One Million Dollar Math

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welcome it's Friday that means Cardone zone and I'm here to talk to you about your money your finances your profession your career where you going what you doing today we're gonna be talking about how to set million dollar goals I was reminded this morning after sending out I think the number exactly was 1 million two hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars in distributions this month I might be off by 20 grand 1.2 million I was talking to Johnny the camera guy Johnny good to see you buddy and Johnny said to me I said Johnny you understand we were making this video about our distributions at Cardone capital and I said and he's like man you must be making a lot of money if you sent one point to point one point two million dollars I said no Johnny we didn't make any money off the one point two we collect money from the cash flow of the properties and up to a point we distribute the full amount out to the investors now to the degree that I'm an investor in that deal I get a piece of that like whatever my pieces of that I get that distribution if you were invested you would have got that distribution the reason I'm telling you about that today is because this used to be a goal of mine to make 1 million dollars a year that was my goal when I was 35 years old one day I said to myself one day I said self little g-dog little cheeto one day young man I wrote this over and over and over again I talked to myself in the mirror I'd sit on the toilet say one day one day I'm gonna I'm gonna make a million dollars one day one day and people used to tell me that's crazy dude like why do you think so big this is when people were telling me not to you're like what do you need to do all that why do you just be happy just be a good person okay be happy that you live in America be happy that you have meals and be happy you've got good health and all the things that the people around you that quit on money that quit on financial freedom that quit on possibility that quit on their potential all the things those people will tell you to try to convince you to quit when in reality what they're really trying to do is make sense of why they quit note to self okay last month I distributed 1.2 million dollars to other people okay it's not money I made its money I sent out so it just goes to show you how small I was thinking when I was 35 years old if you are anything like me at all the good the bad the ugly okay you like me you don't like me whatever the deal is okay Francisco loves me okay but some people don't know whether they like me or hate me okay here's the reality whatever you see in me the good or the bad is in you it's all there dude the only reason you see it in me is cause it's in you I am a reflector Bing okay check it out when I was 35 years old I'm trying to make a million dollars a year okay how do I do the math that's $80,000 a month okay almost gets me there that's $20,000 a week I have done this math I was doing it this morning I could show you my notepad right now I'm building a ten billion dollar business right now okay it's right here on the notepad okay ten billion dollars how many millionaires will I make that'll be working for me if I build a $10 ten billion dollar business I'm mapping out how to pay out bonuses to people if I can hit that number sir right so this is 20 thousand a week that's three thousand three thousand eight hundred can y'all do the math on this I think it's three thousand eight hundred bucks a day okay it all because starts becoming real man I got 24 hours in a day I only work twelve of them so you know maybe I can work 24 I'll figure out how to work 24 and then how much is that an hour how much is a 20 grand divide about 30 days 38:33 or something yeah what 20 grand 20 grand a week divided by seven yeah come on man get your game on two eight five seven two eight five seven a day I know my bad two eight five seven divided by 24 there are 24 hours in a day actually there's more than 24 its $119 an hour man look I know people that get give a bad masseuse a bad massage uh okay no happy ending and they earn 119 an hour let's keep it real I know babysitter's that can earn that much money from rich people I know bellman are not bellman but the guys that parked their expensive cars in Miami that are doing $119 in an hour like you guys just got no photographers that make $100 an hour maybe more than $100 an hour copywriters that make more than $100 an hour so there's your million dollars the problem is you're thinking too small okay so whether the numbers 1 million dollars 1 billion dollars is that 1 billion ok whatever the number is you just do the math you got to do the math on the deal right you got to do the math on the deal then you got to ask yourself is the opportunity this is where it gets really juicy where is the opportunity whether it's this the 1 million or the 1 billion or whatever the number is is the opportunity worth doing whatever it takes and whatever it takes doesn't mean you robbed somebody by the way the people the people that robbed somebody kills somebody ripped somebody off they're not doing whatever it takes that's why they took the shortcut whatever it takes means you wouldn't break the law you wouldn't hurt anybody everybody would be better off it would take tremendous creativity to see you know what I'm gonna benefit and I'm a benefit of a lot of other people okay keep in mind last month I distributed 1 million two hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars to our investors to other people these checks went out if you got one please let us know okay some of these checks goddamn it some of these checks were $35 and some of them were 14 grand okay this guy right here says man 35 years only $35 the guy that got the check was happy is a freaking like what would really happy be kid on Christmas day he was like dude that's the first money I've ever earned okay I invested with you in January I'm Jan uary he's like in in February March and this month is we in April right now yeah I got a check for $35 tick just happy as a damn pig in mud some dude saw it on the internet said it's only $35 dude all drips start with something by the way I would rather earn for $35 on passive income then make $350 selling my time listen to me I would rather earn $35 because it's a drip it's a drip now I'm proud because I was able to send these checks out to all these people that know me these aren't people giving me money okay these people invested money with me remember this is Grant Cardone 25 years ago I was like I want to make a million dollars a year I want to make a million dollars a year I want to make a million dollars a year okay I will do I'm traveling all over the place to make a million dollars here this month I paid out 1.2 million dollars what did I do all I did was change my goals throughout the years I added a zero and then I add people people are always involved people are always involved in the opportunity to reach your goals okay you're not going to reach your goals without people being involved it is impossible to attain any goal on this planet without saying I need you take care of these people I need these people to feel good about me for 35 years I have been building relationships with these people confidence in other and mostly confidence in myself to go out and say I can buy a piece of property I trust myself to just I trust myself to pick the right piece of property to manage that piece of property correctly to manage my money correctly so I'm not some Bernie Madoff die in prison dude okay that people talk about for the rest of their lives I want to be a good guy I know you guys want to be a good guy you're in the cardones oh my number is 305 eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight today's message what is the opportunity in front of you is it big enough to warrant you doing whatever it takes if it's not if it's not a game-changer okay see these people right here guy invest five the dollars she's got $5,000 in the bank another guy's got 50 grand in the bank and another guy's got $500,000 okay all three of these people invested money with me this is cliff this is Dave and this is Jennifer okay cliff sent me five grand dude it was his last five grand it was as hard for him to do this is this guy to do that do you understand okay this guy earns I don't know he's gonna earn 300 bucks a year this guy's gonna earn $3,000 a year this guy is gonna earn $30,000 a year but they all had to start with this they all start with $5,000 everybody starts at $5,000 including Jennifer right here she's got a 5 just in another 0 all of them had to make a decision should I keep the money this is where the opportunity comes in you got to think in terms of opportunity costs okay is my money better in the bank or is my money better in an asset that ad that they can grow over time okay do I buy a watch okay do I buy something stupid it is beautiful but it's stupid let's keep it real stupid is as stupid does and that ladies and gentlemen is stupid Patek okay however the reason the way I bought the paddock was because the real estate that I buy not this real estate okay I already distribute to these people the real estate I invested in sent me a little check check I happen to have more than 500 grand invested in that property okay so if I got five million invested in the deal five million based on what everybody else got paid I would earn what a month is that right okay so you know what I can waste I give me like yeah that's kind of stupid I'm sitting with Kayla I'm like should I buy the what should I buy the watch should I better watch I know it's stupid it's crazy I'm not behind the watch this ain't there sittin grant 35 it's 35 years old wanting to become a millionaire right that's what all these rappers are doing and ballplayers are doing these guys make it 5 million dollars a year buying $300,000 watches do not sixty years old I have a billion dollars of real estate producing cash flow every month I had to take my money my cash just like you do I had to take my cash and I worked my ass off for and say I'm gonna move the cash over here get it out of the bank and I'm gonna move it over here into this deal my crossing my fingers just like you have to just like these three people had to I'm gonna cross my fingers hope I did the right thing and whether it's five grand 50 grand or five hundred thousand dollars these people get distributed money every month okay you got to decide what are you going to do to