Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: The Ultimate Weapons Guide

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[Music] acquiring new weapons within most games is always a fun activity because it almost always means that your playable characters have the potential to improve somehow and just as it was within the Final Fantasy 7 remake the same is true within Final Fantasy 7 rebirth each character has seven weapons in total and six of them can be acquired through various means as you play through the game now what's intriguing within this particular system is that the acquisition of new weapons does not necessarily make the older weapons redundant just because a weapon is acquired early on in the game that doesn't mean it will be useless late game you will of course want to switch around and learn each weapon's unique ability but as the game progresses each weapon will be enhanced relative to the others let's use Cloud's Buster sword as an example this is the first weapon you will gain access to at the start of the game and its stats aren't all that impressive at the time but what's important however is not so much the stats but the ratio between physical and magical damage because as the weapon upgrades and the stats improve the ratio stays the same this means that when cloud has a weapon level of three the bust sword has 37 physical damage and 37 magical damage by weapon level eight these attributes have each increased by almost 200% but the ratio remains identical based on this even though there are no set roles for each character basic stats and mechanics do promote certain styles of Play It means that Tifa for example is predisposed to being a physical damage dealer but even within that framework weapons can be used to skew a character's application and this is because some weapons favor physical damage and others favor magical damage that's not to say there aren't differences however and certain characters even receive more attribute bonuses from their weapons than others Kate Sith for example receives the highest boost on average whereas Barrett receives the least weapons can also be modified to suit different play styles by using the weapon upgrade system this does not function the same way in rebirth as it did in remake it's now much simpler with a finite number of skills able to be assigned to each weapon and although this may seem restrictive at the start of the game as each weapon only has one assignable skill slot by the time you're getting towards the end game and looking towards hard mode there's a lot more Choice available the same also applies to material slots there are subtle differences between the weapons but as they upgrade so too to the number of available slots and how they link together but that's enough Preamble let's take a granular look at how each of the weapons stack up for each character and what better place to start than with Cloud as mentioned earlier in the video Cloud starts with the bust sword and this provides clear balance as its physical and magical damage amplification is identical however each of Cloud's weapons offers something quite unique and this comes via stack growth or weapon skills most of the weapons offer similar balance to the Buster sword although the majority have a ratio that favors magical damage but the overall power does also differ in terms of raw attributes the slipstream saber which is the final weapon acquired by a cloud is the winner here it holds a marginal increase over the Crystal Sword and the Run Blade but of offers almost 25% more attribute points compared to the umbrell blade that's where things get interesting though as each weapon offers a unique combination of weapon skills and although the umbrell blade offers lower offensive attributes that makes sense as its strength lies in its defensive capabilities sometimes especially on hard battles are a war of attrition and Cloud needs to have his survivability enhanced that's where the umbrell blade shines not least because it's one of only two weapons available to Cloud to feature the repri skill if Cloud should fall in combat this means he'll be revived for free once per battle alongside this the umbral blade also features a suite of defensive skills including formidable counter defense plus 50 limit gauge guard and blood sucker and it's for this reason that even though it may look like the worst weapon in terms of Stack growth it's arguably Cloud's most effective weapon for those who are looking for more Extremes in terms of damage dealing though well there's the r blade and the IGN saber the ignas saber offers by far the most physical damage at the cost of offering by far the worst magical damage this then leans into how cloud is intended to be played something that is demonstrated with the room blade as although it offers the same magical damage as the IGN saber offers physical its opposite stat isn't anywhere near as low when focusing on weapon skills cloud has more potential options than any other character with 33 unique skills appearing across the seven weapons the most common attribute base skill is Magic attack power plus 20 which can be found on five of the seven weapons while the most common gameplay related skill is unrelenting Punisher this can be found on three out of the seven weapons with Sleek saber even enabling the player to double up and select the same skill twice whereas cloud has weapons that offer a fairly even balance between physical and magical damage Tifa is firmly in the physical damage camp and in terms of raw physical power the Kaiser Knuckles win by a landslide this particular weapon offers over 25% more physical damage than any of tifa's other weapons and a much higher physical to Magic damage ratio than any other weapon in the game this is all the more impressive as six of T is seven weapons prioritize physical damage with the outlier here being the crystal gloves so if you want to turn TF into some kind of Monk Red Mage hybrid then that's your best course of action especially as the weapon skills