TRUST GOD'S PLAN | Your Pain Will Not Be In Vain

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the enemy hates to see the christian man or woman who's walking in their calling operating in their gift with power with humility and with integrity all for the glory of god that's what the enemy hates to see now we can all learn a lesson from samuel in first samuel chapter 16 he went looking for the king but he was looking with his eyes and not with vision in verse 7 the bible says but the lord said to samuel do not consider his appearance or his height for i have rejected him the lord does not look at the things that people look at people look at the outward appearance but the lord looks at the heart he was looking based on what he knew not based on what god was saying he was looking for the king and basing it on what he personally associated with the king he thought oh this must be the king this has got to be him and when one by one he found that not one of those that he thought was it was it and god told him samuel you're looking at the outward appearance but the lord looks at the heart now when you look in the mirror don't go with your idea of what a king looks like or what a queen looks like you might have a call to become a pianist a business owner a preacher even don't go looking at yourself and think i don't look like a pianist i don't look like someone who could own their own business i don't appear to be someone who can preach god looks at the heart and even those in the world who judge you they don't matter because god looks at your heart scripture says a man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men now my word for you today is don't wait for someone to come along and recognize the great gifts in your own life don't wait god has connected you with some great people but don't even let your family reduce your gift there are some people at your church there are some people on your job there are some people in your neighborhood who will always have something to say but the lord knows what he's deposited in you your job is to cultivate it cultivate the seed grow it and feed that seed until it makes room for you the bible says god will prepare a table before my enemies all those who were who are against you will watch the lord lift you and elevate you believing in god always requires action before manifestation faith acts before it happens in exodus 14 verse 16 moses had to lift up his rod and stretch out his hand over the sea for it to divide he didn't get to the red sea and it was already parted it took faith in action for him to get there and it took further action before the miracle happened the woman with the issue of blood did she know she would be healed if she touched the hem of his garment did she know that if she pushed past that crowd if she crawled and squeezed past everyone she would be healed her faith knew that just the action of touching something on jesus would be more than enough that's why in luke 8 48 the bible says daughter your faith has healed you go in peace faith acted before anything happened so believe today but act on your belief have faith today but also act on your faith it can even be as simple as speaking something out loud for someone who needs to say this say it out loud i am healed i am debt free i am good enough i can do all things through christ who strengthens me combine your faith with action because the word of god teaches us that faith is the key to everything for the believer in christ it's by faith that we come to accept jesus christ as our lord and savior it is also by faith that we live our lives with joy and gladness knowing that there is an eternity to be spent with the father above and perhaps one of the most prominent verses in the bible about faith is hebrews 11 verse 6 but without faith it's impossible to please him for he who comes to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him this underlines just how faith is a requirement for the believer it is the core of our christian living for me to explain why faith is such a crucial requirement let's take a look at the following example in a court of law there will always be a number of things that each side will have to prove in order to persuade the court to find the case in their favor these so-called things i've mentioned is the evidence that needs to be presented it's the evidence that persuades the judge and the jury to come to a decision and so it is the same for the christian the bible tells us in hebrews 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen and there it is faith is the evidence of things not seen faith is us presenting our belief our evidence to god that we trust that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him faith is action i would like to read a few quotes that i pray will inspire you faith isn't about asking god to the storm faith is about trusting god to help you through the storm god's plan is always the best plan sometimes the process is painful and hard but don't forget that when god is silent he is doing something for you pray then let it go don't try and manipulate or force the outcome just trust god to open the right doors at the right time god has a bigger plan for me than i have for myself god will never let us down because his love is unconditional if i were given a stage if i were handed a microphone if i were afforded the opportunity to stand in front of the world and speak i would speak of my lord and savior jesus christ i will tell them that of all the people in my life of all the remedies you can buy of all the solutions you can find jesus christ is the only one that can meet every need he is the only one who is able to be both a healer and a bridge over troubled water he is the solid rock that i stand on and the waymaker who can always make a way where there seems to be no way if i could speak and reach millions i would speak about jesus i would say that out of everyone that i've ever met none has been so good to me than the lord none has been so faithful none has been closer than a brother i've felt pain i've felt disappointment i've been tired frustrated and depressed but there's only one person who ever said the words come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest those were the words of jesus and only jesus you see my perspective is this i don't need to have all the answers because i know the one who is the way the truth and the life i don't need to know what the plan is because i know