70 Unsolved Mysteries of The World & Universe That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation

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the alt client comments are some of the most brilliant spectacles that we can observe from these balls of ice and minerals often have brilliant trails I can be seen by terrestrial observers if such a comet passes close enough to earth but have you ever wondered where those comets came from and where they go when they complete their orbit around the earth this is a mystery that scientists are still mostly unable to answer some comments with shorter orbits closer to our solar system are believed to be from I see interstellar objects called scattered discs however this only accounts for its small fraction of known comments the origins of those with longer period orbits as well as some short period orbit comments like the famous Haley's comment are not nearly as clear there is one plausible theory that is thought to be the genesis of all these long period comments the genesis is known as the Oort cloud named after Dutch astronomer Jan Oort Oort expanded upon and corrected the theories of Estonian astronomer Ernst OPEC and determined that because of the sheer amount of volatile elements and chemicals that exist on comments that they had to have formed in some sort of cloud of material on the outer rims of the solar system the loose gravitational force of the Sun would keep these icy objects in its cloud like formation when an object comes close enough to the inner rim of the clouds it is pulled by the gravity of the Sun towards our solar system thus getting launched into orbit some comments such as Halley's Comet gets stuck within a closed orbit of our solar system thanks to the happenstance of the gravitational forces and become short period orbits of our solar system others such as the Hale Bopp comment can take thousands of years to complete an orbit all of these objects and billions and trillions more exist supposedly within the Oort cloud they theorize this cloud is actually made up of the remnants of the proto planetary disc that surrounded our Sun until it formed into the planets we have today matter but did not get pulled together enough to create planets scientists estimate that the Oort cloud could be five thousand to a hundred thousand a you think or about a Lightyear in thickness there is that much space that just has floating ice remnants ready to become comments if it exists the big catch here is that scientists have no idea if the Oort cloud actually exists on their official NASA website they refer to the Oort cloud as scientists best guess as to where so many comets come from this cloud is so far from Earth and the rest of our solar system that we currently have no way to detect his presence the closest satellite we have to the Oort cloud is Voyager 1 which is currently traveling and any 1 million miles per day towards the location of the Oort cloud unfortunately because of how far the Oort cloud is Voyager 1 won't reach the very beginning of it for another 300 years if it were to try and travel all the way through it would take approximately 30,000 years to reach the end of the anti cloud however we won't ever get to see and get that close as Voyager 1 will lose power and contact with earth by 2025 meaning we will have absolutely no way to know what is out to pass the point we lose contact until we find a way to get a satellite to travel far and fast and that is strong enough to communicate with earth we will likely continue to be in the dark or at the existence of the Oort cloud signals from deep space the earth is constantly being barraged with light radiation from all over the universe using radio wave observatories such as the Very Large Array in New Mexico or Merlin in the United Kingdom astronomers are constantly studying the sky listening to these emissions from across the universe while many wavelengths help us decipher and uncover the universe around us one immensely power type of radio wave emission is almost completely shrouded in mystery these are known as fast radio bursts or FRBS for short fr bees are radio waves that lasts only a few milliseconds birds that have extremely energetic radio frequencies these range from 500 megahertz up to 7 gigahertz in energy or about 500 million times the energy emitted from our own Sun FRBS originate far away from Earth with most points of origin being billions of light years away because of this massive distance scientists are unable to identify just what generates these massive signals from deep space being able to understand the origins of these massive far traveling light waves could unlock incredible secrets on knowledge about our universe but without methods of detection we are left completely in the dark just what might be causing giant bursts of energy many scientists speculate as fr bees have natural origins from high-energy celestial bodies that are far flung from our own galaxy fr bees are most frequently observed in singular bursts meaning that whatever they came from experienced a massive surge in energy that emitted this signal initially such an extreme event would theoretically be generated by collisions of massive objects such as neutron stars colliding with black holes supernovas or other neutron stars although such a scenario is possible naturally scientists currently have no way of testing if this is the case or if something much more complicated and advanced might be at play scientists theorize that there could be a constant barrage of FRBS actually hitting our planet every day but we just don't have the technological instruments to detect them and we are still learning new things about fr bees every year in 2015 McGill University graduate student Paul Schultz made the groundbreaking discovery that fr bees could repeat he pinpointed the signal FRB 1 2 1 1 0 2 which had first been detected in 2012 confirming for the first time that FR bees have the possibility to reoccur this opened up a world of new possibilities for the origins of FRBS including some that may involve alien intelligence some scientists believe that FRPs could have artificial points of origin created by super intelligent alien species who have figured out how to harness much higher energies than anyone on earth could control in March of 2017 scientists from the Harvard University released a theory that said that fr bees might be energy links from giant planets size transmitters by creating a powerful solar array 2 times the size of Earth aliens could harness the power of nearby stars and focus that energy towards huge intergalactic solar sailors these solar sailors could theoretically carry large numbers of passengers on rapid intergalactic routes to other stars planets and potentially even galaxies it's astonishing to think that FRBS may just be the remnant energy of an intergalactic superhighway but until astronomers are able to detect precise origins for these signals we as humans will be left to speculate on this celestial mystery dark matter and dark energy one of the most well known mysteries of the universe at least by name is that of dark matter and dark energy the most elusive substances in the universe which we've talked about before we are only aware of the presence of this phenomenon because of their effects on gravity otherwise we have no idea what these two things are at all since many people are aware of this mystery I want to take a second to debunk some of the most common misconceptions about dark matter and dark energy first and foremost dark energy and dark matter are not the same thing dark matter is all the matter that scientists are unable to detect through current technological means this includes both baryonic or normal matter that might be difficult for scientists to detect an on baryonic matter which is matter that isn't composed of barians or atomic particles however baryonic matter is thought to make up only a small fraction of what dark matter actually is most dark matter is currently completely unobservable and thought to be nonbaryonic as it does not interact with known physical particles and radiation the way baryonic matter is observed - many believe this matter is composed of wim PS or weakly interacting massive particles those are proton sized particles with extremely dense masses that supposedly hardly interact with any other particles around them making them difficult to detect according to astronomical observations Dark Matter makes up roughly 72% of the universe yet all of this matter is completely undetectable dark energy is the supposed energy that has increased the expansion of the universe and is thought to comprise the majority of our universe making up approximately 68% of it unlike the name might suggest dark energy is not something tangible like electricity but more like a force such as gravity unlike dark matter which is a bit better defined dark energy is only known to be the driver of the accelerating expansion of our universe in 1998 the hubble space telescope made this observation while observing a supernova from early in the universe's life astronomers realized that the universe back then was expanding much slower than it is observed to be expanding today which at the time was a completely astounding result it completely contradicts our known natural laws of physics suggesting that this special type of energy is able to operate outside of those normal bounds or even that our theory of gravity may be inaccurate aside from this information scientists are almost completely in the dark about the properties or the actual existence of dark energy scientists cannot even begin to make headway on what dark energy is because there is no current way to discern its existence with so many questions to answer how our astronomers trying to chip away at the problem of dark energy and dark matter in a case of dark matter scientists are trying to utilize groundbreaking detection methods at search for miniscule dense particles in November 2017 researchers at Brown University unveiled a new experiment for detection that involves utilizing superfluid helium to detect these elusive particles but give off astronomically tiny amounts of energy if successful scientists may be able to take their first crack at what exactly makes up dark matter of the universe dark energy proves to be more difficult as it's not necessarily a substance that can be observed scientists are best can run tests on their theories using calculations and educated speculation some believe dark energy to be a kind of fifth element or quintessence being a fifth fundamental force alongside strong interaction weak interaction gravity and electromagnetism others think the force points to a cosmological constant as originally theorized by Albert Einstein whatever the answer may be it's rather daunting to comprehend but the universe that we are currently able to see and interact with only accounts very small 5% of the universe it makes you appreciate our existence on this earth just a little bit more is our universe a simulation simulation theory is the idea that our world or even our entire universe exists inside of a simulation and that none of us are truly real since its popularization from the movie The Matrix society has often been fascinated with the possibility that we live inside a simulation while it may have started out today science fiction a multitude of scientific studies have begun to take this question this endeavor has proved to be rather controversial as evidence for and against this theory of simulated existence has piled up over the years so for now we will lay out what we have learned only formulating the answers to you in the case of our universe being assimilation scientists have made a number of groundbreaking discoveries that open up the possibility that our universe is in some way simulator by a higher power in 2012 professor Silas Beane from the University of Bonn in Germany unearthed to the similarities between the properties of a simulation and the properties of particles in our own observed universe Beane says that Gryson satis pin Guzman cut off illustrates a fundamental limit on the energy that particles can have which would have to be the case for simulated particles with a substantial amount of documentation of this phenomena Beane believes that this could be a piece in the puzzle for revealing the universe as a simulated environment on March the 7th 2015 a debate was hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson at the American Museum of Natural History in New York to discuss the possibility of the universe being a simulation during this debate professor James gates from the University of Maryland presented astounding findings regarding the simulation of the universe while studying the mathematical equations that make up our current understanding of string theory gates found what appear to be computer cones within these equations according to gates this was a special kind of computer code that corrects errors that happen within computer processing under a fundament part of the code of internet browsers today the presence of these codes was shocking in the midst of super string theory equations because it's a chastened that within the fabric of our very universe within the vibrating strings that supposedly regulate at all there exists computerized codes that keep things in check since the discovery of these codes numerous other studies have unearthed more with in string theory mathematical equations this is certain was compiling evidence to date that our universe might indeed be a simulation for the most part passed arguments against the idea that we live in a simulation have mostly been philosophical or metaphysical this was until October of 2017 when a team of Oxford physicians used quantum physics to suggest otherwise hailed by some as confirmation that the universe was conclusively not a simulation to theoretical physicists attempted to simulate the motion of quantum systems using a method called quantum Monte Carlo Hall this is essentially a method of simulating complex particle interactions by using random samples of the motions in these systems since these motions are to menu to simulate directly and exactly their experiment found as more particles were placed into the system the simulation became increasingly unworkable so unworkable in fact that only a few hundred simulated electrons would have taken the computing power of more than all atoms of the universe combined thus because the computing power needed becomes exponentially greater as particles are added to the simulation they concluded that the universe could not be simulated since the release of this study many have pointed out that if our world were simulated we would not be able to necessarily replicate the environment and computing power needed to duplicate such a simulation one of the physicists himself admitted that the computing power of the universe simulating us could be much more vast than our own universe so although we have found the bounds of simulations within our own universe we still do not have the conclusive idea as to whether or not our universe is simulated and as we crawled deeper into the rabbit hole we may become less and less certain if we exist in a simulation or not what do you think intergalactic voorhees our universe is composed of pockets of energy in space dictated by the way matter expanded after the Big Bang through millions of years certain areas became extremely dense with baryonic and nonbaryonic matter creating galaxies and galaxy clusters while other eras become much more devoid of material it is this natural process of random expansion that has created what are known as cosmic voids in a cosmic void matter of any kind is much less densely concentrated than the average area of the universe the Millennium simulator run at the Max Planck Institute of astrophysics in Germany provides us with a simulated map of the universe's energy and matter distribution paired with studies and observations one of cosmic background radiation scientists have been able to discover these super voids these voids take up astronomical amounts of space and occupy the majority of the volume of the universe but what may surprise you is that we in the Milky Way galaxy are living inside the largest super void known to science the KBC void was first discovered in 2013 by astronomers Ryan Keenan Amy Varga and Lennox Cowie thus granting its name through further study the KBC void was observed to be a massive two billion light-years in size larger than any other super void observed in our universe so far this means where we are living right now is particularly devoid of energy compared to most of the rest of the universe this is an area where even dark matter is relatively absent but why could that be many questions arise about our super void that are still completely unexplained scientists are still unsure exactly why our region of the universe is so devoid of energy the matter power spectrum as described by physicist Victor T Toth gives us a general understanding of how matter ends up distributed less densely in voids but does nothing to explain the real why our cosmic neighborhood is mostly vacant it is especially curious that an area so devoid of matter would also be the only known place in the universe for life to have developed though maybe this explains why other stars in our cosmic neighborhood have no signs of life are we the loneliest life forms in the universe it could possibly be so while questions plagued our understanding of our place in the universe cosmic voids might end up holding more answers to the secrets of the universe than we ever thought possible the complete lack of matter throughout the majority of the KBC void makes it much easier to detect when matter actually is present this means that if we were to try and find some way to detect dark matter in nature there is almost no better place to be running those kinds of experiments than in our own super void our super void may also help clarify what dark energy is as we can learn a lot about the way our universe expands by observing the behavior on the rims of our galactic void in a universe full of mysteries it's almost reassuring to know that one of the best ways of finding answers might be starting in the void [Music] the giant ground sloth standing as tall as an elephant weighing four tons and equipped with huge claws the ground sloth is a far cry from its slow modern ancestor these huge shaggy beasts had a wide range living threat much of north and south america and although the ground sloth was a herbivore its huge bulk and wickedly sharp claws meant it would have commanded respect from even the fiercest predators it's believed to have gone extinct around 10,000 years ago however in the dense Amazon sightings persists of a strange creature locals called the mapinguari described as a massive furry creature with huge claws and a vicious attitude could it be possible that the population of giant ground sloths survived the ice age in South America one of their last strongholds and now live in the near impenetrable depths of the Amazon what do you think the short-faced bear the largest land predator alive today is the formidable polar bear standing up to ten feet tall and weighing more than 800 pounds it's the king of its domain however it's a teddy bear in comparison to its ancient cousin standing 13 feet on its hind legs weighing in just shy of a tonne and with a mouth big enough to fit a human skull inside with room to spare arced holders or as it's better known the short-faced bear is the biggest meat-eating mammal ever to walk on land brutish bear roamed Ice Age North America hunting down bison and horses and even chased off other predators from their kills although scientists speculate it died out around 10,000 BC there are strange sightings which could suggest Arcturus made it through Native American legends have always told of bears much bigger than the usual that cannot be harmed by Spears and bones in 1854 Inuit hunters in northern Canada shot a huge bear unlike anything they'd seen before they contacted naturalist Robert McFarlane and after examining the skin and skull of the specimen MacFarlane found that his fur was light yellow unlike the brown and black bears of the region its skull was also unlike any bear he had ever seen leading McFarlane to declare the specimen as a new species sadly the remains are too old and graded to be examined conclusively today so the true identity of McFarland's bear still remains uncertain the mower mammals were not the only family to grow to huge sizes during the Ice Age hidden away on the isolated island of New Zealand was the MOA a gigantic flightless bird that stood 12 feet tall and weighed more than a horse despite its imposing size the mower was in fact a peaceful plant eater and this was inevitably its downfall as when settlers from Polynesia arrived they found the slow gentle MOA an easy target leading them to be hunted