yeah ow all right we have our new teams we have a new plan with peter and myself disabled our ideas are out the window so we're gonna have to rely on mark and sean in both of their hands and their minds to help us create these games in two hours we have one million dollars put in the expo yeah i am terrified because i don't know anything about this and looking at the menu it looks like there's a bajillion things you can do is finally learning unreal after months of being here i've been here for a month and a half i've done a lot of cleaning i've done a lot of maintenance i've done a lot of like subterfuge um but i have not done a lot of learning visual effects which is kind of like the whole purpose of me here actually specifically it's just unreal engine this is the first time someone's down to walk through unreal with me i know this is a big moment for you and you have to get over it because we have to keep moving through this yes breathe nice okay take your emotions yeah pretend there's a bottle right here yeah bottle them down can you hold my hand all right gamers two hours begins now is this two hours until finished game time yes sir all right go let's just let's go we're making a new project from scratch oh god so we're gonna do the third person template got it now down here let's name your game you you could name it whatever you want i mean what do you think i should name it okay well my great project is always a classic name's like the most important thing yeah everyone knows this mark great name peter great name yeah meter meter park park park meat park meat park thoughts done i don't love it so if you click that that will run your game and now click there and now this is basic wasd controls and you can jump what kind of like ass size can i do on this character oh that was like literally we knew you were gonna say something about that where's the butt sliders okay just keep that keep that keep that in your pocket keep that in your pocket how hard is it to make an endless runner it's kind of tough i mean what if there's a template for it in the marketplace there could be there you go five dollars oh endless running creator oh let's throw out the third person template and we're gonna use the endless runner template instead jokes on them there's no ends to this game what what challenges do you want to throw at mark what's a game that is not broken yet unbeatable his biggest fear is the ocean okay once he's in the water what's going to get him uh shark is he trying to get up to the surface and breathe up and if he doesn't get there in time he drowns the main element is stress what do you where should we go with this it's a blank slate okay so he's saying i know him very well yeah i know him we've known each other for many years we've talked many times really gotten to know each other he's irish hey what do irish like what do they you should know we've been friends for like eight years maybe even longer it's just for me because i don't know he'll tell you all right for the big buns here we go add sphere so drag it and attach it to your mesh okay and pelvis pelvis and there you go that's good cool oh so there you go let's go i know that he's going to get distracted by this that i'll play i'll put in the cheeks he'll play the game he'll be so distracted by the sheer amount of that ass that's on screen that he won't want to play anything so we're collecting assets right now we're looking for irish stereotypes such as leprechauns possible stop it that's racist no no no you don't understand you don't understand anti-racist it is actually it's cultural appreciation so the idea is to avoid the stereotypes but when you hit the stereotypes it adds the stereotypes to your character and the more stereotypes you have the less health you have and then if you get too many you die we're focusing on stereotypes because we're breaking history so much deeper than you think it is you don't understand you have no idea where we're even coming from pinta guinness perfect potato feel free um leprechaun that's good for 15 that's pretty good though that's great look at the texture of the grain on the wood personally if you're really connected to it we can get it but i don't think we need it i think we need it all right gamers 30 minutes has passed what we're trying to do is decrease the gravity of our jump to make it feel underwatery i thought that was easy i was like oh there's a thing that's like oh your jump lasts x frames let's just increase the did i do that yeah you gave me a brilliant idea close out of this character movement there it is look gravity scale max acceleration breaking friction why didn't you know this look i couldn't see it it was hidden you didn't scroll down far enough try jumping oh boy so so we have all of our assets now we have all of our irish stereotype assets uh and we're just going to extract them get them into unreal and set them up for the game but you don't even need to do anything yup you just find something in the store that has already done the thing that you want to do and then you modify it you you just take someone else's work you re-skin it and then you publish it as your own you know all these artists are worried about like oh ai is going to take over everything people have just been stealing work anyway like what's the what's the difference for thousands of years we're not doing anything new here i just want like a shark like coming at him how do we like rig a new blueprint to