US Marines Attempt the Chinese Army Fitness Test

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can U.S Marines pass the Chinese Army   physical fitness standards the  answer may surprise you [Music] first event is push-ups go ahead and get down  push-up position you have five seconds five   four three two one go two minutes of push-ups  rep it out four five six seven eight nine ten   eleven twelve my name is Sergeant Patrick Sheehan  I'm originally from Neptune New Jersey uh I'm out   here running this Chinese Army fitness test today  to see uh how complicated it could be I feel like   it's going to be easy I feel like I'm gonna knock  it out of the water I think the toughest challenge   is going to be the fact that uh you know there's  only 40 push-ups and really below standards for   the Chinese Army so I'm Gonna Leave Here Today  feeling like I haven't done enough 25 26 27 8 29   30. I'm Atticus Martinez I'm a Corporal in the  United States Marine Corps my other competitor   Patrick honestly don't think he stands a chance  he seems like a cool guy but I'm sorry he's   gonna have to suffer this loss 38 39 40. great  job the minimum score for both gentlemen is 40   you've passed the minimum score 50 51 49 50 51 58  59 there we go 63 64 65. looking at one minute so   far you got one minute left 66 uh the standards uh  honestly I feel like I'm way above those standards   all right so we're gonna kill it 70 what's  Patrick's score 92. 70. there we go you're   going all the way 71 keep that back straight 72  keep push it out you got it 73. come on Atticus   come on Patrick 74 minute and a half 77 78 we  got 20 seconds left gentlemen 20 seconds left 79 80 reps 15 seconds left Madison come on keep  the back straight 82 five seconds [Music] 83 times   114. 83 Reps for Atticus 114 Reps for Patrick  ladies and gentlemen this test is just getting   started great job great job performance motivators  out here next up we have sit-ups after that we   have a 10 meter by five Shuffle and then we go to  the three kilometer run which is a little painful   hey push-ups are push-ups man if you do them  you do them if you don't you don't in the shows   I think 87 is much over average okay and then he  just seems to be some sort of superhuman Okay so   next event is sit-ups we have Atticus he's 21  years old and Patrick he's 23 years old so their   standard to hit is 45 sit-ups in two minutes  and he's gonna be my counter thanks for being   here Andy yep no problem I chose him because  he looks great on camera so guys let me know   how you like Andy are you guys ready all right go  ahead and lean back all right on my command to go   five four three two one go one two three four five  six seven eight 16 17 18 19 33 34 35 you can rest   in the down position if you need 37 38 35 40 41  42 45 this isn't just a competition against the   Chinese fitness test it's the competition between  both gentlemen 49 50 51 so far Atticus is in the   lead 52 58 one minute left 60 61 65 66 45 seconds  left 69 magic number 769 there we go 71 come all   the way up 72 there we go 76 77 Atticus is  one in the lead 78. there we go come on 79 10 seconds left 80. 81. don't let him beat you  Atticus 83 82 84. five come on come on 82 reps   right there that was a good competition Atticus  started in the lead Patrick caught up to him he   got what's the score 87 87 Atticus with 86. very  good job almost doubling the Chinese Army physical   fitness standards I just want to mention that I  just want to put that out there next we have the   shuffle run both gentlemen expressed that this  may be a little bit different from what they do   in the Marine Corps so let's find out all right  next event we are here on the Chula Vista Elite   athlete Training Center turf field we have a 10  meter by five back and forth so you gentlemen see   the cone right there you'll go down and back that  is one you have 27 seconds to complete this entire   evolution are you ready I'm ready are you ready  yes sir all right so y'all can basically be racing   each other too all right I think the toughest  part of this is going to be the shuttle run   because I feel like I might just break my ankles  but we're going to try not to do that all right   just the quick turns and everything going back  and forth we're gonna see how we do on that all   right my command to go you're gonna proceed run  to the end touch with your hand come back touch   with your hand when you complete it with five  Evolutions I'll stop your time three two one go   both did a mineral Atticus with a little  slip there's one good come on Atticus do   not let him take the lead that's two come on  get it get it get it get it faster come on   that's three come on one of  y'all's gotta pull it ahead   come on Patrick four come on last Sprint  last spring give it your all give it your