to extinction around 12,000 years ago however rumors persist of the mowers existence on the island with locals reporting strange bird calls unlike any ever heard before and huge three-toed tracks have allegedly been found in the dense forests the most compelling piece of evidence comes in the form of a 1993 photograph taken by hotel owner patty Freeney Freeney claims that he and two others were hiking in the mountains of arthur's pass when they spotted the huge bird standing next to a stream after spotting the group the mower fled but Freeney was able to take what he claims was a hasty photograph of the bird running away the photo itself is unfortunately too blurry to be easily identified what do you think do you think somewhere out there the mower still exists quietly getting on with its life away from human civilization meg Alania Australia is well known for its vast array of unique wildlife like the platypus or echidna but during the Pleistocene era the animals were even stranger and he all lived in fear of one creature the mega Lane iya nothing like meg Alania had walked the earth since the days of the dinosaurs a gigantic monitor lizard bigger than a crocodile with a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth lined with venom that stalked the deserts of Australia in fact the mega Lena was so terrifying that it still talked about to this day in Aboriginal folklore so imagine if this living nightmare had survived until the present European settlers recorded sightings of massive lizards as soon as they arrived on the Australian continent and in 1890 newspapers reported an Australian village was besieged by massive unknown reptile which killed livestock but much more recent sightings have been reported for example in 1970 a surveyor in Alice Springs reported that while doing his job he saw what he had first believed to be a large log suddenly stand up and skulk off into the undergrowth in 1979 Australian cryptozoologist Rex Gilroy was contacted by a cattle farmer who claimed he saw a lizard in access of 20 feet long on his property plaster casts were made of its tracks and dil Roy also related a story that a former Australian Special Ops soldier who wished to remain anonymous had told him while on a training exercise in the rainforests of the Norman B range his unit came upon a dead cow which had been dragged into the jungles and ripped to pieces all around its body were huge lizard tracks up to two feet across the saber-tooth dekat arguably the most iconic of all ice age creatures the saber-tooth cat or Smilodon were killing machines huge fast and massively powerful the saber-tooth cat would pounce upon prey wrestle it down and then put its infamous 11 inch fangs to lethal use severing the jugular vein and windpipe in one ruthless bite truly a fearsome Beast the saber-tooth family conquered both South and North America up until the very end of the Ice Age the locals of their needy plateau in Chad Africa tell tales of a big cat unlike the others that lived there they say it's much bigger with dark fur and black stripes and most howling of all its fangs protrude from its mouth in 1910 French missionaries traversing the bem Eagle River reported that one of their party was attacked and killed by what they could only describe as a water tiger and in 1920 not far from where the incident occurred hunter Marcel Holly came across a dead hippo that was covered in massive slash wounds most recently of all in 1975 while on a hunting expedition on the plateau cristiano know heard a strange roaring coming from a nearby cave his local guide claimed it was the sound of the fabled big cat and he refused to carry on the hunt is it possible but the apex predator of the Ice Age has survived in this remote corner of Africa cut off from the rest of the world what do you think over 20 years Samba song foam was a respected international figure helping creates new methods of sustainable farming and agricultural practices while teaching students heard the importance of eco-friendly living since he returned Taleo People's Democratic Republic after the end of the Vietnam War some phone had received numerous awards and distinctions for his work to improve the quality of life not just in Laos but around the world not only that but he managed to stay out of politics throughout his career in Community Development appealing to wide audiences regardless of political affiliation a rare feat for someone so global and a major reason why his mysterious disappearance makes such little sense on the evening of December the 15th 2012 some phone was driving his Jeep through the vientiane layoffs when he was pulled over on the side of a highway by police the police approached his vehicle and talked for a few moments some phone then exits his Jeep and joins the officers a few seconds pass before a man in black arrives on a motorcycle and rushes to team up with the police the man in black then gets in the Jeep and drives away not long after a man in white appears and waits at the scene a pickup truck arrives and the man in white hops in along with two other people including some phone another motorcyclist behind the outpost appears and talks to police before seemingly firing a few rounds of ammunition the truck then leaves while police checked the abandoned motorcycle the man in white comes back and drags it out of the frame clearing the scene it was the last time some phone would ever be seen again soon after the CCTV footage was captured the government swiftly denied any responsibility in the kidnapping of Samba song phone however most prominent governing officials of international countries weren't convinced many global factitious Post officials to contribute as many resources as possible to find some phone but urgent action was never carried Islands even prominent American politicians such as Hillary Clinton and John Kerry voiced their concern for the well-being of some phone and their anger at the lack of resources spent in the search because the CCTV footage was never officially made public no detailed investigation into the video have been announced all we can do is speculate why the police was so interested in some phone or if they were truly police at all the man in black and a man white also had a bizarre twist as their actions seem quite calculated and planned out some phone was a simple man who did only good for his community and nation he had zero reasons to fear for his life made no enemies and worked to sustain peace the only reasonable explanation is the people who kidnapped some phone were agents of chaos devoted to removing a symbol of good that was some bath some phone let's hope that one day the lair government will commit a proper investigation to uncover the truth the disappearance of Corrie McKeague in the early morning hours of September the 24th 2016 Royal Air Force regiment gunner Corey McKeague went out drinking with some friends in burry Street Edwards UK he drove into town with the intention of viewing his car overnight and ended up in the Flex nightclub which he was seen leaving alone sometime after midnight the doorman of the club claimed the asked Corey to leave due to how drunk he was and Corey left without issue from there he wandered to mamma mias restaurant his well-known favorite takeout he was seen sometime between 115 and 1:30 a.m. it would be about two hours later at 3:25 a.m. that Corey was captured on CCTV footage walking down Brent couple screens into the horseshoe area he was alone and police concluded that he had been sleeping in the doorway of an unidentified establishment before awakening and wandering off this would sadly become the last time anyone saw Corey authorities believe that he had no intentions of walking the ten miles back to the RAF Huntington Base where he lived however Corey's friends did mention that it was common for Corey to drive into town grab some food and sleep wherever he could on weekends Cory was reported missing on Monday September 26 when he failed to report for work police established that Corey's mobile phone had traveled along the a110 one corridor up north the barton mills the morning of his disappearance the trip only took 28 minutes meaning corey couldn't have made it while walking investigators drove up and down the road where a bin lorry had made his rounds that morning thinking the phone had ended up in the trash it was either switched off or damaged at around 8 a.m. but unfortunately it was never found it was also established that in the area in which cory was last seen walking into was a coldie sac containing multiple wheelie bins because CCTV footage never captured cory leaving the horse-shoe police thought cory may have fallen asleep in one of the bins and become trapped when a bin lorry picked it up the next morning this would explain the faster movement of his mobile phone but it would also lead investigators to believe Cory had then been subsequently killed by either the garbage compactor or landfill incinerator for months and police scoured railroads lorry routes and even spent millions of pounds searching landfills they never found any DNA evidence or partial remains of Cory or his phone however authorities say that would be almost impossible to pinpoint such evidence in landfills contaminated with other human DNA and vast amounts of rubbish but the Lawrie landfill death is the popular hypothesis of most researchers Cory's family has its dads however it's important to note that the CCTV cameras are the last sighting of Cory turned off at noon the day of the disappearance and were never checked for the night's footage before it's expired thus Cory could have fallen asleep in the coal he sank and left the next afternoon in fact one of the people seen leaving the area on CCTV footage in the late morning was wearing colored shorts that were similar to ones that Cory had worn earlier on his final day other theory suggests there was a third party involved in Cory's disappearance possibly picking up in his supper and taking him who knows where it might sound strange for a military man to be kidnapped but there were some parallels to an attempted kidnapping at the nearby RAF Marham Banks in July everyone involved with the case decided that Cory would not have voluntarily went AWOL and he was in good mental standing with his girlfriend his friends and the fact that bank account and social media accounts were never changed after his disappearance however police won't rule out the possibility he got into a stranger's car that morning for a ride and ended up with the wrong people at the wrong time in the end it's impossible to confirm what exactly happened to call him a king while the landfill theory makes sense it's crazy to think with all of the money and manpower involved not a single speck of DNA was recovered Cory truly vanished without a trace and hopefully someday something will come out that will lead us to a definitive answer the disappearance of local shingle man local shingle man seemed like an average teenager adamant he performed wild thread school played football for a year at Washington State University and kept himself out of trouble however Logan's life was anything but normal his father a Saudi Arabian native met his mother during a business trip to the Pacific Northwest they had a short romantic fling but his father knew he couldn't reroute his life and went back home to the Middle East Logan's mother unwilling to sacrifice her education to be a full-time man let Logan's grandmother adopt both he and his half-sister so she could attend college in Seattle and start a new life so Logan grew up with his grandmother but always felt uneasy about his parents background I experienced identity crisis when he hit puberty at a young age after discovering college wasn't right for him Logan moved back in with his grandmother and worked odd jobs around turn water Washington before leaving for work on Friday morning of May the 19th 2016 19 year old Logan had a peculiar conversation with his grandmother he talked about how he was at a crossroad in his life unsure of his passions and nervous about something his grandmother mentioned her grandson was unusually confident in his actions but that morning seemed like he was on a mission and that he had an epiphany avoiding any details his grandmother said that conversation would continue that even after both of them returned from work however that conversation never happened as Logan failed to return from work and hasn't been seen since when Logan never came home on the evening of the 19th his grandmother tracked his phone and saw the last ping was located around Olympia so she assumed Logan was just visiting his mother but when Saturday morning came and Logan was still nowhere to be found she attempted the report him missing to the police unfortunately the small police department in turn water was closed for the weekend and she had to wait until Monday morning the police then underwent an investigation and discovered symbol during evidence that occurred over the weekend it was soon revealed that while the missing person report was filed on the 23rd Logan's black 1996 Chrysler Sebring had been impounded on May the 20th without notice the day after his initial disappearance upon investigation police reported that the car had been found parked at mile marker 91 along interstate 5 southbound between Logan's hometown of Tumwater and made him inside the car were groceries Logan's cell phone and his wallet full of cash and credit cards eyewitness reports placed Logan near to where his car was found throughout the day on the 20th one woman claims she saw Logan with two Caucasian men standing outside of the Sebring parked off the road at exit 95 the same woman then says she saw the car in the same spot on her way home this time with the hood popped and completely void of passengers the first of the two strange men was described as having shoulder-length blond hair and a flannel shirt the second was about six feet tall sporting a blonde ball [ __ ] a tank top and jeans shorts that were too small the police were able to compose a sketch of the second suspect and the result is quite unsettling other sightings of Logan's car place it back at mile marker 91 where it was eventually found including one truck drivers report but the car swerved across the entire highway with no one in the driver's seat but when it veered off on the curb the truck driver saw a man with red or brown hair jump out the car and run off into the woods search and rescue combed through the woods surrounding these areas of the highway but found no shred of evidence overall there were very few leads in the case Logan had a tense relationship with sister's ex-boyfriend but he was ruled out after passing a polygraph test he had no other well known friends or enemies but his unstable emotional and mental state suggested that he may have left on his own accord the biggest pushback to this theory however was that Logan had left both his cellphone and money in his car leaving himself without communication another possibility is Logan run off to be with his mother where Logan's grandmother had last tracked his cell phone on the night of the 19th in addition Logan's personal facebook page was last updated on May the 27th a week after his disappearance or the check-in at the limpia Regional Airport how he accessed Facebook or if it was Logan himself is still unknown as of 2018 there are no new updates or leads in the investigation however the two men seen with Logan are still very much considered as the prime suspect so if anyone in the Pacific Northwest area has any information regarding the police sketch of man number two then please reach out to the proper authorities the disappearance of ying-ying Jiang on a normal summer afternoon in June of 2017 Chinese Academy of Sciences scholar ying-ying Jiang attempted to board a transit bus in Urbana Illinois to travel to an off-campus apartment complex and sign a new lease she texted a real estate agent at 1:39 p.m. saying that she would be late arriving around 10 past 2:00 p.m. she got off the bus at 1:52 p.m. to board her connecting shuttle but was unable to board as she was on the wrong side of the street Zhang then walked a couple of blocks to another bus stop right outside of her broadcast studio it was here at 2:00 p.m. that CCTV footage captured a black Saturn Astra passed by shine only to turn around a few minutes later and pull up alongside the curb where she was standing at 2:03 p.m. after a moment of undecipherable conversation Zhang gets in the via and it drives away it appears on one more security camera and disappears today is the last known sighting of Ying Ying Jiang at around 2:30 8 p.m. the real estate agent messaged yang regarding their meeting and never received a reply Zhang's remained aware of her errands that they began to worry and at 9:24 p.m. that evening alerted a college professor who filed an official missing-persons report authorities were quick to study the CCTV footage from that day and tracked 18 similar Saturn Astra's registered in the area one of those matched was linked to branded alan Christensen a former PhD student at the University and owner of a Saturn Astra with a sunroof and cracked hubcap matching those featured in the CCTV footage Christensen was questioned but claimed he didn't remember his actions during the time of Shannon's disappearance saying he was probably home asleep or playing video games a few days after the initial interview forensics inspected Christensen's car and found the passenger-side appear to have been cleaned to a more diligent extent than the other vehicle doors this led to a second interview where Christensen admitted that he had given an anonymous Asian woman arrived but it was cut short when he accidentally took a wrong turn and the woman had panicked requesting to get out after this confession officials arrested Christensen and seized all of his personal items including phones and computers the police then found internet history on his cell phone leading to the sexual fetish website fad life including a forum entitled abduction 101 authorities also claimed they had audio recordings of Christensen saying he had brought the scene back to his apartment against her well and that she had resisted the kidnapping and attempted to fight back where these audio recordings came from or what he exactly said is unknown and haven't been released to the public however it was enough for police to charge Christensen with kidnapping Jean and it was theorized she was no longer alive presently Christensen's trial has been delayed through long court processes and no new information has arisen regarding the location or official announcement of Zhang's feint Zhang's family stays hopeful that she could still be alive but with Christensen's continued plea of innocents who whereabouts remain a mystery it's quite possible that's when an official hearing takes place and a total bank of evidence against Christiansen is revealed an answer will be given but until when the search version continues the disappearance of Tammy Kingery this last case is quite perplexing so listen closely Tammy Kingery lived a normal life in Edgefield County South Carolina with her husband Park and their three children she was a veteran nurse at a local nursing home and had a close circle of friends burnt not all was what it seemed according to associates of Tammy her relationship with Park was quite strained resulting in extramarital affairs and episodes of severe depression including multiple attempts at suicide the days leading up to the incident were especially tough on Tammy as she complained of physical pain and insomnia and missed several days of work which was out of character for her Tammy's two systems part of her close friend group encouraged her to see a doctor so she scheduled an appointment for September the 21st 2014 unfortunately the appointment never came to fruition on 7 a.m. on September the 20th Tammy left her work as normal when she arrived her co-workers noticed that she was agitated about something her voice was raised and she kept checking her blood pressure her peers finally convinced her to seek help and she called her husband to pick her up he took her home leaving her car at work and she immediately went to bed Park then left her in bed I left the house at 10 a.m. with their two sons to run some errands the daughter was still at a friend's house from the night before this was the last time Tommy was seen when park and the boys returned home they found the family dog outside and all the doors locked when they went inside the family found a handwritten note from Tommy reading gone for a walk be back soon love you park knew something was wrong immediately and figured Tommy walked back to the hospital to get her car he then drove the route she would have taken but found nothing park called his daughter and had her and her friend look about the time and recruited his sons and mother-in-law to check the thick woods surrounding