6 Old People Vs 2 Secret Young People

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these are old people and we are young and we're going to be taking each other on to try and see who is the best old person in the ndl games here's how it's going to work there will be two games and in each game there will be two imposters and the aim is for each impostor to outlast each other by convincing the contestants that they are old whoever wins their game will be put forward to the final where they will battle out against the other finalists to see who the ultimate old person is and this is all to win the Ultimate Prize and first up it's me against Kenny oh oh big battle I'll be real I'm here to win if I have to take Kenny out on the way then you ain't taking nothing out mate you're a steeping stone for me to win this whole show no there's no chance it's going to happen how old are you what year were you born 56 yeah exactly enough 1959 we're going to see what's going to happen horor welcome everybody today you're all old people except among you is one impostor it is your job to identify who that impostor is you'll have 3 minutes each round to discuss amongst yourselves round one will begin in three 2 one number seven what do you do for a living um for a living well I'm retired retired mate oh right okay look number two are you working no I'm not what are they talking about down there I can't hear them that one's deaf said that one's death number four are you retired no I'm not retired no are you working I working parttime yes oh oh that's sick right well old guys a sick mate sick number eight what's your favorite TV soap um uh Coronation Street oh I do like Coronation Street been watching it since the 60s no there's no old man watching Coronation Street he's literally old number three what was your favorite TV show from the 60s oh n n just Wai for Kenny oh mate I sick I got shot to her memory I think oh Kenny doesn't know nothing K east east senders 60s not East Enders not EastEnders no definitely not 60s n number three yeah oh I think we got him then I think we have the impostor niik is such a bad guy what number are you who's talking now oh oh me yeah yeah what are you seven seven I think it's him seven seven why do you think it's number seven I think it's his voice I don't think it's real I was figing to say fig yes yeah I think I think Seven's faking oh KY on the counter attack who in this lineup has children under the age of 10 oh definitely not my kids are old number three's voice sounds suspicious number seven you have children yeah I've got kids how old are they 48 [Laughter] yeah this mass is not Ming right now this mass is not not wait wait can I ask a question to number seven how old are you then 74 really exactly have you got grandchild yes I do I got two yeah how old how old nine and seven fair enough all that's fair that's fair okay that's time the round is now complete now you must each vote for who you think the impostor is starting with contestant one three oh who's going to get knocked out here no it's Kenny Kenny's gone three seven three oh I told you K K's G Ken's gone contestant five three oh Ken's gone Ken's gone contestant six seven contestant seven three contestant eight seven three has received the most votes you have been eliminated please remove your blindfold and exit the game that don't sound like an old walk to me we got him guys who's saying that number eight that's number seven remaining contestants the impostor is still among you oh oh yes round two will begin in three 2 1 number seven do you live near here oh my God old pressure nicker uh yeah do you go on public transport or do you still drive I still drive right it's number seven so number seven what was your first ever car my first ever car yeah well that's a good question number four who's starting Gone With the Wind oh sorry mate next question's been asked no no no come on you can answer it you can tell me just so you know I'm the Imposter and I'm going to do everything I can to get you out of his game everything he's Whispering he trying to convince him to not vote all number Eight's just been whispering in my ear no he's been whispering in mine number six who staring Gone With the Wind Clark Gale yeah good Clark Gale exactly number seven who else starting G With the Wind CL Gale who else oh ask number eight I think that's a good question you don't know number seven oh no no I know trust me what number is asking these questions now what number are you asking questions I'm number two number two very aggressive player number two indeed yes well it's Clark Gable and Vivian Lee one of my favorite films well no one asked number two which year was John F Kennedy assassinated 62 uh or 63 okay oh there we go look at that your first 32 mate two it could be two it could two or seven how can it be number two should we go for two this round [Laughter] no ah number eight just uh he's not allowed to touch me don't believe him guys don't believe it hit my arm number seven is the impostor number seven it's definitely number eight guys number seven sounds like they're on a life support machine yeah he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone number eight what was your first concert I've never been to a concert first concert yes he tried it he just ched coner number