5 Strange Things I Did to Kill Boredom!

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I gotta here very unique silver for my collection let me show it to you for for my stock whatever some people collect silver for it's all like beauty and stuff some people just stuck in silver and don't care about what it looks like they just want to get the cheapest silver ever this one has a high premium minyan spot silver is a lot cheaper versus this stop because they have to make it it's a little bit more expensive for them to make it and look at this beautiful continue first of all whoo this is so awesome reminds me of those mint or Altoids don't just stuck it build it so you got it here 12 1 ounce fine silver building blocks so let's open it up whoa look at that so let's zoom in on it what it says right here 1/2 ounce $9.99 fine silver and the oils is a little bit different or going on I completely forgot there is a little bit of Garmsir difference so let's open them up boom Wow look at that block and there's a holes in the back of it oh look there's Lee accounts in the back - very very nice shiny it's obviously meant to play with and look at that just like a leo building blocks with the dots you can set it up it's not gonna fall over you can build it like this boom and you can build the rudder onto it you can go sideways whatever just like a little building blocks that not going to fall off easily check this out wow I kinda wish I had a lot more build a little walk with them so it is kind of satisfying to play with them don't just build them stock them don't just stuck and build them I mean and look I could just sew this one up let this one hang so cool let's do the same thing to this two nice hefty Lea blogs do you hear that thump when it felt so cool they go what do you guys think build Aloha I don't know what but super cool sure to close up one ounce silver blocks I love finding unique products especially for the silver and gold I love collecting liya pieces like that kind of like a little bit of an investment and a little bit of a stocking my only our stock boom I'll have a lot of silver I just like tiny Lea pieces like that let's put it away so we can see they go don't just stuck and build it so much fun whenever you stuck it and you stuck it too high it might fall over easily this one has little holes super nice so this idea 12 ounces 10 ounce bar you can easily buy it for about hundred and eighty hundred and ninety dollars this thing is for 12 ounces 350 so premium is very very high net but it is just like a lyric collector item goes into my collection pretty awesome how to use this vintage can opener on those vintage folding knives this one is kind of cool folding knife you know what this is it's to untie nuts I think and this is a knife right here boom pretty simple and I have another one with this little bit of a curve right here so let me show you how to use them to open a can this one obviously will be a little bit easier push it in like this drive it all the way in and what you want to do put this on the lid and go up get yourself leverage and keep going up this one is the just because it has this little curved it and you want to just keep opening it to the side like that and that's how use it one of those very vintage can open up and guess what this is actually very easy to open again with this kind of can opener look at that so sharp even though it's really really old haven't been sharpened in years still nice but what about this one this one don't have as good of a leap well same thing you just pop it to and boom and this one is actually easier because you don't have to worry about that lip holding it you just go in and out with your East this kind of motion with your hands and they're actually Wow surprisingly easier I thought the other one would be easier I love that I have opened so many cans with so many can open us this is by far the easiest one Wow way easier than p38 because p-38s tiny you got to do it with two fingers in your Eastern fingers gets old with this thing as you can see very sharp I didn't even feel anything it was so easy like I didn't get saw anything well they go a little bit of forgotten gadget right here for some people had no idea they even existed so pretty cool can openers so looks like I got a low-pressure tire and of course most likely I hit a nail because my tires are burn you so this is why I have this kit in my power soap and plug why do we need soap and you see I have a note on it what it is and it's obviously losing air bed so what you will do with the soap because nail could be small we're going to keep spraying on a tire it's kind of obvious here where the nail is because it's so big but then you don't even have to look if you have a really small dark nail look it just going to start bubble up my cameo just keep dying off on me but yeah you just spray it all over the tire in case there's multiple holes and multiple nails and as you can see you're just going to start bubble up because if you have low pressure chances are you still lose in air and of course we'll be using one of these plugs let me show you this thing's pretty tape you can get them at any other part stores and you got one of these plugs it's a lot of them life that I - see how many holes you're going to be plugging up I don't think I will be even using that and you use that I'm at in to the hole make a little nice hole from there and clean and then you put this thin one of