5 Reasons why men love evil women (why good men like bad women)

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what's up what's up what's up man Chazz Ellis once again and a lot of women have been asking me why men like evil women those are your words I don't actually believe people are evil or anyone is totally good or any of that but I do try to answer questions in the way that they're asked because I don't like the sense of people's words so if you ask me why do guys like ugly girls or why there's a guy think I'm ugly or whatever if you ask me a question like that I'll try my best to answer in the way you've asked it sometimes this lace were a lot of profanity so I got a you know switch it up a little bit so that people can actually get the message and it won't get flagged or whatever for being you know too profane or whatever so I try to make sure that I have a happy balance of giving people what they want in terms of letting us be able to speak through me by asking the questions that you want to ask in the way you want to ask them but I thought the question was really valid because there is kind of a phenomenon that you see often where you might see a guy that seems like he's pretty nice dealing with somebody who doesn't seem like they're really so nice to them and you're like what's going on there and then you see a lot of girls that are actually super nice but yet they're single people can often wonder why well because I do this for a living it because I get to talk to people on both sides and I get to kind of analyze thousands and thousands of relationships I've come up with some common denominators and I'm gonna tell you about it in this video number one givers attract takers not all the time but a lot of the times givers attract takers because takers are not going to be attracted to other takers most of the time why because they both take you from each other you get what I'm saying that doesn't last very long when two people are trying to take from each other and that's all they do how to mate last right nobody's getting what they want eventually they walk away so a lot of times when you are giving this is whether you're a male male or a female if you give a lot you're often gonna attract takers this isn't even just romantic relationships this is even friendships family a lot of times the giver will have the most takers in the family hanging around whereas the taker will have people just giving giving and giving and giving at all times so a lot of times is the fact that a person who you would consider an evil woman is a tanker and she's latched herself on to somebody who is a giver and you see her kind of taking advantage of the situation number two dating down a lot of times a woman is dating somebody that she doesn't really like isn't really fond of and doesn't think much of this gives her the ability to treat the dude any kind of way now I made a video about the dangers of dating down but if the woman is only gonna do it for a short period of time anyway and it's just I'm gonna use use use use use and then jump on out of there well guess what a lot of the things I talked about a lot of pitfalls are not gonna have enough time to develop so a lot of times what'll happen is a woman will be with the guy that she's not really feeling doesn't really like doesn't really care about and that'll make it easier on her to use that person now if you are somebody who's not really what people would consider an evil woman like I said you know it is what it is well coaches use that as a title if you're not what people would consider an evil woman even when you date down you end up giving that person a lot of energy time and effort and it doesn't work for you in the same way so the tactics that this woman may be using then gonna work for you because you're just a person that naturally will start giving to the person and end up getting used by somebody even though you don't really think that much of the person just a natural giver in you will cause you to actually use up a lot of time use up a lot of energy and end up getting the short end of the stick at the end of the day number three love challenge a lot of guys want to be challenged even if it's to their detriment a lot of guys will get with a person who's treating them like a king doing everything for them showing them all the love in the world and they'll want a challenge a lot of women do this also where they'll get with a guy he's treating them so wonderfully so great but then they'll want Challenge so they'll get with a jerk or whatever you want to call it jerk you get what I'm saying you'll get what people they'll get what somebody who doesn't want to treat them right doesn't want to respect them because that person is a challenge to them what is this kind of what people do a lot of times and some people take advantage of that they constantly just keep moving the goalposts on the person so you see the person taking a lot of crap off of them like you like dang man you bought the girl a car and then she used the car to go drive and go see her ex-boyfriend you're not upset about that of course they are but now that's presented more of a challenge for them well they're like oh she wants to be with her ex-boyfriend no she'll be with me not him and then they go buy her some more stuff rather than just walking away and saying I'm done with the relationship a lot of times presenting that challenge makes the person continue to invest and invest and invest and invest until they don't want to walk away no matter what which gives that other person the upper hand number four rebound a lot of times you could get off on somebody or get over on somebody by really just using them as a rebound a lot of times what you'll see as an evil woman and somebody who's still in love with somebody else but dating another person when when they are like that it gives them the ability to do whatever they want in that relationship they're like I'm only here because of what you're doing for me I don't really want to be with you specifically I just want to be with somebody who's gonna make me feel better about this relationship that I'm missing at this point in my life and a lot of times that gives the woman all of the power and she acts on it sometimes the person isn't really as evil as you might think it's just that they have power and a lot of times power corrupts right that's kind of what happens a lot of times they're in a situation that they've never been in before when they were with their ex they couldn't get the person to do anything for them but now that they're with this rebound he's bending over backwards he's bringing flowers he's singing outside of her window and it's making the person feel good and it's helping them heal I'm not trying to make excuses for the people I'm not trying to sit there and say what they're doing is right or wrong but I'm just giving you a reason for why whether you think it's right or wrong for you to determine that's not really my thing but this kind of gives a person a lot of the a lot of the strength that they need to do things like that so normally when they're in a relationship with somebody it's like the core relationship they're in love everything's like that they're not able to do some of the stuff that they were doing a rebound relationship when they feel like they don't really care they just have the power to do whatever they want to do number five beauty blinded a lot of times the guy thinks the girl is just so cute so fine he lets her get away with anything women often do this too sometimes it's with looks sometimes it's with fame sometimes with popularity whatever the case is a lot of times a person is just blinded by beauty they are blinded by whatever they feel is beautiful about the person whatever they feel is super valuable about the person a lot of times you get more caught up in who somebody is then you do who they are to you you're not thinking about what they give to you what they've done for you how much they've helped you how much they've meant to you in your life you're simply thinking about who they are in the grand scheme of things and what they mean to other people who are not you right you're thinking oh what am i family members gonna think when they see me walking in here with this person you're thinking what am i what am i friends gonna think when they see me walking in with this person and this often gives the other person an opportunity to just do whatever they want a lot of times the woman is able to act a certain way because of the fact that the guy is so afraid to lose somebody who he thinks is so beautiful so gorgeous and it's not really about her a lot of times as much as it is about his personal image the reality is greedy people are the easiest people to get over and when you're with somebody and it's not really for the right reasons or because of some kind of reciprocal a relationship that you guys have it's about what they are or what they are to other people then it's gonna be very easy for that person to use that status to get over on you or to belittle you hopefully I was able to help you out once again is your man Chazz Ellis if you need extra help on this topic or other make sure you go to the Chazz Ellis project comm get a consultation or detailed question I also do profile reviews for people who want to make sure that their social media or their dating profiles are putting their best foot forward and helping them to be successful it's your man Chazz Ellis you
Channel: askchazzellis
Views: 55,608
Rating: 4.8908248 out of 5
Keywords: AskChazzEllis, Chazz Ellis, Relationship Advice, chazz ellis game, understanding men, why men don't choose good women, why good men like bad women
Id: zd17N8C8X5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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