7 TRUE Scary Stories From The Internet | #TrueScaryStories

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hey everyone welcome back to a new video I want to give a special thanks and shout out to surf spooks a lot for helping me out on this video if you enjoy his narration be sure to check his channel out which will be featured in the description below and if any of you have your own personal scary story that you'd like to share with me be sure to send it to my email at Southern cannibal at gmail.com which will also be featured in the description of this video all that being said let's begin number one I play Tennyson yesterday was the all Island High School girls tennis match I don't mean to toot my own horn but I am one of the best high school girl tennis players where I live the match was the biggest and final of the season of my high school career so I was very nervous as it couldn't be my first loss of the season the match was held at a public tennis court at a hotel so anyone could come and watch and just like any other match there were many sports news reporters and other students there there is only one sports news report we're on the island I live on and they usually have many photographers at the match my match is over and I'm the undefeated all Island High School girls champion of 2019 after the match a man in a shirt with the logo of the sports news site approached me for an interview I saw him take photos of all of the girl players and also the girls in the audience during the match this wasn't anything unusual but he only took photos of the group of high school girls they're watching the game not any of the boys or families I didn't think twice about this until after I talked to him all of the interviewers and photographers that represent the company have the stats of every player to bring up in their interviews but to the man who interviewed me got all of the ones he mentioned to me incorrect he took a video of the interview on his phone and the DSLR he had with him at the end of the interview he asked me for my information on how to contact me including my personal cell and said to expect a call as they were going to do another article on just me and not one that includes the match this morning I woke up for school and went into the sports companies websites expecting to see the article about the championship match and my interview but it wasn't there this was uncommon as whenever they do write articles they're always posted in the mornings or before afternoon the article still wasn't there in the afternoon so my coach called the company and asked them about it and they said it doesn't exist the man who interviewed me and took videos and pictures of me and the other girls was not an employee of that company and no one worked there with that name or description they couldn't even explain how he got his hands on a shirt it really creeps me out [Music] number two I remember this rather clearly even though I was young I was on a field trip to a popular public park with my daycare there wasn't unusual for adults to go to this park by themselves it was super decked out there was train vendors and sometimes concerts or clowns so it wasn't only a playground anyway I was always the awkward kid so I wasn't playing with the other daycare kids instead I was sitting quietly off to the side just daydreaming as I often opted to do this made me an easy target since I was just chilling solo there were others around by the way like I wasn't secluded I was just doing my own thing my mom had talked to me about stranger danger before but I had it in my head that strangers were scary so I actually didn't know what a stranger really was at the time I just knew that they were bad people I guess this woman walked up to me with a camera in her hands she complimented my t-shirt which had a cat photo on the front and told me that she worked for a cat magazine and thought I would be a good model for it naturally I was totally down for the prospect my daycare teachers and the other kids didn't really notice I was talking to a random girl she asked me questions like my address where my mom works my mother's phone number my social security etc I couldn't really answer most of her questions because I was four years old anyway it didn't to tear her she got my name and age and everything that I did no I did tell her when she asked from what I remember she was super nice and after I answered her questions she took a picture of me after the picture was taken she said she needed to go to her car to grab something I can't recall what sir why I had to go with her but I got up and went with her I remember holding her hand she was literally unlocking her van when my daycare teacher came running through the parking lot and screaming at her like bloody-murder screaming get the hell away from her I'm calling the police the whole nine yards the woman seemed to have forgotten about me because she hopped in her car and drove off in a snap leaving me behind I remember I was pissed at my teacher because I probably wouldn't be in the cat magazine after she scared her off I was crying and the daycare lady was consoling me saying it was okay she left I'm safe but the thing was I was crying because I couldn't be in her magazine my mom picked me up and took me to the police station where I was asked all about the incidents to my knowledge the woman was never caught I mean I didn't know her name or anything I remember my mom was irritated because the best that I could do for a description was long brown hair and jeans so yeah that's the story of how I was almost kidnapped and lied to about being in a magazine who knows what would have happened if