associated with the crystal gloves even encourage this compared to Cloud Diva has much less variety with weapon skills she only has 25 unique skills compared to Cloud's 33 and what's interesting is that the majority of them are quite generic offering stat boosts or enhanced application of shared gameplay mechanics the most common boost attributes but martial arts Mastery and utterly unbridled strength also feature on three out of the five weapons with a dragon claw perhaps being the best of these for those who want Tifa to be a straight up melee damage Blitzer they offer the second highest physical attack boost with the option to double up on martial arts Mastery and attack power plus 20 while also offering attack damage plus 5% and an increase to 0p charge rate the proposed weapon of choice though is the Jan griper almost every character has a weapon that has the potential to turn them into a damage dealing monster as the skills focus on increasing critical hit rate and critical hit damage for Tifa that's the Y griper and when combined with utterly unbridled strength and ATB charge rate up it can turn her into a wreck machine in rebirth Barrett has the same core gameplay function as in remake but there is one major change whereas remake including melee weapons rebirth does not it means Barett has a much clearer focus and it's perhaps because his toolkit is so potent that wider stat boosts for weapons are lower than any other playable character nonetheless Barrett's weapons do still have a preference towards physical damage however the ratio is nowhere near as severe as with Tifa for those who want to maximize physical damage the high caliber rifle is the best in class whereas those who are wanting to maximize Barrett magical damage should focus on the faf rifle the faf rifle also offers the greatest overall stat boost with the Gatling gun offering similar but in a more well-rounded way in terms of practical application Barrett has 31 unique weapon skills the two most common are attack power plus 20 and Max HP plus 200 they appear on four out of barretts seven weapons weapons and this is very similar to Cloud Anda but where Barrett differs is that heavy emphasis is placed around improving the performance of overcharge Barrett's core ability this means that five abilities relating to improving overcharge appear on three out of Barrett's seven weapons and they can have a notable impact on both how the ability performs but also how they can affect Barrett's wider contribution those who want to prioritize this aspect should focus on the Gatling gun as four of the six overcharge focused abilities are available to players who use that weapon but perhaps the most practical weapon is the battlecry unlike many of Barrett's other weapons this playes heavy emphasis on increasing ATB charge and limit break charge and this then makes Barrett a much more effective fighter as he can use steel skin and Lifesaver to increase survivability on a more regular basis for those more passive players The Barrage Blaster then fulfills a similar but not quite as effective role it offers a 400 increase in maximum HP enhanced physical defense and some extra healing Buffs such as self- recovery plus 25% in remake arith was positioned as the deao Mage able to heal with a high degree of potency and deal incredible damage with offensive spellcasting this notion is retained for rebirth a six out of a s weapons prioritize enhancement to a magical damage the outlier here is the empress's scepter but even with that weapon the ratio is almost one: one between physical and magical damage in terms of raw magical power though the standard weapons here are the ceremonial staff and the Plumrose staff both offer around 20% more magical attack than the Timeless Rod but it comes at a cost the Plumrose star for example places heavy emphasis on AA standard attack with not so fleeting familiar having particular Focus this weapon skill appears three times on the weapon allowing for a huge enhancement to that particular aspect of arth's combat and alongside this it also features enhanced Tempest this then points to something interesting about aith in comparison to the three other characters we've covered so far her most common weapon skills do not relate to attribute boosts enduring Ward appears on five out of ath seven weapons with not so fleeting familiar and spiritual Harvest appearing on four aith also has weapon skills designed to enhance specific Elemental damage with a guard stick even featuring double wind enhancement perfect for squaring off against enemies weak to that specific element simil similar to Cloud aith also has numerous options for the reprieve weapon skill perhaps denoting her importance for party survivability and general sustain and of the two available the gambat is arguably the best option due to it also including the ATB charge rate up skill due to her Dynamic gameplay style yui offers players with quite a few options she's able to deal solid physical damage has strong defensive capabilities and is also a very capable and adaptable Elemental damage dealer it's therefore not tooo surprising to learn that there's a lot of balance with her weapons perhaps more than any other character in the game overall this means yuvi has three weapons with higher physical attributes two with higher magical and two that have complete parity but even when there isn't parity the ratios are nowhere near as severe as with other characters as there's often only minimal bias one way or the other the only major exception here is the crystalline cross which offers double physical damage compared to Magic now similar to Tifa yui has a much smaller array of unique weapon skills with limited focus on enhancing yui's core ability set in this regard only two really stand out shuriken Mastery which is one of the two most common skills seen across yui's weapons and brave Thief emphasis is instead similar to arith with the most common skills relating to enhancing Elemental damage but where things differ is that all of yui's weapons