5 Ways to make your ex regret losing you

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[Music] what's up what's up what's up it's man Chazz Ellis once again and one of the questions you always ask me is how do I make my ex regret leaving well that's a really good question and you can't necessarily make somebody feel a certain way but you can set up a situation where it's most likely that they'll feel a certain way the number one thing you can do to make your ex regret leaving you is back off what a lot of people do is get upset get angry get clingy get emotional and they just keep doing stuff oh I gotta call them everyday oh I gotta call her everyday I kind of write her love letters and notes oh I gotta apologize a million times all I gotta cut them out all I gotta be outside his house or be at his job I got to do this then other i'ma call in a bomb threat you know there's all kind of stuff that they're doing that's basically saying I'm not backing off and I'm not letting go how is somebody gonna regret losing you when you're still in their life how are they gonna regret losing you when you haven't gone anywhere so you have to back off if you don't they can't even start to regret losing you because they haven't lost you yet and that means whether you're doing good things or bad things you're still showing them emotion you're still showing them that you care you're still showing them that you're there the number two things you can do to make your ex regret losing you is keep it classy a lot of times when people do it stank on the way out I'm gonna take a couple jabs at them or I'm gonna try to make them jealous by pretending like I'm with somebody else well that doesn't generally make somebody regret losing you it actually makes them feel better about the situation and it makes them feel vindicated now they don't have to listen to their friends telling them all you lost you Google and Brooke or he seemed like he was such a good man what happened you don't have to feel that way because you can't you didn't keep it classy you started talking trash you started doing things that were really really negative and guess what now you look bad now that's the reason that they tell people you broke up even though it happened after the fact man old girl was crazy bruh she was calling up my phone and cussing me out and making threats and all kind of stuff she was crazy bro now that person feels vindicated and feels like you're the bad guy and that's the only story they're gonna remember and the only one they're gonna tell so they're not gonna regret losing you but if you keep it classy you seem like you're really nice you're not really trippin off or anything you're not letting them get to you you're not getting your feelings and doing things that you'll regret later what that does it shows what kind of person you really are now their friends are like wow they seem like they're really cool you know what happened why are you why'd y'all break up people are kind of speaking up on your behalf a lot of times and they also see what type of person you are how classy you are how cool you are and now they start feeling bad about some of the things they do they're looking at you like somebody who they would still want to date who they would still try to be with but they're not with you and that's gonna make them feel a lot worse the number three thing that you can do to make someone regret losing you is improve yourself this is a big thing I know I talk about it all the time but when you're improving yourself that makes you feel good about yourself also a lot of times you could take some of the things that they said about you and see if those are things that you can work on to make you feel better about you to give yourself more options to put you in a better position or if somebody breaks up with you and somebody walks away and then they see you again and see that you've actually worked on some of the things that you talked about but you ain't thinking about them that makes a person feel bad they like oh really so you're gonna go to the gym after we break up see right oh really you gonna buy that suit that I told you you should buy all that you never will you mother you know I'm saying takes our feeling bad they start feeling like man maybe I've left a little too soon maybe they had some things in them that I didn't know about oh really you went back to school hmm so you went back to school so you went back to school you get I'm saying a lot of times they do actually see they act like they're happy for you but they feel bad because they're like wow you're becoming a better version of yourself and I'm not getting it be a part of it kind of sucks so a lot of times that does make an ex feel bad about losing you because now they seem that you're becoming a better version of you and they're not gonna get to partake in any of that the number four thing you can do to make your ex regret losing you is build your circle see a lot of times we get involved with somebody and they become our world they're everything to us oh I love you so much holy wouldn't walk in the park with you oh I want to spend all my days with you a lot of times what happens is we stop having other friends we stop really pursuing people we stop chillin with other people we stop building people who have the same goals as us we stop hanging out with people we stop having a good Network so when we break up with that person we're lonely we're like just looking around with nothing to do and nobody to hang out with well what that does is a lot of times that makes it to where the other person isn't really worried about us because they know we're at home sad crying eating bonbons watching reality television you know just not doing anything with our lives build your circle that's gonna put you out there in the world you're gonna be out hanging out with your friends y'all gonna be partying y'all gonna be doing cool stuff working on projects you're probably gonna be posting that on social media without doing it on purpose without even thinking about the other person you're probably gonna be posting stuff on social media they're gonna be lurking on your social media looking at all the cool stuff you're doing all the new people you're hanging out with like so it's this you know that kind of thing and that gets them feeling bad that gets them feeling like oh you just moved on you're living your life without me it also makes it so you're not thinking about them so you're not calling them you're not lurking on their page you're not trying to text him you're not trying to figure out what they're doing you're not getting upset getting in your feelings and having these emotional outbursts that make you look lame because that's eventually going to happen if you don't have anything else to do so when you build your circle it just gives you something to do it also puts you out there so y'all might see each other out in public and then you got other things to do you're busy you know with your new friends and all that kind of stuff so you're not really trippin off for them and number five this is a big one build options at some point a lot of times exes want to come back they do they may not seem 100% like they want to come back but they start lurking on your pages they start talking to people about you they start thinking about different things they might hit you up and even text you and say hey you know how are you doing just want to try to see if we can still be friends or something like that they're gonna do things like that a lot of times and whether or not you have options is going to decide whether they regret losing you or if they feel like yeah I still got you on the string I can get back with you anytime I want you might try to fake it you might try to act like you don't want them back but when you have absolutely no other options where you're not going out on dates you're not spending your time doing other things you're not busy you don't have something else to do other than accept their phone call or text if you don't have options in front of you I'm talking about dating options life options things that you could be doing with your day that don't involve talking and ass if you don't have those things going for you whenever they do try to contact you again or whenever they are looking on your page or whenever they are you know thinking about reconnecting which you are talking to other people about you it's going to seem like you have nothing else to do and they're not gonna regret leaving they're not gonna regret losing you because they're not gonna care they're gonna feel like hmm person is still not doing anything still has nothing going on still has no other options so let me go out here and explore the world and talk to somebody else and I might come back to them later get yourself some options that way you're not worried about them that way even if they don't come back it doesn't matter that way whatever the situation is with them isn't going to be a problem for you and when that's the case that gives you a power and of course they regret losing you because now they know that you can move on anytime you want to and you may have already moved on as far as they know because you have options you ain't caring about somebody else so that leaves them to think the worse let me say that again when you have options you're not caring about somebody else so that leaves them to think the worst they're gonna assume you're about to get married or something because you're not picking up that phone like you're used to and you're not responding to them in the way they used to now I know some of y'all gonna be in the comment section talking about I don't even care about making my ex regret leaving me alright losing me it doesn't matter okay well every video is info yo ass selfish now but it you can also use this stuff just to rebuild your life or whatever the case may be but you clicked on the title so you probably care about making ex regret losing you but we'll pretend like you don't so hopefully I was able to help you out make sure you go to the Chazz Ellis project calm to support the book and also get an advance copy you can also get an advance copy by going to patreon.com/scishow man Chazz Ellis oh yeah make sure you like to subscribe and share this video with somebody else [Music] you
Channel: askchazzellis
Views: 1,170,076
Rating: 4.9020686 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy
Id: yJxNuOC7zdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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