5 Tips Before Starting Hardmode - FF7 Rebirth

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what's up guys celester here again bringing you another guide this time it's a guide in prep for hard mode if some of you guys aren't there yet this will make it slightly easier and it will make your hard mode run fairly quick as well so basically just to preface this when I did hard mode I ran through it in about 6 hours which is kind of crazy considering how big this game is so I'm going to show you a few tips and I'm going to explain kind of what equipment you need and what things you want to avoid doing in this so let's let's get right into it so the first thing we want to get before we start hard mode is the geni armor so you can make the gloves the earrings and the ring this is pretty much like very very endgame content if you've done like easy mode or normal mode and you've done all of the pro Relic stuff and you've done Gilgamesh and to craft these is not actually too hard so you get the items from hard mode but what I did was I just reloaded one of the chapters on hard mode and then just jumped to those enemies and beat the enemies so things like qule the marble tentacle the other items that you need they're all from just the area boss so you know how when you've done all of the enemies in the area then basically you get the big area boss like the jabber walk or the the maloro or quol they are the ones that give you these items and on hard mode they're not actually too much more difficult than their normal counterparts as long as you know how to kill them normally so I jumped into that and got these items much quicker so you got the zoo and the retched robe from King tanbury as well but pretty easy enemies to kill and the pirate jet some is actually from the part that you saw at the very start there so you go around after you've done all the quests so this is basically like very very endgame stuff like I said you should have done everything at this point done all the quests all the side quests all that sort of stuff and you should have the compass from doing the the Legendary Pirate thing which allows you to find pirate Jets some so I'll show you how that actually works here so when you see this on the C this is one of the pirate Jets there is a very limited amount of these I think I actually managed to get maybe get like 16 or 18 the entire playr and it allows you to craft certain items like the the Genji armor so that's kind of how this works the Genji armor is very good you have the Genji gloves which give you break damage limit so any character that wears that as we've seen in my other videos you can break the 9999 damage limit and you will do damage with magic builds and things like that so you want to make sure you have that for the hard mode play through cuz it will make it 10 times easier okay so the next item you'll want for your hard mode playr just to make it a little bit easier is the G damarun this is the item you get for defeating the rulers of the outer worlds I know that's also very hard to do but what I did when I first played through this like I said I did everything every side quest every VR Mission all of that without getting any any folios apart from the ones for killing like quac and stuff in hard mode and I managed to do the rulers of the art worlds and there's a lot of videos on my channel that kind of show off how to well there's two but there will be more how to show off how to beat them pretty easily but once you have this this makes hard mode a thousand times easier because every battle you jump into you've got a free limit break that you can just fire off and do mad damage also it does actually factor into some other things I'm going to show you in this little hard mode guide tutorial thing which allows you to couple it with other things which make a crazy build which I'm pretty sure I touched on in some of my other videos for some of the VR trials but basically make sure you have this for Hard Mode cuz it's a very good item so next tip for starting hard mode is make sure you craft the enhanced Expeditionary Medal this actually works hand in hand with the got of daming which allows you to siphon limits from other characters so the way this works is this increases your level of your limit to maximum at the start of the fight and for those of you who don't know A's third level limit actually gives limit to other characters and in conjunction with the got damang this makes for some pretty broken battles so for the most part when I didn't actually have the broken wind build during my hard mode playr I just used this and it allowed me to blast through a bunch of bosses without really having much material equipped so I will show you kind of how it works with the got of damang and how the limit siphon mechanic works I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in a previous video about kind of sending limits to other characters you can also increase the limit level of your other characters but usually you have to do like the Synergy abilities to get them up so if you have someone like aith and Tifa or aith and Barrett and Cloud I believe you can usually increase the limit pretty quickly for cloud and have him have finish and touch but will kind of show you how the limit siphon ability works so starting off on the Titan fight just so you guys can see this so Cloud will start with a limit cuz he has the got a damong equipped and aith has the Expeditionary Medal equipped so she's going to siphon Cloud's limit right now and she has her level three limit which gives limit to everybody else so now once her animation goes off give it a second cuz it's a very long animation they now have their limits so then what aith can do is she can build up another bar of ATB siphon the limit from one of the people and the other person can use their limit which is actually kind of crazy that you can just rinse and repeat this so at this point what you would do is if you're having a longer fight usually you would use a Synergy ability to level up one of your characters limits so they have level two or level three limit and then they can use their more powerful limits constantly because aith will just absorb the limit from