seven how many kids you got uh well I've already said that number seven is putting an imitation voice on there yeah n you're done bro that's time yes the round is now complete you will now all vote again oh my God it's voting time one uh I go for number two oh number two contestant two number seven oh what a surprise four uh number six oh what five seven six seven he's seven two and six are quite suspicious let me just have a think about it I'm sorry for everything had to if you could just side with me and go number two and thank you thank you we'll do uh I'll go for number two I think contestant eight uh number seven [Laughter] definitely you didn't know that for nothing seven has received the most votes you have have been eliminated please remove your blindfold you know I generally thought it was going to Swindle him and can the rest of you please remove your blindfolds you guys got me well thank you guys that's that's great I'm off you beat K that's that no I just want to say I just want to say you know they what on you at the start and then you [ __ ] swindled what gave seven away voice his voice definitely too croaky I think uh his answers his answers weren't for me coherent and the voice the voice sounded so fake as you may know this video is the second stage of the ndl games and seeing as I won that round I get 10 points onto my total score and go into the final well me and Kenny have gone and now it's the other semi-final is shut up man let's go I was like that yeah it's like that keep wiping your glasses finally see your L soon about that thing is you think you're going to beat me but you won't let's not go for each other you're not we're not going to go for each other no we're not going to go for each other all right round two we go for each other round two yeah round two round two round two round two you promise yeah round two all right cool round two round one will begin in three 2 1 [Music] begin hello Hi how are you my name is Charles Charles she's awful Charles what number are you what number Char I'm number three that is the worst old man voice I've ever had in my life how many shillings were there in a pound um 20 yes number three did you see the landing on the moon live they on to dead they shs they on him already they on to him um no I did not know huh I did not know Jer oh my how about the Berlin Wall coming down did you see that live yes I did yes okay do you know the year the Burling wall went down 1989 okay number three what was the bus fair in 1970 oh a good one I I don't want to sound ignorant when I say this but I never Ed the [Laughter] bus all the inner private school D's coming out I got a question for number four on the Saturday maty how much would you have paid for your ticket par I wasn't living in the UK at that time I grew up in Somalia master master AJ well done number four how long have you been in the UK since 2000s number three yes can you tell me some events from the' 60s event from the 60s like during history he just abandoned his whole voice D you was like yeah I'm Vibes in it now number three do you know why 1976 was famous in Britain um 1976 yeah what was famous about what was important about that year in Britain I I don't recall I'm sorry number three have you ever seen a steam engine train ter yes but what was the purpose of the question the round is now complete okay now you must each vote for who you think the impostor is starting with contestant one I think it's probably number four four number three oh my God number four yeah yeah yeah two on AJ number three number four oh my gosh number three this is this is number three contestant eight number three AJ got alive AJ got alive three has received the most votes you have been eliminated please remove your blindfold and exit the game yeah fair play AJ yeah he's gone fair play fair play remaining contestants the impostor is still among you oh great wait if you want to know who the real impostor is it's you if you aren't subscribed please help us get to 2 million subscribers and please smash that like button if you're enjoying the new series okay back to the game welcome back brother AJ such a prick man BR y he said he said second round well then go for each round two will begin in three two one he's out this round then number four what number eight number four when did the decimal coins come in number eight who was uh prime minister when you were in school when I was at school it was Harold Wilson oh okay did a terrible job didn't he he's from Somalia he's from Somalia so how does he know about the job number seven I have a question for you go what was the first car you drove now what is AJ doing stop fing dancing VW B2 which model 1600cc number four uh did you say you went to school in the UK or in Somalia no I went to a school in Somalia I finished education there do you speak Italian no I speak somal Som okay and number four so you came over in 2000 um how old were you then and we want to know how old you were in Two in 2000 when you came to the UK yeah oh he can't do the quick B we number four please answer yes yes shy yes sorry what was the question how old were you in 2000 when you moved to the UK I'd say 30 H and 40 so he's 54 he's he's 54 with that voice he's 54 he's eating cigarettes the round is now complete you will now all vote again starting