their home at 2:00 p.m. when nothing had been found the police were called a massive search went underway police were unable to find anything unusual in the Kingery residence besides the fact that Tammy left her phone wallet purse and keys behind there's baffled experts as all the doors could only be locked from the outside it also meddled the idea that Tommy left on her own accord seeing as though she wouldn't have been able to drive call for help or spend money police dogs were also unable to catch Tommy scent in the surrounding woods further expanding the mystery when authorities checked her phone they found two different anonymous males engaging in romantic conversation however both were investigated and cleared there are a couple of unanswered Clues surrounding the disappearance the first of which is an old abandoned shack found in the nearby woods with volunteer searchers found sponges gloves and a plastic bag containing a dead dog police again ruled out the shack at any connection to Tommy but the volunteers weren't as convinced they claimed whoever buried the dog went to a lot of trouble for such a simple task and theorized that Hinton had possibly dangerous people living near Kingery residence which was in a secluded area of edge field the police were unable to do a more in-depth investigation of the woods due to the hunting season making the woods unsafe the second clue was the kingery family's love of motorcycles including Tommy's own fascination her daughter claimed to have seen someone similar in appearance to her mother riding on the back of a motor I call she witnessed this after she and her friends went searching for Tommy shortly after her father called the kingdom's neighbor also claimed to have heard a loud engine roar to life and leave the vicinity of the residences driveway between the time Park and his son's left and returned from their errands however neither claim resulted in any viable evidence with all things considered police still only have theories in relation to the case but have hinted they suspect foul play Park Kingery was investigated multiple times but was cleared after cellphone pings and CCTV footage proved his alibi correct between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and Tammy's initial disappearance Park himself assumes Tommy was abducted due to the state of the house and her belongings left behind others assumed Tommy left to end her own life as she had tried various times before which would explain the note on the table however all wooded areas hiking trails and bodies of water nia Edgefield County were combed and not a shred of DNA or evidence was found with the note the motorcycle claims the locked doors and the wooden shack in the brush nothing can be ruled out it's truly one of the most bizarre a mysterious missing persons accounts we've ever seen and we're all hoping investigators will suddenly uncover a lead that will clear up the fate of Tammy Kingery [Music] middie rivers on November the 12th 1945 MIDI rivers a 74 year old local guide and hunter vanished whilst escorting a party of four men back from a hunting expedition along the long trail MIDI who had been walking slightly ahead of the group was reportedly last seen at approximately 4:00 p.m. heading towards an area called Hal hollow Brook assuming that MIDI would be waiting for them by the time they reached their campsite the man was slightly surprised to find no sign of him upon their return although initially they were unconcerned knowing that MIDI possessed a sound knowledge of the terrain but as time passed they began to feel anxious and raised the alarm a search party of 20 local firemen began to comb the area for signs of MIDI but to no avail the search expanded over the following days with 200 u.s. army recruits drafted in to assist the worried local community in finding him after eight days of intense searching there was still no indication of what could have happened to MIDI search parties continued to look for him for a month but he was never found and the only indication that he had ever been in the area came in the form of an unused rifle cartridge which was discovered lying at the bottom of halahala brook Paula Jean Weldon Porter John Weldon has the dubious honor of being the most high-profile missing person case to occur in the bennington triangle history Paula an 18 year old student at Bennington College went missing on December the 1st 1946 she had a part-time job working the lunch shift at the on-campus dining hall and after his shift ended she returned to a dormitory and announced to her friends of her intention to explore the nearby long trail she asked if any of them wanted to accompany her but unfortunately they were either all busy or had no desire to join her so Paula decided to go on her own she changed into a trainers and an eye catching bright red coat with a fur collar but she packed no extra clothes nor did she take any money or food with her so it appeared she only planned to be out for a couple of hours Paula was observed by Danny Fager a worker at a gas station located opposite the college entrance at 2:30 p.m. he claimed she sprinted up a small hill beside the college only to walk back down again before heading down Route 67 a towards Bennington Paula then managed to hitch a lift with Louie NAB a local contractor who happened to be on his way home he dropped her off along Route 9 approximately 2.5 miles away from long trail weather she hitched another lift or warmth the rest of the way is not known but Paul arranged Big Foot hollow at 3:45 p.m. where she was given directions by ernie whitman an employee for the local newspaper the Bennington banner he reportedly warned her about not wearing enough warm clothing for being outside in winter and so close to sunset which would occur at 4:20 p.m. Paula reportedly encountered a group of young hikers on a way along the trail and ask them questions regarding the route then after being observed at an area named faithfully camp she was never seen again Paula's disappearance wasn't reported by a dorm mates that evening as they had assumed she had returned to college I was studying in the library however when she failed to appear the next morning her friends reported her missing to the head of college and a large manhunt for Paula began the College suspended classes so all students were given the opportunity to help look for her and they were joined by a father Archibald who was a well renowned architect in his home state of Connecticut he wilted his influence in order to get both in New York and Connecticut State Police to assist in searching for his daughter which they were willing to do especially given that Vermont had no state police force at this time a $5,000 reward was posted for any information relating to Paula's disappearance and the FBI were called in to help four weeks after searching both on first and by air Paula had still not been found during the search a waitress a diner in Fall River Massachusetts had claimed to serve a rather agitated young lady that matched the description of Paula after receiving this information Archibald took it upon himself to investigate the lead without telling the authorities involved and he himself disappeared for a total of 36 hours the police viewed his behavior as somewhat suspicious and local opinion began to favor the idea that Paula's father could himself be a suspect this notion was reinforced by reports that Paula had at some point fallen ad with Archibald resulting in her decision to remain at Bennington College over Thanksgiving rather than returning home in turn Paula's father proposed that she may have had a boyfriend that she planned on meeting and insinuated that her unknown lover was at the heart of Paula's disappearance disappointed in the seeming lack of organization and professionalism in the investigation indeed there were no notes or records made for the first 10 days of the search Paula's father left Bennington on December the 16th never to find out what lay behind the mystery of his daughter's disappearance thread the following decades a local man reportedly proclaimed that he knew Paula was dead and that he had knowledge of where her body was located however when escorted by police officers he couldn't or didn't identify a sign which contained any signs of human remains and so to this day Paula's disappearance is a complete mystery James Edward Tedford now this is a strange one exactly three years to the day after Paula went missing on December the 1st 1949 James tedford a World War two veteran became the third person to vanish in the bennington triangle James lived at a soldier's retirement home in Bennington I was returning there from visiting relatives in st. Albans this was an arduous eight-hour bus journey for James and as there had been snowfall this meant the trip took even longer they were around a dozen other passengers on the bus and they all testified that James was on the vehicle for the whole duration of the journey with some noting that they had seen him asleep in his seat at different stages throughout the trip the passengers that remained on the bus until it reached Bennington claimed they recall seeing James in his seat at the last stop prior to reaching Bennington however when the bus reached his terminal point and the other passengers disembarked James had somehow vanished his personal effects remained on the luggage rack and on the seat next to him was an open bus timetable so with all his fellow travelers swearing that they had not seen him move from the bus how had James managed to disappear in full view of them all in between to stop off points James tedford was never seen or heard from again becoming yet another mystery of the bennington triangle Paul Jefferson the fourth individual to vanish was 8 year old Paul Jepsen on October the 12th 1950 falls' parents were farmers and on the day he vanished he was assisting his mother with her work on the farm they had driven down to feed their livestock in a pickup truck which Paul had remained in whilst his mother went about her business when his mother returned to the vehicle Paul was no longer sitting inside nor could he be seen or heard playing anywhere nearby strangely enough just like Paula Paul was wearing a bright red coat rendering him highly visible at missed the green landscape but despite search parties involving police volunteers and bloodhounds Paul was never found legend has it that the dogs lost all trace of his scent at the same location that Paula Walden was last seen along the long trail to this day locals considered bad luck to wear red when walking the long trail Freda Langer the file disappearance to occur in the Bennington Triangle was October 28 1915 just 16 days after Paul Jefferson vanished 53 year old Freda Langer an experienced hiker was staying with her cousin Albert Al's nur near Somerset reservoir which is located approximately 11 miles east of Glastonbury mountain during a hike with Herbert Frida slipped and fell into a creek she decided to return to the campsite to change into dry clothing and asked Herbert to wait at their present location for her while she did so and she would then rejoin him to resume their walk when Frida failed to return Herbert walked back to the campsite only to find that she wasn't there and that in fact nobody had seen her return to the campsite at all once again a search party was formed and they persevered in looking for Frida for two weeks both by foot and by air sadly freitas body was eventually discovered but not until the 12th of May 1951 not far from the campsite at Somerset reservoir local authorities consider this strange as the area adjacent to the reservoir was searched extensively at the time unfortunately by the time Frida's body was recovered the extent of the decomposition was so bad that no cause of death could be determined the only comfort is that at least Freda's family were able to bury her therefore given them the small amount of closure that had been denied to the grieving families of the other four individuals that vanished in the area many theories still exist regarding the fate of the Bennington 5 including the possibility of a serial killer in the area however there has been other strange phenomenon in the area over the years unexplained noises and lights have been reported in the Triangle together with UFO and Bigfoot sightings according to local residents the land around Bennington was considered cursed land by Native Americans and they reportedly refused to enter this territory so could any of these be the reasons behind the disappearances in the Bennington Triangle or is this just a sad case of unrelated random incidents what do you think the butterfly people on the 22nd of March 2011 at around quarter past six and evening a devastating tornado swept through Joplin Missouri it only lasts in foreign thirty-eight minutes but in that time 2.8 billion dollars worth of damage was done and 158 people tragically lost their lives while international news teams broadcast story all over the world separate reports began to surface from survivors who relate bizarre and strange encounters with what they called butterfly people the most prominent and well-documented of these tales come from two young cousins from the Joplin area who survived the tornado Mason Lillard unlaid Grigsby the power in their grandparents truck at the time the tornado struck and the winds managed to hurl the vehicle some 300 feet away from where it was parked laid was rescued from the debris of a nearby building and Mason was still sat in the wrecked vehicle when she was found the two of them were extremely lucky to be alive when they came around and were given the opportunity to recall the day's events reporters immediately noted one strange detail in both their stories the presence of little humanoids with functioning butterfly wings they both witnessed at the time the disaster struck Mason told the globe that when the truck hit the ground again she fouled a hand touch her on the shoulder as she turned expecting to see lage she realized she'd been approached by two butterfly people a blond haired one I prune and they helped her survive the terrifying ordeal and it was clear to her but they meant no harm as surprisingly she said she felt relaxed upon seeing them however leijen Mason weren't the only children to see the butterfly people other reports of humans with butterfly wings began to pour in from the survivors of the disaster all saying they helped save them from the tornado the butterfly people were observed shielding people from debris tending to the wounded and catching small children caught up in the 200 miles per hour wind to this day it's still unclear just what the butterfly people actually were as they were only sighted in this one place on this one occasion it's been suggested that in the heat of all the terror and carnage of the tornado the imaginative mind to the children may have misinterpreted the paramedics and flashing ambulance lights that took them to hospital as something more mysterious or perhaps hallucinations played a part in what they thought they saw in reality it seems unlikely that we're sharing parts of the world with a brand-new species of airborne humanoid creature but instead it can be proved otherwise there is always a possibility and in the minds of the children caught up in the Joplin tornado they were very much real gazecki in the forested plains and mountains of Papua New Guinea a truly bizarre creature has been spotted on multiple occasions the gazecki whose description is said to match something between an oversized Tapia and the giant prehistoric ground sloth has been witnessed several times but the first account was in 1870 by British traveller C Moncton what he described was a giant mammalian herbivore roughly six-foot at the shoulder when walking on all fours that could also rear up and walk on two legs it had a tapir like trunk four nose walked on its knuckles and had long sharp claws like a sloth the creature was named by Papua New Guinea's natives as the pig devil it was first suggested that the animal might be a new species of rhinoceros but this has since been ruled out as there's no evidence that rhinoceros ever lived in Papua New Guinea following the encounter montón sends a team out to track the animal deep into the mountains near the North River and sure enough there it's turned it said to returned to look at the travellers as it promptly reared up and took off into the heavy snow and that was the last time the Kazakh was seen however newspapers at the time told a slightly different tale claiming the gazecki was initially witnessed brutally attacking a small settlement of natives and Moncton fired a shot at the Beast before it reared up standing at around 25 feet before fleeing into the night whatever the truth there are signs that Kazakh did exist this is reinforced by ancient stone artifact but have been found in Papua New Guinea featuring creatures that resemble the Kazakh another train of thought is that it's a misplaced poly gas tease a large marsupial mammal resembling a giant tapir that once lived in ancient Australia and fits the Kazakh is bizarre description almost perfectly could it be for the gossiper is an ancient ancestor of the giant prehistoric poly gas teas and is still living in the mountains of Papua New Guinea what do you think Mahama according to the BA bangy aboriginals of the Democratic Republic of the Congo something truly monstrous currently resides in the swamps and jungles that cover vast areas of the country the Mihama is a creature reported to be responsible for the violent deaths of multiple natives and travelers over the years and those who have been lucky enough to survive an encounter with one seemed extremely sure it's a new species completely unidentified to silence the Mahama is described as an enormous reptilian creature not too dissimilar to a crocodile with elongated legs that give it the ability to ruthlessly chase down large prey its appearance has also been likened to that of a Mosasaurus the gigantic aquatic apex predators of the Cretaceous depicted in Jurassic world the creature is said to be roughly five feet in length and spends the majority of its time crouching just below the murky surface of the Congo River words been known to smash through canoes and rafts devouring anyone on board the Bhavani natives are no strangers to crocodiles Nile crocodiles are both a dangerous and common sight in the Congo River Basin but multiple accounts have specifically stated that the mahom ba is something clearly different and much more deadly sightings of the mahom ba first started to rise around the 19th century along with further exploration of Africa where European explorers not only heard tales from the natives but supposedly encountered the creature firsthand it's hard to tell whether or not the reports of the mohombi are accurate or not there is always the chance that it could be a genuine undiscovered species of large crocodile but as always with the more dangerous Krypton's a surprise attack from a large Nile crocodile can be easily exaggerated in the heat of the moment and stories do spread fast what do you think the Mihama could be status c8 now if this one is real it's quite possibly one of the most bizarre creatures to have ever lived on our planet on the 10th of august 1741 famed Explorer George whelmed Stella was sailing in the icy waters off the coast of Alaska when something caught his eye an aquatic mammal roughly 5 feet long with a long tapered body ending in dolphin-like flukes two short flippers like arms with webbed digits and the human-like face of an ape it had large piercing eyes and whiskers that appear to resemble facial hair Stella allegedly observed the creature from just a few meters away for around 2 hours and attempted to fire several shots at end missing the target as the creature swam away it wasn't cited again after this and the information on this encounter is limited but to date Stella's sea aim remains one of the most intriguing cryptids out there if Stella is to be believed the creatures discovery could reshuffle so much of what we know about primates and their evolution a completely new species of aquatic ape living in secret right and round noses would raise many questions where did it come from how does it survive and perhaps most importantly how intelligent is it could sightings of the supposed aim even account for historical glimpses of what sailors and explorers claim to be mermaids after all Stella was a reputable naturalist and has put his name to many real discoveries in the past such as Stella's sea lion sea eagle and now extinct sea cow all who definitely exist so who are we to question what he saw however on the other hand he could just have been mistaken on this occasion as the general form and shape of the stellar sea a too dissimilar to a dolphin or a seal both of which could have popped up at any point during Stella's travels across the ocean