5 Military Guys vs 1 FAKE

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today we have six military guys going up against each other but there's a catch one of you is an impostor and after a game of challenging physical events a game of military trivia and aggressive interrogation tactics at the end of this video you will have to guess who the mole is smell like a mole and nothing screams not military than not knowing how to fire a weapon you guys ready yeah all right gentlemen first event we're going to test your weapons accuracy first up John my name's John I've been in a Marine Corp for about 6 years I'm a sergeant motor toop so we're at 15 yards for this course of fire four rounds Devon your name Deon or Deon Deon okay my name is Deon Ros I'm in the Navy for 19 years active duty officer my name is Eddie forall I'm a Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force I've been in for 5 years I am Trevor Monroe I a Corporal in the United States Marine Corps I've been in for 2 and 1/2 years you ready don't get nervous I'm not nervous you look nervous I'm not nervous you're starting to look real like a mole right now a little nervous no okay my name is Jamar Stewart corpor United States Marine Corps I've been here for 4 years my name is Eric Beasley Sergeant United States Marine Corps I've been in for about 4 years when they're handling the weapon you guys keep a monitor on them okay so if they do something wrong that's that's going to be something that you could use against them my favorite color crayon is red so I'm definitely not the mole and I think it's obvious who the mole is does it look like I'm the mole pretty sure Shamar is the mole no I'm not the mole all right gentlemen time for scoring 30 points for John very good job all rounds On Target Shamar you got one round on target what's that one right there this one yeah come close it's from the staple I started off cold I needed a warm up I didn't get that chance to get a warm up uh we'll see how it goes from here so five points for Shamar looking like a mole so far everybody knows how to use a gun apparently but with those scores I don't know you can about Shamar a little bit might be a mole I think Trevor had like the worst stance out there the man was just slinging rounds down range I think he's a mo all right Devon is your name Devon or Devon Deon 27 total points Trevor 13 Eddie 22 Eric so you got 16 coming in first we have John coming in last we have Shamar at Five Points that means you're first up for interrogation all right CH you have 60 seconds to interrogate Shamar no questions off limits did you learn how to shoot and boot a rifle not a pistol it doesn't seem like it what is your EAS date uh September 30th of 21 what's your rank corpo it's R Court birthday November 10th 177 1775 you active duty no what's your 12th General uh I don't know H when'd you go to boot camp uh August 2017 did you say your rank was corpal how long did it take to pick up 2 years what day did you pick up I think June 1st of 2019 why did you join the ring Corp get away from home that's it done BD number two is push-ups in the military you're constantly being evaluated to see how well you perform Under Pressure everybody get down in a half circle Cadence push-ups when I say up you'll go up when I say down we'll go down we'll go until one person is is standing up down up two down up 16 down oh I didn't say up up 177 Shamar you getting a little shaky no I'm good down up solid 25 push-ups I see a little bit of shaking Shamar don't be shaking on me Eric's holding pretty strong no shake from Eric over there you good at push-ups Eric only on Tuesdays on Tuesdays oh it's Saturday up come on Shar get that back up get that back straight down up Shamar get that butt out of the air they don't do that in the military down Devon your head's sweating is it Deon or Devon it's Deon Deon okay down up 46 should get the booty out of the air no air booties okay we're at 50 down come on up down Shamar get the all right Shamar you got to go all right got to go win it out flank it out keep the booties out of the air I'm going to start calling it Eric's number two to be honest I was tired of doing the push-up the right way if I'm not going to be disciplined enough to the right way I'm going to stop myself up Eddie's number three to go three left okay Devon for the next three reps I'm going to let you call it down up okay good down that's four up all right all right Devon you got to go two men remaining that's 80 push-up down up come on John down all right John you're out Trevor last man standing first man out Shamar you were the first down how does it feel you've lost two events so far there's still more events so I can make it come back there may be four more events I'll be ready what if you lose all four of them what if I don't do you think everybody here thinks you're the mole I don't care what they think I know the truth so since you were interrogated last the second person to go down was Eric it's your time to get interrogated let's do it what service are you in Marine Corp when did you join July 14th 2019 when did you get out never 20 years why do you want to do 20 get that pension you your 2847 and I'm also martial arts instructor trainer what's your rank I'm Sergeant where you currently Station Camp pton in California third track if being Battalion youve been deployed I've been Oki but apparently that's not deployment where'd you get your red tab quanico Virginia thece how long is that course 7 weeks graduated 3 t23 who's your commanding officer liutenant CH patrono this your first dut station y five a 5e contract there for 5 years Four 3 month what plays in the mornings at 08 my alarm V number three pull-ups John going be going first we're going for Max effort I'll be counting the Reps John you go to your own pace whenever you're ready one two at the same time