with contestant one I think it's number four contestant two number four good yeah get him out number eight number four good he's G he's I'm going to go for 42 it's number four he's putting on an accent he's trying to hide his uh age contestant eight number four he's mumbling four has received the most votes you have been eliminated please remove your blindfold there going to look to that left that be confused and can the rest of you please remove your blindfolds wow he's absolutely S four hi are You're Number Four said yeah you guys got me good man yeah yeah yeah I survived one round but I want to go upstairs thank you guys so much appreciate hope you had fun guys see you guys oh Dei where is he you said second around bro you're evil when you started tapping I was like a I started straight off I start tapping the guy next to him what gave contestant for away uh he was trying to put on a voice and he hesitated a lot and he didn't answer the question about how old he was in 2000 straight away you should know that feel his brain woring doing the calculations with AJ outlasting deji he gets 10 points and will go up against me in the final where we'll compete for another 10 points that mean I'm in the final you're in the final it's me against you let's go man I'm not ready man I'm not ready okay let's do this man well um I'm saying this time we just uh what say we team team up we get to the end okay look let's not go out first round let's team a little bit should we see if we can get to the final round let see all right honestly then in the final round we go for each all my guns are coming up yep y Rocket Launcher coming up okay what about the spaceship I'm calling that's oh okay yeah but then I'll literally yeah you got me let's go man round one will begin in three 2 1 begin number eight who's the president in 1968 in America to be honest I I've never really followed American stuff number four what are some historical events from 1960s um not sure sorry interesting number one when was the moon landing the first moon landing I'd only come to this country in 2000s what does that mean bro number five who was the Prime Minister in 1972 Harold Harold Wilson oh my gosh this guy knows his stuff number two when was decimalization in the UK okay 1971 how do you what how did they move yeah I don't know how they would remember that number four how many grandkids have you got one how old are they 22 how old are you 72 this week happy birthday number one did you go to school in this country no I went to school in madish Somalia I can't hear you could you speak louder mate that's time now you must each vote for who you think the impostor is starting with contestant one number four two number one contestant three number seven oh Niko's safe number one number one contestant six number four wait seven four I think number four come on number four contestant is number four what he saved him four has received the most votes you have been eliminated please remove your blindfold and exit the game what they're working together remaining contestants the impostor is still among you round two will begin in three 2 1 who voted for me number two yeah why because you didn't go to school in this country what what's I going to do with anything I said I went to school in madesu Somalia yeah therefore I am not older that makes no sense I know funny though number five are are you still working or are you retired I'm retired number five sounds quite young M yeah he does number eight when did we join the European market there we go get him out y he's finished I don't know that when when did we you know uh a lot of general knowledge number five what TV show was the first one you watched um Doctor Who who is your favorite doctor uh Patrick ston that's time you will now all vote again starting with contestant one number five yeah five two number one three seven five number one six number five nicoo is so safe seven number five not oh my days get five out man eight number five five has received the most votes you have been eliminated please remove your blindfold and exit the game remaining contestants the impostor is still among you round three will begin in three 2 one begin number six can you remember the names of the flower pot men uh oh that's an easy one yeah I didn't watch it very much but uh weird that's about all I can remember I never watched it marijuana moving mad number two you got any grandkids no how old you 64 what year were you born 1959 number seven when was the Vietnam War in the 1970s 1960s mhm when was the assassination of Martin Luther King number eight oh my gosh what Martin Luther King yeah I was that was the 60s correct sad day that h very sad that's time the round is now complete you will now all vote again time contestant one um number two two number eight three seven six four oh wait there is no is it seven number two eight number two two out two has received the most votes you have been eliminated please remove your blindfold and exit the game remaining contestants the impostor is still among you oh my God my God round four will begin in three 2 one number seven do you know who got the hatrick for England in the 1966 six World Cup I think that was Bobby Charon yeah Bobby Charon did you know the four teams number seven that were in the semi-finals of That World