5 Things Beginners Want To Know About Fusion 360 — Tutorial — #LarsLive 157

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how are you doing welcome to livestream number 157 today's topic is five things beginners wants to know about fusion 360 when you start out it is Monday folks and absolutely hope you had an awesome weekend so if you out there if you are a power use of fusion 360 you would do me a tremendous favor if you would chime in on everything anything you have to add to today's live stream down in the comment area now this one this live stream is for beginners but I think it's a very important one because when you're starting out learning a new software as most of you guys probably remember if you are one of these power users it can be a little darling in the beginning this video is hopefully the reset button so we're gonna talk about the five things that you want to know when you're starting out with fusion 4 6 there's a beginner and hopefully this is my my hope you let me know in the comment area thumbs-up thumbs-down hopefully this can kind of like be the reset button so if you are new starting out with fusion 5060 then this maybe the video can kind of go back to when you start feeling a little overwhelmed alright it is May 14th its 2018 and my name is Lance Christiansen and these time students are just an attempt to add a little bit more value to your fusion 360 experience so again all you power users out there please I beg you feel free to add any comments in the comment area of things that you think that I maybe I'm missing out on in in this a quick view of that what you need to know when you're starting out so this jump into fusion 360 and let's go over some of these things here so I fusion 360 as pure basic like reset back to the factory settings there's nothing in here that is preset the only thing I probably should add is this G get on the button here that at the moment only shows up for pain ultimate users this generator to the side so if you're seeing that you might be like wait a minute I don't have that but I kind of wanted to just do five things the five things in case you are wondering is quick overview of the layout the cloud and I think this is you know important to know kinda like how this whole thing works we're gonna upload a SolidWorks file into into Fusion talking about inviting sharing files we're gonna talk a bit about preferences so some settings you should know of a couple of like basic modeling things and then in the end we're gonna talk about like the save and version so that's kind of like what I'm going to cover okay three minutes let's let's get into this so first thing I want to show you is what I change inside of fusion 360 when when I start out so a couple of people have kind of commented about this in the past but let me just show you kind of like just a couple of things that I change when I'm starting out a brand new inside a few should I go up to this view cube up here in the upper right and I right-click on it and I changed the default orthographic perspective to perspective with Auto faces that's the first change I do left click on perspective all order faces the other thing I do is I move down in the bottom area here and I click on this little grit and snaps area and I turn off the layout grid and the snap to grid that's it that's the only changes that I do inside of fusion when I'm starting out but this is probably important to now when when you're kind of starting out inside of the inside of fusion alright so a couple of things you should know about Creek here just I'm just gonna run over this very quick but if you're familiar with other kids software many things are are close to to the same but you just kind of like gotta know kind of like what you have so if we start up here at the to to the upper left here we have project files um and I think I'm gonna talk a lot more about the cloud and project files maybe later this week now this is where all your files are located I'm gonna come back to this in just a second you can hide this panel if you want to get a little bit more real estate in the drawing area by clicking the nine squares up here that is the data panel click on that and we kind of like hide that click on it again and it kind of appears then we have a file drop-down menu in here that's good to know we have the same icon well I was actually flop it this for you guys who can remember but I asked my kid one time what is this is Oh so you can say was it was a Save icon they're gonna know what this was we got some redo and undo buttons that's always good to know and then we have kind of like the different menus that we're gonna be working with in here now here's one of the cool things about fusion fusion have different if you click on this mod layer you will see that fusion have different environments in here so the default we normally work in is in the model workspace what is what is called parametric modeling there is some surfacing a pants workspace there is some sheet metal there is a rendering environment so this is where you can make your 3d model become more like photorealistic we have done license and these animation that's where you can kind of like do an exploded view of your model kind of play through like a video some simulation FAA so this is where we can kind of like check if our models I've got hold up to stress analysis and things like that cam environment so you can apply your tool path and then there is a 2d drawing environment in here so be aware of that there's some different environments in here and they will change depending on what I'm going into so if you look at these icons up here to to the upper upper end here you will see that they change if I for example go into the render environment you will see that my my whole environment kind of changes so be aware of these different workspaces we're going to the simulation you would like to see we get prompted here to select different studies and again the menus are different so that's like I know when you're starting right out be aware of less these different environment now starting out you probably most likely want to be in the model environment that is important for you to know all right so