get your financial freedom folks what are you willing to do is the opportunity big enough will it change your life trust me when this becomes 40 grand and then it goes to 50 grand and then he goes to 60 grand and when Jennifer I call Jennifer one day Jennifer I'm sending your five hundred back what do you mean grant I refinance the property everybody's getting their money back and you're gonna keep getting cash flow even though the cash flow will go down now it's gonna go down because she doesn't have any money invested it might even go down to this like ten thousand okay but now she doesn't have any money she got a five hundred grand back no taxes doing that it's crazy dude you guys got to start thinking big I'm telling him it's Friday what do we do on Fridays even when it's Passover I come over whether you on the YouTube of the Facebook are you on the Jimmy Graham post a damn comment because we give money away for people that does the right kind of comments let's talk to a call us my man from Bostonian dude what are you doing to set your goals big enough brother what's going on then let me just first commend you and just acknowledge all the information that you give us it's phenomenal and you know I know you're the topic of the show today is to set goals become a millionaire and I believe that you need a plan to do that so I I currently have fifty thousand dollars invested in Cardone capital oh good did you get a check last night sorry what was that did you get a check last month I did it absolutely $200 Oh beautiful dude not a big deal what are you gonna do with the 200 so I'm gonna I'm gonna save it and probably reinvest it yeah so that's that's where my little dilemma here comes in okay I actually have three thousand dollars left over and I'm I'm wanting to know you should I put that into Cardone capital or buy a deal on my own and being you know in the market that I am it's very tough right now as you know up here the prices are you know you got the winter which I know you don't like yeah yeah what's the first name again spear you later you you can buy you're in Boston right yeah so what you'll be able to buy in Boston if you go like 20 miles outside of Boston you'll better buy one unit absolutely that's something I wouldn't even want anyway right it's one unit and it needs work you know Yona Yona you'll make more money investing your money with me than you'll ever make on your own I promise you yeah I can you personally guarantee you if you show me a deal that you can make more money on with 70 grand then you can make investment with me I'll buy the deal for you and give it to you as a gift so I also have a partner you know he owns two barber shops and he'll be willing to match my 70k yeah I mean a hundred and forty grand yes two units and they need to be fixed okay so one hundred and forty thousand dollars you guys I mean you could do this you could put your hundred forty together you could buy three times that you could buy five twenty now you need to go get a loan how's your credit very good good you can get a loan on this your buddy will probably be able to get a loan on it and then you guys sign on alone put the 140 down finance 380 okay finance the 384 like 30 years they're probably not gonna give you 30 years so because it's a small deal they're probably gonna give you more like 20 years and and and then you got a Wrentham what what's your main job yeah so I'm an engineer a medical device company so I you know I have a full-time job he has a full-time job right yeah so it'd be tough you know and we're gonna have to buy out of our you know vicinity so you know I'm laughter somebody's gotta go collect the rent you know somebody go so so look there there's your debt there's your dead on three eighty so and look I mean somebody would say well wait a minute Nikki he's buying two units they got $140,000 they could actually buy 1 million four hundred thousand dollar deal and put less money down the problem with that because he could probably get this loan and say he's gonna live there okay it's his residence he put one forty down the problem with that now and he's financing 1 million dollars that's gonna cost sixty thousand a year and he's only got two units and the two units will only rent for so much money like is it's like it's like I got to calculator it's like Garrity Gary Vaynerchuk talks about flips and stuff on eBay but dude can you do it every day or flip and stuff on Amazon can you do it every day and can you do it in scale is big enough that it matters right I got a lot more I'm gonna sell my lung or how many landlords you got I could do this forever yeah but how much you make it and he's an engineer he's already making great one so so this is passive income you're getting from me see I would rather personally not sign on the debt earn $200 a month it takes none of your energy you throw your 70 grand with it the 70 grand is going to earn you probably 42 hundred bucks a year it's what I'll be able to distribute to you within 12 months so you're gonna now you're 200 goes to about 600 bucks a month and you're on your way to creating that second stream toward financial freedom okay thanks for the call man appreciate you okay great Jeff the entrepreneur in Connecticut we get so many calls from the Northeast what's going on buddy hey what up right yeah I know you Jeff come on man yeah I know that's what everybody needs to do you need to get known right and you've taught me this grant mm-hmm so I'm glad you're talking millionaire goal you want so the idea the dream not the dream you know the dream arity you remember it's to actually be in the diamond seats for the next tenant that growth kind anybody right now listen if you don't have card on you or arm plan on going 10x growth conference go it'll change your life dude the one thing you know how you said you gotta do something today know what I change oh yeah did you change your underwear dude I changed I changed my table you went from being a teacher so all in on sales I'm selling Georgia window for this great guy Stacy janati who knows you he did 2.7 million last year in sales I want to say to him 10 million and I'm already talking away to scale it for him I bought an Instagram growth company that I'm going to help work on his company I'm gonna go all in on his company and 10x it and hopefully uh hopefully I can get him to come down to the growth town with me you know yeah bro will let me tell you something you're gonna help a lot more people yeah being a Salesman making ten million dollars a year than a teacher making sixty grand exactly nothing even my students all that grant yes even the students I please get out of here this is stupid what you're doing the information you pass on to a stupid the classrooms stupid the desks are stupid the frickin one hour that's really 50 minutes is stupid to school stupid like everything about this deal is stupid like it reeks of stupidity we're gonna change education system yeah you don't need to change though you're never gonna change the education system they just need to put a bullet in the head okay there is no reason for a kid to go sit in a classroom except that the parents don't want the kids to be at home with them it's the only reason for schools in this country okay as the government makes a bunch of money off the schools hey I'm gonna show them this in the class I'm gonna show them to replay this video anything you want to say to my students here for momma hurry up and finish your goddamn finish your homework and get tough go to school go do something for a living man god damn mow a lawn plant some flowers okay sell some lemonade become a drug dealer yeah okay both of them are their money right now yeah yeah I just kidding on the drug dealer thing by the way if you're gonna do that don't use don't use your inventory okay yeah I was kidding on that y'all know I'm kidding on that yeah okay okay I love you man I love you dude I love you good luck to you all right okay he's a diamond he's a diamond he's card on you here's a guy went from being a teacher couldn't talk to anybody teaching kids to make it money okay these are real people folks y'all hear me clown around here on the shows and everything have fun say crazy stuff but look when people start digging into our books card on University investing like there's a billion multi-billion dollar real estate portfolio that I'm going to build over here ten billion dollars desire is the target ten billion dollars and I come to you a Fridays ain't nobody else doing this man playing this kind of game at this level coming to you jack around with you on a Friday and I'm here to just show you like you don't have to be some tight tied up you know God like you don't need to be mr. Belvedere okay and somebody asked me that the other day what kind of suit should I buy just just something looks good man you know you don't have you know you're not going to impress anybody with like your clothes are not gonna be so impressive your car's not gonna be so impressive your watch no matter what it is is not going to impress somebody more than whatever your offer is your offer is what they're gonna pay for not your watch next Austin and the PA bro what's happening man opioids go screams you do as well as the box Rams in following you for a few months now right a bunch of ten acts I try to operate a 10x level every day giving your out to multiple different people to try to get them on board with it as well and I'm just trying to be a millionaire at this point dude just keep doing the man bro just hey just keep doing the math remember with any opportunity Austin with any opportunity you just gotta keep your money yourself of the opportunity see this is the problem I see is a young salesman dude I was like okay i'ma make 80 grand a year it didn't worth it like like like if I make Green a year as a salesman I'm making seven thousand dollars a month and I live in Miami you're not going to do it changes nothing the opportunity has to change your life significantly enough that you're willing to read study dive-in right you add a zero to that right there you had a zero to that 80 now I'm willing to learn every human being is like this by the way every human being on this planet maybe I'm wrong tell me if I'm wrong comment please I had a zero to that you're gonna do stuff that you wouldn't have done just a moment above go okay if I can show you how to how to go from 80,000 to 800,000 all of a sudden your creativity you like I think I just met van Gogh goddamn I got some Madonna coming out of my butt okay whoa