5 Must have items in the Army

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stick around cuz in this video I'm talking about five must-haves a while serving in the United States Army what's up my friends welcome to an all new video in this one I am talking about five things you must have while serving in the army more specifically active duty but also I'm gonna use the term must have a little loosely alright there's some of these that sure you might be able to kind of get away with not having so don't get all bent out of shape and be like oh I could definitely get away with not having that in the army because of this in this this right I'm using the term must have a little loosely with some of these items some of these items though you need them when you're in your army you're gonna find that you're gonna have a difficult time without them so kind of just follow along with me alright bear with me here alright we'll see we'll see what some of these items are so with that being said let's not wasting your time let's dive into that very first one that I've got on my particular list number one on my list is a cell phone alright most people nowadays have a cell phone so it's probably not very common you don't have a cell phone but you're gonna find that you need that especially with active duty army because people need a way to get ahold of you this wasn't always the case back in the day back in the early 2000s the 90s especially because cell phones weren't really a big thing but in modern army today you got to have a way to be you know contacted when there's alerts when there's your analysis when there's the formation when there's something that comes up and you have to be contacted to report to do this mission to get things done a cell phone is gonna be one of those things you need that is a large piece of communication nowadays with soldiers you're gonna get text messages from your squad leader saying hey you got to be at this location for training you got to be this you need to be able to communicate with those squad leaders saying hey I'm running late which is not a good thing but you it's good to have that communication bill tell them hey I'm running a little late or whatever the case might be be able to get ahold of the squad leaders when you have questions you know you're supposed to be at some training place and they give you the wrong location you get a hold of them and call them up and say hey this isn't the right location I need to find out where to go now while it is not anywhere is any kind of army regulation or anything like that this says you must have a cell phone you're gonna find that if you don't have one it's gonna be a being paint so sure you can try to be this rebel and be like you know and I don't want to have a attached to me I'm not gonna have a cellphone or I'm not gonna give out my cell phone number to anybody I'm gonna pretend that I don't have one well what you're gonna finding is that there's many times when you have a slow days and they're like all right we're gonna go ahead and send everybody home send everybody back to the barracks those live in the barracks and go chill out right we don't have a lot going on and you don't need to be sitting around doing nothing so have your phones ready and if something comes up we'll call you and we'll tell you to come back well if you don't have a phone guess what you ain't going nowheres you're sitting there doing nothing while everybody else is chilling playing video games in their barracks rooms going home whatever the case is and if something comes up they get a phone call and come back in but because you don't have a way to get contacted you just stuck sitting there doing nothing all day so that's why I have cell phone right there at number one because it's pretty important and leading into that I want to give a thanks to the sponsor of this video which is Armed Forces mobile so if you need a cell phone maybe this is the place to check out our vs Mobile is a prepaid month-to-month cell phone service that includes multiple plans including unlimited everything for only $55 a month they can use your own phone or you can choose to buy one of their phones but either way it will operate on the nation's fastest 4G LTE network one of the really great things is 10% of all their proceeds go to their nonprofit which helps out our nation's veterans as well as first responders now we have you to get set up with one of these accounts is go to wwm iaf mobile comm slash chaos there will be a link down the description and best of all when you sign up if you use the promo code save the dollar sign and the number five you can save five bucks off that initial purchase so now let's move on to number two on the list and that one is going to be a vehicle of some sort that one is gonna be kind of one of those loose ones now if you are active duty in some cases this is almost a must I mean sure there are kind of ways that you could probably get around it but you're gonna find that certain situations are gonna be a little bit of a hassle so let's kind of run through some scenarios and you can kind of make your own determination you might have to wait until you get in the army get to your unit whatever to kind of make this determination of whether or not you need a car whether you can deal with it not having a car or you can't do without having a car let's say the first scenario you're a single soldier living in the barracks so you have the barracks usually located one location and then sometimes the motor pool is nearby where you're working at is nearby but not always sometimes you have to here and then where you have to work it's actually on the other side of post or quite a ways down the road so in those circumstances you're gonna have to catch a ride you're gonna have to you know get one of the other soldiers to give you a ride you have to walk down there might be really far that might take you a while but you're not gonna have like uber I mean you can but it's not gonna be very reliable on post so it'd be really tough plus I'd get kind of expensive after a while haven't you always use uber to get everywhere you have to go they do sometimes have like shuttle services in some cases it's on a set schedule but not always sometimes it's just like a hey this van is gonna be driving around and they had a little pickup stations and if they happen to see someone at that pickup station they'll they'll pick you up and give you a ride but that's not always super reliable especially in the army when you have a time frame - you're looking at you have to be at a certain location at a specific time and in the arm you have to be there like 