A Deep Analysis on Weapon Traits and Stats in Helldivers 2

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weapons stats and traits in Hell divers 2 are very interesting to say the least every gun has their own purpose in the fight for freedom and the UI menu stats can give you a very basic picture of what you can expect but this doesn't truly tell the whole story and even at times this has actually been a bit misleading in fact according to arrowhead's CEO Yan pillat weapons in Hell Des 2 apparently have something like 50 different types of trait that make each gun special and look I'm not a mathematician but 50 seems pretty far off from like the four to six that we see in the weapons menu so then what are all these missing stats and what do they actually mean Dr poop love here and that's what I hope to find out today let's get right into it okay so to start off I kind of want to talk about how I put this list together I've tried to put as many weapon traits together as I can some of these are straight up spelled out for us in the menu others are pretty obvious but they're not in your face we have things from patch notes we have things that the devs have said to us in conversations on Twitter or Discord and we also have some that line up to Stats and traits that we've seen in the original hell divers game of course there's also some educated guesses that I've included in here we're going to try to get as close as we can to the roughly 50 and see if we can put this full picture together obvious obviously this isn't going to be 100% accurate unless the devs decide to tell us outright it's probably going to be really hard to get the complete accurate listing but hopefully I can get us close and you can be the judge and let me know in the comments if you think I am missing anything now the first two I want to go over are the two most basic weapon differentiators in this game and that is weapon type and weapon category and these are not necessarily detailed stats but I do think they're important because they will generally Define the parameters with which stats may end up sitting between for certain guns so the first one is weapon type and this is the most basic level with three basic weapon types you have Primary Weapons which are meant to be always available to you and most commonly used they're typically meant to be strong but not able to effectively kill everything you also have your secondary weapons which are also always available to you but meant to be more of your backup weaker than your primary but able to hold its own in a pinch and then there are support weapons which are strategems meant to be called down via hell pod and typically meant to be the most powerful and able to take out some of the most challenging enemies or at least serving as some sort of a niche weapon you will though lose these if you die and so you'll have to pick them back up or call down via another strategy now going one step lower we can look at the weapon category and while these aren't really properly defined for secondary weapons and support weapons seem seem more closely attached to their strategy category this is more clearly defined with your primary guns you have assault rifles which are typically full auto firing weapons with lower damage but higher fire rates SMGs you would think are typically even faster firing with lower damage and maybe higher recoil to limit effectiveness at long range this isn't maybe super true when you actually look at these two stats but that's generally what you kind of would expect you have marksman rifles which are meant to be long longer range a little bit slower firing but more impact almost kind of more so your sniper type weapons you have your shotguns slower firing with less range but more impact and a wider spread you have explosive weapons to meant to have some kind of impactful explosive trait attached to them and then you have energy base which is a little bit more unique with either laser or plasma or even Arc Type ammo there may be more categories to come and the devs May internally classify some of the support or secondary Weapons Under some of these either existing categories or new categories but that hasn't been totally spelled out so I won't go there but from here I think we can move on to the four basic stats that we see for most every weapon and it is unfortunate that support weapons don't even have these listed although they would have these stats as well the first of which is damage and that's pretty much how much health you deplete per bullet which is pretty standard you have your capacity and that's how many bullets are in your mag even though not listed here you do have the number of mags which ties very closely to capacity and that's how many mags you can carry for each gun then you have your recoil now recoil is basically how much your reticle will move and sway when firing and moving the higher The Recoil the harder it is to stay on target then you have your fire rate the fire rate is how many bullets you can get out of your gun over a specific period of time assault rifles will generally have higher and shotguns will generally have less now these are the ones you will most typically see but there are also laser type guns which measure some different major stats they have their damage per second which is how much damage you deal over time this is something you can measure for each gun but definitely more required for something like a laser which just deals a continuous damage for all Targets in the vector and you have your fire limit which is how long you can hold down your laser before it overheats and requires you to replace the coil now moving to the right side of the stats we will see some of the special weapon traits that can give you a little bit more flavor as to the particulars of what makes each gun unique