but when you think only around 5% of the world's oceans have been fully explored is it inconceivable that a colony of aquatic Apes live happily in the depths of the sea what do you think Umi BOSU sticking with the nautical theme the Umi BOSU is a bizarre Japanese sea monster that has terrorized coastal fishing villages for centuries and is also featured in the e-book we mentioned at the start of this video Japanese fishermen have long told tales of a terrifying humanoid presence that lurks just beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean the ohmy BOSU or seaman is a huge jet-black void of a creature human in shape with two colossal white eyes brightly visible against the rest of its body they are often depicted with a wide grin plastered across their faces and can range in size from just a few feet to a few hundred feet they are said to be visible only on dark stormy nights when the sea is battered with storms and have been known to capsize whole vessels as they slowly rise up from the waves crashing their bodies down ships that sail too close they get their name from how they initially appeared to the first sailors that encountered them who claimed they looked like gigantic monstrous versions of Buddhist monks some suggesting they are in fact the spirits of those who drowned at sea it's also said that Umi BOSU capsized ships for fun and have no intention of actually feeding on humans in some reports Umi BOSU have even allegedly been heard speaking to one another in the past these giants have imposed a huge threat to small coastal villages that depend on fishing for trade and food superstitious fishermen who refused to work if an Umi BOSU has been sighted and this could lead to disaster for the hungry village the Umi BOSU allegedly came on to the nearby beaches once a year to breed where their tiny offspring have been sighted running along the sand before heading back into the water to begin live as time has passed therapy plenty of recorded Umi BOSU sightings they range from harmless encounters where huge individuals have been seen wading through the shallow coastal waters for days at a time to an instant in 1971 when an enormous aquatic creature became Courtney Japanese trawlers net the fishermen raised the nouns to reveal a giant creature black in color with one visible white eyes staring at them as the nets mechanism snapped under the weight of the creature a colossal said oh and was allegedly sighted diving under the water before swimming away what is remarkable about the sighting of the imposing is they do all appear to follow a common theme and there are few known creatures that may have been mistaken for an early bosu the main one being a Kilauea it can certainly match for its size and its striking black and white skin kind of matches the description other smaller creatures that may be in the rain are the now extinct Japanese sea lion a mammal that was common around the coasts and shallow waters where the smaller amiibos who was sighted or perhaps even the Japanese angel shark however those who have encountered the yummy BOSU would probably disagree believing the creature is an as yet undiscovered sea monster the Bradley Sisters on July the 6th 2001 Tracy Bradley had to go to work at 6:30 a.m. being a single parent that meant leaving her two girls ten-year-old Yonder and three-year-old Dimond alone the girls sisters Victoria and Rita were staying with their grandmother and it was Victoria's birthday the next day so the whole family were excited about the upcoming party at 12:30 p.m. Tracy arrived back at the apartment in Bronzeville Chicago with di'monds father George but the girls were not there although Tiana had left her mother a note explaining that she had taken diamond for a walk to a nearby store and the school oddly Tracy and George planned to pick the girl's up and take them on a camping trip this seems strange when you consider that the next day was Victoria's birthday and that they had never been camping before Tracy and her family searched the local area for over five hours before they contacted the police because Tracy was afraid that she would get into trouble for leaving the girls home alone she asked George to help with the search but he instead decided to leave Tracy told police that she thought that the note had not been written by two yonder she said that the grammar used in the note was too advanced for her and she had never left a note for a mother before once informed the police immediately began a search and they also visited over a hundred known sex offenders who live nearby more than a hundred detectives were assigned to the investigation police expanded the search area and more policemen joined the hunt it became one of the biggest manhunts in Chicago's history because of the delay in the girls being reported missing the police was soon searching in the dark and the girls seemed to have vanished into thin air due to the inconsistencies of his statements tracy was questioned many times over the next five weeks over the years police have interviewed more than 11,000 people gathering huge amounts of information but each lead has hit a dead end the girls great aunt Sheila has been a proponent in the search and has never given up home regularly releasing age progression photos to show how to yonder and Dimond may look now as they would be in their 20s it's now 18 years since the girls went missing and no suspects have ever been named by authorities and it's still a mystery as to what happened city on des and diamond Bradley the Beaumont children it's been called the day that Australia lost its innocence the 26th of January 1966 the day that Jane aged nine Anna aged seven and grant Beaumont aged as four went missing the children lived with their parents Nancy and Jim in the Somerton Park suburbs of Adelaide as it was the height of the summer the three siblings cook a short bus ride to the nearby Glen Alka beach in South Australia the journey only took five minutes and the children had been to the beach without their parents many times before Jane was mature for her age and it was socially acceptable at the time for children to have more freedom than they offer today it was only a short walk to Glenelg but it was over a hundred degrees and far too hot for the children to go either by buying or by foot so they left on the 8:45 a.m. bus and were expected back on the midday bus when they didn't arrive back at noon their mother Nancy thought that they had missed the bus and would arrive on the next one which was due at 2:00 p.m. but that bus also came and went with no sign of the children Jim arrived home early just before 3 p.m. and immediately drove to the beach to search at 5:30 p.m. they went at Glenelg police station and reported all three of the children missing because it was Australia Day the beach was packed with holidaymakers and several witnesses saw the children in the company of a man the children seemed very friendly with the man so it was thought that they had probably met the man or a previous visits to the beach and that was why they were so trusting of him the man never came forward to eliminate himself from the police investigation how the children have never been seen since there have been many theories put forward as to what could have happened to the children over the years some of the most infamous and evil criminals from across Australia have been suspected of involvement in the case including the notorious Peter fowl murderer Derek Percy when questioned he had admitted that he had been to the beach with his family on the day that the children went missing but he denied any involvement in their disappearance many new leads and theories have emerged over the years from cult kidnappings to murder and Jim and Nancy Beaumont have always helped to investigate each claim thoroughly in the hope that their children will return the investigation is regarded as one of the largest in Australian history as recently as February 2018 the excavations were made at a factory site near Adelaide in the hope of finding some trace of the three children unfortunately nothing was found that could provide any further clues 53 years of past mr. and mrs. Beaumont are now in their 90's and resigned to the fact that they will probably never find out what happened to their children to this day the case is still ongoing and there's still a 1 million dollar reward for any information regarding the three Beaumont children's disappearance the skelton brothers Andrew was 9 Alexander was 7 and Tana was 5 on Thanksgiving in 2010 they lived in Morenci a small town near southwest Detroit Michigan their mother Tanya and father John did not live together because they were divorced at the time the brothers did however have regular planned visits with their father Tanya planned to pick up the boys at 3 p.m. but decided to ring up in the morning to see if the boys wanted to come home early but John told her that they weren't at home because they had gone to Jackson to visit his friend Joanne Taylor Tania said that was fine and she would pick up the boys at the usual time of 3 p.m. however after walking past John's house she noticed that his van was still on the driveway she rang him and asked why the van was still there if they were in Jackson but John said his friend Joanne and picked them up and that she would bring them back to Tanya's at 3 p.m. he then changed his mind and admitted that he had tried to hang himself and was in the hospital when the boys did not return at 3 p.m. Tania immediately rang the police an Amber Alert was issued for all three boys and the search began john skelton was arrested at the hospital and his house was searched the rooms were in disarray furniture had been smashed and mattresses had been slashed but there was no sign of the boys Skelton said that he had met Joanne Tayla on the internet but it turned out that she didn't exist he then said that he handed the boys over to a group called the United Foster outreach and underground sanctuary to save them from their mother the underground group turned out to not exist either Skelton went to trial charged with three counts of parental kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment he was found guilty and sentenced between 10 and 15 years in jail john skelton story changes with every ritz holland although he's consistently maintained that he had not harmed the boys and they were alive and well and living with a family that he knows police believe that Skelton murdered the children because of the custody battle of Tonia but are unable to charge him without any proof the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children have released age progression photos of the three boys who have now been missing for over eight years Michigan police are also offering a 60 thousand dollar reward for any information on the whereabouts of Andrew Alexander and Tanner Skelton the Lyon sisters on the 20th of March 1975 12 year-old Sheila and 10 year old Catherine Lyon watched the Wheaton Plaza Mall in their hometown of Wheaton in Washington DC it was Easter time and they were excited to see the Easter Bunny decorations as well as having some lunch while they were there they set off sometime between 11 a.m. and noon and at 2:00 p.m. they were seen by their older brother Jay eating pizza at the Orange Bowl in the mall between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. they were seen by a friend walking the half a mile journey back to their home but they never arrived at 7 p.m. their parents called the police to report them missing the police were certain that the girls hadn't run away many witnesses came forward and were interviewed and the local area and nearby woods were searched extensively but there was no sign of Sheila or Kathryn one of the young witnesses who knew the Lyon sisters described a creepy man who was in his late teens or early 20s who had stared at the girls for so long that she went over to asked if he wanted a picture police made a sketch that showed the man with long hair acne and scars on his left cheek another witness came forward and described him much older man who had been using a tape recorder was talking to Sheila and Catherine he was said to be in his 50s smartly dressed with gray hair a sketch of this man was made public by the police and course came flooding in as this man was seen at other mouths around the area a local man named Lloyd Welch also came forward and told a security guard at the mall that he had been there on the day that the lion sisters disappeared and he had seen tape recorder man get into a car with the girls Wildwood given a lie-detector test which he failed but police just thought that he was trying to get the 9 thousand dollar reward that was being offered for any help in solving the case almost 40 years later in 2014 after taking a fresh look at the case and going back over paperwork police came across the file containing the statement from an 18 year old Welch on a hunch detectives went to re-interview him who was serving a 33 year sentence for sex crimes against a ten-year-old girl at the time vouch then admitted that he had kidnapped the Lyon systems almost 40 years earlier later a man named Henry Parker came forward and said that his cousin Lloyd Welch had arrived at his home on Taylor Mountain Road Virginia in the spring of 1975 he had brought two large army style duffel bags with him that were badly stained and smelled very bad Parker said he helped Welch place the bags on a fire in the backyard and he burned the bags for several days at trial while two avoided the death penalty by pleading guilty to both murders he was sentenced to 48 years in prison and the remains of Sheila and Kathryn Lyon have never been found the O'Brien brothers at the time of their disappearance in November 1986 Adam was 14 trevor was 11 and Mitchell was four the brothers were visiting their father Gary O'Brien who lived in Torbay Newfoundland and Labrador Canada their parents were divorced and their mother Diana had custody at the brothers at 8:30 p.m. Diana received a call from Gary he stated that he would not be returning the boys and that he had booby-trapped his house so that it would explode if anyone tried to get in Diana asked to speak to the boys but Carrie refused a letter and her nap the police were immediately informed Gary had indeed rigged up his house with a crude bomb made from two four hundred pound propane tanks if that's needed the bomb was destroyed not only Gary's house but also several houses in the area Gary O Brien has a history of mental health problems as well as suicidal and violent tendencies although he is described as a resourceful man a year after they went missing Gary's car engine was found in the ocean near flat rock which is approximately six miles from his house there were no bodies or any other clues at the site diana believes that gary dumped the engine of the clips in order to throw police off the send carriers wanted by Interpol who list him as an internationally soared suspect charged with abduction they've also warned that he could set traps that will cause bodily harm dianna believes that her children are still alive and are being kept somewhere without access to technology several age progression photographs of the boys have been released over the last twenty years and the case remains open the Skeleton lake a shallow lake in the himalayas known as rubicund may not look like the ideal place to conceal secrets but this high-altitude glacial lake located in the you turok-han state of india is the last resting place for hundreds of people thought who have been killed in a certain violent hailstorm in the ninth century the skeletons only became visible at the bottom of the lake for just one month out of the year when the air is warm enough to melt the ice covering them and they were first spotted in 1942 by a game ranger although rumors of their existence had been widespread for years investigations were carried out and was estimated that around 300 human remains lay at the bottom of the lake along with their tools shoes jewelry and other artifacts years later a team from National Geographic magazine retrieved 30 of the skeletons and were horrified to discover that flash was still attached to some of the bones it was also determined that the majority of the remains were of Iranian heritage with just a few of them from the local population it can only be speculated how so many people met such a sudden and violent death however the local legend says that the king of ganache Roger just a hovel and his pregnant wife Ronnie along with their vast entourage went on a pilgrimage to Nanda Devi shrine and ran into a fierce storm near rubicund link and giant hailstones rained down on them killing the whole party all we can think is that must have been some large hailstones to kill that many people that quickly and it's likely something far more sinister is responsible what do you think mysterious underwater cave system in Mexico for centuries sakhu I own a flooded sinkhole located in Mexico Yucatan Peninsula terrified the locals so much that they would not go near it as they believed it was guarded by a feathered horse had its serpent who would snatch anyone who got too close so in underwater archeologists sought permission to explore the flooded cavern a local shaman performed a traditional ceremony to ask permission for the researchers to enter and appease the serpent after entering the water filled cavern the archaeologists discovered that there may be a very good reason why the villagers feared the place at first glance it appeared something terrible had taken place there as the cavern floor was scattered with skulls and human bones however there was far more to this water filled cavern than an ashy thorn and further exploration has led to the discovery of an additional four kilometres of underwater passages as well as an array of archaeological discoveries and is now recognized as the largest and most important underwater archaeological site in the world some of the skulls discovered are elongated which is consistent with an era when heads were thought to be intentionally flattened typically during infancy when the scale is most pliable most of the remains and artifacts are relics of Mayan culture when it was customary for residents to be buried under or near their houses suggesting the bones belonged to people who had been intentionally secluded from the community possibly due to the plague or some other ailment more recent exploration has revealed some of the bones date back even further with one of the female skeletons believed to be around 12600 years old dating back to the last ice age were also remains of giant sloths and that extinct elephant like mammal have been discovered along with ceramics altars shrines and wall edgings some of which were likely used in funeral and human sacrifice ceremonies take a look to this extraordinary footage it seems that this mysterious an avid growing cave system holds a lot of Secrets and gives a grim insight into the lives of our ancient relatives to anyone who is brave enough to explore its murky depths the ship graveyard at first glance Chuck lafoon located in the Central Pacific looks like paradise but beneath its crystal blue waters lies an altogether different story the lagoon sent inside a cluster of small islands known as Chuck State that make up one of four of the Federated States of Micronesia and during World War two the area provided Japan with a perfect base to protect his large ships and military hardware but in 1944 American forces launched an attack and caught the Japanese with their guard down and although they responded quickly it was too late and over a two-day bombardment more than 60 warships and crew ended up on the floor of the lagoon two subsequent attacks in the same year left shock lagoon a toxic graveyard of sunken ships leaking vast quantities of oil and gasoline into the water the Japanese personnel who survived the attack along with the local population were left to fend for themselves and it's estimated tens of thousands of them starved to death in the months that followed after the war ended the world forgot about Chuck Lagoon and the slaughter that occurred there until 1969 Jacques Cousteau's diving team visited the lagoon to find and document the ranks unfortunately they found more than shipwrecks the sea floor was littered with the skeletons of those that perished the team also took lots of artifacts from the racks however the expedition did highlight what happened at Chuck and a lot of the human remains were removed and given proper burials today Chuck lafoon is known for the best wreck diving in the world and those lucky enough to go down there will see an array of equipment including various vehicles weapons clothing and other personal paraphernalia they are also likely to come across human bones and these serve as an eerie reminder of the real sacrifice of war underwater train cemetry now it's not unusual