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes prior so that's not very reliable sometimes getting you there on time so also like when you're new to a unit you haven't quite made any friends maybe you don't know the people that well so it's kind of weird trying to ask people for a ride especially if I have to do it all the time have an ask someone for a ride so it kind of comes in handy to have your own vehicle because you can get around now I'm not saying go out and buy some expensive car you can't afford maybe just need to get something that can get you around for point A to point B until you get to a better status and rank to be able to earn a little bit more money to afford a nicer car but when you're first starting off as a private you might have to get some beater of a car that's just gonna get you from point A to point B to save you the time of having to always get rides always have to try to get these little shuttle services to get you there so sometimes it's very important having a car so there might be a little bit of flexibility there maybe you don't need a car if you're living in the barracks maybe you can walk to where you're going maybe you can't maybe you meet some good friends and you can constantly get rides it just might have a little bit of flexibility but you might see some circumstances to start getting really annoying and it would have been you know beneficial to have the vehicle and I wanna talk about with having that car I'm mostly talking about like stateside right if you're stationed over in Germany over in Korea there's some cases where some of you individuals will have like a car and that's cool and all but for the most part over there you can get away with not having a car you're gonna have some way of being able to get around and that would be fine you're gonna have probably things like usually your barracks located in the same area as your work it's only usually when you're stateside that you have situations where your bear might be located in a completely different location of where you need to work at now if you aren't married soldier it's probably leaning a lot more towards the side of must-haves so you're not gonna able to go pile your family into you know an uber even if it's just you and your wife you're just gonna always over everywhere you go right that's gonna be a little bit inconvenient you're gonna get really expensive after a while as well now if you're living off-base well you need a way to get on base to get to work right you could possibly take a taxi or an uber but not all of those individuals have access to get on post so that's gonna really really flexible on whether or not you can plus that's gonna get really expensive after a while they don't really have like a bus service that goes from off post to on posts have you really a pain to be able to check the credentials of people on on the bus to see if they're allowed to even be on post kind of a thing usually when you're driving on pace someone has an ID card and they don't check everybody in the car they usually just check the driver sometimes little spot check and maybe check everybody but not always the case but it'd be really a pain to have to do that with a bus and a bus service coming on base so it's most likely not gonna be a thing I don't know of any posts that have that maybe there is I've mentioned it's a big inconvenience if they do have that but that's not usually a thing where you can take some kind of public transportation to get on post if you live off-post if you live on post you still have a vehicle that's still be really hard to how you're gonna function with getting groceries getting things you know you're gonna always take uber so I'm coming back to I guess having me if you're someone who thinks you can rely on taxis and uber and everything like that being in the army it's gonna be really inconvenient so let's move on to the next one I have on the list number three and that is going to be some kind of multi tool like a gerber a lot of people think of you know needing a Gerber or a multi-tool in situations of being a mechanic and if you're not a mechanic maybe you're like I don't really need one but that's not always the case there's a lot of times when I just needed the function of having that knife that is on that Gerber or that multi-tool there's a lot of other situations where those other tools come in handy you might not think of it as you need this Gerber for doing something of a vehicle it might be something else it might be something as simple as just a piece of your army equipment and you want to use that Gerber maybe to tighten up some screws that have come loose or cut some strings that are hanging off that have gotten all worn and tattered on you know a piece of equipment you want to use that knife to cut it off or even the pliers just to maybe bend something that you have to bend or you know grab a hold of something that's you know stuck on your equipment whatever the case might be multi-tool can be very very useful some people have a mullah and a knife and they kind of have a multi-purpose thing but at a minimum it's good to have a multi-tool you actually on active duty will get like issued a Gerber from supply now it works ok too and you can utilize that but some people like to go a little a little bit farther and get a little bit better if one then the army issues you and you might have maybe a supply that doesn't issue Gerber's but a lot of units nowadays actually issue a Gerber it's just a cheaper version of one that does the job and sure it'll get the job done and you might be able to get away with not having to buy one but that might not always be the case army wide next up on the list is number four and that is a simple digital watch a lot of people have things like this like a smart watch right and those are great in there anything like that but it's good to also still have that digital watch that just basic simple one that if it gets jacked up while you're working in the motor pool while you're in the field not a big deal you're not out a couple hundred dollars because this watch was maybe only five 10 20 bucks from like Walmart or something so that's a good thing to have is this basic one especially since there's gonna be also some situations where you can't have this Smart Watch you're gonna have some locations where maybe you're doing some training you're doing some other things and you're not allowed to keep your cell phone on you you know let have these smart watches on you because it's a secure environment and you know you have to lock that up you have leave it in your vehicle whatever the case is and it's good to let that digital