and one of the major ones we'll see here is penetration penetration is typically defined in the weapon traits under either light armor penetration medium armor penetration and although it hasn't been listed yet heavy armor penetration which does exist only in the support weapon category which they don't really give you very good stat markers there bombs though all also give you penetration levels and the CEO has clarified a little bit about how this works there essentially 10 levels of armor that enemies have on various parts of their bodies and a gun will have an armor penetration level that matches between 1 and 10 when the armor penetration number is lower than the Armor number it ricochets which you will see with that non hit marker when the armor penetration level is equal it ends up dealing 50% damage to the Target and that's where you will see those gray hit markers and when your armor penetration is higher than the enemy that's when you deal full damage with a red hit marker now moving on to another common trait is one-handed and this means that you can hold your weapon with one hand which you might at first say so what but this does give you some key benefits for one this means that while you were running around running away you can fire backwards and in any direction without needing to turn around or slow down and the other benefit is that you can use this with something like the B istic Shield all secondary weapons do have this one-handed perk and the SMG Primary Weapons do as well moving on to another trait is rounds reload typically when you reload you end up expending the rest of the bullets in the mag but with this trait you can basically reload at any time without losing ammo and you will begin loading in bullets with the ability to stop that reloading at any time so that you can just start firing away now the next trait isn't fully defined by but it has been noted in the patch notes with a particular weapon that does have rounds reload the senator and that is a speed loader which is basically a special reloading perk where once you've depleted your ammo to zero it allows for a much faster reloading rather than having each individual bullet being loaded into the gun you have a speed loader which loads all bullets at once and gives you that full reloaded weapon now the next trait I want to talk about is kind of a weird one one and there's also many other traits that I think build off of this and that is the explosive trait now this trait has been confusing because it used to be listed for multiple guns that didn't seem to be producing any sort of actual explosion and that's because I think this trait was initially trying to represent something else which we will talk about but the devs have since kind of reclassified why this gets listed and it's basically guns that produce an AOE explosion this can be used to Splash damage multiple enemies or create some damage Beyond some armor levels that would otherwise be impenetrable like how the scorcher will provide damage to the Walker even though it doesn't have the armor penetration level to hit their face plate the extra explosive damage ends up getting to that Rider and killing them anyways along with explosive though comes a few other traits two of these are kind of defined by what you'll see with throwables so there's also this outer radius and that is essentially how big the explosion is going to reach beyond that based on patch notes there's also an additional damage associated with that as well as a damage drop off so kind of adds three additional stats there also as defined by the bombs there's fuse time which may not apply right now to many of the guns themselves but I think it's still probably measured at least in most part with a measurement of zero and this is essentially how long before the projectile is displaced and landed do you have before it blows up another thing I want to call out for an explosive trait is shrapnel which was something that was in the Eruptor but has since been taken out but this was essentially shrapnel pieces flying in all directions and I initially thought that this meant this was a special trait that would close bug holes but I think that is another tray in and of itself because the Eruptor still does close bug holes even though it doesn't have shrapnel so being able to close bug holes and Destroy Factory events must be related to some sort of trait in and of itself that's why not all explosive weapons like the crossbow and the scorcher cannot close bug holes cannot shut down factories but guns like the Eruptor guns like the grenade launcher guns like the grenade pistol all can now another thing to note along with explosive is what used to be the explosive perk that was listed basically what it used to mean and from discussions from the CEO essentially what it seemed to mean was that it was essentially a damag multiplier that applied to enemies weak spots particularly weak spots that were sensitive to explosive damage like the squishy weak spots on the back of the bile spewers if you had this explosive multiplier trait your gun would be able to dish out more damage to that weak spot additionally with the Chargers but the same deal I believe this is still happening but now we don't really have any indication of which guns have this or not if your gun is producing an explosion though this will apply next up I want to talk about another trait that is explicitly listed and that is incendiary essentially guns with this trait will deal fire damage which basically means that it will deal a damage overtime effect upon enemies bugs in particular seem to be particularly weak to fire damage and so that's something to keep in mind with the traits the next one I want to talk about is beam now this is a trait that is specifically for lasers and it basically means that your gun