be aware of that in these menus you have a lot of dropdowns and this is when you count like a going through the different tutorials you will kind of like work your way in through the different the different ones now these different dropdowns of course you want to kind of like if you're using Fusion you will get get better and better at them but this is where you know we will go and find the different commands when you're trying to do something inside of fusion so another thing you want to be aware of and I'm going to come back to this in a little bit is there's also a history down in the bottom here as you start creating parts you will see that you're building out in history in the marvel environment here this is kind of like the parametric history tree and I'm gonna come back to that in in just a second now with this kind of overview let's talk a little about the cloud because fusion is a little bit different than most other CAD software that is out there if we click on this data panel again we will see that we ending up in in the back of these projects files and what happens and I think this is important just to kind of like know that fusion is I would call it semi cloud-based because it actually can do do both it installs locally but it utilizes the cloud that gives you some flexibility gives you the flexibility that you can use the cloud to what the cloud is good at one of the things the cloud is good at is it's good at storing files so most of us are familiar with things like run Drive or Dropbox or you know other kind of types of saving out on the cloud iCloud whatever the other one that is very interesting I think is the the possibility of utilizing the power of both computers out there so most people when it comes to using CAD a little bit concerned about having a computer that it's powerful enough and and that's where one of the great things is that you can utilize the cloud to solve some of those things now of course one of the bad things or one of the disadvantages of the cloud is well you're not always on the cloud so one of the other things that is nice is the fusion will actually operate when you're not on the internet so you can fire it up you can work on a file and then when you bring it back online it will sync with the cloud and make sure that it gets stored up there just like if you're singing with with Dropbox or something else now this data panel you see right here that is hooked up right to this is me looking right out on the cloud but what Fusion actually does is the fusion will whenever I'm working on a file it will save that file locally and to the cloud at the same time if I'm connected to the cloud now after a period of time that's and that depends on your settings like 15 or 30 days 60 days you can set this out striven that in a second it can clear out what we haven't used in that time frame on your computer so if you're looking at in this data panel this is all the files that we've been doing in the live stream so if you're following the live streams you're familiar with a lot of these models by the way I will share these models with you just send me an email my email is down in the description area all these files here I will I'll share with you but the thing is that when you haven't worked on a file in a while you maybe don't really want it to take up space on your hard drive so what you can do is you can control that in the preferences so I'll show you that in a second the other thing you probably want to know if you're fairly new is how do I get files that if I don't start from scratch how do I get them into fusion so for example me I came from I came from from from SolidWorks so how do I get a solid file into Fusion well in this data panel there's an upload button and if I click on that upload button I can select the files you want to upload and just for the heck of it funny enough interesting I have has SolidWorks file right here as LD PRT a full file I created a long time ago and I'm gonna click open to that one I'm gonna select it and click open and then I'm gonna click the little upload button down here and as that is happening we have a little upload dialog box here and you will now see that this file is going to be brought into inter fusion actually what happens it gets brought up to the cloud because remember right now I'm connected to the cloud and that has a huge advantage while I'll talk to you here that has a huge advantage if you remember work with other care packages ever tried to be a couple of versions behind and then suddenly you have a hard time bringing newer files in that's one of the advantages of being having the solvers up in the cloud that you always know that you have the latest and greatest now we can see now that the file is complete when I hit close and you will see that now that file is living here in the data panel whatever happened is that this SolidWorks file has been converted to what we call a fusion 360 file I can double click on it and it will now open up inside of fusion 360 another thing as you just tell you if you want to spin your file around like this that is in fusion 360 that is holding down the middle mouse button that will pan and then hold down the shift at the same time and then you will spin it around I'm going to show you just the tip in just a second on that now this our work spot is now inside of a fusion 360 and you can now start working with it that's a couple of different ways you can you can work with this file now when it comes in it comes in in the sculpt in my remember we're talking about the environment phone we could switch over to the model environment over here that's where I kind of prefer to be some of the things we can do right out of the gate here is that we can actually click on a face here click Q and I could actually stop manipulating this model if I wanted to for example we could click on this inside of this face and we could actually make this whole maybe smaller than 1 or 2 this is called direct editing and gives us an option to actually modify files like that but what are the differences you will see on this file versus the original open up default is that the history is not on by default when you're bringing a converted violin