to find a ship graveyard at the bottom of the sea as you will know from the previous topic but it's almost unheard of to find a train graveyard all this is exactly what Paul had Lapham back in 1985 when he was mapping the bottom of the ocean off the coast of New Jersey closer inspection revealed trains had lain preserved in the water since the 1850s and they were identified as rare 15 turn planet class 2 - 2 T models which were only made for a short period in the early 1850s because they were too small to compete with a larger more powerful models being produced at the time the question is how on earth did they end up 90 feet underwater and why is there no historical record of the matter being built or being lost investigators believe the engines could have either fallen in the sea or been deliberately pushed as they were being transported from Boston to the Mid Atlantic possibly after they got caught up in a storm but the truth is no one really knows and to date the mystery of how two trains ended at the bottom of the sea is unknown and they remained in their watery grave until someone decides to bring them to the surface Pam Fellowes the Antikythera rack is a Roman era shipwreck dating from the second quarter of the 1st century BC it was first discovered in 1901 by sponge divers off point life idea in Greece and has so far yielded a number of precious artifacts from that era birds without doubt - the most prized a mysterious of these is the Antikythera mechanism a sophisticated clockwork instrument that modelled the passage of time and the movements of celestial bodies and has been described as the world's oldest computer and is the most sophisticated piece of machinery ever recovered from the ancient world and to date scientists still have no idea who made it or why but this rank is the gift that keeps giving and in 2016 divers found buried in sediment the first human remains ever recovered from an ancient shipwreck marine archeologist Brendan P Foley made the discovery and he believes the bones could hold the important information about the Antikythera mechanism and other mysteries about the share and our ancient ancestors the skeleton is well preserved considering it's over 2,000 years old an analysis of the remains which include most of the skull - femurs and the long bones of the forearm suggest that they belong to a man aged between 25 and 30 years old he has been named Pam fellows after the inscription on a cup found in the same wreckage take a look at this video of the recovery if only bones could talk as one thing is for sure Pam Fellowes holds the key to one of the world's greatest mysteries and could answer so many unanswered questions about our ancient ancestors the green-skinned children of Woolpit wool pet is a beautiful village nestled in the English countryside of Suffolk like many other settlements in Britain warp heads history can be traced back for two thousand years and the origins of its name have been debated over the years it was thought that there were links to the wool trade yet the village was named any document of 1005 long before the wool trade began it was also thought that there were once wolf pants dug outside the village in order to protect its citizens however the most likely story is that it was named after the Earl of the Eastern Angels Alf kettle whose name means wolf sometimes during the 12th century villages were working in the fields outside of the village in order to bring in the harvest on taking a break they were surprised to see two strange children walking towards them from the treeline the young boy and girl looked frightened and the skin had a peculiar green tinge their clothes were made from strange materials and they spoke in a new kind of language other villagers had never heard before the children were taken to Wilkes Hall which was the nearby mana of Sir Richmond Karl after being given bread and other food to eat the children became quite upset and refused to eat for several days even though they were obviously hungry then after seemly servant carrying a tray of raw beans the children took the beans and gobbled them down instantly at the time the story was verified by two independent sources a man named Ralph of Coggins hall who wrote about the children in his books The Chronicle of England and another monk named William of Newbury who also wrote by the incident which had reached him at his monastery in North Yorkshire and although he lived far away from Woolpit he was so convinced in the reliability of his sources that he wrote by the children in 1189 in his book the history of English affairs the two children stayed at Wilkes Hall for several weeks and continued to survive by eating the raw beans until they were finally persuaded to eat other things eventually the green tinge on the skin faded and they began to look like normal human children sadly the boy became sick and died but the older and stronger girl thrived and was able to learn English cogs Hall wrote that the girl went on to describe the land that she and her brother had come from as a place of permanent Twilight she said everyone and everything in the land was Green she called it st. martin's land and said there was a huge river and bright land could be seen on the other sides she said that she had been herding cattle with her brother when he heard bowels and followed the cattle into a dark cave only to emerge into bright sunlight frightened and bewildered when the villagers of Woolpit found them able to integrate into her new surroundings the girl became a servant at the manor house and later married a local man so could the children have crossed over from another dimension through some sort of mysterious doorway what do you think the beetles Navis splitter in 2009 a man calling himself James Richards set up a website page quality describes how he was transported into another parallel dimension and there he was able to steal a cassette tape of a never before heard Beatles album because in this other dimension The Beatles had never split up on his webpage James recounts the story of his interdimensional theft on the 9th of September 2009 he was travelling home to Livermore California from his friends house in Turlock when he realized that his dog was needing to take a toy a break he was driving through a place called del Puerto Canyon and the time was approximately 2:00 p.m. the dog ran off chasing a rabbit and James ran after it the ground was uneven and full of rabbit holes James soon tripped over and knocked himself in conscious when he woke in a furnished room his head was bandaged and he could hear traffic noises outside this made him feel uneasy because he knew that the place where he had fallen was a rural area and away from civilization there was also a strange electronic machine in but James didn't recognize the door opened and his dog ran in followed by a man he introduced himself as Jonas and asked if James was okay he said he had found him unconscious in a field with his dog James replied that he was fine and asked where he was now Jonas replied that his house was about 20 fields from where he had found James in the field James said that this was impossible because there was no houses for another 20 miles around the place that he had fallen Jonah then told James that what he was about to tell him would be incredible and that he probably wouldn't believe him Jonah said the machine was a transporter that had brought James into a parallel universe he said he often traveled to our earth dimension and at the finding James injured and laying in the hot Sun he decided that the best thing would be to bring him back although he wouldn't normally take people through the portal they talked of many things including music where they discovered that many earthbounds also existed in the other dimension they began to discuss the Beatles and Jonah showed James some cassette tapes that he had because CDs didn't exist in his world the names of several of the albums were the same but some were new to James and Jonas said that his brother had just been to one of their concerts meaning in this world the Beatles were still together James asked if he could make a copy of one but Jonas got freaked out and said that James was not allowed to take anything back to his own world because it was not safe later when Jonas was destructed James was able to slip while the tapes into his pocket and he later returned to our world back through the portal James ends this tale by making a plea for any other dimensional travelers to get in touch with him the album is called everyday chemistry and all 11 tracks of the album are available online it's a mix of different elements from several of the Beatles solo albums with some new parts at it in so the James ready stumble across a doorway to another dimension or is he merely telling a tall tale Carole McElhaney Carole was travelling through San Bernardo in California on her way to attend a sheepdog trial she saw a sign for Riverside and knew the place well as a family's ancestry was rooted there she decided that she would visit Riverside the next day to see her child at home and visit her grandparents graves in the cemetery after stay in the area overnight she returned to Riverside but she found that everything had changed the street where she had lived after leaving college was there the house numbers were the same but the bungalows looked different and her house had disappeared completely on the street were a grandmother used to live the houses were all new and there were no trees like Carole remembers her grandmother's house and the house next door where aunt and uncle had lives were both gone the street was full of modern style houses unlike the large Tudor style house that she remembered her grandmother living in most troubling was the fact that Carole could not find the cemetery she drove around the block a couple of times but it was just a fenced off piece of land overgrown with weeds confused and upset Carole began to drive around to see if she could find anywhere that was familiar both Riverside City College and Central Middle School look the same but University Avenue which was the Main Street now looked like a ghetto there were no more shops banks and hotels like she remembered Carole also noticed that the people looked scary and she was afraid to stop she felt as though getting out of the car would cause her to be trapped in his creepy at the world forever after a couple of unnerving hours she decided to drive back once she arrived she found that everything was back to normal several years later Carole's father died and as he had asked to be buried in the same cemetery as his parents she had to return to Riverside once there Carole found that everything had returned to normal the cemetery was no longer a vacant plant the streets and houses and University Avenue had all returned to normality was Carol like she believes transported to another dimension she believes that if she had got out of the car then she would have gone missing unable to ever return to her own world she thinks it was the same Riverside but she had reached it by somehow going down a different dimensional path the professor from Venezuela and the pair child of Tenerife it was a bright sunny day in the South American city of Merida Venezuela during the early 1970s a university professor was returning to his car on the campus of the University of the Andes the professor was seen by several eyewitnesses as he walked across the parking lot he stopped a couple of times to talk to students of elections and papers as he walked toward his car he got into his car aren't seeing two of his students waving to him he waved back before closing the door the closing of the car door seemed to trigger something because the professor just vanished it was as if he had stepped through a portal as the door closed the unnamed professor has now been missing for over 40 years his story was reported by journalists in the well-respected Venezuelan newspaper el tiempo could the professor slipped into a parallel world like the little girl in the next story in 1905 in Tenerife in the Canary Islands a little girl was leading a flock of sheep back to her barn when she became tired and decided to take a nap under a tree she was awoken by a tall white being that led her by the hand to a cave which was full of other similar beings in the meantime her family had begun frantically searching for her as she had been missing for several hours they searched for the girl for many years after her but she had mysteriously vanished the girl after spending what she felt was a couple of hours in the cave returned to her family her family was astonished to see her return several years after her disappearance but looking exactly the same age as when she had laughed out of fear her family hid her away scared that she would be seen as cursed and researchers have been unable to discover her identity she became known as the pair child of tenerife could this be proof that anyone traveling to another dimension will have to pay the high price of time bending were on their return everything and everybody that they knew and loved could have aged or even already be gone Lorena Garcia Gordo for anyone who has ever seen the Gwyneth Paltrow movie sliding doors they will know just how Lorena Garcia Gordo Fields alternating between two different the parallel worlds she believes that her life had gone down one path only to awake one morning to find that it had actually gone down a completely different one in 2008 Loreena posted a plea for help online she said that she was 41 years old I was afraid that people would think she was psychotic because she had found like she jumped into a parallel universe she then asked anyone who had a similar experience to get in touch Loreena said that she had awoke to find that lots of things were very different but it was the small details that stood out at first her bedsheets were not the ones on her bed when she fell asleep and they were clothed in a wardrobe that she couldn't remember buying on leaving for work she found that the car was parked in the wrong space she hadn't pabich are there since her split from her ex-boyfriend six months earlier she had worked at the same office for twenty years she drove to work along what she felt was the same route but when she arrived the name on her office door was not terns thinking that she was on the wrong floor she checked to find that she worked any completely different office under a different manager but she couldn't remember ever changing departments panicking she checked all over our ID which proved to be the right name picture and address so she went to visit the doctor to check that she hadn't been drugged or was suffering from amnesia all the tests were apparently negative stranger was the fact that she had split up from her old boyfriend of seven years six months previously and had been dating a new man for four months she knew him and his son quite well so she called his number but someone else answered the phone only to tell her that no one there answered to the name she gave she was so convinced they did exist she even hired a detective to try to find him but there was no trace of him or his son in that city it turned out that lorina was actually still with her boyfriend of seven years and in this world they had never split out she has supposedly sought psychiatric help and been told that what she is experiencing is all stress-related so did lorina wake up in a different dimension if so is this dress rated or is she lying which lorina is the real one the one in the dimension or the one in the dimension that she claims to have traveled from ducks island imagine this you have a couple of million dollars and you want to buy a beautiful place where you can relax whenever you want and discover you have enough to buy an island as lush green trees plants and the captivating view of the ocean however would you still be interested in it if you found out that the island was a site where several innocent people were executed suspected of being Nancy sympathizers while that appears to be the dilemma that potential buyers face when confronted with daksa Island a small island located near Croatia it's a beautiful place with lush woodlands secluded beaches and its own lighthouse centuries ago there is evidence the island was inhabitant and enjoyed a peaceful existence and in 1281 a franciscan monetary was built on the island dedicated to the martyrs at st. Sabina a widowed Christian who in 125 ad was martyred for her beliefs in ventana Italy however this now uninhabited islands peaceful history came to an abrupt halt as world war ii drew to a close and nazi germany began to form Yugoslav partisans entered the broth neck and chose 53 men suspected of being Nazi sympathizers these men were not given a trial and no evidence was found connecting them to Nazi believes the men were rowed out daksa and executed their unburied bodies were then left to rot on the beaches it wasn't until September 2009 that authorities announced they had discovered the remains of six of the victims and soon after another 48 were recovered and proper burials were afforded to all of them since the massacre the island is said to have a haunted feeling and the owners of the island do not even live there futurist ever visit and those who want a visit will struggle to find anyone to take them to the island as local boat companies reportedly do not go near it today the island is still for sale and even at a reduced price no one seems to be interested in buying it snake island 40 miles off the coast of South Paulo in Brazil is a tiny but naturally beautiful island nicknamed snake island it has a rich and varied plant life and magnificent rainforests it's also the only natural home of the critically endangered venomous bothrops in Solaris snake better known as the golden lancehead pit viper these deadly snakes became trapped on the island when rising sea levels cut them off from the mainland and when left alone on the island these snakes rapidly increase in numbers reaching a population high of over 400,000 there are other non-venomous snakes living on the island as well and at one time it was estimated there was one snake - every square meter of land for this reason humans are prohibited from setting foot on the island for their own safety and that's of the snakes by considering the venom of the golden lancehead is thought to be five times more potent than other species of lancehead it's not hard to see who would fare better a single bite from a golden lancehead is so threatening that kidney failure brain bleeds a neurotic muscle tissue can occur within an hour and without treatment death is inevitable even lance-heads with less venom in the pit viper are responsible for more human deaths than any other snakes in both north and south america however thankfully since pit vipers only live on this one uninhabited island there have never been any recorded human bites but that hasn't stopped the legends like the story of a fisherman who became stranded on the island after his boat broke down not realizing where he was he set off into the forest and unfortunately his body was later found in a grim state ravaged by snake bites then there was the porn lighthouse keeper who lived on the island with his family and while they slept one night the snakes found their way into their home and the family made a horrific death whether there is any truth in these stories is unclear however on a more serious note in recent years the golden lancehead numbers have drastically decreased and a survey in 2015 estimated only two thousand to four thousand were left there this sounds like a lot when you think these snakes only live on this island so they are the only natural ones left in the world their decline is thought to be due to limited resources habitat destruction by humans poaching and inbreeding also they're fussy eating habits haven't helped as they feed are only two species of bird the southern house wren and a species of fly catcher so unless they can change their tastes and switch to some of the over 40 other species of birds that live on the island the numbers are likely to continue to decline North Brother Island North Brother Island is one of two small islands located in New York's East State River between the Bronx and Rikers Island in 1850 the infamous Riverside Hospital was built on the island to house patients suffering from smallpox and other quarantine herbal innocence the sick was shipped to the island until they either recovered or died one of its most notable residents was Mary Mallon also known as typhoid mary who arrived on the island for the second time in 1915 where she stayed until her death in 1938 Mary was the first known asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever and although she never fell ill herself with the disease his thorn she inadvertently infected over 50 people with the disease through her work as a cook some who went on to