she had succeeded in her plan number three so this happened back in 2016 but it still gives me the creeps let me set the scene it's a Friday night in Edinburgh and I'm skipping down the road or looking forward to the highlight of my week sticking on replays of king of the hill and ordering a fish and chips I put a tenner on the heating find a solid king of the hill playlist on YouTube and order my food all stations or go for another spectacular Friday night now it's worth mentioning that this was December in Edinburgh so there was a lot of snow and I expected the food to take a little longer than usual however hours passed and it never arrived no worries I'll just cancelled the order and make some pasta or something I get a knock on the door at 1:30 a.m. which was a little weird as I didn't buzz anybody into the building I looked through the peephole and there's a delivery driver I opened the door and he began to profusely apologize for the delay in the food order and explained he felt bad and wanted to check if I wanted the food anyway I told him I understood and that it wasn't a problem and took the food I thought that was the end of what seemed like the happy matter but it wasn't at around 2 a.m. I get a text message saying I really liked your sweatshirt I respond saying thanks but asked who it is he then replies it's me your delivery driver at this point I'm pretty annoyed at the nerve of this man but also spooked as it was clear that I lived alone and this man had sauntered straight into my building I can't really remember everything that was said but it was more or less along the lines of so how's your night and various other fairly inoffensive messages to which I didn't respond to the scary part of this story is when I woke up at 3 a.m. to a series of missed calls with a message in the middle sank Hey I'm outside your building do you want to hang out I'm seriously crapping bricks at this point so I don't manage to get back to sleep until around 7:00 in the morning thankfully I never heard from the creepy delivery driver ever again but wow that was really creepy number 4 I really wish that this was just some ridiculous post but it isn't my roommate tried to kill me tonight and I'm in the emergency room as we speak while the police are on their way to arrest him it all kind of started when I reconnected with this kid a few months ago we'd known each other for years buds haven't hung out too much this past summer we started to hang out more often after not having seen each other for over five years going to the gym clubs and bars together and having a good time the first warning sign was when his girlfriend broke up with him after one month and told me he had extreme bipolar and anger issues and that he hadn't been taking his meds I brushed it off but to remain close friends with her since I knew her before him we got an apartment together oh what a mistake he acted like a child he never cleans all he did was work and play video games all day and talk about how he was going to be a cop and make it one day which I find pretty ironic after his girlfriend broke up with him I had a bunch of friends over and we had a housewarming party he drank a whole bottle of Hennessy within 20 minutes left to go and see her and beg for her back and ended up driving with alcohol poisoning we called the police and he was caught but he didn't get a DUI because he was parked his aggression then started to come out on Thanksgiving we got in a brawl because he didn't want the puppy that he had for three days anymore and wanted to put it on Craigslist last week I confronted him about him constantly lying to everyone about every detail of his life I should also add that he's a pathological liar and a compulsive liar hey ran at me got in my face and punched a hole in my door today was the Patriots parade my team me six of my friends and his ex all went out together and had a great time I posted a picture of all of us on snapchats and when he saw it he said I hope you're not home when I get home because if you are I'm going to kill you I laughed it off and kicked back watching a movie I was meaning to see I'm a way back kid happy funny and never looking for a fight but I will fight back if need be then it happened he came in our home with keys wrapped around his knuckles and jumped on me while was just chilling on the couch he pounded my face and when I went to push him my shoulder dislocated making me incapable of defending myself as he went to town on my face for what seemed like forever he hit me until there was blood all over his knuckles and started to choke me out which felt like a really long time he said I'm going to snap her neck and freaking kill you so I snapped my head back into his face and broke his nose when I looked at him he had crazy eyes we started shoving back and forth and my fight slash flight kicked into the max and I rushed him against the wall and got a couple of good hits in hay then put a video of me grabbing my stuff to leave frantically and put it on a snapchat story which was taken down soon after since his friends probably told him to I went to the station and told them everything all adrenaline was rushing through my veins like continuous waves he's now getting charged with assault and battery with the weapon attempted murder and three other charges as well I'm getting a restraining order and he's getting arrested now as we speak at his parents house so far my eye is black and blue with severe swelling and I have a concussion but so I'm glad that's all that happens as it could have been a lot worse moral of the story you never really know the true nature of some people they may have some masks that they wear to