watch just still kind of keep track of time also kind of a thing with like the smart watches is let's say you're like in the field or something right the battery on these things may only last me what few days or something like that digital watch it's gonna last field much longer you might not have easy access to be able to charge your smart watch when you're out in the field instead I maintain you know what time it is and make sure you can bug ever the people and find out what time it is but it is easier just to have your own cheap digital watch they're fairly cheap and it's a good thing to have especially with the army you have to be on time there's no such thing as being on time really there's either your early or your late there's no being on time so that simple digital watch really helped you out so let's jump into the next one at number five and that is having a pin and a notepad this is very important in some cases a lot of people consider this as part of your uniform to have a pin and something to write on so you're gonna have to have this usually it's a form of a smaller notepad this may be kept in one of the pockets on your sleeves or in your pocket itself in the cargo pocket maybe not always the cargo pocket sometimes they might get a little bit bulky in there depending how large the notepad is but usually have these small ones that just easily fit into the little side pouches of the of the uniform and then a pin you have little slots a little like a little pockets on the sleeve of the uniform to actually insert a pin or you're gonna simply put your pocket but you got to have those items on you especially like you'll be doing things like maybe a briefing maybe a class or something like that and there's gonna be someone some leadership individual that's gonna be like hey why don't you have a pen notepad out taking notes where's your guys's pen where's your notepad we're something to write on right and it's key to have that on you sometimes it'll inspect for it you know it's a very important thing to be able to have you always want to have something to write on some people nowadays try to use technology and they want to use their phone to be able to take your notes on and that's pretty cool and all but that's not really the standard of the army of how they want to do things they want you physically write it down because you know you know they don't know maybe you're that you're taking notes on your phone they think you're texting you're you're doing something else so they don't want you whipping out your phone to take notes on write you're gonna want to use a notepad and a pen some people get a little high speed they have like these waterproof kind of cool notepads and those are okay too because especially like if it's out raining you're out working you'll want your notes getting ruined I found sometimes it's kind of a pain to try to write on that paper sometimes but not always this guy gets depends on the quality of that waterproof paper I guess so that can be also an option to of getting that waterproof notepad or just a regular notepad however you kind of want to do it but it's good to have that you're gonna probably be required in most cases someone's gonna want to check that you have a pen and a notepad now with these five items that I just kind of covered keep in mind not all of these apply for individuals that are in basic trainer AIT ie a cell phone you're gonna get that confiscate you're gonna get a chance to use that once in a great while often it just kind of depends on the leadership sometimes a car you are not going to be able to have while you're in basic training some AI keys will allow you to have it some of those longer ones sometimes but for a lot of the shorter ones ten weeks five weeks whatever they're definitely not gonna let you have a car a multi-tool little iffy definitely most likely not during basic training maybe during AIT a digital watch is good to have you will probably be allowed to have that invasive training or an AIT sometimes they have different restrictions like it must have like a little cover over the the face of the watch or there has to be like a solid color watch there's some kind of different standards usually at the base of training as far as what kind of digital watch you can have you're not really have a smart watch definitely for sure basic training you might get a little bit of leeway in AIT but you know it's good to have that digital watch basic training AIT you are gonna be allowed to have like a pen and a notepad in fact it's probably gonna be something you'll be required to carry around with you so just keep those in mind you know some of these do apply to maybe you can use some of these in AIT or basic training but for the most part I'm talking about your actual duty station once you were done with training now there could be more than just these five things that I highlighted in this video these are just ones that I thought of that I wanted to kind of highlight now if you have something that you feel that is maybe a good requirement to have on you if you are currently in the army maybe a veteran or whatever the case might be leave some comments down below in the comment section let me know what you suggest that are may be must-haves maybe even still kind of using the term loosely of using the word must but still what are some must-haves in your eyes to have while you're in the Army now if you have a question as far as maybe there's an item you think that maybe would be important to have while you're in the Army or you want to know about if it was something good to have then leave those comments down below in the comment section I'll do my best to answer the questions that I can and maybe some my viewers will be able help me out and answer your questions as well if you enjoyed that video slap a like on it check out some recommended videos links down in the description to Armed Forces mobile as well as my social media patreon and much more I'm Christopher chaos thanks for watching I'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Christopher Chaos
Views: 69,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 Must have items in the Army, must have items in the army, must have in the army, things you need in the army, having a car in the army, having a cell phone in the army, things you must have in the army, do you need a car in the military, do you need a car in the army, what do i need in the army, what do i need to get in the army, christopher chaos, explaining the army, what is the army like
Id: yfGkCJv2KIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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