7 TRUE Scary Social Media Stories | #TrueScaryStories

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so a long time ago I had a falling-out with one of my friends who liked to cyber harass people she didn't like because I knew this I took precautions on all of my social medias and added the 2-step verification where it would send codes to your cellphone if someone tried to log in or change your password seems like a safe step right I never really thought about it any further until a few days ago I get an SMS text from a random number that addressed me about my full first name it freaked me out a little because the spelling of my first name is pretty uncommon from where I'm from no big deal maybe it's just an old friend who changed phones I gave the classic who dis back at then to which I received an even stranger text back oh my goodness it's you are you 18 I have something I want to cash a Pew well that's weird I thought to myself probably just some scam to hack my cash app I said again who is this I never received a text back from that number no less than five minutes later I get three calls and to spam voicemails from different and unrecognized phone numbers then I get a text telling me to pick up the phone and saying my name now that's pretty alarming I immediately took screenshots and I had my boyfriend call from his phone but no what I block the number end I hope that was it maybe about 30 minutes later I get five phone calls from a new number and a new even more alarming set of tax I'm a 40 year old man and I'm in love with you I will keep trying to reach you until you respond I won't stop I immediately bought the number and then call my parents then within about two minutes he made a new number and texted me again Wow I just want to talk to you for five minutes I'll even pay you but after that consider me gone again I just blocked in I alerted my boss then the text stopped after work I filed a police reports and bought a baseball bat my first instinct was that it was a guy I recently worked with who had been recently fired for harassment one of my friends / co-workers who was good with the tech staff changed his phone number and texted the number pretending to be me or a burner to get some more information out of him it was a bit of a long conversation so I'll sum it up by saying that this guy basically wanted to talk to me on the phone while he masturbated he called me 26 times and got no answer so he eventually stopped trying we assumed that was the end of it the next morning I get a text from a new number yet again he was claiming to be one of my friends fathers I started to freak out both my parents and my boyfriend were at work so he sent his mom over to call me down and stay with me while I was alone in my apartment he called my phone and she answered it and all he said in this super creepy raspy voice is please and then abruptly hung up I was having a full-blown panic attack at this point we called the police department and they had an officer come out to obtain our report she was still texting the guy while the cop was there once she told him wall enforcement having contacted his whole story completely changed he said that he doesn't know me or anything about me he doesn't even live near me and means no physical harm he's just a lonely guy who got my phone number from Facebook and decided to harass me I might remember this wrong but I could have sworn I had my phone number set to privates butt so I know I still had it up there because of the 2-step verification I recently posted something on Facebook market so I'm assuming that's where he found me I have since deleted that account and change my phone number and nothing else has happened posting this here is more or less a warning to anyone who has that 2-step verification setup please double check and make sure that you have the most private settings as possible for everything I'm not even going to setup all that stuff with my new phone number I'm not going to risk giving it out anywhere online this started towards the end of my eighth grade year basically my friend had this guy who was following her Instagram and he would comment on all of her posts telling her how pretty she was now that wasn't super weird but we found a kinda creepy because the stood was obviously in his late 50s and she was only 13 he also started messaging her every day not anything overly creepy just mainly small talk at first eventually he finds my page and starts commenting on it but I don't post pictures of myself online much and basically all of it was just doodles and pictures of my dog now this guy's account also mainly consisted of art and most of it was actually pretty good so I didn't really mind him commenting on my art at first eventually though he also started messaging me and trying to talk to me as well now I have pretty bad anxiety and I hate coming across as me so I wouldn't really respond with words unless he asked me a direct question mainly what I did was just into heart or a smiley face stupid I know so this continues for a few weeks and I learned that this guy can randomly blow up I learned this because I had responded to a message from him asking my age and I told him I was 13 and then I put my phone down because I had to do the dishes when I came back to my phone I had like 10 messages from him asking why I wasn't responding and also telling me that he was joking our silver confused at first at what he could have sent that would have made me mad basically he had responded about how both me and my friend looked like we were 18 I found that to be creepy but I didn't want to confront him about it so I told him it was fine and that I was just doing my chores the conversation moved on and I made an excuse to stop messaging him for the day one really creepy thing he did was when I posted a picture of my grandma's dog which is a Corgi and put the caption of how much I loved that dog he liked that photo and then within a day or so later he sends me a picture of a Corgi that he drew for me I thanked him for it and then he asked me for my address so he could send it to me I absolutely refused but he kept asking me telling me that it was a gift and that he wanted me to have it I had to send a message explaining that it was a family rule and that I wasn't allowed to tell him my address after that he dropped it eventually after a bunch of little creepy things my friend finally blocked him in so he started raining about