5 ways to physically prepare for basic training

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if you're planning on going into the United States Army stick around because in this video I'm talking about five ways you can prepare yourself physically for basic training or even oh sit what's up friends welcome to an all new video on US Army veteran Christopher chaos and in this one I'm talking about five ways that you could possibly train and prepare yourself for basic training or even oh sit now obviously there's probably more than five ways that you could possibly prepare yourself for basic training or even oh sit but these are five that I could think of right off the top of my head and once it might help you out because when I went to basic training I didn't prepare for anything and it made it a little bit rougher but hopefully if you prepare yourself properly it'll make it that much easier in no particular order let's just start off with the first one that I've got in my list now first one on my list is running and sprinting there's a lot of things you're gonna do in basic training that are cardio based you're gonna do just simply runs and sprints but a lot of other things will really test you in that cardio aspect you're gonna be getting what's called smoked you know you're gonna just for no reason have to do a bunch of push-ups sit-ups you know whatever doing some kind of crazy creative things that the drill sergeants think of that is going to be you know something that you need a good cardio for to be able to keep up because if you fall behind then you're going to draw attention to yourself and that makes things worse but to also be able to ensure that you are able to pass like the run portion of the physical fitness test to just be able to keep up when you're doing the runs for physical fitness in the morning it is good to prepare yourself by doing runs doing sprints the Sprint's will really help you out especially with your lungs for the cardio and everything but if you just practice doing running your get fluent at it you know your going for two mile three mile for mile five mile runs doing some sprints here and there it'll help condition your body so when you go face training and you start doing those Sprint's those runs or those smoke sessions hopefully your cardio will be on par to keep up next up let's move to the second one I have on my list and then is going to be do upper body workouts and I'm not talking about hitting the gym and you know bench pressing and do all these curls and all the stuff I mean sure that's somewhat helpful but some people get too wrapped around just simply doing the bench press and doing these curls and getting really buff or whatever and thinking that's going to help them you need to be doing things like push-ups pull-ups any kind of real upper body workouts that are gonna help you with those push-up sections now there's a good chance that if you're going to base your training any time soon you might be doing the new army combat fitness test which it doesn't have the normal two-mile run the push-ups in the sit-up section you have these other kind of different categories you have to you know kind of utilize but if you kind of prepare yourself with things like being able to do push-ups and pull-ups even though polls aren't on there it'll still help condition your body people to do some of the events you're gonna have to do if you're simply just hitting the weights really hard doing bench pressing and all that kind of craziness sure it'll make you kind of strong but it still doesn't really condition your body in the same way as doing a lot of push-ups and pull-ups and certain other workouts that will kind of help prepare you for and compared to just simply just bench pressing a lot of weight next on my list coming in at number three is going to be hiking or doing some Road marches you're doing things like road marching in the Army or in basic training and oh sit and it's good to you know kind of prepare yourself you know put a bag on your back put some weight in there maybe a 35 pounds 40 pounds 50 pounds whatever you kind of want to do to help condition your body typically you're probably working with 35 pounds maybe more especially like if you're doing oh sit then they might get a little crazy sometimes with oh sit and have a lot more weight but if you kind of do these hiking little excursions or just a road march around the area for you know 12 miles five miles whatever to kind of prepare yourself for walking you know and maybe in boots with a bag on your back it'll help you condition your body for when you have new road marches in the army it's not necessarily like a requirement there are sometimes like an OSA that they will require you to do a type of road march in a certain amount of time in normal basic training is just something you might do quite often to road march to a training event or to a field exercise and you again don't want to be that person that's falling back because that draws attention to yourself and just makes things worse for you so you want to be able to keep up with everybody else and you want to be able to excel and be able to do well when you're doing these road marches and be able to you know handle having the weight on your back and Road marching up to you know twelve miles 15 miles you know like I said osa sometimes get pretty crazy with the distance regular basic training you might not be doing more than twelve you might be doing some more like only like eight or ten maybe twelve in some cases it just kind of depends on how they kind of have their outline for their basic training and even mix it up a little bit because when you're doing these Road marches you're gonna sometimes be in full gear sometimes you have body vest on sometimes you just have the lve on you're gonna have your helmet on the Kevlar you're gonna have a rucksack on with some weight inside of it and possibly either a real weapon or a dummy weapon this is a rubber weapon so maybe even mix it up a little bit and carry something in your hand you don't necessarily walk around with like a rifle