will emit a continuous beam as you were shooting rather than an individual bullet moving on we also have heat which is almost a negative trait I believe but it is something necessary for energy based guns and that means that the gun produces heat and as such your weapon could overheat and the coil might need to be replaced this is the limiting factor on these guns which otherwise would have infinite ammo so basically you need to have proper management of your heat levels as indicated in the coil bar in order to properly use these guns without ruining all your coils another thing to go along with laser type weapons is recharge time and this essentially is the time it takes for your ammo to recharge like the quazar cannon how long it takes before you can fire again or how long it takes for your coil to cool off so that you can begin firing again another explicitly defined trait is charge up this essentially indicates that in order to fire your weapon you will need to charge it up first typically guns with this you are holding the fire button and releasing for the projectile to release this is what happens with your rail gun and this is what happens with the plaz purifier now I want to talk about two traits that are specifically for support weapons which I don't know if this would technically be considered a weapon stat but they are differentiating factors that do make these guns unique so it's worth mentioning and it may be debatable as whether these count so first for all support weapons you have HELLP pods and this as I said isn't so much of a weapon stat but basically this just means that equipping this weapon requires a hell pod being called down via strategy call down time will also play a factor here as replacing a lost support weapon requires your strategy to cool down and so if you think of it as like almost a cousin to reload time then perhaps this is something that should be counted you also have another thing which is backpack reload or backpack ammo inherently some weapons at this point stratem support weapons require special ammo that can only be reloaded from a separate backpack you have the air burst recoiless the spear autoc Cannon these all have their special backpack with their own Special ammo and this gets me to another very important weapon trait that isn't explicitly called out but often times you will will see in the description of the guns and that is the ammo type which can also maybe be thought of as as damage type as well in this case we're talking about plasma rounds which typically will have an AOE explosion we're talking about concussive rounds which may cause a stagger effect we're talking about jet propelled rounds we're talking about Arc talking about laser all these different ammo types offer their own unique traits which also probably have other stats underneath them that are measured measuring different aspects of them there's also demolition Force which is called out in the patch notes and what I believe this is is the ability to demolish physical objects around the map things like the side objective doors and so this seems to be measured on its own basis another thing called out in the patch notes is damage to large volume bodies and this I think kind of coincides with different bodyshot multipliers that guns may have in particular this seems to be called out for the Laser cannon but I would assume this is also a stat track for many other weapons now some of this coincides with General Health of an enemy but it does seem that maybe some guns have more impact than others on certain areas that extend beyond just armor level there also are stats for damage to durable enemy Parts which are essentially shielded or armored parts of an enemy that have their own health pools and this kind of reinforces that just certain parts of enemies may take more or less damage based on multipliers that exist for a gun itself Beyond just the health of an enemy now next I want to talk about lockon on and this really only just applies to the spear but this is the ability to lock on Target well if it works properly another one that I've seen get mentioned a lot but it's not specifically called out is ergonomics and the CEO himself actually showed an old screenshot which showed this essentially I think this also ties into like the weight of the gun the handling the rotation speed essentially how easy it is to wield this weapon if you think about something like the Eruptor and the jar they're pretty heavy they slowly rotate it's you got to take some time to get on target whereas something like the pummeler something like the pla scorcher feels pretty Snappy feels like you can get on target very quickly feels pretty light to hold in your hands now the next one I want to talk about is reload speed and this may tie into other things like when you have a bolt action rifle you're sort of like reloading between each shot so that plays into it but essentially every weapon has their own reload speed and that is going to impact game playay as well another thing to think about here is actually reload pattern and that is essentially what it takes for your character to reload that gun which may not make a huge deal but in certain cases like especially with support weapons with their own backpack ammo they sometimes have a Reload pattern that must take effect in order to reload the gun and in some cases they actually occur in phases so you can actually do a partial reload stop that process and then continue that process at a later Point essentially pausing the reload at each phase another thing you have is muzzle velocity and or projectile speed and I believe these are actually two separate things they have been called out in the patch notes separately but I think they kind of all relate to General the speed of the bullet that's traveling muzzle velocity being kind