it to me saying how she shouldn't be creeped out by him and he was just trying to be nice and that if she had a problem with anything he was saying she should have just told him he basically continued on like that for the next few days he then pointed out how he was following her back up accounts and how he was gonna start talking to her on that one I immediately told my friend all about this and she blocked him on her backup as well I eventually stopped talking to him as well and I also blocked in when I was around 13 to 14 years old Twitter was the up-and-coming social network and I had just made myself an accountant to see if it was always jacked up to be I got a few followers followed a few friends and celebs etc all was good until this guy started following me I assumed it was always yet just one of the people that you give link to randomly when you first sign up I don't follow him back because he's a few years older than me and my profile pic at the time I was clearly 13 or so and my typical teenager tweets conveyed the same thing I found nothing more of it until a few days later when he direct messaged me asking me to add him on MSN he said that he liked my picture and thought I was very beautiful and all this other BS being the insecure girl that I was at that age I added him the same day and we started chatting he told me about how he's not really around 19 to 20 like I thought but in fact he's in his 30s has a wife and a child and a full-time job in India where he lives now things are starting to seem odd to me but he said nothing harmful yet we're just talking about hobbies and stuff then it starts to get even more strange he starts asking me if I have a boyfriend and I tell them no he then asks if there's anyone I currently like I say no but that I do have a crush on one girl in my year at school that catches his interest right away he starts asking me all these things like what do you like about women's bodies and because I'm still oblivious to anything dodgy I just say something like I like their personalities more and whatever and so on then he says but what about the legs are the tits at this point I get really uncomfortable and say I guess so and that I have to go offline now because it's getting late I don't go online for a few days and when I get back online I see that he's left roads of messages saying things like are you there I need to talk I message back asking what's so important and he says that he got into a fight with his wife or something then about five minutes later he says that he needs to go because if his wife knew he was talking to me she'd kill him after that he quickly tells me how sexy I look in my new msn pic and goes offline I totally freaked out at this point and I blocked him on MSN the very next day he starts tweeting at me asking me why I deleted him do I not like him anymore he thinks that I'm so sexy and all this other creepy BS after that I blocked him on Twitter and created a new account just to be safe thinking back on it I was so stupid even talking to him in the first place as he was so much older than me and he was obviously asking things that were so inappropriate for anyone to be asking let alone an adult to a 13 year old child I never told anyone about it because it ended so quickly but if I'd been more stupid and let it go on longer it might have gotten so much worse I just really hope he didn't pull this same crap on any other young girls just for some background I'm a girl early 20s and this happened last year I have a Twitter account which I kept private I didn't have a whole lot of followers I'd really only approve people who are friends of friends etc which I probably shouldn't have done but anyway I approve this one girl married to follow me and I followed her back Mary was really into Twitter she tweet every five minutes Foursquare her every location like she'd check into roads and streets and she tweet every song she was listening to as well what she was currently watching on TV they got annoying very quickly as my entire feed was comprised of Mary's activities because I didn't know her personally and hardly interacted her with anyway I unfollowed her shortly after that I heard from friends that she was tweeting about me making fun of my username my description etc it was very strange but size shrugged it off as her being butthurt that she wants to follow her a few days later I had a friend send me a message asking about my new Twitter account to which I've been replied what well as it turns out someone made a brand new Twitter account using my picture a weird version of my name and a twisted version of my username they even used the same exact theme and background on this account they posted a lot of my personal information from where I live to the name of my dog I remembered tweeting something like thanks Mary for that parody account and the crazy girl kept insisting that I made this account to frame her I ended up having to email Twitter to get it taken down which thankfully they did I later heard that she was totally obsessed with me and that she would always tweet about me if she saw me anywhere like concerts or at our uni after that I cleaned up all my accounts and deleted a lot of tweets that contain any personal info and blocked a lot of people I really thought that because I didn't accept strange guys on my accounts that I'd be safe but apparently girls can be crazy obsessive to a little background on this guy he's been messaging me for years from several different accounts many of which I assume are him because he's been known to make many fake accounts before the story I'm about to tell involves one of the fake accounts a few weeks ago I get a message from this one chick let's call her Kate well Kate starts out with hey thanks for accepting my friend requests beautiful sorry if it's a little bit random my other account got blocked because I posted a picture with cleavage ah that makes sense yeah I leave her on read I was getting ready to go out of town because I was going to be visiting my boyfriend with his family as he had just graduated from the Marines about a week later I get another message hey you're really sexy at this rate I remember the chicks other account she pulls the same thing about a year ago and I told her that I was happy in my relationship she left me alone for a while now she's back so I decided to try the happy relationship thing again thanks my boyfriend tells me the same thing all