Guess The Secret NBA Player ft. Giannis Antetokounmpo

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these six people are all claiming to be NBA players but only one of them is telling the truth I will be hosting now let's bring out the judges oh my God First Impressions number five number five already gr Williams number one is gr Williams Grant Williams yeah you never know it could be n he has brace that's not him over the next five rounds of voting if we manage to eliminate everyone but the NBA player we win but if we don't you guys will split a cash prize for round round one before we ask you guys questions we'd like to see your jump shots starting with number one how much will the jump shot tell you a lot number one is Jack he ain't no basketball player he he's a bodybuilder he just got a pump in maybe that's why get out of here man number two please take your jump shot but he could be trying to fool us nah you can't fool a jump shot he made it he made it I think he played but I don't know if he played in the NBA number three let us see your jump shot oh he's walking through the ball by the way guys this could be a retired player or an active player Oh short that looked good though yeah it looks good you just wrote out yeah but question mark okay okay okay four let us see the jump shot it looks good ooh hey he nice with it yeah that was sauce yeah yeah he he he's nice with it okay number four is on the was list y Nice Shot like nice shot all right number five let us see the jump shot oh inside the three like a retired guy retired retired jump shot no that's not good now we can ask some questions I think we should start off will you guys go one by one and say what team you play for starting with number one uh Phoenix Suns is that Devon Devon who Booker that's Devon Booker what hey what year 2015 current 2015 and do you still play for the Phoenix Suns I may or may not he said current but I think he's changing up answer change a story he's changing a story yeah wait hold wait wait wait wait a minute do you currently play or currently play for the Phoenix Suns what position do you play a position on the court a position on the court a position of the court so you're the number uh point guard uh left bench left Ben he doesn't get minutes okay have you been on any other teams no eight 8e Sons player actually I lied yes I have what team that's a vague question that is not a big question that's not a big question YMCA recck League my high school team oh bro I don't like this guy he is I don't like number one I made JV once that's Michael Jordan since that's not Michael J do not do not do not disrespect he said J the goat uhuh you've been since 2015 until now who has been your favorite teammate Jason Tatum oh my God no out out when did you play for the out what if it was the 2020 Olympic team 2020 Olympic team it was Co here bro there was no Olympic team my brother hey my brother all right number one is super sus but let's talk to all the contestants before we vote him out just get a feel number two what team did you play for OKC are you currently there yeah what position do you play point guard who's the OKC starting five starting five right now me myself and I you need a center and a power forward still number two you good but you out brother because no way you not say so you out number three what's your story oh I played a year for the Cleveland Cavaliers one year only what year 2015 2016 what did you guys do that year well they end up winning the championship I got cut oh wait hold on who was your coach that year David BL no no no no he's right but that was not the year they won the championship that was the year that the went to the finals in the the last but he has a good story was that the year that LeBron James came back no it was the year after ah okay what position did you did you play I'm a one he made the mistake there number four talk to us what team do you play on a retired 177e retired for 17 years no after a 17year career oh wow so what teams did you play on in your 17year career uh drafted to Boston played for Atlanta played for Utah played for Miami is he pretending to be Joe Johnson he's he's not Joe Johnson but that's Joe Johnson's career right I don't know when when did you retire 2018 did you ever won the championship no under which coach did you play for when I was in Atlanta Mike Woodson okay uh played for ay Johnson everyy Johnson in what what what team uh ay coach coached Us in Atlanta okay and then he's he's getting there bro he on his head and then Utah we finished in Utah with uh with Quinn Snider but you said four teams you play for four teams correct oh and when I was drafted to Boston uh Rick patino does that check out yeah yeah he does check out checks out your story is really good all right number five talk to us what team did you play for uh Philly are you currently active no you're retired yes how many teams did you play for played for one team Philadelphia your whole career wait what years uh drafted in 2007 and then when did you retire 2014 no no no way from AI to the process who was your coaching feeling uh I had Maurice Cheeks Brett Brown I had Doug Collins what year did you had doc Collings uh 2009 2009 who was the best player at Doc Collings ever coached I mean Elton BR Michael Jordan there's no way he did not tell you that number six Philly you also play for Philly are you active yep currently on the team okay psych 97 through 02 okay it was a pump fake you think a guy that played at 97 says psych know not a young man's he might have he might have kids all right I think we've heard enough to be able to vote one of them off for this round Mitchell who do you want to vote off go on with with the safe bet number one je uh I'm going for number five okay I'm going safe number one is out number one Alex number one James okay I'll go number one then all right number one you have been eliminated please step off the basketball court give we see his face at least at the end at the end at the end in case he was the NBA player for round two all the contestants can you please go grab a basketball we're going to see their dribbling skills this would be very telling I would like to see some right hand dribbles some pound dribbles be what is going on with number six number six bro maybe you can't see with the mask all right let's see some left hand dribbles number six is terrible I might have to keep number six in just a walk all right that's good can you guys do hit the dribble combo uh in and out cross cross twin twin number two can you start cross cross well that was that was solid in out he sa a good move nah