whoa whoa I got music in my head like leg ding ding ding ding you're like you because why man because yeah maybe the glass underneath my feet don't hurt so bad right because why because the goal is big enough most people do not have goals that will change their lives therefore they cannot lean into the opportunity hard enough for those of you who own businesses you need to create rings in your business okay so that Natalie can see hey man I can go outside this these I can go outside these rings and there's more opportunity out here for financial freedom or she stays right here and she doesn't resent me she resents her because I keep throwing them out here I'm like hey there's a twenty thousand dollar product you can sell right here there's a five thousand dollar product you can get benefit from here oh by the way there's a million dollars out here if you want to I got employees I guarantee I will make Jarrod glint Jarrod glint will be worth tens of millions of dollars people in the organization are gonna get to see Jarrod hit watch his life change over the next five to ten years rants echo perfect guy God gets cheque for 1.2 million dollars three years after working with me see he goes he starts reaching out to the rings see Ryan sees me here in this 10 billion he's like we talking about another planet now I mean changes I can't build something big and not need people I have to have people I become more and more dependent upon great people loyal people a competent people as I get bigger so that's what you're really looking for opportunity will it change my life when you go work for a company when you guys make a career change go work for somebody that has opportunity that can change lives don't don't go where you're good at a job it doesn't matter if you're good at a job go where there's a vehicle that can take you on a journey you know the you got you guys leave this environment right now you're going to go to some job you're not going to get this every day you're not gonna hear this every day you're not gonna get the stimulation to like what am i doing and but we all need this every day I need it every day man I got it every day I got to be like what's the opportunity man I got to wake up every day what's the opportunity man huh I got two picks up in my eyelids I'm like what is it what's the opportunity man huh what is the opportunity what is the opportunity where is the opportunity [Music] and dude I want to build I have so much opportunity to do so much crazy stuff that I can act like an idiot like like I'm doing deals we signed a one hundred and forty million dollar deal yesterday one hundred and forty million dollars okay and and everybody that I'm doing the deal with knows I'm I have the capacity to be a whack total crazy man some people won't do business with me because of who I am because I'm transparent about who I am okay my name is Grant Cardone hopefully you guys know that already if you're watching the YouTube channel please supposed to comment I want to give $100 to my man Kevin Escobar who posted he's Pablo's nephew Kevin Escobar you need money I know you do knowledge confidence nation action leads2results thank you for your your comment actually he said commit knowledge confidence motivation action leads to results results are waiting for you okay you will get results folks when you're using the right information you're not using right information you're going to get results here too okay I put into computers five times six it will say thirty every time if you're not getting the right answers in life it's because you're putting the wrong data into the calculator are your calculators up okay it should be sending you the eerr message but instead is giving you an answer maybe there's something Jack maybe there's something Jack maybe you got the wrong data mommy mommy influenced you daddy influenced you sister influenced you man I got two sisters man oh they were worried about with me you know you not getting in trouble that's all my sisters don't get in trouble don't get in trouble don't get in trouble every time I went to start a business oh don't get in trouble they were older sisters trying to protect their little brother wrong wrong place to go get advice they're scared of me being on Facebook oh my god you don't you think you're too out there amen go back go away you ain't my little sister you ain't my big sister anymore goddamn dude I look like a little brother to you hey if you liked this video make sure you go watch this video right now I'll see you there welcome it's Friday that means Cardone zone and I'm here to talk to you about your money your finances your profession your career where you going what you doing today we're gonna be talking about how to set million dollar goals I was reminded this morning after sending out I think the number exactly was 1 million two hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars in distributions this month I might be off by 20 grand 1.2 million I was talking to Johnny the camera guy Johnny good to see you buddy and Johnny said to me I said Johnny you understand we were making this video about our distributions at Cardone capital and I said and he's like man you must be making a lot of money if you sent one point to point one point two million dollars I said no Johnny we didn't make any money off the one point two we collect money from the cash flow of the properties and up to a point we distribute the full amount out to the investors now to the degree that I'm an investor in that deal I get a piece of that like whatever my pieces of that I get that distribution if you were invested you would have got that distribution the reason I'm telling you about that today is because this used to be a goal of mine to make 1 million dollars a year that was my goal when I was 35 years old one day I said to myself one day I said self little g-dog a little cheeto one day young man I wrote this over and over and over again I talked to myself in the mirror I'd sit on the toilet and say one day one day I'm gonna I'm gonna make a million dollars one day one day and people used to tell me that's crazy dude like why do you think so big this is when people were telling me not to you're like what do you need to do all that why do you just be happy just be a good person okay be happy that you live in America be happy that you have meals and be happy you've got good health and all the things that the people around you that quit on money that quit on financial freedom that quit on possibility that quit on their potential all the things those people will tell you to try to convince you to quit when in reality what they're really trying to do is make sense of why they quit note to self okay last month I distributed 1.2 million dollars to other people okay it's not money I made its money I sent out so it just goes to show you how small I was thinking when I was 35 years old if you are anything like me at all the good the bad the ugly okay you like me you don't like me whatever the deal is okay Francisco loves me okay but some people don't know whether they like me or hate me okay here's the reality whatever you see in me the good or the bad is in you it's all there dude the only reason you see it in me is cause it's in you I am a reflector Bing okay check it out when I was 35 years old I'm trying to make a million dollars a year okay how do I do the math that's $80,000 a month okay almost gets me there that's $20,000 a week I have done this math I was doing it this morning I could show you my notepad right now I'm building a ten billion dollar business right now okay it's right here on the notepad okay ten billion dollars how many millionaires will I make that'll be working for me if I build a $10 ten billion dollar business I'm mapping out how to pay out bonuses to people if I can hit that number so right so this is 20 thousand a week that's three thousand three thousand eight hundred can y'all do the math on this I think it's three thousand eight hundred bucks a day okay it all because starts becoming real man I got 24 hours in a day I only work twelve of them so you know maybe I can work 24 I'll figure out how to work 24 and then how much is that an hour how much is a 20 grand divide about 30 days 38:33 or something yeah what 20 grand 20 grand a week divided by seven yeah come on man get your game on two eight five seven two eight five seven a day I know my bad two eight five seven divided by 24 there are 24 hours in a day actually there's more than 24 nineteen dollars an hour man look I know people that get give a bad masseuse a bad massage uh okay no happy ending and they earn 119 an hour let's keep it real I know babysitters that can earn that much money from rich people I know bellman are not bellman but the guys that parked their expensive cars in Miami that are doing $119 in an hour like you guys just got no photographers that make $100 an hour maybe more than $100 an hour copywriters that make more than $100 an hour so there's your million dollars the problem is you're thinking too small okay so whether the numbers 1 million dollars 1 billion dollars is that 1 billion yeah okay whatever the number is you just do the math you got to do the math on the deal right you got to do the math on the deal then you got to ask yourself is the opportunity this is where it gets really juicy where is the opportunity whether it's this the 1 million or the 1 billion or whatever the number is is the opportunity worth doing whatever it takes and whatever it takes doesn't mean you robbed somebody by the way the people the people that robbed somebody kills somebody ripped somebody off they're not doing whatever it takes that's why they took the shark gut whatever it takes means you wouldn't break the law you wouldn't hurt anybody everybody would be better off it would take tremendous creativity to see you know what I'm gonna benefit and I'm a benefit of a lot of other people okay keep in mind last month I distributed 1 million two hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars to our investors to other people these checks went out if you got one please let us know okay some of these checks goddamn it some of these checks were $35 and some of them were 14 grand okay this guy right here says then 35 there's only $35 the guy that got the check was happy as a frickin lake what would really happy be kid on Christmas Day he was like dude that's the first money I've ever earned okay I invested with you in January I'm Jan uary he's like in in February March and this month is we in April right now yeah I got