4 TRUE Scary Internet Stalker Horror Stories | True Scary Stories

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to another video if you like what you hear today consider dropping a comment below and let me know what you thought of the stories I always respond and look at the comments every time I drop a new video and if you have your own scary story you can always submit that to me directly right through my website at www.weather.gov/elko online named a bin the two of them had a lot in common and we're only about a year apart in terms of their ages we didn't really think anything of it at first because it's kind of just normal to have online friends these days my sister is pretty introverted so it was really nice to hear that she had someone she could chat to from what I understand bin was also there for her emotionally as well if that makes any sense my sister became quite attached to him really quickly then it also introduced her to a few of his friends as well they all just seemed like your typical edgy teenagers the kind they post selfies with emo song lyrics and stuff like that Ben really seemed like just a normal caring friend he even messaged me a couple of times whenever he was concerned about my sister being upset about something he seemed genuine and I was really happy that my sister had found someone like this one day my sister asked my mom if she could meet up with Ben in the city he lived in another state and had organized to spend a weekend or stay with his aunt so it seemed like the perfect opportunity for the two of them to meet up they arranged a date and time to meet in the city and my mom and I accompanied her when the day finally came though he didn't even show up he made some kind of excuse that his aunt wasn't going to drive him there and we figured that she was probably just concerned about Ben meeting someone that he only knows over the Internet I'll be honest I really did have a really bad feeling about their Mita while we were waiting for Ben to show up but I just stupidly ignored it my sister understandably was quite upset that he hadn't shown up Ben sent me a message apologizing to us for having to run around after him he went on to explain that sometimes as an can just be really unreasonable at the time I genuinely believed that he was a decent person and that he wasn't lying about a situation a couple of months past with just the two of them chatting away like normal at some point my mom gets the idea that she and my sister could just fly to his state and meet him Ben really seemed to like that idea so they ordered the flight tickets one day out of the blue my sister then burst into my room clearly very frightened she told me to blow on Ben right away as what was the two friends that had introduced me to when I asked why she explained to me that Ben had been a cover up identity for a person that had previously threatened her using another account every single one of the pictures that he posted were literally from someone else's account she found all of this out when she decided to confront him apparently has two so-called friends were all fake accounts run by him in order to keep up the illusion whoever this person was after being confronted by my sister actually admitted that they were keeping tabs on her they had been chatting for months and she had likely told him a lot of personal things as well after my mom found out all of the flights were immediately cancelled and we were all pretty spooked about the whole thing we couldn't really tell the police because my sister was a dingus and she didn't keep a copy of all of the messages that the account had sent to her we actually managed to contact the guy whose pictures were stolen and told him about the whole incident and the account was taken down shortly afterwards so to whomever Ben really is let's just never cross paths ever again and stay the hell away from my sister this story happened almost 10 years ago I got home from work one day and logged into Facebook to find a message from someone that I didn't know it was too long ago to remember verbatim what was said but I was along the lines of hey I know you have no idea who I am but I've been trying to decide on what to do for a few days and I figured I'd let you know what's been going on someone's been catfishing me using your identity for over two years and I just found out about it last week the sender of the email was clearly pretty shaken up and understandably it was experiencing a big mix of emotions according to her she had met the imposter online a little over two years ago prior to writing this and apparently they had been engaged in a pretty intimate long-distance relationship for a majority of that time the imposter had created a Facebook and head over time reposted almost all of my photos with their own captions to them including a good amount of art that I drawn that they also took credit for but they created fake profiles for a good amount of my close family and friends as well and they would even comment on the photos to make the photo seem more legit the funniest part to me though is that although most things in my real life seem to be mirrored in this vague profile I a straight mil was instead betrayed as trans I think the main reason for this was that the sender of the email and the imposter would actually speak on the phone and the imposter turned out to be a female in the end and therefore needed a reason to justify her more feminine sounding voice the sender of the email was justifiably both angry and creeped out and wanted to find the catfish she started asking me a lot of questions about my wife but phrasing them like is your sister's named so-and-so and did you go to this high school some of them were clearly information that anyone could glean from a quick browse on my profile but then she asked me is your best friend