y'all look at his form make sure he's doing a correct form 10 11 how does he look 12 not bad pretty good 14 is he locking it out it's his chin above the bar like an out I don't know about that's military 26 very good job John next Shamar Shamar just so you know everybody already thinks you're the mle so you got to perform here okay I do my best all right whenever you're ready 1 2 3 4 12 is he going to beat John 13 can he go to 30 our record on the battle bus is 34 30 reps Deon you're up guess we'll find out two three how's this form y'all four not bad five does he look like a Navy yeah six Marine honestly 13 there we go 14 17 reps Trevor one two seven rate the form out of a 10 eight that's about a two I say about a seven he's not even locked his elbows out he not locking out at the bottom 12 17 that's a mle pull up 19 that's all I got 19 reps not bad at all Eddie you're up one 1 two three how's this form y'all four he's doing good five he's doing real good yeah 19 19 reps I'm surprised so far everybody's got more than like 15 this is crazy all right Eric whenever you're ready one two three 4 5 six seven yanking himself up there he's trying to pull the bar down he's going ham 10 16 17 18 reps all right y so the lowest number is what 17 and who was the lowest I had 17 that's still a lot of pull-ups the highest was 30 and then John at 27 none of that really matters but what matters Devon your name Deon or Devon's on the mood your next St to get interrogated all right let's get to it where Branch are you in Navy when did you join 2005 January what's your rank Lieutenant why'd you join get away from home where's Home Sacramento area where are you stationed Coronado what does EAS stand for EAS end of active service what's your rate I don't have a rate I'm a liutenant used to be a yman though now I'm an ldo how many deployments have you been on two deployments have you ever been on a ship 8 seconds yes two ships two submarines what's the name with him USIS Alaska and the USIS Columbia that's it there's no way he's all right y here my puppy Lou he's a six-year-old mtio and he has a very good nose he's going to sniff out the all Lou you ready knew it uh-oh uh-oh oh he's checking you out oh I think it's y yep all right good job Lou next is the Weaver two of you are going to go at each time so Devon and Trevor you going to go first you guys ready ready attack it no time limit see not not too bad yeah I still think Trevor Devon I think you've done one of these before this is looking pretty good Trevor have you ever done a weav before never Ms stick together all right okay next up gentlemen got Shamar and Eddie while these gentlemen doing the Weaver I'm going to tell you about the sponsor of today's video which is Sundays for dogs Sundays for dogs is 100% human grade food for dogs it's got ingredients you can actually pronounce oh come on Eddie whoa Eddie almost just fell it doesn't look like he's ever done this before all right next group John have you ever done a weaver before it's been a minute Sundays for dogs keeps it simple and healthy they use a g air drying process that preserves the quality and nutrition of their foods that means your pups meals just got easier and tastier John coming in second place good good job okay so now we have the Rope climb we're going to go two at a time you guys ready yeah all right first two let's do it nowadays most dog foods have tons of additives and preservatives which can leave your furry friend feeling lethargic and tired unlike Louis here ain't that right Louie whenever you're ready go ahead Louie loves deection play which requires a lot of energy and stamina if you know what I mean and by that I mean I have to feed him the healthiest food I can find real food not bad okay next up so go to Sundays for doogs and get 35% off your first order that's Sundays for dogs.com Austin after seen the Weaver and the Rope climb who do you think should be interrogated next I'm going to say Trevor Trevor sometimes it's too Trevor too good so I'm going say say Trevor what the heck no I'm voting for Devon to the interrogation room what service Marines when did you join 21 March where was boot camp at San Diego go how long is boot camp how long was boot camp 13 weeks it's your MOS 60 through 38 avionics technician F 35s what was your school house at Schoolhouse Pensacola Florida and Eggland Air Force Base were you have you been deployed I have never been deployed I'm at a training Squadron where are you currently station currently station at myar Marine Court Air Station myar what's the Mexican restaurant outside of myar O that is a great one I don't remember that I used to live there so I don't remember that one tell your name phonetically phonetically last name last name mhm I'm in the airwing I don't know that I don't know phonetically time is 11:00 p.m. military time 2300 what's your rank Corporal when did you make it uh March of this year did you do a ceremony for it yes what was it like it was good I said the NCO creed once you make NCO what do you receive blood stripe uh the NCO sword and obviously your what does the blood stripes represent uh it represents other ncos who have died before you a little longer than oh yeah I'm sorry okay gentlemen last event military trivia you guys ready ready ready what does the acronym NATO stand for Eddie North American Treaty Organization one point for Eddie which branch uses the slogan simber Fidelis all your hand first Mar cor correct which military branch uses the slogan simper foris Eric the Army that's incorrect Devon I'll give you a guess space force no it's the it's the Navy although some of these questions were certain service oriented some and you're you're in the Navy right yep oh starting to look like a mole there Devon I honestly think deon's the mole he really didn't answer any big questions as any questions anyone can know so