a check for $35 just happy as a damn pig in mud some dude saw it on the internet said it's only $35 dude all drips start with something by the way I would rather earn for $35 on passive income then make $350 selling my time listen to me I would rather earn $35 because it's a drip it's a drip now I'm proud because I was able to send these checks out to all these people that know me these aren't people giving me money okay these people invested money with me remember this is Grant Cardone 25 years ago I was like I want to make a million dollars a year I want to make a million dollars a year I want to make a million dollars a year okay I will do I'm traveling all over the place to make a million dollars here this month I paid out 1.2 million dollars what did I do all I did was change my goals throughout the years I added a zero and then I add people people are always involved people are always involved in the opportunity to reach your goals okay you're not going to reach your goals without people being involved it is impossible to attain any goal on this planet without saying I need you take care of these people I need these people to feel good about me for 35 years I have been building relationships with these people confidence in other and mostly confidence in myself to go out and say I can buy a piece of property I trust myself to just I trust myself to pick the right piece of property to manage that piece of property correctly to manage my money correctly so I'm not some Bernie Madoff die in prison dude okay that people talk about for the rest of their lives I want to be a good guy I know you guys want to be a good guy you're in the cardones on my numbers 305 eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight today's message what is the opportunity in front of you is it big enough to warrant you doing whatever it takes if it's not if it's not a game-changer okay see these people right here Gai invest $5,000 she's got $5,000 in the bank another guy's got 50 grand in the bank and another guy's got $500,000 okay all three of these people invested money with me this is cliff this is Dave and this is Jennifer okay cliff sent me five grand dude it was his last five grand it was as hard for him to do this is this guy to do that do you understand okay this guy earns I don't know he's gonna earn 300 bucks a year this guy's gonna earn $3,000 a year this guy is gonna earn $30,000 a year but they all had to start with this they all start with $5,000 everybody starts at $5,000 including Jennifer right here she's got a five just in another zero all of them had to make a decision should I keep the money this is where the opportunity comes in you got to think in terms of opportunity costs okay is my money better in the bank or is my money better in an asset that ad that they can grow over time okay do I buy a watch okay do I buy something stupid it is beautiful but it's stupid let's keep it real stupid is as stupid does and that ladies and gentlemen is stupid Patek okay however the reason the way I bought the paddock was because the real estate that I buy not this real estate okay I already distribute to these people the real estate I invested in sent me a little check check I happen to have more than 500 grand invested in that property okay so if I got 5 million invested in the deal 5 million based on what everybody else got paid I would earn what a month is that right okay so you know what I can waste I give me like yeah that's kind of stupid I'm sitting with Kayla I'm like should I buy the watch should i buy the watch should I better watch I know it's stupid it's crazy I'm not behind the watch this thing they're sitting grant 35 it's 35 years old wanting to become a millionaire right that's what all these rappers are doing and ballplayers are doing these guys make it 5 million dollars a year $300,000 watches dude I'm 60 years old I have a billion dollars of real estate producing cash flow every month I had to take my money my cash just like you do I had to take my cash and I worked my ass off for and say I'm gonna move the cash over here get it out of the bank and I'm gonna move it over here into this deal my cross my fingers just like you have to just like these three people had to I'm gonna cross my fingers hope I did the right thing and whether it's five grand 50 grand or five hundred thousand dollars these people get distributed money every month okay you got them decide what are you going to do to get your financial freedom folks what are you willing to do is the opportunity big enough will it change your life trust me when this becomes 40 grand and then he goes to 50 grand and then he goes to 60 grand and when Jennifer I call Jennifer one day Jennifer on sending your 500 back what do you mean grant I refinance the property everybody's getting their money back and you're gonna keep getting cash flow even though the cash flow will go down now it's gonna go down because she doesn't have any money invested it might even go down to this like ten thousand okay but now she doesn't have any money she got a five hundred grand back no taxes due on that it's crazy dude you guys got to start thinking big I'm telling him it's Friday what do we do on Fridays even when it's Passover I come over what are you on the YouTube of the Facebook are you on the Jimmy Graham poster damn comment because we give money away for people that does the right kind of comments let's talk to a call us my man from Bostonian dude what are you doing to set your goals big enough brother what's going on then let me just first commend you and just acknowledge all the information that you give us it's phenomenal and you know I know you're the topic of the show today is to set goals become a millionaire and I believe that you need a plan to do that so I currently have fifty thousand dollars invested in Cardone capital oh good do you get a check last night sorry what was that uh did you get a check last month I did absolutely $200 Oh beautiful dude not a big deal what are you gonna do with the 200 yeah so I'm gonna I'm gonna save it and probably reinvest it yeah so that's that's where my little dilemma here comes in okay I actually have three thousand dollars left over and I'm I'm wanting to know should I put that into Cardone capital or buy a deal on my own and being you know in the market that I am it's very tough right now as you know up here the prices are you know you got the winter which I know you don't like yeah we're not yeah what's the first name again spear you later you you can buy you're in Boston right yes so what you'll be able to buy in Boston if you go like 20 miles outside of Boston you'll better buy one unit absolutely and it's something I wouldn't even want anyway right it's one unit and it needs work you know you own that you'll never you'll make more money investing your money with me than you'll ever make on your own I promise you yeah like I can personally guarantee you if you show me a deal that you can make more money on with 70 grand then you can make invest with me I'll buy the deal for you and give it to you as a gift so I don't have a partner you know he owns two barber shops and he'll be willing to match my 70 K yeah I mean 140 grand no I'm not gonna get two units and they need to be fixed okay so $140,000 you guys I mean you could do this you could put your hundred 40 together you could buy three times that you could buy five 20 and now you need to go get a loan how's your credit very good good you can get a loan on this your buddy a probably bill to get a loan on it and then you guys sign on the loan put the 140 down finance 380 okay finance the 380 for like 30 years they're probably not gonna give you 30 years so because it's a small deal they're probably gonna give you more like 20 years and and then and then you got a Wrentham what what's your main job yeah so I'm an engineer a medical device company so I you know I have a full-time job he has a full-time job right yeah so it'd be tough you know and we're gonna have to buy out of our you know vicinity so you know I'm Lester somebody's gotta go collect the rent you know somebody go so so look there there's your debt there's your dead on 380 so and look I mean somebody would say well wait a minute Nicky he's buying two units they got $140,000 they could actually buy 1 million four hundred thousand dollar deal and put less money down the problem with that because he could probably get this loan and say he's gonna live there okay it's his residence he put one forty down the problem with that now and he's financing $1,000,000 that's gonna cost sixty thousand a year and he's only got two units and the two units will only rent for so much money like it it's like it's like I got to calculator it's like Garrity Gary Vaynerchuk talks about flips and stuff on eBay but dude can you do it every day or flip and stuff on Amazon can you do it every day and can you do it in scale is big enough that it matters right I got a lot more I'm gonna sell Milad more how many lovers you got oh I could do this forever yeah but how much you make it and he's an engineer he's already making great one though so so this is passive income you're getting from me see I would rather personally not sign on the debt earn $200 a month it takes none of your energy you throw your 70 grand with it the 70 grand is gonna earn you probably 40 200 bucks a year it's what I'll be able to distribute to you within 12 months so you're going to now you're 200 goes to about 600 bucks a month and you're on your way to creating that second stream toward financial freedom okay thanks for the call man appreciate you okay great Jeff the entrepreneur in Connecticut we get so many calls from the Northeast what's going on buddy hey what up you know me right yeah I know you Jeff come on man yeah I know see that that's what everybody needs to do you need to get known right and you've taught me this grant mm-hmm so I'm glad you're talking millionaire goal you want so the idea the dream not the dream you know the dream already you remember its to actually be in the diamond seeds for the next tenant that grow started anybody right now listen if you don't have card on you or arm plant growth conference go it'll change your life dude the one thing you know how you said you gotta do something today you know what I changed yeah could you change your underwear dude I changed I changed my fabulous from being a teacher so all in on sales I'm selling Georgia window for this great guy Stacy Kennedy who knows you he did 2.7 million last year in sales I want they do