so-and-so which struck me as odd since despite this person actually being my closest friend and who I spend the most of my time with we've barely had any Facebook photos together and most are from a really long time ago then she asked were you adopted and are your half siblings named so-and-so which totally sealed the deal for me since I know for a fact that I'd never posted about being adopted online before the sender of the email already had an idea that this person had known me in real life but this confirmed it for me the syndra of the email had contacted me shortly after confronting the imposter for the very first time I guess after about two years they'd finally become suspicious of the fact that the imposter wouldn't show their face I honestly have no idea how it took this long for them to figure out that they were being played but I'm glad they finally decided to give the ultimatum of show your face or I'm cutting you off I'm pretty sure this is the point where the imposter admitted to being a catfish and this she'd been using the identity of someone that she had a crush on in high school before hanging up I was given the URL so that I could look through the profile myself which happened to be up for about two days after I saw it before it was all removed it was definitely really bizarre the imposter had posted more than I ever had on Facebook and it genuinely seemed like they lived a pretty involved double life online as me just about everyone had posted photos with on my real profile would then have their own fake profiles created that had enough content to be genuinely convincing so that they could be tagged in and then validate these new photos some of these fake profiles seem to have gone and made their own so-called friends as well and I really wondered if any of those were used to facilitate even more online dating deception either way the amount of time that this person had spent fabricating their alter egos online presence was pretty shocking to me the whole time that I'd been crawling down this Facebook rabbit hole the sender of the email was actually looking through my real profile after some time passed she sent me a message saying did you take these photographs and showed me what I remember as a black-and-white photo of a barn or something I hadn't which was pretty weird since everything else in the fake profile actually originated with me and she'd noticed the discrepancy we both tried reverse image searching but with no luck then either through a stroke of genius or somewhat suspiciously I couldn't really tell she thought to flip the fake number that the imposter gave her into the fake facebook profile around in Reverse a Google search came up with a landline that belonged to the home address of a girl that I'd gone to high school with I couldn't believe it real me was actually Facebook friends with the real imposters profile so we both went snooping around and found the photo that she'd claimed that I'd taken this pretty much confirmed to me that this was the imposter I'm pretty sure there were more indicators to the sender as well but I can't really remember I thought about messaging her for a really long time but decided that it probably wouldn't lead to anything good at the time my thoughts were definitely let's not meet I asked a few times with the sender of the email just to try and decompress a bit but honestly I just wanted to distance myself from the whole situation and also had my suspicions about the cinder as well I figured maybe was the Impostors one last-ditch effort to try and talk to me although when it was all over the cinder seemed to be eager to leave this all behind as well so maybe not either way it was a really strange experience I felt mostly freaked out and violated but I guess there was a small part of me that was really flattered by it I had a lot of mixed emotions the weirdest part to me is that I'm really an approachable person and would have definitely been willing to talk to and probably be friends if this person had just approached me instead although I'm still not too sure if this was done out of an obsession for me or if this person felt like I was just a suitable image to base this fabricated persona off of I remembered talking to her probably about twice throughout high school and really didn't have a very good idea of who she was other than a quiet hipster girl if either person involved ever happens to read this I'd definitely be happy to talk now it's been years but I've gone from being very put off to always wondering why this person chose me over countless other more attractive or interesting people online to base their other life off of according to the cinder who contacted me she'd probably spent more time online pretending to be me than she actually did going about her own life I have a tumultuous history of addiction and have had plenty of my own escapes which is why it's always fascinated me that someone would want to pretend to live someone else's life as a means of doing that because at the end of the day the person pretending to be me it really had no idea that I spent my own time daydreaming of being a different person as well I guess it just shows you that no matter how much you wish you were someone else chances are that person probably has plenty of their own reasons to want to escape their demons as well so I have a bit of an update to all this for anyone still interested I recently spoke to a really good friend of mine who told me that while they don't know the perpetrator personally they do know that they identify as non-binary now which to me sort of confirms my suspected motive which was to explore their own sexuality through another identity to one degree to another but I'll probably never really know for sure [Music] so I had a best friend in high school named Lana we were friends for about a year and a half and