Breath of the Wild Master Mode Gameplay: Champions' Ballad DLC in BOTW Hard Mode!

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hello and welcome folks hi hi welcome along oh no link is freezing to death already sorry we just first traveled into this area hi everybody hey hey hey welcome back to master mode breath of wild must mode its master mode baby are we are doing the DLC Champions Ballad this is the second chunk that we were attempting now last time we did the one-hit obliterator stuff when we started doing some shrines and now we've got to do well first things we've got to do is stop link from shriek there we go from freezing to death and now we got to do even more shrines and even more crazy reckless adventures so if you'll recall last time we got a clue that we had to go hunt for a shrine somewhere around the yeegar clan hideout there is the mysterious howl so we are heading for this spots however this is a close as close as I can get to it with our current fast travel points so that's where we are heading okay so let's uh well let's just let's just let's strike out in that direction I think we've got to get over over this cliff range no wolves come on do you know who you're tangling with you're tangling with link you're tangling with little rinky-dink you don't you don't you don't want to be messing with him not really you'd only think you do hi everybody let me know where you're watching from okay good and up again oh why do we have to go exactly here oh look that's jumpable come on not even a problem gentlemen drill says woo small master mode baby hey hopefully with less confusing electric puzzles this time I mean they couldn't be much more confusing so I'm optimistic yeah oh my gosh the puzzles last time we're absolutely absolutely brutal we are going to be doing more shrines today let's get that stamina back up those last last jaunt yeah we are gonna be doing more shrines but also like the way this DLC is structured if you haven't played it or don't know is basically we have to do a whole bunch of weird things in the world like put like solve like little puzzles or like fight something or do something unusual and that rewards us with a shrine and then when we complete that shrine we get a an orb and when we get all the orbs Ganondorf says you know what you've got all the orbs I see now that you are the true or / master and the game ends o gain dragon music where's the dragon oh wow oh what a what a premium view of the Dragon look at that what a what a great sighting absolutely lovely it's not try gonna come back little earlier I could have used its updraft to to get over these mountains but never mind I don't mean to sound ungrateful all right let's do a little spoiler shield surfing here very nice cruise over greets from the Netherland hello from Scotland I'm from Michigan says Jordan manners hi everyone oh oh don't what who what where link I not around here not no not in not in this climate go and hit that tree and I gave up fine that's all so far oh yeah go and shoot that other Guardian go on go on and then I'll just move at the last minute and you'll shoot and you'll shoot the other Guardian the one that's possibly dead oops okay well that actually worked exactly as planned and nothing happened so I guess I call that a net a net zero hi from Seattle ish says eloquent winders Oh Oh get him into dragon updraft to give it to give that the technical term where's the dragon because the dragon is gifting me with this generous updraft oh there's that well there's the shadow look man that is cool it's cool as heck how we doing on our journey how far do we have to go oh we're right there we're right over it look there there's the hole yep now we don't want to actually fall in the hole if I remember correctly cuz I think it goes on forever Ambus emblem says first time live long time watcher any time I keep any chance I could get a shout-out for my husband max he's an essential worker who loves your streams hello max thank you so much to you and amber thank you for all of your key workings yeah that's awesome and thank you thank you for watching you both rock Matt sequel says love the channel extra knots folks do amazing work made me laugh so much brought breath the world because if you named first horse Luke can't wait for D and D tomorrow as well oh yeah gosh we're doing DD tomorrow I've got new spells I can finally go invisible right you two what see what's up that's mills so it's all mills II what is it Mills II c'mon sibility I hear the Hyuga clan we're taking our traveling swordsman that's me that's link and yet there's still an awful lot of them around I seem to be holding bananas too maybe their stops no good big Indiana Jones energy from Mills I know why they can't so low energy even though you know he looks by a lot like Luke Skywalker I know one thing for sure do your bliss dolphin de Gerudo tribe it's in their second full storage area forgetting there's too dangerous staying life is essential to being a great treasure hunter that's why I'm getting Indiana Jones oh I've seen a treasure hunter well it's not too dangerous for me link so who's ready for some forced stealth wait what did he say second floor of the second floor of the hideout something like you know what I'm sure we'll find it I'm sure we'll come across it bananas can't carry anymore bows someone looks a bit rubbishy anyway these mighty bananas are great though it's awesome to stock up on these these make these are such good snacks brilliant weights for thirty one says love your streams and watch often you're my favorite thank you how kind and David DT says just ate ice cream and then pickled onion crisps mistakes were made looking forward to spooky stories later our awesome thank you David T that's cool right right stealth mode activated right I hate stealth and I'm bad at it as you are about to find out do I actually have any stealthy clothes or stealthy anything that I can use to make this may be easier oh we got so we got low-level stealth boost low-level low-level all right I think it's gonna have to be a low-level stealth boost that's not gonna help us loads but it's better than nothing and tell you what why don't we sit I cannot I cannot save right now for real man that's ash that is harsh okay now I've got from memory from faint memory I think I want to be up like in there but how to get to it what no I don't what link no not in this hemisphere you just keep me you just keep you just keep walking bud use key just do your patrols now you can fight them if you screw this up but they are rock-hard so I really really don't want to be tangling with them Oh gon keep walking keep walking you know no the other way though keep walking the other way don't you come this way you turn to the right mister you turn to the right oh my goodness yeahbsolutely state of you should I run for it should I run for it that would be a bad idea he would definitely see me okay now we're gonna have to we have to do a lap sorry what does he think he's gonna find an odd patrol route come on get up get up yes good I have entered the matrix look there it is there's the orb as the orb we need okay the good news is I've located the orb the bad news is it's just not appear to be the way to the orb I think I need to go I think I need to don't think I can get to it from here I think I'll need to yes yes yes yes my memory of the Yeager clan hideout has served me right did we do this on a live stream did we do the Eco clan hideout live I can't recall I think we did yes mighty bananas and the orb okay so now folks now we have to get the orb back and obviously now I can't Crouch that will may do wanting to move or says hi Luka it's my birthday tomorrow can I get a happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday have a great one all right here we go first yep good that went not terribly right now could just cheese it could just cheese it it's always an option but maybe we saved cheesing it in case things go wrong look at this chump where does he think he's going turn to your right turn to your right that's what I thought that's me yeah that's what I thought not sure if the coast is clear the other way but let's you know what I really think it probably is oh no no no no no what what no no oh dear okay now hit now now folks here's what I call her situation which way did I come in I think that's I think that's the door and I think that's the exit just over there you see he easy easy now you're good you're gonna hear a lot of wild stories