him 10 million and I'm already talking away to scale it for him I bought an Instagram growth company that I'm going to help work on his company I'm gonna go all-in on his company and 10x it and hopefully uh hopefully I can get him to come down to the Grosjean with me you know yeah bro will let me tell you something you're gonna help a lot more people yeah being a Salesman making ten million dollars a year than a teacher making sixty grand exactly that's an even my students all that grant yes like even the students I please get out of here this is stupid what you're doing the information you pass on to is stupid the classrooms stupid the desks are stupid the frickin one-hour there's really 50 minutes is stupid to school stupid like everything about this deal is stupid like it reeks of stupidity we're gonna change education system yeah you don't need to change though you're never going to change the education system they just need to put a bullet in okay there is no reason for a kid to go sit in a classroom except that the parents don't want the kids to be at home with them it's the only reason for schools in this country okay the government makes a bunch of money off the schools hey I'm gonna show on this in the class or gonna show them to replay this video anything you want to say to my students here for momma hurry up and finish a goddamn finish your homework and get tough go to school go do something for a living man god damn mow a lawn plant some flowers okay sell some lemonade become a drug dealer yeah okay does it most of them are that's how they're making more of their money right now yeah yeah yeah just kidding on the drug dealer thing another way if you're gonna do that don't use don't use your your inventory okay yeah I was kidding on that y'all know I'm kidding on that yeah okay okay I love you man I love you dude I love you good luck to you all right okay he's a diamond he's a diamond he's card on you here's a guy went from being a teacher couldn't talk to anybody teaching kids to make it money okay these are real people folks y'all hear me clown around here on the shows and everything have fun say crazy stuff but look when people start digging into our books cart on University investing like there's a billion multi-billion dollar real estate portfolio that I'm gonna build over here ten billion dollars desire is the target ten billion dollars and I come to you on Fridays ain't nobody else doing this man playing this kind of game at this level coming to you jacking around with you on a Friday and I'm here to just show you like you don't have to be some tight tied up you know God like you don't need to be mr. Belvedere okay and somebody asked me the other day what kind of suit should I buy just just something looks good man you don't have to you know you're not gonna impress anybody with like your clothes are not gonna be so impressive your car's not gonna be so impressive your watch no matter what it is is not gonna impress somebody more than whatever your offer is your offer is what they're gonna pay for not your watch next week Austin and the PA bro what's happening man opioids gold streams you know as well as the Rams in following you for a few months now right a bunch of ten acts I try to operate a 10x level every day giving your out to multiple different people to try to get them on board with it as well and I'm just trying to be a millionaire at this point dude just keep doing the math bro hey just keep doing the math remember with any opportunity Austin with any opportunity you just got to keep your money yourself of the opportunity see this is the problem I had as a young salesman dude I was like okay imma make 80 grand a year it didn't worth it like like like if I make 80 grand a year as a salesman I'm making $7,000 a month and I live in Miami you're not going to do it changes nothing the opportunity has to change your life significantly enough that you're willing to read study dive in right you add a zero to that right there you had a zero to that 80 now I'm willing to learn every human being is like this by the way every human being on this planet maybe I'm wrong tell me if I'm wrong comment please I had a zero to that you're gonna do stuff that you wouldn't have done just a moment ago okay if I can show you how to how to go from 80,000 to 800,000 all of a sudden your creativity you like I think I just met van Gogh goddamn I got some Madonna coming out of my butt okay whoa whoa whoa I got music in my head like leg ding ding ding ding you're like you because why man because yeah maybe the glass underneath my feet don't hurt so bad right because why because the goal is big enough most people do not have goals that will change their lives therefore they cannot lean into the opportunity hard enough for those of you who own businesses you need to create rings in your business ok so that Natalie can see hey man I can go outside this these I can go outside these rings and there's more opportunity out here for financial freedom or she stays right here and she doesn't resent me she resents her because I keep throwing them out here I'm like hey there's a twenty thousand dollar product you can sell right here there's a five thousand dollar product you can get benefit from here oh by the way there's a million dollars out here if you want to I got employees I guarantee I will make Jared glandt Jared glint will be worth tens of millions of dollars people in the organization are gonna get to see Jared hit watch his life change over the next five to ten years rants echo perfect guy God gets cheque for 1.2 million dollars three years after working with me see he goes he starts reaching out to the Rings see see Ryan sees me living out here in this 10 billion he's like dude we talking about another planet now I'm a changes I can't build something big and not need people I have to have people I become more and more dependent upon great people loyal people a competent people as I get bigger so that's what you're really looking for opportunity will it change my life when you go work for a company when you guys make a career change go work for somebody that has opportunity that can change lives don't don't go where you're good at a job it doesn't matter if you're good at a job go where there's a vehicle that can take you on a journey you know you got you guys leave this environment right now you're gonna go to some job you're not gonna get this every day you're not gonna hear this every day you're not gonna get the stimulation to like what am i doing and but we all need this every day I needed every day man I got it every day I got to be like what's the opportunity man I gotta wake up every day what's the opportunity man huh I got two picks up in my eyelids I'm like what is it what's the opportunity man huh what is the opportunity what is the opportunity where is the opportunity and dude I want to be able to have so much opportunity to do so much crazy stuff that I can act like an idiot like like I'm doing deals we send 140 million dollar deal yesterday 140 million dollars okay and and everybody that I'm doing the deal with knows I'm I have the capacity to be a whack total crazy man some people won't do business with me because of who I am because I'm trans Perrin about who I am okay my name is Grant Cardone hopefully you guys know that already if you're watching the YouTube channel please supposed to comment I want to give $100 to my man Kevin Escobar who posted he's Pablo's nephew Kevin Escobar you need money I know you do knowledge confidence motivation action leads to results thank you for your your comment actually he said commit knowledge confidence motivation action leads to results results are waiting for you okay you will get results folks when you're using the right information you're not using the right information you're going to get results here too okay I put in the computers five times six it will say thirty every time if you're not getting the right answers in life it's because you're putting the wrong data into the calculator are your calculators up okay it should be sending you the eerr message but instead is giving you an answer maybe there's something Jack maybe there's something Jack maybe you got the wrong data mommy mommy influenced you daddy influenced you sister influenced you man I got two sisters man oh they were worried about with me you know you not getting in trouble that's all my sisters don't get in trouble don't get in trouble don't get in trouble every time I went to start a business oh don't get in trouble they were older sisters trying to protect their little brother wrong wrong place to go get advice they're scared of me being on Facebook oh my god you don't you think you're too out there amen go back go away you ain't my little sister you ain't my big sister anymore damn dude I look like a little brother to you hey hey if you liked this video make sure you go watch this video right now I'll see you there welcome it's Friday that means Cardone zone and I'm here to talk to you about your money your finances your profession your career where you going what you doing today we're gonna be talking about how to set million dollar goals I was reminded this morning after sending out I think the number exactly was 1 million two hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars in distributions this month I might be off by 20 grand 1.2 million I was talking to Johnny the camera guy Johnny good to see you buddy and Johnny said to me I said Johnny you understand we were making this video about our distributions at Cardone capital and I said and he's like man you must be making a lot of money if you sent one point to point one point two million dollars I said no Johnny we didn't make any money off the one point two we collect money from the cash flow of the properties and up to a point we distribute the full amount out to the investors now to the degree that I'm an investor in that deal I get a piece of that like whatever my pieces of that I get that distribution if you were invested you would have got that distribution the reason I'm telling you about that today is because this used to be a goal of mine to make 1 million dollars a year that was my goal when I was 35 years old one day I said to myself one day I said self little g-dog little g da one day young man I wrote this over and over and over again I talked to myself in the mirror I'd sit on the toilet and say one day one day I'm gonna I'm gonna make a million dollars one day one day and people used to tell me that's crazy dude like why do you think so