5 MISSING Minecraft Commands

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no way I'm just a diamond with a cape oh man don't mind me don't mind me yeah I'm so funny hey what's going on guys lock that zip here today huh eat this ooh apples I happen to love apples and I as you can see I'm actually feeling a bit hungry but today's videos oh oh my gosh what the heck is going on I got an apple it says it's a bad apple and what's up with my vision are you guys seeing this right now we're gonna sit back for a second what the heck was that about man commit commands minecraft should have OH oh is that what we're doing today yeah that's exactly what we're doing today you fools I knew that the apples gonna that to be online me and the boys vast can't Xavier aka Dragon have decided that we wanted to add in our own types of Minecraft commands to Minecraft these are things we think should be in Minecraft right away and if you're wondering what we just witnessed with the Apple there that was an example of what a slash shader command can do one of five commands I want to be going through today in an attempt to reach out the Mojang and minecraft let them know that they're missing some key commands that would make our jobs easier and arguably make minecraft a lot more fun so strap your seatbelts on folks we get in the command game going strong and feel free to let us know what commands you think should be added to Minecraft by leaving a comment about him in the comment section this vidiian you got a chance at them being added by yours truly us and with that we're gonna get to these next four commands but also leave a like leave a subscribe so yes our first command slash shader shaders back in the day we're in minecraft 1.8 and 1.7 they actually allowed you to change what minecraft looked like by using in-game shaders here is how you use the command in this command block you can see we've added in a new shader it's just called shader and in this case whatever command and word is right here at the end is what of shader you'll get so as you can see right here we press this button we now have a new shader type this is amazing and as you can see here every time you switch to f5 mode it will actually remove a portion of the shader so you'll be very careful when you're playing like that Gayler that's look at that look like a derp this is awesome this is really cool now you can also clear it by just typing in the following command as well slash a door @p clear you can use this shader command to trigger specific shaders and you can use this in a lot of awesome map making opportunities if we were to ever be added for example put this on well what's this you see huh uh-huh wouldn't you like how much it's a creep I get a lot of this and what do you think would happen when you put a creeper head on you huh you think maybe you'd have some kind of creeper power be instilled in you well with the shader command we've added it some code that allows just that oops oops I accidentally did not put the creeper ad on point is you wear this thing you now have creeper vision wherever you are walking look you can't see anything is a creeper it's the worst now get I press f5 oh it fixed it look it stays it was the best well creepers are creepy look their face literally changes color as we walk her out of it this is beautiful imagine this you wear a mob school you get their actual vision you can't hardly see it like the creepers you can't even make a left from right in this creeper mode another pixels you can't see anything blind well that makes sense anyways for the time being we lay ahead and took the creeper head off we're gonna show you another shader right here yeah there is a lot of mapmaking potential yes there sure is look at this cave system the ores look silly like I'm actually curious to see what do we just activate like what is it connected to what shaders is this is a lot of fun like wow and there's like holes over here something I can't really hardly tell exactly what we're looking at but jeez hey come on oh my gosh is that real okay quick oh wow oh man for sure I guess this is lava right here whatever it is yikes you can't even tell this lava oh it's kind of grew hey that was pretty this is fun I mean not to fall in but it's kind of fun to look at huh now I don't know okay just reset me I was like yeah something else now horror maps could use this ooh a nice dim little feel to it all over the place I imagine if this was just in maps just trigger pull you can make it do that at any time like this is great this looks so cool totally sets the feed or you could use it to make some interesting parkour challenges oh oh man oh wow everything's upside down oh no oh my goodness uh-huh oh I flipped me well that's good okay flip me again aim I would oh hey oh come on that was so difficult that was awesome spider boss spider boss and a bunch of goods yeah I'll go ahead and put those on whoa we actually have spider this is sick hey come on buddy I'm good yeah be very strong and okay I guess we killed the spider but we still have spider vision Wow just the cross the cross are you working we're like I'm trying to right-click on the on that command block one doesn't work let's see we're actually quick oh wow so far away so get a load of this huh this is where it actually is looking well it's me so the spider is actually gonna leave us alone because it's daytime we'll let you live this time buddy up next is command number two that we think should be added to minecraft not gonna give you the name of it just yet I want to see if you guys can guess it so get your thinking caps on what is this tool my friends it's a super minor it's got efficiency 7 and +3 reach distance huh so what does that mean well that means these great diamond doors that we are just out of reach of no longer the case we can