about a link in the camp no don't don't investigate it what don't know all right here we go she's in it she's in it she's in it she's in it she's in it this is is that it maybe that's it come on Linc get out of there buddy yes oh wow okay that was that was fortuitous Luke master of stealth it says shy pilot some guy sitting down says Luke still think is so funny lo all went fine so it's fine Oh kordell's missus hey Luke super excited to watch Slater gotta go seal the deal on my first house I believe in you master mode baby thank you very much I think believe it was that belief that got me through that stealth section sands of all right says one of the worst situations in both games and life you can't get there from here oh man deep Jonathan Villa says my birthday's tomorrow this is a perfect way to start my birthday weekend I bought Brett awhile two weeks ago I've already put in a hundred hours time well-spent Jonathan and it's a Gallagher says I've had an uptick in chronic pain and wanted to thank you for videos that keep me distracted from it's also thank you and Johnny if your sea chantey turns out mental health is less grim if you pretend it's boats much love thank you so much it's a Gallagher that's really kind and really generous I'm sorry that the chronic pain has up ticked but I hope it down ticks very soon right I believe our job now is to throw this in the hole and I'm gonna feel real dumb if I've misremembered and actually isn't that wasn't a throat come on link yep game over that's good that was a happy sound chompers l8 says hey Luke it's my 18th birthday today and would love a shout-out it would make my day happy birthday happy 18th happy 18th I've you have a wonderful day and now look a shrine a shrine why put it on the other side of the hole come on haven't I suffered enough okay yep in we go all right let's do a shrine and let's all be so patient and sympathetic to poor Luke I should you know what I didn't want to play this card but about 30 minutes before I started this dream I sustained a fairly serious paper cup to my right hand it was actually on cardboard so it's a pretty meaty paper cut pretty nasty I decided that I would soldier on even though that's my even though that's my right trigger finger so you know I can I can only ask for your undying praises okay right oh good motion controls deep sigh Patrick hunter so many thanks Luke and Ellen for the hours of distraction over the past few months back to work on Monday I'll enjoy going back to work and you're welcome Whitney SSR for the paper cut get well soon Lee thank you right okay I think if I remember having this before I think you have to count how many balls there are of each color yellow one two purple one two three four I want to say I want to say maybe just three one two three okay I think just three actually it's two of yellow maybe three of purple green I'm holding the controller up seeing is the ludicrous motion controls in action here one to know one - there's some balls in there that aren't any color just to mix things up I feel like that's too green and one red so three purple to yellow to green one red potentially and then I think we have to oh yeah okay look so there's um yeah so we have to say how many are in each what okay yeah so how many red balls did we say just one John it John in the chat says for purple at least interesting how many how many we said I thought it looked like there were two greens let's go is four let's go with four Purple's because it would make sense that they're all different one two three four I don't think any of them are five then that's a red herring and I thought there were two two blues - yeah Lucy but fingers crossed hey nice [Music] nice good okay that went not terribly so awesome Mason Britt says throws ball in the hole the game you have incinerated the ball please do the still section again yeah that's kind of what I was afraid would happen but it did not come to pass okay right right we did it can I have my orb now oh no there's more why is there more okay what's over here is it okay that looks yeah that looks like I could grab that but can it come free of its little prison no it cannot Casey Larkin says can I get a shout-out to my girlfriend Abby it's almost our year anniversary I got it interacts with your animal crossing live streams and we've watched them all together of course Casey hello Abby congratulations on your one-year anniversary that is awesome that is awesome huge congrats and thank you for watching the animal crossing streams I hope you have wonderful chill time on the island together right now look look game for real what's what's the dealio what's happening what's happening Oh John says match the ball in the big box to the one in the little jail okay well I would I mean I would love to but can I do that can I do that Luke use magnet on the floating box oh there's the floating box looks like I can use magnesia saan it but is that is that the plan all right what else is what else how else is the chat helping me out with this one doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo oh but foot right okay spin it round again okay come kugel god you got to go to it right motion more motion controls okay we can do that we can do that because yes there is look at some of part of this is part of this was metal which bit was it it was it this bit will that do it that's satisfy you croak rules elder okay and then can I pull this out or slide it anywhere or ah okay it slides it slides and look some of the balls fell out but not all Oh for good get out of there get out of it look can I just wheel you all around in there come on get out jam in jump get out get out you get out for one good good good and you okay so these are sunette so now ow come on cut me some slack okay so now I've got the now I've got those there is an earth so there were three of these so maybe I put the maybe they maybe these goes over here these go over here that would make a sort of sense wouldn't it right pop you in there and you in there yeah well it turned blue so I guess it's not unhappy oh oh okay all right all that opened the chest fine I'll take it take it not really sure where that open that [Music] good and then where's the last one well no that's it that's it we're done we're done I don't need to I didn't need to third one cool all right great oh you only need a whole three because there were three of them right okay fine make sense sure oh we got the emblem great great thanks try Yoda you know what we did it all right we did the shrine nice jack on size has got my 60 skeletons t-shirt today it's orphans boss ah is orphans bus amazing right good the log is updated great head to the divine beast what awaits you there well I know what awaits me there and I gotta tell you folks it's not anything good oh it's not anything good so do you remember folks in a previous live stream when when we did that really hard boss Thunder Blake Gannon and it was like wow that was hard but you know what we did it at least we never have to do it again well guess what guess what oh shut up on some fancier clothes in exchange for new Boris's emblems you will be granted the chance to tread through the realm of memories no my emblems those who lack determination will find this trial unforgiving do not take this place lightly nor dismiss it as merely a world within your mind that you're not reading these fast enough the truth something something something okay [Laughter] Lindsey Langdon says my cabbage is excellent avatar reference it was a bit like that on my orbs just evaporated link open your beautiful eyes look at your beautiful hair this illusory realm was created from the depths of your memories the enemies your face is a product of the fear that dwells within you must overcome this fear to proceed how dare you dry spirit Yoda's in further I am scared a trial of the soul emerge victorious using only the tools provided right so I have to do this boss fights but I can't use all of my cool funds good whets wins hello again right now all I need now just - just just - just okay so what what whoa okay right he's on the move we got two swords we got no bows that's a shame - shields the armor we're wearing oh I've got some raw meat mmm Wow I feel like this is unfair why did this link come so poorly prepared OOP yeah nice try nice try look come on come at me darn oh well we do have one thing we didn't have last time which was Oh nuts so I didn't take damage that time oh you'd like that wouldn't you that would that would