die following World War two the island housed War veterans but was later abandoned until the 1950s when a center opened to treat adolescent drug addicts soon rumors of ill-treatment and cruelty to the addicts emerged and by the early 1960s the facility was forced to close the island was left deserted and became a bird sanctuary and was permanently closed off to the public over fifty years later the place is still deserted but has become a magnet for urban explorers and ghost hunters most of the original hospital buildings still stand but on massively deteriorated and in danger of collapse a thick forest conceals them but they remain a haunting reminder of the suffering that was once endured there it's hard to believe that an area so close to the bustling sophistication of New York City could be allowed to fall into such disrepair in June 2009 North Brother Island featured in episode AIDS are the life after people series on the History Channel it was used as an example of what would happen to structures after 45 years dead humans however to this day how and why this mighty complex was built is one of the most enduring mysteries of archaeology and is likely to remain so for many years to come socotra located between the Guara Food Channel and the Arabian Sea is socotra one of the most isolated landforms on earth of continental origin it has a population of around 60,000 but is still something of an enigma and has been described as the most alien place on earth it's also unique as it has nearly 700 species of plants and wildlife that can be found nowhere else in the world with an array of birds reptiles and insects and it's not just the flora and fauna that is unique some of the people who live there notably the females have mtDNA haplogroup n a human gene also found nowhere else in the world however not all the inhabitants of Socotra are indigenous circuitry people in recent years a small number of black African people have moved to the island some who are believed to be descendants of runaway slaves such as the importance of this ancient island and its endemic species that in 2008 it was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site nan Madol nan Madol is located adjacent to the remote island of Pohnpei one of the Federation States of Micronesia the vast site consists of fallen temples ancient tombs and bath houses they were built on 92 manmade islets stretching nearly a mile in length and a half mile in width the islets are surrounded by narrow channels of water that resemble canals the name nan Madol literally means space between no one knows exactly how nan Madol was built or why such an enormous task was undertaken but Islanders swear ancient kings used magic to build them it's theorized that the huge basalt boulders summers heaviest 50 tons were transported to nan Madol by rafts from the other side of the island and levered into place with palm tree trunks no mortar was used to hold them together it's estimated non-metal construction would have taken hundreds of years and carbon dating indicates construction began around eleven hundred and eighty AD and the site itself is thought to have been inhabited as far back as the first or second century AD it is known that nan Madol was once the ceremonial and political seat of the saudeleur dynasty until about 1628 and later was a religious center inhabited by the kings of Pompeii but the ancient city has no freshwater and was probably the reason it was eventually abandoned in the middle of the nineteenth century the site is of such historical interest that many have labeled it the 8th wonder of the world and compared the megalithic structures to the ceremonial squares built by the Mayans and Aztecs of Central America it's also the only designated national historical landmark in the Federated States of Micronesia and many believe the complex structures of nan madol are the remains of one of the Lost continents of Lemuria the mystery of the city has also inspired many books and artistic productions involving lost civilizations however to this day how and why this mighty megalithic complex was built is one of the most enduring mysteries of archaeology and is likely to remain so for many years to come the disappearing crew of the case in a coal just after midnight on April 11th 1990 nathan Nesmith age 32 his brother Billy Joe 23 his nephew 18 year old Keith Wilkes and their friend 23 year old Franklin Bradley bordered boats named Casey Nicole and set off from AK in tashkent appear in Georgia on a Saturday commercial fishing trip it was the first outing for the 34 foot boat since it had undergone extensive maintenance work around 3:30 a.m. the next morning nathan was at the helm of the boat steering it towards a reef so they could start fishing when he realized there was something wrong with the vessel she was heavy to maneuver and was plowing the waves rather than going over them Nathan alerted the others who were sleeping and further investigation showed that Antonio was there a mechanical issue with the boat but it was also taking on a lot of water and the captain was rapidly filling when they tried the bilge pumps they were not working so all four men attempted to scoop out the water using buckets when this failed they sent out a mayday over the radio but received no response eventually they decided to abandon ship and with their lifejackets on they launched the inflatable lifeboat but it was soon apparent there was a problem with the raft not only did it have a hole in it but it was for two people and there were four of them the men had no choice but to stay with the raft with two hanging off the side and two inside but it was sinking fast to try and keep it buoyant they attached he had to cover that was floating by the four men clung to the cover in the hope that they would be seen by a passing boat as it got light they could see the Casey Nicole still half a float in the distance so Nathan despite protests from the others took the decision to swim to the stricken vessel to see if he could salvage anything and summons help now this is where it gets a bit murky Nathan claims that the Casey Nicole was about three miles away and it took him around seven hours to reach her and when he got there it was dark so he clung to her help and waited until the next morning he then claims he noticed Ephrata in the area close to her the other three men were he said the freighter was acting oddly and appeared to be going around in circles stopping several times this gave Nathan the impression that it was picking up his brother and the other two crew members however oddly they didn't attempt to rescue him Nathan claims he clung to the case in a coal until eventually he spotted a large bait box he figured it was more stable than the upturned hull and he clambered into it he stayed in the box floating in the ocean for three days clinging to life and was finally rescued on April 16th 1990 he was starved dehydrated and in a bad way he was taken to hospital where he claimed he heard voices whilst he was floating in the sea and that's what kept him going he was also shocked to learn that the three others hadn't been rescued as he assumed they'd been picked up by the freighter when it was realized there was still three crew members missing a search party was sent Island but despite their extensive efforts they were never found since the incident speculation has been rife in particular around Nathan's version of the events and theories about what happened to the missing men are mixed some say Nathan's story is suspicious after all it does seem strange to abandon the others and swim for over seven hours to reach a sinking boat hole others think the freighter story is far-fetched and many speculate that nathan is directly involved some I own some believe the four men may have been a part of a drug trafficking ring but something went horribly wrong all that the freighter was part of drug trafficking and the crew took the men prisoner or killed them to keep him quiet the men's family are convinced the three were taken prisoner by the crew of the freighter and have been held in a foreign country possibly Cuba ever since however there is a strange twist to this mystery in the weeks after the incident Nathan's sister on Endor received a strange phone call from a man who spoke Spanish and seemed unable to understand English the man just kept repeating all his phone number and saying her name before cutting off that same day an unusual call also came through to doug tyson the owner of the Casey Nicole once again the caller was a Spanish man and according to Tyson the only English word he knew was his name and his telephone number over the next year five more calls came in three to Ananda and two to Tyson the last call was to an Ender on March the 6th 1991 the caller spoke a single sentence in English I'm bringing him home there have been no more calls the family and Doug believe that this man was referring to one or more of the missing men and they still hold out hope that they are alive somewhere so what really happened in the lost crewmen of the Casey Nikol officially Billy Joe Nesmith Keith Wilkes and Franklin Bradley are now presumed dead but unofficially it's entirely possible they may still be alive what's your thoughts on this one [Music] the disappearance of ease Emmanuel pain and Laurent Anna's on December 22nd 1991 at around 10 p.m. a speeding car was pulled over by officer Belanger along a highway that led to the local marina in Goose Creek South Carolina inside the car with three men and Bellanca asked for their license and registration but no one responded after repeating the request the man in the back seat said something in a foreign language to the driver that prompted in to hand over his papers after checking the information the officer told them to be on their way and to drive carefully but again he received no response the next day while reading the newspaper Belanger was shocked to see photos the two men he had pulled over the previous night according to the paper they were missing French sailors 37 year old Eva Manuel pain and 25 year old Laurent Anna's who had recently been the focus of an intense search by the United States Coast Guard the report stated that the two sailors had been hired to delivery French made sailboats to its new owners the vessel was a state-of-the-art catamaran worth nearly a quarter of a million dollars and was the most sophisticated craft of its kind it was fitted with high-tech navigational equipment and his unique structure made it virtually unsinkable and undetectable to radar the sailors planned voyage was 2,500 miles from Maryland to the West Indies but when the vessel failed to arrive as scheduled the Coast Guard was notified they searched for over two weeks but there were no sightings of the boat along its C course or strangely the boat had been spotted a number of times several miles off course in what is known as the Intracoastal Waterway a protected inland passage that stretches thousands of miles from New England through Florida there was a complete mystery what the boat was doing there further investigations revealed as a third man had also been spotted on the catamaran and the mysterious third passenger was cited by at least five different witnesses along the waterway this led to speculation that perhaps one or both of the Frenchmen had been involved in stealing the boat although their families and friends refuse to accept our theory claiming they would never be involved in anything criminal and suggested in stands that the third man could have commandeered the boat and forced the two men to sail it others suggest that maybe the unintentionally sailed into Cuban waters and are being held in a Cuban prison although this seems unlikely whatever the theories Eva Manuel Payne and Laurent Ana's are still missing and no sign of them or the catamaran have ever been found however perhaps the biggest mystery of all is what were they doing in a car with an unknown man weeks after they had been reported missing is it possible that they were being held against their will was their captor the man in the back of the car that officer palanga pulled over or could they've fooled anyone and made off with a quarter of a million dollars worth of a yacht what do you think blue whales we can't wait to talk about these guys and we're probably gonna do a documentary and some other videos on them because they're so fascinating you probably won't believe this for one of the biggest ocean mysteries is the blue whale and it's remarkable but the largest animal on earth can be so mysterious we actually know more about the moon than we do about these these spectacular giants the sea inhabit most of the world's major oceans and are the largest animal to ever live on earth even larger than dinosaurs and we have the privilege of sharing the plan with them just to give you a quick idea of how huge they are they can weigh as much as 200 tons or around 440 1000 pounds and their heart alone is as big as an average car and it's beat can be detected from 2 miles away that jawbone is as big as a telephone pole and their tongue weighs as much as a small elephant however despite knowing their massive proportions that is about all we know about them and sadly many of measurements have derived from data collected from dead whales being killed by humans for years blue whales were hunted for their blubber and meat and it drove these gentle giants to near extinction and because it's believed that blue whales can lift over a hundred years old those living today may still remember being hunted by humans thankfully this barbaric behavior stopped in the 1970s and blue whales are now protected although their numbers have been slow to recover mainly because as far as we know they've reduced slowly and infrequently a big reason we know so little about blue whales is their elusive nature and no breeding ground has definitively been discovered yet meaning scientists have no idea when they reach sexual maturity all the specifics of their reproduction although satellite tags have allowed scientists to track the movements of blue whales in the North Pacific and Indian Oceans to date they are no nearer to finding out where they go to breed or what they do when they are deep below the water surface however what has been learnt in recent years is that blue whales will not just eat for the sacred and will pass have smaller meals in favour of a larger catch they feed almost entirely on krill tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that live throughout the world's oceans and swim together in huge swarms take a look at this incredible footage of a blue whale feeding with incredible German shots like that it's only a matter of time before these magnificent creatures reveal some of their secrets and in 2017 a video was released of never-before-seen blue whale behavior off the coast of Sri Lanka claiming to show a mating ritual between a male and female blue whale the video shows what they believe they single male blue whale in pursuit of a female 3 whales are sexually dimorphic which means that females and males have noticeably physical characteristics females tend to be larger than males the footage called controversy among experts and you didn't believe this was a mating ritual although they did agree it was unusual to see blue whales acting in this way for now the mystery continues and the blue whale remains one of the most well known enigmas of the ocean and we think that at these magnificent creatures want to keep their private life private then it should stay that way they'd love sea serpent we've all heard the tales of monster sea serpents spotted by delirious Salem's during their voyages across the scene although in reality it's likely many of these sightings are the result of overactive imaginations drunkenness or hallucinations however there was one incident involving the sea serpent that was considerably more credible on the others it happened in 1848 and was witnessed by the crew of the British naval vessel Daedalus and for years the case has remained one of the most famous and puzzling maritime mysteries of all time on August the 6th 1848 at around 5 p.m. the HMS Daedalus encountered what is Captain P McCrae described as an enormous sea serpent that was at least 60 feet long the sighting occurred in the South Atlantic around 300 miles from the coast of present-day Namibia when the crew returned to shore McCrae wrote two reforms and oversaw three professional drawings that did what he observed and these were published in The Times newspaper and caused a bit of a controversy an expert from The Diary of another witness lieutenant ei Thurmond was also published that corroborated the incident and another similar account was given by an anonymous officer who also witnessed the creature this is what captain McCrae wrote in his report on our attention being called to the object who was discovered to be an enormous serpent with head and shoulders kept about four feet constantly above the surface of the water and as nearly as we could approximate by comparing it with the length of water main Topsail yard would show in the water there was at the very least sixty feet of the animal at sea level no portion of wedge was to our perception used in propelling it through the water either by vertical or horizontal undulation it passed rapidly but so close and hourly quarter that's had it been a man of my acquaintance I should easily have recognized his features with the naked eye Lee and I did not neither in approaching a ship or after it had passed I awake deviate in the slightest degree from his cause to the SW would had held on a piece from 12 to 15 miles per hour apparently on some determined purpose the diameter of the serpent was about 15 or 16 inches behind the head which was without any doubt that of a sink and it was never during the 20 minutes that I continued in sight of our glasses once below the surface of the water its color a dark brown with yellowish white by the throat it had no fins but something like a mane of a horse or rather a bunch of seaweed washed about its back it was seen by the quartermaster the boat Wayne's maid and the man of the wheel in addition to myself and officers above-mentioned suggestions as to the identity of the entity brains from eel and snakes swimming at scene to a surviving plesiosaur however it wasn't until 1997 that a very different drawing was released by relative of Lieutenant ruminant the never-seen-before drawing from his diary showed a slightly less dramatic image of the creature witnessed by the crew and has provided important clues about what the serpent might be the drawing shows what many believe is not a serpent at all but as say well a species of baleen whale that is huge and the third largest after the blue whale which can reach lengths of 264 feet it's an easy mistake to make as the say has a flat triangular up ahead and is reptilian in appearance and could easily be mistaken for the head of a snake if you look at the say whale feeding at the surface with his mouth open it does look a little like the drawings so is it possible this enduring sea serpent mystery is solved or is there still an unsolved ocean mystery the crew of that boat all died thinking they had seen a sea serpent but what do you think the cursed ghost shape of Fiji the MV Evita was a luxury yacht constructed in 1931 for movie director Roland West at the time the boat was unique is that a completely wooden hull and was diesel-powered and was deemed to be unsinkable due to its solid wood construction which made it extremely buoyant West eventually sold the vessel in 1936 to a Melton ibeacon and after making numerous trips to Mexico it was acquired by the US Navy in 1941 the Navy reconfigured the vessel and transformed it into patrol boats YP 108 its duties during this time mostly consisted of patrolling the Island of Hawaii until the end of World War two after the war ended the vessel was decommissioned and sold over the next few years the MV Evita changed hands several times until it ended up with a british-born sailor living in Samoa by the name of Captain Thomas H Miller who used it as a fishing charter and passenger boat on October the 3rd 1955 the MV Evita embarked on a routine merchant passenger run from the Samoan capital of Apia to the Takalua islands on board were 25 passengers and crew as well as 4 tons of cargo that include medical supplies timber empty oil drums and various foodstuffs prior to the trip the ship had various setbacks including the failure of its port engine clutch but despite this not being properly repaired the ship sailed away with only one working engine interestingly this wasn't the first time bad luck had fallen the MV Evita during its days in the Navy it had run aground and sustained heavy damage and the boat had been considered unlucky among superstitious sailors the trip was expected to take two days but when the ship didn't arrive on time it was initially thought that