7 True Scary Stalker Horror Stories (Vol. 9)

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[Music] i used to love posting on instagram it was a place i could show off my new clothes hauls and the compliments from friends internet strangers alike really boosted my confidence you see i was something of an ugly duckling when i was a teenager i was bony i had braces and i was totally lacking in self-confidence and as shallow as it sounds it was social media apps like instagram that really helped me get a real sense of self-worth and made me feel pretty but towards the end of last summer a guy happened to slide into my dms paying me lots of compliments and saying all kinds of nice things about the things i was wearing i have to admit i really enjoyed the attention but he wasn't really my type so as silly as it seems i just kept the conversation going for a few days chatting back and forth and stuff eventually he asked where i lived i told him i was in cambridge and he told me he was from ilford in east london then he asked if i fancied going out some time i told him it was a bit far to go for a date it's like an hour's drive between here and ilford and aside from that i thought he might be a bit too old for me he was 28 and i was 19 at the time that didn't put him off at all he kept insisting that we should give the whole dating thing a go i just didn't have the heart to tell him no outright so again as silly as it was i just kept stringing him along by telling him maybe or we'll see and stuff one saturday morning the guy asked me what i was up to over the weekend and i told him i was out shopping with a few friends i'd be picking up some new outfits and i'd be posting them to instagram so he and everyone else could see what i bought he said he was looking forward to seeing them and that seemed like the end of it then a few hours later i was going from shop to shop on cambridge high street not a care in the world when i happened to see a familiar face across the street it was him the guy from instagram i was stunned he driven all the way up from london after asking me what i was doing just so he could know where to find me i remember getting really really nervous so much so that my friends started asking me what was the matter i kept quiet about it for a little bit until one demanded to know why i was acting so strange so i told her i told her everything and as i actually said the words i think he's stalking me i broke down crying in the middle of a busy shop she was so supportive about it though she waited with me in the shop and ordered an uber on her phone telling me everything was going to be okay and that there were things we could do to stop this from happening and how the guy wouldn't be able to get away with it about an hour later i was home and safe but i was so upset that i had to tell my parents what had happened my dad was furious he couldn't understand why i've been posting pictures of myself online for anyone to see and i suppose i don't blame him back when he was a kid there was nothing remotely like instagram where you could just go online and look at pictures of total strangers he wanted to take my phone off of me but i told him that there were things i could do to make myself safer like blocking the guy and making my account private but he said it was far too late for that that the guy knew where i lived and i suppose he was right a few days later i walked out of my house heading over to my friends who happened to only live around the corner ours is a very small close-knit community so i happened to notice a car that wasn't normally parked in our quiet little neighborhood but when i looked and saw who was in the driver's seat i froze it was him again the guy from instagram i was so so scared i had no idea how he'd been able to find out exactly where i lived and the only thing i could think of was that he had been following me around town for days maybe he'd even followed that uber that i'd taken back to my house but it was what he said to me that i found so disturbing the way he phrased it you need to come with me i ran back into my house shouting from my dad who came hurtling out of his little office asking me what the matter was when i told him he was outside he knew exactly what i was talking about and his cheeks flushed red with rage as he grabbed my hockey stick from out of the cupboard and walk down the front path towards the street i didn't follow him but i heard the shouting he kept telling my dad the same thing he told me that i needed to go with him but with no other explanation as to why my dad told him to get lost and that if he came back that he'd beat the life out of him but he did he kept coming back over and over again the police said they couldn't do anything about it initially that we needed to make a log of the times he was visiting and to take pictures if we could so that's exactly what we did every time he showed up my dad would go out with a hockey stick in his phone take a few photos before scaring him off he was amazing like that but i won't lie it put a real strain on our family and i could tell my dad was getting really really tired of having that same drama unfold week after week once we had enough evidence that the stalker kept returning my dad didn't go outside when he showed up he just called the police and explained that he had about six different pictures detailing different times this guy had showed up outside our home only then did they actually bother to send anyone there was a huge kickoff when they did at first they just politely asked the guy to move along but he refused and for some reason kept telling them the same old thing that i needed to go with him