I still think deon's the mole who is the current Secretary of Defense in the United [Music] States these are tough nobody all right that's okay what is the maximum effective range of an M16 rifle John 800 M incorrect In Naval term terms what does the acronym USS stand for I saw your hand first Deon United States ship good that's one for Devon who is the highest ranking officer in the US military go ahead and Trevor I say the president of the United States that's incorrect Devon Joint Chiefs of stat that is correct in aviation what does ac130 refer to ac130 is a C130 gunship what is the primary mission of a submarine sonar system Devon you said you're sonar is sound navigation and ranging it sends out a pulse gets the sound pulse and it can detect other ships we'll give it to each and what is the rank structure of the US Marine Corps starting from the lowest rank all right Trevor private private first class Lance corporal Corporal Sergeant staff sergeant Gunnery Sergeant Master Sergeant after Master Sergeant you have Master Gunnery Sergeant or you could go first sergeant to Sergeant Major and then you have second Lieutenant first lieutenant Captain major colonel colonel briger General uh Major General Lieutenant General and general we're going to give you the point that was really good you got like 14 out of 15 what is the purpose of the Geneva conventions in the context of conflict Eric to maintain peace and international relations whenever we go into a combat scenario how it conduct ourselves in war time is correct what is the code name for the system that provides the president of the United States with nuclear launch capabilities you had your hand up nuclear football very good job Devon approximately how long is Air Force basic training Eddie 8 and A2 weeks correct all y'all should know this in military terms what does awall stand for thanks Shamar I think it was yours absent without leave that's correct what is the purpose of basic training in the military Jamar I saw your hand first to teach you the basics of your branch just to give you the bare minimum rundown have everything works and to teach you knowledge and the history of your branch correct what is the standard caliber of a Nato round 5.56 that is incorrect 762 correct last question insert suspenseful music what branch of the military is known for its use of seals in Special Operations Shamar I saw your hand first the Navy that is correct all right recap first was Devon congratulations Deon good job second was Shamar TI for third is Eddie and Trevor and fourth we have John and Eric last two interrogation John and Eddie when did you join the Air Force 2018 why'd you join the Air Force well I my brother's in the Navy my grandparents were in the military too so I wanted to join the military service who you in rine Corp when did you join June 18th are you still in yeah what's your rank my sergeant what year June 18th 2018 why the Air Force that's what I wanted to do what base do you have in Oka Japan I'm not sure I've only been stationed at Edwards Air Force Base what Air Force's birthday Air Force's birthday is September 18 1947 where'd you go to boot camp MCD San Diego you mentioned you were Mi how long you been St for since May of 2021 who are your it I can't tell you that's been a while I actually went through M and I am M it and I'll never forget who my it are what's your rank my rank E5 staff sergeant what do you do in the Air Force Security Forces 371 when do you when does your active duty end well my contract is for 6 years but I'm probably going to resign how long did it take you make you5 5 years I've been in for five Where Have You Been stationed uh iuni Japan mcast iuni Japan and Camp penlon California what's your name motor toop 3531 what made you join the Marines I just always wanted to to join I figured I'd join the best what's your favorite Marine uniform dress blues Bravos why they look good all right y'all it's been a long day each gentleman has written down who they think the mole is on a sheet of paper honestly this was a lot hotter than I thought it was going to be but uh thinking John is the mole I think Devon's the mole Devon's just answered some of the questions very hesitantly I'm 100% certain it's Devon I feel like Eddie knew that there wasn't going to be a lot of people in the Air Force or any people in the Air Force here so he knew that we wouldn't know much about the Air Force but final answer is Eddie John is for sure the mole I've had my suspicions on him from the start I'm going to stick with John I'm saying he's the mole for sure all right now time to expose them all we're going to start with Devin who did you write down John okay so we got one vote for John John who did you think it was kin it's like that Spider-Man meme that's like okay Trevor who' you write down all Eddie okay Shamar who did you think it was Devin Eddie who did you think it was John Eric what did you think three is that three for John before we reveal who the mole is which is on this sheet of paper all these gentlemen are here because they appli to be in one of my YouTube videos and if you click the link in the description you can do the same we'll fly you out here to San Diego we'll feed you we'll house you and you can have almost as much fun as Eddie did here today thank you so much for watching see you guys next one what's this say so I'm actually a online fitness trainer I have prior Police Academy experience but no [Music] military
Channel: Austen Alexander
Views: 1,668,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marines, military, army, air force, us marines, us air force, military guys, austen, austen alexander marine, austen alexander army, austen alexander military, jubilee media, versus 1 jubilee, versus 1 athletes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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