had been slowed down by the loss of one of his engines but as the day's stretched into weeks the worst was feared and the Royal New Zealand Air Force conducted an extensive search and rescue operation however despite scouring nearly 100,000 square miles of ocean not a trace was found of the MV o Vita then almost a month later on November the 10th 1955 the captain of merchant vessel Tuvalu spotted the missing evita offered the Fiji Island of Avenue 11 the boat was around 600 miles of course as the Tuvalu approached it was obvious there was no one aboard the NV evita was floating aimlessly and listing heavily when investigators boarded the ship they discovered all the cargo was gone except the oil drums the ship's three lifeboats were also missing and the vessel was clearly in a bad way with smashed windows and a hole in its hull that had led to heavy flooding of the lower deck but investigators were baffled by some of the things they found all of the lights in the cabins were on as were the navigational lights and all of the electrical clocks on board had stopped at 10:25 possibly due to the ship's generators cutting out at the time the raelia was functioning and was sent to an international distress Channel although it appeared that a distress signal had never been sent in the engine room the starboard engine had been covered with mattresses perhaps to try and plug the leak the bilge pump was clogged up an auxilary pump was rigged up but not connected to a power source they also found a medical bag filled with bloody bandages the ship's logbook a navigational equipment was all missing as well as several firearms that captain Miller had kept on board but inquiry was launched into the mysterious circumstances but little was found to answer the question of what had happened apart from the obvious damage to the ship and the flooding although it was revealed that captain Miller had been transporting passengers with an elapsed licence and there was not enough lifeboats to accommodate everyone on board meaning that many of them almost certainly took to the water in life vests in the end the official inquiry deemed the disappearances as inexplicable so just what happened to the 25 people on board well one of the biggest mysteries is why they abandoned ship after all the MV Evita was unsinkable and proved that by being found still afloat listing or not the Oba was essentially still completely seaworthy there was also still plenty of food and water on board another mystery is why the ship did not send out a distress signal when the equipment on board was in working order over the years there have been many theories and one enduring thought is that captain Miller was killed or injured and was unable to command the ship leaving the crew and passengers panicked in the face of the flooding and therefore abandoning ship it was revealed that Miller had a volatile relationship with his first mate Chuck Simpson and the two often failed they may have come to blows and Miller was seriously injured or even killed this may explain the bloody bandages found in the medical kit another idea is that the ship was attacked by some outside force possibly pirates that caused the crew and passengers to flee the ship in a hurry although this seems very unlikely as there was nothing on board there would be any value to pirates another theory is that the ship was captured by a Soviet submarine and the crew and passengers were kidnapped there was even speculation that there was still secret Japanese forces operating in the Pacific after World War Two perhaps unaware the war had ended and that these forces had set their sights on the boat of course there are those that think the disappearances are like into alien abductions or some other unknown force however in a strange twist of the story in the years following the incident it was reported that captain Miller had been spotted alive in Singapore the West Indies and Honolulu promoting claims of an attempted insurance fraud although none of these claims have been proven the sad reality is that if the passengers and crew were forced off the boat for several reason and took to the waters in life vests it's likely that they either drowned or eaten by sharks one by one but not one single piece of evidence has ever been found to suggest that so ultimately we may never know what happened to the 25 people who felt the need to abandon a fully stocked unsinkable ship and take to the sea that could be very likely their final resting place the Tarahumara those who have read Christopher MacDougall's best-selling book Born to Run will know all about the Tarahumara tribe they called themselves Rara Marie and are a community of indigenous people living in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico the Tarahumara are shy private people who live far apart from each other in small wooden houses and caves they live a very simple life and are known to required thoughtful people who are able to farm however more interestingly they are exceptional runners and Rara Marie when translated means running people they're running abilities almost superhuman and defy our understanding of human endurance they regularly run up to 200 miles between settlements through mountain terrain and is believed their record run is over 400 miles in just over 48 hours that's 16 times further than a marathon they never seem to get tired or injured and their running is done non-stop in either barefoot or sandals made from tires and deerskin many have entered long distance running events such as the hundred miles in Colorado and they have dumbfounded fellow competitors by running in their sandals often beating their rivals running in their high-tech trainers to run these sorts of distances you think they must need to hear [ __ ] amount of food as they burn thousands of calories but oddly enough their diet is mainly corn beans potatoes and apples and they brew their own alcoholic drink made from corn which allegedly they will drink until they pass Island as well as being able to run long distances the tribe have barely any illnesses and things like cancer diabetes and heart disease are basically non-existent however they do have an unusually high infant mortality rate and apparently the average woman gives birth to around 10 babies in hopes that 3 or 4 survive into adulthood it's thought that a Terre hemara can run these incredible distances because it's their tradition as well as their only mode of transport and they start running from a young age continue up until their deaths their astonishing endurance has fascinated experts for years who believe they are able to do this due to their environment minimal Footwear and natural running form one thing is for sure the Tarahumara have shown us the capabilities of the human body and they continue to fascinate us with their extraordinary ways Sura people the soory mercy and Mian are three tribes that live separately but who are all collectively known as the Surma people they live in South Sudan and Ethiopia and share similar cultures and beliefs the homes are built in remote mountainous areas and they are known to have a fiery rivalry with neighbouring tribes this rivalry has become more deadly in recent years with all parties having access to automatic weapons the areas where these tribes live is extremely dangerous for outsiders they have a violent culture and stick fighting is a common practice for the man especially when providing their prowess when seeking a wife is not uncommon for them to suffer serious injury or even death in pursuit of a bride the men shave their entire bodies and often wear little or no clothes the women have an unusual beauty regime that stars from a young age this involves having their bottom teeth removed and the lips pierced and stretched in preparation for a clay lip plate to be inserted into their bottom lip some of these plates are staggering 16 inches round with the belief the bigger the plate the more cattle dorman is worth and the more attractive they are to potential suitors although in recent years it's thought this practice is not so common as it once was they also use white clay paint to dot over their faces and paint their bodies in a bizarre ritual self-harm the suri people pride themselves on how many scars they have on their bodies these self-inflicted wounds are performed by slicing their skin with a razor blade and the thorn the open wound is then left to heal and scar these rituals are extremely painful and thought to be a form of controlled violence to help the children get accustomed to seeing blood and feeling pain so that they can cope with our violent surroundings families live in communes that range from forty to one thousand people they share food and livestock and so the alderman vary FERC round indicating but they had the most respected member of the tribe the households however always run by women and they are allowed to earn their own money from the land they farm and own although all the decisions in the villages are made by men and women have no say in ease the rug people we have all heard of the Vietnam War but many of us have not heard of the rug people in fact no one in the world had until the end of 1959 when North Vietnamese soldiers spotted a group were very timid naked people in the woods they could be seen climbing cliffs and trees with incredible agility and after gaining the trust of the soldiers so then were persuaded out to their caves and huts and settled in rockland Valley however many of the rug people prefer to live their primitive lifestyle and opted to stay where they were and today the rug people are considered one of the least known tribes in the world and are still living in tents and caves beside the mountain side they do not have schools clinics or markets or even family names it's thought that they sleep sitting up and have retained very strange witchcraft rituals which are foreign to other tribes these include a fertility spell and a contraceptive spell both of which are a complete mystery to outsiders it's also thought that they have a secret sound that they will make that ward off wild animals unfortunately it's feared that the rug people who have lived very simple lives for many decades are at risk of severe population decline as the elders die taking their secret rituals with them the younger members of the community are getting more and more drawn into the modern way of life and its thorns that in under 100 years the ruk tribe will no longer exist [Music] the lone tribesman in 1996 the existence of an incredible lone tribesman came to light when loggers reported seeing a wild man lurking deep in the Amazon rainforest the sighting led to investigations being carried out by brazil's government agency responsible for looking after remote Amazon tribes officials at first were unable to trace him however there was evidence of a small thatched hut with a garden growing modest crops surrounded by a number of spiked pitfalls which are usually used for catching wild animals they kept searching and found markings carved in trees that seemed to have some unknown spiritual meaning after entering the hut they found hand-carved arrowheads and torches and it became apparent to investigators that the man was living alone and it was concluded that he was the last surviving member of an unknown tribe as more searches were carried out throughout the forest more of the dwellings were found characterized by a hand-dug rectangular hole in the middle of them about five feet deep it didn't appear to serve any purpose and had never been documented in any other tribes in the area the lone man became known as the man in the hole it was thought that he moved between his shelters possibly on the run from the outside world eventually he was located but he made it very obvious that he did not want contact with anyone and on one occasion he fired an arrow that hit an investigator in the chest the investigator survived the attack but it was decided to back off and give the tribesman space to live his life as he wished the decision was also made to make a 31 square mile area surrounding where the man was living off limits to any kind of development or intrusion from the outside world and although he was avoided contact for decades he is monitored by Brazilians protection agency and they occasionally leave him tools and seeds he's well aware of them and has learned to trust them as long as they keep their distance in 2018 fu nai released a video of him to raise global awareness of the threats to the uncontacted people in Brazil in the video the man now believed to be in his 50s appears to be strong and healthy take a look at his extraordinary footage it seems incredible but at this moment in time this lone tribesman is still roaming the forest hunting and living in complete isolation with no one to talk to apart from the animals and his own mind it's likely that this is how you will live for the rest of his life and will take to his grave knowledge of what happened to his people and their secrets of his culture and language Quora why people the Korowai trying are different from many known tribes they live in a remote rainforest in southeastern West Papua in the Indonesian province of Papua and is thought that up until 1970 they were totally unaware of the existence of other people apart from rival tribes they live in unique tree houses that tower above the forest resting on spindly wooden stilts over 1,000 foot above the ground with no cranes or use of modern machinery these incredible structures are built entirely by hand using primitive handmade tools the towering ladder is constructed to reach their homes and the houses have walls and floors made of tree bark and roofs made of leaves the original reason and design purpose of these dwellings was to protect them from rival tribes and cannibalism the tribe have maintained their age-old traditions and the strong belief that their dead ancestors can return to living at any moment many of them have had very little contact with the outside world and most of the Korowai tribe still live with little or knowledge of other humans it's widely been reported that the tribes still practiced cannibalism although in recent years it's thought this practice has diminished in 2016 Australian reporter Paul Raphael from Smithsonian magazine went on an expedition to meet the tribe and he claims when he first encountered them he had to eat human meat to gain their acceptance he was also presented with the skull of a tribesman who had recently been killed and whose brains the tribe had dined on the tribe also believed that if someone dies of disease or unknown reasons it is likely the witch man Kokua is responsible and he has possessed their body and eaten their insides the Kokua will be a member of the tribe and if they find out who it is they will kill them and eat them supposedly they will only eat men and although it's hard for us to understand in their culture it's perfectly normal the Korowai still live in a remote rainforest and are one of the world's most mysterious and isolated tribes ramani in july 1934 Cecil Maine and Frank car were digging for gold in the San Pedro Mountains when they discovered something quite extraordinary after blasting the rock face the uncovered a small man-made cavern measuring no more than 15 feet long and 4 feet wide inside it sitting cross-legged was a tiny mummified human measuring around six and a half inches in its sitting position he was perfectly preserved with brown wrinkled flesh bulging eyes and a flooded skull even his fingernails were visible meinen car immediately smelled money and they removed the tiny figure and took him to the town of Casper where they sold him as a sideshow exhibit over the next couple of years he passed through several owners who made money from him and became known as Pedro eventually Pedro ended up in the hands of car dealer Ivan Goodman who showed the mummy off a glass case as part of his advertising display he claimed Pedro was thousands of years old and displayed x-ray photos next to him to substantiate this of course the claim was nonsense for the x-rays were genuine as Pedro had been examined by scientists over the years and all of them agreed that the mummy was a genuine human specimen however none of them could determine exactly what he was one theory is that he was in fact a baby suffering from a rare genetic condition known as Allen calf knee an embryonic development fault that means a major portion of the brain skull and scalp is missing however there is a problem with his suggestion because although Pedro was the right size to be a baby he also exhibited features associated with a fully grown man for instance he had a full set of teeth and x-rays revealed he had the remains of solid food in his stomach it's also thought they did not die of natural causes as he had a broken collarbone damaged spine and a smash in his skull other theories claim Pedro was in fact an outdoor the popular belief from local Native Americans is that Pedro was an eminent gara a mythical race of little people who lived in the Wind River they were said to be between 2 and 3 feet in height and possessed magical powers but they were also extremely vicious and it was unwise to upset one as they could fire poisonous dance that anyone who displeased them sadly modern scientists never got a chance to study Pedro as in the 1950s Goodman lost him probably to a New York con man and the mummy has never been recovered the incredible shaggy idol the Shakya idol is the oldest known wooden sculpture in the world and dates Bank 11,500 years it was discovered on January 24th 1894 in the peat bog of Shakira on the eastern slope of the middle Urals in Russia excavation of the area had begun 40 years earlier after the discovery of a variety of prehistoric objects the sculpture was found 13 feet down in the park and was extracted in ten parts when reassembled it stood at 2.8 meters in height although some suggested its original height could have been around five point three meters initially was dated at around nine thousand five hundred years old but this was revised in the 1990s to 11,500 meaning it was made shortly after the end of the last ice age during the Mesolithic period the sculpture is carved from large and has believed stone tools as well as tools made from the lower jawbone of a beaver were used to carve it's intricate markings at the top of the sculpture is a head the face eyes nose and mouth the body is flat and is decorated with geometric motifs and human faces and hands the lines in the middle are believed to represent rims the unusual decoration has been likened to a totem pole the theories about what the carvings represent range from illustrations of our creation to a navigational aid or even mythological forest spirits some are suggested of the idol is a warning not to enter a dangerous area because the statue is buried in the bog for so long it's incredibly well-preserved as the acid environment killed off microorganisms and also had a tanning effect scientists suspect that many statues like this one existed but they did not benefit from the preservation effects of the bog to date Shigure idols purpose unmeaning remains a mystery but it could also very well hold a vital clue to life nearly 12,000 years ago the precious Idol is currently kept in a climate-controlled case at the Sverdlovsk Regional History Museum in Russia the Terracotta Warriors of China most of us are aware of the ancient Egyptians belief in the afterlife now the complex after death rituals they followed to ensure the deceased had all they needed to complete that journey but they weren't the only ones who followed fascinating burial rituals China also adopted two age-old burial rituals themselves and the extent they went to protect one of their Emperor's was accidentally unearthed in 1974 and became one of the most significant archaeological finds of the 20th century it all started back in 246 BCE when China's first emperor Qin Shihuang took the throne at the age of just 13 as ruler the first imperial Empire he was responsible for regulating scripts and coins I was also instrumental in the construction of the Great Wall and the unification of China to recognize his own achievements and memorialize his life he ordered the construction of a necropolis in Zn a region rich in gold his vision was an elaborate mausoleum filled with the most treasured possessions he also instructed that thousands of specially made terracotta soldiers were created to protect him in the afterlife for centuries Qin Shih Huang's massive underground mausoleum remained undetected however in 1974 workers in northwestern China stumbled upon a large sculpture of a terracotta warrior all digging a while the discovery prompted archaeologists to explore the area resulting in the discovery of thousands of similar soldiers in four separate pits each life-sized soldier was unique with an impressive amount of detail and they varied in height according to their