5 EERIE Backstories Of People With Imaginary Friends..

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what's going on you guys my name is ty knots and welcome to top five unknowns five terrifying stories of imaginary friends number five karl-anthony towns is a professional basketball player for the NBA he's played for both the Kentucky Wildcats and the Minnesota Timberwolves and has even been named Rookie of the Year for both 2015 and 2016 seasons since then he's also received two all-star selections he was originally born in new jersey with his father being african-american and his mother being dominican he's been playing basketball since a very young age and in high school his team won the new jersey state championship in 2012 they also win the championship the following two years as well though through all of this karl-anthony has a little known secret he has an imaginary friend and has for much of his adult life his friend's name is Carlito and his job is dedicated to handling all the criticism that sent karl-anthony zwey according to his coach karl-anthony is such a great kid that he doesn't want to talk back to you he turns his head to the side and talks to the little man on his shoulder instead after he started doing it the coach asked him who he was talking to and another coach gave him the nickname Carlito according to karl-anthony he only speaks to Carlito occasionally and he assists that Carlito is only there to help him he says it's all about knowing that Carlito loves him and he only wants him to do his best on the court karl-anthony has been seen several times a national television talking to suppose an imaginary friend and still values his imaginary relationship to this day number four Susan Schofield is an author most well known for documenting our schizophrenic daughter's life and trials she became fairly well known after she appeared on a few morning shows in the early to mid 2000s and she's also been involved with Discovery Channel who developed a documentary based on children who battle with schizophrenia Susan's daughters named January but goes by Jay and according to Susan jenny has been unusual since she was still in utero she says that Jani would constantly move in the womb and never seem to sleep once she was born she rarely ever slept for more than about 30 minutes according to Janie's father when she was a young girl she would take her places to keep her mind occupied these was often just be simple places such as Ikea or the zoo and he says that he did this because if she wasn't preoccupied she would scream literally non-stop as Janie grew older her imagination ran wild and she had several imaginary friends most of whom were animals according to a psychologist most children her age have had an imaginary friend though Jenny's parents insisted that her imagination was on another level according to her father she would become irrationally angry if anyone suggested that the friends weren't real by the age of five Jani was ready to be enrolled in school though during her assessment she refused to write her own name and insisted that her name was hotdog and became very uncooperative with her parents and staff Susan eventually decided not to enroll Jani after she learned that she had a difficult time sitting still while other children at storytime she removed her and decided to home-school her instead according to Susan Jenny had no easier time with homeschooling she still refused to pay attention enough during the teaching and will not do any work that required sitting still it was also very difficult for Jani to make friends because the other kids simply didn't have the imagination that Jani did which is likely why she continued her relationships with her imaginary friends by the time she was six years old Jenny's behavior was almost unimaginable she was taken to see numerous doctors who eventually referred to her mental state as psychosis and insisted that her imaginary friends were hallucinations she was hospitalized in 2008 and spent two years in an inpatient treatment center at several different hospitals before a doctor formally diagnosed her with childhood schizophrenia according to her doctors chances are when she would act out and hit other children on the playground it was because her imaginary friends told her to do it as her childhood continued on Jenny continued to become less and less willing to deal with others in fact when her parents gave birth to a baby brother Jani refused to accept him and CPS workers insisted that it was not safe for the young boy named Bodhi to remain in the same home as Jenny Jenny had oftentimes become violent with Bodhi and could not stand that he would crawl into a room and chew on it toys because of this her parents decided to rent the apartment adjacent to their own and give each of the kids their own private space one child live in one apartment and the other would live in the apartment across the hall they continued this arrangement for nearly two years today Jenny is about 16 years old and is doing fairly well all things considered she's unfairly heavy medications but appears in her mother's YouTube videos frequently she's believed to still maintain her relationship with her imaginary friends to this day number three back in 2015 a couple adopted a young boy named Rylan for a meth-addicted family though they soon learned of his obsession with blood knives and violence after the adoption they found that both of his parents suffered from bipolar disorder and their drug use certainly didn't help this his current parents are concerned that his biological makeup may lead him to be irrationally violent one day and even appeared on dr. Phil to express their concerns the family also have three other children in Kim their mother believes that Rylands transition was quite smooth though she soon began to realize that he was not developing the same ways as the other children when he turned just three years old they caught him stabbing knives into a watermelon from here Rylan formed a relationship with an imaginary robot friend named bleeder he then began to say that bleeder wants him to kill his whole family talking about how he's going to stab him to death frequently according to his mother when he was just six years old he locked himself in the bathroom with his older brother's razor blade and cut off the tips of his fingers just to see the blood according to Rylan bleeder told him to do it according to the family their biggest fear is that they're going to raise a murderer each of the parents takes turns solely taking care of Rylan as he requires so much more attention than the other children his father says that they haven't lived like a normal family in the last three years and then when he has a breakdown they have to restrain him for upwards of 45 minutes his father says that he's found sharp objects hidden behind their toilet before and feel certain that one day bleeder will tell us to kill someone number two according to police a man by the name of Ricky Cole had an imaginary friend that told him to hurt people and occasionally kill them according to authorities a man named Jason Cote heard Ricky having a conversation with his imaginary friend known as Vern he says that this conversation made him fear for his life and Jason also says that Ricky had bragged about killing two other people before and is being investigated for weapons charge at the time ultimately Jason says that these facts are it led him to take Ricky's life in 2013 Ricky was found bludgeoned to death by metal pipe inside of his own home in New Hampshire and Jason was the only suspect Jason alleges that the attack was solely in self-defense though the severity of Ricky's wounds seemed to indicate otherwise as his skull was found completely crushed during the attack further reports seem to indicate that Jason may have been under the influence of certain illegal substances at the time of the attack which may have led him to interpret Ricky's conversation with an imaginary friend and a negative light regardless Jason is now facing trial and is likely to spend life in prison number one Casey Anthony is surely a name that most of us remember she was questioned back in 2008 after she was believed to have been involved in the disappearance and ultimately death of her little girl Caylee she was never actually charged with the murder and spent just a very short amount of time in prison one of the most curious and twisted details of the Casey Anthony trial though was that she reportedly left her daughter with that nanny named Zenaida or zani for sure she returned home later that day to pick her daughter up but both she and the nanny were allegedly gone however investigators soon found out this supposed nanny never actually existed Casey had told investigators that zani had been watching her daughter for over a year and a half and that she would oftentimes drop her daughter off at xanies apartment police eventually located a woman named zani and questioned her about Casey though she says that she'd never met Casey or even seen her before according to investigators zanny was simply one of the many fictional characters that case he had made up through the course of the trial some of these characters had fold backstories names for family members and parents and even details that Casey could recall straight off the top of her head though none of these people actually existed some have suggested the Casey may suffer from some form of mental illness though many others have simply come to the conclusion that Casey is a pathological liar and told stories of these fictional people and a way to cover up any possible tie she may have had to her daughter's disappearance Casey remains a free woman to this day and even though her allegations of neglect child endangerment and murder never went anywhere through the legal system she was awarded the title of most hated woman in America just a few years back Casey has since spoken of the possibility of having another child thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video be sure to click that like button also don't forget to subscribe and click that notification ball to keep updated with our videos [Music] you
Channel: Top 5 Unknowns
Views: 125,165
Rating: 4.8405933 out of 5
Keywords: mystery unsolved unexplained found in internet entertainment lifestyle, unexplained mystery, unsolved mystery, true stories, creepy, paranormal
Id: svjoxA91_Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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