the planner i don't need to know the why if i know the one i don't need to know the how because i know him so i want to speak to the person who finds themselves stuck stuck in a cycle stuck in the place of desperation stuck in a season where you have more prayer requests than you have faith to stand on don't give up just yet god is good and he sees you right where you are the lord will intervene in his divine timing the future you don't know is the future he's planned out everything to work out for your good stop worrying about when this will come through why didn't this happen what caused that to happen how can i make this thing work but friends let me encourage you to place your trust in the living god his word says i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future he knows the obstacles ahead will lead you to the good he has in store for you he knows your enemies will be stepping stones for the next level he knows the peaks and valleys which are in your path and the ultimate destination he is guiding you to will be one of glory although it's unnerving although you don't have all the answers right away take comfort that the god of all ages the one who is and who was and is to be has control over your life if god is disciplining you be assured that they will be good to come from it somehow someway there will be good many believers have found that the worst things that happened to them were actually the best thing to have happened in hindsight it doesn't feel like it at the time but hold on in faith a little longer job certainly knows this do you remember the depths of his sufferings when tragedy stuck job and his family he managed to keep holding on to his faith that's all he literally had left his faith job's wife couldn't and who could blame her joe's friends couldn't advise him job himself couldn't find a reasonable explanation for what had happened but somehow he managed to say god knows where i am going and when he has tested me i will come out as pure as gold that's very hard to say when you're right in the middle of great hardship we don't just begin to think i'm somehow being refined i believe i will come out of this a better person it is not our default thought pattern as humans but i believe it should be our stance as believers job held on and through that suffering he came out as pure as gold you can too the writer of the hebrews tell us don't throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded that's what david found he tells us there was a time when he was struggling in psalm 55 he writes fear and trembling overwhelm me and i can't stop shaking morning noon and night i cry out in my distress and the lord hears my voice then david says this can be our experience also at the end of the psalm he writes give your burdens to the lord and he will take care of you he will not permit the godly to slip and fall and we need to hold on to this god will never let you slip so i urge you brothers and sisters the lord jesus is king and he invites you to come to him for rest the bible says let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking onto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god troubles can be a blessing for believers you see god uses our troubles to remind us that he is a deliverer he is a savior he is our hope and rescue god is faithful to empower you to stand strong and victorious and not to be defeated understand that we are overcomers the first principle to receiving a victory from god is to understand that he has already won the battle has already been fought and he has already won if we can only understand this we have the victory we have overcome and yeah it's a battle sometimes to be a christian but we know that christ told us to take up our cross and follow him as we do this we receive the rewards of victory in jesus [Music] god is the best listener you need not to shout or cry out loud all the time because the lord hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart god is like oxygen you can't see him but you cannot live without him thank god for everything in your life the good and bad the joy and the pain because when you look back you will realize some were blessings and some were lessons what you need god knows when you ask god listens when you believe god works find joy every day not because life is always good but because god is always good god has a reason for allowing things to happen we may never understand his wisdom but we simply have to trust his will faith is trusting god even when you don't understand the plan god always has something for you a key for every problem a light for every shadow remedy for every pain a relief for every sorrow and a plan for every tomorrow god's plan for your life exceeds the plans for your day you are where god wants you to be at this very moment every experience is part of his divine plan god doesn't give you the people you want he gives you the people you need to help you to hurt you to leave you to love you and to make you the person you were meant to be trust that god will put the right people in your life at the right time and for the right reasons disappointments are just god's way of saying i've got something better so be patient have faith and live your life the lord never brought you this far only to abandon you [Music] lately i found myself praying for things that money can't buy my prayer requests have been god will you give me peace of mind lord will you take my worry and my anxiety away father protect me protect me every time i leave my home protect my health every single one of my prayer requests have been for things that money cannot buy and i have been trying to make sense of this year so far because 2020 has been a strange year we all had plans i'm sure plans that have either been disturbed or now delayed for one reason or another but one thing that i have been learning and coming to understand is proverbs 19 verse 21 where it says many are the plans in a person's heart but it is the lord's purpose that prevails so i am coming to understand that my plans will not have any success unless god governs them all life is full of changes and challenges but even those changes and challenges god governs them all we should not be doing a thing without god's counsel having approved it so now as i begin to not just understand that it's god's plan that governs things in my life i begin to have faith that if jesus can turn the cold heart of a man who used to hunt christians