big this is when people were telling me not to you're like what do you need to do all that why do you just be happy just be a good person okay be happy that you live in America be happy that you have meals and be happy you've got good health and all the things that the people around you that quit on money that quit on financial freedom that quit on possibility that quit on their potential all the things those people will tell you to try to convince you to quit when in reality what they're really trying to do is make sense of why they quit note to self okay last month I distributed 1.2 million dollars to other people okay it's not money I made its money I sent out so it just goes to show you how small I was thinking when I was 35 years old if you are anything like me at all the good the bad the ugly okay you like me you don't like me whatever the deal is okay Francisco loves me okay but some people don't know whether they like me or hate me okay here's the reality whatever you see in me the good or the bad is in you is all there dude the only reason you see it in me is cause it's in you I am a reflector Bing okay check it out when I was 35 years old I'm trying to make a million dollars a year okay how do I do the math that's $80,000 a month okay almost gets me there that's $20,000 a week I have done this math I was doing it this morning I could show you my notepad right now I'm building a ten billion dollar business right now okay it's right here on the notepad okay ten billion dollars how many millionaires will I make that'll be working for me if I build a $10 ten billion dollar business I'm mapping out how to pay out bonuses to people if I can hit that number set right so this is 20 thousand a week that's three thousand three thousand eight hundred can y'all do the math on this I think it's three thousand eight hundred bucks a day okay at all because starts becoming real man I got 24 hours in a day I only work twelve of them so you know maybe I can work 24 I'll figure out how to work 24 and then how much is that an hour how much is a 20 grand divide about 30 days 38:33 or something yeah what 20 grand 20 grand a week divided by seven yeah come on man get your game on two eight five seven two eight five seven a day I know my bad two eight five seven divided by 24 there are 24 hours in a day actually there's more than 24 it's on nineteen dollars an hour man look I know people that get give a bad masseuse a bad massage uh okay no happy ending and they earn 119 an hour let's keep it real I know babysitters that can earn that much money from rich people I know bellman are not bellman but the guys that parked their expensive cars in Miami that are doing $119 in an hour like you guys just got no photographers that make $100 an hour maybe more than $100 an hour copywriters that make more than $100 an hour so there's your million dollars the problem is you're thinking too small okay so whether the numbers 1 million dollars 1 billion dollars is that 1 billion okay whatever the number is you just do the math you got to do the math on the deal right you got to do the math on the deal then you got to ask yourself is the opportunity this is where it gets really juicy where is the opportunity whether it's this the 1 million or the 1 billion or whatever the number is is the opportunity worth doing whatever it takes and whatever it takes doesn't mean you robbed somebody by the way the people the people that robbed somebody kill somebody ripped somebody off they're not doing whatever it takes that's why they took the shark cut whatever it takes means you wouldn't break the law you wouldn't hurt anybody everybody would be better off it would take tremendous creativity to see you know what I'm gonna benefit and I'm a benefit of a lot of other people okay keep in mind last month I distributed 1 million two hundred and sixty five thousand dollars to our investors to other people these checks went out if you got one please let us know okay some of these checks goddamn it some of these checks were $35 and some of them were 14 grand okay this guy right here says man 35 years only $35 the guy that got the check was happy is a freaking Lake what would really happy be kid on Christmas Day he was like dude that's the first money I've ever earned okay I invested with you in January I'm Jan uary he's like in in February March and this month is we in April right now yeah I got a check for $35 just happy as a damn pig in mud some dude saw it on the internet said it's only $35 dude all drips start with something by the way I would rather earn for $35 on passive income then make $350 selling my time listen to me I would rather earn $35 because it's a drip it's a drip now I'm proud because I was able to send these checks out to all these people that know me these aren't people giving me money okay these people invested money with me remember this is Grant Cardone 25 years ago I was like I want to make a million dollars a year I want to make a million dollars a year I want to make a million dollars a year okay I would do I'm traveling all over the place to make a million dollars here this month I paid out 1.2 million dollars what did I do all I did was change my goals throughout the years I added a zero and then I add people people are always involved people are always involved in the opportunity to reach your goals okay you're not going to reach your goals without people being involved it is impossible to attain any goal on this planet without saying I need you take care of these people I need these people to feel good about me for 35 years I have been building relationships with these people confidence in other and mostly confidence in myself to go out and say I can buy a piece of property I trust myself to just I trust myself to pick the right piece of property to manage that piece of property correctly to manage my money correctly so I'm not some Bernie Madoff died in prison dude okay that people talk about for the rest of their lives I want to be a good guy I know you guys want to be a good guy you're in the cardones on my numbers 305 eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight today's message what is the opportunity in front of you is it big enough to warrant you doing whatever it takes if it's not if it's not a game-changer okay see these people right here guy invest $5,000 he's got $5,000 in the bank another guy's got 50 grand in the bank and another guy's got $500,000 okay all three of these people invested money with me this is cliff this is Dave and this is Jennifer okay cliff sent me five grand dude it was his last five grand it was as hard for him to do this is this guy to do that do you understand okay this guy arms I don't know he's gonna earn 300 bucks a year this guy's gonna earn $3,000 a year this guy's gonna earn $30,000 a year but they all had to start with this they all start with $5,000 everybody starts at $5,000 including Jennifer right here she's got a 5 just in another 0 all of them had to make a decision should I keep the money this is where the opportunity comes in you got to think in terms of opportunity costs okay is my money better in the bank or is my money better in an asset that ad that they can grow over time okay do I buy a watch okay do I buy something stupid it is beautiful but it's stupid let's keep it real stupid is as stupid does and that ladies and gentlemen is stupid Patek okay however the reason the way I bought the paddock was because the real estate that I buy not this real estate okay I already distributed these people the real estate I invested in sent me a little check check I happen to have more than 500 grand invest in that property okay so if I got 5 million invested in the deal 5 million based on what everybody else got paid I would earn what a month is that right okay so you know what I can waste I give me like yeah that's kind of stupid I'm sitting with Kayla I'm like should I buy the what should I buy the watch it I better watch I know it's stupid it's crazy I'm not behind the watch this thing they're sitting grant 35 it's 35 years old wanting to become a millionaire right that's what all these rappers are doing and ballplayers are doing these guys make it 5 million dollars about $300,000 watches dude I'm 60 years old I have a billion dollars of real estate producing cash flow every month I had to take my money my cash just like you do I had to take my cash and I worked my ass off for and say I'm gonna move the cash over here get it out of the bank and I'ma move it over here into this deal my crossing my fingers just like you have to just like these three people had to I'm gonna cross my fingers hope I did the right thing and whether it's five grand 50 grand or five hundred thousand dollars these people get distributed money every month okay you got to decide what are you going to do to get your financial freedom folks what are you willing to do is the opportunity big enough will it change your life trust me when this becomes 40 grand and then it goes to 50 grand and then he goes to 60 grand and when Jennifer I call Jennifer one day Jennifer I'm sending your 500 back what do you mean grant I refinance the property everybody's getting their money back and you're gonna keep getting cash flow even though the cash flow will go down now it's gonna go down because she doesn't have any money invested it might even go down to this like ten thousand okay but now she doesn't have any money she got a five hundred grand back no taxes doing that it's crazy dude you guys got to start thinking big I'm telling him it's Friday what do we do on Fridays even when it's Passover I come over whether you on the YouTube of the Facebook are you on the Jimmy Graham post a damn comment because we give money away for people that does the right kind of comments let's talk to a call us my man from Bostonian dude what are you doing to set your goals big enough brother what's going on then let me just first commend you and just acknowledge all the information that you give us it's phenomenal and you know I know you're the topic of the show today is to set goals become a millionaire and I believe that you need a plan to do that so I currently have fifty thousand dollars invested in Cardone capital oh good do you get a check last night sorry what was that uh did you get a check last month I did it absolutely $200 Oh beautiful dude not a big deal what are you gonna do with the 200 so I'm gonna I'm gonna save it and probably reinvest it yeah so that's that's where my little dilemma here comes in okay I actually have three thousand dollars