5 SCARIEST "Glitch In The MATRIX" EVENTS You Need To Hear...

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what's going on you guys my name's ty knots and welcome to top five unknowns five glitch in the matrix stories and be sure to stick around for number two because it's actually a personal story of mine number five I was driving at night trying to get home from a friend's house my friend lived down the country so I had to take back country roads home I was never a proficient driver at nights when I got lost I wasn't surprised I tried bringing up Google Maps but I didn't have 3G coverage out there so I decided that I was probably going in the wrong direction just from the gut feeling so I got out of the car to look around at the time it was May but when I got out it was extremely cold the weather had been mild all week even at night it was brisk at the absolute worst the second I stepped out of the car though I knew everything was wrong not only was it unimaginably cold for that time of year but the woods below the hill my car was on were gone they've been there just moments before I stepped out but now there were four large houses where the patch of trees used to be the house as though it didn't look like houses I was used to seeing in the area they'd domed roofs with skylights in the middle they look kind of like elongated entryways at the front kind of like what you'd see in a classic igloo I started to panic and called my dad but the call went nowhere I forgotten that I lost coverage a few miles back then I heard a voice below me I looked down at the houses and a small floodlight had been turned on and one of the front lawns of the houses this guy was standing outside with a dog he was talking to the dog in this language I'd never heard before now I'm no linguist and I couldn't hear him very well but it sounded pretty much alien it was elongated vowels and chirping for lack of a better word I was absolutely dumbfounded and freaking out at that point I was considering throwing myself off that hill just hoping that hit my head and wake back up in my car I was fully awake though freezing and panicking I rushed back into my car and drove for another few minutes before passing by another car that car though was not the kind that we would see today there was a weird symbol on the windshield and lights that were accenting the chassis it had no outboard mirrors and didn't make the normal sound as it passed by I can't even describe what the sound it wasn't like a whoosh from normal cars it was almost kind of like it was slithering I think the driver noticed that my car was super different too because as I instinctively slowed down to get a better look so did he and that was it for me I stopped on the side of the road for a few seconds took a lot of deep breaths turned off my car and sat for quite some time but eventually worked up the nerve to get out of the car again this time it was barely cool out and I could recognize my surroundings I was just about 20 minutes away from home I walked down the road aways around a band and up another small hill and I could see a familiar billboard just out in the distance the problem is that I was way too afraid that if I got back in my car things would change again so I was determined to stay outside I thought just to be safe I'll open the car door grab the flashlight and walk back down the hill around the bend but when I turned back around my car was gone it occurred to me that after I shut the car door I hadn't looked back at all so maybe I just forgotten its position so I kept walking back but no car I checked my phone and it had been hours since I left and my parents were surely in that asleep so I called my friend and he picked me up on the side of the road instead of telling him the truth I told him some made-up story about how my car had died on the road going into the woods I was getting scared in the woods so I decided to hoof it home and gave up by the time my folks had gone to bed so I had to call him he laughed at my misfortune and stupidity and said he'd come help me look for the car the next day I led my dad our wild goose chase for that car for the majority of the next day before my dad gave up and said it must have been stolen and reported it to this day the car has never been found because as far as I know it's on the side of the road and what I firmly believed to be an alternate dimension or parallel universe number 4 about three weeks ago I was driving with a friend of mine in the passenger seat to a cinema in the nearby city there were very few pedestrians and cars around at that time of day it was dark outside but due to the city lights there weren't any problem seeing clearly we were discussing different stuff making jokes but nothing unusual then I had to stop at a crossroad for the traffic light to go green again when I randomly looked to my side in front of me and noticed something really weird you know how in some of the traffic polls there's a button that you can press if you want to cross the road well there was one on the pole but just like a meter so next to it there was somehow another one just floating in the air at the same height as the one parallel to it I couldn't comprehend what I would see I just stared out at the whole time we waited there I wasn't even able to say anything in that moment because I was still trying to comprehend it when the light turned green again after what felt like an eternity I still looked at it while driving past it and it also changed my perspective but it was very clearly floating after we drove past it was finally able to speak again and just sent it to my friend that I saw something impossible I tried to describe it to her but she just shrugged it off I'm extremely confident in what I saw and I still have to think about to this day it was deeply disturbing in a way kind of like when you're in a dream and you noticed that it's a dream and things start to