suit you down to the ground you're Ganondorf tennis come on OOP yeah that's it flurry rush chopper to chop chop chop chop your face off yeah that's right get chopped yeah Oh No okay so I have used all three of my free hits if you like that I get from having done he's hard to lock onto and look his health is recovering we need to really need to flurry rush that come on need to get one in for his health get gets too hot too too far recovered see I can I can hurt him by like knocking a shield away but he recovers quickly it's not as good you don't get as much you don't get nearly nearly so much damaging though what no what do what no I don't know what come on fly at me fly at me don don misty come on Oh bit close to the bit close to the tennis no no no keeps breaking my lock on which is not cool look Dan oh wow that hurt okay come on then get up get up we got a damage scimitar which is not what you want come on come on come on blimey nuts all right all right okay now I really I'm gonna have to flowy rush it because he's this sword I've got now is really quite slow come on there we go there we go right good good good John says agree with chat about our BOCES fury idea using our BOCES fury yes that's a good idea but that feels that really feels like something I should try and save for Phase two if I can voices fury is so useful oh you mean old Ganon my health I've got nothing to eat nothing to nothing to eat all right we may be looking at a second attempt at this folks come on there we go right now if I'm lucky this might get him into Phase two come on yes okay right all right we're going into Phase two shy pilot says oMG that health regen I know right and this but this is the worst bit now we've got an owie now we have to deal with this nonsense we have to bring one of these sticks up to him so that he electrocutes himself come on you want to electrocute yourself I mean it's too tempting come on there we go there we go where's he gonna fall where's he gonna fall you dropped the edge of duality no sword no health okay okay let's keep moving and not panic or give up Methos grace because grace saved my butt all right can you leave me alone for a minute I'm just trying to dude I'm just trying to find my sword flurry rush flurry rush with no weapon good I've never seen that before awesome okay health is regenerating as we go where did where's the sword gone where is it is that it is that it I see something glinting it is hard to distinguish come on come on yep flurry rush well done link run buddy you got this you got this you've got this all right look we're back on top now goodbye on top I mean most an okay right I need this to end I need this to end come on pick it up where's the fury I'm trying to try to summon a BOCES fury come on is it even working I don't believe this can I even okay I can okay okay okay okay so so so wow that was tough but we can do it we can do it so I died obviously you'll have noticed ah however I feel like we have a strategy now why'd you put me back to here oh don't make me do all the cutscenes and stuff again maybe we can skip him thanks for all the F's in the chat lessons learned you got him this time says badger fan for alright would have had it if it wasn't that dastardly paper cuts as Jam dev that's it that's it man oh you know what I could feel it slow me down chaos wolf says good day Luke I'm enjoying a birthday Brioni and watching some master mode awesome Mason Britt says Thunder black cannon to Ganon harder Patrick long says doing this blight with no rubber outfits and our BOCES fury you're a brave and a knower BOCES fury or a brave man Luke yeah I mean what I'm so I do have do I only have one or both fury cuz I didn't let it I thought it would start the fight with and give me all of them okay you know what you can only do what you do so let's give it a go I just need to not be hit during that when it once he's electric I just need to not get hit and I think I would be smarter to use the bad sword early doors so that went so that that breaks yeah so let's swap to that yeah nice try I ain't scared ow okay right small I'm a small amount scared tiny not quite on so close come on time for tennis I really really need to be saving them as well I'd rather get hit come on come on there we go okay it's so hard to so now that is where that is where that's this sword comes in useful dealing that kind of that kind of flurry rush damage we go timing has to be so perfect for these but look this has gone better can we can we get him quickly darn okay I'm annoyed that we've used all of those but what I thought we'd got him into the second phase they're not quite obviously that's annoying come on got to get another flurry Russian before is a which starts to regenerate too much but no not having it come on hit him hit him link just hit him just just hit him buddy just there we go okay okay John Charlene says Luke you're getting hit a bit remember not to do that yes you're right you're right right right here comes the good sword come on let's have your sticks out daang neither evaporating too quickly hard to grab them ah got one good right where is he it's up there can I reach him from here I don't think I can don don don get out of there Linc get out of the way get out of the way you've got to go you've got to go up the stairs and I know what you're thinking Linc this this mechanic really wasn't built for combat and you're so right but you know what we don't always get to choose what destiny come on is right there we go where do you go where'd he go where'd okay there he is what oh man you've not you nasty nasty beast there we go cool cool cool cool cool good good good now here's what I want to know what do I do when this sword breaks I think it's a good question oh ho ho no I picked up the shield and not the sword darn okay we're back in we're back in the fight and we got the flowery rush good water of a heart left exciting damn damn alright it's coming back any minute nuts it's just so relentless you kind of you can get caught in this loop of taking damage and it's really hard to get out of it when you're trying to pick your stuff back up right he's not electric now come on just need a few good rounds and he's electric again this is crazy hard if I still got my sword all right okay the key is better flurry rushing clearly clearly alright damn him SS producer John yeah that's right now here's what I want to know if I use a Bose as fury now and I have zero uses if I like wait for this cooldown will I have three uses in the fight use electro elixir before starting fight says Charlie Pierce I don't think it gave I don't think it gives you any elixir or did it what did it have one I missed hmm now here's the thing I don't understa wait for a BOCES fury to refill all the way I will have three in the fight but I'll have to wait and that would be kind of boring if I fast travel somewhere and maybe just over to the wasteland tower Patrick long says have you any topaz earrings or electric potions I can't use I can't use any of that the fight the fight starts you with Oh any buffs come into the fight with you oh right now that is interesting Evan Saunders says have you tried asking fund of like to kindly just not yeah all right now if I so yeah if buffs carry over with you should I like try and boost my electric resistance a little or a lottle mid-level got a mid-level electro elixir I could also up my attack significantly that would also be pretty helpful what do we think high level attack or mid-level electric resistance I feel like if I've got the electric resistance then I won't drop my for sure do attack boost the chat seems to be saying alright let's go for it although I don't wanna use it yet cuz I'll are we gonna wait for a BOCES fury to refill it'll take quite a lot of real-life minutes how long's it actually take what's the actual cooldown in minutes let me just google it we're figuring this out as a team twelve minutes who has twelve minutes I guess I could go to another shrine [Music] all right you know what you know what let's let's just probably just we'll just do pop and do pop and do one more shrine and then we can come back okay so where are we heading because we do have we have quite a lot to be getting quite a lot of shrines to be getting on with let's head to the divan to tau let's do let's get Ravalli stuff out the way shall we James Abdi says you can disable two rooks protection in the farthest right menu turn it off the easy art then activates it again for the second off you