all what do you got Atticus 25 seconds 22 milliseconds  Patrick you had 24 seconds and 98 milliseconds so   Patrick comes out on top both gentlemen  completing the minimum score that's new   we don't do that in a lot of American Military  Fitness tests so that one's that one's a new one   great job gentlemen you passed did they run uh  five or six I may have had them do an extra one   Next Step gentlemen we have the three kilometer  run which in American terms it's 1.8 miles which   is 7.44 laps around the track this one is where it  gets more cardio intensive Patrick how do you feel   about the Run positive how do you feel about it  feel good you feel better than Patrick I do feel   better you look better than Patrick I'm a little  bit winded from this last one I'm definitely gonna   win the run if you dodged my question though do  you feel like you look better than Patrick yes   how do you feel about that fill your life a  little more handsomer man all right enough talk   let's let's see who takes the let's say who's  faster on the Run that's what I was trying to   say uh Atticus he seems like a great dude but um  honestly I think I'm just gonna smoke him out of   the water see he's been a little bit involved in  the fitness before I seen his page a little bit   I see that uh he hasn't do it too much running  so I think at that part I'm gonna end up smoking   the last event so far we have Patrick in the lead  here is a recap of your scores I'm not going to   tell you the score that you have to beat for the  run I just want you to gut it out the whole time   and pray for the best it is a little bit of an  elevated run it's you're gonna have to run fast in   order to beat this time hack this is your chance  to catch up Atticus gotta do it right here are you   gonna let him do that hell no all right so here's  how it works you guys will be utilizing the one   lane and the two-lane to pass so Patrick if you ha  if you happen to pass Atticus you can use the two   this two lane to pass in the first Lane you'll  you'll do a majority of running and if you need   a piggyback just feel free to you know hop on his  back perfect I'm gonna do that what are the rules   here okay the rules here are you will run until I  say stop yeah you have 7.44 laps this is a quarter   mile track you're running 1.86 miles which is  three kilometers gentlemen you all ready sir ready   you guys are you ready I hope so it's about  to get wild all right I'm not coming to go   you're gonna proceed you got 7.44 laps we will  end over there at that blue garbage can and you   got the scoring I got it all right cool three  two one go and they're off ladies and gentlemen   definitely pacing themself both Marines  very strong Runners look at that form y'all trick have almost completed one lap the time so  far is 52 seconds there they should be coming in   at a minute and 10 seconds so far Atticus is in  the lead but I can tell that Patrick is pacing   himself if you guys remember I raced Patrick I  took the CFT and Patrick was my partner if you   haven't checked out that video click here and  check it out but here they come completing the   first lap one minute 12 one minute 13. Patrick  a second behind Ken Atticus keep up that lead   Patrick Fallen a step behind Atticus now Atticus  may be able to maintain this pace and really gun   it and and totally beat Patrick but the thing is  they have a time to beat I'm not going to reveal   it to the end of the video but it is a pretty fast  time looking good gentlemen finishing second lap 240 40 milliseconds Patrick coming in  looking good Patrick if you want to go   in the one lane that'll speed you up a little  two minutes 47 seconds come on gentlemen foreign if you would like to make a recommendation in  the comments please let me know we're here to   provide we're back to making YouTube videos  again you know about four weeks ago on this   track we had 64 athletes from around the world  fly out to compete in the first battle bunker   competition and it was incredible if you're  not following the Battle bunker follow it   on Instagram or the YouTube channel  we were posting on YouTube now it's   a passion project of mine you guys remember  the battle bunker episodes now we're actually   in these full swing physical competitions we have  an obstacle course here at the beautiful Chula   Vista Elite athlete training center and we have  opened it to the public so you guys can come run   it come for a day of fun we're gonna Grill we're  gonna have food we're gonna have hydration it's   gonna be a lot of fun I'll include the link in  the bio also coming in for the third lap almost   halfway there Here Comes Atticus look at him  a stallion this is prime American Meat ladies   and gentlemen four minutes 15 seconds not even  breaking a sweat he's stroking his hair he learned   that