we would spend almost every weekend at her house listening to music watching scary movies and gossiping she was a little bit crazy the kind of girl that would beat up all of her boyfriends exes unprovoked and catfished people I say we were best friends but actually it was more like I looked up to her and she liked that since she could boss me around and hang out with me whenever she pleased she was extremely manipulative and two-faced she had a hobby of being nice to girls at school and then going on their social media and making fun of everything they posted she would befriend people just to get information from them when we were friends Lana was dating this guy named Nolan they dated for about a year and a half and had lots of troubles the last six months or so he wouldn't ever go out drinking most weekends and she would always cry in the middle of the night and blow up his phone always yelling at him and making him feel guilty she was borderline psychotic whenever it came to his exes or the girls he was friends with and they just weren't really working out but they stayed together anyway at some point no one got Lana pregnant and one of when has other friends whose name was on him became pregnant at the same time from the guy that I was in love with naturally I really wanted nothing to do with autumn but because they were pregnant together Lana's started hanging out with autumn most weekends and totally neglected our friendship after about a month I became really fed up with it and just started ghosting her at first she tried to apologize about it but I was not having it I was really jealous and childish about the whole thing so eventually Lana got pissed at me and just stopped trying altogether a couple of months went by and Lana had the baby Nolan and Lana stayed together to take care of their son but their relationship was absolutely horrendous at that point Linna cheated on him and no one decided he wanted out of the relationship but continued to see a son and buy things for him however Atlanta and Elena's mother made things very difficult for him by constantly changing the days that he could see his son and also refusing to let him take his son anywhere besides Lana's house Lana's mother would also throw out Christmas presents from Nolan ignores phone calls and eventually even told him that he wasn't allowed at the house no one begged for months to see his son but it was pretty clear Lana and her mother didn't want him in the picture no one even offered to pay child support but they didn't want that either they just wanted him gone so he stopped trying and apparently even that wasn't what they wanted Lana took to social media to talk about how no one was a total deadbeat she told everyone that she knew that being a single mother was really hard and that the baby daddy refused to take care of his child about a year after they broke up I meant no one in person we had been talking online for a couple of months about Lana which shared some stories about her crazy meltdowns and all of her manipulative tendencies and we talked about the time when he came to her house while I was there and he attempted to scare her by jumping out when she went out the front door but instead accidentally jumped out in me he thought it was the funniest thing ever that my face stayed stone-cold and I just said sup we had a similar sense of humor and at the time I really had no one I had just come out of one of the worst depressive episodes of my life it had lasted for a good year and I had dropped out of school been doing drugs and isolating myself for weeks at a time and even considering suicide he was the one to help bring me back from the brink he was really kind and he was my support system we were really just friends at first when Lana caught wind of our friendship she reached out to me at this point we hadn't really been friends for about a year and a half we caught up and talked about what had been happening in our lives she asked what was going on with Nolan and I told her we were just friends and everything seemed fine that's when her a ratty behavior then started up again she would randomly block me on social media and then unblock me about a month or two later sometimes we would talk like hey how are you everything good and then the next day I'm blocked at one point I even asked one of her friends to get her to tell me why she was doing it because I was just totally confused about it so she unblocked me and told me she was salty about the situation with Nolan and the fact that I was being so friendly with them I asked her why she kept making up with me and then suddenly getting pissed off again and cutting me off I told her that I was really tired of thinking things were good only for her to turn around and pretend like we had never said anything to each other that's when she told me that she can block me or unblock me whenever she wanted and that I had done her really wrong by abandoning her during her pregnancy and befriending her ex-boyfriend so then I'm trying to explain to her no one was my friend I tried to tell her that Nolan was all I had in the darkest time of my life I tried to tell her why her neglecting me for autumn really hurt my feelings but she wasn't having it I understand where she was coming from I mean I do and I acknowledged the fact that I acted childishly and in a really cruel way but I had tried to make up with her multiple times I tried really hard and she couldn't even stick with whether she wanted to forgive me or not so I told her to just go ahead and block me again and be done with it she told me that she wouldn't block me again and then she gave me her blessing with Nolan she said that she was fine if we wanted to day ten said that she hoped I had a good life and I said the same to her and I really meant it we had a bad end but I was glad we could at least wish each