5 Weirdest Things on Amazon Part 24

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ultrasonic turbine washing let's see what this thing is all about this instruction set here but self-explanatory wow i really thought it's gonna be a lot bigger on a video so pictures this seems to be this big look how tiny that is yeah maybe i got just a small one who knows anyways let's plug it in and see how well it's going to work i got a bucket with water and a t-shirt and a soap so we got disturbed in we don't plug it in yet but i got kind of a warm water and we're gonna put it right here another bucket i guess it kind of this hit in the middle of it let's get in the middle of the water okay and there's our port goes into the plug i'm just gonna wash one t-shirt so like that again this is more like off-grid type of deal over here oops might be too much so but let's see what happens we're gonna turn it on and there's a b c whatever that means i think it's only one button okay something is happening is it's open it up that's cool i do see a t-shirt kind of going in and out a little bit so i probably wouldn't use it for like big stains maybe just to refresh your short that would be good but if you have stains i doubt it's actually going to work that well so it's like a bucket working washing machine over here so weird i know the the t-shirt gets clogged this thing up and it doesn't spin as well oh it goes one way and then it stops goes the other way maybe t-shirt doesn't stop it maybe it's have to stop automatically once in a while to go the other way yep it's it does not get clogged it stops automatically and then spins the other way i wish you could see what's going on too much soap what's happening wow it's like vibrating now that is weird why is it vibrating you know what i bet it's vibrating it to make the soap like get get soapy or something i don't know this is so weird i guess it has like a washing machine cycle so it's vibrating to get some bubbles like pretty much same thing what we would do like this [Applause] so it's achieving bubbles okay it's spinning again well i feel like it's like doing bubbles you see yeah it's definitely not spinning it's somehow doing all these bubbles oh yeah it's foaming it up look at all this new bubbles i guess it was like mixing all the soap first of all and not doing all this fun stuff obviously i could put quite a bit of clothes in there too but of course you don't want to do it too much so that way it's uh move them around really good probably a couple of t-shirts or pants whatever okay it's spinning again so yeah it has like a few uh options of a cycle that's kind of cool you see it's like sometimes sucking it in and pushing it out different ways let me pull it out so you guys can see oh wow look we can even put it over here probably be even better you see how it spins it and then it stops pins it the other way and you see how it spins the t-shirt by grabbing it and pushing it around i feel like i'm going up i had similar washing machine so similar idea just uh much much smaller you see how it's grabbing it and twisting and pulling the t-shirt inside of it so if you had couple of claws it would be moving it around i guess well anyways there you go guys makes sense it has a whole cycle of different settings inside of it once you plug it in it's gonna do its own cycle also i saw they were doing dishes the same way too like they put early dirty dishes plugged it in and this thing washed the dishes the same way kind of weird but yeah they go whoa it's powerful the suction cups is really good too i feel like it's spinning harder now a lot harder oh yeah you see it's moving up the t-shirt that's what you want to do pretty awesome they go bucket washing machine i got it here is cnn tv product this is fireball afg auto fire guard so let's see what this thing is all about [Applause] so you got it here a little ball with the handy thing right here that's kind of unique but the way it activates by the actual flames that's why it has flames all over so you would hang it in the places that might be a fire there is explanation you throw it into the fire and it will uh kind of make a boom and we'll put away the file or you can hang it as you can see over the places that might be flammable or just uh in general you can just put them in places but there you go you want to keep it away from the sun and water obviously and that's where it works the best into the boxes like that because it's gonna kind of pop and spread everywhere and says do not open it do not set it on fire obviously so there's a little bit explanation in here super cool you can hang it whatever i haven't seen it the advertisement you can put it inside of the car hood i'm not really sure if you can do that with this one do your own research but let's throw it into the fire pit see what happens of course safety is number one priority it's actually made for this thing in case you need to put away the flames okay got my fire extinguisher go throw it into this box it's a fight there you go and that's your fire extinguisher i'm kind of surprised it didn't get activated right away inside of this fire pit it was really really hot so the bigger bulls that they sell i kind of like better but i guess it had to get to this right temperature before it gets activated but yeah there you go do you see it flew everywhere that was awesome i love this what do you call it fire extinguisher very very unique so this fire extinguisher definitely designed for some kind of room or some kind of box so that way whenever it does the pop it kind of suffocates the fire instantly if it's on a flat surface it won't work as well because it's kind of going to go up you want to kind of going to go up and on the walls like in this case this is suffocated all of it look at that there is a lot of that powder inside you see how much powder there is boom suffocated it stayed all in a box most of it if it wasn't flat surface it probably would have been flown away for the most part so i have here two glasses of water and we're going to pour it right into the both of these boots waterproof boots small size over here and we're gonna pull it out you see they soaked in some of that stuff and obviously they're going to be very very wet so what i will do one of them i'm gonna stick over here there's a little bit of water still what i will do is one of them stick over here obviously they would go both of them over here but i will do only one to see how it goes and right here i guess you can put your socks or other shoes but we'll do one of them and see how long will it take to dry out shoes and does it actually