7 Biggest Story Changes in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

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[Music] an exciting turn of events indeed Final Fantasy 7 rebirth continues the work of its predecessor which means it not only recreates the original 1997 classic with modern graphics and gameplay but it also makes substantial changes to the story interestingly rebirth isn't quite as radical as Final Fantasy 7 remake was and for much of its runtime is a mostly faithful adaptation of what you remember but the closer you get to the end the bigger the rewrites become come ahead lies the seven biggest changes which naturally means huge spoilers for Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and the original game watch on at your own risk just as worlds unite so too do they part in the original Final Fantasy 7 the black Materia is a mysterious ancient magical orb that's capable of summoning meteor a space fairing rock that can destroy planets very little is known of its origin but its destructive powers are revealed in a mural when the party visits the Temple of the Ancients rebirth partly reimagines the black Materia giving it a full origin story it was created by the ghee the undead tribe that haunts the tunnels beneath Cosmo Canyon in a brand new sequence for rebirth the leader of the tribe G attack takes you to his village where it is revealed that the ghee have been living in a Restless Purgatory for centuries the ghee cannot rest until our sacred treasure has been restored to us in the world of Final Fantasy 7 your spirit is created by the life stream and returns to it when you die unfortunately for them the ghee are not born of the LIF stream it's never explained where they originally came from but their Outsider status means they cannot return to the life stream and thus are trapped as ghosts for eternity in an effort to release them from their curse the ghee developed a Materia that turned black with pain and spite they plan to use it to summon a meta that would obliterate both themselves and the planet that held them hostage in short absolute nothingness is better than a tortured eternity of undeath only you can end our torment before the ghee could use the black Materia arif's ancestors the cetra stole it and locked it away in the temple of the Ancients ginak asks cloud and his friends to retrieve the black Materia for him and while they agree to his request they only do so in the aim of keeping it away from both the ghee and sephar off whatever that Materia is we can't let them have it no matter how much they want it rebirth introduces four new characters to the party yui Kate CF Sid high wind and Vincent Valentine if you've played the original only Kate CF will be introduced in the same way you remember this time around yui is not randomly found wondering the world's forests instead she washes up on the beach at junon Harbor with her early moments replacing the CPR scenes with Priscilla from the original game yui made her way to junon with the aim of assassinating Rufus shimra and her attempts to do so happens as part of rufus's military parade stop Sid is also met in an entirely different part of the world in the original game he's recruited from his home in rocket town where a disagreement with shimra turns into an explosive Escape but in rebirth the party never goes to rocket town instead Sid is depicted as a pilot for hire happy trails to you summoned by sending up a smoke signal at gongaga Airfield Sid's initial role is as a fast travel system flying you from location to location in the tiny Bronco later he pledges himself to the party after revealing that he once met A's biological mother Ilana upset to learn that she died Sid agrees to help Arif in any way she needs so when you're ready I'll be here finally we have Vincent who does still remain locked in the shimra Mansion basement but is this time met when the party seeks out a computer terminal that will reveal the location of the Temple of the Ancients Vincent agrees to help but when the group stumbles across Professor hojo's old reunion and lab equipment he forcibly steps in to stop them I don't recall giving you permission to go in there and by forcibly I mean he transforms into Golian Beast the werewolflike monster that was his limit break in the original game after being defeated Vincent is convinced to tag along with the party because of his past association with SEO and shimra you said that SEO is your foe I have a history with him unfinished business throughout the game visions of sephar off try to convince Cloud that Tifa is an impostor this all comes to a head at gongaga reactor where a tormented Cloud lashes out at Tifa believing that she is a manifestation of goova he tries to kill her but Tia manages to dodge backwards and escape the reach of his sword while Tifa survives Cloud's attempt on her life she instead falls into the reactor's lake of liquid Maco she's then swallowed whole by a weapon one of the whike Protectors of the planet trapped inside the weapon's huge material likee belly she watches as it swims through the Liv stream on the journey she experiences Visions from the past including memories of her childhood conversation with Cloud where she made him promise to save her this is all very similar to a sequence from the original game but it took place much later when Cloud was recovering in medal the sequence ends with Tifa watching a vision of sephar off guiding cloud away from her foreshadowing the villain's grip over her friend the weapon eventually res surfaces at gongaga reactor and surrounded by Whispers releases Tifa the suggestion is that much like when Barrett was killed and resurrected by Whispers in Final Fantasy 7 remake it's not tifa's time to go yet hey Tifa stay with us in the original Final Fantasy 7 Arif had no idea of the death that awaited her at the Forgotten Capital but in Final Fantasy 7 remake it was suggested that arth was able to see the future rebirth reinforces this and reveals that red 13 also had the ability to see the future too provided you take him on a date at the Gold sorcer however since leaving midgar both red 13 and aiff have lost their ability to see what's ahead whatever we had I think the whisperers took it from us when we left H seems Arbiters of Fate can do whatever they want