these blocked plugs in the middle of it and pop this in and then it is going to illicit and keep the hole very very nice and closed up but after you do that you need to fill the tire so that's why we need some kind of whatever it is and I like to use this one you don't even need batteries it's one of those as seen on TV so it's actually works pretty good and this is why I think every car should have that specially if you derive and for you know seven hours from one state to the other one this is nice to have you can repair a hole without changing a tire I'm not going to actually use the plug right now this is mostly for emergencies if I'm driving for seven or maybe even longer hours and I don't have a choice but plug it up and keep going temporarily but for now would rather take it to the shop let them fix it and most likely insure we'll take care of it or just how did them do it very professional job this idea is just my little emergency kid for the roadside and one more time to show you it's a nice nail soap it up how come it's not bubbling anymore there you go there's bubbles right there so easy to spot I think I'll put a jack under it so that way overnight it's not gonna ruin my tire because it's losing air pretty fast it's crazy so if this tile is completely ruined I want to make sure that they maybe give me insurance in some money back I think by the end of the night is going to be too loose so more lift it up get rid of some of that pressure and that's a lot easier looks good and I chucked it so nice so him in a deal when a cow helps to another mystery box and this is a moon mr. box check this out I paid $150 for all of them and they promised to get at least a a rare cars inside of it and hopefully this ones are vintage once none of that new stuff I don't really care about this one so anyways let's see what this one's all about one two three four five nice this kind of fun to open so I'm looking for vintage ones 95 96 98 so let's see what we got here okay this one is nice this is vintage one hunter I think already have that one but okay this one is also vintage one I like that okay hopefully they all vintage ones nope this one is twenty thirteen another school so I'm gonna separate them I wasn't expecting for them to be all vintage ones but look at that there's some Hallows this one is 2013 I guess or separate ours as well but I really like the vintage ones 95 96 and 98 this one 2005 so we'll just separate them look at that on shiny and beautiful this one was made in 2019 separate um not a school because it's not vintage so let's see how many vintage ones we will get from this hundred and fifty dollars stock I mean it's cool cards it's just cut and collects only much older ones like this one melt is that happen ounce it they go I bought this Massey for Catherine she used to have a huge stack of them so I want to surprise her also I'm looking for shadowless and stuff like that this one the good one too that's nice decent amount of them vintage ones this is nice Vantage one this one another one that's good I bet you guys appreciate my accent if I type top announce the name of the pokémons gold Dean okay don't make fun of me too hard at school a lot of them didn't 95 96 and 98 ones this is awesome I'm actually a little bit surprised I didn't think a lot of them are going to be good ones I thought it's going to be a bunch of new stuff ooh I love the shiny ones but this is much newer one 2015 put them together in here nice another vintage one boom another beautiful Halle 2011 whole economic whatever they called um 2012-2017 I think this one and you know this is pretty nice quality not very used I like that I was expecting for them to be like very taut up and used up another vintage one this is awesome 17 could just tell this is new one but I just like to double check this one is 2020 2013 so not bad I'm honest is surprised I thought there will be like 90% of the new stuff but there's quite a bit of vintage cards this is cool another vintage one so I feel like so far maybe it's $150 because that's quite a bit of cards or for vintage ones and there's few colors in this bunch of random new world cards not as cool as the vintage ones that's awesome okay this is what we got an advantage first stock I'm all let you guys say ditto real quick very nice and a few newer hologram it and a few new all hallows over here pretty awesome hopefully we'll get a vintage hallo okay let's see what we got in the next package right here 2017 2013 17 much newer stuff and this is a good one I think we already have a lot of those ones another trainer bet that you want nice another vintage one it's awesome quite a bit of them now whoo look at that fancy but much much newer one 2020 very new actually 16 it's kind of annoying to separate them all I wish they were all vintage one but kind of cool this 2020 another 2020 very new stuff or there's a whole stack of 2020s all of these are brand-new when you're 17 I'll just put them all together cool didn't see any how up unless I missed it I'm looking at the data at night tied two separate vintage ones form the newer ones so that way we can see if it was worth hundred and fifty dollars or not I think it is it's quite a bit of fun and if you love collecting pokemon cards you probably will enjoy this thousand eight thousand and six another howl over here 2019 I'm surprised how many car days though I thought we would get way less than this 2019 you were stuff another Howard 