the time he's a very lucky man that I don't try and steal you okay whatever I decided to keep playing the hole I'm in a relationship screw off card she asked me why I love him so much since he just graduated I decided to send a picture of him and I together with him in his uniform to her what makes him so amazing that uniform she then goes on to say something really gross something along the lines of I heard soldiers are really good in bed and now that starts the sick part she starts asking me questions about sex with him is he big is he kinky what does he do to you does he ever put it in your throat and questions like that I'm trying to be as vague as possible in hopes that she'll get the hint but she keeps asking eventually as anti-climatic as it seems she finally leaves me alone q earlier today I'm scrolling through Facebook and one of my friends posts a rant about someone messaging her she said for everyone to be aware of an account that kept sending her explicit photos and asking her to meet up she stated that she didn't think that the chick messaging her was actually the chick in the pictures if she's even a chick at all well it's the exact same account that was messaging me with more or less the same text that she had sent me I checked the comment section there were dozens upon dozens of females that are posting about the same account messaging them with the same string of texts and photos it eventually reaches this point where guys are commenting about wanting to find this chick and find out who she really is I decided to post my own little part of the messages and stated that I think I know who it is it turns out it's not a she but it's a he we figure out exactly who it is turns out it's the guy that's been messaging me on and off for years he's been messaging several girls with several different accounts collecting all of the nudes they send him and then blackmails them and threatens us in their news to their families if they don't do what he tells them to luckily I was underage and I never sent photos like that to him or any of his other accounts mainly because I was self-conscious holding my ground on not sending any nudes might have saved me in the long run here this guy was crazy he carved a pentagram into his arm because he was mad at his mother he constantly posted about screwing girls and he also bragged about being an extremely talented hacker the moral of the story here is don't trust anyone you don't personally know who knows what he would have done to me or any of the other girls he tried to meet up with who knows what he'll try next but please everyone please remember to stay safe please let this story come as a warning about strangers I know we're all adults but did these are adult women as well as underage women that he'd been targeting it's absolutely terrifying to think of what could have happened around first grade I had became friends with this kid named Stan he was a couple of years older than I was but he had a sister that was around my age who I was also friends with I also had a wicked crush on their older brother James I lost contact with all three of them around middle school of course when Facebook happened I began getting in touch with the people I'd gone to school with it was a moderately sized K through eighth grade school so you were basically with the exact same group of kids through each grade this makes for some pretty strong bonds I believe there was a lot of us who kept in contact after moving on to high school for a little while before drifting apart because of this I was always really excited when I got back in touch with those people however not all of those connections have been positive I got a friend request from Stan one day under a different name the messages were the typical hey how's it going what have you been up to etc then he started sending messages that were about my looks they weren't obscene butts and they did make me a bit uncomfortable he started pushing to meet up I can't really explain it but I just had a really awful feeling about him so I was kind of avoiding making any kind of plans he continued to be pushy about thanks and finally I stopped responding to his messages altogether I should also mention here that's when I first accepted Stan's friend request he literally went through every one of my pictures and liked all of them that should have been my first clue but I just let it go then I started getting messages from friends and even some family members asking me about him Stan was going through and basically sending everyone friend requests by this point I'm like what the heck this is weird but things got really nuts when my cousin informed me that Stan had not only tried to friend her he'd also sent her a message asking all sorts of questions about me such as things that I liked or places I like to go my cousin was concerned that he was sending those kinds of messages to other people as well who might actually tell him what he wanted to know I debated sending stay in a message telling him to back the crap off but decided to just block him and change all my facebook settings to make it as private as I could I also sent out a mass message to all of my friends and family informing them of the whole situation and to please kindly not give out any of my personal information I had been friends with James but I ended up locking him as well just to prevent Stan from getting access to anything things require for about a week then I started getting friend requests from random accountants some didn't have pictures and some had random images they were accompanied by messages that made it clear they were all from Stan full of skeevy comments about my looks and how he wanted to hook up and that's putting it mildly literally everyday I had an account that needed to be blocked I contacted Facebook about the situation but they didn't really offer any kind of help it finally came to a stop when I threatened stand with the police my boyfriend at the time also threatened Stan the peace only lasted for about a year then I got a friend request from a girl I'd gone to school with we talked pretty frequently both online and over the phone she wanted us to hang out so we talked about that for a little bit but then she started bringing it up more frequently and persistently I started getting that weird feeling again that something wasn't quite right then came the bombshell Kelsey and Stan were dating we'd all been in the same