left over and I'm I'm wanting to know should I put that into Cardone capital or buy a deal on my own and being you know in the market that I am it's very tough right now as you know up here the prices are you know you got the winter which I know you don't like yeah yeah what's the first name again spear you later you you can buy you're in Boston right yeah so what you'll be able to buy in Boston if you go like 20 miles outside of Boston you'll better buy one unit absolutely that's something I wouldn't even want anyway right it's one unit and it needs work you know you own that you'll never you'll make more money investing your money with me than you'll ever make on your own I promise you yeah I can you personally guarantee you if you show me a deal that you can make more money on with 70 grand then you can make investment with me I'll buy the deal for you can give it to you as a gift so I also have a partner you know he owns two barber shops and he would be willing to match my 70 K yeah I mean a hundred and forty grand yes two units and they need to be fixed okay so one hundred and forty thousand dollars you guys I mean you could do this you could put your hundred forty together you could buy three times that you could buy five twenty now you need to go get a loan how's your credit very good good you can get a loan on this your buddy will probably be able to get a loan on it and then you guys go sign a loan put the 140 down finance 380 okay finance the 384 like 30 years they're probably not gonna give you 30 years so because it's a small deal they're probably gonna give you more like 20 years and and and then you got a Wrentham what what's your main job yeah so I'm an engineer a medical device company so I you know I have a full-time job he has a full-time job right yeah so it'd be tough you know and we're gonna have to buy out of our you know vicinity so you know I laughter somebody's gotta go collect the rent you know somebody go so so look there there's your debt there's your dead on 380 so and look I mean somebody would say well wait a minute Nicky he's buying two units they got $140,000 they could actually buy $1,400,000 deal and put less money down the problem with that cuz he could probably get this loan and say he's gonna live there okay it's his residence he put 140 down the problem with that now and he's financing $1,000,000 that's gonna cost sixty thousand a year and he's only got two units and the two units will only rent for so much money like is it's like it's like I got to calculator it's like Garrity Gary Vaynerchuk talks about flips and stuff on eBay but dude can you do it every day or flip and stuff on Amazon can you do it every day and can you do it in scale is big enough that it matters right I got a lot more I'm gonna sell mala more or how many landlords you got I could do this forever yeah but how much you make it and he's an engineer he's already making great but I know so so this is passive income you're getting from me see I would rather personally not sign on the debt earn $200 a month it takes none of your energy you throw your 70 grand with it the 70 grand is going to earn you probably 40 200 bucks a year is what I'll be able to distribute to you within 12 months so you're going to now your 200 goes to about 600 bucks a month and you're on your way to creating that second stream toward financial freedom okay thanks for the call man appreciate you okay great Jeff the entrepreneur in Connecticut we get so many calls from the Northeast what's going on buddy hey what up great you know me right yeah I know you Jeff come on man yeah I know that's what everybody needs to do you need to get known right and you've taught me this grant mm-hmm so I'm glad you're talking millionaire goal you want so the idea the dream not the dream you know the dream era do you remember it's to actually be in the diamond seats for the next tenant that grows on anybody right now listening if you don't have card on you or arm planning go to the next growth conference go it'll change your life dude the one thing you know how you said you got to something today know what I changed oh yeah did you change your underwear dude I changed I changed my table own from being a teacher so all in on sales I'm selling Georgia window for this great guy Stacy Kennedy who knows you he did 2.7 million last year in sales I want they do him 10 million and I'm already talking away to scale it for him I bought an Instagram growth company that I'm going to help work on his company I'm gonna go all in on his company and 10x it and hopefully uh hopefully I can get him to come down to the growth town with me you know yeah bro we'll let me tell you something you're gonna help a lot more people yeah being a Salesman making 10 million dollars a year than a teacher making 60 grand exactly nothing even my students all that grant yes even the students I please get out of here this is stupid what you're doing the information you pass on to a stupid the classrooms stupid the desks are stupid the frickin one hour that's really 50 minutes is stupid the school's stupid like everything about this deal is stupid like it reeks of stupidity we're gonna change education system yeah you don't need to change though you're never going to change the education system they just need to put a bullet in the head okay there is no reason for a kid to go sit in a classroom except that the parents don't want the kids to be at home with them it's the only reason for schools in this country okay the government makes a bunch of money off the schools hey I'm gonna show them this in the class I'm gonna show them to replay this video anything you want to say to my students here for month I'm teaching Romo hurry up and finish the goddamn finish your homework and get tough cata school go do something for a living man god damn mow a lawn plant some flowers okay sell some lemonade become a drug dealer yeah okay Chris is it most of them are that's how they're making more of their money right now yeah yeah yeah I just kidding on the drug dealer thing by the way if you're gonna do that don't use don't use your your inventory okay yeah I'm skidding on that y'all know I'm kidding on that yeah okay okay I love you man I love you dude I love you good luck to you all right okay he's a diamond he's a diamond he's card on you here's the guy went from being a teacher couldn't talk to anybody teaching kids to make it money okay these are real people folks y'all hear me clown around here on the shows and everything have fun say crazy stuff but look when people start digging into our books card on university investing like there's a billion multi-billion dollar real estate portfolio that I'm gonna build over here ten billion dollars desire is the target ten billion dollars and I come to you and Fridays ain't nobody else doing this man playing this kind of game at this level coming to you jack around with you on a Friday and I'm here to just show you like you don't have to be some tight tied up you know God like you don't have to be mr. Belvedere okay and somebody asked me the other day what kind of suit should I buy just just something looks good man you know you don't have to you know you're not going to impress anybody with like your clothes are not going to be so impressive your car is not going to be so impressive your watch no matter what it is is not going to impress somebody more than whatever your offer is your offer is what they're gonna pay for not your watch next Austin and the PA bro what's happening man opioids going streams you do as well as the Rams in following you for a few months now right a bunt here ten acts I try to operate a 10x level every day giving your to multiple different people to try to get them on board with it as well and I'm just trying to be a millionaire at this point dude just keep doing the math bro hey just keep doing the math remember with any opportunity Austin with any opportunity you just got to keep your money of yourself of the opportunity see this is the problem I had as a young salesman dude I was like okay i'ma make 80 grand a year it didn't worth it like like like if I make 80 grand a year as a salesman I'm making $7,000 a month and I live in Miami you're not going to do it changes nothing the opportunity has to change your life significantly enough that you're willing to read study dive in right you add a zero to that right there you have a zero to that eighty now I'm willing to learn every human being is like this by the way every human being on this planet maybe I'm wrong tell me if I'm wrong comment please I had a zero to that you're gonna do stuff that you wouldn't have done just a moment but okay if I can show you how to how to go from 80,000 to 800,000 all of a sudden your creativity you like I think I just met van Gogh goddamn I got some Madonna coming out of my butt okay whoa whoa whoa I got music in my head like leg ding-ding-ding-ding you like you because why man because yeah maybe the glass underneath my feet don't hurt so bad right because why because the goal is big enough most people do not have goals that will change their lives therefore they cannot lean into the opportunity hard enough for those of you who own businesses you need to create rings in your business okay so that Natalie can see hey man I can go outside this these I can go outside these rings and there's more opportunity out here for financial freedom or she stays right here and she doesn't resent me she resents her because I keep throwing them out here I'm like hey there's a twenty thousand dollar product you can sell right here there's a five thousand dollar product you can get benefit from here oh by the way there's a million dollars out here if you want to I got employees I guarantee I will make Jared glandt Jared glint will be worth tens of millions of dollars people in the organization are gonna get to see Jared hit watch his life change over the next five to ten years rants echo perfect guy guy gets cheque for 1.2 million dollars three years after working with me see he goes he starts reaching out to the Rings see see Ryan sees me living out here in this 10 billion he's like dude we talking about another planet now I mean changes I can't build something big and not need people I have to have people I become more and more dependent upon great people loyal people a competent people as I get bigger so that's what you're really looking for opportunity will it change my life when you go work for a company when you guys make a career change go work for somebody that has opportunity that can