5 ESSENTIAL Tips & Tricks for STEALTH in Helldivers 2

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hey there everyone Aran here again to bring you five new tips and tricks for stealth and Hell divers 2 it's certainly been a while since I released a video into this series but I do believe I've been able to come up with some new tricks worth talking about yet again that should enhance your Stealth gameplay experience should you apply them if you haven't seen the previous three videos in the series although the first one definitely has not aged well quality-wise the information in them will be as valuable as this one so if you're looking for more stealth-based content after this video I've got you that being said on with the tips the first tip I want to talk to you about is what I commonly refer to as the vibe check when you first land on the planet it's difficult to immediately ascertain what kind of situation you are in before enemies have a chance to spot you often nearby enemies will even immediately begin rushing towards your hell pod's Landing sites making it difficult to avoid an immediate confrontation for these Reasons I'm advising all wouldbe ghost divers to immediately prone as soon as they leave the hell pod this sounds pretty simple but when leaving your hell pod your character is not in play yet the first second the enemy is able to actually see you is a second you could be prone by going prone here we make it far less likely the enemy can immediately Target us and call reinforcements before we even have a chance to take a look around most times allowing us to slip away from our Landing site completely unnoticed this is going to be especially helpful in those situations where you've accidentally landed right next to a Jammer the last thing you need is an immediate reinforcement call on top of the situation so make sure your team is passing the vibe check ghost divers and if they're not well scatter like rats there is virtually no benefit to fighting reinforcements on the location you dropped in on immediately begin moving away to use the reinforcement cool down to your advantage which we will talk about again later tip number two let's talk about how to lose pursuers the enemy will become alerted to your presence this is just part of reality especially when you start blowing up all their buildings so being chased down in a Hil of gunfire often times likely feels like a fact of life but doesn't have to be at least not as much as you're probably experiencing right now so here is how to best break Pursuit from the enemy when advancing in the opposite direction from our enemies you want to be ducking behind as many walls that obstruct their line of sight as possible not just because they won't be able to shoot you well most of the time at least when they don't just stick the gun through the wall and shoot you anyway but anyway also because every time you break line of sight the game rolls an internal percentage or check to drop the pursuit the chance of them giving up increases based on their detection range so once again Scout armor makes a big difference for this play style and you should probably be running it detection range is also as I've covered in my previous videos reduced by weather effects none so more than blizzards and sandstorms as well as nighttime popping smoke grenades on yourself or running through smoke that structs the enemy's line of sight will also force a check on the AI whether they can continue the chase or not so use a combination of these tactics until the bullets stop Flying unless you get soft locked which nothing you can do about that maybe aood will fix that soon number three we're going to talk about how to utilize smoke to evade reinforcements and Pursuits as well as protect yourself from detection while utilizing objective equipment if you've ever found yourself on the cusp of completing a terminal objective only to have a patrol walk in this is a clutch maneuver the objective equipment forces you to stand meaning any NE enemy will almost certainly spot you and open fire as a result but if we pop a smoke grenade off in our hand before standing the enemy is unable to draw a line of sight to us within the smoke cloud while we finish the objective meaning we can then afterwards lay back down and crawl away or run out the opposite side of the smoke from the enemy avoiding the engagement entirely in a similar fashion when a reinforcement call is coming down on on you being within a smoke cloud as the enemies drop into the map will prevent them from tracking towards you with a pretty high degree of success once you leave the smoke they may still find a way to path towards you due to an enemy you previously alerted passing that status onto the drop ship this is however a good habit to form regardless as it very often produces the desired results overall number four let's talk about how to properly bait and play around enemy reinforcement calls enemy reinfor enforcement calls on Hell dive difficulty have an internal cool down of roughly 2 minutes this internal timer begins as soon as you see the tag at the top of your screen Disappear by optimizing our game Flow we can use this to our advantage to do this we want to always prioritize enemy outposts while the drop is off cool down then push main objective sites or subobjective sites during that cool down period this is because we can easily take any Outpost out using just our strategems as we've talked about in previous videos which will almost always result in a reinforcement call coming in if it's off coold