the other character and then the one character can just keep blasting their limit and it's it's pretty NY how much damage you can do by doing this I will actually show you a video of me doing certain challenges with this cuz it's actually a pretty broken mechanic I was going to use it for the rulers of the outer worlds but I found it was just a little bit too slow but yeah that's kind of how it works so you have the limit siphon ability material you have the got daming on and you also have the Expeditionary Medal on aith she will siphon Cloud's limit cuz he has it right away and then just start casting limit on everybody else easy as that and like I said in hard mode this is a godsend doesn't really work near the end of the game as you probably know but for the most part you can use [Music] it so this tip might seem kind of self-explanatory but you want to make sure you have all of your material maxed out as far as possible if you don't really use certain material I wouldn't recommend maxing out but for the most part what I did was I just went into the coliseum in the gold saucer like this did this way which is actually up as a video on my channel someone actually mentioned it's probably best to not kill the last person but it's really tricky to not kill all the enemies when you do it this way and then when you get to the next round all you do is quit and restart but yeah you want as much material as you have maxed out because what happened to me when I was playing through hard mode was I was getting really really annoyed with the fact that I had to keep swapping material between characters so I I had a specific build that I really liked on all three of my characters but every time you go to the next chapter or something happens in the game The Game's like okay so now you're playing Tifa now and now you're playing aith now you're playing K Sith now you're playing Barett ith and K Sith now you're playing as red and Barrett and it gets very annoying swapping material between people so if you have a bunch of material maxed out you can just give every character a decent set of material and just leave them like that because it will get very frustrating swapping material between characters you can make a pretty decent build with what material you have in the game cuz you have multiples of wind fire ice you have a lot of things like the imic efficiency material you only have one swift cast so you can only really give that to one person but there's a lot of HP MP plus things like that as long as they're all maxed out you don't really need to worry about your other characters when I actually got to the end of hard mode the thing that happened to me was a lot of my characters didn't have material so I was fighting the last boss on hard mode with no material because I was trying to keep special characters with certain builds so don't do that so that's why I'm making these tips because I want you guys to have the smoothest ride as possible and maxing out all the material as much as it maybe takes like an hour or two it's best to get it done there is other methods for farming the material but if you've only got a few to level up this is probably the most efficient method because I had only the large ones left to do like Swift cast and things like that and those are usually the ones you want to max out in the arena it does work for other materal as well but obviously you only have two characters here and if you're going to max out as much materal as possible there probably are better methods but to be fair I maxed out my material in a couple hours by just doing this method put putting on a couple YouTube videos and just blasting away this repeating the same process hopefully it does help okay and for the last tip do not reset your quest therea so I cannot stress this enough when you jump into hard mode just make sure that all your quest data is the same so when you go to chapter one retain the current Quest completion data this will make your run so much faster like I completed hard mode in six hours by doing this if you want to complete the quest later on you can just jump back into chapter 12 where you've got all the characters and just restore the previous completed Quest data which is what I'm doing so I'm going and getting all the manuscripts that I missed because there's a few from Hard Mode specific quests from the actual like side quests but to actually blast through the game just retain your current Quest data cuz then what will happen is anytime that you're about to go to a certain area and you've got a main quest to do and usually there would be like a small side quest that you'd have to do in order to to trigger the main quest to go forward like for example picking up the the greens for Billy and things like that and it skips most of this and as an added point the same thing with Zach where if you go into the system and go to extra settings you can actually turn off his Parts as well so you can skip his world apart scenarios so you don't actually need to go through that either so it makes the game thousand times quicker you just skip all the cut scenes and you're able to go through the game in a decent amount of hours compared to what you would normally and then you can do all the hard mode stuff afterwards and that's it for my five hard mode tip guys if you like this video let me know in the comments below leave a like share the video and also subscribe if you haven't already cuz I am doing a bunch of these videos I'm probably going to do some boss videos for Hard Mode as well but I just wanted to get a five tips out there because these actually really helped me when I was playing through the the hard mode version and hard mode compared to the VR Missions is super super easy so if you're like me and you did all the VR Missions before going into it hard mode is a breeze but hopefully it's been helpful you guys have a great day and I will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Solestro
Views: 60,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hard mode, tips, ff7 rebirth, gotterdamerung, expeditionary medal
Id: iwcv2SegqMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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