if he can turn soul the persecutor to pull the apostle then he can change me from being weak in my mind to being strong he can change me from being just someone on this earth to become someone significant for his kingdom i begin to have faith because if jesus discovered a woman at the well and then he gave her living water then he can do it for me too he can give me more faith instead of fear he can give me more peace instead of worry more joy instead of sadness if jesus can feel the touch of a desperate believer on the hem of his garment then surely he can feel my pain he can feel the weight that i am carrying god has a plan for your life and a plan for my life and we can choose to abide by his plan or we can try and go against it and do what we want to do but the problem in doing our own thing or following our own plan is that we will have to face the consequences alone and i would rather follow god's plan than do my own thing without god's counsel so now the question becomes my plan or god's plan you see when it comes to god's plans we act in faith when there is no guarantee or certainty and for some of us it's difficult when it comes to the things of god but we do this all the time in our normal daily living for example no one knows what kind of a life a child will have yet people continue to have children no one can know how life will turn out with your spouse yet we continue to have faith and our marriage will last a lifetime but here's why sometimes it can be difficult or scary to follow god's plan believing in god always requires action before manifestation faith acts before anything happens in exodus 14 verse 16 moses had to lift up his rod and stretch out his hand over the sea first before it divided he never got to the red sea and it was already parted it took faith in action for him to get there and it took faith in action again for him to lift up his rod stretch out his hand before the miracle happened think of the woman with the issue of blood did she know that she would be healed did she know that if she pushed past that crowd if she crawled and squeezed past everyone did she know that she could get to jesus and if so why not go to touch the hand of jesus why just the hem of his garment she was close enough already to touch the man why not grab him and pull on his garment to get his attention i believe that her faith knew that just the action of touching something on jesus would be more than enough for her to be healed that's why in luke 8 verse 48 jesus responded saying daughter your faith has healed you go in peace faith acted before anything happened so you should be believing today but you should also be acting on your belief you should have faith today but you should also be acting on your faith and it can be as simple as speaking something out loud for someone who needs to say this say it out loud i am healed i am debt free i am good enough i can do all things through christ who strengthens me combine your faith with action because the word of god teaches us that faith is the key to everything for a believer in christ it's by faith that we come to accept jesus as our lord and savior it's also by faith that we live our lives with the joy and gladness knowing that there is eternity to be spent with the father above and perhaps one of the most prominent verses in the bible about faith is hebrews 11 verse 6 without faith it's impossible to please him for he who comes to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him and this underlines just how faith is a requirement for us as believers it's the core of our christian living imagine a court of law for example there will always be a number of things that each party will have to prove in order to persuade the court to find a case in their favor these so-called things that i've mentioned is the evidence that needs to be presented it's evidence that persuades the judge and the jury to come to a decision and so the bible tells us in hebrews 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen and that's the key part faith is the evidence of things not seen faith is us presenting our belief our evidence to the lord and saying that we trust you and we trust that you reward those who diligently seek you [Music] so ask yourself how strong is my evidence how strong is my faith does my faith please the judge is the evidence of faith that i am presenting to the lord enough for me to get this answer for me to get this breakthrough do i believe beyond all reasonable doubt that god is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him another aspect of faith that we need to be aware of is the power that it can bring hebrews 11 30 says by faith the walls of jericho fell down after they were compassed about seven days by faith the walls of jericho fell down so the bible is telling us that faith can break down walls faith can break down strongholds so for the believer that needs a breakthrough what do they need to have what precedes the breakthrough faith for the believer that needs a miracle what precedes that miracle faith for the one who has been seeking healing or seeking peace and restoration in their lives what precedes that it's faith [Music] faith is not just something by which we enter into a right relationship with god faith is something that we should live with and exercise every single day faith should be the core principle that we stand on faith in god's word faith in who god is and faith in his promises so have faith [Music] i share with you this story today because from over half of my life i have struggled to know my worth i have struggled to know my true value i don't care with being the founder of whatever it takes consulting for 28 years there was not one dollar or millions of dollars that could take away the pain the emptiness the heartache that i felt when i had to end my day pretending to be someone else and coming home to reality of looking in the mirror and seeing and believing nothing was there i share this story with you today because i believe there are some people that need to hear it right now i believe that some people can relate to this story because this is how you're feeling this may be your life this may be your emotions this may be your thoughts that i want to give you something today but i want to share something with you today as to the glory of god and when he says he loves you and he has you it doesn't matter what you're going through he is right there with you and for you and it doesn't