that's when the police try to arrest him and he resisted telling them they had no right to it was only in february of this year that we actually got any resolution on the whole thing on the 21st of february the guy was sentenced to 21 months in prison at petersboro crown court he had pleaded guilty to harassment and resisting arrest the thing is though i don't know if that's actually solved the problem entirely i know he won't be turning up outside for just less than two years but what about after that what if he decides he's not finished with me and he continues to turn up outside my house i thought the prison sentence would be the end of it but only 21 months what if he's angry about it gets out and decides to hurt me i just can't stop worrying about it i can't get it out of my head the whole thing has completely ruined my [Music] life last summer i met a guy called michael through the online dating app tinder he was lovely at first very charming and funny and we ended up going on a few dates to some local cafes and bars that actually went really well but at one point he started getting really possessive over me acting like i was his girlfriend and getting really jealous and stuff at one point i got a text message from him asking me who the bunch of guys were that i was friends with on facebook i told him the truth they were just old school friends or people i knew through work but this didn't satisfy him at all and he demanded that i unfriend them obviously i told him that i wasn't going to do that and it was really unfair of him to be asking me to do something like that especially considering we haven't even been dating all that long that's when he started getting really abusive and paranoid he was convinced that i was dating other people on the side and that i was just using him for free drinks and food that was a ridiculous accusation on its own as i'd always made a point of splitting the bills with him i work i'm independent and i don't need a man to pay for things for me eventually i got really sick of the way he was acting and i told him i didn't want to see him anymore but he kept trying to contact me at first he told me he was sorry and that the past relationships had ended badly with infidelity and the like which was why he acted so paranoid over things like that but i made my mind up i couldn't go out with someone like that and a friend of mine had made a good point that if he acted like that once he was bound to do it again at some point i asked him to leave me alone but he wouldn't so i ended up blocking his number on whatsapp as well as blocking him from actually calling me entirely but his attempts to contact me didn't stop there he used every means that he could eventually he got a hold of my work email and started sending me messages there too i couldn't change my work email but i could block the sender yet that didn't stop him he made a brand new email address for every email he sent me i had to block him on facebook too i had to block him on instagram every single social media platform i had was bombarded with messages and some of them were really frightening at one point he even managed to get a hold of my paypal username and sent me payment requests for money that he said i owed him for drinks and food we had on our dates he threatened to end his own life if i didn't get in touch and sometimes he threatened to hurt me too some of the messages were really really graphic too where he described ways with which that he'd take his own life for take my own he was obviously putting a lot of real thought into it and that's what gave me sleepless nights but i think the worst thing was that he kept getting in touch with friends and colleagues of mine even family members trying to tell them what a terrible person i was and how he was going to hurt me if they didn't get me to respond to his messages in total i received over 4 000 emails over 300 phone calls and hundreds of messages from him i have had to change my whole life to ensure that my children and i were kept safe throughout the ordeal i still have to maintain this and my life will never be the same again but i kept a lot of the messages handy so that when i finally broke and contacted the police i had a shed load of evidence on hand to show them and this was all they needed to arrest him michael was sentenced to 12 weeks in jail suspended for a year after pleading guilty to stalking in liverpool crown court he was also handed a five-year restraining order which stopped him from contacting me i finally feel like i've had some justice regarding the whole thing he might not be going to prison for the things he's done but he's certainly in a position now where if he does try to carry on stalking me he will be put away which frankly is where people like that belong if there are any women reading this who are going through a similar situation please be brave and keep hold of some of the messages for evidence it's the only way to prove that it's happening it's the only way the police will actually do anything about it [Music] i'm a student here in hong kong i've been really stressed out with all the political stuff that's been going on lately but somehow i've managed to get myself in a situation that's made my life even more unbearable right now you see although i live in hong kong both my parents were born here and i speak fluent kanto i spent the first seven years of my life in north carolina so if i'm honest sometimes i feel way more american than anything else and i speak fluent english too i feel like i identify much more with american culture a lot of the time and i'm a huge nerd for things like dungeons and dragons and other fantasy role-playing