other well it was a few months later that I last spoke to her that no one and I had started dating I had waited so long because I was really worried about Lana even though we weren't really friends anymore but she had given me her blessing and she was dating someone new so I just went with it it was around this time that I'd received a friend request from some girl on Facebook named Casey Casey said she lived in a really big city in my state and since we had mutual friends and I had once gone to school in that city I assumed that we had gone to school together and I just didn't remember her she seemed like a real person she claimed to work at Hooters and had made post about how her work days winds had several pictures of the same girl and had made frequent post about her ex boyfriend I accepted the friend request and she messaged me telling me how pretty she thought I was I think their end I told her to message me anytime that she wanted to chat for the next few months I was totally clueless I went about my regular life posting about the things me and Nolan did getting my GED hanging out with friends visiting my mother etc occasionally I would see some really strange posts on my timeline from Casey but I didn't really think much about it because I had over a thousand friends on Facebook and I rarely even saw them they were mostly posts about how much she hated her baby daddy and how her line of work just really sucked but there were two posts in particular they really caught my eye one was of a post that seemed to be referencing something that I had posted the day before and the other was of her saying we all know a dirty hoe named so-and-so with my first name so I decided to go to her profile and then click through months and months of her posts some were about her line of work but everything else was related to me and Nolan and I mean everything there were posts of her complaining about her dead be baby daddy buying things for everyone but his kid posts about how sad she felt about the break-up post about how she missed me and thought of me as a sister posts about how I stole her boyfriend and a ton of other one's crap taunting me she made fun of my hobbies had directly referenced some of my posts and talked about how much she hated me and that I'm a dirty ho and her later post even went so far as to put my initials or full first name in the post she even had people in the comments egging her on and talking crap too even though no one knew who she was talking about but I did she always mentioned things that only the two of us would know she would always reference our past experiences it was undoubtedly Lana and I knew it a message Casey and I told her that I knew it was Lana she played dumb and told me that the initials were of another girl that she knew when I looked at the name she gave me not a single person on Facebook had that name when I told her that she just brushed over it and tried to give me to talk about Lana so I decided to play along and talk hardcore crap about her I lied about a lot of things in an attempt to get her to out herself but in the end all she did was send a screenshot of our conversation tool in his account and an attempt to make it look like Casey was real and was trying to help Lana by showing her what kind of person I was Casey then immediately deleted her account she didn't block me she deleted it I had a friend in my dad check and neither of them can find her profile so then another month went by and I actually found out she had reactivated the account and because I can't block a deleted account she was in my friends list again and she also had access to my profile for who knows how many days so I blocked her she then sent me friend and follow requests on three other web sites under the Casey name which I also blocked it was around that time than me and no one began to get a lot of friend requests from obviously fake accounts we would report them and block them and try to pretend that she wasn't going insane even though she clearly was one of these fake accounts was extremely obvious because it had poked both me and no one on the same day at the same time she was taunting us I guess I blocked that account too please be aware that at this time Melania had married her boyfriend she was actually doing all this while married to someone else about a year later I thought that it had stopped and when dad went to the Kasey account on my friend's Facebook because I wanted to see if she was still posting about me well when I had scrolled down I realized that I had missed a post the last time I saw her profile this post was about Lana mocking the fact that my mother yes my birth mother called her frequently to talk crap about me and also give her information on me and know when as it turns out my mother and Lana went to the same college and I guess my mother thought what better way to make friends than by helping someone stalk her daughter she would always ask me about mine and no one's relationship pretty often well now I know why she always talked crap about Lana and would act like the perfect mother to my face she didn't raise me so I never really trusted her a hundred percent and for that reason I never gave her my phone number address or any other information that I felt was private whenever my dog went missing she tried to convince me to post my address on Facebook she kept saying how important it was that people knew exactly where he went missing from what a load of horse crap thank God I didn't because I might have woken up to Lana punching my head in or worse for a while there I was legitimately really paranoid every time I went to the store or went outside I was always watching my surroundings very closely because the Flannan was willing to beat the crap out of a girl no one had dated for three weeks unprovoked what would she do to me if she saw me in