and the reason for that is that solenoids that you don't share their history of their part it comes in this what we kind of called as a dumb solid but what you can do is you can turn on the history tree so from here going forward you will capture it now I just showed you that even though that we don't have a history tree we can actually inside of fusion we can actually start manipulating the file here so we can work with it even though that it's not a fusion file now to turn the history tree down in the bottom here you will go up and you right-click on the top area right-click and then down here you can say capture design history I recommend that you do this to every model you bring inside of fusion 360 because now we get that history so that was right-click and capture design history now what we can do is we can work with fusion and and this will is very much like if you're working now when you're going through the tutorials that now I can open up a sketch on a face and this is very much like other cat software I can now draw a circle I can hit deeper dimension I can dimension the circle I can of course also play some dimensions parametrically if you want to and we probably normally want to do that folder to find the sketch and we can now create features just like if you're coming from other CAD software that you used to and now you will see that we're capturing that history so that's kind of the steps you want to do bringing your father through the upload body and then go in and turn on that history tree and then you can start capturing the sign but again like I showed before be aware we have direct anything to where we can just click on faces and drag them to now two other things I want to show you that is important in this environment many times when you're working you actually want to invite other people to work on your projects and there's a couple of different ways you can do that one would be to go out up here on the top and click people and then you're going to type in an email here for somebody and that way you could invite them to that project here and they can now see all the files that we have inside of the projects they can work with them they can they can do a you know do changes to them the other thing we can do is if I right-click on the file I can share able is called a public link if I click on that get this dialog box here you can talk a lot that you would like to share this file and you can actually set a password on it if you want to and and if it's down if you want to make it down downloadable downloadable I don't know if that's work uh-huh but now you have a link here you can copy to to your your clipboard on your computer paste it into an email and now you can send them a link and when they click on the link they can now download the file if you give the permission and if you want to have a password on it you can do you can do that that's kind of the two main ways that I prefer to this is actually probably my preferred way to share files with people because then I can just right click on it share that link but if you're more people working on a project you can click up here and you can now you can now invite them into it the other thing that you might want to know is that you can also click up here on the name of your project or if I go up here to your main name out here this is all my different projects if I click here it is actually going to open up our this data panel we see inside of fusion in a web-browser so you can actually work with this on a web browser and not necessarily only inside of this panel inside of fusion fusion 360 so if I for example click on this file here you would see that I have different fusion files as I see different things inside these projects this one here actually has a video in it it has a picture in it so these it's not only files that can live inside of a project it is actually also other things so if we click here you will see that here is that picture and that can also be the video that is actually the video right there so be aware of that you can go out on out here and you can you can find this now I'm gonna turn I think later in the week more about this but if I click on this file you would like to see that this file it's gonna open up in a in a viewer and this is the viewer that if you sent a public link this is the view of the date will get fall this file and you can see this is a viewer where they can they can look at the files you can actually do different markups in here you can leave comments and all this is done in a viewer not something you have to download this is this is right out you know in your web browser without any download so but I think we're not talking all about this on on on Thursday out the end this is also where you can download it if if I'd sent your public link you could download download the file alright I don't going fast but I want to make sure that there is a video if you are fairly new to Fusion you can come back to this video and kind of like just reset if you if you're fairly new to a fusion it easily gets daunting and all you power users out there I encourage you please do me a favor down in the comment area adding anything that then I'm missing here because you know we all I pick community helping helping each other like that okay so with this now we kind of like talked a little bit about an all of your fusion we talked about the cloud um let's go ahead and talk a little bit about some preferences now to get you your preferences you click on your name in the upper right and you click preferences now I'm not gonna show you all of the things in here I'm just gonna give you what I think is is the most important first of all there is different languages in here so if English is not your first language maybe German Japanese or Chinese is you can switch that here is this offline cache I talked about before so mine is set 2 to 15 but I could change the two maybe 30 days and what that means is that after 30 days if I have not been in a file it would be clear of my local cache on my computer and then it will be saved just up on the cloud now when I when I go back online or I click on that file then we start back in in cache here um another