good players lose the ball yeah number four can I see number four again he does have hand he does have hand now number five has been retired for a while let's see if he still has it in his bag I like it that's the cas that doesn't mean he's a guard he can be a big man he could be a big man could not everybody can dribble in the NBA uh he's acting like he can he's acting like he cannot dribble to cover the fact that he cannot dribble that would be pretty big brain all right now we can go back to asking the questions now we've seen their dribbles who do we feel like we need to question more number three where did you go to college Miami how many years did you play there two years number two in the team you played you played for the Cavs right OKC OKC and you were the starting point guard and you still play there right now no not anymore I used to he changed his story yeah I was going to say I thought he was active he did say he was active I have note here cuz I asked him who's the starting five he said me myself and I doesn't look like Josh giddy number three you you said you played for the Cavs I did and that was the only team you played for right no which other team you played for played for the Hawks training camp TR training camp so you didn't make the team no what year was that 2017 2017 who your favorite coach from the uh coaching staff uh what was my guy with the last name oh with the last name hey you talk about Jackson oh no um boen bu buen hoser Budweiser Budweiser he was your favorite uh coach yeah that's the only coach that talked to what was his favorite color ah we didn't get that close he didn't get that close he didn't make the team so what what is his favorite saying IO practice what I was a young guy so you know you didn't pay attention not really that's why I got cut you played overseas correct yes where did you play overseas I played in Russia what team locomotive really played all right all of you who is the hardest player you've had to guard in the NBA probably Harden Harden James Harden okay oh I'll say Kyrie okay he was on the cast I'll say Kobe he did play 17 17 years LeBron and you you were drafted 2002 and you played until 2017 no I drafted in 20077 story he said 2007 to 2014 1 I'm I swear he said 200 no that's number four that's number four I said 2007 till till when to 14 number five you played seven years and the toughest guy you ever guarded was LeBron James yeah why cuz his size and speed size and speed have you ever played against Giannis no how how that makes no sense what was the best way that you tried to guard LeBron what did you do to stop him try not to make him go left make him shoot make him shoot does that check out no bro not really how do you guard him you can't that's the answer he was looking for do you guys have any question for number six who's the hardest player you had to guard Kobe why why Kobe Shifty could score who is your favorite teammate alen Iverson do you have any funny Allen Iverson stories too many Alan a I feel like it's the easiest answer right all right I think we could discuss who we want to vote out okay so James who do you want to start with number two Alex two two number two the unanimous two two you have been voted off please leave the basketball court and it is now down to four for this round I want to see them all take a free throw shall we get up there with them yeah we should go analyze got to get up close and personal keep thinking fake we cannot tell when you shoot a free throw what do you think what do you what do you aim I'll just aim at the room can I do a quick height check can I just stand next to them all real quick yeah yeah a little height check 510 I'm 5'11 damn violation I don't know he has a really good form he's got theba socks the nice ones that's what I'm saying he's the brand new shoes brand new yeah okay six okay number six can you show me a signature move o okay what is what is that he number five can you show me a signature move what do you used to do in the post in the perimeter whatever what was she move good finish beanis a straight guarden these oh that's definitely not your signature move let's go let see yours okay that was embarrassing I'm not those signature moves kind of hurt they might be capping about their skills out there yeah I feel like everybody can hoop can you guys go like this can I see your hands yeah it's number five bro you think you think it's number five the story do doesn't make sense can you open your hand like if you see everybody's hands let number six can you open also your hands you see like it's perfect like he never touched the basketball or a rim in his life see his hands you see but like like look at my hands the damage the damage the we but if they're retire is it is it the damage for life though of course number four have you played against Giannis yeah at the tail end of my career in which them uh I was I was little Brooklyn hold on a minute he didn't write that you were not on Brooklyn it said a minute Boston Atlanta Utah and Miami yeah I played for I played for seven different teams I just didn't list all of them I feel like if this guy played for 17 years we would know who it is not many people play that long and you played 17 years yes what year did you play against me I believe it was 2016 2016 17 18 when I was with Brooklyn okay and uh who was your coach that year just a kid no This was um this was before kid I believe it was Avery Johnson yeah yeah yeah you're right he he checks out he life he's capping capping bro Capp you want to start us off this round yeah number three he's out he's giving short Tobias Harris yeah he's out short Tobias Harris are who you voting yeah number three is out I'm voting for number six oh my God I'm going for a little number six so we are at a tie two votes for number three two votes for number six Jeff I feel like you are the tiebreaker okay I'm the tiebreaker decide convince me I mean oh I just wanted a tiebreaker I agree with them I think number five is the NBA player but if I had to pick a second choice I would pick number three and I think four and six are just very clearly not it six dribble moves were crazy number four is for sure not the NBA player is between number five and number six number three could not be NBA player he's too short that's true he was like my height and he's not Tre young how T you 6 61 you played with the Cavs yes you you also play for golden state no it was a he could he could be lying he could be lying do you know cook the guy uh that uh was really close to yeah that guy he looks like him kind of yeah I see that dude Quin cook does hoop around here I've