classes so the fact that they knew each other wasn't that strange but for them to be dating I confronted Kelsey all about a 10 then I blocked her because we'd been talking on the phone and they had my phone number of course both began calling and texting crazy things non-stop I finally had to get my number changed it's been over ten years since all of this happens and I haven't heard from Stan once Kelsea they try to friend me recently with a different accounts and I looked through her Facebook shows that she's married to another man and no evidence of Stan I'm not taking any chances though she's been blocked this story covers a span of over a year or so of my life so please bear with me I am an uninteresting man in my late 20s with a stable job and a happy family being so I never even entertained the thought to that Psalm I one day be the target of a stalker so as a warning to everyone here's my story you don't have to be a typical pretty young lady to catch the eye of a stalker I don't know if this makes sense but I'm a habitual yets a very casual Facebook user I don't post a lot but I do check my newsfeed quite often one Saturday nights I was doing a quick round on Facebook before I went to bed when I received a friend request I accepted it without hesitation just about every friend request I ever received gets accepted because I don't ever post anything very personal as I said I have a very casual approach to social networking I do a quick glance on the profile that had just friended me and saw that it was an obviously fake account not thinking too much about it I put my computer away and fell asleep the next day I was having lunch at a friend's house having completely forgotten about the friend request from the night before my phone buzzed and I saw that I had gotten a message from a co-worker of mine named Maya although Maya and I worked together and had a few mutual friends outside of work we didn't really communicate much other than when it was about work I checked it assuming it was work-related I guess looking back you can say it was to get to the gist of it the Facebook account that I friended me had also friended Maya and had bombarded her with insults and accusations of being a ho and every other name in the book the person took it a step further by messaging Maya's husband saying that she was cheating on him with a co-worker Maya wanted to know if I knew who this person was because I was the only other person that accepted the friend request I explained to her how I usually accept every request I ever get and had no idea who it was Ivan proceeded to unfriend the profile in question I explained to me that she had already had some suspicions on who it was but just wanted to see if I could confirm it she believed it was someone named Carrie let's rewind to a few weeks earlier I had recieved a friend request from Carrie it struck me as odd because although we worked at the same place we had never met never spoken nor have we ever made eye contact or been within 20 feet of each other we worked in different departments but so I walked past her every day because I had to walk through her department to get to our lounge that was the furthest extent of our interactions I only learned her name from when she friended me on Facebook and I recognized her picture I'm not really sure how she found out my name Carrie also friended my wife's profile and she subsequently began to shift through hundreds and years of my wife's posts and pictures liking and commenting on several of them she began interacting with my post too as though she knew us very well at work though I walk by like usual and still no interaction I found it pretty odd but I didn't look too far into it so back to the presence the mysterious Facebook account continued to harass Maya until she told her that she knew it was Carrie and was going to call the police I thought that was the end of it but boy was I wrong over several weeks I began getting more friend requests from multiple girls and looking to hook up with me obviously I knew they were all fake and for the most part I ignored them I also began getting notifications from Google and Facebook accounts about suspicious activity on my profile most of the time it warned me a failed login attempts one I specifically remember said my Facebook account was actually logged in from somewhere unusual and asked whether it was me well it wasn't me I should have been more concerned about it but for some reason I really didn't care at the time I was really stupid and even after that I didn't even bother to change my password at the time I viewed all of these happenings as random isolated incidents I had no valuable stuff on my accounts and didn't have any private secretive messages what harm could they do right I mean right a few months pass when one day my wife gets a message from Carrie stating that she had bought a high-end video camera and was looking to store some amateur filming she wanted to know if we would help her by letting her film our family for a day remembering what Maya had said months ago I was pretty reluctant but wanted to give Carrie the benefit of the doubt so we agreed to tell it that would schedule a time for her whenever we weren't busy and left it at that once again I have yet to actually meet Carrie more weeks past po-han we completely forget about scheduling the film shoots when then carry messages me about it I turn her down and things got really weird she had sent me several gifs of stick figures doing some questionable positions I didn't respond so she asked funny isn't it I immediately texted my wife to log into my facebook profile to observe the messages not wanting to be rude I agreed with Carrie as the humor in the gifs she sent and carried on the conversation she then proceeded to send me old photos from my abandoned myspace account that I completely forgotten about this was around the time when myspace had been revamped and people lost a lot of cherished memories somehow she dug up mine and decided to share them with me this was really creepy to me things then escalated pretty quickly from there she began talking about her body and how she wasn't attractive trying to bait me into complimenting her looks she wasn't beautiful by any means but she was a decently attractive person I didn't bite though then she hit me with something out of the blue she had asked me about my private suggesting that it was probably really big I decided that was