thing you should probably know if you're fairly new is that if you're coming from another software you can actually switch depan soon and all pretty short cut so am i right now like I said it four sets of fusion what means I hold down shift middle mouse button I can spin the part around but if you're coming from SolidWorks for example you can switch that to SolidWorks and now it will just be holding down the middle mouse button and boom then you can you can spin around a couple of other things that I maybe think that you want to know about and that is that there is a unit display over here with some general units in here and that can be kind of nice to know about I normally have always had my general position one place further than my CNC machines could so I normally of always been in the five places so you know that that is where you can you can go in and set that and you can play around with a lot of these different things and no other thing you have in here is your default units so you need to go in here so metric if you like that inches if you if you like that whatever you want to show and the last thing I want to show you inside of the Preferences is that is a preview mode in here this is what other software normally knows as a beta area the difference with fusion is that well it is any other software that I've ever used that to get into beta you normally need to know some secret handshake and you couldn't play with it unless you could not talk about it or share it with your friends or anything like that they preview inside of fusion well all we're saying here is this is kind of beta so we can't hundred percent guarantee that we're not going to change things in the futures and so forth but you can definitely go and turn them on and you can play with it and you don't have to know but the diffusion police is not going to come and knock on your door if you told your best friends about one of these cool features coming here all right when I wrap this up I'm gonna open a new design so you may be noticed here that we had a brand new design here and then I open up the SolidWorks file you can just click this little plus sign if you want to create a new file here and I just wanted to give you before your time too deep into different tutorials I just kind of wanted to give you a couple of things to keep keep track of so normally when you're starting out in the modern environment you will always start out with a 2d sketch that 2d sketch is getting extruded into 3d space now the 2d sketch you stop that here you will normally start that either on a face all a plane face or plane but since we don't have anything screen right now you can only start it on a face no on a plane Wow now that's not confusing let me let me try that one time on a 2ds when you starting out you can only do at all you can only sketch and either face or plane when you're starting out you're gonna have anything on the screen you don't have any faces you need to start on a plane that was what I was trying to say so when you click here up to create a new 2d sketch you will see that you get these three free planes displayed they kind of like following the orientation of the new cube up here select one of those to sketch on so if I click here you'll see that it kinda like turns around now another thing to be aware of is that you have an all organ up here and if I click this little light bulb it would actually kind of display here it looks very much like the planes we just selected on toggle on and off here normally this origin turning on this origin is like your nail in space and it's a good practice that your first sketch entity is tied into that origin right there so I'm gonna go up and click the line tool I'm gonna make sure I snap into that origin make that a good rule and then I'm just gonna draw a line over here and just stop drawing something up here this is not very fancy and then I'm gonna close it we know only close sketches click here to close it and notice how I change color in here in in this area that means that the boundary is closed and you want to go for that you want it close if you're a beginner and now it's ready to extrude into 3d space um however be aware of that these lines if they are blue are not tied down if I hold down on this corner look what I can do here we normally want to tie down our sketches and we do that we tie it down with constraints that's the ones you have over here and dimensions that was what I showed you over here when I drew up these dimensions now be aware that the software have always already applied some constraints to this model so here if I click on this you can actually see you can find that over here it created a parallel constraint between this line and this line you would also see that there's another kind of simple right on top of that that's a horizontal line and it also applied a perpendicular relationship so you use the simples over here and the names to find out what these are and then we can apply other constraints if you want to and dimension is like a bit default so if I hit deeper dimension I could click here and I could now left-click in place as I mentioned here I could left-click and place as I mentioned here and by doing this I'm kind of locking down this model in the man I can't really move it much other than certain restrictions if I want to do an angle like an ad for dimension click here and here and let's start 120 and now you will see that everything turned black so that was done by adding some constraints right the ones I talked about and dimensions over here you want to make that a good rule so in the sketching environment make sure you tie your first getting into the origin but turn that on in the light bulb and then make sure you make your sketches go black by adding dimensions and these constraints were ever needed to do that and not until it's totally black should you go in and decide to extrude this into 3d space that here lets me to the last thing I want to talk about and that is the last thing in here is the saving and a lot of people have said to me that when they're watching my videos I don't save enough I'm not talking enough about saving so let's do that I say I can't sitting up here that