seen him at the maamba center that that could be no we got to vote six out that might be Quinn cook all right let's get a revoe you starting with number four I'm also going four I'll go number three I'll do number four that's I'm going with number four yeah number four you have been eliminated thank you for playing he wasn't even one of the original people we were arguing about it is now down to three who wants to be a volunteer we'll have you defend them I would defend them you want to go Jeff Jeff we would like you to try the best of your abilities to just you know one possession against Jeff Jeff is an elite Defender he has a big chest uhoh okay he hey hey hey hey hey sorry sorry let him cook Day come on he's got that like comfortable slow dribble feel like retired players they don't like trying anymore dribble oh my God tried to that was nice my back hurts after that Jeff you're too little if you let six score on you bro you don't score on me you score on me the sign play basketball I I think he's got to go I think he's got to go who was the hardest definitely number five 100% what did your day look like when you guys played wake up watch TV go to the to the gym is this off season in season offseason okay and when you went to the gym what did you do what was your routine um walked in spoke to my people and uh you know started hooping started hooping so no no treatment no stretching no weights no nothing you just started hooping no no okay that's not normal he's going straight into it okay you got to respect it after practice did you do anything any recovery eat the food what exactly did you eat food whatever they got Burgers Pizza fries Wings NBA teams provide that now huh um well I ain't been in the league for eight years so w Who whoo wo wo his story just changed story did story did change I had I haven't been in the league for eight years you talking about overseas no I was talking about the NBA overseas we don't get none of that stuff you played overseas yeah I played on Russia what what is the uh Russian League call um Z something Z something he got to go okay uh now number five what was your routine like you wake up go to the gym see the physio give her treatment I need get a little shots up after that get her stretch roll maybe normal Tech and then you know call night okay on the game day how did the game day look what was your routine on the game day on game day I would uh uh I'll probably sleep good too make sure I get good night and then uh I'll get up depend on if we have walk through or not go to that uh do a film and go back to the hotel then little before the game go get stretched again warm up go back get ready for the game is that check out no there was so many good things he said but I good things and bad things yeah number six how did your uh practice day look like wake up get a nice meal in go in and get stem then get a quick jog in then practice go in and get what stem stem on my hamstring what is stem activation muscle activation he just try to throw a curveball in there stimulation I think he he's like a he wasn't a basketball player he was like a St conditioning coach or something oh he's best friend basketball player yeah okay continue though I want to hear your story practice lift weights and after practice what what did you do lift weights he's lifting weights all day this guy telling me a and what did your game day look like game day wake up get a workout in stretch get some food in play and just play y I'm so lost James who do you think is sus right now three you think three is sus he said he was eating burgers and wings yeah and pizza he's scrapping for a roster spot and he's just eating burgers and wings he did not know um if it was EUR League you something yeah it was like got the league WR so are you guys ready to vote out his presence is upsetting me all right James number three I'll go with number three too uh number three okay Jeff uh I can go with number three as well I agree with the group on there ah I was going to pick six well it's already majority so okay we're going to be voting out number three please leave the basketball court we think you are not the NBA player all right now it is down to two and I would like to see you guys play some 1 V one just a couple possessions against each other two Sixers battling it out so he said he played with AI and then he said he played with like holiday IG cookies number five is not TR oh that's his signature move right there do the move do the move midrange y'all think number six is faking his skills N I don't know I don't know if they'd fake it that hard oh my God foul that's a foul hey man hey man I already got what I wanted I feel confident are you all confident ready to go like I know him I know number five I cannot tell who he is like I know do you guys have any last questions before the final round of voting you want to ask number six have you been on shacked in a fool no he's lying James start us off with a vote I'm voting for number six you think number six oh I'm voting him out yeah voting him out yeah voting him out all right six number six six six number six six you have been eliminated and now we're going to bring out all of the contestants and see if you guys are right we're standing in front of an NBA player man can you P the ball oh yeah how much did you pay for those shoes got fre he's the NBA player he's the NBA player I think we got he got them for free man that's the pr of the NBA are you guys confident yes yeah confident now it has all come down to this we believe number five is the NBA player will the real NBA player step forward it's a p please unmask Quin cook it was Quinn I knew it I knew he was qu cook that's why I didn't was the NBA player I knew he was qu cook we could all unmask we could all unmask it is thank you guys so much for watching Big shout out for Giannis Alex Quin cook everyone for coming down they have YouTube channels they have launched them they've been putting out some dope content make sure to subscribe to Alex and Giannis their channels are popping up thank you guys so much for watching we'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Jesser
Views: 8,413,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jesser, giannis antetokounmpo, giannis, guess the secret nba player, secret nba player, giannis and jesser, guess the pro, guess the, guess that, guess the pro basketball player, guess that pro, basketball player, basketball, fake vs pro, guess that nba player, guess that jubilee, guess the nba player, nba
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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