5 Steps to Make Him Thirsty for You

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what's up what's up what's up it's your man Chazz Ellis once again and a lot of ladies ask me how to attract more men but not just attract them get it to where the men are actually obsessed with them get it to where these guys are chasing them rather than her having to chase the guys or having to beg the guys or push the guys are trying to do everything in their power to get the guy to want to be in a serious relationship I want to take things to the next level now a lot of people are going to watch this video in which I talk about attracting guys and getting them obsessed with you and say well I don't want to do that I don't want to get everybody obsessed with me that's not what I want to do well cool if you don't want to do that then this video isn't for you I create these videos based on questions that are asked to me and the things that I put in the videos or the list that I make up or the techniques that I give you are based on consultations that I've done they're based on detailed questions that I've done and I've had an opportunity to see multiple people try these things and then work this causes me to make more and more videos about the subject this is why I make premium content about the subjects this is why I do consultations and talk to people about it this is why when I review your profile I'm reviewing it based on what has already worked for other people that is what I do if this is not for you or what I'm talking about is not for you then it's a tool that you don't need to put in your toolbox now the first thing you want to do is paint the picture what you want to do is make sure you set up a great profile if you are online whether social media or whatever you want to make sure that you dress really well as well as you possibly can invest in yourself this will help you with a lot of different things not just in relationships but also help you in the workplace it'll help you deal it with people because people basically look at you and they look how you take care of yourself and they kind of decide whether or not you're somebody that they can respect somebody they can do business with somebody that they would like to deal with going forward even if you have to do some makeup contouring work some angles in your pictures make sure that you really put your best foot forward because a lot of how a guy is going to treat you is based on what he saw when he first met you or when he first was able to see a picture of you or whatever most of the time a guy is gonna base a lot of how he treats you on what you presented and you do the same with a guy I know a lot of would like man that some shallow stop it you do the same with a guy well you see a guy not taking care of himself you see a guy not putting his best foot forward you should take that as a sign that he's probably not gonna do much for you a person who doesn't care about themself can't care about anyone else number two pregame you want to build as much interest as you possibly can before you even go out with the person this is why online dating is so important at this period in time because it reassures courtship which I may not know and I think some of you probably do if we go way way way way back to where man had to follow the code of chivalry and then even after that what would happen was a guy would have to go through a long period of time courting the person they would have before they could even go out on a date with him I'm saying you couldn't even go out you couldn't even be like let's go to the drive-in you couldn't be like let's go to a jousting tournament yeah you know whatever you can't do any of those things you had to spend a lot of time getting to know the person's family you had to spend a lot of time getting to know people who would vouch for you things of that nature it wasn't like you could just walk up to a girl be like yo I'll talk to you Sunday night and it was a wrap it didn't work like that you had to go through a process this meant that the person was invested before they ever got to make any real physical contact this is what you want to do with social media with online dating and things of that nature even if you work together or something like that to where you're not going to be out on the date when you start trying to build a rapport and get investment from this person because if you try to do it when you're already out you're already in their presence now you're kind of working backwards because you're already with the person and you're trying to get them to want to invest in you when they're already out with you which means you're investing at the same time if you can do it on the phone if you can do it while you're in a group setting at work if you can do it online and put you in a position where the guy has already invested before you ever actually get a chance to be physical number three compartmentalize this is something that you need to start learning to do with relationships everything isn't everything every relationship doesn't have to be everything to you every relationship doesn't have to be perfect every relationship doesn't have to check every single box what you have to do is you have to start putting people in a place based on what they're doing for you you have to start putting people in a place that allows you to get as much as you possibly can out of each relationship without bending over backwards without putting yourself in a compromising space now I know what some of you are gonna be saying you're trying to turn this in and narcissists some of the dudes might be watching this video going man you turn these girls in the players what's wrong with you man I don't know what it does the play I get it I understand but that first thought process is basically like a person that's going to be poor their entire life if you ever talk to a person is going to be poor their entire life ask them about rich people what they think about rich people they