can turn to Rick's protection off I had no idea oh my gosh that is that is incredibly useful to know let's do that okay I actually had no idea this was possible disabled huh great Wow whoo I tell you who knew hundreds of hours I've played this game never nude never knew that was an option okay so we've got ten minutes to kill before we go back and do that fight some more part of me is thinking I should have just kept throwing myself against it all right can I could have got it with a few few lucky hits you know what this is probably smarter right Megan slate says how did you not know that who MD 21 says your champion powers when the fight starts yes okay so here's the plan we'll turn on two rooks protection after that for the second half of the fight no I think we'll be fine did that monument just start glowing yeah did Cass you saw right all right this cutscene had better be counting towards my minutes that's all I have to say a sweet Joey how glorious to sing this song in front of the real monument to the song right each left behind there's a verse about the trials that champion Ravalli overcame got just when you thought things couldn't get any worse okay I'm so sorry folks [Music] and I saw so then the cloud those champion Swift and hero's power shall grow seek trials monument one shoot the flame dragons horn two raced out of peak rings the DOE hot I love how COO I love how convoluted this song is three issued four targets to win champion the trials begin did it move you oh it moved me Cass you bet you bet Cass I'm feeling so impassioned an unfinished song wears heavily aren't weighs heavily on a bad soul I know the truth chaos a gnat the truth cool great right let's let's make some notes of where these things are actually first I'm dead curious to know if that counted towards my time no it did not outrageous outrageous okay well fine fine [Music] cool screenshot that it hard to tell where it is from there I'm sure we can figure it out if you look at the map well that's just that just could could be anywhere in the middle of the snow right but those look at those distinctive ice floes they'll be helpful and you you are I know which one that one is that's the that's the great get the dragon cool all right I would try and find that one for starters so it was it's in this kind of here I think looks like it to me um whatever yeah this this this star thing okay we can probably drift there from the tower cool all right and we're off ohoo MD 21 says you were champions power your champion powers reset when the fight starts huh so does that mean that if I have three active it'll let me just keep going because that would be good no it's um you know I um Oh star fragment or is it my marker oh it's my I think is I think is that that mine that no that's that's a star fragment let's let's see if we can get a star fragment we lost the last one we tried to get Jack and we can drift all the way over to it I don't think so it's quite a long way away would be nice though would be pretty Emma Gosa says have to duck out to prepare lunch for best of luck Luke you've got thunder black Ganon this time James Abbey is a new member welcome along come on come on all right it's 2:25 a.m. in the game that should be enough time to get there before morning even though it is still a fair old way off here we go look at that perfect amount of stamina like really the perfect amount of stamina like really really really close Oh skeletons you I mean absolutely not that's a hard pass for me I'm afraid and you lot jog on ow quit it please I think when you've got the shield on your back you should get some like cool protection oh hang on I know how we can get there a little quicker no not now Keith look could Hyrule stop being so deadly for just one minute come on come on Nesta you big beautiful horse it is listen to it glow watch and learn Esther you're about to see why I'm the hero of wait no no no get away from me how and why did that happen outrageous outrageous that was funny that was real funny cool let's head towards that dragon how long how long left now six minutes twenty-nine gosh has it really only been like three and a half minutes John sharp and says Nestor shaking his head now here's a question for you the chap how am I gonna get over there when I'm so much further down height wise Rivoli's Gael might cut the mustard I think it would behoove me to get all the extra height I can I like getting up here cheers Nestor sorry yeah that smokestack I pretty sure is where I'm supposed to be let's put on our climbing clothes so I pet says between this and animal crossing you've convinced me I need a switch I ordered one and it should arrive on Saturday I'll cool awesome now the further across this Gulch I go the longer a climb this looks to be I think I'm gonna be alright this bit looks like a bit I can stand on yeah we're good we're good no drama no drama get up there Linc great cool welcome along you remember EJ well look this who are you lookout duty is tough all right it's masley I'm a traveler what a pleasant surprise brings you here Maz Lee came here because the elder tasked me was keeping watch on the dragon that appears around here mostly what are you gonna do if the dragon kicks off it's been appearing quite frequently these days everyone's worried that it's going to cause trouble for the village after the incident with meadow I can't blame them for worrying so far everything seems fine however just to be safe I'll be scoping things out for a while yet come to think of it the dragon always flies through this valley at night when it does its horns light up this about that light that's truly captivating captivating enough to want to shoot it with a bow and arrow I agree okay let's see if we can get the bag the dragon Oh first I have to use the master sword the sword that seals our darkness to chop up some rocks great that'll do that'll do right well now let's wait until night oh [Music] okay well it is nighttime now but the dragon is not here but I'm sure if we're patient I love how tiny link is compared to the bird folk all right now let's prepare prepare ourselves for the dragon so royal bow should do it we probably just want to shoot one one thing at once dragon you ever feel like flying through this Gulch joke four four four four says man this dragon could get mad and make the village Lynx plan let's shoot at its horns with a bow yes that's right that's right okay I need to channel the otters patience is a virtue patience is a virtue patience is a virtue no need to spin the camera around patience is a virtue where is the dragon patience is a virtue don't forget patience is a virtue come on dragon okay how long left on my time and now Oh three minutes the dragon strengthens John three minutes I'm out of here out of here mom come on dragon I would fly through your gulch if you were the link and I was the dragon twenty two thirty five twenty two forty twenty two forty five I can go blow up this hole it'll kill that'll kill a few seconds here we go who found that my mildly diverting I know I did I hear odd musics me the sound with dragon approaching or is it just my imagination because I want the dragon to appear so darn much dragon alright disaster Voltron says when you see skeletons channel your inner my can use bombs to kill them just ask yourself what would mic to it solves everything yes it does but only in that one very particular circumstance I would caution tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna pop down my travel medallion here so that if we do want to give up on the dragon perceived alright if them if their basis fury comes back what do folks want to see you want me to go back and kick Thunder black canons but ASAP or do you want to wait for the dragon to appear let me know what you would rather do and I will try and take a sort of straw poll from just looking at the looking at the chat thunder Bly kick-butt thunder Bly and black Thunder blade and blade and blade and black thunder black dendrite did we wait until the right time with the campfire says John we wait until night which I think is your only option battle battle battle I'll kick some butt kick some butt okay I tell you what I'll give it to a one am i Karim what time the dragon shows up I think you might be slightly different each night or there you are a great big beautiful dragon hey let's get a like spike for the dragon appearing just in time Oh what do you think you're going crafty right to what I'm gonna do you save the game okay so I screw