work plug it in and looks like this thing is a timer 180 doesn't blow anything i don't know i guess yeah i guess it does blow so this is the extension for the bigger shoes okay one of them will be drawn out like this and one of them just sitting out dry out by air let's see what happens okay i put it on the max 180 now we're at 90 now so i guess halfway in let's feel it see how this boot doing oh wow it's dry promise you guys this sustain is dry so we can turn it off i guess it's blowing like some kind of warm air i guess you can do it heat or no heat it wasn't heat with heat obviously was drying a little bit better beautiful yeah no moisture i wish i had a moisture meter to show you guys but yeah so if you look at that when you see it's pretty dry look at that one you see there's a moist spots over here moist line and they were wet at the same time and this thing is very very wet that's crazy you see those moist spots and this one has no moist spots because it's dry so now i can just put the second one in and dry that out so that way there is no mold or anything i guess i can put it just for 90 because it was for 180 and it's dried completely that is awesome yeah thumbs up for me that thing is amazing definitely recommend especially if you live like in places like colorado and you go snowboarding and walk in the snow all the time or places where it rains a lot and you have to commute in your feet sweet sweat a lot so that thing could be very useful especially if you have plenty of space in the house to put it somewhere too and one more time heavy duty boot shoe and glove dryer obviously you can put socks on it and stuff like that make sure you clean it once in a while that's for sure i mean sanitize it pretty awesome three hour timer on heat no heat switch build in dry ports this thing is so cool so every so often we need to put a line on our fishing pole site for those people who likes fishing so you can take this out and usually you'd get a spoon tied up and put it on a pencil somebody else holding it and then you're spinning it this probably a real annoying way to do it so this is why i got a gadget like that it's probably will last your lifetime because how often you're actually going to use it probably another option unless you're professional fisherman so let's assemble it and see what this thing is all about so it's stayed up just like a regular fishing pole as you can see fishing lines pool is going to go onto here boom you see how it's going to hold it then fishing are going to go on to here and then we're going to lock it up just like i go a fishing pole okay boys and there you go and then we're going to do our thing over here okay next you want to tighten this up probably not super tight now just tight enough to work you can just start spinning i think what i need to do is actually spin this down over here and that will it will keep it tight i'm pretty sure okay now we're learning how to use it this will clamp this together without any movements so we adjusted now this is why it was falling off okay this is one putting it to the test in case you get in the same problems that i did okay that's a little bit too tight as you can see loosen it up just a little bit so that way it can actually spin okay now we're talking now i can go as fast as i want to without warned this thing falling out so that's kind of cool set it up this way so you guys can see you see how it's holding this pull and i guess the way this pulls it up to keep the tension and really can load up the line really really fast check this out this probably too much looks good doesn't it so you can cut it off and then move it you want some more you can just keep going you could probably load up the whole thing if you have a big fishing pole really really fast very cool love this okay let's take this off whoops that's okay and then you remove that and then you can put different spool over here just so you said this stuff i'm just gonna keep it together like that you have here brand new line loaded up a lot of it so there was a practice on probably second time i would be able to do it a lot smoother and way way better but there you go instead of having a pencil inside this thing you can buy one of this and they're still in your fishing lure early fast super cool so i'm gonna taste test some bee pollen what is a bee pollen bees uh collect pollen to burn it to feed the uh little eggs and stuff so that's what a bee pollen is and people say if you eat bee pollen it will help you with the allergies so they bring it on the back of their legs i don't know if you ever seen a bee with the pollen on the back of the legs so the way they harvest it is pretty unique there's a special pallet trap and it's just super cool i never done it myself but let's taste test it see what it's gonna be that's my first time oops that's my first time eating bee pollen there goes nothing oh my goodness it is very very powdery when you chewing on it a little bit sweet but this is weird a little bit sour it's like literally eating a plant so unique ugh i don't know i like honey butter very very interesting what's the way to eat bee pollen because this is just weird i wonder if a whole pollen is way better like before it'd been dried out like that it's a little bit bitter too maybe i put too much in my mouth i mean i hear that's the best way to get rid of the allergies because especially when you get the local bee pollen and you eat and whenever there is a pollen like dust all over the air you eat this stuff and it's supposed to kind of build you a little bit of immunity i guess so that way you don't get as much of the allergies but the best way to do it you have to get the local pollen or honey i like honey way better this is has some weird weird aftertaste i don't know if i will ever eat it like that but it's good it's just very very different i don't know some people might love it some people don't like honey i love honey but this stuff i don't even know what it tastes like it tastes so different so probably stay away from it but yeah there you go i just love the way it looks too i wish it was tasted like candy like honey i would love to eat at this spoonfuls but i don't know i guess it's beneficial for you that's it maybe there's a way to eat it put it on toast with butter that probably would taste a little bit better but just eating it by itself i don't know if i like it too much
Channel: Taras Kul
Views: 215,848
Rating: 4.8395886 out of 5
Keywords: Taras kul, taras, origamy768, gadgets
Id: V_rLOFC969s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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