think every rich person is a liar a cheater every rich person sold their soul or something like that to become successful because at the end of the day they just don't understand that there's a game within the game they don't understand that you have to have strategies to be successful you have to use your resources to be successful they just don't get it they think they're just gonna show up be themselves I'm gonna walk into the room and say look at me this is me and then everything's gonna work out but unfortunately that's not how life works there's not really enough resources being made available for everybody for everybody to get some most people when they become successful and they get opportunities they're gonna take the resources they need for themselves and their families it's the same thing with relationships if you have a situation set up where you're trying to get a relationship you're trying to get things to go a certain way and you're not using the resources at your disposal and these resources could be people you might need somebody that's your mechanic you might need somebody that is your confidant somebody you can talk to somebody you can cry on their shoulder and kind of waste their day a little bit you might need somebody that might throw you a couple of dollars here in there you might need somebody that got the hook-up on the cheap tickets so you could travel across the country you might need that and it might be different guys this doesn't mean you have to have sex with them or do anything that compromises you but it's no reason not to take what they would give and get help you don't think guys do that they do duh people do that because it helps them succeed if the person doesn't want to give you what they're what you're asking for they don't want to do it that's their business and that's on them but if they do crickey you can win off of it number four be about it this one can be a little more difficult for people and a lot of people will reject this one this may not be the one that gets all the fist bumps in the high fives because it takes some work you have to actually get yourself some of the things that you want you can't be out here asking somebody for Chanel purses and you're walking around with a bag you bought at Walmart if you buy a bag for yourself that you got it Walmart there's nothing wrong with that but just make sure that you ain't out here trying to tell somebody to buy you something that's so far above what you buy because that makes you look ridiculous it makes you look broken it makes you like a gold digger you have to do some of the things for yourself that you would like for other people to do don't try to tell people to take you on trips and you've never gone anywhere you need to actually put yourself in a position where you're doing for you you got to take care of yourself physically you have to eat right you have to educate yourself you have to travel you have to do things that are going to help you present the type of person that deserves the things that you're trying to get other people to do for you if you want somebody to give you a wedding ring if you want somebody to give you the great honeymoon and the wedding of your dreams or whatever it is you might be looking for just you looking for a partner that's going to do things for you if you're not doing things for yourself they're gonna feel like well why am i doing this stuff why am i over here buying you a car when you were riding the bus before I met you if you don't have a car you can't expect an upgrade of a car you know you got to get one first so do for yourself start building your own life then it'll be a whole lot easier for you to expect for somebody else to at least match what you would do for you and number five no debts you can't expect someone to owe you for being in a relationship with you you can't expect somebody to owe you just because they know you you go out on a date or two with somebody you have a good time with somebody that doesn't mean that they now owe you a wedding ring or they owe you some long-term relationship people often feel like this they go into the situation thank him you owe me you owe me this you owe me that you took my time and wasted it you wasted your time if you went out with somebody and you aren't getting what you wanted out of the situation and you felt like the date in and of itself on the time you spent in and of itself wasn't worth it then you wasted your time because if you weren't having a good time you should have cut that off right then in there if you were having a good time that you don't need to expect something more out of it other than a good time that you're having if you get more out of it that's great but you can't expect it a lot of people walk around with a sense of entitlement they feel like any time they spend their time it's supposed to turn out exactly the way they envisioned it and if not the other person is the bad guy so get rid of the concept of debt you don't owe them anything and they don't owe you anything if you get fun times and money or whatever from somebody they chose to give you that you don't owe them a damn thing nobody Oh nobody hopefully I was able to help you out once again it should man Chazz those if you need some extra help you can get a consultation or a detailed question for me also I do profile reviews to help you figure out some of the things you might be doing right and some of the things you might be doing wrong as far as your social media and dating profiles should man Chazz Ellis make sure you like to subscribe to share this video with somebody else you
Channel: askchazzellis
Views: 86,634
Rating: 4.8708205 out of 5
Keywords: AskChazzEllis, Chazz Ellis, Relationship Advice, classes, relatationship class, dating advice, love, how to get guys to be attracted, how to make men obsessed with you, get the guys you want, law of attraction, dating guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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