just come at him you're in luck i happen to have already guessed that you were gonna want these assets okay so can we go to the store are you taking your shirt we get to go shopping i got two assets for you yes yes there's a great white shirt i'm not yelling it because i don't want him to know surprise is the key here now go down a little further reef kit all right there we go we're under water we got our setting what's our challenge okay so the shark is like circling from the beginning like in the distance going around then he realizes oh that's my enemy if we can like hide like a a rescue like button or something somewhere he hits the button his cheeks inflates but it carries him to the surface yes perfect that's it all right great so it's like so it's like a needle no no not a note it's like a syringe full of like button yeah it's like synthol sun runner go to blueprints that's where all the code will be blueprints okay so we can click on that and replace it with a different mesh okay yep oh great whoa yeah basically done yeah so if we hit play it just works how does this happen you don't know you're the teacher i didn't code this just drag that out into our area here and now we have a reference to this so from here we can start to draw out different qualities of it scripting yes so what's gonna happen is he hits this thing yeah butt pops all right cheeks in flight and then basically what we're gonna do is the character gets turned into a set simulate physics uh mode basically where it ragdolls yeah and then as we do that we're gonna gradually apply velocity to that pelvic bone in the ragdoll from a physics standpoint we're just going to be adding a vertical force to that butt area on the bone so we're doing ass inflation all right it's like a rocket yeah it's like a butt rocket that's like it adds fuel to my inflated ass yeah it's like a like you light up lighter behind your butt and you fart what does it look like if i just do one let's see what one looks like that's the exact same okay that's not okay um you guys doing okay over there oh yeah you guys yeah that's great if you guys need help with anything just let us know no because we got fun we're we're playing fortnite right now yeah okay cool yeah they just had a goku so all right gamers that's the halfway point one hour left so we're trying to replace these pillars with the plank character that we bought we can select our little plank guy plank guy we got our planks in there also i feel like it's kind of hard to see the face maybe we should oh we can add a light to it oh yeah illuminate the face so you can see the smiley face better on the plank that we spent 15 on well we didn't you did well you'll pay me back right yeah okay yeah okay yeah okay um but yeah now we have a little light why is it so difficult to make someone's ass go up yeah so let's just do add impulse mesh there we go there we go i think this might be it so give us a 20 on the z axis there 20 on the z all right and let's hit play let's go okay please make your ass go up the same thing happened we're trying to have it so that when the player overlaps with one of these stereotypes it gets applied to them and like snaps onto them but we're having trouble having the player interact with these stereotypes it's not recognizing when it's hitting them it is a child of the pillar does that give it any properties the hat might not have collision yet auto convex collision we can get rid of print strings yes and we basically like on this attach component put that in there author comp to the parent yes and then keep world yes that was already set and then yes boom dude and then this guy [Laughter] yes no way is it our spears is it our butt cheeks don't you dare all right here try that try it select our sphere one and sphere two collision presets says block all dynamic switch that to no collision now try it one more time they could have been picking up yes yes good job all right this is working all right let's go right to the butt cheeks then all right all right oh yeah all right all right so let's save everything tell me how uh the motion of the butt cheeks inflates i i want their like hips to shatter when it happens but just you oh it's just okay cool so it's like an airbag you got any like hentai reference like lying around surely i do uh it's in my private collection okay okay let's see if we get big is this the moment yeah it's like it's pretty big uh is that what i think that's perfect is that tasteful yeah okay only 15 minutes left better start making those final touches okay great we need to make these power-ups make you go faster right yes yes so if you get the power-ups you go faster right okay connect those execution pins and then drag the blue into the blue this should work hopefully this should make it faster it's not quite no faster it's just adding but not to the it needs to add to this function because it just sets the it sets the movement to one movement's zero when it's not doing anything so when it sets to one it just goes one it needs to change that the multiplication factor because if it changes the multiplication factor to this you're so right yes yes okay oh yes go down to dead that has to be checked that wasn't checked yeah that was that was it it was just that all right you're gonna die eat and die let's run the game let's take a look is that clear [Music] they're going we're going up yeah they're still going up yeah that's working final minutes we just gotta you