from me come on Pat looking good looking sexy  four minutes 29 seconds here we go let's go let's   run it let's run it you know back in Alabama  we had horses and Buggies we can't afford cars Atticus coming in about to  finish this fourth lap y'all how is it Atticus how you feeling looking  good feeling like a million dollars   looking good smelling good five minutes 55 seconds  this may be a close one even for both gentlemen   yeah it's gonna be really close it's going to  be close I'll just say that looking good Patrick finishing the fourth lap six  minutes 22 23 24 seconds six   minutes 24 seconds finishing the  fourth lap 3.44 laps to go foreign 4.4 laps complete 6 minutes 59  seconds exactly three laps to go   looking good gentlemen oh yeah this is the  Finishing Line This is .44 distance from The   Starting Line we got Atticus finishing his fifth  lap he's coming on 5.44 laps seven minutes 58   seconds looking good you're in the lead so far so  good how many left uh 5.4 two laps left you got it Patrick finishing 5.4 laps the garbage can  5.4 laps good job Patrick two more laps to go these gentlemen are giving it they're all out  here they're pushing themselves out of their   comfort zone if this one thing that I want  to motivate you guys to do is to come out of   your comfort zone nothing good happens in the  comfort zone so if you can do one thing today   do something that's uncomfortable that's what  I want to convey to you guys that's why we make   these videos that's why we're out here doing  Fitness baby because I love Fitness and I love   being outside the comfort zone do you have any  suggestions let us know suggestions for videos   where should I go where should I travel should I  go to Canada should I go to Russia I mean probably   you know I won't be able to get to Russia but  you know any type of fitness test I'm down for it   coming in at six laps 6.44 laps 10 minutes and  four seconds come on Atticus you're going to   want to Sprint this last one right here one more  lap after this one Patrick 10 minutes 45 seconds   looking good looking strong  smelling good too [Music]   Andy how do you feel about the performance  so far ah these guys look good a couple of   studs Patrick is doing a little bit better but  now Atticus is pulling through on this run so   we'll see what happens attic is coming in almost  finishing so far 11 minutes and 20 seconds come   on Atticus you got it last couple of feet 11 37  11 38 11 39 11 40 11 41 11 42. you're done 7.44   laps 1.86 miles three kilometers finishing  the Chinese Army physical fitness standards   how you feeling like I beat his ass huh I  mean the truth truth is out y'all Atticus   beat Patrick so far comes down to a stamina  thing you know about a three-quarter lap   all right come on Patrick come on 12 minutes 28.  29 30 31. right there done Patrick finishes the   Chinese Army physical fitness standards hardly  breaking a sweat look at him a stud tired   time to rebuild the scores your run was 11  minutes 43 seconds your time to beat can   we add a little drum roll to okay 13 minutes 40  seconds congratulations beating the PFS standards   for the Chinese Army fitness test by a minute  and 50 seconds the minimums very good job very   good job Andy can you tell us Patrick's time all  right Patrick's time was 12 minutes and 31 seconds still beating our beating the Chinese Army  physical fitness screening test by a minute   and we'll we'll just 12 31 well 31 I'm not  that good at math let me do some calculation   real quick a minute and nine seconds good job  gentlemen U.S Marines destroy the Chinese Army   physical fitness standards now let's do a recap  very good job y'all thank you so much for coming   out Atticus thank you thank you for coming out  Patrick again thank good to see you again y'all   I will leave their Instagrams can I do that  yes that works absolutely can I leave your   only fans down there too yes okay cool I'll  leave their information in the description   y'all thank you so much for watching let us know  what you would like to see next Derek came out he   provided uh a b camera for us out here today  because Matt my roommate is on vacation and   thank you so much Andy for coming out waterborne  Workshop San Diego all right what should I say   Ivan should I oh this is very long and drawn  out so we're going to redo this all right foreign [Music]
Channel: Austen Alexander
Views: 1,098,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: us marines, fitness test, us marine, military fitness, us military, combat fitness test, austen alexander, us marines training, marine corps, chinese, china, chinese army, chinese military, us marine fitness test, us marine corps, us marines in action
Id: xiJN8gG03ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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