old flop this that nobody has around anymore unless you maybe have an old CNC machine that you must f1 click Save and you get this this area up here and that will show you a name we're gonna give it a name so let's call this live screen test and then where you want it and click the drop down menu here we could go down and find the live stream area here and click on that and then we can go ahead and save this file it has now been saved and if I go to the live stream folder that I just saved it to you will see that it's saved right here as live stream tests this is kinda like how you're saving if your files so don't worry about saving them locally like you've done with it with most other software's just by saving it here it's saved it both up to the cloud and locally on your computer and if you need to find this file later then you will go into this data panel and and you will grab it here now the last thing is that you do save with versions so you see here these 4 versions you will see that this one here has three versions and what that just means is that every time you're saving this file it will get a version so if I go back to this file here open a new sketch on this face create a circle or a circle D for dimension let's make sure that to give giving this some dimension so it's not blue so we're gonna make this 125 and let's make this 135 hit enter now it's black I'm gonna do another extrude let's make it whole through the pot here hit OK if I save again it gives us a little version description may their whole hit okay this will now become version 2 in here just in a second as it updates there go now it's s version 2 now this version is absolutely awesome look at it as I'm not gonna restore undo you know control Z things let me go back to that arrow press fold I was in the fall notice here that when I built a plastic injection mold and by the way that file you can find up on the on the videos up on you here on YouTube notice that how many versions are having here 34 that's how many times I saved this file if I click on this here it will next open up in any a menu file here like an X to show you all 34 different versions now why do I want these and some people are reaching out to me and says hey how can I clean this up you can't and I don't know you want to because this here is like a continuously undo button that is saved on every single part what means that if I go back to our live stream and go back to our model e if I click on this version 2 you will see here was the first one we did item created and then I made a hole remember I wrote that in here what I can do now is I can actually go in here and I can click on the first model with it and that can promote it above the next one so now we have a number 3 what brings us back to our no 12 we just pretty much this one above made a copy of this one and put it above here now you will see that in the screen it's still looking at this as version two though we have a version three to get version three you will have to you would have to double click on this up here because now that is version 3 double click on that and it's gonna open up version number 3 in here just close that down and then we're back to version 3 what is a copy of version 1 so this is extremely helpful at anytime whenever you say you can bring versions up but it's absolutely great if it's absolutely great if you you know you get down the road of a design and then suddenly you realize whoops you know I want to go five steps back you can you can do that that was 36 minutes almost a half an hour I hope this was useful if you are new to fusion 360 I really hope that this video here and if I went too fast don't always remember you can always rewind on the YouTube that's one of the great things I want you to kinda like be aware of these things so when you when you dive into the different tutorials instead of fusion lists you're trying to get better with using 360 if you're getting a little overwhelmed you could always just take five steps back coming up once these five things beginners want to know about fusion 360 so gave you a quick overview we talked about the cloud that's important because that's different than most other older cat software out there everything is local if your hard drive grows up you can take lost everything you have traveling some kind of a server here it's out in the cloud and locally and then we're talking about some performance settings change your language your mouth those kind of things so how you spin the model around just the basics of modeling make sure you make your sketches fully defined so make them blue the black that's important and then in the end the same and the version all right 157 inside of the livestream that's perfect because this is livestream number 157 so that's perfect open then it dropped a little bit well if you don't mind I would really really appreciate if you have anything to add that you think is super important people should know put it down in the comment area you know anything you stumble kind of like over when you start out with fusion would love to up to hear that that's about what I planned on showing today tomorrow I think we'll get into some old stuff let's do some basic core cavity that is always always good to good to know my name is Lance Christiansen and this was last year number 157 if you like this 5 things you need to know when you're starting out or you wish you knew when you start out with that with you shouldn't 360 thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you know be honest and again if you haven't subscribe to the channel I would super appreciate that that's rubber granted if you're watching the recording thank you so much if you are in the live stream I'm gonna jump in and say hi to everybody take care and I hope I see you tomorrow you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 40,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, akn_include, Design, Manufacturing, Beginner, CAD, CAM, CNC, Lars Christensen, tip, how to, free software, tutorial, fusion, software, cad software, workflow, make anything, fusion 360 tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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