mine from all the way over here and not only just the diamonds we will actually be able to mine the saying all over there as well are you seeing how far we are reaching right now well that's why it's called reach you sillies come on let me get the resolute support all will be explained soon yeah yeah Oh No you've been cursed and now your health this couldn't have wait what oh wow I do I only have 5 hearts right now is it the armor I'm not even wearing any picx okay so not wearing anything I'm not holding anything how is my health cut in half you can't do that in Minecraft typically huh well my friends command number two is slash attribute what you're experiencing right now is the power of the slash attribute command and an attribute called generic reach distance five is what allowed us to reach all those Diamond doors that were just over there as well as allowed us to change our hearts to half normally players have to hold or wear items ticketed attributes and attribute command removes this destruction allowing for new functions let's look at a couple more examples huh I fed dropped this book Hey no I'm just kidding readings awesome anyways moving swiftly out of here our skin is turned to iron apparently oh whoa look at my armor down there we're not wearing anything at all yet I've got a full armor bonus right now now we'll take much less damage look at this hey mister guy look we have no armor on this guy is hardly able to attack me at all no damage being dealt even though we're not wearing a single thing that's because we've given ourselves an armor attribute that allows us to have greater defense against Eddy this guy get away imagine walking through different scenarios of map adventures that allow you to modify these things without needing to rely on items we're gonna reset our armor of the time being we're gonna reset our health for the time being we're gonna reset our health for the time being okay Xavier vast key are you playing some kind of sick joke I need more than five hearts yeah we'll worry about it later huh we're gonna set our reach extremely high so what are the pig acts over there except you'll see exactly what I'm talking about this is gonna be very useful for creative mode and our job right now is to remove all these different gold blocks that are all around us kind of far but it ain't no thing baby look we can actually start to mine them right now why would you get my pickaxe okay already get a load of this mining away mining the gold blocks from any distance you want look I mean are you witnessing this tell me this isn't the coolest thing we're putting these blocks that are so far away how does this even happen this should be a command like there's no reason that shouldn't be command it did not take that long for vascular code these in it did not take me too long to think of ways to utilize it not taking Xavier too many ways to visualize it as well like add this command please we could do so much with this so fun we just said I recheck super eye that's nice now we're gonna reset our reach because it's time to show you another command what's this one about huh well maybe the fresh play give you a nice little head good job J tau what just happened there huh another special except it's totally special look not touching not touching we got motioned forward without anybody doing anything huh this is a brand new command well that was really smooth it said the sign the teleport command could never do that says the other side so what was it said the third side well I'm gonna explain to you it was our next command command number three the motion command oh yeah look pressing these different buttons allows for different motions to be set in place so that you can direct player traffic just by pressing a button look at that lovely that was so fun I like this look you press that guy get bounced this way you set the motion to be whatever direction is rejector you happen to want now look at this one huh boom look at that just pushes me oh man rude kind of just having its way with us huh hey come on now with it I tell you what now as you can see here wherever we are it actually will slightly modify the trajectory of the motion so if we were to go ahead and go into this command block you can see that this is the direction it tries to send us every single time it gives us that motion and obviously you can change it to different things this way now let's try some interesting parkour we're in a wall jump our way to the end of these blocks that's right you already look what what what what oh yeah oh baby yeah yeah yeah yeah look at me oh my gosh I'm so happy best day ever okay now can I get that huh don't worry about the death is playing anyways as you can see here we've got encoded things in so the moment you touch certain types of blocks it will actually push you from one direction to the other so you can effectively wall jump if you had this command in your game no problems whatsoever now this job requires not stepping on any of the perper you got to try and make it to the very end but if you step on any of the perper you get pushed all the way back and you get like a fun little bounce back no let's look look almost maybe except you did it oh wow just fun little ways to like make your Maps just that much more of like an experience you know I mean it's good stuff really now here we have another example of motion in plate look boom baby oh oops we're trying to reach those okay let's try this again now let's yeah oh yeah this is great come on almost there ooh can we yes come on come on come on come on so close oh oh yeah that was fantastic tada next to man this is a fun one apparently we should go into f5 for this one huh all right well let's see what it's about oh oh oh whoa no way hold on a second oh yeah oh my God where my Slenderman herobrine then