allow themselves to have completely different characteristics but beneath those masks can be a complete psychopath update one I spent a long time at the hospital buts I'm all set could have been a lot worse went to court today for the restraining order but did they brought him in cuffs he has a bunch of charges including attempted murder he lied to them about small things like the amount of time that I knew him and that he didn't hit me with the keys etc I just told him the truth and that what he said wasn't even true he gave himself a black eye between the time he got home and the time that the cops got in but everyone in the courtroom was jaw drops when they saw my face I got a complete restraining order on him as well I also found out that he's had multiple dismissed to juvenile offenses as well obtained - I was able to get a clean break from the lease he has a restraining order for the apartment area so he can only get his stuff once but we'll have to continue to pay the full amount of the lease for two more months which isn't cheap I lost my half of the security deposit due to the circumstances to him but it's better than living there and feared that him or his loser friends will break in with his keys and get me in the dead of night things could have went a lot worse buts I'm really glad I got away from that insane situation like I said be careful out there you never really know who someone really is underneath the mask number five my name is Alex this story is 100% true it's not so much scary as it is mysterious at the age of six in 1996 we moved to a farm in western Iowa I knew the house was old although I wasn't sure how old exactly it was very beautiful a rich family had clearly built it as it was nicer than most of the farmhouses in the area it had gorgeous woodwork carvings and etchings above all the doors and windows etc it was large - was six bedrooms and two baths I always felt an energy in the house but not a malevolent energy it was just like wow you can just feel the history in here over the next several years there were some paranormal occurrences but nothing scary some unexplainable sounds doors closing temperature drops and so on we never felt that anything wanted to do us harm but rather a were they just wanted to make their presence known I also had some recurring dreams about the house itself I dreamt on several occasions of being at the house in the past I was there and there were many people gathered inside now like a party then a young couple steps up onto the porch and a wedding Miss held it was a happy and mysterious dream I had no idea that the people were or exactly when this was taking place over the next several years we did learn a bit about the houses history it was finished in the fall of 1919 and it was indeed built by a wealthy family they actually owned several farms in the area however a dozen or so years later they did lose this particular farm and house due to some bad decisions made it was the depression after all throughout the 1930s a few different sharecroppers rented it from the bank and work Ville and then in 1939 another family bought it and we knew that they lived there for at least ten or fifteen years we weren't sure until the people after them purchased the house and land in 1962 those were the people that we bought it from in 1996 one day in the summer of 2010 I'm home from college and we have a surprise visitor it was an older man and he said his mother had lived in our house many decades prior and that she's very old now she was actually living not too far away in a nursing home he inquired if it would be alright for him to bring her for a visit on one of her outings my mother and I said of course it would be alright and that I would enjoy talking to her about all those older times a few weeks later he brought her over her name was Carmen she was now 89 and it turns out that her family were the ones who had moved in in the spring of 1939 they were immigrants from Germany who had come over in the early 20s her father had actually been a submarine captain in the German Navy during World War one and this farm was their first real home after nearly 20 years of moving working and saving they painted the house that spring of 39 and her mother and father just adored the property Carmen then said I was married on this front porch you know in June of 1946 I couldn't believe it and I stammered to speak and I said you know that is amazing because I've had dreams about a wedding year so strange she then dropped a bombshell as far as I was concerned she told me that in the 40s before she married and moved away she had numerous dreams about meeting a young and his family here as an old woman she then said I'm old I know I've got very little time but when I heard about you a young man and a new family living here well I just had to come see I told her I was very happy she had and we then went on to discuss what's going on was it a coincidence was the house alive and able to see through time she said she had no idea but she agreed something was going on for her to have a dream in the 40s my dream 50 years later and then to meet a decade after that it was just too strange we felt some connection at that point she then spoke up and told me about her father she said that he fell ill rapidly in the early 1950s and he died later by ear not in the house but he did tell Carmen and her mother not to cry that he would see them again and that he'll meet them at the front porch and take them to heaven so he repeated go to the front porch I'll meet you don't get lost she elaborated and said that he firmly believed spirits get to choose when they cross over to face the Lord and that he