public would she kill me I had never met someone so obsessive let me just say Elena was a horrible friend she was manipulative bossy judgmental rude erratic narcissistic and let's not forget totally two-faced when I felt my first heartbreak she spent all night talking crap about the guy saying that I deserved better eventually I talked crap with her to make myself feel better and what does she do she messages him on Facebook and tells him everything I said about him she guilt-tripped me about having other friends she convinced me to abandon one of my good friends just because she didn't approve of her she would often ignore me whenever there were people around if I complained about anyone she would always tell that person what I said even if she had said something worse about them she would go through people's Facebook's and laugh at them and talk about how dorky they were and not in a nice way in a this person is scum for being a bit dorky kind of way she would always make me feel ridiculous for liking the things that I liked and I never really felt like I could ever be myself around her it absolutely amazes me just how many people Lana has manipulated even her poor husband probably doesn't know that she was a stalker so yeah there you have it Lana cyber stalked me for two years and if I had given my mother my address it might have become actual stalking she hasn't been trying to stalk me for a while now though I cut my mother off and deleted all but 40 people off of my facebook and I made all of my social media accounts totally private to keep this from happening ever again I'm really hoping that I won't ever hear from Lana ever again the last obvious sign that I've gotten of her still trying to stalk me is from a fake account that it sent me a friend request about three months ago an account that was a few months old had the same last name as my friend and only liked to Facebook pages one which was a grocery store page and the other was mine my obscure Facebook page my page that has spaces in between the letters and Japanese letters in the name my page that you either have to know the exact name or have a link to find my page that I had already had to ban Lin and Casey from because both accounts also liked it sometimes I really wonder if Elena is even trying to be secretive or if she's just stupid at least her attempts are few and far between now so I don't really consider her to be stalking me anymore anyways if you happen to finish this sorry for such a really long story I was really young when all of this stuff happened and I made some really dumb choices so go easy on me I know I'm not a hundred percent faultless in this and yes me and no one are still together we're actually celebrating our four year anniversary in a couple of months and I couldn't be happier so Anna I really hope to never talk to you ever again and I really hope eventually you stop stalking me for good it's time to move on [Music] I'd like to think that I have pretty decent instincts now when it comes to knowing who has bad intentions but I wasn't always as cautious and observant as I am now when I was in high school I always felt so ugly I had a low self-esteem and anxiety which was really more of a problem rather than my looks so if any one of the opposite sex gave me even a little attention I would always start to like them I was pretty innocent despite how desperate I was having only kissed one boy so when I was 17 years old and a college guy put interest into me I immediately called to him I was on this app and I met this guy who lived about seven hours away from my city his name was Brandon and he was gorgeous blonde hair muscular blue eyes the whole package he played soccer for his university and he was 19 years old honestly he wasn't my usual type I really liked guys with darker hair and eyes I still do but he was really handsome and really kind he would always shower me with compliments and talk to me all the time I lived alone in an apartment with just my cats so how it all was getting lonely or scared and he always comforted me a month into talking he started asking me for pictures not ones of my face but obviously nudes or bra pictures now this was nearly about six years ago and I didn't really have a good concept of stranger-danger on the Internet I mean smartphones had only been around for about two or three years at this point at least in my school and age group 17 year old me who was so insecure wanted to make him happy because I couldn't believe that I had gotten a guy like him I was ready to do anything he asked I never sent naked pictures because I was way too insecure for that but I would send pictures of me and my bra he would always shower me with compliments saying how sexy and beautiful I was and I fell for every word with time I started to get upset though I wanted to see him I would always send him pictures whenever he asked but and he never sent me any he would always show me body pictures of him with his shirt off or other things but the pictures were always really bad quality when I started getting too persistent he would always promise that he would start calling me for some reason this really appeased me and we talked many times a week after a couple of months he got increasingly more sexual with me telling me what he wanted to do with me and how badly he wanted me this made me really nervous since I had only ever kissed one boy but it also made me a little excited as well it felt really good to be wanted by someone that I had really grown to like this was all during the first semester of my senior year of high school and I was going to turn 18 the next semester in late January as I got to Christmastime he started to talk about coming to my city to maybe see me for my birthday this had me really excited since I really wanted to see him in person so badly we had first talked about