up this case I screw up this jump alright dragon get in here so I can tell you have a I can get your horns get your horns with my weapons I look for them sparkling lit up this dragon just having a lovely evening stroll just out having a lovely time never thinking but a link just fly up and shoot it ons for no reason at all there's our BOCES fury everything is coming together yes cool that's great okay so we'll get the first trouble point on this shrine but we won't do it we'll go we'll go do thunder blight and we'll come back here everything's coming up millhouse says Rebecca err more things game it gave it tastier ah yeah and look ah yes we also get a tasty piece of dragon don't you roll off don't you don't you do it stay stay wait you stay where you are you stay where you are don't you do it yes all right got a shard of scale by dragon thank you thank you [Music] mmm ruby amber yep yep yep oh ho skeletons hang on let me do what the chat suggested and channel my inner mic there we go alright just get the first travel point good alright Ganon now I want to eat something I want to eat something no first don't I before I travel in what was it going to be the attack attack boost mid-level I'm sure I had some shraddh some high high level attack boost stuff high level oh it's my last one exciting alright and let's save and now let's head on over just wreck up that boss here we go so here's the plan let's refresh phase 1 phase 1 we use the bad sword we do as many flurry rushes as we can to routes protection will not be protecting us so I got to not get hit ok if I do get hit a few times though because it is all to the ends of for the second phase the much harder second phase then turn on durricks protection yeah yeah turn on Derek's protection that should give me a few hits for although saying eats and food put on different clothes and stuff we're doing a DLC thing it's going to put me in certain clothes it's gonna clear out my inventory I have very little control over what I have and what I eat and stuff going into this fight but that's ok because we we adapt we adapt don't forget about the Furies as mediocre Dani D yes it's gonna be real real helpful but it is it is hard to use because just the time to charge it up takes a few pressure seconds and in that time oh you know thunder black canons gonna gonna gonna be whacking you ok right so yeah let's have the edge of duality all right come on Oh yikes right first blood is yours Ganon fine fine come on there we go so now who's drawn first blood still let me have this all right oh you tricky demon that was that was that was a hard one you are rock solid you are yeah all right we're into Phase two cool may the mediocre switch shields in Phase two it doesn't conduct great tip all right and most importantly to Rick's protection is now is ready to roll okay but we're not there yet this is still we know we are we are so not out of the woods so we have to do this bit of nonsense all the while is helped us regenerating when I move so slowly is that far am i far away enough very good he's down he's down come on a few hits in okay well that's why we have two rooks protection good flurry rush good got it that's a big relief it looks like the extra attack is really helping come on all right Oh what okay was that a thing before can I deflect it I did not deflect it but come on that should do it right there we go BAM hey I'll tell you what let's have one of those like spikes the kids are on about we didn't even need all of those two rooks protections okay wow that was intense we didn't use our base we shouldn't use up his fury at all just gone straight into it boom yes explode be purple smoke first try first try says Bjorn your guess to like spikes in five minutes there's a revolver Rock I know I'm really indulging myself Harrison Park can you remember welcome along Phillip Henry says his for some much-needed chill vibes boss fight notwithstanding thanks for being here and congrats on your win arches Phillip thank you very much some the best part of traveling alone is the freedom to get lost in thought with only the winter distract you wandering around here and listening to anecdotes about champion or Bosa has truly invigorated me factor has inspired me to honor her in my own way separate from my teachers unfinished song that is why I felt inclined to roost here Mason Britt says and we can all agree that was the only time well done Luke yes this Ivan Mearing says it's just like your no damage darksouls wrong [Music] before she was used to are we gonna get a lovely cutscene now great we earned it let's just enjoy the chateau I'll turn the game audio up a little bit so we can all have a good time [Music] [Music] hi revolution a o Sole autonomous today yamazaki d one night [Music] yeah Saigon o-katsu Makabe egad and Umaga Herrera no cocconi retiro - nacho home occitane gyro kunde oxide Robotnik's kerul kassel Gary da da Mousa Buddha basa hi Dada Dada step fasten view and an Imagi me now it was a messy have you met me master so Chi but that's no hua Zhu Neng could i my are you oh here some omitted okay Don yet Tsubasa isn't about an ELISA another another lettuce you oh he's a man oh boy Sokolov sorry antara touching at the huge dinner shown you are now in their socket Akina [Music] now that's a flurry rush oh you mean oh my god he doesn't cheer Oh amazing Watterson opava yeoja sana Antonacci zakat ocurro atashi no Tomodachi wa itsumo so it C Abbas a Sonia a Teta [Music] Carson Jun Amano antosha ha ha yo Nikesh table ocarina Dhoni Ashok mm Iometer say bye Oh Coco Chanel we updated so no sing otamatea Tara it's no mannequin [Music] lovely stuff I like how am I like how she's like I was out of respect for the princess I'll spare your lives and also because it'd be pretty grim if I hacked you up with my sword in a cutscene in a Zelda game though she was a fierce warrior those ready for the loving friend of hos princess so what do you think of the song Oh Cass it's so good it is great you should play it at parties okay and now we can use a bit more overseas fury it's this was a good but I didn't intend it this way but this was a good boss fight to do first because we're gonna have to do all the boss fights in the game again and our BOCES fury is so so useful and this reduces the cooldown so that's good [Music] great all right we did it how about we head back to the dragon shrine crack straight on why was that in Japanese cherry yeah for this second play - I changed it to a changes the Japanese audio just because I didn't heard it it's interested I think it's good I think it's really good all righty and it's shrine time I've still got a super awesome attack power maybe that maybe there'll be something to fight in here aim for stillness all right okay this involves a lot of flying clearly you can tell that straight from you so let's just let's just get into it it's not overthink it okay well this is bomber ball so good there is it [Music] nice [Music] who's also nice can I use this to travel up also yet good right here [Music] okay gosh oh look there's the chest can this be frozen you can okay will that stop the wind if I freeze it right let's find out shall we learn together oh okay hmm is there like a different trick okay right not sure that was what I was supposed to do but we got away with it oh bomb arrows good Harrison Parks has been watching ox box knocks juror through quarantine one of the few things keeping me saying thanks Luke in the gang cheers from Mississippi thank you thank you an app call says finally caught a live stream I want to thank you and ever and everyone for everything you do let you know you inspired me to play breath the world and Animal Crossing you rock thank you so much that is really kind even mirroring says it's just like your no-damage dark souls run did we read that coming out already I cut I can't record burn anymore okay so I want to get so surely freezing that so so I guess I I mean no one oh okay right so I got I'm gonna put that in with a little more finesse or time freeze this yes II don't know should work right oh right okay ice I see what's happening so if I freeze that maybe and then I can no no no okay so this will hopefully stop the gate from coming down Oh [Music] why why why why I'm having such a hard time just dropping this anymore there anyway um you know what like I don't want to try and shortcut this or waste anything but like could I not shoot that with a bomb arrow could that not save me some [Music] but yes okay so we need extra