wanted to wait for both his wife and daughter to pass so that they could all go together it was really sweet her mother died of old age in 1988 and her husband Oscar had died 2004 she was the last one she had brought a scrapbook full of photos and we spent the rest of the afternoon looking at some old photos of the farm and the house I really enjoyed this we actually made plans for me to visit her in a week or two at the nursing home and then she left exactly one week later in the middle of the afternoon I got a phone call Carmen had passed away in the wee hours of the morning her son informed me he said that she was extremely happy after her visit and that she seemed sort of detached like she had finished the last thing on a list he said he would call me in a day or two about the details for funeral of course I wanted to go I hung up the phone and walked out onto the front porch it wasn't extremely hot humid day I looked over and the porch swing was gently rocking there was no grease at all and I was home alone I waved and said I'm happy we met and maybe I'll see you on the other side and I walked back in [Music] number six when I was fifteen years old my dad got promoted in the company he works for he and my mom were very excited he worked really hard to get the position and finally achieved his goal the promotion also came with a steep pay raise and after I found out about the promotion I was excited too at first once I've learned we had to move halfway across the country any sense of excitement or happiness quickly disappeared I was at an age where I finally made some good friends in the early years of high school and I dreaded being the new kid at another high school I begged my parents to let me stay with another relative or friend but they said no I then begged to be homeschooled and that didn't work either so a few weeks later we were all packed up and on our way to the new house the house itself was pretty impressive and my bedroom was also much larger the area we moved to was pretty secluded as well it was a type of row where your neighbors were at least a quarter to a half mile away from you we had a large front yard in an even larger backyard beyond our back yard were a good amount of woods I spent a lot of my time exploring around in the woods it was beautiful quiet and just overall peaceful I definitely warmed up to the home and surrounding property but still hated the idea of going to a new school the following Monday after we moved I started at the school it was awkward uncomfortable and a bit lonely but I made it through okay the week went by and I slowly began making friends when Friday arrived my parents had plans to go out and celebrate my dad's promotion I was staying at home alone and had planned on enjoying the night to myself my parents left around 8:00 p.m. and I settled in on the couch to watch some TV after about 20 minutes of this I heard a rather faint knocking on my front door this startled me a bit as I wasn't expecting anyone so I walked over to look out the people to see who it was I couldn't see anyone so I opened the door I looked around but there was no one there I figured it was either the wind making noise kids playing a prank or was just a noise on TV that mimics a knocking noise I settled back in on the couch and continued watching my show not even five minutes went by and I heard the same faint knocking this time I was positive what it was and where it came from I was definitely unsettled at this point so I creeped over to the door to peek out again just like last time I saw no one against my better judgment I opened the door to get a better look outside I saw and heard no one I shut the door and locked it and went back to the couch I felt very uncomfortable and my senses were a bit on high alert not even a minute later I heard the stairs leading up from the basement creak I froze I turned to the TV to mute and didn't move a muscle after a few seconds I heard another step begin to creak and then another at first I planned on running out the front door but I would have to pass right by the door to the stairway first once I got up and headed to the front door the basement door began to open I would run right into whomever was there if I continued to the front door the next best thing I could do was head directly upstairs so that's what I did I ran down the hallway to my bedroom and shut the door I pulled my dresser in front of it in hade I checked my pocket for my cell phone but realized I left it downstairs somewhere I started booting up my computer so I could try to message my parents for help my computer seemed to take forever to load and at this point I heard the intruder opening up the doors to the other rooms as they came down the hall once they got to my room they tried entering it they were stopped at first from the lock but were able to break the door open every time be hinted the door the dresser moved inwards I tried opening up an app to message my parents but I knew it wouldn't help in time I went over to the window and opened it up looking down I could see it was a far drop my bedroom was on the second story but it was a further drop down than most just with how it was set up I figured if I jumped there was a good chance I would get to her to be able to get away the only thing I would be able to do would be to climb out of my window onto the awning that wrapped around the house but I didn't want to be stuck there with someone after me I had a quick idea and decided to take one of my shoes and throw it to the ground below my window I then climbed out hop down to the Ani and snuck my way around to the part of the back of the house I did this hoping the man would look out