but how could arith and red 13 see the future and why can't they now the answer seems to be aiff's white materia in the original game this special orb was used to summon holy a protective magic that can defend the entire planet in rebirth red 13 explains that Materia is formed of knowledge and memories and so it seems that the white materia is the vessel for aiff's visions of the future red 13 was presumably also able to tap into those Visions perhaps as a result of the time he spent at the spiritual Retreats of Cosmo Canyon the problem is that by the events of rebirth the white materia is no longer white it's colorless and empty the memories are gone and thus so is the power to call Holy those memories were taken by The Whispers last year Square Enix confirmed that each time the Whispers touched aiim remake they stole away another memory by the time the whisper Harbinger had been defeated every one of her future memories had been taken away leaving her none the wiser of her fate in rebirths Final Chapter cloud is taken to a new reality where he meets an alternative version of Arif who has her own working white materia she tells him whatever happens don't blame yourself clearly demonstrating that this arith also knows of her fate thanks to her material here take it she gives her orb to cloud and sends him back to his reality allowing him to reunite his aith with a working white materia those future memories and the power to call Holy seph's plan in the original game was to ascend to godhood Via absorbing the Liv stream while he still seems pretty set on that Ascension in the remake Trilogy rebirth reveals that his master plan also involves Conquering the Multiverse via something called reunion reunion is not a new thing for Final Fantasy 7 fans but in the original game it referred to the reunion of Genova cells in rebirth it refers to sephar off orchestrating the convergence of many different worlds or realities he calls this a homecoming and when it begins he says their joining is a Confluence of Worlds and emotions it seems then that the mass collection of both realities And the emotions of those who live within them is important to seph's overall plan and since he still wants the black Materia it seems pretty obvious that mass destruction of not just one world but many is on his bucket list at last the time has come in the original Final Fantasy 7 Arif was killed by sephra at the Forgotten Capital however the final cut scene implied that her spirit lived on in the Life stream and that she was able to protect the planet from metor from there this idea has been kept for rebirth but it is presented in a very different way Arif still dies by seph's sword but her spiritual form lives on and can directly communicate with Cloud although though sadly the rest of the party are unaware of her presence in the final cut scene Arif promises Cloud that she will stop the meteor a clear nod to the original games finale I'll put everything I've got into my prayers I'll stop the meteor while aiff's fate is only somewhat different to the original games version what we see of Zach is very different he outright died in the original of course but the creation of multiple realities in the remake Trilogy means that Zach lives on in different worlds of the multiv we actually see multiple different versions of Zach across rebirth in Worlds separate from the main reality Our Heroes live in at the very end of the game though the Zach that fights in the final battle Ponders on something seph told him that worlds unite and part he wonders if that means that worlds can reunite a second time the implication or at least the hope is that Zach's reality will Unite with a world where he can live happily with alternate versions of Arif and Cloud as the ones in his reality appear to be terminally sick so this is it huh time to say goodbye for now the original version of Final Fantasy 7 briefly established that yui's home of wuai was once at war with shimra the Remake Trilogy is expanded on that and it becomes a notable secondary plot point in rebirth there's currently a ceasefire Arrangement between wuai and shimra but Glenn L Brock a former soldier who defected to wuai is attempting to stoke the fires of War again and Destroy both shimra and midgar in a public address he claims that shimra has massacred wuai soldiers a situation he almost certainly engineered to increase tensions and also falsely blames the emergence of the weapons on the company we are ready to march in the finale it is revealed that Glenn is actually a puppet of sephra and that the attempts to reignite the shimra versus wuai war is a ploy to distract ruus seph does not speak plainly about why he's doing this but he does say our Promised Land will become a reality based on this it's logical to assume he's trying to divert rufus's attention away from his goal of discovering the promised land in the original Final Fantasy 7 sephar sought the promised land as it was a place where he could absorb the mass amounts of Maco energy required to use the black Materia and cast meteor meanwhile the late president shimra hoped to find it and use its energy to build Neo midgar we know rebirths version of Rufus still hopes to complete his father's work and it makes sense that this version of sephar off still requires the energy thus if is distracted by a war with wuai then seph can more easily beat him in the race to the promised land how very astute and those are the seven biggest changes rebirth makes to Final Fantasy 7 story for more check out our Final Fantasy 7 rebirth review as well as our breakdown of how long it takes to complete it and for everything else stick with IGN
Channel: IGN
Views: 242,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, PS5, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ending, FF7 rebirth ending, final fantasy 7 ending explained, Rebirth ending explained, does Aerith die in rebirth?, Aerith Rebirth, FF7 Rebirth story differences, 1997 vs Rebirth, FF7 Rebirth Changes, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Changes, FF7 Rebirth Story, FF7 Rebirth Story Changes, FF7 Rebirth Combat Changes, Gaming, IGN, FF7 Rebirth Aerith, FF7 Rebirth Aerith Death, Aerith Death
Id: L4A-2lvVQIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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