gotta get this collision right is the gap if we don't don't mind yeah don't mind the gap don't mind the gap it does not matter it's just a little bit matters you need to save it and got to be playable 45 seconds escape excuse me we're going to find the hole quick atom pulse set that to five instead of one this one right there all right we're done all right gamers walk away put it down all right that's it hands up that was a lot of doing yeah that was stressful oh that was stressful meat park is going to take the world by storm look dude this is a functional game it's going to sell we're good people are going to talk about it for years it's going to win baftas peter i we set out to make games and technically we did technically yes correct i want to i want to play each other's games so we play yours first sure sure this is a world unlike any other world you've seen before does this feature the reef kit your favorite so we set this all in underwater there's only one way out of this ocean and your big cheeks are your ticket to ride okay i'm ready i'm yeah [Music] that's incredible the environment is very dense you know it that's the power of this kid yeah that's the power of the reef the reef kit is really people don't realize how strong the reef is is that my oxygen yeah yeah it's your timer okay uh-huh okay so you said i had an ability right your my cheeks didn't save me no no no you have to find something sharp the problem look around look behind you is there anyone else here with you why would there be i think you messed something up mark yeah what did you press i oh are you stuck whoa [Laughter] wow and your cheeks saved the day big stinker that's amazing that was actually cool intuitive game design is what we're all about it's not too easy but our yeah our chica our cheek inflation system is very robust this is all custom built like proprietary yeah [Music] great work john thank you excellent job i i mean it's it's not necessarily about how it looks it's about how it makes you feel yeah exactly think of your childhood okay young irish lad dealing with the bullying how many times did you did you hear hey potato boy or hey guinness guy well you and your red hair get over here and drink this guinness i can't believe you have to put up with that no no no no no no yeah we feel your pain we feel it maybe even more than you feel it i i have irish blood in me surging through my veins right now so i in some way feel your pain wait your last name is france it's a complicated story we're trying to break down the walls of these stereotypes that are harmful untrue you've never eaten a potato you don't drink guinness who does it does not taste good avoid the stereotypes because they are uh inaccurate and bad wow [Music] avoid these stereotypes at all costs yeah avoid them oh god oh my god okay [Applause] so no don't hit them i'm gathering my heritage these stereotypes is you know they really stick with you when when you when you encounter them i see i like your menu system thank you we we made that i like your did you make this from scratch yes the problem with this is that i don't dislike leprechauns then hit him you go faster yeah yeah yeah yeah you'll go faster it's you know it can if you embrace [Music] look at all these leprechauns you're collecting this is this endless is this all like procedural no there's an energy there's an end try to beat it wow this is this is we've never gone this far this is incredible you haven't even been in your own game this is beyond us wow look at all those lips it's impossible this is broken what do you mean he's just not good enough we have something else you can play something else we had enough time we made two games oh my god yeah actually we made eight wait this is just a you didn't make this what are these other games interesting so uh what about irish history are we seeing here these people you can see the gold um yeah the gold butter gold irish gold butter yes amazing game thank you thank you so many very awesome beautiful thank you that 15 plank of wood was used really well thank you feeling real proud of my heritage right now yes amazing we did it i love making games and i love making them from scratch and i love when you know you don't need to like rely on like pre-made assets to make an awesome game here you know you just kind of coat it from the ground up the fact that you could get the unreal default mannequin running and jumping around was just amazing yeah isn't that so incredible crazy i learned so much in just two hours legitimately like going into the blueprint system going into like changing material properties suddenly all those like rgb things made sense i'm like oh i get it now there's way more to it than i thought like that i knew like the nodes and everything like putting them all together and creating your own logic and everything was like as complex as you wanted to be but even just basic stuff was really hard to do you know we should do this again sometime if you guys have an idea for another unreal challenge we could do please leave it in the comments guys guys comment with the word subscribe if you like this video
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 3,336,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Unreal Engine, Game Design, Breakdown, vfx artists react, challenge, faceoff, gaming, shark, ireland
Id: 79mGLqt0BjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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