enough and completely stopped responding of course my wife was reading this the whole time and we were texting back and forth about how funny and weird this whole thing was I continue to go to work and still awkwardly never actually met her I definitely didn't want to strike up any conversations after that Carrie messaged me one final time asking for a favor Maya had booked her profile and Carrie suspected that Maya was saying bad stuff about her so she wanted me to check her profile to confirm I told her that I wasn't going to stalk Maya for her and did that was that just between us though I did check and know my I couldn't care less to waste her time talking about carry around this time my wife got a text from an unknown number the person knew her name but was trying to remain anonymous and was trying to flirt with her well we're with a bunch of friends at the time and we all thought it'd be funny if we all text 40 with this person at the same time to annoy them once again I never thought to connect any of the incidents Carrie eventually quit work and I never saw her again but so I continued to get suspicious activity and friend requests that I stupidly continued to write off I had all but forgotten about Carrie then I'd say over a year later I get a bomb for my wife one of our good friends texted her saying that I was sending very inappropriate messages on Facebook I had been really busy running errands all day and hadn't really checked my facebook at the time I found out that that's my password had been changed and when I finally logged back on all of my messages had been cleared I had no idea the extent of what happened until I started hearing from more people that I was being very suggestive and nasty to them the thing was these weren't random women on my friends list that were targeted these were women that were close to me good friends my wife's sisters and my friends wives these messages weren't holding back either they went all out in gross detail about what I wanted to do to them I felt completely violated and humiliated I couldn't imagine how the women felt my wife and I were really close to all of our families and friends and every other week or so all of our friends would get together and drink barbecue watch movies or sports and hang out we'd have several families over and never had a problem all of them said they understood what happened and they know that it wasn't me deep inside though I could say that they felt it was possibly or potentially probably was indeed over time more and more of them stopped coming over to the point where my home started to feel empty I can fight it in my wife of how I think that they think it was me and she rebutted that I was just being paranoid she argued that our friends were just very busy with their own lives that they'd eventually come over when they were free again I then learned that someone had created a Facebook account using my name and picture and had continued harassing the same women one of them posted a picture of the conversations with fake me on Facebook she commented that it could really be me because apparently the mystery person had used the same words that I typically would she also stated that to this person to my friends and family extensively my heart instantly shattered after reading that I quit checking my facebook for the longest time and I guess you could say that's I kind of fell into a mild depression I felt miserable I told my wife that I wanted to disappear and I actually strongly considered quitting my job of seven years and moving away to start anew I know now that's I was being quite irrational and thankfully my wife stayed strong for me through it all I felt like I needed to defend my honor and I started gathering alibis of times people in places that I was around during the time of all of those messages my wife brutally told me that she couldn't believe that I was so weak enough to let a no wife idiot on Facebook put me down and make me feel that way which is true I am and always have been a very mentally strong person I always look for the best in a bad situation but for some reason this affected me differently I can't explain why but I felt extreme shaming guilt for something I didn't even do without my wife's support knocking me back to reality I don't know what would have happened we advised all of our friends to just ignore the person and eventually everything stopped from time to time I still get a random friend request but I don't accept them anymore I don't have any proof that - this was all the work of Carrie it just all happened during a time when she injected herself into my life and eventually stopped after she left my friends have started coming over again but it hasn't felt the same ever since then I don't know if it's them or just in my head my wife and I came to the conclusion that Carrie reveled in the misery of others after tormenting Maya she then moved on and targeted me trying to ruin my marriage and distance me from my friends for no other reason than the fact that she enjoyed doing Seth I'm pretty sure she hasn't stops and the only reason she left me alone is because she found a new victim to harass what a terrible human being hey everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video and if you have your own personal scary story be sure to submit that to my sub reddits at reddit.com slash are slash southern cannibal or to my email at southern cannibal at gmail.com i'm always looking for new stories and before we bring this video to a close I just want to shout out all of my five don't worry more patrons as well as my $3 more patrons featured on screen shout out to babe Lincoln Beth a Kate II Celeste s le s Emily w hether B Howard our Jacqueline w jz g jonathan see Lauri J Matthew B Michael G random Randi Steph L Tammy yes and Terry H thank all of you so much for supporting me on patreon I really appreciate it more than you know and if any of you would like to join these awesome people and also become a patron head over to my patreon at patreon.com slash southern cannibal thank you everyone and have a good one and remember to always stay [Music] you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 50,884
Rating: 4.907805 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, scary stories, social media, instagram, snapchat, facebook, twitter
Id: 0KHX9jEjs4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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