me going to him something that he had really insisted on but I chickened out and said that I couldn't do the drive alone which was an excuse I really didn't want to go to an older guys house and stay with him alone my own house make me feel more safe we planned on a weekend after my birthday and everything seemed fine but then one day and my choir class my best friend an exchange student from Germany was talking with me about him I was telling her about him and showing pictures and she got very unsettled um have you seen him on video I told her no and she gave me a really skeptical look something doesn't feel right about this there's no way he's real not that you couldn't date someone like him but he's just too perfect she was very direct and blunt with me about it something my other friends weren't so I took her words deeply and I'm so thankful I did I immediately asked him for a picture of his face he made up some kind of excuse about how he couldn't take a picture right then so I then persisted asking about everyday finally my instincts were kicking in and I was getting scared I told him that I wanted him to video call me he said no I fought him on it for hours one night telling him that if he tells me the truth I won't get mad he refused I put the name that he gave me into Facebook determined to find him on my own if he wasn't going to give in nothing came up on him I texted him telling him that I couldn't find his facebook and he gave in giving me a completely different name and then told me that's me I remember just feeling really cold as I read that I looked up the account and everything he had told me was a total lie his name has faced his age everything he was about 25 years old definitely not 19 I was terrified I thought that I'd been talking to someone just two years older which is legal in my state but he was eight years older I immediately stopped texting him that's when he started getting really obsessive he would text me dozens of times a day and always call me over and over again he would beg me to answer him and to give him a chance then he started threatening me to answer he told me he had saved all of my pictures he kept them all and he told me that he would send all of them to my friends and family on Facebook show everyone me and my bra and show all of our messages talking about what he wanted to do to me sexually if we met looking back all of that was much more damaging to him than me buts I was young and stupid and afraid I hated my body so much and I was absolutely terrified of people seeing it so I started talking to him again much more reserved and cautious this time the days inch closer to my birthday and the weekend we had planned our messages had become bland and short since I was trying to make him lose interest in me but he never gave up if I ever took too long to message then he would threaten me again my birthday fell on a Monday that year and he sent me all kinds of messages I don't even remember what I did that birthday I didn't have many friends and I've never liked to celebrate so it was probably small when Friday hits I got a text from him that morning saying that he was driving to my city and they would pick me up from school I was absolutely terrified about this I had lost a lot of my friends the semester before so they obviously had no clue of my situation out of total desperation I went to one of my guy friends who I hadn't talked to in a couple of months and spilled everything to him he was a longtime friend so he was really sympathetic and he promised to follow me home that day I went straight to my car ignoring the mass amount of text that it said where are you I'm here my friend drove behind me all the way to my apartment which he had no clue I was living in and he actually stayed with me while I cried for a while I had turned off my phone and my friend left later in the night Brandon had no clue where I lived but I was still really paranoid what if he somehow found me only about three people knew where I lived for now with my guy friend and he didn't come in contact with any of them when I finally turned my phone back on he was threatening me yet again I was so exhausted and fed up I started spam texting him yelling and venting I told him how he stressed me out and what he was doing was wrong I told him to send the pictures and that I didn't care anymore I started to attack his character telling him how no one could love him if he hides who he is then treats people like crap when they catch him in a lie thankfully for me he had enough care for me to take my words to heart he apologized then he told me that he deleted all of the pictures he swore to leave me alone as long as we can still talk every now and then as friends I agreed even though I knew I was lying I talked to him for about a month with short responses until he finally gave up even now at 22 years old I still see his name appear sometimes I blocked his number and deleted him off of everything his name still shows up sometimes on my Instagram or snapchat when he's trying to riad me he's the very reason why I don't give my name or picture out anymore so Brandon you lied and collected underage pictures of me and then threatened me with them you're a terrible person don't contact me ever again [Music] you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 68,988
Rating: 4.8959169 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, southern cannibal, online stalker horror stories, internet stalker stories, internet stalker, 5 true scary stories, creepy stories, true scary stories from reddit, true horror stories, horror story animated, online dating stories, catfish horror stories, catfish stories
Id: VOgL5cJchXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 14sec (2174 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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