the window to see where I went and once he saw the shoe on the ground he would think I jumped to the ground and ran away my heart was racing but I sat as still as possible and prayed my plan worked it seemed like hours went by but it must have been only minutes but eventually I heard a door shut from my house and heard footsteps retreating away I waited a few more minutes and climb back into my window ran downstairs and grabbed my phone I called 911 and then my parents the police looked into everything but I didn't even see the intruder nor could I tell them if it was even a man or a woman needless to say the guy was never caught my dad put a really sophisticated security system in our house which makes me feel more comfortable now I'm still not positive why the person first knocked on the door but my dad suspects it was to distract me so the person could sneak in through the basement window unheard to sneak up on me thank God for those creaky steps although it unsettles me to know that the person is still out there I'm just happy to have escaped the situation with my life number seven I know I'm probably going to get skeptics for this but it's 100% true first let me set up some background to make the flow of the story smoother this happened almost 19 years ago I was nearly 13 years old and I was being raised by my grandparents we lived in a little tourist town in Florida they had problems with their two daughters as adults my mother being the older of the two and they wanted to do everything that they could to make sure that I didn't turn out the same way I do / if you will so needless to say they were very strict my aunt was having a good period and she had her stuff together we were all very close my aunt understood what it was like to be raised under a glass dome metaphorically speaking so being as she was my only and she made sure that the time we spent together was supercool I would stay over Saturday nights we would go out and hang at the pier and she would let me hang out with my middle-school boyfriend who would find ways to get to wherever I was my grandparents had no idea of any of these activities of course I was just spending some quality time with my aunt and giving them a break it was nice that I had a younger female figure since my mom wasn't around one night when we were out having fun my aunt meets this guy and they really hit it off he was very nice and introduced himself to me he went by jr. and it first was a kind and charming talker they exchanged numbers after hanging out a while and then we went home and went to bed they ended up going out a bit more and my aunt had really liked jr. he took her to his home and introduced her to his father and showed her around his land he lived out the woods in the middle of nowhere I have lived in this town for 30 years and I still to this day couldn't tell you where it was I was only there once he was teaching my aunt how to shoot a gun I remember her shoulder rocking back with the impact of the shot and it's surprising her he had these weird flamenco dancing clothes in his closet it was all seemingly harmless I mean everyone has their quirks about 10 days maybe two weeks later we were again at the pier out by the pay phones talking about what to do that night and what to get for dinner jr. and my aunt were in their late 20s early 30s and as much as she loved me I imagine there were times that I got in the way well anyway we're at the pier and he is kind of talking about how he has these painkillers he offered me one I declined of course and told him I had a high tolerance to pain anyway and didn't really need that stuff he then with a huge smile asked me if he can see for himself assuring me he won't really hurt me he's just trying to have fun the bastard twist my arm behind my back until I hear a pop I start to cry and he laughs and says oh sweetheart I was only playing you said you had a high tolerance I guess I was stronger than I thought I was being I'm sorry no need to ruin the good time we're all having I go to the private pier office wish my granddad managed crying my aunt comes in too and lets me know that she thinks it's messed up too and that she talked him about it she goes back outside and he asks her what she is up to that night she tells him that she isn't sure if she's staying over because of what just happened I was whining about going home I was pissed that she hadn't decked him right therefore hurting me well he tells her that she should meet him under let's call it the sunset bridge at 2:00 a.m. on the other side of town he says that the stars are beautiful and you can listen and hear the fish he tells her you would love to see it with her and they can dance under the moon we were all from a fishing family and live in a big fishing town so fish activities under the bridge and late times wasn't necessarily something that threw up a red flag if it's dark and late there won't be people there hogging all the fish she tells him maybe and we leave I decide to spend the night after all later sneaking in only if she will pick up my boyfriend Charlie playing up on the guilt points she calls him when she gets home before we made our arrangement about Charlie and says that she can come but she will have me with her he groans and is like fine all right I guess she can come but maybe she will get tired and just sleep in the car about an hour after she called him the first time I asked her about Charlie and she agrees she sits down with me and hugs me and touches my face lovingly apologizing for what had happened with my arm she then calls him again and tells him not to worry she is picking up Charlie so I will have my own entertainment and they can