down that is we then during that call immediately beine for the nearest objective that we're going to be forced to go inside for such as anything that requires a terminal we can clear out the enemies as necessary to make it to the terminal without worrying if reinforcements can be called in this tactic is especially helpful if you're able to communicate with your teammates as you can wait patiently outside of main or sub objectives you'd rather not have a reinforcement wave on until a teammate is is able to bait the reinforcements away from you giving you all the time you need to complete the objective no problem the localization confusion booster also increases this cool down by 30 seconds should you decide to bring it giving you even more time to work with between reinforcement calls this tactic especially is useful when dealing with the new gunship Fabricators which brings us to our fifth tip gunship Fabricators have been the bane of Stealth gameplay since their release due to how their mechanics work as soon as any hell diver enters their 100 50 m radius the gunships spawn in a single Tower will produce one gunship per wave for a team of one to three hell divers and two gunships for a team of four while a double fabricator will produce two gunships per wave for teams of one and four whole gunships went against a full team of four these spawns have no limitation meaning hanging out within their spawning radius without destroying them can quickly spiral the game into a death Loop for those that come unprepared or are unlucky enough to drop in too close to them to make matters worse the gunship Fabricators also have an array of light Bots standing guard underneath which as we talked about in my previous videos means they can have the alerted status passed on to them by the gunships when this happens there is a 100% chance if that bot drop is off cool down that they will perform one meaning we would then need to push through potentially waves of four gunships that we have to stay ahead of mind you while pushing through a reinforced wave to get on site and plant that hell bomb this can be next to Impossible all right so how do we handle this easily every single time first make sure your drop locations are always at least 150 M away from enemy activity on the map whenever possible easier said than done but trying to maximize the distance between us and any wouldbe gunship Fabricators is essential for our success once we've located a gunship fabricator it's of course imperative that we all stay more than 100 50 m away from the location otherwise the spiral May begin we kick things off by baiting a bot drop 170 to 200 M offside ideally this is typically not difficult to do as those light Bots have very itchy flare trigger fingers once the bot drop Is On The Way We Begin pushing full force towards that gunship fabricator take the ships out with your support weapons of choice my preference being either the autoc cannon or the quazar although many support weapons are viable for anti-air as soon as you get on location dispatch all the guards to make sure they cannot activate the bot drop should it come off cool down here as you will likely be running out of time about now call in the hell bomb and throw a smoke grenade under the terminal as it lands the enemy is unable to Target your hell bomb if it's within a smoke cloud as it spawns into the game as they cannot draw a line of sight to it as a result this ensures any Rogue patrols walking in are unable to stop the detonation then simply leave the area and proceed with your mission is normal you can make these missions even easier by finding an artillery subobjective with a mini nuke inside is these are the only other way to destroy these gunship Fabricators besides the hell bomb or a nearby Sam site which will fire rockets at the gunships easing your approach in all cases though you will easily be able to take care of these objectives whether in a group or alone every time using this strategy granted getting a group to coordinate this plan is going to be extremely difficult in quick play and not everyone wants to dive alone so I bring you the solution to this problem as well in the description of this video on offering you the opportunity to make the second most important decision of your life by joining the ghost divers my community Discord where you can find like-minded individuals to Squad up with that understand the importance of subtlety and not firing at every enemy you see the ministry of Truth promises 100% of our surveys that we've conducted have reported a 103% increase in our divers efficiency and matchmaking satisfaction so what are you waiting for enlist today that's going to do it for my five new tips for stealth I've got for you this time there definitely is nothing as satisfying for me personally in Hell divers 2 than a job well done quietly hopefully this video has helped you further your enjoyment with this style of play as a result thank you for watching till the end and have a wonderful day I'll see you next time and now another helpful tip from General Brash AA Vin has brought us invaluable information on how his unit operates so efficiently in the field for this I'm ordering all active hell div to like comment and subscribe to his channel failure to do so will result in the rail gun being nerfed Brash tactics use them or die trying
Channel: Eravin
Views: 19,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers2
Id: nJ-PT6YqfNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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