games so as a result of the lockdown that's been imposed here over the past few months i found an outlet for my geekiness then that's discord d d groups they're just awesome if you can get yourself a good dungeon master who's actually creative they can be a lot of fun it's literally exactly the same as being sat around a table playing only it's even easier to share pictures of characters and scenery and whatnot so recently i was playing as part of a group when my character gets like romantically paired with another character for the sake of the story i get pretty invested in my characters so i play the part as convincingly as i can so everyone can get as emotionally involved in the story as possible and it actually ends up being a pretty amazing campaign that ends up in a few characters dying which we were all devastated about no usually everyone is pretty clear that it's purely a role-playing thing and that it's basically just acting out a character for the sake of the campaign but the guy i've been paired up with ends up contacting me outside the dnd game he said it was the best he'd ever felt playing out a campaign and wanted to know if you could keep in touch with me so he could invite me to future games and stuff of course i told him sure but it was one of the best campaigns i'd ever played and that i'd love to get involved with future games especially if he was involved he played his character super convincingly and he was a great writer able to describe thoughts and feelings in a way that others just couldn't seem to then a couple of days later he starts asking me a lot of out of character questions inquiring about my real life and such i figured he was just being friendly and people have been getting pretty lonely during all the lockdowns that have been going on so i suppose i'd indulge him letting him get to know me maybe a little more than i should have then he came out and asked me if i would ever consider doing like a long distance relationship i told him those were never a good idea no matter how much you like someone as they tend to put people into really unfair positions where they can't pursue local relationships with people they might even be better suited to it was then that he started getting kind of reticent like his replies got all short and monocylobic i asked him if he was feeling okay and if i'd said anything that he found upsetting or something and he straight up went and told me that he really liked me and would i consider having like a discord date with him via video chat i told him i didn't think it would be a good idea that would happen in the dnd game was just like acting and that it wasn't real and they got mean really really mean he told me i was a liar for making a guy feel like i had then just pulling the rug out from under him so to speak he told me i deserve every bad thing that happens to me and he'd personally see to it that i suffered the punishment for the pain that i caused him for a guy in his 30s he was the most emotionally immature person i'd ever met in my life and i'm used to hanging with freaking teenagers i just blocked him and thought that that would be the end of it but more recently i've had all kinds of discord friend requests off of people that have turned out to be the same guy trying to add me over and over again sometimes he'd pretend to be someone else only to give himself away with some little detail it made me incredibly paranoid to the point that i've had to stop playing d d online altogether because he continually infiltrated as many groups as possible simply to try and find me some of his messages were just apologetic at first but as i ignored them they got crueler and crueler and more violent with each instance the one that scared me the most was just a list of all the things he knew about me my name the university i study here in hong kong even the names of my parents and brother i don't even know how he'd gone about getting his hands on that kind of info all stuff he managed to find out on his own through some stalkery detective work this creep had obviously put a lot of time and effort into finding out additional stuff about me and it's his level of determination and zeal that seriously freaks me out sometimes like how far is he really willing to take this i know he's far away i know he's in the united states and that means there's enough distance to make me feel a lot safer than i would otherwise but i'm terrified he'll just show up in hong kong and track me down like there aren't many girls here that have the american accent i do when i speak english like he's much older than me he has a job has money saved up and stuff like there's literally nothing that could stop him from doing something like that if he really wanted to and i think someday he might actually want to but it's some of his threats that have really made me feel nervous like how he's told me that if i don't give him a chance he's going to email some of my university professors to tell them how i've been cheating on assignments plagiarizing the works of others accusations like that are taken very seriously by the university i had no idea a friendly little d game could end with me being in this almost constant state of anxiety like every day guys online can be really creepy and misinterpret just basic friendliness as being flirting or whatever i'm not saying it's everyone but it's enough to turn some girls lives upside down like i trusted this guy he seemed really nice and now he literally has the power to ruin my life if he chooses to like me personally i'll be taking much more precautions when it comes to what information i reveal online in the future [Music] i used to work as an events