of how fast it comes out from the length of the gun up to the end of the muzzle and projectile speed kind of being more so the speed as it travels across distance and some guns definitely fire faster than others in particular the crossbow fires very slow so slow that you do have to kind of lead your shots with that in order to get on target another thing to consider is weapon modification whether a gun is able to be modded and in particular if you want to go down even further it's it's the fire mode that's available to that gun if you have a gun that can be modified to semi-auto burst firing and full auto then those are special traits in and of itself because other guns may not have those you also have your scope type some guns have like this small circular type scope While others have this big almost sniper style scope and that definitely imp acts things because of how zoomed in you're going to be in first person there also are scope zooms a lot of guns that have Scopes have the ability to zoom them in at multiple distances which of course has another impact on things another thing is your third person mode reticle most reticles have these two horizontal lines with a circle in the middle but others have a triangle and still yet others have no reticle at all it's unclear to me what kind of different this really makes for the gun but the visual difference definitely is there and can have an impact on gameplay another thing to consider is range because not all guns actually can fire forever the Eruptor for instance will explode after it hits a certain range other guns like the plasma Punisher just can't fire that far because it shoots in an arc pattern which is another stat which is bullet drop off whether your bullet will generally stay on the target you aimed at or over a long distance or whether it will start to fall down with gravity taking effect and how severe is that you also have damage over distance because some bullets lose some of their damage as they travel longer distances and I have heard that plasma guns actually have sort of the opposite effect where the damage actually increases the further away the target is although I haven't really been able to verify that so if someone knows in the comments how to confirm this please leave one below another thing kind of touched on earlier is stagger which relates to concussive rounds providing a level of stagger or stun to an enemy to stop them in their tracks and freeze them in place there's also the ability to Collateral are you able to fire your bullet and have it penetrate through the enemy and hit another enemy behind it maybe more related to armor penetration levels but it's still a stat in of itself you have spread something a little bit more useful for a shotgun where even if you're not completely directly on target you may get some grazing damage another thing to think about is pain wobble a lot of times if you're being fired at or damaged your reticle will fly up and down and the pain wobble that you have may add an extra increase to The Recoil and your ability to essentially get back on target this may play as part of ergonomics but I'm not sure we'll also say safe mode I mean the rail gun itself has a safe and in an unsafe mode most other guns do not have this option but it wouldn't be unusual to expect that another gun may have an unsafe mode as well and this is basically the ability to kind of overcharge your weapon and maybe even cause yourself damage in the process also kind of related to charge up is essentially time to fire or charge up time I'm thinking in this vein something like the sickle doesn't immediately start firing out bullets you're not necessarily char Charing and releasing that instead you sort of need a little bit of time to charge up the gun to get it to fire so I think this would be a separate type of stat you also have things like sound certain guns seem to produce less sound than others which has an effect on your ability to stealth or not if you have a gun that's louder probably not going to be able to stealth very well but there are guns where you can shoot at enemies and the other enemies around it won't really detect it another thing to consider maybe not now but in the future would be something like Melee damage of each gun in particular if they ever decide to add bayonets something that was a part of Hell divers one another thing is Bounce or Ricochet some bullets will bounce off of things and either hit yourself or hit other enemies and then there also may be other stats related to things like EMP and related to gas and related to smoke I think these haven't been fully fleshed out but these are other either damage or effects that we do see in things like strategems like the gas strike strategy there's probably reason to believe that eventually we may get things like gas guns like EMP guns things of that nature which may give us more insight into maybe what kind of stats are related to any of these damage types or effects and so these are a lot of the traits that I think are coming into effect when we think about this game it's why when you look at the very basic stats that we get to see why that doesn't tell the full story and why we really should be testing out these guns a little bit more to understand what other impacts based on a lot of these other traits are involved but what do y'all think do you think that I missed some of the traits that are available to us let me know in the comments and we can kind of keep trying to compile and have a much better understanding of what are all these traits and I want to say a special thank you to my YouTube members for joining the movement but otherwise so long pooper Troopers
Channel: Dr. Pooplove
Views: 18,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fAsvqcG4hdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.