each offer options for Elemental enhancement it's just that the combinations aren't the same Savage dagger for example can enhance wind and Ice damage whereas bird of prey can enhance lightning and ice it means that alongside being adaptable within the actual combat setting there's also a lot of flexibility for players in terms of how they want to set yui up and this makes her a very valuable character for tackling some of the game's harder challenges but in terms of recommendations you can't really go wrong with the fuma shuriken it offers the valuable ATB charge raate up skill but also houses numerous damage enhancing skills while also offering the second highest attributes to ensure red 13 remained quite unique amongst the wider roster of characters the developers created a gameplay style that revolved around soaking up damage and then using that in a positive manner it should come as no surprise then that many of red 13's weapon skills relate to improving the utility of Vengeance with invigorating Vengeance and enduring Vengeance appearing on four out of red 13's seven weapons they also often appear at the same time as shown via the mythal collar renegade's color and Mystic color in general however red 13 favors physical damage with there being a slight bias towards physical stat boost across his aware of weapons this sees four of them focus more on physical damage with a golden collar being the standout weapon in this regard and only two focusing on Magic with the amethyst colar the standout Choice here perhaps because of the defensive qualities associated with red 13 one of the more Curious elements here is that there's no out andout damage dealing Blitz weapon many of the other characters including even aith feature a weapon where the skills are all based around increasing critical hit rate critical hit damage and limit break damage but red 13 doesn't have this explicit option and the only similar skill being limit break damage plus 10% appears on the amethyst color it means that while red 13 does have plenty of Versatility in terms of setup options it needs to come via more organic sources as opposed to inflating damage output via critical boosting based on the way rare 13 plays however then the silver collar or the brisman Garmin are recommended to prioritize as both Place heavy emphasis on increasing Vengeance gauge charge rate and maximizing the use of vengeance is crucial to succeeding when playing as red that then brings us to Kate Sith who is the only Flatout new party member to feature in rebirth as red 13 was a non-playable character in remake and yui was the main protagonist in episode intermission perhaps due to the nature of katees hith where there's a degree of Randomness and chaos to gameplay weapon attributes are also quite extreme this sees Kate Sith have the weapon with the second highest physical attack attribute and the highest magical attack attribute even higher than aith what's also interesting is that perhaps because of this Randomness weapon attributes on Kat's weapons are much higher than every other character and the margin here is quite considerable there's also a considerable bias towards physical attack in this regard the Galah horn is the best option but the tradeoff is quite Extreme as the ratio between phys physical and magical attack is 4: one many of the most common weapon skills for Kate Sith relate to the Mughal and improving its functionality this sees Mughal Sentinel Mughal Vanguard and mugal decoy appearing as the most frequent many of the other weapon skills are designed to enhance specific stats such as improving maximum HP MP recovery and NP but as with the other characters there are plenty of options available resounding megaphone for example is Kate Sith survivability weapon as it offers enhanced guard boost for the mugal and buff enhancement but the more intriguing option is perhaps the golden megaphone as it offers balance stats and boost to limit break and ability damage but this all serves to highlight however that similar to remake the developers have evolved the mechanics to accommodate for a variety of different scenarios while you can perform just fine no matter what weapon you choose and how you set up especially on the easier difficulty options for those who want to dominate and ensure the game's harder challenges are more manageable they will want to look into using specific weapons with purposeful weapon skills applied either way we hope this guide has at least helped you to understand why you might want to favor using certain weapons over others as you play through the game and why this will become especially important as you play through hard and then attempt to tackle The protor Relic side quest and chadley's brutal and legendary VR simulator missions if you have found it useful though please hit that like button and subscribe to the channel and make sure you leave a comment below to let us know which character you're playing as most of the time right now all right everyone with that this is Daryl signing out as always I'd like to give a big thank you to all of our patreon and YouTube members supporters especially Benjamin snow the live stream Gregory Justin dent and Suk and TDK who are super special onion night supporters and of course a big thank you to everyone for watching this video I'll see you all again soon for more Final Fantasy [Music] goodness [Music]
Channel: Final Fantasy Union
Views: 97,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy 7 rebirth weapons, rebirth weapons guide, final fantasy 7 rebirth weapons guide, cloud weapons guide, cloud rebirth weapons guide, tifa weapons guide, tifa rebirth weapons guide, barret weapons guide, barret rebirth weapons guide, aerith weapons guide, aerith rebirth weapons guide, yuffie weapons guide, yuffie rebirth weapons guide, red xiii weapons guide, red xiii rebirth weapons guide, cait sith weapons guide, cait sith rebirth weapons guide
Id: kYWmJJaa8KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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