oh now come on I was basically back on it [Music] killer Inka says greetings from check really love your streams you've got me interested well did you know you can switch weapons during flurry rush all the love to you um switch weapons during flurry rush that is cool and intense there we go so that's that just stayed up there from the beginning that is cool that is cool tip thank you I will try that next time with flurry rushing it's bound to happen cause we've got a lot more boss and many more boss fights to do and we're good thanks try Yoda cool all right we did it now we need to find the next challenges because we've only got one emblem and I want to get more I would love it if we could I love it if we could attempt to bosses on this stream so we have to pick up the pace Oh Apple says I use stasis to drop to stop the switch instead of the platform okay well you know what there's no wrong way to do these shrines that's why they're so good that gives you a bunch of different ways although it is annoying when you're in a shrine and you're thinking like I know there's a bunch of different ways to solve this and I can't find one right so got a quickly pop to my album and have a look at my hints okay here we go so we've done that one that was the dragon this guy so we're looking for these like ice floes these icy structures and then it's kind on the side of the west-southwest side of the mountain just under that so we can find that so ice flow kind of that could be this I bet that's this which would put this next one like here I think I do not need all these we can do we can delete these cool so let's pop a pop an easier way point on there right and then how to get there well let's get to the nearest shrine which I suppose is so many spots hmm just thinking saw me spot oh wait no no no God not the eShop no way what's this other one where's that so that looks like it's kind of in there some water there that looks like more water and then it looks like it's kind of in a hole well there's some more air I look like it could be this on the flight range possibly back to the flight range that would feel a bit zelda wouldn't it to go back to it back some where we've been before let's pop that down anyway and we'll go do this one first cool I yet the flight range says depends upon the school nice alright let's crack on doo doo doo doo doo doo doo Rebecca M says does anyone here you have the ring fit adventurer and is it worth it I can't decide whether to get it or not um I really like it I think it's great it I think it's it's a it's it's a significant workout it's intense I haven't played loads and loads and loads of it but like it's tough but good tough that's what you want like it it's not um it's not like I don't know it's not like it's not it's not super on intense you know you kind of want your exercise to be pretty intense so yeah it's good I think it's really good does cook like the motion tracking I find works really well also you can change the voices in it to Japanese and I would really recommend that as I found the voice of the of your ring friend kind of a little irritating oh look that that's surely where we're headed Louie Louie Louie blue thing what I would say is that if you are tempted to get a ring fit I'm sorry I'm just gonna grab this word because how often do you see free would lying around if you are if you're I think you gain the ring fit maybe check if you can because I hear that a bit like the switch they have been really hard to get hold up obviously in lockdown everyone is looking for ways to workout indoors okay I think this is a shield surfing situation I think which is good because I love to shield turf alright okay come on come on oh okay interesting interesting certainly certainly made things more interesting oh gosh how are we doing are we doing on I think we're doing all right easy come on link carve it come on then carve it up gnarly it all nice and tubular oh come on oh that's gonna cost me I got back on course pretty quick but and the link I said car bit old school alright good good oh my gosh this course is long stampeding Rhino that's absolutely fine that looks like the end stylist jump through yes cool shred that NASA's John sharp Sidon that's right well we shredded it it got shredded cool buh buh buh doo doo doo oh there's a shrine here by my sense is telling me cool here we go all right another sure Rhine the second shrine of the three that we have to do that our Ravalli themed master the alba now this looks like a marble run situation some of these are babe just switch to some of these are vaguely familiar for my first playthrough okay alright well that well that's gonna get the ore where it needs to be at the end let's just have a look up here okay all right so but why why would I want to what's up here oh okay all right this is a bit of a bit of a faff wanna be on top of it first can we do this you're gonna let us know okay all right there's nothing shines here we go oh yes up up and away hey first try oh it's the chest okay good that'll be something good though okand Oh your inventory is full all right do I have any anything lame enough to want to get rid of for a falcon bow I don't think so looks pretty low damage I think no I'm afraid that's gonna be a hard pass from old Winky Dink that's fine we can come back and get it maybe if we ever need it which okay so the orb er roll it down and around and then it for let off easy well okay one more orb please here it comes can the orb is faces no good good good good good good bad okay it's fine move these into place as well fine or you're gonna be real fussy about it what's this do Oh okay so this is a okay so I need this to be going looks like it mean that looks like it once freezing in place and the old comes down everyone is happy [Music] this is wintry [Music] okay I'm enjoying the shrine this is this is this is this is the this is the stuff Nintendo more more likely what do we think of these angles I think I'll escape okay here we go here we go right okay there go with the orb round - Thunder round you get turned that way I wait patiently to stasis this here cometh the orb look for it on the morrow yeah roll with it good good good great mousetrap wait for it wait for it and now how well did our ice blocks work come on yes beautiful and fire it yes gorgeous see that's that that's the kind of thing we like Nintendo not this Electric nonsense lovely William alright so that was pretty satisfying says Frodo Baggins yes I quite agree all right so that gives us two orbs good good good good one remains yeah it does you better believe it cool ok so now as dry Yoda disintegrates we want to head to the flight range that's where we were going now Calum Chamberlain says now that was a really cool puzzle I'm not gonna lie that was a really good one do you do write flight range there you are and look it's a shrine right there to dust steel fist says didn't Luke lose in mousetrap yes but I won in this mousetrap and I'll tell you how I won in this mouse trap I had no opponents and a little tip from a pro when you've got no opponents you always win right cool flight range wonder what we have to do here hopefully someone will tell us would be nice oh well look bunch of targets that's many one up there no you know what I think I just have to shoot them all what exactly was the what did the clue say shoot four targets to win okay doesn't seem like loads of targets maybe there's a sting in the tail that's fine absolutely all right let's get among them that's one to shoot this one again three this isn't huh got it nice and me for save me and I drowned okay Oh it'll be four targets in one go won't it not too hard oh no no okay okay fine fine I really like to open okay like just smashed his face on the wall good okay I reluctantly admit this one is actually a little tough well I think we'd better save hadn't we and eat something is that no one yes I definitely no one up here [Music] oh we got a swallow bow it's worse than our current bow so oh look this is a better place from work from where to hit for target right food then and the consumption of it by link that's what we're focused on now it's a fried wild greens just trying just trying to get the health up just in case something untoward were to hypothetically happen right okay quickly then it's my focus fine that's alright alright come back to try again right if I go for these that one's too hard maybe I can get that one no time to look if I got it I think you going in the drink again sorry