have their own time he goes into a rage and starts sputtering and cussing about how it's too complicated now and he just wanted an intimate meeting with her not a damn family reunion he went on about how he didn't want to have to babysit a 13 year old kid and a 14 year old boyfriend he hangs up after calling her a crazy be she bewildering Lee hangs up the phone and tells me what happened we go about our night with pizza rolls and Playstation and things are fine he calls her a few more times and drives by the house for a couple of weeks but my aunt was having none of it after a while he left our lives just as swiftly as he had came the whole affair lasted only a month if even that three weeks maybe and all in all it wasn't the craziest experience she's had with a man jr. was soon forgotten and we went about our business flash-forward two years I am almost out of middle school my aunt had moved to a city about 40 miles away I still lived with my grandparents they were still strict but as they've gotten older so a tie I knew a few ways around the rules one day my friend Frank and I missed the bus home from school and called our good high school friend Darla to pick us up and take us home after riding a bit she had this big beautiful red truck and I would ride around in the cab of it loving the freedom and the wind we were smoking cigarettes and laughing listening to the radio the time I had spent on the bus before my stop was just enough time to hit up the taco drive-through we cruise down the road a bit before heading back to Frank and ice house we had a lot of fun that day she dropped me off first my grandparents came outside they were heavily confused at this sight of an unknown vehicle and even more so when they saw that I had gotten out of it after letting her be the one to explain because she was older cooler and more responsible my parents thanked her for being kind enough to take us home they said how lucky I was that she had just happened to be there to help me get home the things we do to our parents a that was the last time we ever saw my friend she didn't show up for work for five days I can't speak for everyone but I assumed she had just ran away Darla's parents were going through a nasty divorce the dad had a hot new girlfriend and the mother was very bitter about it rightfully so I guess it was embarrassing for all the kids her truck wasn't left behind I figured she got tired of her parents acting like infants and took off I missed her but she was in a whole other League of freedom and coolness 16 is a whole different life than 14 especially when you were in different schools I wished her well maybe even a little envious that she got out of this town not and I was still here I hadn't heard anything for two weeks about her went at about 9:00 at night my grandparents got a phone call to turn on the news Darla's body was found out in the woods she had been strangled to death and just left out there I don't know for how long I was devastated I was so joyful that I had that last experience with her but so saddened and horrified she was so young barely older than myself she was about to be seventeen in just a short time it was a very sad time for our town the good and bad news is that they caught the guy that had done it he confessed after some very incriminating evidence and during his questioning also confessed to killing his girlfriend who had been missing for about eight years and also his father staging his death to look like a suicide by hanging when they showed us his mugshot on the screen and he said his name I swear I almost passed out there clear as day on the screen staring back at me was a picture of jr. I had no idea they even knew each other I can't even imagine what would have happened if we had gone under the bridge that night investigation discovery did a piece on it a couple years back I was shocked to see it on TV the memories came rushing back and I decided to write them all down I literally have a newfound appreciation of life now that I'm old enough to understand just how close I could have come to being killed I have a beautiful life with my husband and three boys that most likely wouldn't have happened if things had gone differently that night [Music] hey everyone thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed today's video and don't forget to check out and subscribe surf spooks a lot big special thanks and shout out once again for him helping me out on this video his channel will be linked in the description if you want to check him out and before we bring this video to a close I want to give a special thanks and shout out to all of my $5 or more patrons as well as my $3 or more patrons featured on screen shout out to babe Lincoln Beth a Kate II Celeste s Ellie yes Heather be Howard our Jacqueline w jz g Jess Jonathan C Jonas be Carey F Lori J Lindsey s Matthew be random Randi Steph L Tammy s and Terry H thank all of you so much for supporting me on patreon I really really appreciate it more than you know and if any of you would like to join these awesome people and also become a patron head over to my patreon at patreon.com slash southern cannibal thanks everyone and have a good one and remember to always stay [Music] you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 30,386
Rating: 4.7225609 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, scary true stories, true stories, creepy stories, true creepy stories, scary stories, scary subscriber stories, scary story, southern cannibal
Id: tMcbCxt3JOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 48sec (2928 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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