manager for a very successful nightclub here in new york city it was honestly a dream job a professional party planner something thousands of young people dream of being able to do for a living my phone is filled with selfies i've taken with literally hundreds of vips big name house djs rappers sports stars you name it i pretty much spent my weekends meeting famous people and partying all getting paid pretty handsomely for it but then quarantine happened at first we were put on furlough which was a pretty sweet deal sure it sucked having to stay indoors pretty much all day but i was still getting paid 75 percent of my salary just to sit on my butt and watch netflix or do yoga but then rumors started to go around that the club wouldn't be reopening which i honestly thought was crazy at first since the place was making bank before the lockdown and the owner was definitely wealthy enough to keep it going no matter how much various business expenses were costing him but then one day we all got an email confirming our worst fears the club was shutting down indefinitely and as much as it pained him to do it we'd all been laid off i was absolutely devastated i just broke down crying right there at my laptop and they were those real ugly tears i had no idea how i was going to pay rent for the foreseeable future i don't know about you guys but a 1200 stimulus check was barely going to cover a month's rent and i haven't even really got much in the way of family to lean on the only jobs i knew of were temp jobs and nursing homes and i knew i couldn't do anything like that i was complaining the friends online generally feeling sorry for myself and begging for a few dollars when one made a weird suggestion she told me about a website called only fans i'd actually never heard of it at the time but when i googled it i actually got kind of annoyed that she'd even suggested it i'm not some e-girl and i can count the number of guys i've slept with on one hand and they've all been long-term boyfriends okay so for people that don't know only fans is basically just a place where people can put up photos videos audio files all kinds of things and put them behind a paywall sounds innocent enough right and it can be but only fans is more famous for other stuff adult stuff which is where the real money is i told my friend that i'd have to be desperate to resort to posting stuff like that online but she came back with the fact that they don't have to be outright nudes they can be just lewds which apparently is an actual term that's thrown around in those sort of circles she went on to tell me that there's a huge market for so-called real girls like girl next door types which is most definitely the kind of look i have all i had to do was put up a few freebies just kind of like showing myself off and put some raunchier shots or videos behind a paywall and see what kind of response they got i didn't even have to show my face i think that's what sold it covering up my tattoos and no one would ever even know it was me right besides it was try it or risk getting evicted so i picked out a few bralettes and booty shorts that i thought were cute took a few pictures and then uploaded them to an only fans account that i'd started then i posted some of the tamer shots to a subreddit called are gone mild which would basically serve as advertisements i got instant attention hundreds of votes trickled into the thousands and a steady flow of messages from thirsty guys all receive the same copied and paste responses in return hi thanks for your lovely compliments if you'd like to see more of me a lot more sign up for my only fans account along with the link to my page a handful of guys who told me to die basically saying how they were only interested in free content how any girl that actually charged for that kind of stuff or whatever was a well you get the idea but just enough were interested in me to actually sign up to my only fans and pay the thirty dollars monthly fee i demanded in order to see more of me every time i posted an argon mild i got more followers and it got to the point where like not only was i able to pay my rent on time i ended up making considerably more money than i had in my old job thanks to only fans tipping system basically fans can make requests and you can fulfill them for a little extra cash for example one dude offered me five hundred dollars to show my face just my face nothing lewd nothing like that as he put it it'd be worth the cash just to see me smile by the end of the first month of posting i was making serious bank my friend was right was low risk high reward or at least that's what i thought so about five weeks after i started my only fans i walked down to a local grocery store to pick up some food like most places there was a queue winding out the front entrance since the store was only allowing a certain number of people inside at any one time so i'm just standing there alternating between checking my phone and just sort of people watching when i notice a guy across the street stop walking and begin to stare at me he had a long beige coat on slick back hair glasses and like a lot of other people walking around he had one of those disposable medical masks on he was incredibly creepy but this is new york it's full of creeps and he wasn't the first older dude to try to start an impromptu staring competition with me nor do i think he'll be the last so i just sort of ignored him and carry on checking my phone i didn't figured he'd be creepy enough to start anything in broad daylight and besides if he had a mask on there was little chance of him coming within six feet of me i assumed only when i get my grocery shopping done