military rank upon discovery all the figures were the same shade of grey but originally they would have been realistically painted in addition to the 8,000 soldiers 130 ceramic chariots and 670 horses were also friend along with clay figures of dancers acrobats and musicians today jingxiu Wang's necropolis is a unesco world heritage site well the main part the tomb has not been excavated most of the thousands of terracotta soldiers still remain on the site guarding over there ruler although 10 have been removed and have appeared in exhibitions allowing visitors to see up close the intricate work that went into each soldier and give them an insight into not only early artistic practices but also ancient Chinese burial rituals Bosnian sphere in March 2016 a massive stone ball was discovered in the forests of visco Valley in Bosnia it measured around 10 feet across I was brown and red in color the find caused a massive debate in academic circles as the house such a vast perfectly spherical stone weighing over 30 tons was created archaeologist Sam Samira Osman a couch who discovered the stone believes a long-lost ancient civilization created the huge ball thousands of years ago and that other similar spherical stones found around the world back this up he claimed their technology was different to ours and they knew the power of geometrical shapes demonstrated with the pyramids and other perfectly formed ancient constructions he also claims that certain hills in the Bosnian Visoko Valley Herzegovina Harbor ancient underground tunnels and pyramids however it's worth pointing out there is no geological proof of this but others disagree and believe the logical explanation for the huge fear is an example of something called concretions a compact often spherical rock mass but forms from the precipitation of natural mineral cement in the spaces between particles typically these structures are rich in iron and take on a reddish brown appearance examples of such a phenomena have been found all around the world such as the Mauri rocky boulders of New Zealand and the concretions the Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota and rather than them being thousands of years old these formations are actually millions of years old however there are some that agree with the sound and point out the stone spheres or the dike rows people found in Costa Rica these spheres are made of gabbro which is a volcanic rock that would not naturally form in such a perfectly sphere and so have been man-made and strategically placed in rows at specific settlements bearing in mind they weigh up to 15 tons so the date the jury Estela hands on whether these spherical objects were handmade by a lost civilization more mother nature's handiwork what do you think Grob owl man the body of the crop owl man was discovered on 26th of April 1952 by a team of pentacles working near the village of grappa in Denmark after extensive tests it was estimated the body dated back to the late 3rd century BC during the early Germanic iron age and he had died after having his throat cut it is believed his death was an example of human sacrifice possibly an important rite an Iron Age Germanic paganism the find had been described as one of the most spectacular discoveries from Denmark's prehistory because it's one of the most exceptionally preserved bog bodies in the world it was so well preserved even the man's fingerprints have been retrieved studies of his remains reveal valuable information about the man's life and his gruesome death his hands were smooth indicating that he was not employed in Harbor such as farming his teeth and jaws indicated that he had suffered from periods of starvation and poor health during his early childhood and is scallison showed signs of significant calcium deficiency and the early onset of spinal degeneration however due to the shrinkage of the corpse suffered in the bark the man's actual height could not be determined although it's known in life he had dark hair not the reddish color it now appears the corpse was not found with any artifacts or clothing suggesting he was nikka at the time of his death his throat was cut ear to ear severing his trachea and esophagus this was too deep to be a self-inflicted wound adding weight to the sacrifice theory he was around 30 years old when he died it was decided initially that the court should undergo a media preservation and then be exhibited to the public but this was a mistake as mold started to appear on certain areas of his body as a result of having been kept permanently moist after a rethink it was decided the body should go through a tanning process to in effect turned into leather before being stuffed with oak bark this was the first time a whole bog body had been preserved a bit of an unceremonious way to treat a human body but the global man has provided valuable information into life over 2,000 years ago and he lives on had a moose guard Museum near Aarhus will you still display today [Music] dragonblood trees of Socotra Island the Drucker inna cinnabar II or dragon blood tree is native to socotra Island an island off the coast of Yemen and Somalia the dragon blood tree acquired its mysterious name and reputation by its excretion of blood-red SAP when it's damaged according to local legend the first dragon blood tree was created from the blood of a dragon after losing a battle with an elephant the SAP is believed to have magical and medicinal properties and is still used today for these purposes the dragon's blood Sam protect and ward off negative energies and is sprinkled throughout homes especially under rugs on window sills or in doorways the sap is also known as a cure-all for illness and contain all matter of anticoagulant and antiviral properties it's even specifically been used for lowering fever and curing diarrhoea ulcers and eczema the dragon blood tree is just one of many species who uniquely thrive on socotra Island an island that has been likened to an alien planet or lost world because of its unique natural wonders it's estimated that about 37% of its plant species 90% of his reptile species and 95% of his land snail species living on this ancient island survive nowhere else on earth the luminous tree in the United States in 1885 that the offices Journal reported that near to some hot springs in Tuscarora Nevada an eerie photo for a sentry had been discovered a closer examination revealed of the tree was covered with a luminous gummy substance that had an unpleasant odor the mysterious tree emitted enough light to be seen from up to a mile away at night and up close was bright enough to read with local Native Americans were very wary of the tree and would not go near it even during the day and referred to it as a witch tree no one seems to know for sure how or why this tree became covered in this luminous substance although some believe it was the result of some sort of supernatural intervention however the more plausible explanation is it was linked to the nearby hot spring waters sadly the tree no longer exists and is believed to have died naturally although the story has inspired a Dutch company called illumine whose vision it is to create glow-in-the-dark trees to replace traditional street lighting they plan to achieve this by isolating genes that cause creatures to glow and genetically engineering the into trees so that they glow to the whistling trees of Nubia the rustling of trees and creaking of branches is a familiar sound if you live near a forest however trees that whistle is a less common phenomenon unless you live along the Nile River in the country of Nubia 100 years or so ago where the African winds brought with them mysterious music of whistling trees documented by various publications as early as 1889 and as recent as 1943 the most common explanation for these whistling trees was that insects had burrowed into the branches making small holes had allowed the wind to pass through and produce these curious whistling sounds much like a woodwind instrument however what is curious is that no other trees in this area or any other area for that matter have ever duplicated this whistling effects even though insect infestations of trees is a fairly common occurrence posing the question why just these trees at this time is it merely an example of another parasitic relationship in nature was it something that was blown out of proportion or was there a supernatural force at work that orchestrated the mystical notes of these whistling trees what do you think the snake tree of Mexico in the March 30th 1901 edition of the Musselburgh Chronicle there was a report or mysterious 20-foot high tree that was as disturbing in its nature as it was astonishing this unusual tree near to the Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexico was named the Snape tree not because of snakes being attracted to it or inhabiting it but because of its grotesque snake-like branches a twisted and contorted in a continuous motion perfectly upon closer inspection it was confirmed that this carnivorous tree was consuming Birds or any creatures that had the misfortune of landing on it the limbs of this predatory tree were described as being more like tentacles and were completely covered with tiny suckers had aided it with capturing and holding his prey long enough to suck it completely Drive blood it's believed that the snake tree of Mexico no longer exists today and there have been no other known reports of a tree at this kind the electric trees of New Guinea lieutenant Vaughn in Murchison de may have experienced the shock of his life when he and other members of his German expedition discovered electric trees while exploring a remote area of New Guinea in 1885 according to Vaughn Emma's account one of the other members of the expedition carelessly decided to chop at one of these mysterious trees with an axe and was sent back words from a massive electric shock Vaughn Emma stated every branch and every twig of the tree presented similar ridges and caused with the addition of a thicker central one and I quickly proved that the current circulated through the entire system how it is kept up no one at present can tell but there it is I am NOT able to say what the intensity or the quantity of the current might have been but it was enough to knock you down in a very unpleasant way the expedition was reported to have ended earlier than planned due to sickness of the members however on his return Vaughn never claimed that he had samples of the trees weren't core and seeds although close to a century and a half after his return no further documentation has been given of these electric trees and they are now believed to have been lost in history [Music] Kait this next photograph was submitted to our website we've changed the names of the people involved in the story and have spoken to the poster to ask permission to use the image in this video we'll call her Kate and here is the story behind the image in November 2013 caterer family and friends took a day trip to Savannah Georgia Kate's mum and two of her friends decided to split off from the main group to do a walking tour of Savannah's historical buildings during the tour they took a break from walking in Johnson Square an area that dates back to 1733 the tour group was standing around in a circle when Kate's mum noticed an old man and a little girl no older than five years old sitting on a marble bench that was a monument to a famous singer named Johnny Mercer the pair are less than 50 feet away from them Kate's mum who will call sahi was instantly struck by the little girl because of her beautiful white dress black dress shoes fur coat and the way she laid on the bench in the fetal position the little girl must have sensed that the pair was staring at her as she immediately rose to attention crawled off the bench and began playfully skipping towards the tall group although she kept a safe distance from the pair they could tell as she was intrigued by them after a few moments the little girl retreated towards a garden in front of one of the estates and crouched in amongst the tall grass and trees seeing a great photo opportunity Sallie pulled out her phone and took a photo at the little girl it wasn't until later that afternoon when the family and friends regrouped but Sally and her friends began discussing the little girl and how pretty she was her strange behavior and how the old man on the bench who they assumed was the little girl's guardian didn't seem to acknowledge her wandering off and playing in the garden they then looked at the photo they had and was shocked to see not the pretty little girl they remembered but a girl with a hollow face sunken eyes and nose that appeared to look like three black holes take a look at the photo the family have shown the photograph to various people and some believe the sunken face and features are an optical illusion caused by shadows from the trees above her however that still doesn't explain the little girls clothing her strange behavior and the old man she was sitting with after doing a little research it was discovered Johnson's square as a child ghost named Gracie Watson or little Gracie she was the daughter of the manager of the Pulaski House Hotel which was located just off Johnson Square but has since been demolished Gracie loved being the center of attention I would entertain hotel guests at the hotel and tourists in Johnson Square in 1889 tragically she died of pneumonia ages 6 and her parents buried her in a nearby cemetery and commissioned a marble statue of the child in her memory since her death visitors of the cemetery and Johnson Square have seen a little girl in a white dress playing by herself and on occasion interacting with tourists she's supposedly a very friendly ghost so is this the photo of little Gracie what do you think the Wheaton bandit this next image is a series of photographs of an identified bank robber known as the Wheaton bandit between 2002 and 2006 he was suspected of being responsible for up to 16 armed robberies in the Wheaton Illinois area at the time of the offences it was thought he was around 25 to 35 years old during the robberies he always wore a heard or ski mask and carried his gun in a distinctive way with his trigger finger place along the side of the gun in a safety position rather than on the trigger suggesting he had law enforcement or military training he also changed his clothing for each attack and it was believed he wore a bulletproof vest as well as the photos of him in Mars there are also at least two possible photos of him without a face covering these were captured in December 2004 when an unidentified man entered a mid-america Bank in Glen Allen without carrying out any transaction but he was caught on the bank security cameras two weeks after the sighting in January 2005 the Wheaton bandit robbed the bank again in November 2006 a witness spotted a suspicious man in the parking lot of the Fifth Third Bank one hour before it was robbed this witness helped the police draw a composite sketch of the suspicious person it must have been pretty accurate because after the sketch was released to the public in December 2006 the robberies are properly stopped however despite a reward of $50,000 offered for information about the robber nothing ever materialized and he was never caught and as of December 2011 the five-year statute of limitations on the bank robbery charges ran around meaning he was officially off the hook and unless the Wheaton bandit starts robbing banks again he is now beyond the reach of the law the leather man of New York this photo taken in June 1885 was of a mysterious vagabond who the several years traveled a circuit between the Connecticut River and Hudson River in New York the route was a 365 mile trap and he repeated it continually from around 1857 to 1889 the mysterious traveler earned the nickname Leatherman as he was dressed head-to-toe in handmade leather clothes he was of unknown origin although he spoke fluent French and broken English leading many to believe he was french-canadian he communicated mostly with grunts and gestures and rarely spoke but on the odd occasion when he did if asked about his background the conversation would have properly end he was a well-known and frequent visitor to various towns on his route and returned to each town every 34 to 36 days stopping now and then to buy food and supplies although it's unknown how he earned his money he lived in rock shelters along his route and survived blizzards and other foul weather by heating them with fire they later became known as Leatherman caves because of the Route eater that included towns that were exempt from the state Trump law passed in 1879 he was free to roam although he was arrested at the request of the Connecticut Humane Society in 1888 and was hospitalized but was found to be sane except for an emotional affliction and was released to carrying on his nomadic life he ultimately succumbed to mouth cancer and his body was found on March 24 of 1889 along the possessions found with him was a French prayer book he was buried near Route 9 and his grave inscription read a final resting place of Jules Burghley but this identification was incorrect and investigators revealed his death certificate had no name and his identity was unknown it was later decided that his body should be exhumed and moved back from the road but when they dug up the grave there was no trace of leather man's remains only some coffee nails which were reburied in a new pine box along with dirt from the old gravesite the new tombstone installed on May the 25th 2011 simply reads the leather man part of the reason for the exhumation process was to test his remains to determine his origins Jonnie emails joined emails was an alias used by an unidentified teenage male who was arrested in st. Louis in 1990 on suspicion of being a runaway he ran away from the youth shelter before his identity could be confirmed and all the information he did give including his name age and other details turned out to be false and his true identity has never been discovered and to this day it's unknown what happened to him as well as using the name Johnny V Mills he also used the names Steve Johnson and Randy Smith it's feared that due to the lifestyle he led he may have met with foul play I may even be one of the unidentified bodies found every year across the country while in police custody he claimed to work the truck stomps which might indicate involvement in sex work it said it's sad to think no one reported him missing and this case is now considered closed by law enforcement it would be nice to believe that he is still alive and was reunited with his family or guardians although the case is closed this hasn't stopped speculation that he is possibly the 1992 st. Louis John Doe a young man who was found murdered in Missouri in 1992 whose identity has been unknown for over 26 years obviously if any of you can shed any light on who he is or his fate I'm sure the same Larry Police Department would be pleased to hear from you the apeman of Brazil this next case is a little bit strange and it's more than likely a fake but because the photograph is very old I'm not privy to modern techniques of faking we thought we'd feet written to see what you made of it the photograph was taken in the 1930s and published in the Dutch magazine had Levin in 1937 under the headline mysterious ape-man amid claims of the half man half monkey was discovered in Brazil's Amazon jungle the groundbreaking story made the rounds of the world at the time and convinced many that there had been a monkey man living in the Amazon jungle a Swiss billionaire who was on an expedition to Brazil even boasted that he caught a monkey man and killed him but was unable to bring the body back to prove in it the story was largely forgotten about until the photograph resurfaced online in 2012 many modern-day observers claim to have spotted tall tale signs a prosthetic makeup on his face and Point Island that he is remarkably clean-shaven and well-groomed for a wild creature caught in the jungle and at the ape man's mouth and briault are stuck into place using crude makeup techniques others believe that the ape man is most likely an unfortunate individual born with birth defects and insulated to wear the makeup and prosthetics depose and pretend to be a newly discovered species however there are still those that want to believe in the existence of the ape man and throughout the 20th century and into the 21st reports of wild and mythic ape-like beasts living in remote and far from locations have fascinated people across the world so what do you think is the photograph a tragic exploitation of a disabled human being a fake or was he really an unknown hominid discovered in the Amazon jungle in the 1930s
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Length: 182min 16sec (10936 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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