1 Year Of Learning Game Development In Unity...

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one year ago i made my first game and honestly it was pretty bad but in the 12 months since then i've made more games learned a lot of new things and improved my game development skills a lot and in this video i'm going to show you the journey of my first year of making games it wasn't exactly easy in may 2021 with absolutely no experience in game development or programming i thought i want to make a game so i opened the unity game engine for the very first time and frankly i had no idea what i was doing so i went to google and i found every new game developer's savior brackies i followed one of his tutorials for making a game and i had a working game it was literally just a cube that moved but i felt so proud of myself and i absolutely loved the feeling of satisfaction that i got from making something that worked i remember changing like one thing from the tutorial and feeling like a pro developer already even though what i did was really not very impressive at all and i actually had no idea what i was doing now that i was clearly the best game dev ever it was time to start work on a much bigger project one that would take me over 20 hours to complete which now that i think about it really isn't that long i was going to try and make temple run but in first person i spent what felt like ages at the time following more tutorials and adding features until i eventually had created the ultimate first person parkour endless runner game well that's hard to say deadly dash deadly dash is actually still one of my favorite games that i've made and i often still just play it for fun sometimes i think it's mostly just because of the raw parkour aspect an interesting obstacle design with no fancy grappling guns or wall running or anything maybe like this video if you want me to remake it but way better next i decided to delve into 2d game development once again i fill the tutorials but this time for a 2d platformer game it gave me the opportunity to learn about level design animations 2d art and tile maps and i also ended up with a pretty decent game even if it had some questionable character design after the success of deadly dash earlier in the year i decided that i was going to completely remake it but without everything that made the original game actually good and unique instead of temple running first person the new concept was meant to be kind of like jetpack joyride in first person i added tons of different movement types like a jetpack wall running a grapple which was literally just taken from a downey tutorial and the worst feature of all ziplines the ziplines were just taken from some random tutorial because i still basically didn't know anything and they were incredibly scuffed and didn't fit the game at all like you couldn't even jump onto them unless you were next to the pole at the start for some reason i also added a gun which you can shoot and these very weird enemies that didn't move and shot bullets out of their eye because well i couldn't get them to shoot out of a gun there was some cool stuff about the game though like an online leader board some really fun levels and lava because lava is red and cool it also introduced me to things like post processing to improve graphics which i now use in literally every game now remember how i said deadly dash took 20 hours to make well this game which i call jetbound took three months or for everyone to just say it was another carlson clone which it pretty much was then i made pong because well everyone makes pong at some point and it also allowed me to practice my skills a lot in fact it was the first game i made without using a single tutorial except it was kind of terrible like why is the sensitivity so high near the end of the year after making all these games and also liking the idea of making videos i started to make videos about making games and put them on this youtube channel first for this channel i made another 2d game about saving the ocean which had a really calming vibe and taught me how to make 2d vectora it was also my first game jam and i really liked the experience being able to play other people's completely unique games made with the same theme in mind next i put my gamedev skills to the test and challenged myself to make a game in only 3 hours for a game jam which i ended up doing successfully it was cool seeing how much better other people's games made in that time frame were though and how much i still had to learn i joined another game jam where i made a really awesome roguelike game where you control the sword i enjoyed developing that game a lot since it was a genre i'd never really seen before and because i faced so many challenges i struggled so much with getting random dungeons to generate properly but i eventually did it and i just felt so happy i also wanted to make sure i had lots of polish so i learnt about new things that i've never used before like screen shake and i made sure to use lots of satisfying sounds and particle effects from that point on i made sure to add lots of polish to every game next i experimented with some ideas that never ended up seeing the light of day i tried making a 3d survival game with infinite generation using this tutorial from sebastian laig logue like i don't know but that proved to be way too difficult for my skill level i developed a puzzle game kind of like snake where you had to fill up a grid but i got bored of making levels and couldn't come up with any more designs i even worked in a tower defense game at one point which was actually turning out pretty well and i can't even remember why i stopped working on it for some more fun because i basically have no life other than whatever this is i then entered another game jam and my game managed to place in the top 20 which was pretty cool the game basically involved defending this egg by destroying the rocks around it and upgrading different attributes it was almost like a clicker game after that i experimented a bit with a different game engine aka powerpoint the best game engine i remade the rhythm game osu purely inside powerpoint using animations and it turned out way better than i expected throughout the months after that i continued to make and develop more and more games all of which i made videos about which you can check out on this channel i remade other popular games with interesting twists and made unique concepts for game gems all helping me to develop my skills and become much better at game development overall my game development journey over the last year has been a long one i've made so many games and so many videos and when looking back at my first few games it's insane how much i've learnt and improved just know that you don't need a lot of experience to start making games and if you want to just do it and make your first game this channel also just hit 1 000 subscribers and at the rate it's growing right now it'll probably have 2 000 when this video comes out and that's honestly super crazy since a month ago i only had 100 so thank you so much for all your support it honestly means the world to me and i can't wait to continue making more content and games in the future so i mean maybe subscribe for that in the meantime you should join my discord server in the description because uh we need more members who actually use it and also check out this other video which definitely might interest you
Channel: DevBanana
Views: 683,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game devlog, game dev, game jam devlog, i made a game in 24 hours, devlog, devbanana, game development, making a game, unity game engine, unity, unity game development, unity devlog, making a game in unity, dev banana, 1 year of game development, 1 year of game dev, flappy bird in first person, learning game dev, learning game development in unity, learning game development, 1 year of learning game development, my first year of learning game development
Id: c-aEBxGPLB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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