and head out back into the street for the walk back to my apartment he was still there still staring at me from across the street again super creepy but nothing i was about to freak out about so i just start walking back towards my apartment but it just follows me stays on the opposite sidewalk sure but follows me nonetheless the last thing i wanted was to lead this creep right back to where i was living at so i take a couple of wrong turns walk him around in a circle and eventually lose him entirely i mean it was irritating that i had to even do something like that but that's just something us girls just have to do from time to time i suppose let me just take the time to say that obviously not every guy is a creep like that and it never seems to be the guys that want to follow me home that ever do so but it's enough guys to make it a problem for us so i finally get within a block of my apartment building like an hour after i thought i'd be home it's incredibly hot outside i feel sweaty and gross and i'm just looking forward to jumping in the shower to get cooled off what do i see waiting outside my freaking apartment building yep the creepy guy in the long beige coat not even the summer heat could have stopped the chill from running up my spine like how in god's name did he know where i lived out of all of the apartment buildings in williamsburg he just happened to guess which one was mine something was going on something real bad and i had a feeling i was about to find out just what that was i decided to just bite the bullet and walk past the guy if he tried anything i could always just like threaten to cough on him or whatever failing that knee into the balls then call the cops only as i'm getting closer to him and he finally locks eyes with me he addresses me in a way that makes me just freeze in my tracks he uses my only fan's username to get my attention i pretend not to know what he's talking about but he's all like i know it's you you can't lie to me and for the first time i felt this deep sense of shame at what i'd done which was weird because i don't really have any regrets but in that moment i felt like i'd been caught doing something i shouldn't he told me it was nice to finally meet me that he paid me a lot of money and that he didn't think he'd gotten all that he was owed i broke and just straight up asked him how he knew where to find me i know the admission wasn't the wisest move but like he said there was no point in lying by that point besides i just needed to know so i could maybe avoid this happening again in the future if i even kept my only fans up at all he just laughed at my question in the most horrible patronizing way like it was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard then when he told me i felt like face palming so hard i've been dumb enough to take some pictures that showed the street outside my apartment nothing with too much detail but enough for some entitled psycho like him to put a little work in to figure out where i lived i couldn't believe how short-sighted i'd been how my own greed had gotten me into a potentially dangerous situation the guy then asked if he could have my phone number so we could stay in touch properly i told him he couldn't and that my boyfriend wouldn't be too happy if i did the whole boyfriend thing was a lie but i figured it might deter him from getting too weird but that's when he started getting really really mean apparently outraged that i could be using something like only fans to get money when i should be making all that kind of thing exclusive to my boyfriend i got sick of trying to be reasonable with a guy having figured that being nice was the surest way to keep myself safe he didn't try to block my way as i went into my building nor did he try to follow me up the stairs but he did spout a tirade of passive aggressive abuse at me about how i should be loyal to those that love me and all this other stuff i've deleted the only fans account now i just about have enough money to last me until i get a new event planning job or just any other job at all but this guy knows where i live now and i know next to nothing about him i don't know if he has a violent history i don't know if he's hurt women before and i don't know what he's planned for me now that i have tried to let him know that i'm not available i'm so so worried about what my future holds or if other creepy obsessive people have been able to work out where i'm living based on those pictures i took with a view out of my window i know it was dumb of me to start that account in the first place but lockdown has put us all in a bunch of very difficult situations and i think i'd rather be dealing with a stalker problem than a homeless problem as crazy as that might sound but if anyone has any experience with anything like this or any advice don't hesitate to write about what you know in the comments i'd be really grateful to anyone that can help me keep this guy at arm's length so i ended up matching with this girl on tinder a few summers back she was this punk girl all kinds of piercings with short cropped bubble gum pink hair she was cute really cute and she actually seemed really into me the weather was horrible in the afternoon that we matched typical british summer here and that was in no mood to go traipsing around in the rain but it didn't seem to bother her at all and she wanted to make plans for that evening despite it being such short notice now i'm a planner i like having notice about doing stuff and i really don't like being spontaneous at all i don't know why it just makes me nervous so when she insisted we meet that evening i wasn't keen on the idea at all but she just