but maybe something like a I don't know some kind of object that you can kind of simulate carrying a rifle around with or even just something a little bit of weight maybe you're just carrying around you know some kind of pole that's got some weight to it I don't know you know something to kind of help you kind of condition your body to be able to walk without needing to use your hands and using some ski poles if you're trying to do that or whatever the case might be next up coming in at number four on my list is diet because your diet is a central part of your physical fitness your conditioning to be ready for basic training some of this may be easier for some people harder for others it just kind of depends on you as an individual whether it's to lose weight to maintain weight or just simply break some habits because especially people who like to rely on being able to have like cheeseburgers from McDonald's or a lot of sugar or whatever maybe you're addicted to caffeine because you drink a lot of coffee or sodas or whatever you kind of got to condition your body ahead of time before basic training because you're not gonna have access to all that stuff like you may have when you're not in the army you're gonna be kind of restricted on what you eat in the chow hall they have like the main line and the short order short order is kind of like fast food whereas pizza and burgers where main line is your more healthier food like meatloaf or spaghetti or something else that's somewhat healthy kind of a thing so that's what your me stuck to is that main line food some basic trainings might let you get to the short order maybe after you've completed your main your final PT test or whatever you can go get those burgers and then pizza and all that stuff but for the majority of that time while you're in basic training pretty much stuck with the healthy food so for some of you this may be easy because maybe you already have a pretty healthy diet they do now for others if you are someone who has a lot of fast food or whatever drinks a lot of coffee a lot of sugary type of stuff then you might have to get a condition your body a little bit better to prepare yourself for basic training and the fifth and last thing I have on my list is conditioning yourself for early mornings and this is important because you will have very early mornings sometimes that you're gonna get up early you're gonna go do physical fitness you're gonna go do some training and then there's also times when you're gonna get up super early to do physical fitness and then just sit in a classroom and you do not want to fall asleep while you're in that classroom this is during basic training and O's that you're gonna be doing maybe some first aid classes maybe some classes on you know how to take apart a weapon or maybe even something as simple as just some kind of anti sexual harassment type of class and these are not the classes you want to end up falling asleep because you had a really hardcore workout in the morning for PT or Road March or whatever and then now you're stuck in a classroom and sometimes people fall asleep and that does not look good again it goes back to it draws attention to yourself and just makes things worse so maybe try to you know prior to going to basic training condition yourself or getting up really early doing some kind of workout and then being able to fight the sleep so you're not falling asleep when you have those really slow days of doing a workout and then just sit in a class not all the time is gonna be like that in basic training there's many times we're gonna do you know wake up early early more in the morning do some kind of physical fitness and then go do training out somewhere so whether it's weapon qualification or whatever it might be but there are some days that are just classroom days and those days are the days that really kick some people's butts because they're not used to getting up super early in the morning doing that hardcore workout that early in the morning and then just sitting down in a classroom for a couple of hours and then end up falling asleep we're kind of not in their heads and that ends up you know gaining the attention of the drill sergeants and really looking bad so maybe just kind of used to it you know get yourself up out of bed you know super early in the morning 3:00 4:00 in the morning go do some kind of workout and then go to work or whatever it is you're doing go to school or whatever and kind of help acclimate your body a little bit somewhat for basic trainings to help hopefully it'll be a little easier to stay awake when you have those really boring days like that so those are five that I came up with off the top of my head there's probably several more so there's not things I'm forgetting there's just things I'm leaving out because I only wanted to cover five I didn't want to make a top 20 video kind of a thing but if you have some good ones that you can think of maybe you went to basic training recently or even in the past and you have some good advice for some of those future soldiers make sure leave some comments down below as to what things you can think of they would physically help prepare someone who is going to be going to basic training or even oh sit you enjoyed this video you found it helpful make sure to hit that thumbs up down in the comment section I do have some links to social media appeal box as well thanks so much for watching I'm Christian for chaos and I'll see you next time see it
Channel: Christopher Chaos
Views: 106,331
Rating: 4.9635825 out of 5
Keywords: 5 ways to physically prepare for basic training, army, military, fitness, training, army basic training, prepare for basic training workout, best workouts to prepare for basic training, workouts to prepare for army basic training, military workout to prepare for basic training, workout plan to prepare for army basic training, tips to prepare for basic training, tips to prepare for army basic training, christopher chaos
Id: z5fGVB48PBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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