change lives don't don't go where you're good at a job it doesn't matter if you're good at a job go where there's a vehicle that can take you on a journey you know you got you guys leave this environment right now you're going to go to some job you're not gonna get this every day you're not gonna hear this every day you're not gonna get the stimulation to like what am i doing and but we all need this every day I needed every day man I got it every day I got to be like what's the opportunity man I got to wake up every day what's the opportunity man huh I got two picks up in my eyelids I'm like what is it what's the opportunity man huh what is the opportunity where's the opportunity where is the opportunity and [Music] dude I want to be able to have so much opportunity to do so much crazy stuff that I can act like an idiot like like I'm doing deals we send 140 million dollar deal yesterday 140 million dollars okay and everybody that I'm doing the deal with knows I'm I have the capacity to be a whack total crazy man some people won't do business with me because of who I am because I'm trans Perrin about who I am okay my name is Grant Cardone hopefully you guys know that already if you're watching the YouTube channel please supposed to comment I want to give $100 to my man Kevin Escobar who posted he's Pablo's nephew Kevin Escobar you need money I know you do knowledge confidence motivation action leads to results thank you for your your comment actually he said commit knowledge confidence motivation action leads to results results are waiting for you okay you will get results folks when you're using the right information you're not using right information you're going to get results there too okay I put into computers five times six it will say 30 every time if you're not getting the right answers in life it's because you're putting the wrong data into the calculator are your calculators up okay it should be sending you the eerr message but instead is giving you an answer maybe there's something Jack maybe there's something Jack maybe you got the wrong data mommy mommy influenced you daddy influenced you sister influenced you man I got two sisters man oh they were worried about was me you know you not getting in trouble that's all my sisters don't get in trouble don't get in trouble don't get intro time I went to start a business oh don't get in trouble they were older sisters trying to protect their little brother wrong wrong place to go get advice they're scared of me being on Facebook oh my god you don't you think you're too out there amen go back go hey you ain't my little sister you ain't my big sister anymore god damn dude I look like a little brother to you hey hey if you like this video make sure you go watch this video right now I'll see you there welcome it's Friday that means Cardone zone and I'm here to talk to you about your money your finances your profession your career where you going what you doing today we're gonna be talking about how to set million dollar goals I was reminded this morning after sending out I think the number exactly was 1 million two hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars in distributions this month I might be off by 20 grand 1.2 million I was talking to Johnny the camera guy Johnny good to see you buddy and Johnny said to me I said Johnny you understand we were making this video about our distributions at Cardone capital and I said and he's like man you must be making a lot of money if you sent one point to point one point two million dollars I said no Johnny we didn't make any money off the one point two we collect money from the cash flow of the properties and up to a point we distribute the full amount out to the investors now to the degree that I'm an investor in that deal I get a piece of that like whatever my pieces of that I get that distribution if you were invested you would have got that distribution the reason I'm telling you about that today is because this used to be a goal of mine to make 1 million dollars a year that was my goal when I was 35 years old one day I said to myself one day I said self little g-dog little cheeto one day young man I wrote this over and over and over again I talked to myself in the mirror I'd sit on the toilet and say one day one day I'm gonna make a million dollars one day one day and people used to tell me that's crazy dude like why do you think so big this is when people were telling me not to you're like what do you need to do all that why do you just be happy just be a good person okay be happy that you live in America be happy that you have meals and be happy you've got good health and all the things that the people around you that quit on money that quit on financial freedom that quit on possibility that quit on their potential all the things those people will tell you to try to convince you to quit when in reality what they're really trying to do is make sense of why they quit note to self okay last month I distributed 1.2 million dollars to other people okay it's not money I made it's money I sent out so it just goes to show you how small I was thinking when I was 35 years old if you are anything like me at all the good the bad the ugly okay you like me you don't like me whatever the deal is okay Francisco loves me okay but some people don't know whether they like me or hate me okay here's the reality whatever you see in me the good or the bad is in you it's all there dude the only reason you see it in me is cause it's in you I am a reflector Bing okay check it out when I was 35 years old I'm trying to make a million dollars a year okay how do I do the math that's $80,000 a month okay almost gets me there that's $20,000 a week I have done this math I was doing it this morning I could show you my notepad right now I'm building a ten billion dollar business right now okay it's right here on the notepad okay ten billion dollars how many millionaires will I make that'll be working for me if I build a $10 ten billion dollar business I'm mapping out how to pay out bonuses to people if I can hit that number so right so this is 20,000 a week that's three thousand three thousand eight hundred can y'all do the math on this I think it's three thousand eight hundred bucks a day okay it all because starts becoming real man I got 24 hours in a day I only work twelve of them so you know maybe I can work 24 I'll figure out how to work 24 and then how much is that an hour how much is a 20 grand divide about 30 days 38 33 or something yeah what 20 grand 20 grand a week divided by seven yeah come on man get your game on - eight five seven two eight five seven a day I know my bad - eight five seven divided by 24 there are 24 hours in a day actually there's more than 24 it's a nineteen dollars an hour man look I know people that get give a bad masseuse a bad massage uh okay no happy ending and they earned 119 an hour let's keep it real I know babysitters that can earn that much money from rich people I know bellman are not bellman but the guys that parked their expensive cars in Miami that are doing $119 in an hour like you guys just got no photographers that make $100 an hour maybe more than $100 an hour copywriters that make more than $100 an hour so there's your million dollars the problem is you're thinking too small okay so whether the numbers 1 million dollars 1 billion dollars is that 1 billion okay whatever the number is you just do the math you got to do the math on the deal right you got to do the math on the deal then you got to ask yourself is the opportunity this is where it gets really juicy where is the opportunity whether it's this the 1 million or the 1 billion or whatever the number is is the opportunity worth doing whatever it takes and whatever it takes doesn't mean you rob somebody by the way the people the people that rob somebody kills somebody ripped somebody off they're not doing whatever it takes that's why they took the shortcut whatever it takes means you wouldn't break the law you wouldn't hurt anybody everybody would be better off it would take tremendous creativity to see you know what I'm gonna benefit and I'm a benefit of a lot of other people okay keep in mind last month I distributed 1 million two hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars to our investors to other people these checks went out if you got one please let us know okay some of these checks goddamn it some of these checks were $35 and some of them were 14 grand okay this guy right here says man 35 years only $35 the guy that got the check was happy is a freaking like what would really happy be kid on Christmas Day he was like dude that's the first money I've ever earned okay I invested with you in January I'm Jan uary he's like in in February mark and this month is we in April right now yeah I got a check for $35 tick just happy as a damn pig in mud some dude saw it on the internet said it's only $35 dude all drips start with something by the way I would rather earn for $35 on passive income then make $350 selling my time listen to me I would rather earn $35 because it's a drip it's a drip now I'm proud because I was able to send these checks out to all these people that know me these aren't people giving me money okay these people invested money with me remember this is Grant Cardone 25 years ago I was like I want to make a million dollars a year I want to make a million dollars a year I want to make a million dollars a year okay I will do I'm traveling all over the place to make a million dollars here this month I paid out 1.2 million dollars what did I do all I did was change my goals throughout the years I added a zero and then I add people people are always involved people are always involved in the opportunity to reach your goals okay you're not going to reach your goals without people being involved it is impossible to attain any goal on this planet without
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 35,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: financial education, accounting tips, assets, how earn 6-figures, how to become a millionaire, how to get rich, get accounting, money tips, how to multiply your money, get money, how to become financially free, get rich with real estate, passive income, make money, millionaire status, yt:cc=on, earn money, accounting101, financial planning, get finance, accounting basics, real estate investing
Id: C2m-BC9j-ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 30sec (5790 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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