Slenderman okay don't mind if I what about this what are we just oh wow I'm a hot babe check me out hey guys it's me locked up here and we're gonna be showing off all these amazing skins oh now I'm Deadpool well I'm not allowed to repeat the things this guy says but if you're wondering what's going on here it is our fourth command the /set skin command that's right we have a command for slash setting skin that you can use to plug and play very different skins that you can grab from the internet or put into your Minecraft world saves in this case we're gonna change our skin to drag zr1 full my boy this is the guy that literally like makes all the code for like all of our world's big shots out to dragon I mean vas key is well he's the main man but my boy Xavier he's bit he's a day one he's a number one yo my loyal my dog y'all check his chats linked in the description we're currently him now so I'm finally smart but as you can see this has tons of unique applications to be able to all wool Oh sick Oh sick you can change it to be invisible transparent I don't even know that you can do that with the current skins this is the best can you they may have changed it at some point I am like see-through a bull this is swell now I ain't mad about this this is awesome look at that just with a /set skin now you can obviously set it back have you want but you know diamond I'm just a diamond with a cape oh man don't mind me don't mind me yeah I'm so funny and cool modest anyways what's this next skin huh we've got oh oh oh oh I don't look at that skinned logged that is not my skin mister Oh works for capes - OH tell me about it what are we sick hold on look at this guy I got a drag on the back of my cape but there's a work with elytra where's my transportation doesn't work with the elytra okay well it looks like a goofy with the eyelet sure that might be something we have to oh my god Mazzilli there's another cape okay that's a little random what about this one oh well that's kind of that's like a dirt version well I guess it matches the skin huh we got the dirt blog that zip with the dirt mine chronic Mike mine cranky I can't but I'll final command is slash structure this one has the means to change Minecraft world jet in ways never done before probably we're gonna find him or this book clearly spawning structures require the use of both or structure block and a redstone block slash structured lets you summon structure instantly therefore allowing for power of commands which will soon demonstrate try it on out okay I'll do it you see you've got structure right here it allows us to turn this into this structure right here instantly press the button instantly became this tree nice that's cool yeah I ain't mad about that now we're gonna change the structure with this command as you can see here we've got a nice little throwable snowball a snowball throw ball and look what happens when we throw it it completely changes everything above it and it follows and instantly builds wherever the snowball go what am I making rainbows right now oh wow well there are some rainbows over there but that is not exactly what I was making now apparently we can change this thing huh what do we got changed the stretch of the command whoo we can't glass hello why don't we change it to whole lava lava dot and well have a wool instead can we can we do wool right well wool works great maybe love it I guess love is not like an actual block you can't really do too much with it look at this look at this oh my it just keeps going and going can we just can we just throw it a nice upward stir we can't that's great a mad about look straight down oh we're like sending them down completely on filling it I love it we need the command right here is a simple terrain generator watch this as when you press the button you get some more advanced terrain okay whoa oh nice we got bats all I'm gonna keep pressing it I'm gonna keep pressing this baby and like it's like it's like pulsing pulse pulse pulse oh my gosh discus oh well when we press this a few too many times but as you can clearly see there are serious means for a slash structure command you can use it to create some beautiful structures make sense and apparently clouds of poison gas as well but my friends that is gonna do it for all the different features that we've added in command wise into Minecraft easily my favorite has got to be the slash shader command like look this looks like I'm actually poisoned right now and like having like a fit hardly make left from right let us know what command you thought was best in the comment section of this video and originally I do one let you know we had 10 total commands that were planned out for this video we ended up not only making omegle 10 okay but if you want us to make all 10 you let us know in the comment section this video if you'd like to follow up on this command but a big shout out to both Bosque and Xavier dragon 0 1 4 4 their amazing contributions to this if you want to see more like I said leave a comment drop your like thank you so much for subscribing as well and we will see you in the next video
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,728,847
Rating: 4.807065 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 1.13, redstone, 1.13 update, minecraft 1.13 update, new update, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, log.zip, commands, minecraft commands, commands for minecraft, should, have, minecraft should have, only one command, shaders, new, minecraft needs, command, maps, minecraft maps, minecraft mods, mod, mods, modded minecraft, logdotzip minecraft, minecraft new, update, no swearing, no cursing, comedy, funny, crazy, games, game, custom, showcase
Id: br2n5qTeiqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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