Cup no I can't remember did you know who won oh my God probably England was England number six how old are you 68 what year were you born 55 sounds a little bit rehearsed how did he how was he going to say that him saying is when he was born is rehearsed number eight number one in in 1960s what was your favorite TV program what's Leo doing number one the secret but I'm number three and I'm the Imposter what's he doing whatever you do you can if you want that's time the round is now complete you will now all vote again starting with contestant one number seven contestant three seven all right two seven contestant six one number one contestant seven number one a contestant eight number seven contestant 7 has received the most votes you have been eliminated please remove your blindfold and exit the game remaining contestants the impostor is still among you oh my God good round five will begin in three 2 1 I was so sure it was seven who you thinking number six uh could be number three you said you'd keep it a secret how dare you number three who do you think it is I think he might be six what the [ __ ] number eight the uh recording studios in Abby Road a famous for one particular group can you recall who that is please The Beatles thank you oh he's asking obvious questions it's got to be number three number six yeah how much was a train ticket how much was sorry a train a train ticket for an adult in the year 2001 try and tell them it's me and see what they say it's me number six I'm dead bro that's time the round is now complete you will now all vote again starting with contestant one at this point this is just a guess number three contestant three six no they clear contestant six six himself are you voting yourself what is going on with this L going on number six vote for himself wait is that maybe that's the one that nickel was like yeah say six I'll vote three six you're definitely not the impostor are you gonna change your vote six no it's [Laughter] me here we go hold it down for me please stay on you no matter what I thank you I'm definitely choosing myself we have reached a Deadlock there are two contestants with an equal number of votes you'll have to discuss again your time begins now why don't you want to vote for number three number six because it's me number six how old are you well about be giving away my age I'm very secretive about my age let's try and flip it on number one together okay I'll change my vote to number one C oh no it's free it is free that's time the round is now complete you will now all vote again contestant one number three three number six six number one eight number three finally contestant three has received the most votes you have been been eliminated please remove your blindfold and exit the game remaining contestants the impostor is still among you oh my god oh it's number one then see see at the end this is when they're going to start taking the other person out and nickl has number six in his back pocket round six will begin in three 2 one number one who was the Prime Minister when you came to to the Country David Cameron you said you came in the 2000s 200 what pardon 200 and what speak up please 200 and what number eight what why did you laugh I think I'm suspicious of number one because he's talking very quietly as if he wants to hide his age Cod number eight what brand was your TV what year were you born what year were you born number one 1961 now what brand was what how old are you number one sorry I have heiring how old are you what are you thinking number six I'm still thinking number one yeah it's number one that's time wait why did you laugh number eight now you must each vote for who you think the impostor is starting with contestant one AJ's done number eight contestant six number one contestant eight yeah to be honest I think it's number one contestant one has received the most votes you have been eliminated yeah it was me man lift it up and can the rest of you please remove your blindfolds number six number six man leave number six it was both well played well played great play you you know what I was whispering in your ear when I said it was number three good hey you picked on me good to see you again you were supporting me there I was you you want be very early I knew I knew I knew yeah I knew on everybody good guy good guy good guy so number six did he just sound more fake than I did in that final round yes yes he did he did voice gave it away he laughed multiple times did you guys not hear it but but you were mumbling you see you you and you had that sort of like oh tone it's like quite believable everybody else yeah well that means that I have now won this challenge so uh thank you guys and you you've lost unfortunately I've come second yeah but I've won so next week we have the finale of the ndl games give it up everybody let's go going into the final these are the current standings after the first two games I may be at the top but believe me it's all to play for next week next time on ndl games so welcome class this is the final round write your answers on the white boards and reveal them when I say so
Channel: NDL
Views: 4,149,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a5PTIziFyQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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