sort of charmed me into it so we met for drinks with her giving me lines like take a chance and live a little stuff like that now that i look back it was a total imposition and that should have given me a clue right there but let's just say i was thinking with my other head so the first date goes pretty well we did seem to actually have a lot of chemistry but it was weird in that after like a few drinks she's all like what are you up to after this i tell her i'll probably just go back to mine and she responds with can i come yeah now i know that seems way too fast but like i said i wasn't entirely thinking straight so i let her come back to mine make her some pasta then we fall into bed together for you know what the next day we hang out a little grab some food just chill stuff but i'm completely expecting her to leave to go back to her place at some point only the later into the evening it gets the more i realize she has absolutely no intention of doing so so i started dropping hints to her mentioning how tired she must be how i probably don't have enough food on hand to make a meal for two blah blah blah it's not like i didn't enjoy her company i just wanted my own space you know what i mean we seem to go from zero to a hundred over the course of 24 hours and as cute and charming as she was i was just not ready for that in the end i had to just spell it out for her i felt rude but i just laid it out that i had work to do in the morning and i had to be responsible and get a decent night's rest because we both knew that wouldn't be the case if she was sleeping in my bed again i tried to like blend the harsh truth with a little compliment or something but it didn't go down well not at all she got really really upset getting moodier and moodier as i tried to continually soften the blow explaining it wasn't her that i really liked her stuff like that then as she gathered up her things she started to cry i was upset too devastated even and thought she might be girlfriend material but she really really wasn't i'm not one for drama like that i don't think many people are so the idea she could become so bloody on hitch so quickly it really knocked the wind out of me she left in the same flood of tears and no sooner had she gone i was typing up an apology text to try to make her feel better i felt awful i really did but i knew the really hard part would come over the next few days when i'd have to explain to her that i couldn't see us working as a couple but before i could i got a text off of her asking if she could come around to mine again she hadn't even gone 24 hours and she was asking to come back like the little drama from the night before had never even happened that was deeply disconcerting and i felt constricted strangled so i had to just do the right thing and tell her the truth so i typed out this long equally apologetic message telling her what i was thinking how i couldn't see us together they just wasn't ready for a relationship whatever came to mind that might soften the blow and then hit send with a silent prayer i didn't get anything back we were using whatsapp by that point and i knew she'd actually read the message from the two little blue ticks that denoted it had been seen but she didn't reply and that's when it all really started that evening she was shouting in the street up at my flat window telling everyone what a terrible person i was how i'd gotten her pissed as a fart on that first night and then taken her back to my flat and assaulted her i couldn't believe this was the same girl seeing the rage that poured out of her the way she screeched and barked up at my flat window never did i imagine she was capable of anything like that but there she was telling everyone who walked past her open their window what an evil manipulative person i was destructive and deserving to be in jail it was without a doubt the worst experience in my life i remember just sitting there on the couch fingers plugged in my ears imagining how my life was about to fall apart around me my friends would turn on me my family would shun me and eventually the police would turn up to arrest me and charge me with something i'd never even think about doing you'd think it would be my turn to cry then but i was just numb completely and utterly numb before the complete and all-consuming fear hit me i know i should have just phoned the police and cut off the accusations but i was convinced they'd side with her that basically there was nothing i could say that would convince them that i was in fact the victim in the situation she came back twice over the next week no matter how much i begged her over whatsapp to just leave me alone the one night i thought she might turn up and she didn't i thought it might have ended but as i left my flat and walked down to grab a few tins of stella from the corner shop i saw that she'd dobbed something on the doors of my apartment building it said my name is a predator and he lives here in flat four had said in bright yellow paint on the dark red door i had to go from apartment to apartment six others excluding my own and explained what was going on to the people that lived there two slam the door in my face and neither were girls either the only two girls that lived in my building actually listened with one sympathizing with me the other told me that if it was true she hoped they'd threw away the key but that didn't bother me because i knew it wasn't weirdly enough the girl didn't actually go to the police in retrospect this is because she had been charged with making a false complaint and wasting police time which in some severe cases can actually end in a jail sentence but for about a month she made