matter what the story says of your worth and who you are to the world out there because according to him god says you are my most prized possession and you are worthy and more importantly and the plans i have for you and your life are of good and not of harm and the calling i have on your life is bigger than not only you can imagine but what you can handle so i want to fast forward and i wrote this down because lord i want to glorify you today i want to as you have called me to do in 1st corinthians chapter 1 verse 13 all the way through chapter 2 lord you want me to boast about you today you want me to glorify you today lord you want me to celebrate you today and father god that's what i've came to do because the news i'm about to share with you he will receive a hundred percent of the glory because it's a hundred percent about him about three years ago it's february actually two years ago february of 2016 i'll never forget this day i had called my dear friends who had decided to stand with me as we decided to launch a new vision in whatever it takes consulting llc a vision that the lord had called for a women's ministry and as i reached out to them to share with them that i had decided to buy tickets vip tickets to the next showing the next gathering of priscilla schreier's forever tour that was going to be right in austin texas every single one of them decided that they wanted to come to and i remember as we showed up to that event how we had vip tickets which meant that we got to be in a room a private room one-on-one with anthony her brother and miss priscilla schreier herself and got to talk with her one-on-one and i remember as we all took our seats and i sat on the inn trying to hide myself i'll never forget this here came priscilla and she did a prayer unlike anything and she says some of you are holding on to something she was instead of waiting to the end we're gonna break it in the beginning and she did a prayer and she had people pass around a three by five card and she says whatever it is god wants it right now he needs it right now because you are closer than you've ever been to your destiny and you're calling there's a few of you in this room that i'm here for today and as she spoke it sweat like water was dripping down my face i've never had a moment like that before and as she told everybody to write it and she says and here are these buckets at the end of the stage come give it to god come give it to god and we're gonna all pray at the same moment and break these chains then they were just rows and rows of people going with their card and i started to hear the lord tell me write it down write it down it is no longer yours give it to me give it to me tracy and i knew the thing that was still choking me was my past was my pain was my affliction was my destitution was my childhood was my adolescent years i knew all those things still had a hold on me and it didn't matter how successful i was it did not matter but the one thing i will tell you when the lord has called for something great the fight to break it is harder than the word hell and i was paralyzed i felt a force on me preventing me from getting up something holding me down telling me no you're not going anywhere and i felt a force saying yes you are get up in the name of jesus right now and i felt these words say don't you dare get up you're nothing you're small you'll never be anybody you're bald you're broken and i felt this other holy spirit saying you're everything you're whole you're beautiful get out of that chair right now tracy casey arnold it was the most biggest thing that i've ever experienced in my whole entire life as i got up i was the last woman out of a room of what could have been 5 000. and as i walked up to that stage and i had my chains on that cart [Music] i couldn't put it in the bowl i could the fight was real and all i know was i felt the hands of one of my dear friends at the time who had came to stand with me and the moment that her hand hit my back [Music] and i heard her faintly but i know she was praying strong and loud cause the enemy doesn't want you to hear that pray over me in a way just let it go tracy let it go and as i looked up i saw priscilla looking at me and she just looked at me and made eye contact and pointed like baby let it go that i put my last chains in that bowl and i cried and dropped to the floor like a baby this was a moment unlike anything that i know many people may think is fake and ain't real but i'm going to tell you what is because you don't know who he is and you don't know what he can do but once you do you know that it was the hand of god [Music] it was not anything but him and i share that with you today because when i left there the lord like jonah called me to preach and i never preached before a message to women that he was going to gather in my home and i heard my holy father say you are approved daughter you are chosen and the promise that has been written on your life from the time you were conceived which is why the battle was so bad because the fight was so strong because the calling on your life was that big it is time for you to take your place and prepare yourself i cannot tell you that when hope is lost that you must know what is in those moments with everything that you've gone through with all the afflictions and the pain and the beatings and the things that you can't believe happened to you that you must stand and you must give yourself to christ you must submit yourself to him you must emerge your whole body into his arms [Music] because the lord has you and never have i been a woman that has been about myself never cause i never knew how i never believed that i was and it doesn't matter the success that i've had because in your heart if you're dead inside millions don't mean anything because god loves you and he is with you and he is for you and nothing can stand against you and he's got a calling on your life too not just on me you've got greatness in you and he wants to jerk it out of you and help you step into your position because he needs you in a time like this you guys he needs you and there are many people that are in the dark that he needs to use you to speak to them to get them [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 444,761
Rating: 4.9312253 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: Fu7Jm4awF5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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