2015 it's awesome another vintage one onyx awesome finally getting some vintage once again seems like whoever set up that mystery box just grab it from these stocks and mixed it all together then awesome nice that's a good stuff okay we're getting some good stuff now but again doesn't look like anything super rare any of this holographic beautiful ones are much much newer stuff let me know in comments below this one worth any money another one beautiful another one vintage one 2002 nice oops this way and the last two two more vintage ones charm alone nice okay not bad almost half of it is pretty vintage once okay let's open up another one 2019 holla beautiful okay 2019 there's gonna be a stock 2019 second it feel like it another one 2015 beautiful now we get in some vintage ones ooh nice finally we got Vantage Hollow whoa little bit bended played it a little bit more but this is nice it don't see too much damage to it I mean I see some scratches on it that's for sure but that's beautiful finally we get in one really good one I'm gonna get it to the side okay this is just how it when unite him okay another vintage one mmm 2005 when you're seventeen was that another one Dana beautiful what is this 2006 world champion wow that's kind of cool let's see if you're going to get any more vintage ones nice another hologram ik one and it's a good one vintage one beautiful I wonder how much they go for I think so far it was so worth fifty dollars but I'm not the next expert gettin is gonna definitely load them though 2006 much newer stuff looks like we in 2005 and six stock over here 109 I just like to look at the date anyways even though I recognize it's much newer one but will go faster because we have quite a few of them 2017 just another one get a little bit of vintage ones now ooh you know what this is a lot of fun I would totally do it again nice whole bunch of vintage ones this is so far been the best acts maybe a little bit less not almost half of a vintage ones and they stand to holler vintage ones so let me know in comments below do you think I was a good investment I think for the video purposes and cut-in collection I think it's totally awesome you were stuff way this is how long beautiful but this is much newer one 2013 nice more vintage stuff new stuff over here yep this one actually is good beautiful another tiny advantage this is kind of fun going through all this stuff see if you get any kind of harvest cuz it's exciting to even get vintage stuff doesn't thing thank you so much in I mean let's see we hit something really good punch your new stuff or this stock has a lot of new stuff another hollow would use this 2010 kind of cool nice another one ooh squirt op expert oh oh wait almost missed one nice more vintage stuff beautiful it's funny Heights and a pile on another hollow 2015 21 nice ooh another vintage one another hollow bought from 2019 cool beautiful and last couple of them are all vintage awesome young get any colors from the vintage ones but another nice stack of a vintage card right here okay a lost stock over here see what this thing is all about when we get lucky something superior maybe nope ooh hello you were ooh another hollow it's so nice and shiny but much newer stuff okay it's new stuff cool now that finally vintage ones coming up you go energy cards new stuff so this is what you would get four hundred and fifty dollars was it worth it I think it's what the experiment experienced and the video because I know make my money back and captain will be happy to get some of the pokémon cards she used to have a big collection song time to build it back up a little bit this is kind of disappointing most of this ones are much newer ones okay there you go I have some vintage ones there's a lot of them so that's why I kinda have to go fast because that video will be a couple hours how long what year is this 2019 much newer 195 mm oh another hollow 2015 which is awesome okay there you go and then there are some vintage ones beautiful boom okay I just want to them and we have four first edition cards that's what you want to look for you see that first edition right here and I was looking for shadowless and there you go I see one sold for $6 so that's pretty awesome there is another one $5 this one is about $6 - let's look up this - so only sold for a couple of bucks this one so even though it's a first-edition doesn't mean it's going to be super rare and this one sells for about 250 each okay and this is what you expect to pull form a mystery box of Pokemon cards so not too bad this is a bigger stock of a new one so let's say this is pretty much half right here is how much extra stuff you get over newer cards so that's cool then you get the good stack of advantage ones let's see how many cars there is one so we got here 93 Vantage cards over here and we paid hundred and fifty dollars for them and of course we got couple of hours I'm pretty sure Catan will be super excited about it by the way guys don't judge me too much again I'm doing this video so I can get some cards for cat and I'm not a biggest expert about party mode cards but guess what now you know what you will get from a hundred and fifty dollar mystery box from eBay
Channel: Taras Kul
Views: 200,701
Rating: 4.7543478 out of 5
Keywords: Taras kul, taras, origamy768, silver, mystery box, gadgets, how to
Id: 0qW_OQXdqXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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