buddy hmm no I don't this is pushing how much stamina I've got to be honest okay what do we think what do we think is there and is there a point further down where this might be more straightforward thinking like maybe like there in the middle yeah like this looks a bit easier to me I thought I did it did I know okay all right let's see if we got a let's see if we got a different bow a different bow to use maybe one of those like quick-draw ones like the kind that I didn't pick up because it was garbage in the last shrine I would bet this one is exactly the one we need so let's drop something here high fat high rate of fire for the guards bow I really need to be you know going on drawn faster than a normal bow okay that's that's probably the most important thing right now running out of stamina was the other problem ah now that will give me that will refill a whole circle of food however I've only got one so let's save should we go for those ones again those targets here we go ah nuts nuts done fluffed it oh sorry link link carked it that's all right we're gonna have to reload that save anyway he's fine he's fine it's just a flesh wound okay that's all right we've got the we've got the winning strats now and that's half the battle oh look these ones have these ones a real close together yes there we go whoo man I've got quite a slightly low hearts and low stamina bird the pointer which you would normally be doing this dlc in the game i think you know comparatively loads of questing oh if will refill my stamina that was nice and I didn't even I didn't have to eat that food so that's good where was the shrine was it down there all right you could do cool all right here we go shrine me up what do we got mr. Logan cloud says hey Luka Noakes teams it's my birthday today so I just wanted to drop this off and say thank you for making my life a brighter place day by day love you all so much that's so kind thank you very much mr. Logan glad and thank you for watching and most importantly happy birthday hope you have an amazing one an amazing one I've got the most amazing one I hope you have the best birthday on record right the Four Winds well this is gonna really burn through my arrow supply isn't it [Music] yo okay what can we see here lots of flying things lots of holes in this big rubik's cube type looking thing so I think I've got to hit that switch or maybe hit a bunch of switches you know what that's my thing girls just fly into it and see what happens to be shot to a great probably not yes you can great cool all right that's turned on that thing which is pleasant let's go beside it cool this bow is useful for this as well alright I'm not really sure those extra fans are doing just yet closer to the time I could do with just stopping a second to get the old stamina back it's your deal oh right let's try and get this one I'm just gonna use a bomb arrow for this because I've got a few it's a lot easier this was a source old school [Music] oh no link come on now now come on now that's not fair he's fine he's fine hopefully that didn't reset I don't think so don't think right how about that one that opened with a fan there it is let's get let's get all up in its business come on come on come on but oh no not the bomber oh yes right how many more of these do you think there are at this point can I get on to this thing when I just go up maybe I am hey hey go maybe I've done it could I have done it is it possible that that's all the fans I need see [Music] the stainless boys okay no this thing behind it no there isn't Oh [Music] but worth it before the chest doodley-do shield and I actually had space for it wow that's a twist and then we are done now this is the kind of thing Nintendo this is the kind of thing we like not this electricity and the magnets that's to fly around and have a nice time and for things to be sort of fun and make you feel cool because they happen in slow motion but not actually difficult so our case is Luke you excited to try out your new spells tomorrow oh yes I'm really excited yeah I don't know what did I get invisibility and great greater image so yeah I'm going to be trying to use them to create as much mischief as possible as long as it's um you know works towards the cause of the party I feel like Bob recently has been doing an awful lot of working towards the goals of the party though and not enough chaos and anarchy so they will join next Doug's been following all right now shall I swap back to that cool bow that I had always gone okay well that makes that easier right where are we headed then um up here for well it'll be for another boss fight so do we want to do we want to perhaps eat something I don't have any more like mega attack boost but you never know maybe we won't need it maybe mid level is a all we need well you know what it's not too big of a risk so let's save and go for it oh you did just get a bunch of bananas points out Andy Baker yeah I could cook them I would I've eaten the thing now so let's uh let's let's just go for it and we'll pop you know will will hop back wall will adjust will adapt as necessary as and when okay who's feeling strong not me okay safe here really just before that just prior to the cutscene okay alright bring it on Ravalli and oh no we're gonna have to watch a Ravalli cut see I can't believe the wind that the reward for this is gonna be a long Ravalli cutscene well you know I'll just end the stream at that point if we gets out Cod I'll spare you Thanks I just realized I never turned the game audio town after I turned off the last cutscene apologies if this has been deafeningly loud hopefully it's not been too bad [Music] gentlemen drill says another boss don't forget the three essential steps one don't get hit to kill it three profit yup yup this one will be fine says John oh good oh good oh the audio I was just fine apparently alright maybe I fit maybe I've been having it conservatively low all this time alright well we'll keep it uh alright Oh keep we'll keep it a bit noisier okay right so uh I actually did this boss in master mode before I started streaming the game so this will be a live stream first doing oh no wait no no it no it won't I was thinking of a different boss I was thinking of the water one we did this one it was easy so fingers crossed this battle is a trial of the soul you must emerge victorious using only the tools provided you're the tools provided how that oh yeah yeah you got a gun arm right not to be underestimated though wind like Ganon because that is after all a pretty massive gun arm and this is master mode baby so let's take you seriously and see what we've got okay we've got us a weak sword we've got three bows I've got five bomb arrows and a hundred arrows oh let's stick with the Falcon bow for now we've got an insulting amount of materials and we can turn up we can turn things off on and off but whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all right all right all right all right karmic Kermit good are you going where you going and why am I not in the sky don't you do it don't always teleporting but where to I stamina back before I take to the skies you're gonna teleport again all right we'll get William the eyes health is fully regenerated irritating come on just pop out too soon remain corporeal ow ow ow ow ow ow okay all right it's trying time that a bit better this time shall we yeah that's more like it good oh my gosh we're just chipping away at this held so slowly okay come on come on Linc come on okay that was okay just okay I think this is gonna be a long haul scrap where my tack up is ending things are bad let's persist the only real danger is that I run out of weapons I think and also of course that I die and I have nica's grace so as I say we like Ganon not to be underestimated come on let's have that stamina back please [Music] okay that was better it's much better come on all right down you go and I'm there waiting my sword and if I could potentially stun you right now and he's off again doing his wind blight thing thinking about how easily he killed ravali don't really see what's happening there I mean he's losing health but it yeah well that's kind of cool there's the three and down I come oh okay right well now that we're in the second phase I definitely want to switch the doop duplex bow and why not use why not use my bomb arrows eh where is he now I don't remember these little drone things as being particularly important to worry about as long as you are keep moving where are you oh