my life complete torture by getting in touch with pretty much everyone she could and telling them all about how i was a predator i was constantly fighting fires be it with friends family work colleagues neighbors you name it and i had to tell them the same old story a story that took on this stale terrible air of repetition to it that got more intense every time i told it then one day finally it just sort of seemed to peter out there were no more messages from people close to me like what's this i heard about you please tell me this isn't true no more from unknown numbers that said you're going to get what's coming to you or we're going to get you when you least expect it it all just sort of ended but the nightmares didn't end nor did the sense that every little look from a stranger was about to turn into them punching me in the face or worse my life had been well and truly turned upside down not destroyed completely but it was enough i just want to end this by making it clear that that is an abhorrent crime but so are false accusations harassment and inciting violence against an innocent person and please if this happens to any of you go to the police immediately it's what i should have done and maybe if i had i'd have a little more of my sanity left intact [Music] i'm a general practitioner at a small medical clinic here in the uk in march of 2017 i had a young woman show up to an appointment for a routine checkup nothing outside of the ordinary it went fine she was pretty much in perfect health and i told her as such before wishing her well and that's sort of we're done here now please leave kind of way only instead of leaving she starts to make casual conversation asking me about my interests if i enjoy being a doctor stuff like that she's flirting really really hard like aggressively so despite the fact that this made me a little bit uncomfortable i had a wife and a newborn baby at home i obliged her at first just making general chitchat with her until it was fast becoming time for my next appointment so obviously in the nicest way possible i tell her i'm a busy man and that i needed her to leave so i could see my next appointment she seems a bit disappointed but she seems to understand grabs her things and leaves i suppose she was just lonely or something so i didn't really think anything of it and to be honest i completely forgotten about the girl a couple of days later about a week goes by i get into work nice and early and i'm sipping on my coffee while i'm going through my appointments for the day when i see a name that's vaguely familiar to me but that's not unusual at all i have loads of regular patients that i see sometimes twice or thrice monthly but i know these people in first name terms well this name i couldn't quite remember where i'd seen it before when it comes time to see this particular patient i'm actually kind of looking forward to it simply so i could find out who this person was and put the whole question of why does this name seem familiar to rest then when the patient walks in it's the flirty girl and that's where i'd seen the name before she'd already told one of our receptionists that she's been experiencing stomach pains sometimes so severe that she wasn't able to sleep but when she walks into my office she's looking good acting perfectly normal she doesn't seem tired or in pain in fact she's obviously spent a lot of time doing her hair and makeup not to mention being overly flirtatious as usual i ask her about her symptoms and she insists that she's been having the most horrific stomach pains reiterating that it's been making sleep almost impossible so i give her a quick look over and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her but medical issues involving the digestive tract can be very difficult to get to the bottom of i ask her about her diet whether or not she's eating anything overly spicy or acidic to which she replies that she eats very healthily sticking the salads and like now i'm starting to suspect that she's just making these appointments to be able to get to talk to me which i know sounds a little bit arrogant but i just really got this feeling in the pit of my stomach so towards the end of the appointment i just come out and ask her if there's any chance that she's just making up symptoms as a way of being able to see me obviously she's all like what me never and let's just say she wouldn't be winning awards for her acting anytime soon so i just take her word for it pretending that of course she'd never lie about something like that and of course she's genuinely experiencing horrible stomach pains i tell her to keep an eye on her diet make sure she's not eating anything that might irritate her bowels and make it clear that she should make another appointment if it carries on as i might have to refer her to a specialist cut to about a fortnight later i'm in my office just typing up a few prescriptions when i get a call from the receptionist telling me there's something going on in the reception area of the clinic i ask exactly what's going on but she sounds really shaken up and just says that i need to come down to reception immediately as there's a patient of mine there who's demanding to see me puzzled as to what it could possibly be i walk down a reception only to see the flirty girl leaning on the front desk and she looks terrible actually terrible she's not bothered to do her hair or makeup this time she looks really really pale and she's obviously in a lot of pain red as she sees me she turns looks me in the face and says i told you i had stomach pains and proceeds to vomit blood all over the floor of the reception area before collapsing onto the floor