change and kind of morph around you I was scared that I would wake up at any moment right after that experience number three in the early 80s my mother and father lived in Monrovia Liberia in northern Africa for a while my father used to ride a motorcycle to navigate the roads through the jungle areas one day he my mother were out and suddenly his motorcycle started sputtering and stopped they tried for over 20 minutes but the motorcycle just simply wouldn't start this is way before the time of cellphone so they couldn't call anyone for help and they were miles away from the nearest village but suddenly a very large African man with the beard carrying a walking stick came out of the brush and asked my father what's wrong with your machine if are there explains that it won't start the man asked what will you do and my father says I don't know we're too far to walk the man puts his hand on the motorcycle and says I think you should try it again it will start now my father's confused but tries it again and this time the motorcycle revs up engine on and working like he looks back at the man and says something along the lines of Wow I don't know what you did but thank you he then asked for his name and the man told my dad my name is Moses he starts to walk forward down the road and my dad says that he looked away for a moment and turned back and the man was absolutely gone nowhere to be seen he said he could see very clearly a long ways down the road but the man was nowhere to be found number two this is actually a personal story that happened to a relative of mine about ten years ago I've been wanting to share this story with you guys on top five unknowns for years but never found a good time to do it until now so sometime around 2008 or 2009 my cousin Melissa was taking her son for a day out shopping at the time he was only about 1 or 2 years old and still in a car seat she's driving along a very long old highway located somewhere in northern Florida there are no shops gas stations are literally anything close by it's just a straight stretch of road surrounded by nothing but trees about midway through the highway Melissa hears something strange in the back seat she looks into the mirror and sees that her son is having a seizure she needed leaving again Stepanek swears over to the side of the road and runs out of the car towards the backseat she managed to get her son out of the seat bed absolutely no idea what to do from here she had no cell service to call for help and there was literally no one around but just as she begins to fear for the worse a nurse and doctor come running up and ask Melissa what's going on they see that her son is having a seizure so they grab him place him on his side and keep him stable until the seizure passes as soon as he begins to calm down they tell Melissa to take him directly to a hospital she immediately turned around to thank them and no one is there there's no car part near hers nor did she hear a car pull up or drive away within a literal split-second the amount of time it took her to turn her body around to face them they'd completely vanished there wasn't so much as another car passing by on the highway absolute stillness and nothing is all that surrounded her also what are the literal odds of something like this even happening a nurse and a doctor just happening to walk upright as a child is in a crisis in the middle of a deserted Highway to this day she has no explanation for what happened other than some ethereal experience or a major glitch in the May dress her son is now fine and lives a completely normal life having suffered no damage from the seizure he's never had another one either number one so last night I had to put my son down and I went back into my living room my husband was at his computer playing a game and I can't remember what it's called but he loves it after sitting down for a moment I go into the kitchen to grab a small snack before I realized that I need to use the restroom so I go and grab my phone and look at my husband and he's still on his computer I told him I'm going to use the restroom as I always do mostly so if he needs me he doesn't have to yell and wake up the kid he looked at me and nodded and I go to the bathroom to get to my bathroom from the living room there's a long narrow hallway you can't go any other way and it's hard to sneak past someone there's two bathrooms though one in the hall and one in the master bedroom we used the master bedroom more than our guest bathroom so I go into my room and turn towards the bathroom door it's dark with the small light on by my bed and I run into my husband I got scared for a moment thinking it was someone else but it was very obviously him I shrieked but luckily not too loud as I didn't want to wake up the kid he says I had to go to the bathroom and it seemed like he was rolling his eyes at me I just dart from the bathroom back to the living room all the while whispering in my confusion there was no one there at all the game was paused and everything was right where he had left it of course my husband is confused and I explained to him what just happened I think I spooked him a bit but he hasn't really said anything else about it paranormal or not I'm not really sure what happened he was very clearly playing a game but as I walked down the hallway he was then very clearly in the bedroom I can't make any sense of this but I sure hope it doesn't happen again thank you guys so much for watching if you liked this video be sure to click that like button also don't forget to subscribe to live that notification Bal to keep updated with our videos you
Channel: Top 5 Unknowns
Views: 256,606
Rating: 4.512569 out of 5
Keywords: parallel universe, universe, universe stories, found online, unexplained, unsolved, glitch in the matrix, matrix, glitch
Id: tgS75Co5O6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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