no oh my gosh wasting my bomb arrows absolutely tragic stay where you are please hmm he's actually gained some health since we entered this phase oh hello can i oh BOCES fury you from here like that ain't no way to do it that's right arrows they are important in a bow I have been told right okay come on voices fury yes good all right and it's done Demi did it's done him I would sort of hurt him but in drop him and what's the situation gosh look at health coming back outrageous space it out okay well that's I mean that's great but I've now got no way of hurting him I guess yes what do you think of this yeah that's right no think on that hikes okay all right well I guess we do what we can with the bow keep going keep keep on truckin reaching for that rainbow can't believe I can't believe you're throwing bombs at this boss you know I did a little damage and keep gam been getting quite good hits on him like keep going then you corporal no move your hand can't see your eye oh no the bow is badly damaged can't believe how annoying they've managed to make this fight right duplex bow can he beat could be stasis so then I guess I can hit him with a couple of bombs god I want to shoot him back to the Falcon bow I guess okay just keep at it it's not be dismayed even though I'm not going to sugarcoat it folks - and it's three - get him down all right so then stasis him I suppose throw a couple of bombs like yes and then and then wait to get back up in the air make sure he's corporeal three hits move it little flower drone good stasis him cool alright got three bomb hits in there we're keeping his health from regenerating that's a big part of this are you corporeal please be I would appreciate it good one two three just waiting for it to say that the bow is badly damaged okay countless fights going oh wait one more bow is badly damaged okay well we do have one more bow although I think it was pretty weak wasn't it I'd be doing much damage where's he going he's going to lose health regenerate I guess we gotta keep using this until it breaks it's not broken yet come on come on yes yes what what was that boss fight what was that boss fight absolutely absolutely had the vibe of like we ship the Gabe it's got the turnout of tens across the board we don't need to yeah yeah obviously we'll do some deals yes yeah it's good ship it the pubs are open come on man let's get our boy that that was that was master mode baby yeah purple smoke that's what I thought you said mm and now a Ravalli cutscene unbelievable mediocre Danny chips in two pounds thank you for bombs only mode Thank You Meredith wheat says I just want to say that even though I don't have many friends I try to play along when you stream and it makes you feel less alone so thank you you're so welcome Meredith wheat you are so welcome you are so welcome I hope you can find a sense of community on here we have such incredible viewers yeah but thank you for watching Meredith right let's let's watch that cutscene shall we wandering around here in listening to anecdotes about champion Ravalli has truly invigorated me let's unpack that sentence wandering around here and listening to anecdotes about champion Ravalli has truly invigorated me okay Cass factors has inspired me to honor him in my own way seperate from my teachers unfinished song let's hear it okay alright soon as Ravalli appears I'm gonna industry I won't really I won't really whoa okay let's enjoy this cutscene while the adrenaline slowly drains out of my body [Music] okay Ravalli win us round charm us convinced us we were wrong about you [Music] tornado no cheese me Lauren I talk imminent issue Jana Jana [Music] but up till you cannae Donal Hindi that oh yes I can on no bus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] konna boku Ganga notoya cause it's curry cotinine are a tasket i'ma not Tsurugi naqshi dr. tariqa i'ma Nevada ohmmeter CC unit steve-o taking in Montana yo Ravalli everyone yeah but he couldn't shoot four targets in one focus thing could he so what do you think of champion Ravalli song you know what Cass I think a lot of people are going to like it I think a lot of people will love it comedy shows you the negative Deborah tornado siren joke Ezra debacle even aki-nee neurotic give it all gone on tall but the tail all she got even from beyond the grave he haunts me good good well there you go great stuff I can't believe we did too boss fights there we've got two more to go before we can begin the final dungeon so I think why dunno how long that'll tell you what before we before we before we cap this stream why don't we head over to the next place just so that we just just very little teaser of what we're gonna be doing next time yeah let's head over to this one Brad hemming says I assume this will get me blocked but Ravalli is my favorite champion of course not of course not all opinions on Ravalli are valid it's subjective and you know what I would say about Ravalli he's got good music all of the Rito music in this game is named my favorite music but he just winds me up it's like I get it the idea is that he has a heart of gold but he's kind of abrasive and tells it like it is but it's like Ravalli could you just not though could you just be nice you should try it just try being nice but he couldn't because he died he died she just I saw someone in the chat see should have saved those barbarians should have saved the bomb arrows for ravali ah Goron City all right I think this would be I think this would be the know me I think you'll be this one we do next for no real reason other than it was the one I saw on the map okay so we need to get up there oh if still got two rooks protection turned off that's not good thanks the chat for pointing that out elegant egotist thank you alright Ravalli there you go you little ghost we're making use of your gale it's very good well done can I get away without putting my climbing garb on pushing it a little you know what pushing it to the max is what link is all about this is master mode this is no time to not be pushing it to the max the absolute max talking about the max people the absolute max okay which pair is the most useful few loops as low wash well actually Ravalli scale for just getting round but like in combat in boss fights or BOCES Furies really good to reeks protect me physically no what they're all down actually really useful I wish me furs grace had a faster cooldown I feel like the cooldown is so long that I don't can't really predict like whether I'm gonna be saved by it or not and obviously you're always trying not to die so it always takes me a bit by surprise okay right here's our here's our markers here are our next three adventures our next three challenges which we will be undertaking if I recall one of them is a fighting a stone talus a lava talus which is a huge rock monster which is going to be rad and that will be happening next Thursday at the exact same time so check back you'll be lovely to see you all again yeah if I brief elixir sorry Cass already paying attention to you there buddy sorry I go from a bard to a baked bird nice yep cool alright well thanks so much everyone for watching this was a joy to bosses that was really really fun what that second that second boss though that was a that was to sit that with the whole situation wasn't it thanks very much everyone for watching see you next time see you next Thursday we will continue this we are on the road to getting that motorbike we might get it next stream we might do it might take a couple more I don't know I don't know it's gonna be hard it's gonna be hard to call but thank you thank you for watching and I'll let I'll let Cass finish out all that canister cast cast finish the song gentlemen dross has looted all that with the paper cut so brave I'm not gonna hold it up because it actually doesn't really look like anything and you will think I'm being dramatic and that's absolutely not the case of this one thank you so much John for moderating the chat [Music] cool did he remove you yes Cass to a bigger house alright thanks for watching everyone see you next time take it easy have great weeks say stay safe out there see you next time bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 54,322
Rating: 4.9708333 out of 5
Keywords: botw, master mode, legend of zelda, hard, hard mode
Id: dsIbh2oYXgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 12sec (7992 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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