obviously we call her an ambulance and she gets rushed to accident emergency for treatment and the entire afternoon i just feel absolutely terrible like i'd ignored this girl and assumed something deeply self-centered and arrogant having totally neglected my duty of care i tried to get through the rest of the day i tried my very best to stay focused on the rest of my appointments but it was tough i couldn't get the image out of my mind that horrific mental image of the poor girl looking like death looking so confused and let down before the bloody contents of her stomach slipped from between her lips and onto the surgery floor at the end of my shift i called up the hospital the poor girl had been taken to and waited patiently until i could get a hold of the accidents in the emergency t number who had dealt with her funnily enough it turned out to be a doctor that i knew from many years before one who i actually knew from university so after a little ketchup chat i asked her about a patient who had been admitted that afternoon having vomited blood in a surgery just outside the city center she knew exactly who i was talking about and at that i sort of broke down and told her about how foolish i'd been how i'm pretty sure i diverged on being negligent in my diagnosis of her but she stops me in the middle of my little emotional breakdown and tells me that the girl refused to talk to them that she insisted on going back to see me and that the only thing she could think of was that apparently she had attempted to end her own life hmm those words sent me into a spiral of confusion i asked her what she could possibly mean by that and that's when she told me that they had to pump the bleach out of her stomach by inserting a feeding tube to fill her stomach with a fluid that basically flushed the bleach out of her system basically the girl had drank bleach and some misguided attempt to see me again it almost ended her own life i'd never had a stalker before but i suppose that's exactly what she was a completely mentally unhinged young woman who would go to any lengths to see me again and to prove that her lies were actually the truth it was horrifying thinking there are people that obsessive that they'll do something like that but i suppose that's just the world we live in [Music] i'm a pt at a fairly popular chain of gems here in australia i had a girl who used to turn up to all the spin classes i ran i mean every single one until she ended up giving herself an injury and even then she continued to turn up and openly take painkillers in order to get through the sessions eventually i had to take her aside and advise her that she should seriously consider taking some time off to let herself recover and she burst into tears saying that she couldn't bear not to see me i tried to be kind and told her that i loved her enthusiasm and stuff and that it'd suck not to see her too but she needed to do what was right for her body then she asked me if i wanted to see her outside of work but i had to decline her i had a steady girlfriend at the time and i knew she'd not be happy about me seeing this girl even as friends besides it would be really unprofessional to pursue any kind of relationship with someone who was literally paying for my company then over the next few weeks i began to see notes attached to my windshield of my car whenever i finished work they were from the same girl and every time they had a phone number attached but i had to ignore them i couldn't give her any idea that i was interested in her then the notes began to get nasty really nasty i won't repeat what they said as they had some frankly disgusting language to them then one day there was a fire engine in the parking lot of our gym spraying water all over a car that was on fire my car cctv showed the exact same girl from the spin class walking up to my car and dousing it in gasoline before setting it on fire she was arrested and i chose to press charges but she managed to dodge a prison sentence because apparently she had a history of mental illness i also came to find out that i wasn't the first person she'd become obsessed with i basically live in fear for my life now i filed a successful restraining order against her but honestly i don't think she'll abide by it i think she's just waiting for the right time to approach me again and when she does i'm really really scared about what she'll do hey friends thanks for listening be sure to subscribe and click that notification bell to be alerted of all future animations if you got a story be sure to submit them to my subreddit let's read official and give him receive feedback from the community and maybe even hear your story featured on the next video and join my discord to interact with me and other listeners directly and if you want to support me even more grab early access to all future narrations for just one dollar a month on patreon and maybe even pick up some let's read merch on 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Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 159,458
Rating: 4.8914757 out of 5
Keywords: true stalker stories, stalker horror stories, scary stalker stories, true scary stalker stories, stalkers, true scary stories, scary stories, scary true stories, true horror stories, horror stories, true stories, stories from reddit, asmr reading, lets not meet, true creepy stories, scary horror stories, reddit, true scary stories from reddit, true horror stories from reddit, subscriber submissions, reddit scary true stories, lets read, asmr sleep, ASMR, creepy stories
Id: ir6RsSruqfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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